Example #1
char *
    ipr_file_set_path (
    char * filename,                    //  Filename to process
    char * path                         //  Desired path

    assert (filename);
    assert (path);

    ipr_file_strip_path (filename);
    icl_shortstr_cpy (formatted, path);
#   if (defined (__WINDOWS__))
    if (strlast (path) != '/' && strlast (path) != '\\')
#   else
    if (strlast (path) != '/')
#   endif
        icl_shortstr_cat (formatted, "/");

    icl_shortstr_cat (formatted, filename);
    icl_shortstr_cpy (filename, formatted);

    return (filename);
Example #2
static void read_msg (int msgid)
    static int
        lastid = 32767;                 /*  Last message we read             */

    if (msgfile == NULL)
        snprintf (msgline, sizeof (msgline), 
		           "** Message %d not found - file not open **\n",
        return;                         /*  Message not found in file        */
    if (msgid == -1)                    /*  Get next ignoring numbers?       */
        if (!file_read (msgfile, msgline))
            strncpy (msgline, "0000 .", sizeof (msgline)); /*  "." signals   */
	                                                   /* end of file    */
        if (msgid <= lastid)            /*  If necessary, back to start      */
            rewind (msgfile);

        for (;;)
            if (!file_read (msgfile, msgline))
                snprintf (msgline, sizeof (msgline), 
			           "0000 ** Message %d not found **\n", msgid);
                break;                  /*  Message not found in file        */
            if ((isdigit (*msgline))
            && (atoi (msgline) == msgid))
                lastid = msgid;
    /*  Remove first four digits of message                                  */
    memmove (msgline, msgline + 4, strlen (msgline) - 3);
    /*  Remove leading space, if any                                         */
    if (msgline [0])
        memmove (msgline, msgline + 1, strlen (msgline));

    /*  Append system message if reqd                                        */
    if (*msgline && strlast (msgline) == '$')
        strlast (msgline) = 0;
        strcat  (msgline, ": ");
        strcat  (msgline, strerror (errno));
    /*  Kill newline at end of line                                          */
    if (*msgline && strlast (msgline) == '\n')
        strlast (msgline) = 0;
Example #3
EXC_TYPE CMsgFilesRelay::StartMsgRetrieval (const UINT32 /* ulMsgNo */)
	EXC_TYPE	exc=Reset(TRUE);	// delete any previously open file
	TCHAR		szFilePath[MAX_PATH+2]=_T("");
	UINT		uid=GetTempFileName((IsEmptyStr(m_lpszFilesDir) ? _T(".") : m_lpszFilesDir),
										  (IsEmptyStr(m_lpszFilesPrefix) ? _T("p3r") : m_lpszFilesPrefix),
										  0, szFilePath);
	if (0 == uid)

	if (!IsEmptyStr(m_lpszFilesSuffix))
		exc = _tremove(szFilePath);

		LPTSTR	lpszSuffix=_tcsrchr(szFilePath, _T('.'));
		if (NULL == lpszSuffix)
			lpszSuffix = strlast(szFilePath);
			lpszSuffix = strladdch(lpszSuffix, _T('.'));

		if (_T('.') == *m_lpszFilesSuffix)
			_tcscpy(lpszSuffix, m_lpszFilesSuffix);
			_tcscpy((lpszSuffix+1), m_lpszFilesSuffix);

	if ((exc=strupdatebuf(szFilePath, m_lpszFilePath)) != EOK)
		return exc;

	if (NULL == (m_fp=_tfopen(m_lpszFilePath, _T("wb"))))
		return EFNEXIST;

	return EOK;
Example #4
    ipr_file_is_writeable (
    char * filename                     //  File to examine
        rc = 0;                         //  Not documented

assert (filename);
if (ipr_file_is_directory (filename))
    rc = ((s_file_mode (filename) & S_IWRITE) != 0);
if (strlast (filename) == '/')
    rc = FALSE;
    rc = ((s_file_mode (filename) & S_IWRITE) != 0);

    return (rc);
Example #5
char *SourcePath()
 int i;
 char *RetS;
 char *Env = Environment();

 do Env++; while ((Env[-1] != 0) || (Env[0] != 0));
 do Env++; while (Env[0] != 0);

 Env++; RetS = Env + strlen(Env);
 while ((RetS > Env) && (strlast(RetS[-1], PATHSEP) < 0)) RetS--;

 i = RetS - Env;
 RetS = malloc(i + 1);
 if (RetS)
  strncpy(RetS, Env, i);
  RetS[i] = 0;
 return RetS;
Example #6
 * Main
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	struct stat file;
	state st;
	char self[64];
	char selector[BUFSIZE];
	char buf[BUFSIZE];
	char *dest;
	char *c;
	struct shmid_ds shm_ds;
	shm_state *shm;
	int shmid;

	/* Get the name of this binary */
	if ((c = strrchr(argv[0], '/'))) sstrlcpy(self, c + 1);
	else sstrlcpy(self, argv[0]);

	/* Initialize state */
	setlocale(LC_TIME, DATE_LOCALE);
	srand(time(NULL) / (getpid() + getppid()));

	/* Handle command line arguments */
	parse_args(&st, argc, argv);

	/* Open syslog() */
	if (st.opt_syslog) openlog(self, LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);

	/* Make sure the computer is turned on */
#ifdef __HAIKU__
	if (is_computer_on() != TRUE)
		die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Please turn on the computer first");

	/* Refuse to run as root */
	if (st.opt_root && getuid() == 0)
		die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refusing to run as root");

	/* Try to get shared memory */
	if ((shmid = shmget(SHM_KEY, sizeof(shm_state), IPC_CREAT | SHM_MODE)) == ERROR) {

		/* Getting memory failed -> delete the old allocation */
		shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, &shm_ds);
		shm = NULL;
	else {
		/* Map shared memory */
		if ((shm = (shm_state *) shmat(shmid, (void *) 0, 0)) == (void *) ERROR)
			shm = NULL;

		/* Initialize mapped shared memory */
		if (shm && shm->start_time == 0) {
			shm->start_time = time(NULL);

			/* Keep server platform & description in shm */
			sstrlcpy(shm->server_platform, st.server_platform);
			sstrlcpy(shm->server_description, st.server_description);

	/* For debugging shared memory issues */
	if (!st.opt_shm) shm = NULL;

	/* Get server platform and description */
	if (shm) {
		sstrlcpy(st.server_platform, shm->server_platform);

		if (!*st.server_description)
			sstrlcpy(st.server_description, shm->server_description);

	/* Read selector */
	if (fgets(selector, sizeof(selector) - 1, stdin) == NULL)
		selector[0] = '\0';

	/* Remove trailing CRLF */

	if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "client sent us \"%s\"", selector);

	/* Handle hURL: redirect page */
	if (sstrncmp(selector, "URL:") == MATCH) {
		st.req_filetype = TYPE_HTML;
		sstrlcpy(st.req_selector, selector);
		return OK;

	/* Handle gopher+ root requests (UMN gopher client is seriously borken) */
	if (sstrncmp(selector, "\t$") == MATCH) {
		printf("+-1" CRLF);
		printf("+INFO: 1Main menu\t\t%s\t%i" CRLF,
		printf("+VIEWS:" CRLF " application/gopher+-menu: <512b>" CRLF);
		printf("." CRLF);

		if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "got a request for gopher+ root menu");
		return OK;

	/* Convert HTTP request to gopher (respond using headerless HTTP/0.9) */
	if (sstrncmp(selector, "GET ") == MATCH ||
	    sstrncmp(selector, "POST ") == MATCH ) {

		if ((c = strchr(selector, ' '))) sstrlcpy(selector, c + 1);
		if ((c = strchr(selector, ' '))) *c = '\0';

		st.req_protocol = PROTO_HTTP;

		if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "got HTTP request for \"%s\"", selector);

	/* Save default server_host & fetch session data (including new server_host) */
	sstrlcpy(st.server_host_default, st.server_host);
	if (shm) get_shm_session(&st, shm);

	/* Loop through the selector, fix it & separate query_string */
	dest = st.req_selector;
	if (selector[0] != '/') *dest++ = '/';

	for (c = selector; *c;) {

		/* Skip duplicate slashes and /./ */
		while (*c == '/' && *(c + 1) == '/') c++;
		if (*c == '/' && *(c + 1) == '.' && *(c + 2) == '/') c += 2;

		/* Start of a query string (either type 7 or HTTP-style)? */
		if (*c == '\t' || (st.opt_query && *c == '?')) {
			sstrlcpy(st.req_query_string, c + 1);
			if ((c = strchr(st.req_query_string, '\t'))) *c = '\0';

		/* Start of virtual host hint? */
		if (*c == ';') {
			if (st.opt_vhost) sstrlcpy(st.server_host, c + 1);

			/* Skip vhost on selector */
			while (*c && *c != '\t') c++;

		/* Copy valid char */
		*dest++ = *c++;
	*dest = '\0';

	/* Remove encodings from selector */
	strndecode(st.req_selector, st.req_selector, sizeof(st.req_selector));

	/* Deny requests for Slashdot and /../ hackers */
	if (strstr(st.req_selector, "/."))
		die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refusing to serve out dotfiles");

	/* Handle /server-status requests */
	if (sstrncmp(st.req_selector, SERVER_STATUS) == MATCH) {
		if (shm) server_status(&st, shm, shmid);
		return OK;

	/* Remove possible extra cruft from server_host */
	if ((c = strchr(st.server_host, '\t'))) *c = '\0';

	/* Guess request filetype so we can die() with style... */
	st.req_filetype = gopher_filetype(&st, st.req_selector, FALSE);

	/* Convert seletor to path & stat() */
	if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "path to resource is \"%s\"", st.req_realpath);

	if (stat(st.req_realpath, &file) == ERROR) {

		/* Handle virtual /caps.txt requests */
		if (st.opt_caps && sstrncmp(st.req_selector, CAPS_TXT) == MATCH) {
			caps_txt(&st, shm);
			caps_txt(&st, NULL);
			return OK;

		/* Requested file not found - die() */
		die(&st, ERR_NOTFOUND, NULL);

	/* Fetch request filesize from stat() */
	st.req_filesize = file.st_size;

	/* Everyone must have read access but no write access */
	if ((file.st_mode & S_IROTH) == 0)
		die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "File or directory not world-readable");
	if ((file.st_mode & S_IWOTH) != 0)
		die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "File or directory world-writeable");

	/* If stat said it was a dir then it's a menu */
	if ((file.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) st.req_filetype = TYPE_MENU;

	/* Not a dir - let's guess the filetype again... */
	else if ((file.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
		st.req_filetype = gopher_filetype(&st, st.req_realpath, st.opt_magic);

	/* Menu selectors must end with a slash */
	if (st.req_filetype == TYPE_MENU && strlast(st.req_selector) != '/')
		sstrlcat(st.req_selector, "/");

	/* Change directory to wherever the resource was */
	sstrlcpy(buf, st.req_realpath);

	if ((file.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) c = dirname(buf);
	else c = buf;

	if (chdir(c) == ERROR) die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, NULL);

	/* Keep count of hits and data transfer */
	if (shm) {
		shm->kbytes += st.req_filesize / 1024;

		/* Update user session */
		update_shm_session(&st, shm);

	/* Log the request */
	if (st.opt_syslog) {
		syslog(LOG_INFO, "request for \"gopher://%s:%i/%c%s\" from %s",

	/* Check file type & act accordingly */
	switch (file.st_mode & S_IFMT) {
		case S_IFDIR:
			log_combined(&st, HTTP_OK);

		case S_IFREG:
			log_combined(&st, HTTP_OK);

			die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refusing to serve out special files");

	/* Clean exit */
	return OK;
Example #7
char *
conv_number_str (
    const char *number,                 /*  Number to convert                */
    int   flags,                        /*  Number formatting flags          */
    char  dec_point,                    /*  Decimal point: '.' or ','        */
    int   decimals,                     /*  Number of decimals, or 0         */
    int   dec_format,                   /*  How are decimals shown?          */
    int   width,                        /*  Output field width, or 0         */
    int   sign_format                   /*  How are negatives shown?         */
    static char
        formatted [FORMAT_MAX + 1],     /*  Formatted return string          */
        zero [CONV_MAX_DECS + 2];       /*  Default value if needed          */
        sep_stop,                       /*  Where we put next sep_char       */
        dec_stop,                       /*  Where we put decimal point       */
        decs_wanted = decimals,         /*  Number of decimals wanted        */
        decs_seen,                      /*  Number of decimals output        */
        sign_pos,                       /*  Where we put sign, if any        */
        digits;                         /*  Number of digits read so far     */
       *dest,                           /*  Store formatted number here      */
        sign_char,                      /*  Number's sign: ' ', '+', '-'     */
        sep_char,                       /*  Thousands separator '.' or ','   */
        drop_zero,                      /*  We suppress this char            */
        ch;                             /*  Next character in picture        */
        have_zero;                      /*  TRUE if whole number is zero     */

    ASSERT (width <= FORMAT_MAX);
    ASSERT (dec_point == '.' || dec_point == ',');

    conv_reason = 0;                    /*  No conversion errors so far      */

    /*  ---------------------------------   Prepare to copy digits  ---------*/

    if (decs_wanted > CONV_MAX_DECS)
        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DECS_OVERFLOW;
        return (NULL);                  /*  Error - too many decimals        */
    /*  If value is empty, use "0" with enough decimals as default value     */
    /*  We allow one whole digit and as many decimals as needed.             */
    if (strnull (number))
        strpad (zero, '0', decs_wanted + 1);
        number = zero;

    /*  Pick-up sign character if present                                    */
    if (*number == ' ' || *number == '+' || *number == '-')
        sign_char = *number++;
        sign_char = ' ';

    /*  While leading zero is '0' we blank-out zeros in the number           */
    drop_zero = (char) (flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL? ' ': '0');

    /*  Prepare for decimals                                                 */
    if ((flags & FLAG_N_DECIMALS) == 0)
        decs_wanted = 0;

    if (strchr (number, '.'))
        dec_stop = (int) (strchr (number, '.') - (char *) number);
        dec_stop = strlen (number) - decs_wanted;

    if (dec_stop < 1)
        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DECS_MISSING;
        return (NULL);                  /*  Error - too few decimals         */

    /*  Prepare for thousands-separators if FLAG_N_THOUSANDS                 */
    if ((flags & FLAG_N_THOUSANDS) && !(flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL))
        /*  Get number of whole digits, allowing for decimals & dec sign     */
        sep_char = (char) (dec_point == '.'? ',': '.');
        sep_stop = (dec_stop - (decs_wanted? decs_wanted + 1: 0)) % 3;
        if (sep_stop == 0)
            sep_stop = 3;               /*  Get into range 1..3              */
        sep_char = ' ';
        sep_stop = 0;                   /*  No thousands separators          */

    /*  ---------------------------------   Copy the digits  ----------------*/

    digits    = 0;                      /*  No digits loaded yet             */
    decs_seen = 0;                      /*  No decimals output yet           */
    have_zero = TRUE;                   /*  Assume number is zero            */
    dest      = formatted;              /*  Format number                    */
    while (*number)                     /*    until we hit the terminator    */
        ch = *number++;
        if (ch == '.')
            continue;                   /*  Ignore '.' in number             */


        if (ch == drop_zero && digits < dec_stop)
            ch = ' ';
        if (isdigit (ch))
            drop_zero = ' ';
            if (ch > '0')
                have_zero = FALSE;
        if (ch != ' ' || (width > 0 && !(flags & FLAG_N_LEFT)))
            *dest++ = ch;               /*  Output this digit                */
            if (digits > dec_stop)
                decs_seen++;            /*  Count the decimal digit          */
            if (digits == dec_stop)     /*  Handle decimal stop              */
              {                         /*    with optional point            */
                if (flags & FLAG_N_DECIMALS)
                    *dest++ = dec_point;
                sep_stop = 0;           /*  And kill further thousand seps   */
        /*  Output thousands separator unless we are in blank area           */
        if (digits == sep_stop)
            if (ch != ' ')
                *dest++ = sep_char;
            sep_stop += 3;
    *dest = 0;                          /*  Terminate the string nicely      */
    /*  ---------------------------------   Post-format the result  ---------*/

    if (decs_wanted > 0)
        /*  Output trailing decimal zeroes if not supplied                   */
        if (decs_seen == 0)
            *dest++ = dec_point;
        while (decs_seen < decs_wanted)
            *dest++ = '0';
        /*  Drop all decimals if format is DEC_HIDE_ALL                      */
        if (dec_format == DECS_HIDE_ALL)
            while (*dest != dec_point)
                dest--;                 /*  Drop-off trailing zero           */
        /*  Drop trailing decimal zeroes if format is DEC_DROP_ZEROS         */
        if (dec_format == DECS_DROP_ZEROS)
            while (*dest != dec_point)
                if (*(dest - 1) > '0')
                    dest--;             /*  Drop-off trailing zero           */
        *dest = 0;                      /*  Terminate the string nicely      */

    /*  Justify within width if width > 0                                    */
    sign_pos = 0;                       /*  Sign normally comes at start     */
    digits   = strlen (formatted);
    if (flags & FLAG_N_SIGNED)
        digits++;                       /*  Allow for eventual sign          */
        if (sign_format == SIGN_FINANCIAL)
            digits++;                   /*  Sign shown like (123)            */
    while (digits < width)
        if (flags & FLAG_N_LEFT && !(flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL))
            strcat (formatted, " ");
            stropen (formatted, FALSE); /*  Insert blank at start of string  */
            if (flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL)
                formatted [0] = '0';
                sign_pos++;             /*  Skip leading space               */

    /*  Format sign if FLAG_N_SIGNED                                         */
    if (flags & FLAG_N_SIGNED)
        if (sign_format == SIGN_NEG_LEAD
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_ALL_LEAD
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_FINANCIAL)
            stropen (formatted, FALSE);

        if (sign_format == SIGN_NEG_TRAIL
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_ALL_TRAIL
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_FINANCIAL)
            strcat (formatted, " ");

        if (!have_zero)                 /*  Zero has no sign                 */
            switch (sign_format)
                case SIGN_NEG_LEAD:
                    if (sign_char != '-')
                        break;          /*  Fall through if negative sign    */
                case SIGN_ALL_LEAD:
                    formatted [sign_pos] = sign_char;

                case SIGN_NEG_TRAIL:
                    if (sign_char != '-')
                        break;          /*  Fall through if negative sign    */
                case SIGN_ALL_TRAIL:
                    strlast (formatted) = sign_char;

                case SIGN_FINANCIAL:
                    if (sign_char == '-')
                        formatted [0]       = '(';
                        strlast (formatted) = ')';

    /*  If all zeroes, return a blank string if FLAG_N_ZERO_BLANK            */
    if ((flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_BLANK) && have_zero)
        memset (formatted, ' ', width);
        formatted [width] = 0;

    if (width > 0 && (strlen (formatted) > (size_t) width))
        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_NUM_OVERFLOW;
        return (NULL);                  /*  Overflow -- number too large     */
        return (formatted);
Example #8
int CFilesIconsAssoc::GetSuffixIconIndex (LPCTSTR lpszFilePath)
	if (IsEmptyStr(lpszFilePath))
		return m_nDefTypeIcon;

	LPCTSTR	lpszSuffix=strlast(lpszFilePath);
	for ( ; lpszSuffix > lpszFilePath; lpszSuffix--)
		if (_T('.') == *lpszSuffix)

		// if no suffix found use default icon
	if (_T('.') != *lpszSuffix)
		return m_nDefTypeIcon;

	int	nIdx=(-1);

	// handle special case for executables
	if (0 == _tcsicmp(lpszSuffix, _T(".exe")))
		if (m_iconsMap.Lookup(lpszFilePath, nIdx))
			return nIdx;

		HICON	hSmallIcon=NULL, hLargeIcon=NULL;
		UINT	uINum=ExtractIconEx(lpszFilePath, 0, &hLargeIcon, &hSmallIcon, 1);
		if (0 == uINum)
			hLargeIcon = NULL;

		if (hSmallIcon != NULL)

		if (hLargeIcon != NULL)
			nIdx = m_imgList.Add(hLargeIcon);

			if ((-1) != nIdx)
				// remember association for next time
				m_iconsMap.SetAt(lpszFilePath, nIdx);
				return nIdx;

	if (m_iconsMap.Lookup(lpszSuffix, nIdx))
		return nIdx;

	// find out associated icon image (if any)
   DWORD	dwRes=SHGetFileInfo(lpszSuffix,
									  &sfi, (sizeof sfi),

   // sfi.hIcon contains the large icon for the file.
	if (NULL == sfi.hIcon)
		return m_nDefTypeIcon;

	nIdx = m_imgList.Add(sfi.hIcon);
	if ((-1) == nIdx)
		return m_nDefTypeIcon;

	// remember association for next time
	m_iconsMap.SetAt(lpszSuffix, nIdx);
	return nIdx;
Example #9
 * Return gopher filetype for a file
char gopher_filetype(state *st, char *file, char magic)
	FILE *fp;
	char buf[BUFSIZE];
	char *c;
	int i;

	/* If it ends with an slash it's a menu */
	if (!*file) return st->default_filetype;
	if (strlast(file) == '/') return TYPE_MENU;

	/* Get file suffix */
	if ((c = strrchr(file, '.'))) {

		/* Loop through the filetype array looking for a match*/
		for (i = 0; i < st->filetype_count; i++)
			if (strcasecmp(st->filetype[i].suffix, c) == MATCH)
				return st->filetype[i].type;

	/* Are we allowed to look inside files? */
	if (!magic) return st->default_filetype;

	/* Read data from the file */
	if ((fp = fopen(file , "r")) == NULL) return st->default_filetype;
	i = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp);
	buf[i] = '\0';

	/* GIF images */
	if (sstrncmp(buf, "GIF89a") == MATCH || 
	    sstrncmp(buf, "GIF87a") == MATCH) return TYPE_GIF;

	/* JPEG images */
	if (sstrncmp(buf, "\377\330\377\340") == MATCH) return TYPE_IMAGE;

	/* PNG images */
	if (sstrncmp(buf, "\211PNG") == MATCH) return TYPE_IMAGE;

	/* mbox */
	if (strstr(buf, "\nFrom: ") &&
	    strstr(buf, "\nSubject: ")) return TYPE_MIME;

	/* MIME */
	if (strstr(buf, "\nContent-Type: ")) return TYPE_MIME;

	/* HTML files */
	if (buf[0] == '<' &&
	    (strstr(buf, "<html") ||
	     strstr(buf, "<HTML"))) return TYPE_HTML;

	/* PDF and PostScript */
	if (sstrncmp(buf, "%PDF-") == MATCH ||
	    sstrncmp(buf, "%!") == MATCH) return TYPE_DOC;

	/* compress and gzip */
	if (sstrncmp(buf, "\037\235\220") == MATCH ||
	    sstrncmp(buf, "\037\213\010") == MATCH) return TYPE_GZIP;

	/* Unknown content - binary or text? */
	if (memchr(buf, '\0', i)) return TYPE_BINARY;
	return st->default_filetype;
Example #10
ini_dyn_load (
    SYMTAB *load_symtab,
    const char *filename)
        *symtab,                        /*  Symbol table to populate         */
        *envtab;                        /*  Environment, as symbol table     */
        *section = NULL,                /*  Filled as we scan through        */
        *keyword = NULL,                /*    the ini file                   */
        *value   = NULL,
        *section_end;                   /*  Null byte at end of section      */

    ASSERT (filename);
    inifile = file_locate ("PATH", filename, NULL);

    if (load_symtab)                    /*  Use specified symbol table       */
        symtab = load_symtab;           /*    or create a new one            */
    else {
        symtab = sym_create_table ();
        if (symtab == NULL)
            return (NULL);              /*  Quit if insufficient memory      */
    /*  Store control variables in symbol table                              */
    if (inifile || load_symtab == NULL) {
        sym_assume_symbol (symtab, "filename", filename);
        snprintf (iniline, sizeof (iniline), "%ld",
            timer_to_date (get_file_time (filename)));
        sym_assume_symbol (symtab, "filedate", iniline);
        snprintf (iniline, sizeof (iniline), "%ld",
            timer_to_time (get_file_time (filename)));
        sym_assume_symbol (symtab, "filetime", iniline);
    if (!inifile)
        return (symtab);                /*  File not found; empty table      */

    /*  Now load the ini file, starting from the beginning                   */
    envtab = env2symb ();
    fseek (inifile, 0, SEEK_SET);
        if (ini_scan_section (inifile, &keyword, &value))
            if (section)
                section_end = strchr (section, '\0');
                ASSERT (section_end);
                xstrcat (section, ":", keyword, NULL);
                value = tok_subst (value, envtab);

                /*  Handle value in quotes                                   */
                if (*value == '"')
                    /*  Unescape value if necessary                          */
                    if (strchr (value, '\\'))
                        toptr = value;
                        for (fromptr = value; *fromptr; fromptr++)
                            if (*fromptr == '\\')
                                if (*fromptr == 'n')
                                    *toptr++ = '\n';
                                    *toptr++ = *fromptr;
                                *toptr++ = *fromptr;
                        *toptr = '\0';
                    strlast (value) = '\0'; 
                    sym_assume_symbol (symtab, section, value + 1);
                    sym_assume_symbol (symtab, section, value);

                mem_strfree (&value);
                *section_end = '\0';
        if (keyword)                    /*  Found new section                */
            section = keyword;
            sym_assume_symbol (symtab, section, "");
    file_close (inifile);
    sym_delete_table (envtab);
    sym_sort_table (symtab, NULL);      /*  Sort table by symbol name        */
    return (symtab);
Example #11
ini_scan_section (
    FILE *inifile,
    char **keyword,
    char **value)
        remaining;                      /*  Space remaining in line buffer   */

    /*  Read through file until we find what we are looking for              */
    while (file_read (inifile, iniline)) {
        strcrop (iniline);
        if (strnull (iniline))
            continue;                   /*  Skip empty lines                 */

        /*  Calculate space remaining in buffer after this line; we need to
         *  know this later if we start reading continuation lines.
        remaining = LINE_MAX - strlen (iniline);
        first = strskp (iniline);       /*  Skip leading spaces              */
        if (*first == ';' || *first == '#' || *first == 0)
            continue;                   /*  Comment line                     */
        if (*first == '!') {
            first = strskp (first + 1);
            trace (first);
        else                            /*  Have name = value                */
        if (sscanf (first, "[%[^]]", ini_section) == 1) {
            *keyword = strlwc (ini_section);
            *value   = NULL;
            return (FALSE);             /*  New section name                 */
        if (streq (first, "[]")) {      /*  Allow empty section names        */
            strcpy (ini_section, "");
            *keyword = ini_section;
            *value   = NULL;
            return (FALSE);             /*  New section name                 */
        else {
            if (*first == '"') {        /*  Name in quotes                   */
                valueptr = strchr (first + 1, '"');
                if (valueptr) {
                    *valueptr = ' ';
                    valueptr = strchr (valueptr + 1, '=');
                valueptr = strchr (first, '=');

            if (valueptr == NULL) {
                coprintf ("E: illegal definition in ini file");
                return (FALSE);
            *valueptr++ = '\0';
            strcpy (ini_keyword, strcrop (strlwc (first)));
            while (*valueptr == ' ')
                valueptr++;             /*    and leading spaces             */
            if (*valueptr == '"') {     /*  Have value in quotes             */
                /*  Get continuation lines as necessary and possible         */
                first = &strlast (valueptr);
                while (*first == '-' && remaining > 0) {
                    if (!file_readn (inifile, first, remaining))
                        break;                  /*  Abrubt end of file       */
                    strcrop (first);
                    remaining -= strlen (first) - 1;
                    first     += strlen (first) - 1;
                /*  Now find closing quote and terminate value there         */
                for (lineptr = valueptr + 1; *lineptr; lineptr++) {
                    if (*lineptr == '\\')
                        lineptr++;      /*  Ignore next char                 */
                    if (*lineptr == '"') {
                        lineptr [1] = '\0';
                        break;          /*  Closing quote, end of value      */
            else {                      /*  Have unquoted value              */
                strconvch (valueptr, ';', '\0');
                strconvch (valueptr, '#', '\0');
            strcrop (valueptr);
            strcpy (ini_value, valueptr);
            *keyword = ini_keyword;
            *value   = ini_value;
            return (TRUE);              /*  Found keyword = value            */
    *keyword = NULL;
    return (FALSE);                     /*  End of file                      */