int vnodeSetMLSTfacts(PCStr(file),PCStr(facts)){ CStr(vdir,1024); refQStr(vp,vdir); CStr(vnode,1024); CStr(line,1024); CStr(ofacts,1024); CStr(fval,1024); FILE *pfp; FILE *nfp; strcpy(vdir,file); if( vp = strrpbrk(vdir,"/\\") ){ truncVStr(vp); if( !File_is(vdir) ){ if( mkdir(vdir,0750) != 0 ){ return 0; } fprintf(stderr,"--- created %s\n",vdir); } } sprintf(vnode,"%s%s",file,VNODE_EXT); if( (pfp = fopen(vnode,"r")) && (nfp = fopen(vnode,"r+")) ){ while( fgets(line,sizeof(line),pfp) ){ if( strncaseeq(line,"VNO-Version:",12) ){ }else if( strncaseeq(line,"VNO-Permit:",11) ){ lineScan(line+11,fval); if( streq(fval,"read-only") ){ fclose(pfp); fclose(nfp); return -1; } }else if( strncaseeq(line,"MLST-Facts:",11) ){ lineScan(line+11,ofacts); if( streq(ofacts,facts) ){ fclose(pfp); fclose(nfp); return 0; } }else{ fputs(line,nfp); } } fclose(pfp); fprintf(stderr,"--- CHANGED %s %s\n",vnode,facts); }else{ nfp = fopen(vnode,"w+"); if( nfp == NULL ) return -1; fprintf(stderr,"--- CREATED %s %s\n",vnode,facts); } fprintf(nfp,"MLST-Facts: %s\r\n",facts); Ftruncate(nfp,0,1); fclose(nfp); return 1; }
/** * Load private keys from the confiuguration file */ static bool load_keys(settings_t *settings, char *dir) { enumerator_t *enumerator; char *type, *value, wd[PATH_MAX]; private_key_t *key; key_type_t key_type; if (getcwd(wd, sizeof(wd)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "getting cwd failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } if (chdir(dir) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "opening directory '%s' failed: %s\n", dir, strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } enumerator = settings->create_key_value_enumerator(settings, "keys"); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &type, &value)) { if (strncaseeq(type, "ecdsa", strlen("ecdsa"))) { key_type = KEY_ECDSA; } else if (strncaseeq(type, "rsa", strlen("rsa"))) { key_type = KEY_RSA; } else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown key type: '%s'\n", type); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return FALSE; } key = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_PRIVATE_KEY, key_type, BUILD_FROM_FILE, value, BUILD_END); if (!key) { fprintf(stderr, "loading %s key from '%s' failed\n", type, value); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return FALSE; } conftest->creds->add_key(conftest->creds, key); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (chdir(wd) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "opening directory '%s' failed: %s\n", wd, strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
/** * Load certificate distribution points */ static void load_cdps(settings_t *settings) { enumerator_t *enumerator; identification_t *id; char *ca, *uri, *section; certificate_type_t type; x509_t *x509; enumerator = settings->create_section_enumerator(settings, "cdps"); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, §ion)) { if (strncaseeq(section, "crl", strlen("crl"))) { type = CERT_X509_CRL; } else if (strncaseeq(section, "ocsp", strlen("ocsp"))) { type = CERT_X509_OCSP_RESPONSE; } else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown cdp type '%s', ignored\n", section); continue; } uri = settings->get_str(settings, "cdps.%s.uri", NULL, section); ca = settings->get_str(settings, "", NULL, section); if (!ca || !uri) { fprintf(stderr, "cdp '%s' misses ca/uri, ignored\n", section); continue; } x509 = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_CERTIFICATE, CERT_X509, BUILD_FROM_FILE, ca, BUILD_END); if (!x509) { fprintf(stderr, "loading cdp '%s' ca failed, ignored\n", section); continue; } id = identification_create_from_encoding(ID_KEY_ID, x509->get_subjectKeyIdentifier(x509)); conftest->creds->add_cdp(conftest->creds, type, id, uri); DESTROY_IF((certificate_t*)x509); id->destroy(id); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); }
/* compare two struct id values */ bool same_id(const struct id *a, const struct id *b) { a = resolve_myid(a); b = resolve_myid(b); if (b->kind == ID_NONE || a->kind == ID_NONE) return TRUE; /* it's the wildcard */ if (a->kind != b->kind) return FALSE; switch (a->kind) { case ID_NONE: return TRUE; /* repeat of above for completeness */ case ID_IPV4_ADDR: case ID_IPV6_ADDR: return sameaddr(&a->ip_addr, &b->ip_addr); case ID_FQDN: case ID_USER_FQDN: /* * assumptions: * - case should be ignored * - trailing "." should be ignored * (even if the only character?) */ { size_t al = a->name.len, bl = b->name.len; while (al > 0 && a->name.ptr[al - 1] == '.') al--; while (bl > 0 && b->name.ptr[bl - 1] == '.') bl--; return al == bl && strncaseeq((char *)a->name.ptr, (char *)b->name.ptr, al); } case ID_DER_ASN1_DN: return same_dn(a->name, b->name); case ID_KEY_ID: return a->name.len == b->name.len && memeq(a->name.ptr, b->name.ptr, a->name.len); default: bad_case(a->kind); } /* NOTREACHED */ return FALSE; }
/** * Load trusted/untrusted certificates */ static bool load_cert(settings_t *settings, bool trusted) { enumerator_t *enumerator; char *key, *value; enumerator = settings->create_key_value_enumerator(settings, trusted ? "certs.trusted" : "certs.untrusted"); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &key, &value)) { certificate_t *cert = NULL; if (strncaseeq(key, "x509", strlen("x509"))) { cert = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_CERTIFICATE, CERT_X509, BUILD_FROM_FILE, value, BUILD_END); } else if (strncaseeq(key, "crl", strlen("crl"))) { cert = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_CERTIFICATE, CERT_X509_CRL, BUILD_FROM_FILE, value, BUILD_END); } else { fprintf(stderr, "certificate type '%s' not supported\n", key); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return FALSE; } if (!cert) { fprintf(stderr, "loading %strusted certificate '%s' from '%s' " "failed\n", trusted ? "" : "un", key, value); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return FALSE; } conftest->creds->add_cert(conftest->creds, trusted, cert); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return TRUE; }
int asFunc(PCStr(arg1)){ CStr(name,128); refQStr(dp,name); int fi; const char *n1; strcpy(name,arg1); if( dp = strrpbrk(name,"\\/") ) ovstrcpy(name,dp+1); if( dp = strtailstrX(name,".exe",1) ) setVStrEnd(dp,0); for( fi = 0; n1 = subfuncs[fi].f_name; fi++ ){ if( strcaseeq(name,n1) ) return fi+1; if( strncaseeq(name,"dg",2) && strcaseeq(name+2,n1) ) return fi+1; } return 0; }
int waitSTLS_CL(Connection *Conn,int timeout){ if( (ClientFlags & PF_STLS_ON) == 0 ) { double St,Sr,Ss,Sn; St = Time(); if( 0 < PollIn(ClientSock,timeout) ){ Sr = Time(); if( isinSSL(ClientSock) ){ CStr(sts,128); int fcl; Ss = Time(); fcl = insertFCLX(Conn,"starttls",CLNT_PROTO,FromC,ToS); Sn = Time(); syslog_ERROR("## STLS ## IMPLICIT SSL ON %d,%d,%d,%d\n", ClientSock,FromC,ToC,fcl); sprintf(sts,"%.2f %.2f/%.2f %.2f %.2f = %.2f", St-ClntConnTime,Sr-St,timeout/1000.0, Ss-Sr,Sn-Ss, Sn-ClntConnTime); sv1log("OK: SSL/cl %s\n",sts); if( 0 <= fcl ){ if( strncaseeq(CLNT_PROTO,"ftp",3) ){ if( FromC == ClientSock ){ ClientSock = dup(ClientSock); } } if( streq(iSERVER_PROTO,"delegate") || ACT_GENERALIST ){ /* 9.9.7 for FTP-data via MASTER/ssl */ ClientSock = dup(ClientSock); sv1log("----ClientSock=[%d] <= [%d]\n", ClientSock,FromC); } dup2(fcl,FromC); close(fcl); ClientFlags |= PF_STLS_ON; return 1; } } } } return 0; }
/* type is really "token" type, which is actually int */ int parser_find_keyword(const char *s, YYSTYPE *lval) { const struct keyword_def *k; bool keyleft; int keywordtype; keyleft = FALSE; k = ipsec_conf_keywords_v2; while (k->keyname != NULL) { if (strcaseeq(s, k->keyname)) break; if (k->validity & kv_leftright) { if (strncaseeq(s, "left", 4) && strcaseeq(s + 4, k->keyname)) { keyleft = TRUE; break; } else if (strncaseeq(s, "right", 5) && strcaseeq(s + 5, k->keyname)) { keyleft = FALSE; break; } } k++; } lval->s = NULL; /* if we found nothing */ if (k->keyname == NULL && (s[0] == 'x' || s[0] == 'X') && (s[1] == '-' || s[1] == '_')) { k = &ipsec_conf_keyword_comment; lval->k.string = strdup(s); } /* if we still found nothing */ if (k->keyname == NULL) { lval->s = strdup(s); return STRING; } switch (k->type) { case kt_percent: keywordtype = PERCENTWORD; break; case kt_time: keywordtype = TIMEWORD; break; case kt_comment: keywordtype = COMMENT; break; case kt_bool: case kt_invertbool: keywordtype = BOOLWORD; break; default: keywordtype = KEYWORD; break; } /* else, set up llval.k to point, and return KEYWORD */ lval->k.keydef = k; lval->k.keyleft = keyleft; return keywordtype; }
int DELEGATE_subfunc(DGC*Conn,int ac,const char *av[],PCStr(func),int Fopt,int type) { int fi; const char *fname; const char *sp; mainFUNCP ifunc; int ctype; const char *nav[64]; /**/ CStr(nab,1024); const char **avx; int acx; int impok = 0; for( fi = 0; fname = subfuncs[fi].f_name; fi++ ){ if( !strcaseeq(func,fname) ) if( !strncaseeq(func,"dg",2) || !strcaseeq(func+2,fname) ) continue; if( subfuncs[fi].f_stats & FC_DISABLE ){ if( FimpByOwner(func) ){ impok = 1; }else{ fprintf(stderr,"Forbidden: %s\n",fname); Finish(-1); } } if( geteuid() == 0 && getuid() != 0 ) if( (subfuncs[fi].f_stats & FC_ASROOT) == 0 ) if( subfuncs[fi].f_func != (mainFunc*)implant_main ) { /* fprintf(stderr,"Not allowed in root: %s\n",fname); */ seteuid(getuid()); } ctype = subfuncs[fi].f_type; if( ctype == MS ){ setIsFunc(Conn,1); LOG_type |= L_ISFUNC; } if( ctype == MV ){ if( type != MV ) return 1; }else if( ctype == MN ){ if( type != MN ) return 1; if( subfuncs[fi].f_proto[0] ) DELEGATE_ScanGlobal(Conn,subfuncs[fi].f_proto); } ifunc = (mainFUNCP)subfuncs[fi].f_func; if( subfuncs[fi].f_withLog ){ /* special case of "expire" */ ac = replace_log(ac,&av,64,nav,AVStr(nab)); }else if( ctype == MV ){ /* already did arg_scan() */ /* don't need config for any client */ }else{ if( ifunc == (mainFUNCP)argdec_main ){ /* don't decrypt +=enc:... arg. */ }else ac = DELEGATE_scan_args(ac,av); DELEGATE_config(Conn,-1); } if( subfuncs[fi].f_withAdmin ) if( subfuncs[fi].f_proto[0] ) checkADMIN(Conn,subfuncs[fi].f_proto); if( Fopt ){ int ai; acx = ac - Fopt; avx = &av[Fopt]; for( ai = 0; ai < acx; ai++ ){ if( strcmp(avx[ai],"--") == 0 ){ acx = ai; break; } } }else{ acx = ac; avx = av; } if( getenv("DELEGATE_DEBUG") ){ int ai; for(ai=0;ai<acx;ai++) fprintf(stderr,"##[%d] %s\n",ai,avx[ai]); } DELEGATE_ver(); /* set MyVer for debugging */ (*ifunc)(acx,avx,Conn,ServSock(),SERVER_PORT()); Finish(0); } if( Fopt ){ printf("DeleGate: unknown function -F\"%s\"\r\n",func); help_main(ac,av); Finish(-1); } return 0; }
static mlt_frame filter_process( mlt_filter filter, mlt_frame frame ) { mlt_properties filter_props = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( filter ); mlt_properties instance_props = mlt_frame_unique_properties( frame, MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ) ); double gain = 1.0; // no adjustment // Parse the gain property if ( mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "gain" ) != NULL ) { char *p = mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "gain" ); if ( strncaseeq( p, "normalise", 9 ) ) mlt_properties_set( filter_props, "normalise", "" ); else { if ( strcmp( p, "" ) != 0 ) gain = strtod( p, &p ); while ( isspace( *p ) ) p++; /* check if "dB" is given after number */ if ( strncaseeq( p, "db", 2 ) ) gain = DBFSTOAMP( gain ); else gain = fabs( gain ); // If there is an end adjust gain to the range if ( mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "end" ) != NULL ) { double end = -1; char *p = mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "end" ); if ( strcmp( p, "" ) != 0 ) end = strtod( p, &p ); while ( isspace( *p ) ) p++; /* check if "dB" is given after number */ if ( strncaseeq( p, "db", 2 ) ) end = DBFSTOAMP( end ); else end = fabs( end ); if ( end != -1 ) gain += ( end - gain ) * mlt_filter_get_progress( filter, frame ); } } } mlt_properties_set_double( instance_props, "gain", gain ); // Parse the maximum gain property if ( mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "max_gain" ) != NULL ) { char *p = mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "max_gain" ); double gain = strtod( p, &p ); // 0 = no max while ( isspace( *p ) ) p++; /* check if "dB" is given after number */ if ( strncaseeq( p, "db", 2 ) ) gain = DBFSTOAMP( gain ); else gain = fabs( gain ); mlt_properties_set_double( instance_props, "max_gain", gain ); } // Parse the limiter property if ( mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "limiter" ) != NULL ) { char *p = mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "limiter" ); double level = 0.5; /* -6dBFS */ if ( strcmp( p, "" ) != 0 ) level = strtod( p, &p); while ( isspace( *p ) ) p++; /* check if "dB" is given after number */ if ( strncaseeq( p, "db", 2 ) ) { if ( level > 0 ) level = -level; level = DBFSTOAMP( level ); } else { if ( level < 0 ) level = -level; } mlt_properties_set_double( instance_props, "limiter", level ); } // Parse the normalise property if ( mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "normalise" ) != NULL ) { char *p = mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "normalise" ); double amplitude = 0.2511886431509580; /* -12dBFS */ if ( strcmp( p, "" ) != 0 ) amplitude = strtod( p, &p); while ( isspace( *p ) ) p++; /* check if "dB" is given after number */ if ( strncaseeq( p, "db", 2 ) ) { if ( amplitude > 0 ) amplitude = -amplitude; amplitude = DBFSTOAMP( amplitude ); } else { if ( amplitude < 0 ) amplitude = -amplitude; if ( amplitude > 1.0 ) amplitude = 1.0; } // If there is an end adjust gain to the range if ( mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "end" ) != NULL ) { amplitude *= mlt_filter_get_progress( filter, frame ); } mlt_properties_set_int( instance_props, "normalise", 1 ); mlt_properties_set_double( instance_props, "amplitude", amplitude ); } // Parse the window property and allocate smoothing buffer if needed int window = mlt_properties_get_int( filter_props, "window" ); if ( mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "smooth_buffer" ) == NULL && window > 1 ) { // Create a smoothing buffer for the calculated "max power" of frame of audio used in normalisation double *smooth_buffer = (double*) calloc( window, sizeof( double ) ); int i; for ( i = 0; i < window; i++ ) smooth_buffer[ i ] = -1.0; mlt_properties_set_data( filter_props, "smooth_buffer", smooth_buffer, 0, free, NULL ); } // Push the filter onto the stack mlt_frame_push_audio( frame, filter ); // Override the get_audio method mlt_frame_push_audio( frame, filter_get_audio ); return frame; }
/* compare two struct id values */ bool same_id(const struct id *a, const struct id *b) { a = resolve_myid(a); b = resolve_myid(b); if (b->kind == ID_NONE || a->kind == ID_NONE) { DBG(DBG_PARSING, DBG_log("id type with ID_NONE means wildcard match")); return TRUE; /* it's the wildcard */ } if (a->kind != b->kind) { return FALSE; } switch (a->kind) { case ID_NONE: return TRUE; /* repeat of above for completeness */ case ID_NULL: if (a->kind == b->kind) { DBG(DBG_PARSING, DBG_log("ID_NULL: id kind matches")); return TRUE; } return FALSE; case ID_IPV4_ADDR: case ID_IPV6_ADDR: return sameaddr(&a->ip_addr, &b->ip_addr); case ID_FQDN: case ID_USER_FQDN: /* * assumptions: * - case should be ignored * - trailing "." should be ignored * (even if the only character?) */ { size_t al = a->name.len, bl = b->name.len; while (al > 0 && a->name.ptr[al - 1] == '.') al--; while (bl > 0 && b->name.ptr[bl - 1] == '.') bl--; return al == bl && strncaseeq((char *)a->name.ptr, (char *)b->name.ptr, al); } case ID_FROMCERT: DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("same_id() received ID_FROMCERT - unexpected")); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case ID_DER_ASN1_DN: return same_dn(a->name, b->name); case ID_KEY_ID: return a->name.len == b->name.len && memeq(a->name.ptr, b->name.ptr, a->name.len); default: bad_case(a->kind); /* NOTREACHED */ return FALSE; } }
void scan_STLS(Connection *Conn,PCStr(stls)){ CStr(filt,1024); CStr(proto,1024); CStr(cmapb,1024); CStr(map,1024); CStr(opt1,1024); const char *cmap; const char *fp; refQStr(np,filt); refQStr(op,opt1); int fcl = 0; int fsv = 0; int opt = 0; const char *com = "sslway"; CStr(comb,1024); /* cmap = wordscanY(stls,AVStr(filt),sizeof(filt),"^:"); if( *cmap == ':' ) cmap++; cmap = wordscanY(cmap,AVStr(proto),sizeof(proto),"^:"); if( proto[0] ) sprintf(cmapb,"starttls/{%s}%s",proto,cmap); else sprintf(cmapb,"starttls%s",cmap); */ strcpy(filt,""); strcpy(proto,""); strcpy(map,""); scan_Listlist(stls,':',AVStr(filt),AVStr(proto),AVStr(map),VStrNULL,VStrNULL); if( proto[0] ) /* sprintf(cmapb,"starttls/{%s}%s%s",proto,*map?":":"",map); */ sprintf(cmapb,"starttls//{%s}%s%s",proto,*map?":":"",map); else sprintf(cmapb,"starttls%s%s",*map?":":"",map); for( fp = filt; *fp;){ int optL; np = wordscanY(fp,AVStr(opt1),sizeof(opt1),"^,"); optL = 0; if( strncaseeq(opt1,"-im",3) ){ STLS_implicit_wait = -1; STLS_wait_set = 1; if( (fsv & PF_STLS_DO) && (fcl & PF_STLS_DO)==0 ){ STLS_implicit_waitSV = -1; STLS_wait_setSV = 1; } goto NEXT; } if( strncaseeq(opt1,"im",2) ){ STLS_implicit_wait = Scan_period(opt1+2,'s',0); STLS_wait_set = 1; if( (fsv & PF_STLS_DO) && (fcl & PF_STLS_DO)==0 ){ STLS_implicit_waitSV = STLS_implicit_wait; STLS_wait_setSV = 1; } if( STLS_implicit_wait && STLS_implicit_wait < 0.001 ) STLS_implicit_wait = 0.001; goto NEXT; } if( *opt1 == '-' ){ ovstrcpy(opt1,opt1+1); optL |= PF_STLS_OPT; } if( op = strchr(opt1,'/') ){ setVStrPtrInc(op,0); if( strncaseeq(op,"ssl",3) ){ optL |= PF_STLS_SSL; } } if( strcaseeq(opt1,"opt") ){ opt = PF_STLS_OPT; }else if( strcaseeq(opt1,"ssl") ){ opt = PF_STLS_SSL; }else if( strcaseeq(opt1,"mim") || strcaseeq(opt1,"mitm") ){ fsv = PF_STLS_DO | opt | optL | PF_MITM_DO; fcl = PF_STLS_DO | opt | optL | PF_MITM_DO; }else if( strcaseeq(opt1,"FSV") || strcaseeq(opt1,"SV") ){ fsv = PF_STLS_DO | opt | optL; if( strneq(op,"im",2) ) fsv |= PF_SSL_IMPLICIT; }else if( strcaseeq(opt1,"FCL") || strcaseeq(opt1,"CL") ){ fcl = PF_STLS_DO | opt | optL; if( strneq(op,"im",2) ) fcl |= PF_SSL_IMPLICIT; }else{ syslog_ERROR("FILTER[%s]: %s\n",com,fp); com = fp; if( 1 < num_ListElems(com,':') ){ sprintf(comb,"{%s}",com); com = comb; } break; } NEXT: fp = np; if( *fp == ',' ) fp++; } if( fsv & PF_STLS_DO ){ withSTLS_FSV++; sprintf(map,"%s:FSV:%s",com,cmapb); if( fsv & PF_MITM_DO ) Strins(AVStr(map),"--mitm,"); if( fsv & PF_STLS_SSL ) Strins(AVStr(map),"-ss,"); if( fsv & PF_SSL_IMPLICIT ) Strins(AVStr(map),"--im,"); if( fsv & PF_STLS_OPT ) Strins(AVStr(map),"-o,"); scan_CMAP(Conn,map); sv1log("STLS -> CMAP=\"%s\"\n",map); } if( fcl & PF_STLS_DO ){ withSTLS_FCL++; sprintf(map,"%s:FCL:%s",com,cmapb); if( fcl & PF_MITM_DO ) Strins(AVStr(map),"--mitm,"); if( fcl & PF_STLS_SSL ) Strins(AVStr(map),"-ss,"); if( fcl & PF_SSL_IMPLICIT ) Strins(AVStr(map),"--im,"); if( fcl & PF_STLS_OPT ) Strins(AVStr(map),"-o,"); scan_CMAP(Conn,map); sv1log("STLS -> CMAP=\"%s\"\n",map); } }
int willSTLS_SV(Connection *Conn){ int oflags = ServerFlags; if( (ServerFlags & PF_STLS_CHECKED) == 0 ){ checkWithSTLS(Conn,"FSV",REAL_PROTO,""); if( (ClientFlags & PF_MITM_ON) && (ServerFlags & PF_STLS_OPT) ){ /* 9.8.0-pre1 STLS=mitm,-fsv * expecting STLS=fsv in the upstream proxy * as PROXY, MASTER, or SOCKS */ sv1log("-- STLS=mitm,-fsv %X %d,%d,%d\n",ServerFlags, toMaster,toProxy,ServViaSocks); ServerFlags |= PF_SSL_ON; return 0; } if( ServerFlags & (PF_SSL_ON|PF_STLS_ON) ){ }else if( ServerFlags & PF_STLS_DO ) if( strcaseeq(DST_PROTO,"http") || strcaseeq(DST_PROTO,"https") || strcaseeq(DST_PROTO,"sockmux") || strcaseeq(DST_PROTO,"tcprelay") || strcaseeq(DST_PROTO,"telnet") || strcaseeq(DST_PROTO,"telnets") || (ServerFlags & PF_SSL_IMPLICIT) || strcaseeq(DST_PROTO,"imaps") && !nonSSL_SV(Conn) || strcaseeq(DST_PROTO,"pop3s") && !nonSSL_SV(Conn) ){ int fsv; if( toProxy && streq(GatewayProto,"http") && streq(DST_PROTO,"https") ){ /* SERVER=http + STLS=fsv + PROXY */ SSLtunnelNego(Conn,DST_HOST,DST_PORT,ToS); sv1log("-- PROXY=%s:%d [%s] as SSLTUNNEL\n", GatewayHost,GatewayPort,GatewayProto); } fsv = insertFSVX(Conn,"starttls",DST_PROTO,FromC,ToS); if( fsv < 0 && (ServerFlags & PF_SSL_IMPLICIT) && streq(DST_PROTO,"ftp") ){ /* 9.9.8 STLS=fsv:ftps for STLS=fsv:ftp */ fsv = insertFSVX(Conn,"starttls","ftps",FromC,ToS); } if( 0 <= fsv ){ if( strncaseeq(CLNT_PROTO,"ftp",3) ){ if( ToSX == -1 ){ ToSX = dup(ToS); /* for ServSock() */ } } dup2(fsv,ToS); close(fsv); ServerFlags |= PF_STLS_ON; } } } if( ConnectFlags & COF_TERSE ){ Verbose("willSTLS_SV[%s]: ServerFlags=%X %X\n",DST_PROTO, ServerFlags,p2i(&ServerFlags)); }else{ sv1log("willSTLS_SV[%s]: ServerFlags=%X %X\n",DST_PROTO, ServerFlags,p2i(&ServerFlags)); } if((ServerFlags & PF_STLS_CAP) == 0 ) if( ServerFlags & PF_STLS_DONTTRY ) if( ServerFlags & PF_STLS_OPT ){ sv1log("WILL NOT TRY STLS -- NOT SUPPORTED and OPTIONAL\n"); return 0; } /* this should be applied to any protocols */ if( streq(DST_PROTO,"smtps") || streq(DST_PROTO,"imaps") ) if( ServerFlags & PF_SSL_ON ){ if( oflags & PF_SSL_ON ){ sv1log("-- with SSL already -- %s://%s:%d\n", DST_PROTO,DST_HOST,DST_PORT); } return 0; } return ServerFlags & PF_STLS_DO; }
/* * name can be defined */ int Vstat(PCStr(file),PVStr(path),PVStr(name),int isDGV,int lev,FileStat *st){ refQStr(dp,path); refQStr(ep,name); FILE *fp; CStr(line,4096); CStr(facts,4096); CStr(fact1,128); const char *fcp; int rcc; int isdgv; if( 8 < lev ){ return -1; } if( isDGV ){ dp = 0; }else{ dp = strrchr(path,'.'); if( dp == 0 || !strcaseeq(dp,VNODE_EXT) ) return -2; } if( (fp = fopen(path,"r+")) == 0 ){ return -3; } truncVStr(facts); while( fgets(line,sizeof(line),fp) != NULL ){ if( strncaseeq(line,"MLST-Facts:",11) ){ lineScan(line+11,facts); break; } if( *line == ' ' && strcasestr(line,"Type=") ){ lineScan(line+1,facts); break; } } if( lev == 0 ){ FileStat vst; if( dp ){ setVStrEnd(dp,0); } strcpy(name,file); if( ep = strrchr(name,'.') ) setVStrEnd(ep,0); bzero(st,sizeof(FileStat)); st->st_mode |= S_IFDIR; st->st_nlink = 1; if( stat(path,&vst) == 0 ){ st->st_dev = vst.st_dev; st->st_ino = vst.st_ino; } } isdgv = 0; for( fcp = facts; *fcp; ){ refQStr(f1,fact1); fcp = scan_ListElem1(fcp,';',AVStr(fact1)); if( f1 = strpbrk(fact1,"\r\n") ) setVStrEnd(f1,0); if( *fact1 == ' ' ){ break; }else if( strncaseeq(fact1,"x-ref=",6) ){ CStr(xpath,1024); refQStr(xp,xpath); strcpy(xpath,path); if( xp = strrpbrk(xpath,"/\\") ){ truncVStr(xp); } chdir_cwd(AVStr(xpath),fact1+6,0); if( File_is(xpath) ){ if( isdgv ){ fprintf(stderr,"--->>>> dgv ... %s\n",xpath); Vstat(file,AVStr(xpath),BVStr(name),1,lev+1,st); }else stat(xpath,st); }else{ strcat(xpath,VNODE_EXT); Vstat(file,AVStr(xpath),BVStr(name),1,lev+1,st); } }else if( strncaseeq(fact1,"type=",5) ){ if( strcaseeq(fact1+5,"file") ) st->st_mode |= S_IFREG; else if( strcaseeq(fact1+5,"dir") ) st->st_mode |= S_IFDIR; else if( strcaseeq(fact1+5,"vno") ) isdgv = 1; else if( strcaseeq(fact1+5,"MLST") ) isdgv = 2; }else if( strncaseeq(fact1,"perm=",5) ){ st->st_mode |= permMode(fact1+5); }else if( strncaseeq(fact1,"size=",5) ){ st->st_size = atoi(fact1+5); }else if( strncaseeq(fact1,"modify=",7) ){ st->st_mtime = scanYmdHMS_GMT(fact1+7); } } fclose(fp); return 0; }