static char *
strdupReadString(Parcel &p)
    size_t stringlen;
    const char16_t *s16;
    s16 = p.readString16Inplace(&stringlen);
    return strndup16to8(s16, stringlen);
Example #2
void SvoxSsmlParser::startElement(const XML_Char* element, const XML_Char** attributes)
    if (strcmp(element, "speak") == 0)
        if (strlen(m_data) > 0)
            /* we have old data, get rid of it and reallocate memory */
            delete m_data;
            m_data = NULL;
            m_datasize = 512;
            m_data = new char[m_datasize];
            if (!m_data)
                ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");

        /* the only attribute supported in the speak tag is xml:lang, all others are ignored */
        for (int i = 0; attributes[i]; i += 2)
            if (strcmp(attributes[i], "xml:lang") == 0)
                if (!m_docLanguage)
                    m_docLanguage = new char[strlen(attributes[i+1])+1];
                strcpy(m_docLanguage, attributes[i+1]);
    else if (strcmp(element, "p") == 0) /* currently no attributes are supported for <p> */
        if (strlen(m_data) + 4 > (size_t)m_datasize)
            if (!growDataSize(100))
                ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
        strcat(m_data, "<p>");
    else if (strcmp(element, "s") == 0) /* currently no attributes are supported for <s> */
        if (strlen(m_data) + 4 > (size_t)m_datasize)
            if (!growDataSize(100))
                ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
        strcat(m_data, "<s>");
    else if (strcmp(element, "phoneme") == 0) /* only ipa and xsampa alphabets are supported */
        int alpha = 1; /* set to 1 if alphabet is ipa */
        int tagComplete = 0; /* set to 1 if phoneme tag has already been added */
    char16_t* ph = NULL;
        char* xsampastr = NULL;
    size_t phsize = 0;
    size_t xsampasize = 0;

        for (int i = 0; attributes[i]; i += 2)
            if (strcmp(attributes[i], "alphabet") == 0)
                if (strcmp(attributes[i+1], "xsampa") == 0)
                    alpha = 0;
            if (strcmp(attributes[i], "ph") == 0)
          ph = new char16_t[strlen8to16(attributes[i+1]) + 1];
          ph = strdup8to16(attributes[i+1], &phsize);
        if (!ph)
            /* error, no phonetic string */
            ALOGE("Error: bad SSML syntax, ph attribute not supplied.");

        if (alpha)
          /* need to convert phoneme string to xsampa */
      xsampasize = cnvIpaToXsampa(ph, phsize, &xsampastr);
      delete [] ph;
      if (!xsampastr)
                ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for IPA string conversion");
      xsampastr = strndup16to8(ph, phsize);
      xsampasize = strlen(xsampastr);
          delete [] ph;

        /* split XSAMPA string into multiple phonemes if needed */
        if (strstr(xsampastr, " ") || strstr(xsampastr, "#")) /* check again to see if we have multiple words */
            char* phonstr = createPhonemeString(xsampastr, strlen(xsampastr) + 1);
            xsampastr = NULL;
            xsampastr = (char*)malloc(strlen(phonstr) + 1);
            strcpy(xsampastr, phonstr);
            phonstr = NULL;
            tagComplete = 1;

        if (tagComplete)
            if (strlen(m_data) + strlen(xsampastr) + 1 > (size_t)m_datasize)
                if (!growDataSize(100))
                    ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!");
            if (strlen(m_data) + strlen(xsampastr) + 17 > (size_t)m_datasize)
                if (!growDataSize(100))
                    ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!");
            strcat(m_data, "<phoneme ph='");

        strcat(m_data, xsampastr);

    if (!tagComplete)
        if (strlen(m_data) + 4 > (size_t)m_datasize)
        if (!growDataSize(100))
            ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
        strcat(m_data, "'/>");

        m_isInBreak = 1; /* set flag to indicate any text between open and close tag is to be discarded */
    else if (strcmp(element, "break") == 0)
        if (strlen(m_data) + 17 > (size_t)m_datasize)
            if (!growDataSize(100))
                ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
        strcat(m_data, "<break time='");
        char* time = NULL;

        for (int i = 0; attributes[i]; i += 2)
            if (strcmp(attributes[i], "time") == 0)
                time = new char[strlen(attributes[i+1]) + 1];
                if (!time)
                    ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                strcpy(time, attributes[i+1]);
            else if (strcmp(attributes[i], "strength") == 0 && !time)
                time = convertBreakStrengthToTime(attributes[i+1]);
        if (!time)
            time = new char[6];
            if (!time)
                ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
            strcpy(time, SSML_BREAK_WEAK); /* if no time or strength attributes are specified, default to weak break */
        if (strlen(m_data) + strlen(time) + 4 > (size_t)m_datasize)
            if (!growDataSize(100))
                ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
        strcat(m_data, time);
        strcat(m_data, "'/>");
        m_isInBreak = 1; /* set flag to indicate any text between open and close tag is to be discarded */
    else if (strcmp(element, "prosody") == 0) /* only pitch, rate and volume attributes are supported */
        for (int i = 0; attributes[i]; i += 2)
            if (strcmp(attributes[i], "pitch") == 0)
                char* svoxpitch = convertToSvoxPitch(attributes[i+1]);
                if (!svoxpitch)
                    ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                if (!svoxpitch)
                    svoxpitch = new char[4];
                    if (!svoxpitch)
                        ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                    strcpy(svoxpitch, "100");
                char* pitch = new char[17 + strlen(svoxpitch)];
                if (!pitch)
                    ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                sprintf(pitch, "<pitch level='%s'>", svoxpitch);
                if (strlen(m_data) + strlen(pitch) + 1 > (size_t)m_datasize)
                    if (!growDataSize(100))
                        ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                strcat(m_data, pitch);
                if (!m_appendix)
                    m_appendix = new char[30];
                    m_appendix[0] = '\0';
                strcat(m_appendix, "</pitch>");
                delete [] svoxpitch;
                delete [] pitch;
            else if (strcmp(attributes[i], "rate") == 0)
                char* svoxrate = convertToSvoxRate(attributes[i+1]);
                if (!svoxrate)
                    svoxrate = new char[4];
                    if (!svoxrate)
                        ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                    strcpy(svoxrate, "100");
                char* rate = new char[17 + strlen(svoxrate)];
                if (!rate)
                    ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                sprintf(rate, "<speed level='%s'>", svoxrate);
                if (strlen(m_data) + strlen(rate) + 1 > (size_t)m_datasize)
                    if (!growDataSize(100))
                        ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                strcat(m_data, rate);
                if (!m_appendix)
                    m_appendix = new char[30];
                    if (!m_appendix)
                        ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                    m_appendix[0] = '\0';
                strcat(m_appendix, "</speed>");
                delete [] svoxrate;
                delete [] rate;
            else if (strcmp(attributes[i], "volume") == 0)
                char* svoxvol = convertToSvoxVolume(attributes[i+1]);
                if (!svoxvol)
                    svoxvol = new char[4];
                    if (!svoxvol)
                        ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                    strcpy(svoxvol, "100");
                char* volume = new char[18 + strlen(svoxvol)];
                if (!volume)
                    ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                sprintf(volume, "<volume level='%s'>", svoxvol);
                if (strlen(m_data) + strlen(volume) + 1 > (size_t)m_datasize)
                    if (!growDataSize(100))
                        ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                strcat(m_data, volume);
                if (!m_appendix)
                    m_appendix = new char[30];
                    m_appendix[0] = '\0';
                strcat(m_appendix, "</volume>");
                delete [] svoxvol;
                delete [] volume;
    else if (strcmp(element, "audio") == 0) /* only 16kHz 16bit wav files are supported as src */
        if (strlen(m_data) + 17 > (size_t)m_datasize)
            if (!growDataSize(100))
                ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
        strcat(m_data, "<usesig file='");

        for (int i = 0; attributes[i]; i += 2)
            if (strcmp(attributes[i], "src") == 0)
                if (strlen(m_data) + strlen(attributes[i+1]) + 1 > (size_t)m_datasize)
                    if (!growDataSize(100))
                        ALOGE("Error: failed to allocate memory for string!\n");
                strcat(m_data, attributes[i+1]);
        strcat(m_data, "'>");