Example #1
static size_t obj_desc_pval(const object_type *o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max,
	size_t end, bool spoil)
	bitflag f[OF_SIZE], f2[OF_SIZE];
	int i;
	bool any = FALSE;

	object_flags(o_ptr, f);
	create_mask(f2, FALSE, OFT_PVAL, OFT_STAT, OFT_MAX);

	if (!of_is_inter(f, f2)) return end;

	strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " <");
	for (i = 0; i < o_ptr->num_pvals; i++) {
		if (spoil || object_this_pval_is_visible(o_ptr, i)) {
			if (any)
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, ", ");
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "%+d", o_ptr->pval[i]);
			any = TRUE;

	strnfcat(buf, max, &end, ">");

	return end;
Example #2
static size_t obj_desc_inscrip(const object_type *o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max, size_t end)
	const char *u[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	int n = 0;
	int feel = object_pseudo(o_ptr);
	bitflag flags_known[OF_SIZE];

	object_flags_known(o_ptr, flags_known);

	/* Get inscription */
	if (o_ptr->note)
		u[n++] = quark_str(o_ptr->note);

	/* Use special inscription, if any */
	if (!object_is_known(o_ptr) && feel)
		/* cannot tell excellent vs strange vs splendid until wield */
		if (!object_was_worn(o_ptr) && ego_item_p(o_ptr))
			u[n++] = "ego";
			u[n++] = inscrip_text[feel];
	else if ((o_ptr->ident & IDENT_EMPTY) && !object_is_known(o_ptr))
		u[n++] = "empty";
	else if (!object_is_known(o_ptr) && object_was_worn(o_ptr))
		if (wield_slot(o_ptr) == INVEN_WIELD || wield_slot(o_ptr) == INVEN_BOW)
			u[n++] = "wielded";
		else u[n++] = "worn";
	else if (!object_is_known(o_ptr) && object_was_fired(o_ptr))
		u[n++] = "fired";
	else if (!object_flavor_is_aware(o_ptr) && object_flavor_was_tried(o_ptr))
		u[n++] = "tried";

	/* Note curses */
	if (flags_test(flags_known, OF_SIZE, OF_CURSE_MASK, FLAG_END))
		u[n++] = "cursed";

	/* Note squelch */
	if (squelch_item_ok(o_ptr))
		u[n++] = "squelch";

	if (n)
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if (i == 0)
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " {");
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "%s", u[i]);
			if (i < n-1)
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, ", ");

		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "}");

	return end;
Example #3
static void path_process(char *buf, size_t len, size_t *cur_len, const char *path)
#if defined(SET_UID) || defined(USE_PRIVATE_PATHS)

	/* Home directory on Unixes */
	if (path[0] == '~')
		const char *s;
		const char *username = path + 1;

		struct passwd *pw;
		char user[128];

		/* Look for non-user portion of the file */
		s = strstr(username, PATH_SEP);
		if (s)
			int i;

			/* Keep username a decent length */
			if (s >= username + sizeof(user)) return;

			for (i = 0; username < s; ++i) user[i] = *username++;
			user[i] = '\0';
			username = user;


		/* Look up a user (or "current" user) */
		pw = username[0] ? getpwnam(username) : getpwuid(getuid());

#else /* MACH_O_CARBON */

		/* On Macs getlogin() can incorrectly return root, so get the username via system frameworks */
		CFStringRef cfusername = CSCopyUserName(TRUE);
		CFIndex cfbufferlength = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(CFStringGetLength(cfusername), kCFStringEncodingUTF8) + 1;
		char *macusername = mem_alloc(cfbufferlength);
		CFStringGetCString(cfusername, macusername, cfbufferlength, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

		/* Look up the user */
		pw = getpwnam(macusername);
#endif /* !MACH_O_CARBON */

		if (!pw) return;

		/* Copy across */
		strnfcat(buf, len, cur_len, "%s%s", pw->pw_dir, PATH_SEP);
		if (s) strnfcat(buf, len, cur_len, "%s", s);


		strnfcat(buf, len, cur_len, "%s", path);
Example #4
 * Describe charges or charging status for re-usable items with magic effects
static size_t obj_desc_charges(const struct object *obj, char *buf, size_t max,
							   size_t end, int mode)
	bool aware = object_flavor_is_aware(obj) || (mode & ODESC_STORE);

	/* Wands and Staffs have charges */
	if (aware && tval_can_have_charges(obj))
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%d charge%s)", obj->pval,

	/* Charging things */
	else if (obj->timeout > 0)
		if (tval_is_rod(obj) && obj->number > 1)
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%d charging)", number_charging(obj));
		/* Artifacts, single rods */
		else if (!(tval_is_light(obj) && !obj->artifact))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (charging)");

	return end;
Example #5
 * Add player-defined inscriptions or game-defined descriptions
static size_t obj_desc_inscrip(const struct object *obj, char *buf,
							   size_t max, size_t end)
	const char *u[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	int n = 0;
	int feel = object_pseudo(obj);
	bitflag flags_known[OF_SIZE], f2[OF_SIZE];

	object_flags_known(obj, flags_known);

	/* Get inscription */
	if (obj->note)
		u[n++] = quark_str(obj->note);

	/* Use special inscription, if any */
	if (!object_is_known(obj)) {
		if (feel) {
			/* cannot tell excellent vs strange vs splendid until wield */
			if (!object_was_worn(obj) && obj->ego)
				u[n++] = "ego";
				u[n++] = inscrip_text[feel];
		else if (tval_can_have_charges(obj) && (obj->pval == 0))
			u[n++] = "empty";
		else if (object_was_worn(obj))
			u[n++] = (tval_is_weapon(obj)) ? "wielded" : "worn";
		else if (!object_flavor_is_aware(obj) &&
			u[n++] = "tried";

	/* Note curses */
	create_mask(f2, FALSE, OFT_CURSE, OFT_MAX);
	if (of_is_inter(flags_known, f2))
		u[n++] = "cursed";

	/* Note ignore */
	if (ignore_item_ok(obj))
		u[n++] = "ignore";

	if (n)
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if (i == 0)
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " {");
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "%s", u[i]);
			if (i < n-1)
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, ", ");

		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "}");

	return end;
Example #6
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * The rolling bit of the roller.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static enum birth_stage roller_command(bool first_call)
	char prompt[80] = "";
	size_t promptlen = 0;

	struct keypress ch;

	enum birth_stage next = BIRTH_ROLLER;

	/* Used to keep track of whether we've rolled a character before or not. */
	static bool prev_roll = FALSE;

	/* Display the player - a bit cheaty, but never mind. */

	if (first_call)
		prev_roll = FALSE;

	/* Prepare a prompt (must squeeze everything in) */
	strnfcat(prompt, sizeof (prompt), &promptlen, "['r' to reroll");
	if (prev_roll) 
		strnfcat(prompt, sizeof(prompt), &promptlen, ", 'p' for previous roll");
	strnfcat(prompt, sizeof (prompt), &promptlen, " or 'Enter' to accept]");

	/* Prompt for it */
	prt(prompt, Term->hgt - 1, Term->wid / 2 - promptlen / 2);
	/* Prompt and get a command */
	ch = inkey();

	/* Analyse the command */
	if (ch.code == ESCAPE) {
		/* Back out */
		next = BIRTH_BACK;
	} else if (ch.code == KC_ENTER) {
		/* 'Enter' accepts the roll */
	} else if ((ch.code == ' ') || (ch.code == 'r')) {
		/* Reroll this character */
		prev_roll = TRUE;
	} else if (prev_roll && (ch.code == 'p')) {
		/* Previous character */
	} else if (ch.code == KTRL('X')) {
		/* Quit */
	} else if (ch.code == '?') {
		/* Help XXX */
	} else {
		/* Nothing handled directly here */
		bell("Illegal roller command!");

	return next;
Example #7
 * Print an artifact activation message.
 * In order to support randarts, with scrambled names, we re-write
 * the message to replace instances of {name} with the artifact name
 * and instances of {kind} with the type of object.
 * This code deals with plural and singular forms of verbs correctly
 * when encountering {s}, though in fact both names and kinds are
 * always singular in the current code (gloves are "Set of" and boots
 * are "Pair of")
static void activation_message(object_type *o_ptr, const char *message)
	char buf[1024] = "\0";
	const char *next;
	const char *s;
	const char *tag;
	const char *in_cursor;
	size_t end = 0;

	in_cursor = message;

	next = strchr(in_cursor, '{');
	while (next)
		/* Copy the text leading up to this { */
		strnfcat(buf, 1024, &end, "%.*s", next - in_cursor, in_cursor); 

		s = next + 1;
		while (*s && isalpha((unsigned char) *s)) s++;

		if (*s == '}')		/* Valid tag */
			tag = next + 1; /* Start the tag after the { */
			in_cursor = s + 1;

			case ART_TAG_NAME:
				end += object_desc(buf, 1024, o_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_BASE); 
			case ART_TAG_KIND:
				object_kind_name(&buf[end], 1024-end, o_ptr->kind, TRUE);
				end += strlen(&buf[end]);
			case ART_TAG_VERB:
				strnfcat(buf, 1024, &end, "s");
			case ART_TAG_VERB_IS:
				if((end > 2) && (buf[end-2] == 's'))
					strnfcat(buf, 1024, &end, "are");
					strnfcat(buf, 1024, &end, "is");
		else    /* An invalid tag, skip it */
			in_cursor = next + 1;

		next = strchr(in_cursor, '{');
	strnfcat(buf, 1024, &end, in_cursor);

	msg("%s", buf);
Example #8
static size_t obj_desc_combat(const object_type *o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max, 
		size_t end, bool spoil)
	bitflag flags[OF_SIZE];
	bitflag flags_known[OF_SIZE];

	object_flags(o_ptr, flags);
	object_flags_known(o_ptr, flags_known);

	if (of_has(flags, OF_SHOW_DICE)) {
		/* Only display the real damage dice if the combat stats are known */
		if (spoil || object_attack_plusses_are_visible(o_ptr))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%dd%d)", o_ptr->dd, o_ptr->ds);
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%dd%d)", o_ptr->kind->dd, o_ptr->kind->ds);

	if (of_has(flags, OF_SHOW_MULT)) {
		/* Display shooting power as part of the multiplier */
		if (of_has(flags, OF_MIGHT) &&
		    (spoil || object_flag_is_known(o_ptr, OF_MIGHT)))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (x%d)", (o_ptr->sval % 10) + o_ptr->pval[which_pval(o_ptr, OF_MIGHT)]);
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (x%d)", o_ptr->sval % 10);

	/* Show weapon bonuses */
	if (spoil || object_attack_plusses_are_visible(o_ptr)) {
		if (wield_slot(o_ptr) == INVEN_WIELD || wield_slot(o_ptr) == INVEN_BOW
				|| obj_is_ammo(o_ptr) || o_ptr->to_d || o_ptr->to_h) {
			/* Make an exception for body armor with only a to-hit penalty */
			if (o_ptr->to_h < 0 && o_ptr->to_d == 0 &&
			    (o_ptr->tval == TV_SOFT_ARMOR ||
			     o_ptr->tval == TV_HARD_ARMOR ||
			     o_ptr->tval == TV_DRAG_ARMOR))
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%+d)", o_ptr->to_h);

			/* Otherwise, always use the full tuple */
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%+d,%+d)", o_ptr->to_h, o_ptr->to_d);

	/* Show armor bonuses */
	if (spoil || object_defence_plusses_are_visible(o_ptr)) {
		if (obj_desc_show_armor(o_ptr))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " [%d,%+d]", o_ptr->ac, o_ptr->to_a);
		else if (o_ptr->to_a)
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " [%+d]", o_ptr->to_a);
	else if (obj_desc_show_armor(o_ptr))
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " [%d]", object_was_sensed(o_ptr) ? o_ptr->ac : o_ptr->kind->ac);

	return end;
Example #9
 * Describe combat properties of an item - damage dice, to-hit, to-dam, armor
 * class, missile multipler
static size_t obj_desc_combat(const struct object *obj, char *buf, size_t max, 
		size_t end, bool spoil)
	bitflag flags_known[OF_SIZE];

	object_flags_known(obj, flags_known);

	if (kf_has(obj->kind->kind_flags, KF_SHOW_DICE)) {
		/* Only display the real damage dice if the combat stats are known */
		if (spoil || object_attack_plusses_are_visible(obj))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%dd%d)", obj->dd, obj->ds);
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%dd%d)", obj->kind->dd,

	if (kf_has(obj->kind->kind_flags, KF_SHOW_MULT)) {
		/* Display shooting power as part of the multiplier */
		if ((obj->modifiers[OBJ_MOD_MIGHT] > 0) &&
		    (spoil || object_this_mod_is_visible(obj, OBJ_MOD_MIGHT)))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (x%d)",
					 obj->pval + obj->modifiers[OBJ_MOD_MIGHT]);
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (x%d)", obj->pval);

	/* Show weapon bonuses */
	if (spoil || object_attack_plusses_are_visible(obj)) {
		if (tval_is_weapon(obj) || obj->to_d || obj->to_h) {
			/* Make an exception for body armor with only a to-hit penalty */
			if (obj->to_h < 0 && obj->to_d == 0 &&
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%+d)", obj->to_h);

			/* Otherwise, always use the full tuple */
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%+d,%+d)", obj->to_h,

	/* Show armor bonuses */
	if (spoil || object_defence_plusses_are_visible(obj)) {
		if (obj_desc_show_armor(obj))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " [%d,%+d]", obj->ac, obj->to_a);
		else if (obj->to_a)
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " [%+d]", obj->to_a);
	else if (obj_desc_show_armor(obj))
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " [%d]",
				 object_was_sensed(obj) ? obj->ac : obj->kind->ac);

	return end;
Example #10
 * Add "unseen" to the end of unaware items in stores
static size_t obj_desc_aware(const struct object *obj, char *buf, size_t max,
							 size_t end)
	if (!object_flavor_is_aware(obj))
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " {unseen}");

	return end;
Example #11
/* Add "unseen" to the end of unaware items in stores */
static size_t obj_desc_aware(const object_type *o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max,
	size_t end)
	if (!object_flavor_is_aware(o_ptr))
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " {unseen}");

	return end;
Example #12
static size_t obj_desc_light(const object_type *o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max, size_t end)
	/* Fuelled light sources get number of remaining turns appended */
	if (fuelable_lite_p(o_ptr))
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%d turns)", o_ptr->timeout);

	return end;
Example #13
static size_t obj_desc_pval(const object_type *o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max, size_t end)
	u32b f1, f2, f3, fn;
	object_flags(o_ptr, &f1, &f2, &f3, &fn);

	if (!(f1 & TR1_PVAL_MASK)) return end;

	strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%+d", o_ptr->pval);

	if (!(f3 & TR3_HIDE_TYPE))
		if (f1 & TR1_STEALTH)
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " stealth");
		else if (f1 & TR1_SEARCH)
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " searching");
		else if (f1 & TR1_INFRA)
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " infravision");
		else if (f1 & TR1_SPEED)
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " speed");
		else if (f1 & TR1_BLOWS)
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " attack%s", PLURAL(o_ptr->pval));

	strnfcat(buf, max, &end, ")");

	return end;
Example #14
static size_t obj_desc_pval(const object_type *o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max, size_t end)
	bitflag f[OF_SIZE];

	object_flags(o_ptr, f);

	if (!flags_test(f, OF_SIZE, OF_PVAL_MASK, FLAG_END)) return end;

	strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%+d", o_ptr->pval);

	if (!of_has(f, OF_HIDE_TYPE))
		if (of_has(f, OF_STEALTH))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " stealth");
		else if (of_has(f, OF_SEARCH))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " searching");
		else if (of_has(f, OF_INFRA))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " infravision");
		else if (of_has(f, OF_SPEED))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " speed");
		else if (of_has(f, OF_BLOWS))
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " attack%s", PLURAL(o_ptr->pval));

	strnfcat(buf, max, &end, ")");

	return end;
Example #15
static size_t obj_desc_light(const object_type * o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max,
			     size_t end)
    /* Fuelled light sources get number of remaining turns appended */
    if ((o_ptr->tval == TV_LIGHT) && !artifact_p(o_ptr))
	strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%d turns)", o_ptr->pval);

    return end;
Example #16
 * Describe remaining light for refuellable lights
static size_t obj_desc_light(const struct object *obj, char *buf, size_t max,
							 size_t end)
	/* Fuelled light sources get number of remaining turns appended */
	if (tval_is_light(obj) && !of_has(obj->flags, OF_NO_FUEL))
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%d turns)", obj->timeout);

	return end;
Example #17
static size_t obj_desc_charges(const object_type * o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max,
			       size_t end)
    object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[o_ptr->k_idx];

    bool aware = object_aware_p(o_ptr);

    /* Wands and Staffs have charges */
    if (aware && (o_ptr->tval == TV_STAFF || o_ptr->tval == TV_WAND))
	strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%d charge%s)", o_ptr->pval,

    /* Charging things */
    else if (o_ptr->timeout > 0) {
	if (o_ptr->tval == TV_ROD && o_ptr->number > 1) {
	    int power;
	    int time_base = randcalc(k_ptr->time, 0, MINIMISE);

	    if (!time_base)
		time_base = 1;

	     * Find out how many rods are charging, by dividing
	     * current timeout by each rod's maximum timeout.
	     * Ensure that any remainder is rounded up.  Display
	     * very discharged stacks as merely fully discharged.
	    power = (o_ptr->timeout + (time_base - 1)) / time_base;
	    if (power > o_ptr->number)
		power = o_ptr->number;

	    /* Display prettily */
	    strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%d charging)", power);

	/* Artifacts, single rods */
	else if (!(o_ptr->tval == TV_LIGHT && !artifact_p(o_ptr))) {
	    strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (charging)");

    return end;
Example #18
 * Format object obj's name into 'buf'.
static size_t obj_desc_name(char *buf, size_t max, size_t end,
		const struct object *obj, bool prefix, int mode, bool spoil, bool terse)
	bool known = object_is_known(obj) || spoil;
	bool aware = object_flavor_is_aware(obj) || (mode & ODESC_STORE) || spoil;
	const char *basename = obj_desc_get_basename(obj, aware, terse, mode);
	const char *modstr = obj_desc_get_modstr(obj->kind);

	if (aware && !obj->kind->everseen && !spoil)
		obj->kind->everseen = TRUE;

	if (prefix)
		end = obj_desc_name_prefix(buf, max, end, obj, known,
				basename, modstr, terse);

	/* Pluralize if (not forced singular) and
	 * (not a known/visible artifact) and
	 * (not one in stack or forced plural) */
	end = obj_desc_name_format(buf, max, end, basename, modstr,
			!(mode & ODESC_SINGULAR) &&
			!(obj->artifact &&
			  (object_name_is_visible(obj) || known)) &&
			(obj->number != 1 || (mode & ODESC_PLURAL)));

	/** Append extra names of various kinds **/

	if ((object_name_is_visible(obj) || known) && obj->artifact)
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " %s", obj->artifact->name);

	else if (((spoil && obj->ego) || object_ego_is_visible(obj)) &&
			 !(mode & ODESC_NOEGO))
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " %s", obj->ego->name);

	else if (aware && !obj->artifact &&
			(obj->kind->flavor || obj->kind->tval == TV_SCROLL)) {
		if (terse)
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " '%s'", obj->kind->name);
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " of %s", obj->kind->name);

	return end;
Example #19
 * Print a message when an object flag is identified by use.
 * \param flag is the flag being noticed
 * \param name is the object name 
void flag_message(int flag, char *name)
	struct obj_property *prop = lookup_obj_property(OBJ_PROPERTY_FLAG, flag);
	char buf[1024] = "\0";
	const char *next;
	const char *s;
	const char *tag;
	const char *in_cursor;
	size_t end = 0;

	/* See if we have a message */
	if (!prop->msg) return;
	in_cursor = prop->msg;

	next = strchr(in_cursor, '{');
	while (next) {
		/* Copy the text leading up to this { */
		strnfcat(buf, 1024, &end, "%.*s", next - in_cursor, in_cursor); 

		s = next + 1;
		while (*s && isalpha((unsigned char) *s)) s++;

		/* Valid tag */
		if (*s == '}') {
			/* Start the tag after the { */
			tag = next + 1;
			in_cursor = s + 1;
			if (strncmp(tag, "name", 4) == 0) {
				strnfcat(buf, 1024, &end, "%s", name); 

		} else {
			/* An invalid tag, skip it */
			in_cursor = next + 1;

		next = strchr(in_cursor, '{');
	strnfcat(buf, 1024, &end, in_cursor);

	msg("%s", buf);
Example #20
static size_t obj_desc_inscrip(const object_type * o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max,
			       size_t end)
    const char *u[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    int n = 0;

    /* Get inscription */
    if (o_ptr->note)
	u[n++] = quark_str(o_ptr->note);

    /* Use special inscription, if any */
    if (o_ptr->feel) {
	u[n++] = feel_text[o_ptr->feel];
    } else if ((o_ptr->ident & IDENT_EMPTY) && !object_known_p(o_ptr))
	u[n++] = "empty";
    else if (!object_aware_p(o_ptr) && object_tried_p(o_ptr))
	u[n++] = "tried";
    /* Use the discount, if any. No annoying inscription for homemade
     * branded items. */
    if ((o_ptr->discount > 0) && (o_ptr->discount != 80)) 
	u[n++] = format("%d%% off", o_ptr->discount);

    /* Note squelch */
    if (squelch_item_ok(o_ptr))
	u[n++] = "squelch";

    if (n) {
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	    if (i == 0)
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " {");
	    strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "%s", u[i]);
	    if (i < n - 1)
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, ", ");

	strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "}");

    return end;
Example #21
static void path_process(char *buf, size_t len, size_t *cur_len, const char *path)
#if defined(UNIX)

	/* Home directory on Unixes */
	if (path[0] == '~')
		const char *s;
		const char *username = path + 1;

		struct passwd *pw;
		char user[128];

		/* Look for non-user portion of the file */
		s = strstr(username, PATH_SEP);
		if (s)
			int i;

			/* Keep username a decent length */
			if (s >= username + sizeof(user)) return;

			for (i = 0; username < s; ++i) user[i] = *username++;
			user[i] = '\0';
			username = user;

		/* Look up a user (or "current" user) */
		pw = username[0] ? getpwnam(username) : getpwuid(getuid());
		if (!pw) return;

		/* Copy across */
		strnfcat(buf, len, cur_len, "%s%s", pw->pw_dir, PATH_SEP);
		if (s) strnfcat(buf, len, cur_len, "%s", s);

#endif /* defined(UNIX) */

	strnfcat(buf, len, cur_len, "%s", path);
Example #22
static size_t obj_desc_light(const object_type *o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max, size_t end)
	bitflag f[OF_SIZE];

	object_flags(o_ptr, f);

	/* Fuelled light sources get number of remaining turns appended */
	if ((o_ptr->tval == TV_LIGHT) && !of_has(f, OF_NO_FUEL))
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%d turns)", o_ptr->timeout);

	return end;
Example #23
void get_table_name(char *out_string, bool quotes)
	int testcounter = 2;
	int len = 0;
	/* Empty string */
	out_string[0] = 0;

	if (quotes)
		strnfcat(out_string, 18, &len, "'");

	if (one_in_(3))
		while (testcounter--)
			strnfcat(out_string, 18, &len, syllables[randint0(MAX_SYLLABLES)]);
		char Syllable[80];

		while (testcounter--)
			(void)get_rnd_line("elvish.txt", 0, Syllable);
			strnfcat(out_string, 18, &len, "%s", Syllable);

	if (quotes)
		out_string[1] = toupper(out_string[1]);
		strnfcat(out_string, 18, &len, "'");
		out_string[0] = toupper(out_string[0]);
Example #24
 * Start to description, indicating number/uniqueness (a, the, no more, 7, etc)
static size_t obj_desc_name_prefix(char *buf, size_t max, size_t end,
		const struct object *obj, bool known, const char *basename,
		const char *modstr, bool terse)
	if (obj->number == 0)
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "no more ");
	else if (obj->number > 1)
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "%d ", obj->number);
	else if ((object_name_is_visible(obj) || known) && obj->artifact)
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "the ");

	else if (*basename == '&')
		bool an = FALSE;
		const char *lookahead = basename + 1;

		while (*lookahead == ' ') lookahead++;

		if (*lookahead == '#')
			if (modstr && is_a_vowel(*modstr))
				an = TRUE;
		else if (is_a_vowel(*lookahead))
			an = TRUE;

		if (!terse)
			if (an)
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "an ");
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "a ");			

	return end;
Example #25
 * Describe numerical modifiers to stats and other player qualities which
 * allow numerical bonuses - speed, stealth, etc
static size_t obj_desc_mods(const struct object *obj, char *buf, size_t max,
	size_t end, bool spoil)
	int i, j, num_mods = 0;
	int mods[OBJ_MOD_MAX] = { 0 };

	/* Run through possible modifiers and store distinct ones */
	for (i = 0; i < OBJ_MOD_MAX; i++) {
		/* Check for known non-zero mods */
		if ((spoil || object_this_mod_is_visible(obj, i))
			&& (obj->modifiers[i] != 0)) {
			/* If no mods stored yet, store and move on */
			if (!num_mods) {
				mods[num_mods++] = obj->modifiers[i];

			/* Run through the existing mods, quit on duplicates */
			for (j = 0; j < num_mods; j++)
				if (mods[j] == obj->modifiers[i]) break;

			/* Add another mod if needed */
			if (j == num_mods)
				mods[num_mods++] = obj->modifiers[i];

	if (!num_mods) return end;

	/* Print the modifiers */
	strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " <");
	for (j = 0; j < num_mods; j++) {
		if (j) strnfcat(buf, max, &end, ", ");
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "%+d", mods[j]);
	strnfcat(buf, max, &end, ">");

	return end;
Example #26
 * Function used to print a flag in coloured binary.
void binary_fmt(char *buf, uint max, cptr fmt, va_list *vp)
	uint i;
	u32b mask = 1;
	int len = 0;
    u32b arg;
	/* Unused parameter */
	/* Pre-terminate buffer */
	buf[0] = '\0';
    /* Get the argument */
	arg = va_arg(*vp, u32b);

	/* Scan the flags */
	for (i = 1; ((i <= 32) && (i < max)); i++)
		/* Dump set bits */
		if (arg & mask)
			strnfcat(buf, max, &len, CLR_BLUE "*");

		/* Dump unset bits */
			strnfcat(buf, max, &len, CLR_WHITE "-");
		mask *= 2;
Example #27
 * Create a new path string by appending a 'leaf' to 'base'.
 * On Unixes, we convert a tidle at the beginning of a basename to mean the
 * directory, complicating things a little, but better now than later.
 * Remember to free the return value.
size_t path_build(char *buf, size_t len, const char *base, const char *leaf)
	size_t cur_len = 0;
	int starts_with_separator;

	buf[0] = '\0';

	if (!leaf || !leaf[0]) {
		if (base && base[0])
			path_process(buf, len, &cur_len, base);

		return cur_len;

	 * If the leafname starts with the seperator,
	 *   or with the tilde (on Unix),
	 *   or there's no base path,
	 * We use the leafname only.
	starts_with_separator = (!base || !base[0]) || prefix(leaf, PATH_SEP);
#if defined(UNIX)
	starts_with_separator = starts_with_separator || leaf[0] == '~';
	if (starts_with_separator) {
		path_process(buf, len, &cur_len, leaf);
		return cur_len;

	/* There is both a relative leafname and a base path from which it is
	 * relative */
	path_process(buf, len, &cur_len, base);
	strnfcat(buf, len, &cur_len, "%s", PATH_SEP);
	path_process(buf, len, &cur_len, leaf);

	return cur_len;
Example #28
 * Create a new path string by appending a 'leaf' to 'base'.
 * On Unixes, we convert a tidle at the beginning of a basename to mean the
 * directory, complicating things a little, but better now than later.
 * Remember to free the return value.
size_t path_build(char *buf, size_t len, const char *base, const char *leaf)
	size_t cur_len = 0;
	buf[0] = '\0';

	if (!leaf || !leaf[0])
		if (base && base[0])
			path_process(buf, len, &cur_len, base);

		return cur_len;

	 * If the leafname starts with the seperator,
	 *   or with the tilde (on Unix),
	 *   or there's no base path,
	 * We use the leafname only.
#if defined(SET_UID) || defined(USE_PRIVATE_PATHS)
	if ((!base || !base[0]) || prefix(leaf, PATH_SEP) || leaf[0] == '~')
	if ((!base || !base[0]) || prefix(leaf, PATH_SEP))
		path_process(buf, len, &cur_len, leaf);
		return cur_len;

	/* There is both a relative leafname and a base path from which it is relative */
	path_process(buf, len, &cur_len, base);
	strnfcat(buf, len, &cur_len, "%s", PATH_SEP);
	path_process(buf, len, &cur_len, leaf);

	return cur_len;
Example #29
static size_t obj_desc_inscrip(const object_type *o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max, size_t end)
	const char *u[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	int n = 0;

	/* See if the object is "known" */
	bool known = (object_known_p(o_ptr) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool aware = (object_aware_p(o_ptr) ? TRUE : FALSE);

	u32b f1, f2, f3, fn;
	object_flags(o_ptr, &f1, &f2, &f3, &fn);

	/* Get inscription, pdeudo-id, or store discount */
	if (o_ptr->obj_note) u[n++] = quark_str(o_ptr->obj_note);
	if (o_ptr->discount >= INSCRIP_NULL)
		u[n++] = inscrip_text[o_ptr->discount - INSCRIP_NULL];
	else if (cursed_p(o_ptr) && known)
		u[n++] = "cursed";
	else if ((o_ptr->ident & IDENT_EMPTY) && (!known))
		u[n++] = "empty";
	else if ((!aware) && object_tried_p(o_ptr))
		u[n++] = "tried";
	else if (o_ptr->discount > 0)
		char buf[80];
		my_strcpy(buf, format("%d%% off", o_ptr->discount), sizeof(buf));

		u[n++] = buf;

	/* Use the "unknown" inscription */
	else if (!known && can_be_pseudo_ided(o_ptr) &&
			(o_ptr->discount < INSCRIP_NULL))
		u[n++] = "unknown";

	if (n)
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if (i == 0)
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " {");
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "%s", u[i]);
			if (i < n-1)
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, ", ");

		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "}");

	return end;
Example #30
static size_t obj_desc_charges(const object_type *o_ptr, char *buf, size_t max, size_t end)
	object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[o_ptr->k_idx];

	bool aware = object_flavor_is_aware(o_ptr) || (o_ptr->ident & IDENT_STORE);

	/* See if the object is "known" */
	bool known = (object_known_p(o_ptr) ? TRUE : FALSE);

	/* Wands and Staffs have charges */
	if (aware && known && (o_ptr->tval == TV_STAFF || o_ptr->tval == TV_WAND))
		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%d charge%s)", o_ptr->pval, PLURAL(o_ptr->pval));

	/* Charging things */
	else if (o_ptr->timeout > 0)
		/* Hack -- Rods have a "charging" indicator */
		if (known && (o_ptr->tval == TV_ROD))
			/* Hack -- Dump " (# charging)" if relevant */
			if (o_ptr->timeout >= 1)

				/* Stacks of rods display an exact count of charging rods. */
				if (o_ptr->number > 1)
					int power;

					/* Paranoia. */
					if (k_ptr->pval == 0) k_ptr->pval = 1;

					/* Find out how many rods are charging, by dividing
				 	 * current timeout by each rod's maximum timeout.
				 	 * Ensure that any remainder is rounded up.  Display
				 	 * very discharged stacks as merely fully discharged.
					power = (o_ptr->timeout + (k_ptr->pval - 1)) / k_ptr->pval;

					if (power > o_ptr->number) power = o_ptr->number;

					/* Display prettily */
					strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (%d charging)", power);

				/* Display prettily */
				else strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (charging)");

		/* Indicate "charging" objects, but not rods or lites */
		if (known && o_ptr->timeout && o_ptr->tval != TV_ROD
			    && !fuelable_lite_p(o_ptr))

			/* Hack -- Dump " (charging)" if relevant */
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " (charging)");

	return end;