static int readuserallbrc(char *userid, char *userhost) { char buf[STRLEN]; int oldbrcexpired = brcexpired; if (!userid) return 0; brcexpired = 0; if (!*userid || !strcmp(userid, "guest")) { snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "guest.%s", userhost); if (!oldbrcexpired && !strncmp(allbrcuser, buf, sizeof (allbrcuser))) return 0; strsncpy(allbrcuser, buf, sizeof (allbrcuser)); brc_init(&allbrc, allbrcuser, NULL); } else { if (!oldbrcexpired && !strncmp(allbrcuser, userid, sizeof (allbrcuser))) return 0; sethomefile(buf, userid, "brc"); strsncpy(allbrcuser, userid, sizeof (allbrcuser)); brc_init(&allbrc, userid, buf); } return 0; }
int main() { struct fileheader *x; char board[80], file[80], target[80]; init_all(); strsncpy(board, getparm("board"), 30); strsncpy(file, getparm("file"), 30); strsncpy(target, getparm("target"), 30); if(!loginok) http_fatal("匆匆过客不能进行本项操作"); if(!has_read_perm(¤tuser, board)) http_fatal("错误的讨论区"); x=get_file_ent(board, file); if(x==0) http_fatal("错误的文件名"); printf("<center>%s -- 转寄/推荐给好友 [使用者: %s]<hr color=green>\n", BBSNAME, currentuser.userid); if(target[0]) { if(!strstr(target, "@")) { if(!getuser(target)) http_fatal("错误的使用者帐号"); strcpy(target, getuser(target)->userid); } return do_fwd(x, board, target); } printf("<table><tr><td>\n"); printf("文章标题: %s<br>\n", nohtml(x->title)); printf("文章作者: %s<br>\n", x->owner); printf("原讨论区: %s<br>\n", board); printf("<form action=bbsfwd method=post>\n"); printf("<input type=hidden name=board value=%s>", board); printf("<input type=hidden name=file value=%s>", file); printf("把文章转寄给 <input name=target size=30 maxlength=30 value=%s> (请输入对方的id或email地址). <br>\n",; printf("<input type=submit value=确定转寄></form>"); }
int getformarg(char *buf, char *sec, char *qry, int len) { char *t2, *t3; qry[0] = 0; sec[0] = 0; t2 = strtok(buf, "&"); while (t2) { t3 = strchr(t2, '='); if (t3 != 0) { t3[0] = 0; t3++; __unhcode(t3); if (!strcmp(t2, "sec")) { strsncpy(sec, t3, len); } if (!strcmp(t2, "qry")) { strsncpy(qry, t3, len); } } t2 = strtok(NULL, "&"); } if (!qry[0]) return -1; while (qry[0] == ' ') memmove(qry, qry + 1, strlen(qry)); if ((t2 = strchr(qry, ' '))) *t2 = 0; return 0; }
int gentree(char *basestr, struct sectree *tree) { int i, len; struct sectree *subsec; len = strlen(basestr); strsncpy(tree->basestr, basestr, sizeof (tree->basestr)); strsncpy(tree->introstr, getintrostr(basestr), sizeof (tree->introstr)); strsncpy(tree->des, getdes(basestr), sizeof (tree->des)); tree->nsubsec = 0; bzero(tree->seccodes, sizeof (tree->seccodes)); for (i = 0; i < npairs && tree->nsubsec <= MAXSUBSEC; i++) { if (pairs[i].seccode[0] == '*') continue; if (strlen(pairs[i].seccode) != len + 1) continue; if (strncmp(pairs[i].seccode, basestr, len)) continue; subsec = malloc(sizeof (struct sectree)); subsec->parent = tree; strsncpy(subsec->title, pairs[i].title, sizeof (subsec->title)); gentree(pairs[i].seccode, subsec); tree->subsec[tree->nsubsec] = subsec; tree->seccodes[tree->nsubsec] = pairs[i].seccode[len]; tree->nsubsec++; } return 0; }
int main() { int type; char pw1[20], pw2[20], pw3[20]; init_all(); if(!loginok) http_fatal("����δ��¼, ���ȵ�¼"); modify_mode(u_info,USERDEF+20000); //bluetent type=atoi(getparm("type")); if(type==0) { printf("%s -- ������ [�û�: %s]<hr color=green>\n", BBSNAME, currentuser.userid); printf("<form action=bbspwd?type=1 method=post>\n"); printf("��ľ�����: <input maxlength=12 size=12 type=password name=pw1><br>\n"); printf("���������: <input maxlength=12 size=12 type=password name=pw2><br>\n"); printf("������һ��: <input maxlength=12 size=12 type=password name=pw3><br><br>\n"); printf("<input type=submit value=ȷ����>\n"); http_quit(); } strsncpy(pw1, getparm("pw1"), 13); strsncpy(pw2, getparm("pw2"), 13); strsncpy(pw3, getparm("pw3"), 13); if(strcmp(pw2, pw3)) http_fatal("�������벻��ͬ"); if(strlen(pw2)<2) http_fatal("������̫��"); if(!checkpasswd(currentuser.passwd, pw1)) http_fatal("���벻��ȷ"); strcpy(currentuser.passwd, crypt1(pw2, pw2)); save_user_data(¤tuser); printf("[%s] �����ijɹ�.", currentuser.userid); }
int bbspassport_main() { char id[IDLEN + 1], buf[384], site[256]; struct userec *x; html_header(1); if (key_fail) http_fatal("�ڲ����� ��ϵά��!"); strsncpy(buf, getparm("pp"), sizeof (buf)); strsncpy(site, getparm("site"), sizeof (site)); strsncpy(id, des3_decode(buf, 0), IDLEN + 1); if (id[0] && getuser(id, &x) > 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "http://%s?q=%s", site, des3_encode(id, 1)); redirect(buf); http_quit(); return 0; } printf("<form name=lpassport method=post action=lpassport>\n"); printf("<table width=100%%>\n"); printf ("<tr><td align=right>*���������:<td align=left><input name=id size=12 maxlength=%d >\n", IDLEN); printf ("<tr><td align=right>*����������:<td align=left><input type=password name=pw size=12 maxlength=%d>\n", PASSLEN - 1); printf("<tr><td><td><input type=hidden name=site value=\"%s\">", site); printf("<tr><td align=right><input type=submit value=��¼>" " <td align=left><input type=reset value=������д></table>"); printf("</form>"); http_quit(); return 0; }
int bbseva_main() { char board[80], file[80]; int star; html_header(1); check_msg(); strsncpy(board, getparm("B"), 32); if (!board[0]) strsncpy(board, getparm("board"), 32); strsncpy(file, getparm("F"), 20); if (!file[0]) strsncpy(file, getparm("file"), 32); star = atoi(getparm("star")); if (!loginok) http_fatal("匆匆过客不能进行本项操作"); changemode(READING); if(! getboard(board)) http_fatal("错误的讨论区"); if (hideboard(board)) http_fatal("隐藏版面就不要评价文章啦!"); if (star < 1 || star > 5) http_fatal("错误的参数"); if (star == 1) star++; printf("<center>%s -- 评价文章 [使用者: %s]<hr>\n", BBSNAME, currentuser.userid); printf("<table><td>"); do_eva(board, file, star); printf("</td></table>"); printf("[<a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>返回</a>]"); http_quit(); return 0; }
void savemyclass() { struct brcinfo *brcinfo; struct boardmem *bx; char *ptr = getparm("myclass"); bx = getboard2(ptr); if (!bx) { printf("<b>没有找到 %s 版,请用“搜索”功能搜索版面</b><br>\n", ptr); return; } if (!has_read_perm_x(currentuser, bx)) { printf ("<b>%s 版是一个封闭版面,请先向版务申请加入,或者用“搜索”功能另选其他版面</b><br>\n", ptr); return; } brcinfo = brc_readinfo(currentuser->userid); strsncpy(brcinfo->myclass, bx->header.filename, sizeof (brcinfo->myclass)); ptr = strtrim(getparm("myclasstitle")); if (!strcmp(ptr, "版面标题")) brcinfo->myclasstitle[0] = 0; else strsncpy(brcinfo->myclasstitle, ptr, sizeof (brcinfo->myclasstitle)); brc_saveinfo(currentuser->userid, brcinfo); printf ("<b>设置成功</b>(以后可以到菜单“个人工具箱”-->“设定底栏显示的版面”进行修改)<br>"); printf("<script>top.f4.location.reload();</script>"); }
int readseclist(char *filename) { FILE *fp; char buf[256], *ptr; int i; fp = fopen(filename, "rt"); for (i = 0; i < MAXPAIRS; i++) { if (fgets(buf, sizeof (buf), fp) == NULL) break; if (buf[0] == '%') continue; ptr = strtok(buf, " \t\r\n"); if (!ptr) continue; strsncpy(pairs[i].seccode, ptr, sizeof (pairs[i].seccode)); ptr = strtok(NULL, "\t\r\n"); if (!ptr) continue; strsncpy(pairs[i].title, ptr, sizeof (pairs[i].title)); pairs[i].used = 0; } npairs = i; return 0; }
int main() { int i; struct boardmem x; if (initbbsinfo(&bbsinfo) < 0) return -1; shm_bcache = bbsinfo.bcacheshm; if (shm_bcache->number <= 0) return -1; initfilter(MY_BBS_HOME "/etc/filtertitle"); srand(time(NULL)); for (i = 0; i < shm_bcache->number; i++) { x = shm_bcache->bcache[i]; if (!testperm(&x)) continue; bzero(&lastmarklist[numlastmarkb], sizeof (lastmarklist[0])); strcpy(lastmarklist[numlastmarkb].board, x.header.filename); strcpy(lastmarklist[numlastmarkb].boardtitle, x.header.title); lastmarklist[numlastmarkb].bnum = i; lastmarklist[numlastmarkb].score = x.score; strsncpy(lastmarklist[numlastmarkb].sec1, x.header.sec1, sizeof (lastmarklist[numlastmarkb].sec1)); strsncpy(lastmarklist[numlastmarkb].sec2, x.header.sec2, sizeof (lastmarklist[numlastmarkb].sec2)); if (!(x.header.flag & CLOSECLUB_FLAG)) readlastmark(&lastmarklist[numlastmarkb]); numlastmarkb++; } makeallseclastmark(§ree); return 0; }
static int parse_txtfile_line(char *line, SPA *spa) { int type; char *ptr; char *path, *bname, *fname; bzero(spa, sizeof(SPA)); ptr = get_from_line(&line, &ptr, '\t'); type = atoi(ptr); if(!type) //未知的文章类型 return -1; ptr = get_from_line(&line, &ptr, '\t'); strsncpy(spa->title, ptr, sizeof(spa->title)); //文章标题 //printf("title:%s\t", title); ptr = get_from_line(&line, &ptr, '\t'); path = ptr; // 文章路径 //printf("path:%s\t", path); ptr = get_from_line(&line, &ptr, '\t'); strsncpy(spa->owner, ptr, sizeof(spa->owner)); // 用户名 //printf("%s\t", userid); if(type == 1) { // boards/sysop/M.1122334455.A // con?B=sysop&F=M.1122334455.A get_from_line(&path, &ptr, '/'); get_from_line(&path, &ptr, '/'); bname = ptr; //版名 get_from_line(&path, &ptr, '/'); fname = ptr; //文件名 if(!fname) return -1; snprintf(spa->hlink, sizeof(spa->hlink), "con?B=%s&F=%s", bname, fname); #ifdef ENABLE_BLOG } else if(type == 2) { // blog/E/赤名莉香/1122334455 // blogread?U=%s&T=1122334455 fname = strrchr(path, '/'); if(!fname) return -1; snprintf(spa->hlink, sizeof(spa->hlink), "blogread?U=%s&T=%s", spa->owner, ++fname); #endif } if(type == 3) { // 0Announce/gourps/GROUP_0/sysop/M1122334455/M1122334456... \t userid // bbsanc?path=/groups/...&item=M1122334456 get_from_line(&path, &ptr, '/'); fname = strrchr(path, '/'); if(!fname) return -1; *fname = 0; snprintf(spa->hlink, sizeof(spa->hlink), "bbsanc?path=/%s&item=/%s", path, ++fname); return 0; } return 0; }
int attach_init() { char *buf, buf2[1024], *t2, *t3; int n; srand(time(0)*2+getpid()); chdir(BBSHOME); printf("Content-Type: application/octet-stream \n"); printf("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=tshirt.csv \n\n", CHARSET); n=atoi(getsenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")); if(n>5000000) n=5000000; buf=calloc(n+1, 1); if(buf==0) http_fatal("memory overflow"); fread(buf, 1, n, stdin); buf[n]=0; t2=strtok(buf, "&"); while(t2) { t3=strchr(t2, '='); if(t3!=0) { t3[0]=0; t3++; __unhcode(t3); parm_add(trim(t2), t3); } t2=strtok(0, "&"); } strsncpy(buf2, getsenv("QUERY_STRING"), 1024); t2=strtok(buf2, "&"); while(t2) { t3=strchr(t2, '='); if(t3!=0) { t3[0]=0; t3++; __unhcode(t3); parm_add(trim(t2), t3); } t2=strtok(0, "&"); } strsncpy(buf2, getsenv("HTTP_COOKIE"), 1024); t2=strtok(buf2, ";"); while(t2) { t3=strchr(t2, '='); if(t3!=0) { t3[0]=0; t3++; parm_add(trim(t2), t3); } t2=strtok(0, ";"); } strsncpy(fromhost, getsenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), 32); seteuid(BBSUID); if(geteuid()!=BBSUID) http_fatal("uid error."); shm_init(); loginok=user_init(¤tuser, &u_info); if(u_info==0){ u_info=&guest; } return; }
int bbsdenyadd_main() { int i; char exp[80], board[80], *userid; int dt; struct userec *x; struct boardmem *x1; html_header(1); check_msg(); if (!loginok || isguest) http_fatal("您尚未登录, 请先登录"); changemode(READING); getparmboard(board, sizeof(board)); strsncpy(exp, getparm("exp"), 30); dt = atoi(getparm("dt")); if (!(x1 = getboard(board))) http_fatal("错误的讨论区"); if (!has_BM_perm(currentuser, x1)) http_fatal("你无权进行本操作"); loaddenyuser(board); userid = getparm("userid"); if (userid[0] == 0) return show_form(board); if (getuser(userid, &x) <= 0) http_fatal("错误的使用者帐号"); if (!has_post_perm(x, x1)) http_fatal("这个人本来就没有post权"); strcpy(userid, x->userid); if (!(currentuser->userlevel & PERM_SYSOP) && (dt > 14)) http_fatal("封禁时间大于14天,超过了权限,若需要,请联系站长"); if (dt < 1 || dt > 99) http_fatal("请输入被封天数(1-99)"); if (exp[0] == 0) http_fatal("请输入封人原因"); for (i = 0; i < denynum; i++) if (!strcasecmp(denyuser[i].id, userid)) http_fatal("此用户已经被封"); if (denynum > 40) http_fatal("太多人被封了"); strsncpy(denyuser[denynum].id, userid, 13); strsncpy(denyuser[denynum].exp, exp, 30); denyuser[denynum].free_time = now_t + dt * 86400; denynum++; savedenyuser(board); printf("封禁 %s 成功<br>\n", userid); tracelog("%s deny %s %s", currentuser->userid, board, userid); inform(board, userid, exp, dt); printf("[<a href=bbsdenyall?B=%d>返回被封帐号名单</a>]", getbnumx(x1)); http_quit(); return 0; }
int bbsfind_main() { char user[32], title3[80], title[80], title2[80]; int day; html_header(1); //check_msg(); changemode(READING); strsncpy(user, getparm("user"), 13); strsncpy(title, getparm("title"), 50); strsncpy(title2, getparm("title2"), 50); strsncpy(title3, getparm("title3"), 50); day = atoi(getparm("day")); printf("<body>"); if (day == 0) { printf("%s -- 站内文章查询<hr>\n", BBSNAME); printf ("<font color=red>用户查询请使用各版面上的 版内查询 功能,此查询主要供管理人员使用</font>" "<br> 目前系统负载 %f。系统负载超过 1.5 或者上线人数超过 %d 时将不能进行查询。<br>" "系统负载统计图和上线人数统计图可以到<a href=home?B=bbslists>bbslists版</a>查看<br>", *system_load(), ONLINELIMIT); if (!loginok || isguest) printf("<b>您还没有登录,请先登录再使用本功能</b><br>"); printf("<form action=bbsfind>\n"); printf ("文章作者: <input maxlength=12 size=12 type=text name=user> (不填查找所有作者)<br>\n"); printf ("标题含有: <input maxlength=60 size=20 type=text name=title>"); printf (" AND <input maxlength=60 size=20 type=text name=title2><br>\n"); printf ("标题不含: <input maxlength=60 size=20 type=text name=title3><br>\n"); printf ("查找最近: <input maxlength=5 size=5 type=text name=day value=7> 天以内的文章<br><br>\n"); printf("<input type=submit value=提交查询></form>\n"); } else { if (*system_load() >= 1.7 || count_online() > ONLINELIMIT) http_fatal ("用户查询请使用各版面上的 版内查询 功能,此查询主要供管理人员使用。系统负载(%f)或上线人数(%d)过高, 请在上站人数较少的时间查询( 系统负载超过 1.5 或者上线人数超过 %d 时不能进行查询 )", *system_load(), count_online(), ONLINELIMIT); if (!loginok || isguest) http_fatal("请先登录再使用本功能。"); search(user, title, title2, title3, day * 86400); } // printSoukeForm(); showfile(MY_BBS_HOME "/wwwtmp/googleanalytics"); printf("</body>"); http_quit(); return 0; }
int main(int n, char *cmd[]) { tcgetattr(0, &oldtty); cfmakeraw(&newtty); tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &newtty); if (n >= 2) strsncpy(userid, cmd[1], sizeof(userid)); if (n >= 3) strsncpy(fromhost, cmd[2], sizeof(fromhost)); winminelog("ENTER"); winmine(); tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &oldtty); return 0; }
static void load_GoodBrd() //´ÓÎļþÖлñÈ¡¶©ÔÄ°æÃ棬Ìî³äÊý¾Ý½á¹¹ GoodBrd { char buf[STRLEN]; FILE *fp; GoodBrd.num = 0; setuserfile(buf, ".goodbrd"); if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r"))) { for (GoodBrd.num = 0; GoodBrd.num < GOOD_BRC_NUM;) { if (!fgets(buf, sizeof (buf), fp)) break; strsncpy(GoodBrd.ID[GoodBrd.num], strtrim(buf), sizeof (GoodBrd.ID[GoodBrd.num])); if (canberead(GoodBrd.ID[GoodBrd.num])) GoodBrd.num++; } fclose(fp); } if (GoodBrd.num == 0) { GoodBrd.num++; if (getbcache(DEFAULTBOARD)) strcpy(GoodBrd.ID[0], DEFAULTBOARD); else strcpy(GoodBrd.ID[0], currboard); } }
int main() { init_all(); struct compact p; char board[STRLEN],path[STRLEN]; strsncpy(board, getparm("board"), 20); sprintf(path,"compact/%s/compact",board); int total=get_num_records(path,sizeof(p)); if(total==0) { showinfo("该板尚无过刊."); return 1; } printf("<center>%s 过刊区<br>",board); printf("----------------------------------------------------------"); printf("<table width=80% boarder=0 align=center>"); printf("<tr><td>序号</td><td>名称</td><td>文章总数</td><td>建立日期</td></tr>"); FILE *fp=fopen(path,"r"); if(fp==0) { printf("文件读取错误,请重试."); return 1; } int i=1; while(1) { if(fread(&p, sizeof(p), 1, fp)<=0) break; printf("<tr><td>%d</td><td><a href=bbsdoc?board=%s&&mode=c&&num=%d>%s</a></td><td>%d</td><td>%6.6s</td></tr>\ ",i,board,i,,,ctime(&p.time)+4); i++; } printf("</table>"); fclose(fp); return 0; }
void win_checkrec() { int n; win_loadrec(); for (n = 0; n <= NUMREC; n++) if (!strcmp(topID[n], userid)) { if (stage == topStage[n] && steps < topSteps[n]) { topSteps[n] = steps; strcpy(topFROM[n], fromhost); win_sort(); } if (stage > topStage[n]) { topStage[n] = stage; topSteps[n] = steps; strcpy(topFROM[n], fromhost); strcpy(prize[n], "δ"); win_sort(); } return; } if (stage > topStage[NUMREC - 1] || (stage == topStage[NUMREC - 1] && steps < topSteps[NUMREC - 1])) { strcpy(topID[NUMREC - 1], userid); topStage[NUMREC - 1] = stage; topSteps[NUMREC - 1] = steps; strsncpy(topFROM[NUMREC - 1], fromhost, sizeof (topFROM[0])); strcpy(prize[NUMREC - 1], "δ"); win_sort(); return; } }
int bbsfdel_main() { FILE *fp; int i, total = 0; char path[80], userid[80]; struct override f[200]; html_header(1); //check_msg(); if (!loginok || isguest) http_fatal("您尚未登录,请先登录"); changemode(GMENU); sethomefile(path, currentuser->userid, "friends"); printf("<center>%s -- 好友名单 [使用者: %s]<hr>\n", BBSNAME, currentuser->userid); strsncpy(userid, getparm("userid"), 13); if (userid[0] == 0) { printf("<form action=bbsfdel>\n"); printf("请输入欲删除的好友帐号: <input type=text><br>\n"); printf("<input type=submit>\n"); printf("</form>"); http_quit(); } loadfriend(currentuser->userid); if (friendnum <= 0) http_fatal("您没有设定任何好友"); if (!isfriend(userid)) http_fatal("此人本来就不在你的好友名单里"); for (i = 0; i < friendnum; i++) { if (strcasecmp(fff[i].id, userid)) { memcpy(&f[total], &fff[i], sizeof (struct override)); total++; } }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { FILE *fp; struct userec faint; if(argc!=3){ printf("error,number of arguments!\n"); return -1; } fp=fopen(MY_BBS_HOME "/.PASSWDS","r+"); if(!fp){ printf("error,can't open passwd file!\n"); return -1; } if(!goodgbid(argv[1])) printf("warning,invalid userid %s\n",argv[1]); if(!goodgbid(argv[2])) printf("warning,invalid userid %s\n",argv[2]); while(fread(&faint,1,sizeof(faint),fp)==sizeof(faint)){ if(strcmp(faint.userid,argv[1])) continue; strsncpy(faint.userid,argv[2],IDLEN+1); fseek(fp,- sizeof(faint),SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&faint,1,sizeof(faint),fp); fclose(fp); utime(MY_BBS_HOME "/.PASSFLUSH",NULL); return 0; } fclose(fp); printf("not found!\n"); return 0; }
int main() { int i; int shift=1; //wzk char board[80]; init_all(); if(!loginok) http_fatal("您尚未登录, 请先登录"); strsncpy(board, getparm("board"), 30); if(!has_read_perm(¤tuser, board)) http_fatal("错误的讨论区"); if(!has_BM_perm(¤tuser, board)) http_fatal("你无权进行本操作"); loaddenyuser(board); printf("<center>\n"); printf("%s -- 被封用户名单 [讨论区: %s]<hr color=green><br>\n", BBSNAME, board); printf("本板共有 %d 人被封<br>", denynum); printf("<table border=0><tr class=title><td>序号<td>用户帐号<td>被封原因<td>原定解封日期<td>管理\n"); for(i=0; i<denynum; i++) { printf("<tr><td>%d", i+1); printf("<td><a href=bbsqry?userid=%s>%s</a>", denyuser[i].id, denyuser[i].id); printf("<td>%s\n", nohtml(denyuser[i].exp)); printf("<td>%s\n", denyuser[i].free_time); printf("<td>[<a onclick='return confirm(\"确实解封吗?\")' href=bbsdenydel?board=%s&userid=%s>解封</a>]", board, denyuser[i].id); } printf("</table><hr color=green>\n"); printf("[<a href=bbsdenyadd?board=%s>设定新的不可POST用户</a>]</center>\n", board); http_quit(); }
int readlastmark(struct lastmarkl *lm) { char buf[200], *ptr; FILE *fp; sprintf(buf, MY_BBS_HOME "/wwwtmp/lastmark/%s", lm->board); if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r")) == NULL) goto END; lm->count = 0; while (fgets(buf, 200, fp)) { if (dofilter(buf)) continue; ptr = strchr(buf, '\t'); if (ptr == NULL) break; ptr++; lm->thread[lm->count] = atoi(ptr); if (lm->thread[lm->count] == 0) break; ptr = strchr(ptr, '\t'); if (!ptr) break; ptr++; strsncpy(lm->title[lm->count], ptr, sizeof (lm->title[0])); ptr = strchr(lm->title[lm->count], '\n'); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; lm->count++; if (lm->count >= NBRDITEM) break; } fclose(fp); END: return lm->count; }
int save_plan(char *plan) { char buf[10000]; /* add by yiyo 过滤说明档多余字符 char* p; int i; p = buf; i = 0; while (*p) { if (13 != *p) { buf[i] = *p; i++; } p++; } buf[i] = 0; /* add end by yiyo */ fp=fopen(plan, "w"); strsncpy(buf, getparm("text"), 9999); fprintf(fp, "%s", buf); fclose(fp); printf("个人说明档修改成功。"); http_quit(); }
int main(int argn, char **argv) { char buf[1024], sec[100], qry[100], manfile[100]; int retv; strsncpy(buf, getsenv("QUERY_STRING"), sizeof (buf)); if (strchr(buf, '&')) retv = getformarg(buf, sec, qry, 100); else if (strchr(buf, '+')) retv = geturlarg(buf, sec, qry, 100); else retv = -1; if (!retv) retv = testarg(sec, qry); if (!retv) { retv = getmanfile(sec, qry, manfile, sizeof (manfile)); if (retv) { printheader(); printf ("找不到与<font color=red>%s</font>相关的文档<br><br>\n", nohtml(qry)); } } if (retv) { printheader(); printsection(); printform(); return 0; } runman2html(manfile); return 0; }
int main() { char buf[512]; char file[80]; char keystr[80]; //关键字 int has=1; init_all(); if(!loginok) http_fatal("您尚未登录"); modify_mode(u_info,FTPSEARCH); strsncpy(keystr, getparm("keystr"), 80); printf("<body background=/bg_1.gif bgproperties=fixed>"); if(!strlen(keystr)) { printf("<table width=600 align=center><tr height=150><td align=center valign=bottom style='font-size:14px'><font color=blue>局域网FTP搜索引擎<p><p></font></td></tr>"); printf("<tr><td align=center style='font-size:14px'><form name=ftpsearch>请输入关键字:<input name=keystr type=text size=50 maxlength=80><input type=submit value=搜索> (<font color=red>%d</font>人在线)</form><script language=javascript>document.ftpsearch.keystr.focus();</script></td></tr>", countuser()); printf("<tr><td><table><tr>"); printf("<td><a href=bbsmyftp?type=4>我要加盟</a></td>"); if(SiteInList(fromhost)) printf("<td> | <a href=bbsmyftp>管理站点数据</a> | <a href=bbsmyftp?type=3>已上传数据的站点列表</a></td>"); printf("</tr></table></td></tr>"); printf("</tr><tr><td width=80%%>【说明】 本搜索引擎用来查找南开大学校内教育网和宿舍网FTP站点的数据。<br>各位站长可以自行上传自己的站点数据,服务器端对原始数据进行重新编码以供搜索。<br>因该引擎仅依照编码后的数据进行搜索,故不会对网络负载产生影响。</td></tr>"); printf("</table>"); } else { sprintf(file, "tmp/%d.tmp", getpid()); search(keystr, file); printf("</pre>"); unlink(file); } http_quit(); }
int genhotboard2009(struct hotboard *hb, const struct sectree *sec, int max) { int count = 0, i, j, len; struct boardmem *bmem[MAXHOTBOARD], *x, *x1; if (max < 3 || max > MAXHOTBOARD) max = 10; if (max == hb->max && hb->uptime > shm_bcache->uptime) return hb->count; len = strlen(sec->basestr); for (i = 0; i < MAXBOARD && i < shm_bcache->number; i++) { x = &(shm_bcache->bcache[i]); if (x->header.filename[0] <= 32 || x->header.filename[0] > 'z') continue; if (hideboard_x(x)) continue; if (strncmp(sec->basestr, x->header.sec1, len) && strncmp(sec->basestr, x->header.sec2, len)) continue; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { if (x->score > bmem[j]->score) break; if (x->score == bmem[j]->score && x->inboard > bmem[j]->inboard) break; } for (; j < count; j++) { x1 = bmem[j]; bmem[j] = x; x = x1; } if (count < max) bmem[count++] = x; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { strsncpy(hb->bname[i], bmem[i]->header.filename, sizeof (hb->bname[0])); strsncpy(hb->title[i], bmem[i]->header.title, sizeof (hb->title[0])); hb->bnum[i] = getbnumx(bmem[i]); } hb->max = max; hb->count = count; hb->uptime = now_t; hb->sec = sec; return count; }
int bbsfind_main() { char user[32], title3[80], title[80], title2[80]; int day; html_header(1); check_msg(); changemode(READING); strsncpy(user, getparm("user"), 13); strsncpy(title, getparm("title"), 50); strsncpy(title2, getparm("title2"), 50); strsncpy(title3, getparm("title3"), 50); day = atoi(getparm("day")); printf("<body>"); if (day == 0) { printf("%s -- 站内文章查询<hr>\n", BBSNAME); printf ("目前系统负载 %f。系统负载超过 5.0 或者上线人数超过 4000 时将不能进行查询。<br>" "系统负载统计图和上线人数统计图可以到<a href=%sbbslists>bbslists版</a>查看<br>", *system_load(),showByDefMode()); if (!loginok || isguest) printf("<b>您还没有登录,请先登录再使用本功能</b><br>"); printf("<form action=bbsfind>\n"); printf ("文章作者: <input maxlength=12 size=12 type=text name=user> (不填查找所有作者)<br>\n"); printf ("标题含有: <input maxlength=60 size=20 type=text name=title>"); printf (" AND <input maxlength=60 size=20 type=text name=title2><br>\n"); printf ("标题不含: <input maxlength=60 size=20 type=text name=title3><br>\n"); printf ("查找最近: <input maxlength=5 size=5 type=text name=day value=7> 天以内的文章<br><br>\n"); printf("<input type=submit value=提交查询></form>\n"); } else { if (*system_load() >= 5.0 || count_online() > 4000) http_fatal ("系统负载(%f)或上线人数(%d)过高, 请在上站人数较少的时间查询.", *system_load(), count_online()); if (!loginok || isguest) http_fatal("请先登录再使用本功能。"); search(user, title, title2, title3, day * 86400); } printf("</body>"); http_quit(); return 0; }
int verifyInvite(char *email) { char inviter[30], code[30], t[30]; char invitefn[256]; char ivemail[80]; strsncpy(inviter, getparm("inviter"), sizeof (inviter)); strsncpy(code, getparm("code"), sizeof (code)); strsncpy(t, getparm("t"), sizeof (t)); sprintf(invitefn, INVITATIONDIR "/%s/%s.%s", inviter, t, code); close(open(invitefn, O_RDWR)); //touch new if (!file_exist(invitefn) || readstrvalue(invitefn, "toemail", ivemail, sizeof (ivemail)) < 0) return 0; if (strcasecmp(email, ivemail)) return 0; return 1; }
int postInvite(char *userid, char *inviter) { struct userec *x, tmpu; char buf[256]; FILE *fp; if (getuser(inviter, &x) <= 0) return -1; loadfriend(userid); if (friendnum < MAXFRIENDS - 1) { strsncpy(fff[friendnum].id, x->userid, sizeof (fff[0].id)); strsncpy(fff[friendnum].exp, inviter, sizeof (fff[0].exp)); friendnum++; sethomefile(buf, userid, "friends"); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); fwrite(fff, sizeof (struct override), friendnum, fp); fclose(fp); }
int geturlarg(char *buf, char *sec, char *qry, int len) { char *t2; qry[0] = 0; sec[0] = 0; t2 = strtok(buf, "+"); if (!t2) return -1; __unhcode(t2); strsncpy(sec, t2, len); t2 = strtok(NULL, "+"); if (!t2) return -1; __unhcode(t2); strsncpy(qry, t2, len); return 0; }