Example #1
void AudioPortAudio::applyQualitySettings()
	if( hqAudio() )

		setSampleRate( Engine::mixer()->processingSampleRate() );
		int samples = mixer()->framesPerPeriod();

		PaError err = Pa_OpenStream(
			supportsCapture() ? &m_inputParameters : NULL,	// The input parameter
			&m_outputParameters,	// The outputparameter
			paNoFlag,		// Don't use any flags
			_process_callback, 	// our callback function
			this );
		if( err != paNoError )
			printf( "Couldn't open PortAudio: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );

Example #2
int AudioPortAudio::process_callback(
	const float *_inputBuffer,
	float * _outputBuffer,
	unsigned long _framesPerBuffer )
	if( supportsCapture() )
		mixer()->pushInputFrames( (sampleFrame*)_inputBuffer,
												_framesPerBuffer );

	if( m_stopped )
		memset( _outputBuffer, 0, _framesPerBuffer *
			channels() * sizeof(float) );
		return paComplete;

	while( _framesPerBuffer )
		if( m_outBufPos == 0 )
			// frames depend on the sample rate
			const fpp_t frames = getNextBuffer( m_outBuf );
			if( !frames )
				m_stopped = true;
				memset( _outputBuffer, 0, _framesPerBuffer *
					channels() * sizeof(float) );
				return paComplete;
			m_outBufSize = frames;
		const int min_len = qMin( (int)_framesPerBuffer,
			m_outBufSize - m_outBufPos );

		float master_gain = mixer()->masterGain();

		for( fpp_t frame = 0; frame < min_len; ++frame )
			for( ch_cnt_t chnl = 0; chnl < channels(); ++chnl )
				( _outputBuffer + frame * channels() )[chnl] =
						Mixer::clip( m_outBuf[frame][chnl] *
						master_gain );

		_outputBuffer += min_len * channels();
		_framesPerBuffer -= min_len;
		m_outBufPos += min_len;
		m_outBufPos %= m_outBufSize;

	return paContinue;
	SoundRecorder *SoundEngineOpenAL::createSoundRecorder(std::string device)
		if (!supportsCapture())
			return 0;
		// Create recorder
		SoundRecorderOpenAL *recorder = new SoundRecorderOpenAL(this);
		if (!recorder->create(device))
			delete recorder;
			return 0;
		// Add recorder to the recorder list for updates
		return recorder;
	std::vector<SoundDevice> SoundEngineOpenAL::getRecorderDevices()
		if (!supportsCapture())
			return std::vector<SoundDevice>();
		// Get device list
		const char *devicelist = alcGetString(NULL,
		// Split list
		std::vector<SoundDevice> devices;
		while (*devicelist)
			devices.push_back(SoundDevice(devicelist, devicelist));
			devicelist += strlen(devicelist) + 1;
		return devices;
Example #5
AudioPortAudio::AudioPortAudio( bool & _success_ful, Mixer * _mixer ) :
	AudioDevice( tLimit<ch_cnt_t>(
		ConfigManager::inst()->value( "audioportaudio", "channels" ).toInt(),
								_mixer ),
	m_paStream( NULL ),
	m_wasPAInitError( false ),
	m_outBuf( new surroundSampleFrame[mixer()->framesPerPeriod()] ),
	m_outBufPos( 0 ),
	m_stopSemaphore( 1 )
	_success_ful = false;

	m_outBufSize = mixer()->framesPerPeriod();

	PaError err = Pa_Initialize();
	if( err != paNoError ) {
		printf( "Couldn't initialize PortAudio: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
		m_wasPAInitError = true;

	if( Pa_GetDeviceCount() <= 0 )
	const QString& backend = ConfigManager::inst()->value( "audioportaudio", "backend" );
	const QString& device = ConfigManager::inst()->value( "audioportaudio", "device" );
	PaDeviceIndex inDevIdx = -1;
	PaDeviceIndex outDevIdx = -1;
	const PaDeviceInfo * di;
	for( int i = 0; i < Pa_GetDeviceCount(); ++i )
		di = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i );
		if( di->name == device &&
			Pa_GetHostApiInfo( di->hostApi )->name == backend )
			inDevIdx = i;
			outDevIdx = i;

	if( inDevIdx < 0 )
		inDevIdx = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice();
	if( outDevIdx < 0 )
		outDevIdx = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice();

	if( inDevIdx < 0 || outDevIdx < 0 )

	double inLatency = 0;//(double)mixer()->framesPerPeriod() / (double)sampleRate();
	double outLatency = 0;//(double)mixer()->framesPerPeriod() / (double)sampleRate();

	//inLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( inDevIdx )->defaultLowInputLatency;
	//outLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( outDevIdx )->defaultLowOutputLatency;
	const int samples = mixer()->framesPerPeriod();
	// Configure output parameters.
	m_outputParameters.device = outDevIdx;
	m_outputParameters.channelCount = channels();
	m_outputParameters.sampleFormat = paFloat32; // 32 bit floating point output
	m_outputParameters.suggestedLatency = outLatency;
	m_outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
	// Configure input parameters.
	m_inputParameters.device = inDevIdx;
	m_inputParameters.channelCount = DEFAULT_CHANNELS;
	m_inputParameters.sampleFormat = paFloat32; // 32 bit floating point input
	m_inputParameters.suggestedLatency = inLatency;
	m_inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
	// Open an audio I/O stream. 
	err = Pa_OpenStream(
			supportsCapture() ? &m_inputParameters : NULL,	// The input parameter
			&m_outputParameters,	// The outputparameter
			paNoFlag,		// Don't use any flags
			_process_callback, 	// our callback function
			this );

	if( err == paInvalidDevice && sampleRate() < 48000 )
		printf("Pa_OpenStream() failed with 44,1 KHz, trying again with 48 KHz\n");
		// some backends or drivers do not allow 32 bit floating point data
		// with a samplerate of 44100 Hz
		setSampleRate( 48000 );
		err = Pa_OpenStream(
				supportsCapture() ? &m_inputParameters : NULL,	// The input parameter
				&m_outputParameters,	// The outputparameter
				paNoFlag,		// Don't use any flags
				_process_callback, 	// our callback function
				this );

	if( err != paNoError )
		printf( "Couldn't open PortAudio: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );

	printf( "Input device: '%s' backend: '%s'\n", Pa_GetDeviceInfo( inDevIdx )->name, Pa_GetHostApiInfo( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( inDevIdx )->hostApi )->name );
	printf( "Output device: '%s' backend: '%s'\n", Pa_GetDeviceInfo( outDevIdx )->name, Pa_GetHostApiInfo( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( outDevIdx )->hostApi )->name );


	// TODO: debug Mixer::pushInputFrames()
	//m_supportsCapture = true;

	_success_ful = true;