Example #1
ICP_API float __stdcall ICP(Point3f *verts1, Point3f *verts2, int nVerts1, int nVerts2, float *R, float *t, int maxIter)
	PointCloud cloud1;
	cloud1.pts = vector<Point3f>(verts1, verts1 + nVerts1);

	cv::Mat matR(3, 3, CV_32F, R);
	cv::Mat matT(1, 3, CV_32F, t);

	cv::Mat verts2Mat(nVerts2, 3, CV_32F, (float*)verts2);

	float error = 1;

	for (int iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++)
		vector<Point3f> matched1, matched2;

		vector<float> distances(nVerts2);
		vector<size_t> indices(nVerts2);
		FindClosestPointForEach(cloud1, verts2Mat, distances, indices);

		vector<float> matchDistances;
		vector<int> matchIdxs(nVerts1, -1);
		for (int i = 0; i < nVerts2; i++)
			int pos = matchIdxs[indices[i]];

			if (pos != -1)
				if (matchDistances[pos] < distances[i])

			Point3f temp;
			temp.X = verts2Mat.at<float>(i, 0);
			temp.Y = verts2Mat.at<float>(i, 1);
			temp.Z = verts2Mat.at<float>(i, 2);

			if (pos == -1)


				matchIdxs[indices[i]] = matched1.size() - 1;
				matched2[pos] = temp;
				matchDistances[pos] = distances[i];

		RejectOutlierMatches(matched1, matched2, matchDistances, 2.5);

		//error = 0;
		//for (int i = 0; i < matchDistances.size(); i++)
		//	error += sqrt(matchDistances[i]);
		//error /= matchDistances.size();
		//cout << error << endl;

		cv::Mat matched1MatCv(matched1.size(), 3, CV_32F, matched1.data());
		cv::Mat matched2MatCv(matched2.size(), 3, CV_32F, matched2.data());
		cv::Mat tempT;
		cv::reduce(matched1MatCv - matched2MatCv, tempT, 0, CV_REDUCE_AVG);

		for (int i = 0; i < verts2Mat.rows; i++)
			verts2Mat.row(i) += tempT;
		for (int i = 0; i < matched2MatCv.rows; i++)
			matched2MatCv.row(i) += tempT;

		cv::Mat M = matched2MatCv.t() * matched1MatCv;
		cv::SVD svd;
		cv::Mat tempR = svd.u * svd.vt;

		double det = cv::determinant(tempR);
		if (det < 0)
			cv::Mat temp = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F);
			temp.at<float>(2, 2) = -1;
			tempR = svd.u * temp * svd.vt;

		verts2Mat = verts2Mat * tempR;

		matT += tempT * matR.t();
		matR = matR * tempR;

	memcpy(verts2, verts2Mat.data, verts2Mat.rows * sizeof(float) * 3);

	memcpy(R, matR.data, 9 * sizeof(float));
	memcpy(t, matT.data, 3 * sizeof(float));

	return error;
bool VersionManager::isResNeedUpdate()
	return svd().ver.is_high_to(rvd().ver);
Example #3
void ForecastMachine::smap_prediction(const size_t start, const size_t end)
    size_t curr_pred, effective_nn, E = data_vectors[0].size();
    double avg_distance;
    vec weights;
    std::vector<size_t> nearest_neighbors;
    MatrixXd A, S_inv;
    VectorXd B, S, x;
    double max_s, pred;
    std::vector<size_t> temp_lib;
    for(size_t k = start; k < end; ++k)
        curr_pred = which_pred[k];
        // find nearest neighbors
            temp_lib = which_lib;
            nearest_neighbors = find_nearest_neighbors(distances.innerVector(curr_pred));
            which_lib = temp_lib;
            nearest_neighbors = find_nearest_neighbors(distances.innerVector(curr_pred));
        effective_nn = nearest_neighbors.size();
        if(effective_nn == 0)
            predicted[curr_pred] = qnan;
            LOG_WARNING("no nearest neighbors found; using NA for forecast");
        weights.assign(effective_nn, 1.0); // default is for theta = 0
        if(theta > 0.0)
            // compute average distance
            avg_distance = 0;
            for(auto& neighbor: nearest_neighbors)
                avg_distance += distances.coeff(curr_pred, neighbor);
            avg_distance /= effective_nn;
            // compute weights
            for(size_t i = 0; i < effective_nn; ++i)
                weights[i] = exp(-theta * distances.coeff(curr_pred, nearest_neighbors[i]) / avg_distance);
        // setup matrices for SVD
        A.resize(effective_nn, E+1);
        for(size_t i = 0; i < effective_nn; ++i)
            B(i) = weights[i] * targets[nearest_neighbors[i]];
            for(size_t j = 0; j < E; ++j)
                A(i, j) = weights[i] * data_vectors[nearest_neighbors[i]][j];
            A(i, E) = weights[i];
        // perform SVD
        JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd(A, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
        // remove singular values close to 0
        S = svd.singularValues();
        S_inv = MatrixXd::Zero(E+1, E+1);
        max_s = S(0) * 1e-5;
        for(size_t j = 0; j <= E; ++j)
            if(S(j) >= max_s)
                S_inv(j, j) = 1/S(j);
        // perform back-substitution to solve
        x = svd.matrixV() * S_inv * svd.matrixU().transpose() * B;
        pred = 0;
        for(size_t j = 0; j < E; ++j)
            pred += x(j) * data_vectors[curr_pred][j];
        pred += x(E);
            for(size_t j = 0; j <= E; ++j)
                smap_coefficients[curr_pred][j] = x(j);
        // save prediction
        predicted[curr_pred] = pred;
Example #4
void Foam::FitData<FitDataType, ExtendedStencil, Polynomial>::calcFit
    scalarList& coeffsi,
    const List<point>& C,
    const scalar wLin,
    const label facei
    vector idir(1,0,0);
    vector jdir(0,1,0);
    vector kdir(0,0,1);
    findFaceDirs(idir, jdir, kdir, facei);

    // Setup the point weights
    scalarList wts(C.size(), scalar(1));
    wts[0] = centralWeight_;
    if (linearCorrection_)
        wts[1] = centralWeight_;

    // Reference point
    point p0 = this->mesh().faceCentres()[facei];

    // Info << "Face " << facei << " at " << p0 << " stencil points at:\n"
    //     << C - p0 << endl;

    // p0 -> p vector in the face-local coordinate system
    vector d;

    // Local coordinate scaling
    scalar scale = 1;

    // Matrix of the polynomial components
    scalarRectangularMatrix B(C.size(), minSize_, scalar(0));

    for(label ip = 0; ip < C.size(); ip++)
        const point& p = C[ip];

        d.x() = (p - p0)&idir;
        d.y() = (p - p0)&jdir;
        d.z() = (p - p0)&kdir;
#       else
        d.z() = mag(p) - mag(p0);
#       endif

        if (ip == 0)
            scale = cmptMax(cmptMag((d)));

        // Scale the radius vector
        d /= scale;


    // Additional weighting for constant and linear terms
    for(label i = 0; i < B.n(); i++)
        B[i][0] *= wts[0];
        B[i][1] *= wts[0];

    // Set the fit
    label stencilSize = C.size();

    bool goodFit = false;
    for(int iIt = 0; iIt < 8 && !goodFit; iIt++)
        SVD svd(B, SMALL);

        scalar maxCoeff = 0;
        label maxCoeffi = 0;

        for(label i=0; i<stencilSize; i++)
            coeffsi[i] = wts[0]*wts[i]*svd.VSinvUt()[0][i];
            if (mag(coeffsi[i]) > maxCoeff)
                maxCoeff = mag(coeffsi[i]);
                maxCoeffi = i;

        if (linearCorrection_)
            goodFit =
                (mag(coeffsi[0] - wLin) < linearLimitFactor_*wLin)
             && (mag(coeffsi[1] - (1 - wLin)) < linearLimitFactor_*(1 - wLin))
             && maxCoeffi <= 1;
            // Upwind: weight on face is 1.
            goodFit =
                (mag(coeffsi[0] - 1.0) < linearLimitFactor_*1.0)
             && maxCoeffi <= 1;

        // if (goodFit && iIt > 0)
        // {
            // Info << "FitData<Polynomial>::calcFit"
            //     << "(const List<point>& C, const label facei" << nl
            //     << "Can now fit face " << facei << " iteration " << iIt
            //     << " with sum of weights " << sum(coeffsi) << nl
            //     << "    Weights " << coeffsi << nl
            //     << "    Linear weights " << wLin << " " << 1 - wLin << nl
            //     << "    sing vals " << svd.S() << endl;
        // }

        if (!goodFit) // (not good fit so increase weight in the centre and weight
                      //  for constant and linear terms)
            // if (iIt == 7)
            // {
            //     WarningIn
            //     (
            //         "FitData<Polynomial>::calcFit"
            //         "(const List<point>& C, const label facei"
            //     )   << "Cannot fit face " << facei << " iteration " << iIt
            //         << " with sum of weights " << sum(coeffsi) << nl
            //         << "    Weights " << coeffsi << nl
            //         << "    Linear weights " << wLin << " " << 1 - wLin << nl
            //         << "    sing vals " << svd.S() << endl;
            // }

            wts[0] *= 10;
            if (linearCorrection_)
                wts[1] *= 10;

            for(label j = 0; j < B.m(); j++)
                B[0][j] *= 10;
                B[1][j] *= 10;

            for(label i = 0; i < B.n(); i++)
                B[i][0] *= 10;
                B[i][1] *= 10;

    if (goodFit)
        if (linearCorrection_)
            // Remove the uncorrected linear coefficients
            coeffsi[0] -= wLin;
            coeffsi[1] -= 1 - wLin;
            // Remove the uncorrected upwind coefficients
            coeffsi[0] -= 1.0;
        // if (debug)
        // {
            )   << "Could not fit face " << facei
                << "    Weights = " << coeffsi
                << ", reverting to linear." << nl
                << "    Linear weights " << wLin << " " << 1 - wLin << endl;
        // }

        coeffsi = 0;
Example #5
         Mat< std::complex<typename T1::pod_type> >&     coeff_out,
         Mat< std::complex<typename T1::pod_type> >&     score_out,
         Col<              typename T1::pod_type  >&     latent_out,
  const Base< std::complex<typename T1::pod_type>, T1 >& X,
  const typename arma_cx_only<typename T1::elem_type>::result* junk
  typedef typename T1::pod_type     T;
  typedef          std::complex<T> eT;
  const unwrap_check<T1> Y( X.get_ref(), score_out );
  const Mat<eT>& in    = Y.M;
  const uword n_rows = in.n_rows;
  const uword n_cols = in.n_cols;
  if(n_rows > 1) // more than one sample
    // subtract the mean - use score_out as temporary matrix
    score_out = in;  score_out.each_row() -= mean(in);
    // singular value decomposition
    Mat<eT> U;
    Col< T> s;
    const bool svd_ok = svd(U, s, coeff_out, score_out);
    if(svd_ok == false)  { return false; }
    // normalize the eigenvalues
    s /= std::sqrt( double(n_rows - 1) );
    // project the samples to the principals
    score_out *= coeff_out;
    if(n_rows <= n_cols) // number of samples is less than their dimensionality
      Col<T> s_tmp = zeros< Col<T> >(n_cols);
      s_tmp.rows(0,n_rows-2) = s.rows(0,n_rows-2);
      s = s_tmp;
    // compute the eigenvalues of the principal vectors
    latent_out = s%s;
  else // 0 or 1 samples
    coeff_out.eye(n_cols, n_cols);


  return true;
Example #6
void HomographyModel::estimate_from_minimal_set(const vector< ScoredMatch> &data_points)
{ // given m points estimate the parameters vector

    // based on vxl rrel_homography2d_est :: fit_from_minimal_set
    if ( data_points.size() < get_num_points_to_estimate())
        throw runtime_error("Not enough points to estimate the HomographyModel parameters");

    vnl_matrix< double > A(9, 9, 0.0);
    for ( int i=0; i < get_num_points_to_estimate(); i+=1 )
    { // for i = 0,1,2,3
        vgl_homg_point_2d<double> from_point(data_points[i].feature_a->x, data_points[i].feature_a->y);
        vgl_homg_point_2d<double> to_point(data_points[i].feature_b->x, data_points[i].feature_b->y);

        if (false)
        { // just for debugging
            printf("from_points[%i] -> to_points[%i] ==", i,i);
            cout << from_point << " -> " << to_point << endl;

        A( 2*i, 0 ) = A( 2*i+1, 3 ) = from_point.x() * to_point.w();
        A( 2*i, 1 ) = A( 2*i+1, 4 ) = from_point.y() * to_point.w();
        A( 2*i, 2 ) = A( 2*i+1, 5 ) = from_point.w() * to_point.w();
        A( 2*i, 6 ) = -1 * from_point.x() * to_point.x();
        A( 2*i, 7 ) = -1 * from_point.y() * to_point.x();
        A( 2*i, 8 ) = -1 * from_point.w() * to_point.x();
        A( 2*i+1, 6 ) = -1 * from_point.x() * to_point.y();
        A( 2*i+1, 7 ) = -1 * from_point.y() * to_point.y();
        A( 2*i+1, 8 ) = -1 * from_point.w() * to_point.y();

    vnl_svd<double> svd( A, 1.0e-8 );

    if (false)
    { // just for debugging

        cout << "A == " << A << endl;
        cout << "svd(A) == " << svd << endl;

    const unsigned int homog_dof_ = 8;
    if ( svd.rank() < homog_dof_ )
        // singular fit
        if (true)
        { // just for debugging
            cout << "svd.rank() == " << svd.rank() << endl;

            for ( unsigned int i=0; i<get_num_points_to_estimate(); ++i )
                vgl_homg_point_2d<double> from_point(data_points[i].feature_a->x, data_points[i].feature_a->y);
                vgl_homg_point_2d<double> to_point(data_points[i].feature_b->x, data_points[i].feature_b->y);

                cout << "from->to point[i]-> " << from_point << "->" << to_point << endl;


        throw runtime_error("HomographyModel::estimate_from_minimal_set failed");

    vnl_vector<double> params = svd.nullvector();

    if (params.size() != parameters.size() )
        throw runtime_error("HomographyModel::estimate_from_minimal_set internal error");

    for ( unsigned int i=0; i<get_num_parameters(); i+=1 )
        parameters[i] = params[i]; // copy the result

   if ( false ) {
	    cout << "HomographyModel parameters: " << parameters << endl;
} // end of 'HomographyModel::estimate_from_minimal_set'
Example #7
// Overloaded version:  Return singular values only.
DVec& svd(const DMat& mat) 
  DMat U, VT;  
  return svd(mat, U, VT, 'N', 'N'); 
Example #8
void r_and_t(MatrixXf &rot_cw, VectorXf &pos_cw,MatrixXf start_points, MatrixXf end_points,
             MatrixXf P1w,MatrixXf P2w,MatrixXf initRot_cw,VectorXf initPos_cw,
             int maxIterNum,float TerminateTh,int nargin)

        maxIterNum = 8;
        TerminateTh = 1e-5;

    int n = start_points.cols();

    if(n != end_points.cols() || n!= P1w.cols() || n!= P2w.cols())


    //first compute the weight of each line and the normal of
    //the interpretation plane passing through to camera center and the line

    VectorXf w = VectorXf::Zero(n);
    MatrixXf nc = MatrixXf::Zero(3,n);

    for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
        //the weight of a line is the inverse of its image length
        w[i] = 1/(start_points.col(i)-end_points.col(i)).norm();
        vfloat3 v1 = start_points.col(i);
        vfloat3 v2 = end_points.col(i);
        vfloat3 temp = v1.cross(v2);
        nc.col(i) = temp/temp.norm();

    MatrixXf rot_wc = initPos_cw.transpose();
    MatrixXf pos_wc = - initRot_cw.transpose() * initPos_cw;

    for(int iter = 1 ; iter < maxIterNum ; iter++)
        //construct the equation (31)
        MatrixXf A = MatrixXf::Zero(6,7);
        MatrixXf C = MatrixXf::Zero(3,3);
        MatrixXf D = MatrixXf::Zero(3,3);
        MatrixXf F = MatrixXf::Zero(3,3);
        vfloat3 c_bar = vfloat3(0,0,0);
        vfloat3 d_bar = vfloat3(0,0,0);
        for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
            //for first point on line
            vfloat3 Pi = rot_wc * P1w.col(i);
            vfloat3 Ni = nc.col(i);
            float wi = w[i];
            vfloat3 bi = Pi.cross(Ni);
            C = C + wi*Ni*Ni.transpose();
            D = D + wi*bi*bi.transpose();
            F = F + wi*Ni*bi.transpose();
            vfloat3 tempi = Pi + pos_wc;
            float scale = Ni.transpose() * tempi;
            scale *= wi;
            c_bar = c_bar + scale * Ni;
            d_bar = d_bar + scale*bi;
            //for second point on line
            Pi = rot_wc * P2w.col(i);
            Ni = nc.col(i);
            wi = w[i];
            bi = Pi.cross(Ni);
            C  = C + wi*Ni*Ni.transpose();
            D  = D + wi*bi*bi.transpose();
            F  = F + wi*Ni*bi.transpose();
            scale = (Ni.transpose() * (Pi + pos_wc));
            scale *= wi;
            c_bar = c_bar + scale * Ni;
            d_bar = d_bar + scale * bi;
        A.block<3,3>(0,0) = C;
        A.block<3,3>(0,3) = F;
        (A.col(6)).segment(0,2) = c_bar;
        A.block<3,3>(3,0) = F.transpose();
        A.block<3,3>(2,2) = D;
        (A.col(6)).segment(3,5) = d_bar;
        //sovle the system by using SVD;
        JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svd(A, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
        VectorXf vec(7);
        //the last column of Vmat;
        vec = (svd.matrixV()).col(6);
        //the condition that the last element of vec should be 1.
        vec = vec/vec[6];

        //update the rotation and translation parameters;
        vfloat3 dT = vec.segment(0,2);
        vfloat3 dOmiga = vec.segment(3,5);
        MatrixXf rtemp(3,3);
        rtemp << 1, -dOmiga[2], dOmiga[1], dOmiga[2], 1, -dOmiga[1], -dOmiga[1], dOmiga[0], 1;
        rot_wc = rtemp * rot_wc;
        //newRot_wc = ( I + [dOmiga]x ) oldRot_wc
        //may be we can compute new R using rodrigues(r+dr)
        pos_wc = pos_wc + dT;

        if(dT.norm() < TerminateTh && dOmiga.norm() < 0.1*TerminateTh)
    rot_cw = rot_wc.transpose();
    pos_cw = -rot_cw * pos_wc;
Example #9
void pose_estimation_from_line_correspondence(Eigen::MatrixXf start_points,
                                              Eigen::MatrixXf end_points,
                                              Eigen::MatrixXf directions,
                                              Eigen::MatrixXf points,
                                              Eigen::MatrixXf &rot_cw,
                                              Eigen::VectorXf &pos_cw)

    int n = start_points.cols();
    if(n != directions.cols())


    float condition_err_threshold = 1e-3;
    Eigen::VectorXf cosAngleThreshold(3);
    cosAngleThreshold << 1.1, 0.9659, 0.8660;
    Eigen::MatrixXf optimumrot_cw(3,3);
    Eigen::VectorXf optimumpos_cw(3);
    std::vector<float> lineLenVec(n,1);

    vfloat3 l1;
    vfloat3 l2;
    vfloat3 nc1;
    vfloat3 Vw1;
    vfloat3 Xm;
    vfloat3 Ym;
    vfloat3 Zm;
    Eigen::MatrixXf Rot(3,3);
    std::vector<vfloat3> nc_bar(n,vfloat3(0,0,0));
    std::vector<vfloat3> Vw_bar(n,vfloat3(0,0,0));
    std::vector<vfloat3> n_c(n,vfloat3(0,0,0));
    Eigen::MatrixXf Rx(3,3);
    int line_id;

    for(int HowToChooseFixedTwoLines = 1 ; HowToChooseFixedTwoLines <=3 ; HowToChooseFixedTwoLines++)

#pragma omp parallel for
            for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++ )
                // to correct
                float lineLen = 10;
                lineLenVec[i] = lineLen;
            std::vector<float>::iterator result;
            result = std::max_element(lineLenVec.begin(), lineLenVec.end());
            line_id = std::distance(lineLenVec.begin(), result);
            vfloat3 temp;
            temp = start_points.col(0);
            start_points.col(0) = start_points.col(line_id);
            start_points.col(line_id) = temp;

            temp = end_points.col(0);
            end_points.col(0) = end_points.col(line_id);
            end_points.col(line_id) = temp;

            temp = directions.col(line_id);
            directions.col(0) = directions.col(line_id);
            directions.col(line_id) = temp;

            temp = points.col(0);
            points.col(0) = points.col(line_id);
            points.col(line_id) = temp;

            lineLenVec[line_id] = lineLenVec[1];
            lineLenVec[1] = 0;
            l1 = start_points.col(0) - end_points.col(0);
            l1 = l1/l1.norm();

        for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
            std::vector<float>::iterator result;
            result = std::max_element(lineLenVec.begin(), lineLenVec.end());
            line_id = std::distance(lineLenVec.begin(), result);
            l2 = start_points.col(line_id) - end_points.col(line_id);
            l2 = l2/l2.norm();
            lineLenVec[line_id] = 0;
            MatrixXf cosAngle(3,3);
            cosAngle = (l1.transpose()*l2).cwiseAbs();
            if(cosAngle.maxCoeff() < cosAngleThreshold[HowToChooseFixedTwoLines])

        vfloat3 temp;
        temp = start_points.col(1);
        start_points.col(1) = start_points.col(line_id);
        start_points.col(line_id) = temp;

        temp = end_points.col(1);
        end_points.col(1) = end_points.col(line_id);
        end_points.col(line_id) = temp;

        temp = directions.col(1);
        directions.col(1) = directions.col(line_id);
        directions.col(line_id) = temp;

        temp = points.col(1);
        points.col(1) = points.col(line_id);
        points.col(line_id) = temp;

        lineLenVec[line_id] = lineLenVec[1];
        lineLenVec[1] = 0;

        // The rotation matrix R_wc is decomposed in way which is slightly different from the description in the paper,
        // but the framework is the same.
        // R_wc = (Rot') * R * Rot =  (Rot') * (Ry(theta) * Rz(phi) * Rx(psi)) * Rot
        nc1 = x_cross(start_points.col(1),end_points.col(1));
        nc1 = nc1/nc1.norm();

        Vw1 = directions.col(1);
        Vw1 = Vw1/Vw1.norm();

        //the X axis of Model frame
        Xm = x_cross(nc1,Vw1);
        Xm = Xm/Xm.norm();

        //the Y axis of Model frame
        Ym = nc1;

        //the Z axis of Model frame
        Zm = x_cross(Xm,Zm);
        Zm = Zm/Zm.norm();

        //Rot * [Xm, Ym, Zm] = I.
        Rot.col(0) = Xm;
        Rot.col(1) = Ym;
        Rot.col(2) = Zm;

        Rot = Rot.transpose();

        //rotate all the vector by Rot.
        //nc_bar(:,i) = Rot * nc(:,i)
        //Vw_bar(:,i) = Rot * Vw(:,i)
#pragma omp parallel for
        for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
            vfloat3 nc = x_cross(start_points.col(1),end_points.col(1));
            nc = nc/nc.norm();
            n_c[i] = nc;
            nc_bar[i] = Rot * nc;
            Vw_bar[i] = Rot * directions.col(i);

        //Determine the angle psi, it is the angle between z axis and Vw_bar(:,1).
        //The rotation matrix Rx(psi) rotates Vw_bar(:,1) to z axis
        float cospsi = (Vw_bar[1])[2];//the angle between z axis and Vw_bar(:,1); cospsi=[0,0,1] * Vw_bar(:,1);.
        float sinpsi= sqrt(1 - cospsi*cospsi);
        Rx.row(0) = vfloat3(1,0,0);
        Rx.row(1) = vfloat3(0,cospsi,-sinpsi);
        Rx.row(2) = vfloat3(0,sinpsi,cospsi);
        vfloat3 Zaxis = Rx * Vw_bar[1];
        if(1-fabs(Zaxis[3]) > 1e-5)
            Rx = Rx.transpose();

        //estimate the rotation angle phi by least square residual.
        //i.e the rotation matrix Rz(phi)
        vfloat3 Vm2 = Rx * Vw_bar[1];
        float A2 = Vm2[0];
        float B2 = Vm2[1];
        float C2 = Vm2[2];
        float x2 = (nc_bar[1])[0];
        float y2 = (nc_bar[1])[1];
        float z2 = (nc_bar[1])[2];
        Eigen::PolynomialSolver<double, Eigen::Dynamic> solver;
        Eigen::VectorXf coeff(9);

        std::vector<float> coef(9,0); //coefficients of equation (7)
        Eigen::VectorXf polyDF = VectorXf::Zero(16); //%dF = ployDF(1) * t^15 + ployDF(2) * t^14 + ... + ployDF(15) * t + ployDF(16);

        //construct the  polynomial F'
#pragma omp parallel for
        for(int i = 3 ; i < n ; i++)
            vfloat3 Vm3 = Rx*Vw_bar[i];
            float A3 = Vm3[0];
            float B3 = Vm3[1];
            float C3 = Vm3[2];
            float x3 = (nc_bar[i])[0];
            float y3 = (nc_bar[i])[1];
            float z3 = (nc_bar[i])[2];
            float u11 = -z2*A2*y3*B3 + y2*B2*z3*A3;
            float u12 = -y2*A2*z3*B3 + z2*B2*y3*A3;
            float u13 = -y2*B2*z3*B3 + z2*B2*y3*B3 + y2*A2*z3*A3 - z2*A2*y3*A3;
            float u14 = -y2*B2*x3*C3 + x2*C2*y3*B3;
            float u15 =  x2*C2*y3*A3 - y2*A2*x3*C3;
            float u21 = -x2*A2*y3*B3 + y2*B2*x3*A3;
            float u22 = -y2*A2*x3*B3 + x2*B2*y3*A3;
            float u23 =  x2*B2*y3*B3 - y2*B2*x3*B3 - x2*A2*y3*A3 + y2*A2*x3*A3;
            float u24 =  y2*B2*z3*C3 - z2*C2*y3*B3;
            float u25 =  y2*A2*z3*C3 - z2*C2*y3*A3;
            float u31 = -x2*A2*z3*A3 + z2*A2*x3*A3;
            float u32 = -x2*B2*z3*B3 + z2*B2*x3*B3;
            float u33 =  x2*A2*z3*B3 - z2*A2*x3*B3 + x2*B2*z3*A3 - z2*B2*x3*A3;
            float u34 =  z2*A2*z3*C3 + x2*A2*x3*C3 - z2*C2*z3*A3 - x2*C2*x3*A3;
            float u35 = -z2*B2*z3*C3 - x2*B2*x3*C3 + z2*C2*z3*B3 + x2*C2*x3*B3;
            float u36 = -x2*C2*z3*C3 + z2*C2*x3*C3;
            float a4 =   u11*u11 + u12*u12 - u13*u13 - 2*u11*u12 +   u21*u21 + u22*u22 - u23*u23
                    -2*u21*u22 - u31*u31 - u32*u32 +   u33*u33 + 2*u31*u32;
            float a3 =2*(u11*u14 - u13*u15 - u12*u14 +   u21*u24 -   u23*u25
                         - u22*u24 - u31*u34 + u33*u35 +   u32*u34);
            float a2 =-2*u12*u12 + u13*u13 + u14*u14 -   u15*u15 + 2*u11*u12 - 2*u22*u22 + u23*u23
                    + u24*u24 - u25*u25 +2*u21*u22+ 2*u32*u32 -   u33*u33
                    - u34*u34 + u35*u35 -2*u31*u32- 2*u31*u36 + 2*u32*u36;
            float a1 =2*(u12*u14 + u13*u15 +  u22*u24 +  u23*u25 -   u32*u34 - u33*u35 - u34*u36);
            float a0 =   u12*u12 + u15*u15+   u22*u22 +  u25*u25 -   u32*u32 - u35*u35 - u36*u36 - 2*u32*u36;
            float b3 =2*(u11*u13 - u12*u13 +  u21*u23 -  u22*u23 -   u31*u33 + u32*u33);
            float b2 =2*(u11*u15 - u12*u15 +  u13*u14 +  u21*u25 -   u22*u25 + u23*u24 - u31*u35 + u32*u35 - u33*u34);
            float b1 =2*(u12*u13 + u14*u15 +  u22*u23 +  u24*u25 -   u32*u33 - u34*u35 - u33*u36);
            float b0 =2*(u12*u15 + u22*u25 -  u32*u35 -  u35*u36);

            float d0 =    a0*a0 -   b0*b0;
            float d1 = 2*(a0*a1 -   b0*b1);
            float d2 =    a1*a1 + 2*a0*a2 +   b0*b0 - b1*b1 - 2*b0*b2;
            float d3 = 2*(a0*a3 +   a1*a2 +   b0*b1 - b1*b2 -   b0*b3);
            float d4 =    a2*a2 + 2*a0*a4 + 2*a1*a3 + b1*b1 + 2*b0*b2 - b2*b2 - 2*b1*b3;
            float d5 = 2*(a1*a4 +   a2*a3 +   b1*b2 + b0*b3 -   b2*b3);
            float d6 =    a3*a3 + 2*a2*a4 +   b2*b2 - b3*b3 + 2*b1*b3;
            float d7 = 2*(a3*a4 +   b2*b3);
            float d8 =    a4*a4 +   b3*b3;
            std::vector<float> v { a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0 };
            Eigen::VectorXf vp;
            vp <<  a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0 ;
            //coef = coef + v;
            coeff = coeff + vp;

            polyDF[0] = polyDF[0] + 8*d8*d8;
            polyDF[1] = polyDF[1] + 15* d7*d8;
            polyDF[2] = polyDF[2] + 14* d6*d8 + 7*d7*d7;
            polyDF[3] = polyDF[3] + 13*(d5*d8 +  d6*d7);
            polyDF[4] = polyDF[4] + 12*(d4*d8 +  d5*d7) +  6*d6*d6;
            polyDF[5] = polyDF[5] + 11*(d3*d8 +  d4*d7 +  d5*d6);
            polyDF[6] = polyDF[6] + 10*(d2*d8 +  d3*d7 +  d4*d6) + 5*d5*d5;
            polyDF[7] = polyDF[7] + 9 *(d1*d8 +  d2*d7 +  d3*d6  + d4*d5);
            polyDF[8] = polyDF[8] + 8 *(d1*d7 +  d2*d6 +  d3*d5) + 4*d4*d4 + 8*d0*d8;
            polyDF[9] = polyDF[9] + 7 *(d1*d6 +  d2*d5 +  d3*d4) + 7*d0*d7;
            polyDF[10] = polyDF[10] + 6 *(d1*d5 +  d2*d4) + 3*d3*d3 + 6*d0*d6;
            polyDF[11] = polyDF[11] + 5 *(d1*d4 +  d2*d3)+ 5*d0*d5;
            polyDF[12] = polyDF[12] + 4 * d1*d3 +  2*d2*d2 + 4*d0*d4;
            polyDF[13] = polyDF[13] + 3 * d1*d2 +  3*d0*d3;
            polyDF[14] = polyDF[14] + d1*d1 + 2*d0*d2;
            polyDF[15] = polyDF[15] + d0*d1;

        Eigen::VectorXd coefficientPoly = VectorXd::Zero(16);

        for(int j =0; j < 16 ; j++)
            coefficientPoly[j] = polyDF[15-j];

        //solve polyDF
        const Eigen::PolynomialSolver<double, Eigen::Dynamic>::RootsType & r = solver.roots();
        Eigen::VectorXd rs(r.rows());
        Eigen::VectorXd is(r.rows());
        std::vector<float> min_roots;
        for(int j =0;j<r.rows();j++)
            rs[j] = fabs(r[j].real());
            is[j] = fabs(r[j].imag());

        float maxreal = rs.maxCoeff();

        for(int j = 0 ; j < rs.rows() ; j++ )
            if(is[j]/maxreal <= 0.001)

        std::vector<float> temp_v(15);
        std::vector<float> poly(15);
        for(int j = 0 ; j < 15 ; j++)
            temp_v[j] = j+1;

        for(int j = 0 ; j < 15 ; j++)
            poly[j] = polyDF[j]*temp_v[j];

        Eigen::Matrix<double,16,1> polynomial;

        Eigen::VectorXd evaluation(min_roots.size());

        for( int j = 0; j < min_roots.size(); j++ )
            evaluation[j] = poly_eval( polynomial, min_roots[j] );

        std::vector<float> minRoots;

        for( int j = 0; j < min_roots.size(); j++ )

            cout << "No solution" << endl;

        int numOfRoots = minRoots.size();
        //for each minimum, we try to find a solution of the camera pose, then
        //choose the one with the least reprojection residual as the optimum of the solution.
        float minimalReprojectionError = 100;
        // In general, there are two solutions which yields small re-projection error
        // or condition error:"n_c * R_wc * V_w=0". One of the solution transforms the
        // world scene behind the camera center, the other solution transforms the world
        // scene in front of camera center. While only the latter one is correct.
        // This can easily be checked by verifying their Z coordinates in the camera frame.
        // P_c(Z) must be larger than 0 if it's in front of the camera.

        for(int rootId = 0 ; rootId < numOfRoots ; rootId++)

            float cosphi = minRoots[rootId];
            float sign1 = sign_of_number(coeff[0] * pow(cosphi,4)
                    + coeff[1] * pow(cosphi,3) + coeff[2] * pow(cosphi,2)
                    + coeff[3] * cosphi + coeff[4]);
            float  sign2 = sign_of_number(coeff[5] * pow(cosphi,3)
                    + coeff[6] * pow(cosphi,2) + coeff[7] * cosphi   + coeff[8]);
            float sinphi= -sign1*sign2*sqrt(abs(1-cosphi*cosphi));
            Eigen::MatrixXf Rz(3,3);
            Rz.row(0) = vfloat3(cosphi,-sinphi,0);
            Rz.row(1) = vfloat3(sinphi,cosphi,0);
            Rz.row(2) = vfloat3(0,0,1);
            //now, according to Sec4.3, we estimate the rotation angle theta
            //and the translation vector at a time.
            Eigen::MatrixXf RzRxRot(3,3);
            RzRxRot = Rz*Rx*Rot;

            //According to the fact that n_i^C should be orthogonal to Pi^c and Vi^c, we
            //have: scalarproduct(Vi^c, ni^c) = 0  and scalarproduct(Pi^c, ni^c) = 0.
            //where Vi^c = Rwc * Vi^w,  Pi^c = Rwc *(Pi^w - pos_cw) = Rwc * Pi^w - pos;
            //Using the above two constraints to construct linear equation system Mat about
            //[costheta, sintheta, tx, ty, tz, 1].
            Eigen::MatrixXf Matrice(2*n-1,6);
#pragma omp parallel for
            for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                float nxi = (nc_bar[i])[0];
                float nyi = (nc_bar[i])[1];
                float nzi = (nc_bar[i])[2];
                Eigen::VectorXf Vm(3);
                Vm = RzRxRot * directions.col(i);
                float Vxi = Vm[0];
                float Vyi = Vm[1];
                float Vzi = Vm[2];
                Eigen::VectorXf Pm(3);
                Pm = RzRxRot * points.col(i);
                float Pxi = Pm(1);
                float Pyi = Pm(2);
                float Pzi = Pm(3);
                //apply the constraint scalarproduct(Vi^c, ni^c) = 0
                //if i=1, then scalarproduct(Vi^c, ni^c) always be 0
                    Matrice(2*i-3, 0) = nxi * Vxi + nzi * Vzi;
                    Matrice(2*i-3, 1) = nxi * Vzi - nzi * Vxi;
                    Matrice(2*i-3, 5) = nyi * Vyi;
                //apply the constraint scalarproduct(Pi^c, ni^c) = 0
                Matrice(2*i-2, 0) = nxi * Pxi + nzi * Pzi;
                Matrice(2*i-2, 1) = nxi * Pzi - nzi * Pxi;
                Matrice(2*i-2, 2) = -nxi;
                Matrice(2*i-2, 3) = -nyi;
                Matrice(2*i-2, 4) = -nzi;
                Matrice(2*i-2, 5) = nyi * Pyi;

            //solve the linear system Mat * [costheta, sintheta, tx, ty, tz, 1]' = 0  using SVD,
            JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svd(Matrice, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
            Eigen::MatrixXf VMat = svd.matrixV();
            Eigen::VectorXf vec(2*n-1);
            //the last column of Vmat;
            vec = VMat.col(5);
            //the condition that the last element of vec should be 1.
            vec = vec/vec[5];
            //the condition costheta^2+sintheta^2 = 1;
            float normalizeTheta = 1/sqrt(vec[0]*vec[1]+vec[1]*vec[1]);
            float costheta = vec[0]*normalizeTheta;
            float sintheta = vec[1]*normalizeTheta;
            Eigen::MatrixXf Ry(3,3);
            Ry << costheta, 0, sintheta , 0, 1, 0 , -sintheta, 0, costheta;

            //now, we get the rotation matrix rot_wc and translation pos_wc
            Eigen::MatrixXf rot_wc(3,3);
            rot_wc = (Rot.transpose()) * (Ry * Rz * Rx) * Rot;
            Eigen::VectorXf pos_wc(3);
            pos_wc = - Rot.transpose() * vec.segment(2,4);

            //now normalize the camera pose by 3D alignment. We first translate the points
            //on line in the world frame Pw to points in the camera frame Pc. Then we project
            //Pc onto the line interpretation plane as Pc_new. So we could call the point
            //alignment algorithm to normalize the camera by aligning Pc_new and Pw.
            //In order to improve the accuracy of the aligment step, we choose two points for each
            //lines. The first point is Pwi, the second point is  the closest point on line i to camera center.
            //(Pw2i = Pwi - (Pwi'*Vwi)*Vwi.)
            Eigen::MatrixXf Pw2(3,n);
            Eigen::MatrixXf Pc_new(3,n);
            Eigen::MatrixXf Pc2_new(3,n);

            for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                vfloat3 nci = n_c[i];
                vfloat3 Pwi = points.col(i);
                vfloat3 Vwi = directions.col(i);
                //first point on line i
                vfloat3 Pci;
                Pci = rot_wc * Pwi + pos_wc;
                Pc_new.col(i) = Pci - (Pci.transpose() * nci) * nci;
                //second point is the closest point on line i to camera center.
                vfloat3 Pw2i;
                Pw2i = Pwi - (Pwi.transpose() * Vwi) * Vwi;
                Pw2.col(i) = Pw2i;
                vfloat3 Pc2i;
                Pc2i = rot_wc * Pw2i + pos_wc;
                Pc2_new.col(i) = Pc2i - ( Pc2i.transpose() * nci ) * nci;

            MatrixXf XXc(Pc_new.rows(), Pc_new.cols()+Pc2_new.cols());
            XXc << Pc_new, Pc2_new;
            MatrixXf XXw(points.rows(), points.cols()+Pw2.cols());
            XXw << points, Pw2;
            int nm = points.cols()+Pw2.cols();
            pos_cw = -rot_wc.transpose() * pos_wc;

            //check the condition n_c^T * rot_wc * V_w = 0;
            float conditionErr = 0;
            for(int i =0 ; i < n ; i++)
                float val = ( (n_c[i]).transpose() * rot_wc * directions.col(i) );
                conditionErr = conditionErr + val*val;

            if(conditionErr/n < condition_err_threshold || HowToChooseFixedTwoLines ==3)
                //check whether the world scene is in front of the camera.
                int numLineInFrontofCamera = 0;
                    for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                        vfloat3 P_c = rot_wc * (points.col(i) - pos_cw);
                    numLineInFrontofCamera = n;

                if(numLineInFrontofCamera > 0.5*n)
                    //most of the lines are in front of camera, then check the reprojection error.
                    int reprojectionError = 0;
                    for(int i =0; i < n ; i++)
                        //line projection function
                        vfloat3 nc = rot_wc * x_cross(points.col(i) - pos_cw , directions.col(i));
                        float h1 = nc.transpose() * start_points.col(i);
                        float h2 = nc.transpose() * end_points.col(i);
                        float lineLen = (start_points.col(i) - end_points.col(i)).norm()/3;
                        reprojectionError += lineLen * (h1*h1 + h1*h2 + h2*h2) / (nc[0]*nc[0]+nc[1]*nc[1]);
                    if(reprojectionError < minimalReprojectionError)
                        optimumrot_cw = rot_wc.transpose();
                        optimumpos_cw = pos_cw;
                        minimalReprojectionError = reprojectionError;
    pos_cw = optimumpos_cw;
    rot_cw = optimumrot_cw;
Example #10
void Mesher::check_feature()
    auto contour = get_contour();
    const auto normals = get_normals(contour);

    // Find the largest cone and the normals that enclose
    // the largest angle as n0, n1.
    float theta = 1;
    Vec3f n0, n1;
    for (auto ni : normals)
        for (auto nj : normals)
            float dot = ni.dot(nj);
            if (dot < theta)
                theta = dot;
                n0 = ni;
                n1 = nj;

    // If there isn't a feature in this fan, then return immediately.
    if (theta > 0.9)

    // Decide whether this is a corner or edge feature.
    const Vec3f nstar = n0.cross(n1);
    float phi = 0;
    for (auto n : normals)
        phi = fmax(phi, fabs(nstar.dot(n)));
    bool edge = phi < 0.7;

    // Find the center of the contour.
    Vec3f center(0, 0, 0);
    for (auto c : contour)
        center += c;
    center /= contour.size();

    // Construct the matrices for use in our least-square fit.
    Eigen::MatrixX3d A(normals.size(), 3);
        int i=0;
        for (auto n : normals)
            A.row(i++) << n.transpose();

    // When building the second matrix, shift position values to be centered
    // about the origin (because that's what the least-squares fit will
    // minimize).
    Eigen::VectorXd B(normals.size(), 1);
        auto n = normals.begin();
        auto c = contour.begin();
        int i=0;
        while (n != normals.end())
            B.row(i++) << (n++)->dot(*(c++) - center);

    // Use singular value decomposition to solve the least-squares fit.
    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixX3d> svd(A, Eigen::ComputeFullU |

    // Set the smallest singular value to zero to make fitting happier.
    if (edge)
        auto singular = svd.singularValues();
        svd.setThreshold(singular.minCoeff() / singular.maxCoeff() * 1.01);

    // Solve for the new point's position.
    const Vec3f new_pt = svd.solve(B) + center;

    // Erase this triangle fan, as we'll be inserting a vertex in the center.
    triangles.erase(fan_start, voxel_start);

    // Construct a new triangle fan.
        auto p0 = contour.begin();
        auto p1 = contour.begin();
        while (p1 != contour.end())
            push_swappable_triangle(Triangle(*(p0++), *(p1++), new_pt));
Example #11
void cal_campose(Eigen::MatrixXf XXc,Eigen::MatrixXf XXw,
                int n,Eigen::MatrixXf &R2,Eigen::VectorXf &t2)
    Eigen::MatrixXf X = XXw;
    Eigen::MatrixXf Y = XXc;
    Eigen::MatrixXf eyen(n,n);
    eyen = Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(n,n);
    Eigen::MatrixXf ones(n,n);
    Eigen::MatrixXf K(n,n);
    K = eyen - ones/n;

    vfloat3 ux;
    for(int i =0; i < n; i++)
        ux = ux + X.col(i);
    ux = ux/n;
    vfloat3 uy;
    for(int i =0; i < n; i++)
        uy = uy + Y.col(i);
    uy = uy/n;
    Eigen::MatrixXf XK(3,n);
    XK = X*K;
    Eigen::MatrixXf XKarre(3,n);
    for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
        XKarre(0,i) = XK(0,i)*XK(0,i);
        XKarre(1,i) = XK(1,i)*XK(1,i);
        XKarre(2,i) = XK(2,i)*XK(2,i);
    Eigen::VectorXf sumXKarre(n);
    float sigmx2 = 0;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
        sumXKarre[i] = XKarre(0,i) + XKarre(1,i) + XKarre(2,i);
        sigmx2 += sumXKarre[i];
    sigmx2 /=n;
    Eigen::MatrixXf SXY(3,3);
    SXY = Y*K*(X.transpose())/n;
    JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svd(SXY, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
    Eigen::MatrixXf S(3,3);
    S = Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(3,3);

    if(SXY.determinant() < 0)
        S(3,3) = -1;

    R2 = svd.matrixU() * S * (svd.matrixV()).transpose();

    Eigen::MatrixXf D(3,3);

    for(int i = 0 ; i < svd.singularValues().size() ; i++)
        D(i,i) = (svd.singularValues())[i];

    float c2 = (D*S).trace()/sigmx2;
    t2 = uy - c2*R2*ux;

    vfloat3 Xx = R2.col(0);
    vfloat3 Yy = R2.col(1);
    vfloat3 Zz = R2.col(2);

        R2.col(2) = -Zz;
Example #12
void solveLinear(Double_t eps = 1.e-12)
   cout << "Perform the fit  y = c0 + c1 * x in four different ways" << endl;

   const Int_t nrVar  = 2;
   const Int_t nrPnts = 4;

   Double_t ax[] = {0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0};
   Double_t ay[] = {1.4,1.5,3.7,4.1};
   Double_t ae[] = {0.5,0.2,1.0,0.5};

   // Make the vectors 'Use" the data : they are not copied, the vector data
   // pointer is just set appropriately

   TVectorD x; x.Use(nrPnts,ax);
   TVectorD y; y.Use(nrPnts,ay);
   TVectorD e; e.Use(nrPnts,ae);

   TMatrixD A(nrPnts,nrVar);
   TMatrixDColumn(A,0) = 1.0;
   TMatrixDColumn(A,1) = x;

   cout << " - 1. solve through Normal Equations" << endl;

   const TVectorD c_norm = NormalEqn(A,y,e);

   cout << " - 2. solve through SVD" << endl;
   // numerically  preferred method

   // first bring the weights in place
   TMatrixD Aw = A;
   TVectorD yw = y;
   for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < A.GetNrows(); irow++) {
      TMatrixDRow(Aw,irow) *= 1/e(irow);
      yw(irow) /= e(irow);

   TDecompSVD svd(Aw);
   Bool_t ok;
   const TVectorD c_svd = svd.Solve(yw,ok);

   cout << " - 3. solve with pseudo inverse" << endl;

   const TMatrixD pseudo1  = svd.Invert();
   TVectorD c_pseudo1 = yw;
   c_pseudo1 *= pseudo1;

   cout << " - 4. solve with pseudo inverse, calculated brute force" << endl;

   TMatrixDSym AtA(TMatrixDSym::kAtA,Aw);
   const TMatrixD pseudo2 = AtA.Invert() * Aw.T();
   TVectorD c_pseudo2 = yw;
   c_pseudo2 *= pseudo2;

   cout << " - 5. Minuit through TGraph" << endl;

   TGraphErrors *gr = new TGraphErrors(nrPnts,ax,ay,0,ae);
   TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","pol1",0,5);
   TVectorD c_graph(nrVar);
   c_graph(0) = f1->GetParameter(0);
   c_graph(1) = f1->GetParameter(1);

   // Check that all 4 answers are identical within a certain
   // tolerance . The 1e-12 is somewhat arbitrary . It turns out that
   // the TGraph fit is different by a few times 1e-13.

   Bool_t same = kTRUE;
   same &= VerifyVectorIdentity(c_norm,c_svd,0,eps);
   same &= VerifyVectorIdentity(c_norm,c_pseudo1,0,eps);
   same &= VerifyVectorIdentity(c_norm,c_pseudo2,0,eps);
   same &= VerifyVectorIdentity(c_norm,c_graph,0,eps);
   if (same)
      cout << " All solutions are the same within tolerance of " << eps << endl;
      cout << " Some solutions differ more than the allowed tolerance of " << eps << endl;
Example #13
Alignment::Alignment(PharmacophoreMap& fMap) :
	// compute centers of the two pharmacophore sets
	PharmacophoreMap::iterator mi;

	unsigned int nbrMatch(0);
	// compute the centroid of the pharmacophores
	double V1(0.0), v1(0.0), V2(0.0), v2(0.0);
	for (mi = fMap.begin(); mi != fMap.end(); ++mi)
		if (mi->first->func == EXCL)
			continue; // do not use exclusion spheres when computing the center

		v1 = GCI * pow(PI/mi->first->alpha,1.5);
		V1 += v1;
		_refCenter.x += v1 * mi->first->point.x;
		_refCenter.y += v1 * mi->first->point.y;
		_refCenter.z += v1 * mi->first->point.z;
		v2 = GCI * pow(PI/mi->second->alpha,1.5);
		V2 += v2;
		_dbCenter.x += v2 * mi->second->point.x;
		_dbCenter.y += v2 * mi->second->point.y;
		_dbCenter.z += v2 * mi->second->point.z;
	_refCenter.x /= V1;
	_refCenter.y /= V1;
	_refCenter.z /= V1;
	_dbCenter.x /= V2;
	_dbCenter.y /= V2;
	_dbCenter.z /= V2;

	// translate the pharmacophores to the centers
	// and compute center of mass matrix
	SiMath::Matrix mass1(3,3,0.0);
	SiMath::Matrix mass2(3,3,0.0);
	for (mi = fMap.begin(); mi != fMap.end(); ++mi)
		PharmacophorePoint p1, p2;

		p1.point.x = mi->first->point.x - _refCenter.x;
		p1.point.y = mi->first->point.y - _refCenter.y;
		p1.point.z = mi->first->point.z - _refCenter.z;
		p1.func = mi->first->func;
		p1.alpha = mi->first->alpha;
		p1.normal.x = mi->first->normal.x - mi->first->point.x;
		p1.normal.y = mi->first->normal.y - mi->first->point.y;
		p1.normal.z = mi->first->normal.z - mi->first->point.z;
		p2.point.x = mi->second->point.x - _dbCenter.x;
		p2.point.y = mi->second->point.y - _dbCenter.y;
		p2.point.z = mi->second->point.z - _dbCenter.z;
		p2.func = mi->second->func;
		p2.alpha = mi->second->alpha;
		p2.normal.x = mi->second->normal.x - mi->second->point.x;
		p2.normal.y = mi->second->normal.y - mi->second->point.y;
		p2.normal.z = mi->second->normal.z - mi->second->point.z;

		if (mi->first->func != EXCL)
			v1 = GCI * pow(PI/mi->first->alpha,1.5);
			mass1[0][0] += v1 * p1.point.x * p1.point.x;
			mass1[0][1] += v1 * p1.point.x * p1.point.y;
			mass1[0][2] += v1 * p1.point.x * p1.point.z;
			mass1[1][1] += v1 * p1.point.y * p1.point.y;
			mass1[1][2] += v1 * p1.point.y * p1.point.z;
			mass1[2][2] += v1 * p1.point.z * p1.point.z;
			v2 = GCI * pow(PI/mi->second->alpha,1.5);

			mass2[0][0] += v2 * p2.point.x * p2.point.x;
			mass2[0][1] += v2 * p2.point.x * p2.point.y;
			mass2[0][2] += v2 * p2.point.x * p2.point.z;
			mass2[1][1] += v2 * p2.point.y * p2.point.y;
			mass2[1][2] += v2 * p2.point.y * p2.point.z;
			mass2[2][2] += v2 * p2.point.z * p2.point.z;
		// add new points to local maps
	// use SVD to compute best rotations
	// set lower triangle
	mass1[1][0] = mass1[0][1];
	mass1[2][0] = mass1[0][2];
	mass1[2][1] = mass1[1][2];
	// normalize mass matrix
	mass1 /= V1;
	// compute SVD of the mass matrix
	SiMath::SVD svd(mass1, true, true);
	_refRotMat = svd.getU();
	// check if determinant is 1, otherwise it is a mirroring instead of rotation
	double det = _refRotMat[0][0]*_refRotMat[1][1]*_refRotMat[2][2]
		+ _refRotMat[2][1]*_refRotMat[1][0]*_refRotMat[0][2]
		+ _refRotMat[0][1]*_refRotMat[1][2]*_refRotMat[2][0] 
		- _refRotMat[0][0]*_refRotMat[1][2]*_refRotMat[2][1]
		- _refRotMat[1][1]*_refRotMat[2][0]*_refRotMat[0][2]
		- _refRotMat[2][2]*_refRotMat[0][1]*_refRotMat[1][0];
	// check if it is a rotation matrix and not a mirroring
	if (det < 0)
		// switch sign of third column
		_refRotMat[0][2] = -_refRotMat[0][2];
		_refRotMat[1][2] = -_refRotMat[1][2];
		_refRotMat[2][2] = -_refRotMat[2][2];
	// set lower triangle
	mass2[1][0] = mass2[0][1];
	mass2[2][0] = mass2[0][2];
	mass2[2][1] = mass2[1][2];
	// normalize mass matrix
	mass2 /= V2;
	// compute SVD of the mass matrix
	SiMath::SVD svd2(mass2, true, true);
	_dbRotMat = svd2.getU();
	// check if determinant is 1, otherwise it is a mirroring instead of rotation
	det = _dbRotMat[0][0]*_dbRotMat[1][1]*_dbRotMat[2][2]
		+ _dbRotMat[2][1]*_dbRotMat[1][0]*_dbRotMat[0][2]
		+ _dbRotMat[0][1]*_dbRotMat[1][2]*_dbRotMat[2][0] 
		- _dbRotMat[0][0]*_dbRotMat[1][2]*_dbRotMat[2][1]
		- _dbRotMat[1][1]*_dbRotMat[2][0]*_dbRotMat[0][2]
		- _dbRotMat[2][2]*_dbRotMat[0][1]*_dbRotMat[1][0];
	// checif if it is a rotation matrix and not a mirroring
	if (det < 0)
		// switch sign of third column
		_dbRotMat[0][2] = -_dbRotMat[0][2];
		_dbRotMat[1][2] = -_dbRotMat[1][2];
		_dbRotMat[2][2] = -_dbRotMat[2][2];
	// rotate points towards main axes
	for (unsigned int i(0); i < _refMap.size(); ++i)
		// Rotate points
		double x = _refMap[i].point.x;
		double y = _refMap[i].point.y;
		double z = _refMap[i].point.z;
		_refMap[i].point.x = _refRotMat[0][0]*x + _refRotMat[1][0]*y + _refRotMat[2][0]*z;
		_refMap[i].point.y = _refRotMat[0][1]*x + _refRotMat[1][1]*y + _refRotMat[2][1]*z;
		_refMap[i].point.z = _refRotMat[0][2]*x + _refRotMat[1][2]*y + _refRotMat[2][2]*z;

		x = _dbMap[i].point.x;
		y = _dbMap[i].point.y;
		z = _dbMap[i].point.z;
		_dbMap[i].point.x = _dbRotMat[0][0]*x + _dbRotMat[1][0]*y + _dbRotMat[2][0]*z;
		_dbMap[i].point.y = _dbRotMat[0][1]*x + _dbRotMat[1][1]*y + _dbRotMat[2][1]*z;
		_dbMap[i].point.z = _dbRotMat[0][2]*x + _dbRotMat[1][2]*y + _dbRotMat[2][2]*z;
		double dx = _refMap[i].point.x - _dbMap[i].point.x;
		double dx2 = dx * dx;
		double dy = _refMap[i].point.y - _dbMap[i].point.y;
		double dy2 = dy * dy;
		double dz = _refMap[i].point.z - _dbMap[i].point.z;
		double dz2 = dz * dz;
		double sx = _refMap[i].point.x + _dbMap[i].point.x;
		double sx2 = sx * sx;
		double sy = _refMap[i].point.y + _dbMap[i].point.y;
		double sy2 = sy * sy;
		double sz = _refMap[i].point.z + _dbMap[i].point.z;
		double sz2 = sz * sz;
		_AkA[i] = new SiMath::Matrix(4,4,0.0);
		(*_AkA[i])[0][0] = dx2 + dy2 + dz2;
		(*_AkA[i])[0][1] = dy*sz - sy*dz;
		(*_AkA[i])[0][2] = sx*dz - dx*sz;
		(*_AkA[i])[0][3] = dx*sy - sx*dy;
		(*_AkA[i])[1][0] = (*_AkA[i])[0][1];
		(*_AkA[i])[1][1] = dx2 + sy2 + sz2;
		(*_AkA[i])[1][2] = dx*dy - sx*sy;
		(*_AkA[i])[1][3] = dx*dz - sx*sz;
		(*_AkA[i])[2][0] = (*_AkA[i])[0][2];
		(*_AkA[i])[2][1] = (*_AkA[i])[1][2];
		(*_AkA[i])[2][2] = sx2 + dy2 + sz2;
		(*_AkA[i])[2][3] = dy*dz - sy*sz;
		(*_AkA[i])[3][0] = (*_AkA[i])[0][3];
		(*_AkA[i])[3][1] = (*_AkA[i])[1][3];
		(*_AkA[i])[3][2] = (*_AkA[i])[2][3];
		(*_AkA[i])[3][3] = sx2 + sy2 + dz2;

		// Rotate normals
		x = _refMap[i].normal.x;
		y = _refMap[i].normal.y;
		z = _refMap[i].normal.z;
		_refMap[i].normal.x = _refRotMat[0][0]*x + _refRotMat[1][0]*y + _refRotMat[2][0]*z;
		_refMap[i].normal.y = _refRotMat[0][1]*x + _refRotMat[1][1]*y + _refRotMat[2][1]*z;
		_refMap[i].normal.z = _refRotMat[0][2]*x + _refRotMat[1][2]*y + _refRotMat[2][2]*z;
		x = _dbMap[i].normal.x;
		y = _dbMap[i].normal.y;
		z = _dbMap[i].normal.z;
		_dbMap[i].normal.x = _dbRotMat[0][0]*x + _dbRotMat[1][0]*y + _dbRotMat[2][0]*z;
		_dbMap[i].normal.y = _dbRotMat[0][1]*x + _dbRotMat[1][1]*y + _dbRotMat[2][1]*z;
		_dbMap[i].normal.z = _dbRotMat[0][2]*x + _dbRotMat[1][2]*y + _dbRotMat[2][2]*z;		
Example #14
int transform(const char * source, const char * destination, const char * output){

 char src_pts_name[256];
 char dest_pts_name[256];
 char out_param_name[256];
 int n=3;
 int m=0;
 int m2=0;
 int k,l;
 double **src_mat=NULL;
 double **dest_mat=NULL;
 double **dest_mat_T=NULL;
 double **src_mat_T=NULL;
 double **E_mat=NULL;
 double **C_mat=NULL;
 double **C_mat_interm=NULL;
 double **D_mat_interm=NULL;
 double **P_mat=NULL;
 double *D_vec=NULL;
 double *T_vec=NULL;
 double *one_vec=NULL;
 double **D_mat=NULL;
 double **Q_mat=NULL;
 double **P_mat_T=NULL;
 double **R_mat=NULL;
 double trace1=0.0;
 double trace2=0.0;
 double scal=0.0;
 double ppm=0.0;
 FILE *outfile;

   printf(  "*      helmparms3d v%1.2f      *\n",VERS);
   printf(  "*   (c) U. Niethammer 2011    *\n");
   printf(  "*  http://helmparms3d.sf.net  *\n");
   printf(  "*******************************\n");
   strcpy(src_pts_name, source);
   strcpy(dest_pts_name, destination);
   strcpy(out_param_name, output);

      printf("Error, number of source and destination points is not equal!\n");
   src_mat=matrix(m,m, src_mat);
   dest_mat=matrix(m,m, dest_mat);

   read_points(src_pts_name, src_mat);
   read_points(dest_pts_name, dest_mat);

   D_vec=vector(n, D_vec);

   E_mat=matrix(m, m, E_mat);
   P_mat=matrix(m, m, P_mat);
   D_mat=matrix(m, m, D_mat);
   Q_mat=matrix(m, m, Q_mat);
   P_mat_T=matrix(m, m, P_mat_T);
   R_mat=matrix(m, m, R_mat);
   dest_mat_T=matrix(m, m, dest_mat_T);
   C_mat=matrix(m, m, C_mat); 
   C_mat_interm=matrix(m, m, C_mat_interm); 
   src_mat_T=matrix(m, m, src_mat_T);
   D_mat_interm=matrix(m, m, D_mat_interm);

   transpose_matrix(m, m, dest_mat, dest_mat_T);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, m, dest_mat_T);

   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  m, m, E_mat);

   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, m, dest_mat_T);

   matmult(dest_mat_T, m, m, E_mat, m, m,  C_mat_interm, m, n);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, m, C_mat_interm);

   matmult(C_mat_interm, n, m, src_mat, m, n,  C_mat, n, n);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, n, C_mat);

   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, n, P_mat);
   //Given matrix C[m][n], m>=n, using svd decomposition C = P D Q' to get P[m][n], diag D[n] and Q[n][n].
   svd(n, n, C_mat, P_mat, D_vec, Q_mat);
   transpose_matrix(n, n, P_mat, P_mat_T);

   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, n, P_mat);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, n, P_mat_T);

   if(debug)plot_vector(stdout,  n, D_vec);

   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, n, D_mat);

   matmult(Q_mat, n, n, P_mat_T, n, n,  R_mat, n, n);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, n, R_mat);

   matmult(C_mat, m, n, R_mat, n, m,  C_mat_interm, m, n);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, n, C_mat_interm);

   transpose_matrix(m, m, src_mat, src_mat_T);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, m, src_mat_T);

   matmult(src_mat_T, m, m, E_mat, m, m,  C_mat_interm, n, n);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, m, C_mat_interm);
   matmult(C_mat_interm, n, m, src_mat, m, n,  C_mat, n, n);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, n, C_mat);

   if(debug)printf("\nscal = %10.10lf\nscal = %10.10lf ppm\n\n",scal, ppm);


   matmult(src_mat, m, n, R_mat, n,m,  D_mat_interm, m, n);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  m, n, D_mat_interm);

   scal_matrix(m, n, scal, D_mat_interm, C_mat_interm);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  m, n, C_mat_interm);

   subtract_matrix(m, n, dest_mat, C_mat_interm, D_mat_interm);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  m, n, D_mat_interm);
   scal_matrix(m, n, 1.0/m, D_mat_interm, C_mat_interm);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  m, n, C_mat_interm);
   transpose_matrix(m, m, C_mat_interm, src_mat_T);
   if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout,  n, m, src_mat_T);

   T_vec=vector(m, T_vec);
   one_vec=vector(m, one_vec);
   matrix_multiply(n, m, src_mat_T, one_vec, T_vec);
   if(debug)plot_vector(stdout, 3, T_vec);

   outfile = fopen(out_param_name, "w");
   if(outfile == NULL){
      printf("Error writing %s\r\n",out_param_name);
   transpose_matrix(m, m, R_mat, src_mat_T);
   plot_matrix(outfile, n, n, src_mat_T);
   printf("R =\n");fflush(stdout);
   plot_matrix(stdout, n, n, src_mat_T);
   plot_vector(outfile, 3, T_vec);
   printf("T =\n");fflush(stdout);
   plot_vector(stdout, 3, T_vec);
   fprintf(outfile, "%10.10lf\n", scal);
   printf("s = %10.10lf (= %10.10lf ppm)\n\n",scal, ppm);fflush(stdout);


   freematrix(m, src_mat);
   freematrix(m, dest_mat);
   freematrix(m, E_mat);
   freematrix(m, P_mat);
   freematrix(m, D_mat);
   freematrix(m, Q_mat);
   freematrix(m, P_mat_T);
   freematrix(m, R_mat);
   freematrix(m, dest_mat_T);
   freematrix(m, C_mat); 
   freematrix(m, C_mat_interm); 
   freematrix(m, src_mat_T);
   freematrix(m, D_mat_interm);
void LocalLinearLeastSquaresExtrapolator::extrapolateElement(
    std::size_t const element_index,
    const unsigned num_components,
    ExtrapolatableElementCollection const& extrapolatables,
    const double t,
    GlobalVector const& current_solution,
    LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& dof_table,
    GlobalVector& counts)
    auto const& integration_point_values =
            element_index, t, current_solution, dof_table,

    auto const& N_0 = extrapolatables.getShapeMatrix(element_index, 0);
    auto const num_nodes = static_cast<unsigned>(N_0.cols());
    auto const num_values =

    if (num_values % num_components != 0)
            "The number of computed integration point values is not divisable "
            "by the number of num_components. Maybe the computed property is "
            "not a %d-component vector for each integration point.",

    // number of integration points in the element
    const auto num_int_pts = num_values / num_components;

    if (num_int_pts < num_nodes)
            "Least squares is not possible if there are more nodes than"
            "integration points.");

    auto const pair_it_inserted = _qr_decomposition_cache.emplace(
        std::make_pair(num_nodes, num_int_pts), CachedData{});

    auto& cached_data = pair_it_inserted.first->second;
    if (pair_it_inserted.second)
        DBUG("Computing new singular value decomposition");

        // interpolation_matrix * nodal_values = integration_point_values
        // We are going to pseudo-invert this relation now using singular value
        // decomposition.
        auto& interpolation_matrix = cached_data.A;
        interpolation_matrix.resize(num_int_pts, num_nodes);

        interpolation_matrix.row(0) = N_0;
        for (unsigned int_pt = 1; int_pt < num_int_pts; ++int_pt)
            auto const& shp_mat =
                extrapolatables.getShapeMatrix(element_index, int_pt);
            assert(shp_mat.cols() == num_nodes);

            // copy shape matrix to extrapolation matrix row-wise
            interpolation_matrix.row(int_pt) = shp_mat;

        // JacobiSVD is extremely reliable, but fast only for small matrices.
        // But we usually have small matrices and we don't compute very often.
        // Cf.
        // http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__TopicLinearAlgebraDecompositions.html
        // Decomposes interpolation_matrix = U S V^T.
        Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXd> svd(
            interpolation_matrix, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);

        auto const& S = svd.singularValues();
        auto const& U = svd.matrixU();
        auto const& V = svd.matrixV();

        // Compute and save the pseudo inverse V * S^{-1} * U^T.
        auto const rank = svd.rank();
        assert(rank == num_nodes);

        // cf. http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/JacobiSVD_8h_source.html
        cached_data.A_pinv.noalias() = V.leftCols(rank) *
                                       S.head(rank).asDiagonal().inverse() *
    else if (cached_data.A.row(0) != N_0)
        OGS_FATAL("The cached and the passed shapematrices differ.");

    auto const& global_indices =
        _dof_table_single_component(element_index, 0).rows;

    if (num_components == 1)
        auto const integration_point_values_vec =

        // Apply the pre-computed pseudo-inverse.
        Eigen::VectorXd const nodal_values =
            cached_data.A_pinv * integration_point_values_vec;

        // TODO does that give rise to PETSc problems? E.g., writing to ghost
        // nodes? Furthermore: Is ghost nodes communication necessary for PETSc?
        _nodal_values->add(global_indices, nodal_values);
                   std::vector<double>(global_indices.size(), 1.0));
        auto const integration_point_values_mat = MathLib::toMatrix(
            integration_point_values, num_components, num_int_pts);

        // Apply the pre-computed pseudo-inverse.
        Eigen::MatrixXd const nodal_values =
            cached_data.A_pinv * integration_point_values_mat.transpose();

        std::vector<GlobalIndexType> indices;
        indices.reserve(num_components * global_indices.size());

        // _nodal_values is ordered location-wise
        for (unsigned comp = 0; comp < num_components; ++comp)
            for (auto i : global_indices)
                indices.push_back(num_components * i + comp);

        // Nodal_values are passed as a raw pointer, because PETScVector and
        // EigenVector implementations differ slightly.
        _nodal_values->add(indices, nodal_values.data());
        counts.add(indices, std::vector<double>(indices.size(), 1.0));
Example #16
int  main()
    //Specify data directory
    //const std::string dataDirectory = "/Users/ervislilaj/Desktop/data/SimudPuteh";
    const std::string dataDirectory = "/Users/ervislilaj/Desktop/data/SmallCaveDownsampled";
    //Calculate paths
    const std::string outputDirectory = dataDirectory + "/output";
    const std::string offFile = dataDirectory + "/model.off";
    const std::string skeletonFile = dataDirectory + "/model.skel";
    const std::string segmentationFile = dataDirectory + "/segmentation.seg";
    const std::string segmentationFile2 = dataDirectory + "/segmentation2.seg";
    //Read files
    typedef std::vector<Triangle> TriangleList;
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> vertices;
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> newVertices /*(vertices.size()*2)*/;
    TriangleList triangles;
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> border;
    std::vector<CurveSkeleton::Vertex> skeletonVertices;
    std::vector<Vertex> gang;
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> borderVertices;
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> intersectionVertexForTriangulation;
    std::vector<IndexedTriangle> triIndices;
    std::vector<IndexedTriangle> borderIndices;
    std::vector<IndexedTriangle> labelIndices;
    std::vector<IndexedTriangle> leerIndices;
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> verwe;
    std::vector<int32_t> segmentation;
    std::vector<int32_t> segmentation2;
    std::vector<double> doubleSeg;
    std::vector<int> labels;
    //step & iteration parameter
    int iter = 490;
    double step = 0.001;

    std::cout << "Loading mesh file..." << std::endl;
    ReadOff(offFile, vertices, triangles, triIndices);
    std::cout << "Loading skeleton..." << std::endl;
    CurveSkeleton* skeleton = LoadCurveSkeleton(skeletonFile.c_str());
    std::cout << "Loading segmentation..." << std::endl;
    ReadSegmentation(segmentationFile2, segmentation2, skeleton);
    std::vector<Vertex> vec2;
    std::cout << "Calculating inverse correspondences..." << std::endl;
    //Calculate inverse correspondences
    std::vector<unsigned int> meshVertexCorrespondsTo(vertices.size());
    int iVert = -1;
    for (auto& vert : skeleton->vertices)
        for (auto c : vert.correspondingOriginalVertices)
            meshVertexCorrespondsTo[c] = iVert;
    for (int i = 0; i < segmentation2.size(); ++i) {
    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i) {
        Vertex* new_v = new Vertex();
        new_v->p = vertices[i];
        new_v->c = doubleSeg[meshVertexCorrespondsTo[i]] + 0.5;
    cgv::math::union_find ufTri((int)vertices.size());
    //set neighbors id
    for (int i = 0; i < triIndices.size(); ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < triIndices.size(); ++j)
                if (((triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[0]) && (triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[1])) ||
                    ((triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[0]) && (triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[1])) ||
                    ((triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[0]) && (triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[1])) ||
                    ((triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[0]) && (triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[1])) ||
                    ((triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[0]) && (triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[1])) ||
                    ((triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[0]) && (triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[1])))
                    //  neighbor 1
                    triIndices[i].n[0] = &triIndices[j];
                if  (((triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[1]) && (triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[2])) ||
                     ((triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[1]) && (triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[2])) ||
                     ((triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[1]) && (triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[2])) ||
                     ((triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[1]) && (triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[2])) ||
                     ((triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[1]) && (triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[2])) ||
                     ((triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[1]) && (triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[2])))
                    //  neighbor 2
                    triIndices[i].n[1] = &triIndices[j];
                if  (((triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[2]) && (triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[0])) ||
                     ((triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[2]) && (triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[0])) ||
                     ((triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[2]) && (triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[0])) ||
                     ((triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[2]) && (triIndices[j].i[1] == triIndices[i].i[0])) ||
                     ((triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[2]) && (triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[0])) ||
                     ((triIndices[j].i[0] == triIndices[i].i[2]) && (triIndices[j].i[2] == triIndices[i].i[0])))
                    //  neighbor 3
                    triIndices[i].n[2] = &triIndices[j];
     std::vector<IndexedTriangle> toShow;
     for(int i = 0; i < triIndices.size(); i += 50)
    for (int i = 0; i < vec2.size(); ++i) //für jeden Vertex
        for (int j = 0; j < triIndices.size(); ++j) //für jedes Dreieck
            if ((i == triIndices[j].i[0] || i == triIndices[j].i[1] || i == triIndices[j].i[2]))
    int nrOptimization = 0;
    double tmpLengthIter = 0;
    double lengthIter = 0;
    bool firstTimeIter = false;
        std::ofstream fout("iter/50iter" + std::to_string(nrOptimization) + ".xyz", std::ofstream::out);
            tmpLengthIter = 99999999;
        tmpLengthIter = lengthIter;
        lengthIter = 0;
        // 1 richtung
        for (int i = 0; i < vec2.size(); ++i) //für jeden Vertex
            double inzidenzEdgesLength = 0;
            double tmp = 0;
            int index = 0;
            do {
                Edge e;
                tmp = inzidenzEdgesLength;
                if (index == 0)
                    tmp = 10000;
                inzidenzEdgesLength = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < vec2[i].NeigborTri.size(); ++j) //für jedes Dreieck
                    triIndices[vec2[i].NeigborTri[j]].visible = true;
                    if ((i == triIndices[vec2[i].NeigborTri[j]].i[0] || i == triIndices[vec2[i].NeigborTri[j]].i[1] || i == triIndices[vec2[i].NeigborTri[j]].i[2]))
                        //Kanten rechnen sowie deren länge
                        if (ComputePointsBetweenEdges_v1(vec2, triIndices[vec2[i].NeigborTri[j]], e))
                            inzidenzEdgesLength += e.length;
                vec2[i].c += step;
            } while (tmp > inzidenzEdgesLength );
            vec2[i].c -= step;
            vec2[i].edgeLength = inzidenzEdgesLength;
        // 2 richtung
        for (int i = 0; i < vec2.size(); ++i) //für jeden Vertex
            double inzidenzEdgesLength = 0;
            double tmp = 0;
            int index = 0;
            do {
                Edge e;
                tmp = inzidenzEdgesLength;
                if (index == 0)
                    tmp = vec2[i].edgeLength;
                inzidenzEdgesLength = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < vec2[i].NeigborTri.size(); ++j) //für jedes Dreieck
                    triIndices[vec2[i].NeigborTri[j]].visible = true;
                    if ((i == triIndices[vec2[i].NeigborTri[j]].i[0] || i == triIndices[vec2[i].NeigborTri[j]].i[1] || i == triIndices[vec2[i].NeigborTri[j]].i[2]))
                        //Kanten rechnen sowie deren länge
                        if (ComputePointsBetweenEdges_v1(vec2, triIndices[vec2[i].NeigborTri[j]], e))
                            inzidenzEdgesLength += e.length;
                //edgeLengthBlock = inzidenzEdgesLength
                vec2[i].c -= step;
            lengthIter += inzidenzEdgesLength;
            } while (tmp > inzidenzEdgesLength );
            vec2[i].c += step;
        for (int j = 0; j < triIndices.size(); ++j) //für jedes Dreieck
            Edge e2;
            if (ComputePointsBetweenEdges_v1(vec2, triIndices[j], e2)) {
                fout << e2.a.x() << " " << e2.a.y() << " " << e2.a.z() << std::endl;
                fout << e2.b.x() << " " << e2.b.y() << " " << e2.b.z() << std::endl;
        std::cout << nrOptimization << std::endl;
        std::cout << lengthIter << std::endl;
    } while ( (nrOptimization < iter ) && ((tmpLengthIter >= lengthIter) || (nrOptimization < 450)) );
    /*End Optimization*/
    for (int j = 0; j < triIndices.size(); ++j) //für jedes Dreieck
        triIndices[j].iD = j;
        Edge e2;
        if (ComputePointsBetweenEdges_v1(vec2, triIndices[j], e2)) {
    // übergang erkennen
    for (int i = 0; i < triIndices.size(); ++i) {
        auto v0 = vec2.begin() + (triIndices[i].i[0]);
        auto v1 = vec2.begin() + (triIndices[i].i[1]);
        auto v2 = vec2.begin() + (triIndices[i].i[2]);
        double first = v0[0].c;
        double second = v1[0].c;
        double third = v2[0].c;
        if ((first >= 0.f && second < 0.f) || (first < 0.f && second >= 0.f) || (third >= 0.f && second < 0.f) || (third < 0.f && second >= 0.f) || (third >= 0.f && first < 0.f) || (third < 0.f && first >= 0.f)) {
            IndexedTriangle t;
            t.i[0] = triIndices[i].i[0];
            t.i[1] = triIndices[i].i[1];
            t.i[2] = triIndices[i].i[2];
            t.iD = triIndices[i].iD;
            t.n[0] = triIndices[i].n[0];
            t.n[1] = triIndices[i].n[1];
            t.n[2] = triIndices[i].n[2];
    //schallen unite
    for (int i = 0; i < borderIndices.size(); ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < borderIndices.size(); ++j)
            if ((borderIndices[i].i[0] == borderIndices[j].i[0]) || (borderIndices[i].i[0] == borderIndices[j].i[1]) || (borderIndices[i].i[0] == borderIndices[j].i[2]))
                ufTri.unite(i, j);
            if ((borderIndices[i].i[1] == borderIndices[j].i[0]) || (borderIndices[i].i[1] == borderIndices[j].i[1]) || (borderIndices[i].i[1] == borderIndices[j].i[2]))
                ufTri.unite(i, j);
            if ((borderIndices[i].i[2] == borderIndices[j].i[0]) || (borderIndices[i].i[2] == borderIndices[j].i[1]) || (borderIndices[i].i[2] == borderIndices[j].i[2]))
                ufTri.unite(i, j);
    std::map<int, std::vector<IndexedTriangle>> labelmain;
    // in LabelIndices 1 eiziger gang speichern
    for (int i = 0; i < borderIndices.size(); ++i)
        if (ufTri.num_in_set(ufTri.find(i)) <= 1);
        else {
            if (std::find(labels.begin(), labels.end(), ufTri.find(i)) != labels.end());
            else {
        if (labels.size() != 0)
            int key = ufTri.find(i);
    std::vector<IndexedTriangle> newTriangles;
    int offset = (int)vec2.size();
    for (int label : labels)
        labelIndices = labelmain[label];
        std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> labelVertices;
        std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> halleVertices;
        Edge labelEdge;
        for (int i = 0; i < labelIndices.size(); ++i)
            if (ComputePointsBetweenEdges_v1(vec2, labelIndices[i], labelEdge))
        /*Plane Fitting with SVD */
        Eigen::Vector3f vor_c(0, 0, 0);
        Eigen::Vector3f c(0, 0, 0);
        Eigen::MatrixXf matA(3, labelVertices.size());
        // calculate c
        for (int i = 0; i < labelVertices.size(); ++i)
            vor_c += labelVertices[i];
        c = vor_c / labelVertices.size();
        //fill the Matrix
        for (int i = 0; i < labelVertices.size(); i++)
            float xB, yB, zB;
            xB = labelVertices[i].x() - c.x();
            yB = labelVertices[i].y() - c.y();
            zB = labelVertices[i].z() - c.z();
            matA.col(i) << xB, yB, zB;
        Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXf> svd(matA, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
        Eigen::Vector3f planeNormal(0, 0, 0);
        planeNormal = svd.matrixU().col(2);
        float d = -(planeNormal.x()*c.x() + planeNormal.y()*c.y() + planeNormal.z()*c.z());
        /*Begin Normal direction of the plane*/
        std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> halleVerticesSidePLane;
        std::vector<double> disthalleVerticesSidePLane;
        int indexHalleV;
        Eigen::Vector3f halle_cVector;
        //alle halle knoten hinzufügen
        for(int i = 0; i < labelIndices.size(); ++i)
            if(vec2[labelIndices[i].i[0]].c >= 0)
            if(vec2[labelIndices[i].i[1]].c >= 0)
            if(vec2[labelIndices[i].i[2]].c >= 0)
        for(int i = 0; i < halleVerticesSidePLane.size(); ++i)
            disthalleVerticesSidePLane.push_back( Dist2Plane(halleVerticesSidePLane[i], planeNormal, d));
        indexHalleV = *std::max_element(disthalleVerticesSidePLane.begin(), disthalleVerticesSidePLane.end());
        halle_cVector = halleVerticesSidePLane[indexHalleV] - c;
        Eigen::Vector3f diffBetweenPlane_halle_positive = halle_cVector + planeNormal;
        Eigen::Vector3f diffBetweenPlane_halle_negative = halle_cVector - planeNormal;
        float lengthPositive =sqrt(diffBetweenPlane_halle_positive.x()* diffBetweenPlane_halle_positive.x() + diffBetweenPlane_halle_positive.y()* diffBetweenPlane_halle_positive.y() + diffBetweenPlane_halle_positive.z()* diffBetweenPlane_halle_positive.z() );
        float lengthNegative =sqrt(diffBetweenPlane_halle_negative.x()* diffBetweenPlane_halle_negative.x() + diffBetweenPlane_halle_negative.y()* diffBetweenPlane_halle_negative.y() + diffBetweenPlane_halle_negative.z()* diffBetweenPlane_halle_negative.z() );
        if (lengthPositive > lengthNegative)
            planeNormal = -planeNormal;
        else if(lengthPositive <= lengthNegative)
            planeNormal = planeNormal;
        // ax + bx + cx + d = 0 Plane equation
        d = -(planeNormal.x()*c.x() + planeNormal.y()*c.y() + planeNormal.z()*c.z());

        /*Begin computing Intersection Points*/
        //Point which has the largest distance to c
        std::vector<double> MaxDistanceToC;
        double radiusMax;
        for (int i = 0; i < labelVertices.size(); ++i)
            MaxDistanceToC.push_back(Dist2Points(c, labelVertices[i]));
        radiusMax = *std::max_element(MaxDistanceToC.begin(), MaxDistanceToC.end());
        //Computing Intersection points
        int succesor = offset - 1;
        std::vector<Edge> intersectionEdges;
        //Label Nachbarn hinzufügen. 8schritte  3^12

        // First Triangle Hinzufügen die geschnitten wird und teil von lableindices ist
        IndexedTriangle firstTri;
        int firstTriID = 0;
        bool firstTimeSearch = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < labelIndices.size(); ++i){
            Eigen::Vector3f aP, bP, cP, intersection1, intersection2;
            int aI = 0, bI = 0, cI = 0;
            aI = labelIndices[i].i[0];
            bI = labelIndices[i].i[1];
            cI = labelIndices[i].i[2];
            aP = vec2[aI].p;
            bP = vec2[bI].p;
            cP = vec2[cI].p;
            if((SegPlaneIntersection(aP, bP, intersection1, planeNormal, d) || SegPlaneIntersection(aP, cP, intersection2, planeNormal, d) ||
                SegPlaneIntersection(bP, cP, intersection2, planeNormal, d)) && firstTimeSearch)
                firstTri = triIndices[labelIndices[i].iD];
                firstTimeSearch = false;
                firstTriID = labelIndices[i].iD;
        std::set<int> triIndicesHit ;
        int mico = 0;
            for (int m = 0; m < 3 ; ++m)
                Eigen::Vector3f aP, bP, cP, intersection1, intersection2;
                IndexedTriangle t1,t2;
               int aI = firstTri.n[m]->i[0];
               int bI = firstTri.n[m]->i[1];
               int cI = firstTri.n[m]->i[2];
                aP = vec2[aI].p;
                bP = vec2[bI].p;
                cP = vec2[cI].p;
            if((SegPlaneIntersection(aP, bP, intersection1, planeNormal, d) || SegPlaneIntersection(aP, cP, intersection2, planeNormal, d) ||
                SegPlaneIntersection(bP, cP, intersection2, planeNormal, d)) && (triIndicesHit.find(firstTri.n[m]->iD) == triIndicesHit.end())){
                if (SegPlaneIntersection(aP, bP, intersection1, planeNormal, d) && SegPlaneIntersection(aP, cP, intersection2, planeNormal, d) && (Dist2Plane(aP, planeNormal, d) < 0))
                    t1.i[0] = aI;
                    t1.i[2] = succesor + 2;
                    t1.i[1] = succesor + 1;
                     t1.visible = true;
                    firstTri = *firstTri.n[m];
                if (SegPlaneIntersection(bP, cP, intersection1, planeNormal, d) && SegPlaneIntersection(bP, aP, intersection2, planeNormal, d) && (Dist2Plane(bP, planeNormal, d) < 0))
                    t1.i[0] = bI;
                    t1.i[2] = succesor + 2;
                    t1.i[1] = succesor + 1;
                     t1.visible = true;
                    firstTri = *firstTri.n[m];
                if (SegPlaneIntersection(cP, aP, intersection1, planeNormal, d) && SegPlaneIntersection(cP, bP, intersection2, planeNormal, d) && (Dist2Plane(cP, planeNormal, d) < 0))
                    t1.i[0] = cI;
                    t1.i[2] = succesor + 2;
                    t1.i[1] = succesor + 1;
                    t1.visible = true;
                    firstTri = *firstTri.n[m];
                if (SegPlaneIntersection(aP, bP, intersection1, planeNormal, d) && SegPlaneIntersection(aP, cP, intersection2, planeNormal, d) && (Dist2Plane(bP, planeNormal, d) < 0) && (Dist2Plane(cP, planeNormal, d) < 0))
                    t1.i[0] = bI;
                    t1.i[2] = succesor + 1;
                    t1.i[1] = succesor + 2;
                    t2.i[0] = cI;
                    t2.i[2] = bI;
                    t2.i[1] = succesor + 2;
                    t1.visible = true;
                    t2.visible = true;
                    firstTri = *firstTri.n[m];
                if (SegPlaneIntersection(bP, cP, intersection1, planeNormal, d) && SegPlaneIntersection(bP, aP, intersection2, planeNormal, d) && (Dist2Plane(cP, planeNormal, d) < 0) && (Dist2Plane(aP, planeNormal, d) < 0))
                    t1.i[0] = cI;
                    t1.i[2] = succesor + 1;
                    t1.i[1] = succesor + 2;
                    t2.i[0] = aI;
                    t2.i[2] = cI;
                    t2.i[1] = succesor + 2;
                    t1.visible = true;
                    t2.visible = true;
                    firstTri = *firstTri.n[m];
                if (SegPlaneIntersection(cP, aP, intersection1, planeNormal, d) && SegPlaneIntersection(cP, bP, intersection2, planeNormal, d) && (Dist2Plane(aP, planeNormal, d) < 0) && (Dist2Plane(bP, planeNormal, d) < 0))
                    t1.i[0] = aI;
                    t1.i[2] = succesor + 1;
                    t1.i[1] = succesor + 2;
                    t2.i[0] = bI;
                    t2.i[2] = aI;
                    t2.i[1] = succesor + 2;
                    t1.visible = true;
                    t2.visible = true;
                    firstTri = *firstTri.n[m];
            mico ++;
        }while (mico < 1000000);
        //nachbarn von Schnitt hinzufügen
        std::set<int> extendedLabelIndices ;
        for (int i = 0; i < triIndices.size(); ++i)
            const bool is_in = triIndicesHit.find(triIndices[i].iD) != triIndicesHit.end();
                for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j){
                    for(int k = 0; k < 3; ++k){
                        for(int l = 0; l < 3; ++l){
                            for(int f = 0; f < 3; ++f){
                                for(int s = 0; s < 3; ++s){
                                    for(int r = 0; r < 3; ++r){
     /*   for (int i = 0; i < triIndices.size(); ++i)
            int a = triIndices[i].i[0],b = triIndices[i].i[1] ,c = triIndices[i].i[2] ;
            if(( vec2[a].c >= 0 )&& ( vec2[b].c >= 0 ) && ( vec2[c].c >= 0 ))
                triIndices[i].visible = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < triIndices.size(); ++i)
            Eigen::Vector3f aP, bP, cP, intersection1, intersection2;
            //distance to middlepoint
            float dista, distb, distc;
            int aI = 0, bI = 0, cI = 0;
            aI = triIndices[i].i[0];
            bI = triIndices[i].i[1];
            cI = triIndices[i].i[2];
            aP = vec2[aI].p;
            bP = vec2[bI].p;
            cP = vec2[cI].p;
            dista = Dist2Points(c, aP);
            distb = Dist2Points(c, bP);
            distc = Dist2Points(c, cP);
            const bool is_in = extendedLabelIndices.find(triIndices[i].iD) != extendedLabelIndices.end();
            if (is_in)
                if ((Dist2Plane(aP, planeNormal, d) > 0) || (Dist2Plane(bP, planeNormal, d) > 0) || (Dist2Plane(cP, planeNormal, d) > 0))
                    triIndices[i].visible = false;
                if (((Dist2Plane(aP, planeNormal, d) <= 0) || (Dist2Plane(bP, planeNormal, d) <= 0) || (Dist2Plane(cP, planeNormal, d) <= 0)) && ((Dist2Plane(aP, planeNormal, d) > 10) || (Dist2Plane(bP, planeNormal, d) > 10) || (Dist2Plane(cP, planeNormal, d) > 10)))
                    triIndices[i].visible = true;
        Eigen::Vector3f vor_ca(0,0,0), ca(0, 0, 0);
        int anz = (int)newVertices.size() - (offset);
        for (int j =  offset ; j < (int)newVertices.size() ; ++j)
            vor_ca += newVertices[j];
        ca = vor_c / anz;
        for (int j =  offset; j < newVertices.size()-2; j+=2)
            IndexedTriangle t;
            t.i[1] = j;
            t.i[2] = j + 1;
            t.i[0] = (int)newVertices.size() - 1;
        offset = (int)newVertices.size();
        /*End computing Intersection Points*/
    for(auto t : triIndices)
        if(t.visible && (vec2[t.i[0]].c >= 0 || vec2[t.i[1]].c >= 0 || vec2[t.i[2]].c >= 0))
    WriteSegmentation(segmentationFile, segmentation2);
    ReadSegmentation(segmentationFile, segmentation, skeleton);
    //Test output
    std::cout << "Writing output file..." << std::endl;
    /*int colors[10][3] =
     { 166, 206, 227 },
     { 31, 120, 180 },
     { 251, 154, 153 },
     { 227, 26, 28 },
     { 253, 191, 111 },
     { 255, 127, 0 },
     { 202, 178, 214 },
     { 106, 61, 154 },
     { 255, 255, 153 },
     { 177, 89, 40 }
    auto colorFunc = [&](int i, int& r, int& g, int& b)
        if (doubleSeg[i] == -1)
            //color for passages
            r = 0; g = 175; b = 0;
            if (doubleSeg[i] >= 0)
                r = 166; g = 175; b = 227;
                if (doubleSeg[i] == 0)
                    r = 0; g = 0; b = 175;
    std::string segmentedMeshFile = outputDirectory + "/segmentedMesh.off";
    WriteOff(segmentedMeshFile.c_str(), vertices, triIndices, [&](int i, int& r, int& g, int& b) {colorFunc(meshVertexCorrespondsTo[i], r, g, b); });
    std::string segmentedMeshFile2 = outputDirectory + "/borderVertices.off";
    WriteOff(segmentedMeshFile2.c_str(), vertices, borderIndices, [&](int i, int& r, int& g, int& b) {colorFunc(meshVertexCorrespondsTo[i], r, g, b); });
    std::string segmentedMeshFile3 = outputDirectory + "/schalle.off";
    WriteOff(segmentedMeshFile3.c_str(), vertices, borderIndices, [&](int i, int& r, int& g, int& b) {colorFunc(meshVertexCorrespondsTo[i], r, g, b); });
    std::string segmentedMeshFile7 = outputDirectory + "/marchingBig.off";
    WriteOff(segmentedMeshFile7.c_str(), verwe , leerIndices, [&](int i, int& r, int& g, int& b) { r = 175; g = 0; b = 0; });
    std::string segmentedMeshFile8 = outputDirectory + "/new.off";
    WriteOff(segmentedMeshFile8.c_str(), newVertices, newTriangles, [&](int i, int& r, int& g, int& b) { r = 200; g = 200; b = 0; });
Example #17
Foam::label Foam::quadraticFitSnGradData::calcFit
    const List<point>& C,
    const label faci
    vector idir(1,0,0);
    vector jdir(0,1,0);
    vector kdir(0,0,1);
    findFaceDirs(idir, jdir, kdir, mesh(), faci);

    scalarList wts(C.size(), scalar(1));
    wts[0] = centralWeight_;
    wts[1] = centralWeight_;

    point p0 = mesh().faceCentres()[faci];
    scalar scale = 0;

    // calculate the matrix of the polynomial components
    scalarRectangularMatrix B(C.size(), minSize_, scalar(0));

    for(label ip = 0; ip < C.size(); ip++)
        const point& p = C[ip];

        scalar px = (p - p0)&idir;
        scalar py = (p - p0)&jdir;
            scalar pz = mag(p) - mag(p0);
            scalar pz = (p - p0)&kdir;

        if (ip == 0) scale = max(max(mag(px), mag(py)), mag(pz));

        px /= scale;
        py /= scale;
        pz /= scale;

        label is = 0;

        B[ip][is++] = wts[0]*wts[ip];
        B[ip][is++] = wts[0]*wts[ip]*px;
        B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*sqr(px);

        if (dim_ >= 2)
            B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*py;
            B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*px*py;
            B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*sqr(py);
        if (dim_ == 3)
            B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*pz;
            B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*px*pz;
            //B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*py*pz;
            B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*sqr(pz);

    // Set the fit
    label stencilSize = C.size();
    scalarList singVals(minSize_);
    label nSVDzeros = 0;

    const scalar& deltaCoeff = mesh().deltaCoeffs()[faci];

    bool goodFit = false;
    for(int iIt = 0; iIt < 10 && !goodFit; iIt++)
        SVD svd(B, SMALL);

        scalar fit0 = wts[0]*wts[0]*svd.VSinvUt()[1][0]/scale;
        scalar fit1 = wts[0]*wts[1]*svd.VSinvUt()[1][1]/scale;

        goodFit =
            fit0 < 0 && fit1 > 0
         && mag(fit0 + deltaCoeff) < 0.5*deltaCoeff
         && mag(fit1 - deltaCoeff) < 0.5*deltaCoeff;

        if (goodFit)
            fit_[faci][0] = fit0;
            fit_[faci][1] = fit1;
            for(label i = 2; i < stencilSize; i++)
                fit_[faci][i] = wts[0]*wts[i]*svd.VSinvUt()[1][i]/scale;
            singVals = svd.S();
            nSVDzeros = svd.nZeros();
        else // (not good fit so increase weight in the centre and for linear)
            wts[0] *= 10;
            wts[1] *= 10;

            for(label i = 0; i < B.n(); i++)
                B[i][0] *= 10;
                B[i][1] *= 10;

            for(label j = 0; j < B.m(); j++)
                B[0][j] *= 10;
                B[1][j] *= 10;

    if (goodFit)
        // remove the uncorrected snGradScheme coefficients
        fit_[faci][0] += deltaCoeff;
        fit_[faci][1] -= deltaCoeff;
        Pout<< "quadratifFitSnGradData could not fit face " << faci
            << " fit_[faci][0] =  " << fit_[faci][0]
            << " fit_[faci][1] =  " << fit_[faci][1]
            << " deltaCoeff =  " << deltaCoeff << endl;
        fit_[faci] = 0;

    return minSize_ - nSVDzeros;
   computeConsistentRotations_Linf(double const sigma, int const nIterations, int const nViews,
                                   std::vector<Matrix3x3d> const& relativeRotations,
                                   std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > const& viewPairs,
                                   std::vector<Matrix3x3d>& rotations, std::vector<double>& zs)
      double const gamma = 1.0;

      int const nRelPoses = relativeRotations.size();


      Matrix3x3d zero3x3d;

      Matrix4x4d zeroQuat;
      makeZeroMatrix(zeroQuat); zeroQuat[0][0] = 1;

      double const denomT = 1.0 / (1.0 + nRelPoses);

      vector<double> denomQ(nViews, 1.0); // from the psd constraint
      for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
         int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
         int const j = viewPairs[k].second;
         denomQ[i] += 1;
         denomQ[j] += 1;
      for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) denomQ[i] = 1.0 / denomQ[i];

      double T = 0.0;
      vector<double> T1(nRelPoses);
      vector<double> ZT1(nRelPoses, 0.0);
      double T2;
      double ZT2 = 0;

      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q1(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ1(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q2i(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q2j(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ2i(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ2j(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);

      vector<Matrix3x3d> A(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> A1(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> A2(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> ZA1(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> ZA2(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);

      for (int iter = 0; iter < nIterations; ++iter)
         // Convex hull of rotation matrices
         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i)
            Matrix4x4d q = Q[i] + ZQ1[i];
            if (i > 0)
               q[0][0] = 1;
            Q1[i] = q;
            addMatricesIP(Q[i] - q, ZQ1[i]);
         } // end for (i)

         // Shrinkage of T (we want to minimize T)
         T2 = std::max(0.0, T + ZT2 - gamma);
         ZT2 += T - T2;

         // Cone constraint
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            double t = T + ZT1[k];
            Matrix3x3d a = A[k] + ZA1[k];

            proxDataResidual_Frobenius(sigma, t, a);

            T1[k] = t;
            ZT1[k] += T - t;
            A1[k] = a;
            addMatricesIP(A[k] - a, ZA1[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         // Enforce linear consistency
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
            int const j = viewPairs[k].second;

            Matrix4x4d qi = Q[i] + ZQ2i[k];
            Matrix4x4d qj = Q[j] + ZQ2j[k];
            Matrix3x3d a = A[k] + ZA2[k];

            proxConsistency(relativeRotations[k], qi, qj, a);

            Q2i[k] = qi;
            Q2j[k] = qj;
            A2[k] = a;
            addMatricesIP(Q[i] - qi, ZQ2i[k]);
            addMatricesIP(Q[j] - qj, ZQ2j[k]);
            addMatricesIP(A[k] - a, ZA2[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         // Averaging of the solutions
         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) Q[i] = Q1[i] - ZQ1[i];

         T = T2 - ZT2;
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k) T += T1[k] - ZT1[k];
         T *= denomT;
         T = std::max(0.0, T);

         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k) A[k] = A1[k] - ZA1[k];

         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
            int const j = viewPairs[k].second;

            addMatricesIP(Q2i[k] - ZQ2i[k], Q[i]);
            addMatricesIP(Q2j[k] - ZQ2j[k], Q[j]);
            addMatricesIP(A2[k] - ZA2[k], A[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) scaleMatrixIP(denomQ[i], Q[i]);
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k) scaleMatrixIP(0.5, A[k]);

         if ((iter % 500) == 0)
            cout << "iter: " << iter << " t = " << T << endl;
            cout << "T1 = "; displayVector(T1);
            cout << "ZT1 = "; displayVector(ZT1);
            cout << "T2 = " << T2 << " ZT2 = " << ZT2 << endl;

            Matrix<double> ZZ(4, 4);
            for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i)
               copyMatrix(Q[i], ZZ);
               SVD<double> svd(ZZ);
               cout << "Q = "; displayMatrix(ZZ);
               cout << "SV = "; displayVector(svd.getSingularValues());
               //Matrix3x3d R = getRotationFromQuat(Q[i]);
               //cout << "R = "; displayMatrix(R);
            } // end for (i)
      } // end for (iter)

      for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i)
         rotations[i] = getRotationFromQuat(Q[i]);

      zs = ZT1;
   } // end computeConsistentRotations_Linf()
Example #19
// Norm: Return largest singular value for M-by-N matrix.
double norm(const DMat& mat) 
  DVec s( svd(mat) );
  return s(1); 
 * @brief estimateHomography estimates an homography matrix H between image 1 to image 2
 * @param points0 is an array of points computed from image 1.
 * @param points1 is an array of points computed from image 2.
 * @return It returns the homography matrix H.
PIC_INLINE Eigen::Matrix3d estimateHomography(std::vector< Eigen::Vector2f > &points0,
                                   std::vector< Eigen::Vector2f > &points1)
    Eigen::Matrix3d  H;

    if((points0.size() != points1.size()) || (points0.size() < 4)) {
        return H;

    Eigen::Vector3f transform_0 = ComputeNormalizationTransform(points0);
    Eigen::Vector3f transform_1 = ComputeNormalizationTransform(points1);

    Eigen::Matrix3d mat_0 = getShiftScaleMatrix(transform_0);
    Eigen::Matrix3d mat_1 = getShiftScaleMatrix(transform_1);

    int n = int(points0.size());
    Eigen::MatrixXd A(n * 2, 9);

    //set up the linear system
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        //transform coordinates for increasing stability of the system
        Eigen::Vector2f p0 = points0[i];
        Eigen::Vector2f p1 = points1[i];

        p0[0] = (p0[0] - transform_0[0]) / transform_0[2];
        p0[1] = (p0[1] - transform_0[1]) / transform_0[2];

        p1[0] = (p1[0] - transform_1[0]) / transform_1[2];
        p1[1] = (p1[1] - transform_1[1]) / transform_1[2];

        int j = i * 2;
        A(j, 0) = 0.0;
        A(j, 1) = 0.0;
        A(j, 2) = 0.0;
        A(j, 3) = p0[0];
        A(j, 4) = p0[1];
        A(j, 5) = 1.0;
        A(j, 6) = -p1[1] * p0[0];
        A(j, 7) = -p1[1] * p0[1];
        A(j, 8) = -p1[1];


        A(j, 0) = p0[0];
        A(j, 1) = p0[1];
        A(j, 2) = 1.0;
        A(j, 3) = 0.0;
        A(j, 4) = 0.0;
        A(j, 5) = 0.0;
        A(j, 6) = -p1[0] * p0[0];
        A(j, 7) = -p1[0] * p0[1];
        A(j, 8) = -p1[0];

    //solve the linear system
    Eigen::JacobiSVD< Eigen::MatrixXd > svd(A, Eigen::ComputeFullV);
    Eigen::MatrixXd V = svd.matrixV();

    n = int(V.cols()) - 1;

    //assign and transpose
    H(0, 0) = V(0, n);
    H(0, 1) = V(1, n);
    H(0, 2) = V(2, n);

    H(1, 0) = V(3, n);
    H(1, 1) = V(4, n);
    H(1, 2) = V(5, n);

    H(2, 0) = V(6, n);
    H(2, 1) = V(7, n);
    H(2, 2) = V(8, n);

    H = mat_1.inverse() * H * mat_0;
    return H / H(2, 2);
Example #21
bool Homography::
  JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd(H_c2_from_c1, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);

  Vector3d singular_values = svd.singularValues();

  double d1 = fabs(singular_values[0]); // The paper suggests the square of these (e.g. the evalues of AAT)
  double d2 = fabs(singular_values[1]); // should be used, but this is wrong. c.f. Faugeras' book.
  double d3 = fabs(singular_values[2]);

  Matrix3d U = svd.matrixU();
  Matrix3d V = svd.matrixV();                    // VT^T

  double s = U.determinant() * V.determinant();

  double dPrime_PM = d2;

  int nCase;
  if(d1 != d2 && d2 != d3)
    nCase = 1;
  else if( d1 == d2 && d2 == d3)
    nCase = 3;
    nCase = 2;

  if(nCase != 1)
    printf("FATAL Homography Initialization: This motion case is not implemented or is degenerate. Try again. ");
    return false;

  double x1_PM;
  double x2;
  double x3_PM;

  // All below deals with the case = 1 case.
  // Case 1 implies (d1 != d3)
  { // Eq. 12
    x1_PM = sqrt((d1*d1 - d2*d2) / (d1*d1 - d3*d3));
    x2    = 0;
    x3_PM = sqrt((d2*d2 - d3*d3) / (d1*d1 - d3*d3));

  double e1[4] = {1.0,-1.0, 1.0,-1.0};
  double e3[4] = {1.0, 1.0,-1.0,-1.0};

  Vector3d np;
  HomographyDecomposition decomp;

  // Case 1, d' > 0:
  decomp.d = s * dPrime_PM;
  for(size_t signs=0; signs<4; signs++)
    // Eq 13
    decomp.R = Matrix3d::Identity();
    double dSinTheta = (d1 - d3) * x1_PM * x3_PM * e1[signs] * e3[signs] / d2;
    double dCosTheta = (d1 * x3_PM * x3_PM + d3 * x1_PM * x1_PM) / d2;
    decomp.R(0,0) = dCosTheta;
    decomp.R(0,2) = -dSinTheta;
    decomp.R(2,0) = dSinTheta;
    decomp.R(2,2) = dCosTheta;

    // Eq 14
    decomp.t[0] = (d1 - d3) * x1_PM * e1[signs];
    decomp.t[1] = 0.0;
    decomp.t[2] = (d1 - d3) * -x3_PM * e3[signs];

    np[0] = x1_PM * e1[signs];
    np[1] = x2;
    np[2] = x3_PM * e3[signs];
    decomp.n = V * np;


  // Case 1, d' < 0:
  decomp.d = s * -dPrime_PM;
  for(size_t signs=0; signs<4; signs++)
    // Eq 15
    decomp.R = -1 * Matrix3d::Identity();
    double dSinPhi = (d1 + d3) * x1_PM * x3_PM * e1[signs] * e3[signs] / d2;
    double dCosPhi = (d3 * x1_PM * x1_PM - d1 * x3_PM * x3_PM) / d2;
    decomp.R(0,0) = dCosPhi;
    decomp.R(0,2) = dSinPhi;
    decomp.R(2,0) = dSinPhi;
    decomp.R(2,2) = -dCosPhi;

    // Eq 16
    decomp.t[0] = (d1 + d3) * x1_PM * e1[signs];
    decomp.t[1] = 0.0;
    decomp.t[2] = (d1 + d3) * x3_PM * e3[signs];

    np[0] = x1_PM * e1[signs];
    np[1] = x2;
    np[2] = x3_PM * e3[signs];
    decomp.n = V * np;


  // Save rotation and translation of the decomposition
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<decompositions.size(); i++)
    Matrix3d R = s * U * decompositions[i].R * V.transpose();
    Vector3d t = U * decompositions[i].t;
    decompositions[i].T = Sophus::SE3(R, t);
  return true;
void Foam::CentredFitSnGradData<Polynomial>::calcFit
    scalarList& coeffsi,
    const List<point>& C,
    const scalar wLin,
    const scalar deltaCoeff,
    const label facei
    vector idir(1,0,0);
    vector jdir(0,1,0);
    vector kdir(0,0,1);
    this->findFaceDirs(idir, jdir, kdir, facei);

    // Setup the point weights
    scalarList wts(C.size(), scalar(1));
    wts[0] = this->centralWeight();
    wts[1] = this->centralWeight();

    // Reference point
    point p0 = this->mesh().faceCentres()[facei];

    // p0 -> p vector in the face-local coordinate system
    vector d;

    // Local coordinate scaling
    scalar scale = 1;

    // Matrix of the polynomial components
    scalarRectangularMatrix B(C.size(), this->minSize(), scalar(0));

    forAll(C, ip)
        const point& p = C[ip];
        const vector p0p = p - p0;

        d.x() = p0p & idir;
        d.y() = p0p & jdir;
        d.z() = p0p & kdir;

        if (ip == 0)
            scale = cmptMax(cmptMag((d)));

        // Scale the radius vector
        d /= scale;

        Polynomial::addCoeffs(B[ip], d, wts[ip], this->dim());

    // Additional weighting for constant and linear terms
    for (label i = 0; i < B.m(); i++)
        B(i, 0) *= wts[0];
        B(i, 1) *= wts[0];

    // Set the fit
    label stencilSize = C.size();

    bool goodFit = false;
    for (int iIt = 0; iIt < 8 && !goodFit; iIt++)
        SVD svd(B, small);
        scalarRectangularMatrix invB(svd.VSinvUt());

        for (label i=0; i<stencilSize; i++)
            coeffsi[i] = wts[1]*wts[i]*invB(1, i)/scale;

        goodFit =
            mag(wts[0]*wts[0]*invB(0, 0) - wLin)
          < this->linearLimitFactor()*wLin)
         && (mag(wts[0]*wts[1]*invB(0, 1) - (1 - wLin)
        ) < this->linearLimitFactor()*(1 - wLin))
         && coeffsi[0] < 0 && coeffsi[1] > 0
         && mag(coeffsi[0] + deltaCoeff) < 0.5*deltaCoeff
         && mag(coeffsi[1] - deltaCoeff) < 0.5*deltaCoeff;

        if (!goodFit)
            // (not good fit so increase weight in the centre and weight
            //  for constant and linear terms)

                << "Cannot fit face " << facei << " iteration " << iIt
                << " with sum of weights " << sum(coeffsi) << nl
                << "    Weights " << coeffsi << nl
                << "    Linear weights " << wLin << " " << 1 - wLin << nl
                << "    deltaCoeff " << deltaCoeff << nl
                << "    sing vals " << svd.S() << nl
                << "Components of goodFit:\n"
                << "    wts[0]*wts[0]*invB(0, 0) = "
                << wts[0]*wts[0]*invB(0, 0) << nl
                << "    wts[0]*wts[1]*invB(0, 1) = "
                << wts[0]*wts[1]*invB(0, 1)
                << " dim = " << this->dim() << endl;

            wts[0] *= 10;
            wts[1] *= 10;

            for (label j = 0; j < B.n(); j++)
                B(0, j) *= 10;
                B(1, j) *= 10;

            for (label i = 0; i < B.m(); i++)
                B(i, 0) *= 10;
                B(i, 1) *= 10;

    if (goodFit)
        // Remove the uncorrected coefficients
        coeffsi[0] += deltaCoeff;
        coeffsi[1] -= deltaCoeff;
            << "Could not fit face " << facei
            << "    Coefficients = " << coeffsi
            << ", reverting to uncorrected." << endl;

        coeffsi = 0;
Example #23
int main(void){
    // P2
    unsigned int width(300), height(300);
    kn::ioEPS eps(width, height);

    //Draw axis
    eps.drawLine(0, height/2, width, height/2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1);
    eps.drawLine(width/2, 0, width/2, height, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1);
    unsigned int nbPoints(100);

#if 1  
    Eigen::MatrixXd pointsP2(nbPoints,3);
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < nbPoints; ++i){
        double x = (double(width - 100)/(nbPoints-1.0) * i) - double(width)/2.0 + 50.0;
        double naturalOffset(10.0);
        double randomOffset = (rand()%50) - 25.0;
        pointsP2(i, 0) = x;
        pointsP2(i, 1) = 0.8*x + naturalOffset + randomOffset;
        pointsP2(i, 2) = 1.0;
    //std::cout << " input data\n" << pointsP2 << std::endl << std::endl;
    Eigen::Matrix3d signP2 = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
    signP2(1, 1) = -1.0;
    //std::cout << " signP2\n" << signP2 << std::endl << std::endl;
    Eigen::MatrixXd tmp(pointsP2);
    tmp = pointsP2 * signP2;
    std::cout << " input data\n" << tmp << std::endl << std::endl;
    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXd> svd(tmp, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
    Eigen::VectorXd h = svd.matrixV().rightCols(1);
    std::cout << " Solution\n" << h/h(1) << std::endl;
    double graduate(h(0)/h(1));
    double offset = h(2)/h(1);// (h(2) / sqrt(h(0)*h(0) + h(1) * h(1)));
    //double offset((h(2)/h(1)) / sqrt(h(0)*h(0) + h(1) * h(1)));
    std::cout << "Pente: " << graduate << " Offset: " << offset << std::endl;
    Eigen::MatrixXd pointsP2(nbPoints,2);
    Eigen::VectorXd yP2(nbPoints);
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < nbPoints; ++i){
        double x = (double(width - 100)/(nbPoints-1.0) * i) - double(width)/2.0 + 50.0;
        double naturalOffset(10.0);
        double randomOffset = (rand()%50) - 25.0;
        pointsP2(i, 0) = x;
        pointsP2(i, 1) = 1.0;
        yP2(i) = 0.8*x + naturalOffset + randomOffset;
    std::cout << " input data\n" << pointsP2 << std::endl << std::endl;
    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXd> svd(pointsP2, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
    Eigen::VectorXd h = svd.solve(yP2);
    std::cout << " Solution\n" << h << std::endl;
    double graduate(h(0));
    double offset = h(1);// (h(2) / sqrt(h(0)*h(0) + h(1) * h(1)));
    //double offset((h(2)/h(1)) / sqrt(h(0)*h(0) + h(1) * h(1)));
    std::cout << "Pente: " << graduate << " Offset: " << offset << std::endl;
    // affichage des points et droites //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    double xTop   = ( ( double(height) / 2.0f) - offset ) / graduate;
    double xBot   = ( (-double(height) / 2.0f) - offset ) / graduate;
    double yLeft  = graduate * (- double(width)/2.0f ) + offset;
    double yRight = graduate * (  double(width)/2.0f ) + offset;
    bool alreadyIntersect(false);  
    double linePoint1x, linePoint1y;
    double linePoint2x, linePoint2y;
    if( (xTop >= (- double(width)/2.0f)) && (xTop <= double(width)/2.0f)){
        std::cout << "Top" << std::endl;
        linePoint1x = xTop;
        linePoint1y = double(height)/2.0f;
        alreadyIntersect = true;
    if( (xBot >= (- double(width)/2.0f)) && (xBot <= double(width)/2.0f) ){
        std::cout << "Bot" << std::endl;
            linePoint2x = xBot;
            linePoint2y = -double(height)/2.0f;
            linePoint1x = xBot;
            linePoint1y = -double(height)/2.0f;
        alreadyIntersect = true; 
    if( (yLeft > (- double(height)/2.0f)) && (yLeft < double(height)/2.0f) ){
        std::cout << "Left" << std::endl;
            linePoint2x = -double(width)/2.0f;
            linePoint2y = yLeft;
            linePoint1x = -double(width)/2.0f;
            linePoint1y = yLeft;
        alreadyIntersect = true;
    if( (yRight > (- double(height)/2.0f)) && (yRight < double(height)/2.0f) ){
        std::cout << "Right" << std::endl;
            linePoint2x = double(width)/2.0f;
            linePoint2y = yRight;
            linePoint1x = double(width)/2.0f;
            linePoint1y = yRight;
        alreadyIntersect = true;
    std::cout << linePoint1x << " " << linePoint1y << std::endl;
    std::cout << linePoint2x << " " << linePoint2y << std::endl;
    std::cout << linePoint1x + width / 2.0 << " " << height - (linePoint1y + height / 2.0) << std::endl;
    std::cout << linePoint2x + width / 2.0 << " " << height - (linePoint2y + height / 2.0) << std::endl;
    eps.drawLine(linePoint1x + width / 2.0, height - (linePoint1y + height / 2.0),
                 linePoint2x + width / 2.0, height - (linePoint2y + height / 2.0),
                 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
    // draw points
    for( unsigned int i=0; i<pointsP2.rows(); ++i ){
        eps.drawCircleFilled(width/2 + pointsP2(i, 0), height/2 - pointsP2(i, 1), 1, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        //eps.drawCircleFilled(width/2 + pointsP2(i, 0), height/2 - yP2(i), 1, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    return 0;
Example #24
slep_result_t malsar_low_rank(
		CDotFeatures* features,
		double* y,
		double rho,
		const slep_options& options)
	int task;
	int n_feats = features->get_dim_feature_space();
	SG_SDEBUG("n feats = %d\n", n_feats);
	int n_vecs = features->get_num_vectors();
	SG_SDEBUG("n vecs = %d\n", n_vecs);
	int n_tasks = options.n_tasks;
	SG_SDEBUG("n tasks = %d\n", n_tasks);

	int iter = 0;

	// initialize weight vector and bias for each task
	MatrixXd Ws = MatrixXd::Zero(n_feats, n_tasks);
	VectorXd Cs = VectorXd::Zero(n_tasks);
	for (task=0; task<n_tasks; task++)
		int n_pos = 0;
		int n_neg = 0;
		for (int i=options.ind[task]; i<options.ind[task+1]; i++)
			if (y[i] > 0)
		Cs[task] = CMath::log(double(n_pos)/n_neg);

	MatrixXd Wz=Ws, Wzp=Ws, Wz_old=Ws, delta_Wzp=Ws, gWs=Ws;
	VectorXd Cz=Cs, Czp=Cs, Cz_old=Cs, delta_Czp=Cs, gCs=Cs;

	double t=1, t_old=0;
	double gamma=1, gamma_inc=2;
	double obj=0.0, obj_old=0.0;

	bool done = false;
	while (!done && iter <= options.max_iter)
		double alpha = double(t_old - 1)/t;

		// compute search point
		Ws = (1+alpha)*Wz - alpha*Wz_old;
		Cs = (1+alpha)*Cz - alpha*Cz_old;

		// zero gradient

		// compute gradient and objective at search point
		double Fs = 0;
		for (task=0; task<n_tasks; task++)
			for (int i=options.ind[task]; i<options.ind[task+1]; i++)
				double aa = -y[i]*(features->dense_dot(i, Ws.col(task).data(), n_feats)+Cs[task]);
				double bb = CMath::max(aa,0.0);

				// avoid underflow when computing exponential loss
				Fs += (CMath::log(CMath::exp(-bb) + CMath::exp(aa-bb)) + bb)/n_vecs;
				double b = -y[i]*(1 - 1/(1+CMath::exp(aa)))/n_vecs;

				gCs[task] += b;
				features->add_to_dense_vec(b, i, gWs.col(task).data(), n_feats);
		gWs.noalias() += 2*rho*Ws;
		// add regularizer
		Fs += rho*Ws.squaredNorm();

		double Fzp = 0.0;

		// line search, Armijo-Goldstein scheme
		while (true)
			// compute trace projection of Ws - gWs/gamma with 2*rho/gamma
			JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd(Ws - gWs/gamma,ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
			for (int i=0; i<svd.singularValues().size(); i++)
				if (svd.singularValues()[i] > 2*rho/gamma)
					Wzp += svd.matrixU().col(i)*
			// walk in direction of antigradient 
			Czp = Cs - gCs/gamma;
			// compute objective at line search point
			Fzp = 0.0;
			for (task=0; task<n_tasks; task++)
				for (int i=options.ind[task]; i<options.ind[task+1]; i++)
					double aa = -y[i]*(features->dense_dot(i, Wzp.col(task).data(), n_feats)+Cs[task]);
					double bb = CMath::max(aa,0.0);

					Fzp += (CMath::log(CMath::exp(-bb) + CMath::exp(aa-bb)) + bb)/n_vecs;
			Fzp += rho*Wzp.squaredNorm();

			// compute delta between line search point and search point
			delta_Wzp = Wzp - Ws;
			delta_Czp = Czp - Cs;

			// norms of delta
			double nrm_delta_Wzp = delta_Wzp.squaredNorm();
			double nrm_delta_Czp = delta_Czp.squaredNorm();

			double r_sum = (nrm_delta_Wzp + nrm_delta_Czp)/2;

			double Fzp_gamma = Fs + (delta_Wzp.transpose()*gWs).trace() +
				(delta_Czp.transpose()*gCs).trace() +
				(gamma/2)*nrm_delta_Wzp +

			// break if delta is getting too small
			if (r_sum <= 1e-20)
				done = true;

			// break if objective at line searc point is smaller than Fzp_gamma
			if (Fzp <= Fzp_gamma)
				gamma *= gamma_inc;

		Wz_old = Wz;
		Cz_old = Cz;
		Wz = Wzp;
		Cz = Czp;

		// compute objective value
		obj_old = obj;
		obj = Fzp;
		JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd(Wzp, EigenvaluesOnly);
		obj += rho*svd.singularValues().sum();

		// check if process should be terminated 
		switch (options.termination)
			case 0:
				if (iter>=2)
					if ( CMath::abs(obj-obj_old) <= options.tolerance )
						done = true;
			case 1:
				if (iter>=2)
					if ( CMath::abs(obj-obj_old) <= options.tolerance*CMath::abs(obj_old))
						done = true;
			case 2:
				if (CMath::abs(obj) <= options.tolerance)
					done = true;
			case 3:
				if (iter>=options.max_iter)
					done = true;

		t_old = t;
		t = 0.5 * (1 + CMath::sqrt(1.0 + 4*t*t));
	SG_SDEBUG("%d iteration passed, objective = %f\n",iter,obj);

	SGMatrix<float64_t> tasks_w(n_feats, n_tasks);
	for (int i=0; i<n_feats; i++)
		for (task=0; task<n_tasks; task++)
			tasks_w[i] = Wzp(i,task);
	SGVector<float64_t> tasks_c(n_tasks);
	for (int i=0; i<n_tasks; i++) tasks_c[i] = Czp[i];
	return slep_result_t(tasks_w, tasks_c);
Example #25
 *  Vertex positioning is based on [Kobbelt et al, 2001]
float Octree::findVertex(Evaluator* e)

    // Find the center of intersection positions
    glm::vec3 center = std::accumulate(
            intersections.begin(), intersections.end(), glm::vec3(),
            [](const glm::vec3& a, const Intersection& b)
                { return a + b.pos; }) / float(intersections.size());

    /*  The A matrix is of the form
     *  [n1x, n1y, n1z]
     *  [n2x, n2y, n2z]
     *  [n3x, n3y, n3z]
     *  ...
     *  (with one row for each Hermite intersection)
    Eigen::MatrixX3f A(intersections.size(), 3);
    for (unsigned i=0; i < intersections.size(); ++i)
        auto d = intersections[i].norm;
        A.row(i) << Eigen::Vector3f(d.x, d.y, d.z).transpose();

    /*  The B matrix is of the form
     *  [p1 . n1]
     *  [p2 . n2]
     *  [p3 . n3]
     *  ...
     *  (with one row for each Hermite intersection)
     *  Positions are pre-emtively shifted so that the center of the contoru
     *  is at 0, 0, 0 (since the least-squares fix minimizes distance to the
     *  origin); we'll unshift afterwards.
    Eigen::VectorXf B(intersections.size(), 1);
    for (unsigned i=0; i < intersections.size(); ++i)
        B.row(i) << glm::dot(intersections[i].norm,
                             intersections[i].pos - center);

    // Use singular value decomposition to solve the least-squares fit.
    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixX3f> svd(A, Eigen::ComputeFullU |

    // Truncate singular values below 0.1
    auto singular = svd.singularValues();
    svd.setThreshold(0.1 / singular.maxCoeff());
    rank = svd.rank();

    // Solve the equation and convert back to cell coordinates
    Eigen::Vector3f solution = svd.solve(B);
    vert = glm::vec3(solution.x(), solution.y(), solution.z()) + center;

    // Clamp vertex to be within the bounding box
    vert.x = std::min(X.upper(), std::max(vert.x, X.lower()));
    vert.y = std::min(Y.upper(), std::max(vert.y, Y.lower()));
    vert.z = std::min(Z.upper(), std::max(vert.z, Z.lower()));

    // Find and return QEF residual
    auto m = A * solution - B;
    return m.transpose() * m;
Example #26
 at::Mat homographyToPose(at::real fx, at::real fy, 
                          at::real tagSize,
                          const at::Mat& horig,
                          bool openGLStyle) {
   // flip the homography along the Y axis to align the
   // conventional image coordinate system (y=0 at the top) with
   // the conventional camera coordinate system (y=0 at the
   // bottom).

   at::Mat h = horig;

   at::Mat F = at::Mat::eye(3,3);
   F(1,1) = F(2,2) = -1;
   h = F * horig;

   at::Mat M(4,4);
   M(0,0) =  h(0,0) / fx;
   M(0,1) =  h(0,1) / fx;
   M(0,3) =  h(0,2) / fx;
   M(1,0) =  h(1,0) / fy;
   M(1,1) =  h(1,1) / fy;
   M(1,3) =  h(1,2) / fy;
   M(2,0) =  h(2,0);
   M(2,1) =  h(2,1);
   M(2,3) =  h(2,2);

   // Compute the scale. The columns of M should be made to be
   // unit vectors. This is over-determined, so we take the
   // geometric average.
   at::real scale0 = sqrt(sq(M(0,0)) + sq(M(1,0)) + sq(M(2,0)));
   at::real scale1 = sqrt(sq(M(0,1)) + sq(M(1,1)) + sq(M(2,1)));
   at::real scale = sqrt(scale0*scale1);
   M *= 1.0/scale;

   // recover sign of scale factor by noting that observations must
   // occur in front of the camera.
   if (M(2,3) > 0) {
     M *= -1;

   // The bottom row should always be [0 0 0 1].  
   M(3,0) = 0;
   M(3,1) = 0;
   M(3,2) = 0;
   M(3,3) = 1;

   // recover third rotation vector by crossproduct of the other two
   // rotation vectors
   at::Vec3 a( M(0,0), M(1,0), M(2,0) );
   at::Vec3 b( M(0,1), M(1,1), M(2,1) );
   at::Vec3 ab = a.cross(b);
   M(0,2) = ab[0];
   M(1,2) = ab[1];
   M(2,2) = ab[2];

   // pull out just the rotation component so we can normalize it.

   at::Mat R(3,3);
   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
     for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
       R(i,j) = M(i,j);

   // polar decomposition, R = (UV')(VSV')

   cv::SVD svd(R);
   at::Mat MR = svd.u * svd.vt;
   if (!openGLStyle) { MR = F * MR; }

   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
     for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
       M(i,j) = MR(i,j);

   // Scale the results based on the scale in the homography. The
   // homography assumes that tags span from -1 to +1, i.e., that
   // they are two units wide (and tall).
   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
     at::real scl = openGLStyle ? 1 : F(i,i);
     M(i,3) *= scl * tagSize / 2;
   return M;

// ****************************************************************************
// This function finds a set of vectors (P) such that, for each vector p:
// A.p = 0
// Note that A is a matrix of size rows x cols, P is a matrix of size cols x cols whose ROWS are the p vectors.
// P must NOT point to any allocated memory prior to calling this function. 
// The rank deficit (nullity) is returned (0 if matrix is full rank, 1 if matrix has one singular value, etc).
// tol defines how small a singular value must be in order to be considered a "zero". 
// ****************************************************************************
long int find_null_space_vectors(double *A, long int rows, long int cols, double **P, double tolerance)
	double *U, *D, *V, *R, max_val, min_val;
	long int i, rank_deficit, c, r;

	U=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*rows*cols);
	if (U==NULL) quit_error((char*)"Out of memory");
	D=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*cols*cols);
	if (D==NULL) quit_error((char*)"Out of memory");
	V=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*cols*cols);
	if (V==NULL) quit_error((char*)"Out of memory");
	// Calculate the Singular Value Decomposition
	svd(A, rows, cols, U, D, V);

	// Find the maximum and minimum magnitude singular values
	for (i=0; i<cols; i++)
		if (fabs(D[i*cols+i])<fabs(min_val)) min_val=fabs(D[i*cols+i]);
		if (fabs(D[i*cols+i])>fabs(max_val)) max_val=fabs(D[i*cols+i]);

	// Count the rank deficit of the matrix, and extract
	// relevant rows of the transpose(V) matrix. 
	for (i=0; i<cols; i++)
		if (fabs(D[i*cols+i])<tolerance) rank_deficit++;
	// Transpose V
	matrix_transpose(V, cols, cols);

	// Generate a reduced version of transpose(V)
	R=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*cols*(rank_deficit));
	if (R==NULL) quit_error((char*)"Out of memory");
	for (i=0; i<cols; i++)
		if (fabs(D[i*cols+i])<fabs(tolerance))
			for (c=0; c<cols; c++)

	// Row reduce R
	matrix_row_reduce(R, rank_deficit, cols, tolerance);

	return rank_deficit;
v4r::MultiPlaneSegmentation<PointT>::segment(bool force_unorganized)

  if(input_->isOrganized() && !force_unorganized)
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr normal_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
        pcl::IntegralImageNormalEstimation<PointT, pcl::Normal> ne;
        ne.setNormalEstimationMethod (ne.COVARIANCE_MATRIX);
        ne.setMaxDepthChangeFactor (0.02f);
        ne.setNormalSmoothingSize (20.0f);
        ne.setBorderPolicy (pcl::IntegralImageNormalEstimation<PointT, pcl::Normal>::BORDER_POLICY_IGNORE);
        ne.setInputCloud (input_);
        ne.compute (*normal_cloud);
        normal_cloud = normal_cloud_;

    pcl::OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation<PointT, pcl::Normal, pcl::Label> mps;
    mps.setMinInliers (min_plane_inliers_);
    mps.setAngularThreshold (0.017453 * 2.f); // 2 degrees
    mps.setDistanceThreshold (0.01); // 1cm
    mps.setInputNormals (normal_cloud);
    mps.setInputCloud (input_);

    std::vector<pcl::PlanarRegion<PointT>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<pcl::PlanarRegion<PointT> > > regions;
    std::vector<pcl::ModelCoefficients> model_coefficients;
    std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> inlier_indices;
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Label>::Ptr labels (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Label>);
    std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> label_indices;
    std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> boundary_indices;

    typename pcl::PlaneRefinementComparator<PointT, pcl::Normal, pcl::Label>::Ptr ref_comp (
                                                                                             new pcl::PlaneRefinementComparator<PointT,
                                                                                                 pcl::Normal, pcl::Label> ());
    ref_comp->setDistanceThreshold (0.01f, false);
    ref_comp->setAngularThreshold (0.017453 * 2.f);
    mps.setRefinementComparator (ref_comp);
    mps.segmentAndRefine (regions, model_coefficients, inlier_indices, labels, label_indices, boundary_indices);
    //mps.segment (model_coefficients, inlier_indices);

    //std::cout << model_coefficients.size() << std::endl;

      //sort planes by size
      //check if the first plane can be merged against the others, if yes, define a new plane combining both and add it to the cue

      typedef boost::adjacency_matrix<boost::undirectedS, int> GraphPlane;
      GraphPlane mergeable_planes (model_coefficients.size ());
      for(size_t i=0; i < model_coefficients.size(); i++)

        Eigen::Vector3f plane_i = Eigen::Vector3f (model_coefficients[i].values[0], model_coefficients[i].values[1],

        for(size_t j=(i+1); j < model_coefficients.size(); j++)
          Eigen::Vector3f plane_j = Eigen::Vector3f (model_coefficients[j].values[0], model_coefficients[j].values[1],


          //std::cout << "dot product:" << plane_i.dot(plane_j) << " diff:" << std::abs(model_coefficients[i].values[3] - model_coefficients[j].values[3]) << std::endl;
          if(plane_i.dot(plane_j) > 0.95)
            if(std::abs(model_coefficients[i].values[3] - model_coefficients[j].values[3]) < 0.015)
              boost::add_edge (static_cast<int>(i), static_cast<int>(j), mergeable_planes);

      boost::vector_property_map<int> components (boost::num_vertices (mergeable_planes));
      int n_cc = static_cast<int> (boost::connected_components (mergeable_planes, &components[0]));

      std::vector<int> cc_sizes;
      std::vector< std::vector<int> > cc_to_model_coeff;
      cc_sizes.resize (n_cc, 0);

      for (size_t i = 0; i < model_coefficients.size (); i++)

      std::vector<pcl::ModelCoefficients> new_model_coefficients;
      std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> new_inlier_indices;

      for(size_t i=0; i < cc_sizes.size(); i++)
        if(cc_sizes[i] < 2)

        //std::cout << "going to merge CC:" << cc_sizes[i] << std::endl;
        pcl::ModelCoefficients model_coeff;

        for(size_t k=0; k < 4; k++)
          model_coeff.values[k] = 0.f;

        pcl::PointIndices merged_indices;
        for(size_t j=0; j < cc_to_model_coeff[i].size(); j++)
          for(size_t k=0; k < 4; k++)
            model_coeff.values[k] += model_coefficients[cc_to_model_coeff[i][j]].values[k];

          merged_indices.indices.insert(merged_indices.indices.end(), inlier_indices[cc_to_model_coeff[i][j]].indices.begin(),

        for(size_t k=0; k < 4; k++)
          model_coeff.values[k] /= static_cast<float>(cc_to_model_coeff[i].size());


      model_coefficients = new_model_coefficients;
      inlier_indices = new_inlier_indices;

    for(size_t i=0; i < model_coefficients.size(); i++)
      PlaneModel<PointT> pm;
      pm.coefficients_ = model_coefficients[i];
      pm.cloud_ = input_;
      pm.inliers_ = inlier_indices[i];

      //recompute coefficients based on distance to camera and normal?
      Eigen::Vector4f centroid;
      pcl::compute3DCentroid(*pm.cloud_, pm.inliers_, centroid);
      Eigen::Vector3f c(centroid[0],centroid[1],centroid[2]);

      Eigen::MatrixXf M_w(inlier_indices[i].indices.size(), 3);

      float sum_w = 0.f;
      for(size_t k=0; k < inlier_indices[i].indices.size(); k++)
          const int &idx = inlier_indices[i].indices[k];
          float d_c = (pm.cloud_->points[idx].getVector3fMap()).norm();
          float w_k = std::max(1.f - std::abs(1.f - d_c), 0.f);
          //w_k = 1.f;
          M_w.row(k) = w_k * (pm.cloud_->points[idx].getVector3fMap() - c);
          sum_w += w_k;

      Eigen::Matrix3f scatter;
      scatter.setZero ();
      scatter = M_w.transpose() * M_w;

      Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXf> svd(scatter, Eigen::ComputeFullV);
      //std::cout << svd.matrixV() << std::endl;

      Eigen::Vector3f n = svd.matrixV().col(2);
      //flip normal if required
      if(n.dot(c*-1) < 0)
          n = n * -1.f;

      float d = n.dot(c) * -1.f;
      //std::cout << "normal:" << n << std::endl;
      //std::cout << "d:" << d << std::endl;

      pm.coefficients_.values[0] = n[0];
      pm.coefficients_.values[1] = n[1];
      pm.coefficients_.values[2] = n[2];
      pm.coefficients_.values[3] = d;

      pcl::PointIndices clean_inlier_indices;
      float dist_threshold_ = 0.01f;

      for(size_t k=0; k < inlier_indices[i].indices.size(); k++)
          const int &idx = inlier_indices[i].indices[k];
          Eigen::Vector3f p = pm.cloud_->points[idx].getVector3fMap();
          float val = n.dot(p) + d;

          if(std::abs(val) <= dist_threshold_)
              clean_inlier_indices.indices.push_back( idx );

      pm.inliers_ = clean_inlier_indices;
    // Create the filtering object: downsample the dataset using a leaf size of 1cm
    pcl::VoxelGrid<PointT> vg;
    PointTCloudPtr cloud_filtered (new PointTCloud);
    vg.setInputCloud (input_);
    float leaf_size_ = 0.005f;
    float dist_threshold_ = 0.01f;
    vg.setLeafSize (leaf_size_, leaf_size_, leaf_size_);
    vg.filter (*cloud_filtered);

    std::vector<bool> pixel_has_not_been_labelled( cloud_filtered->points.size(), true );

    // Create the segmentation object for the planar model and set all the parameters
    pcl::SACSegmentation<PointT> seg;
    pcl::ModelCoefficients coefficients;
    seg.setOptimizeCoefficients (true);
    seg.setModelType (pcl::SACMODEL_PLANE);
    seg.setMethodType (pcl::SAC_RANSAC);
    seg.setMaxIterations (1000);
    seg.setDistanceThreshold (dist_threshold_);

    PointTCloudPtr cloud_filtered_leftover (new PointTCloud (*cloud_filtered));

    while (1)
      // Segment the largest planar component from the remaining cloud
      seg.setInputCloud (cloud_filtered_leftover);
      pcl::PointIndices inliers_in_leftover;
      seg.segment (inliers_in_leftover, coefficients);

      std::cout << "inliers in left over: " << inliers_in_leftover.indices.size() << " of " << cloud_filtered_leftover->points.size() << std::endl;

      if ( (int)inliers_in_leftover.indices.size () < min_plane_inliers_) // Could not estimate a(nother) planar model big enough for the given cloud.

      // make indices correspond to complete downsampled cloud
      pcl::PointIndices indices_in_original_cloud;
      size_t current_index_in_leftover = 0;
      size_t px=0;
      for(size_t inl_id=0; inl_id < inliers_in_leftover.indices.size(); inl_id++) {    // assumes indices are sorted in ascending order
          bool found = false;
          do {
              if( pixel_has_not_been_labelled[px] ) {
                  if( current_index_in_leftover == inliers_in_leftover.indices [inl_id] ) {
                      indices_in_original_cloud.indices[ inl_id ] = px;
                      found = true;
          } while( !found );

      for(size_t i=0; i<indices_in_original_cloud.indices.size(); i++)
          pixel_has_not_been_labelled[ indices_in_original_cloud.indices[i] ] = false;

      //save coefficients
        PlaneModel<PointT> pm;
        pm.coefficients_ = coefficients;
        pm.cloud_ = cloud_filtered;
        pm.inliers_ = indices_in_original_cloud;

        pcl::copyPointCloud(*cloud_filtered, pixel_has_not_been_labelled, *cloud_filtered_leftover);

    std::cout << "Number of planes found:" << models_.size() << "organized:" << static_cast<int>(input_->isOrganized() && !force_unorganized) << std::endl;
Example #29
void EM::mStep()
    // Update means_k, covs_k and weights_k from probs_ik
    int dim = trainSamples.cols;

    // Update weights
    // not normalized first
    reduce(trainProbs, weights, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM);

    // Update means
    means.create(nclusters, dim, CV_64FC1);
    means = Scalar(0);

    const double minPosWeight = trainSamples.rows * DBL_EPSILON;
    double minWeight = DBL_MAX;
    int minWeightClusterIndex = -1;
    for(int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < nclusters; clusterIndex++)
        if(weights.at<double>(clusterIndex) <= minPosWeight)

        if(weights.at<double>(clusterIndex) < minWeight)
            minWeight = weights.at<double>(clusterIndex);
            minWeightClusterIndex = clusterIndex;

        Mat clusterMean = means.row(clusterIndex);
        for(int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < trainSamples.rows; sampleIndex++)
            clusterMean += trainProbs.at<double>(sampleIndex, clusterIndex) * trainSamples.row(sampleIndex);
        clusterMean /= weights.at<double>(clusterIndex);

    // Update covsEigenValues and invCovsEigenValues
    if(covMatType == EM::COV_MAT_GENERIC)
    for(int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < nclusters; clusterIndex++)
        if(weights.at<double>(clusterIndex) <= minPosWeight)

        if(covMatType != EM::COV_MAT_SPHERICAL)
            covsEigenValues[clusterIndex].create(1, dim, CV_64FC1);
            covsEigenValues[clusterIndex].create(1, 1, CV_64FC1);

        if(covMatType == EM::COV_MAT_GENERIC)
            covs[clusterIndex].create(dim, dim, CV_64FC1);

        Mat clusterCov = covMatType != EM::COV_MAT_GENERIC ?
            covsEigenValues[clusterIndex] : covs[clusterIndex];

        clusterCov = Scalar(0);

        Mat centeredSample;
        for(int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < trainSamples.rows; sampleIndex++)
            centeredSample = trainSamples.row(sampleIndex) - means.row(clusterIndex);

            if(covMatType == EM::COV_MAT_GENERIC)
                clusterCov += trainProbs.at<double>(sampleIndex, clusterIndex) * centeredSample.t() * centeredSample;
                double p = trainProbs.at<double>(sampleIndex, clusterIndex);
                for(int di = 0; di < dim; di++ )
                    double val = centeredSample.at<double>(di);
                    clusterCov.at<double>(covMatType != EM::COV_MAT_SPHERICAL ? di : 0) += p*val*val;

        if(covMatType == EM::COV_MAT_SPHERICAL)
            clusterCov /= dim;

        clusterCov /= weights.at<double>(clusterIndex);

        // Update covsRotateMats for EM::COV_MAT_GENERIC only
        if(covMatType == EM::COV_MAT_GENERIC)
            SVD svd(covs[clusterIndex], SVD::MODIFY_A + SVD::FULL_UV);
            covsEigenValues[clusterIndex] = svd.w;
            covsRotateMats[clusterIndex] = svd.u;

        max(covsEigenValues[clusterIndex], minEigenValue, covsEigenValues[clusterIndex]);

        // update invCovsEigenValues
        invCovsEigenValues[clusterIndex] = 1./covsEigenValues[clusterIndex];

    for(int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < nclusters; clusterIndex++)
        if(weights.at<double>(clusterIndex) <= minPosWeight)
            Mat clusterMean = means.row(clusterIndex);
            if(covMatType == EM::COV_MAT_GENERIC)

    // Normalize weights
    weights /= trainSamples.rows;
bool VersionManager::isApkNeedUpdate()
	return svd().ver.is_v2_high_to(lvd().ver);