Example #1
static int
svg_endpath(gx_device_vector *vdev, gx_path_type_t type)
    gx_device_svg *svg = (gx_device_svg *)vdev;

    /* hack single-page output */
    if (svg->page_count)
        return 0;

    /* skip non-drawing paths for now */
    if (!(type & gx_path_type_fill) && !(type & gx_path_type_stroke))
        return 0;

    dprintf("svg_endpath ");
    svg_print_path_type(svg, type);

    /* close the path data attribute */
    svg_write(svg, "'");

    /* override the inherited stroke attribute if we're not stroking */
    if (!(type & gx_path_type_stroke) && svg->strokecolor)
        svg_write(svg, " stroke='none'");

    /* override the inherited fill attribute if we're not filling */
    if (!(type & gx_path_type_fill) && svg->fillcolor)
        svg_write(svg, " fill='none'");

    svg_write(svg, "/>\n");

    return 0;
Example #2
static int
svg_curveto(gx_device_vector *vdev, floatp x0, floatp y0,
            floatp x1, floatp y1, floatp x2, floatp y2,
            floatp x3, floatp y3, gx_path_type_t type)
    gx_device_svg *svg = (gx_device_svg *)vdev;
    char line[SVG_LINESIZE];

    /* hack single-page output */
    if (svg->page_count)
        return 0;

    /* skip non-drawing paths for now */
    if (!(type & gx_path_type_fill) && !(type & gx_path_type_stroke))
        return 0;

    dprintf8("svg_curveto(%lf,%lf, %lf,%lf, %lf,%lf, %lf,%lf) ",
             x0,y0, x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3);
    svg_print_path_type(svg, type);

    sprintf(line, " C%lf,%lf %lf,%lf %lf,%lf", x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3);
    svg_write(svg, line);

    return 0;
Example #3
static int
svg_closepath(gx_device_vector *vdev, floatp x, floatp y,
              floatp x_start, floatp y_start, gx_path_type_t type)
    gx_device_svg *svg = (gx_device_svg *)vdev;

    /* hack single-page output */
    if (svg->page_count)
        return 0;

    /* skip non-drawing paths for now */
    if (!(type & gx_path_type_fill) && !(type & gx_path_type_stroke))
        return 0;

    dprintf("svg_closepath ");
    svg_print_path_type(svg, type);

    svg_write(svg, " z");

    return 0;
Example #4
static int
svg_beginpath(gx_device_vector *vdev, gx_path_type_t type)
    gx_device_svg *svg = (gx_device_svg *)vdev;

    /* hack single-page output */
    if (svg->page_count)
        return 0;

    /* skip non-drawing paths for now */
    if (!(type & gx_path_type_fill) && !(type & gx_path_type_stroke))
        return 0;

    dprintf("svg_beginpath ");
    svg_print_path_type(svg, type);

    svg_write(svg, "<path d='");

    return 0;
Example #5
static int
svg_dorect(gx_device_vector *vdev, fixed x0, fixed y0,
           fixed x1, fixed y1, gx_path_type_t type)
    gx_device_svg *svg = (gx_device_svg *)vdev;
    char line[300];

    /* hack single-page output */
    if (svg->page_count)
        return 0;

    dprintf("svg_dorect ");
    svg_print_path_type(svg, type);


    if (type & gx_path_type_clip) {
        svg_write(svg, "<clipPath>\n");

    sprintf(line, "<rect x='%lf' y='%lf' width='%lf' height='%lf'",
            fixed2float(x0), fixed2float(y0),
            fixed2float(x1 - x0), fixed2float(y1 - y0));
    svg_write(svg, line);
    /* override the inherited stroke attribute if we're not stroking */
    if (!(type & gx_path_type_stroke) && svg->strokecolor)
        svg_write(svg, " stroke='none'");
    /* override the inherited fill attribute if we're not filling */
    if (!(type & gx_path_type_fill) && svg->fillcolor)
        svg_write(svg, " fill='none'");
    svg_write(svg, "/>\n");

    if (type & gx_path_type_clip) {
        svg_write(svg, "</clipPath>\n");

    return 0;
Example #6
static int
svg_lineto(gx_device_vector *vdev, floatp x0, floatp y0,
           floatp x, floatp y, gx_path_type_t type)
    gx_device_svg *svg = (gx_device_svg *)vdev;
    char line[SVG_LINESIZE];

    /* hack single-page output */
    if (svg->page_count)
      return 0;

    /* skip non-drawing paths for now */
    if (!(type & gx_path_type_fill) && !(type & gx_path_type_stroke))
      return 0;

    if_debug4('_', "svg_lineto(%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf) ", x0,y0, x,y);
    svg_print_path_type(svg, type);
    if_debug0('_', "\n");

    sprintf(line, " L%lf,%lf", x, y);
    svg_write(svg, line);

    return 0;