Example #1
/* This is a helper for svn_client__update_internal(), which see for
   an explanation of most of these parameters.  Some stuff that's
   unique is as follows:

   ANCHOR_ABSPATH is the local absolute path of the update anchor.
   This is typically either the same as LOCAL_ABSPATH, or the
   immediate parent of LOCAL_ABSPATH.

   If NOTIFY_SUMMARY is set (and there's a notification handler in
   CTX), transmit the final update summary upon successful
   completion of the update.

   Add the paths of any conflict victims to CONFLICTED_PATHS, if that
   is not null.
static svn_error_t *
update_internal(svn_revnum_t *result_rev,
                apr_hash_t *conflicted_paths,
                const char *local_abspath,
                const char *anchor_abspath,
                const svn_opt_revision_t *revision,
                svn_depth_t depth,
                svn_boolean_t depth_is_sticky,
                svn_boolean_t ignore_externals,
                svn_boolean_t allow_unver_obstructions,
                svn_boolean_t adds_as_modification,
                svn_boolean_t *timestamp_sleep,
                svn_boolean_t notify_summary,
                svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                apr_pool_t *pool)
  const svn_delta_editor_t *update_editor;
  void *update_edit_baton;
  const svn_ra_reporter3_t *reporter;
  void *report_baton;
  const char *corrected_url;
  const char *target;
  const char *repos_root_url;
  const char *repos_relpath;
  const char *repos_uuid;
  const char *anchor_url;
  svn_revnum_t revnum;
  svn_boolean_t use_commit_times;
  svn_boolean_t clean_checkout = FALSE;
  const char *diff3_cmd;
  apr_hash_t *wcroot_iprops;
  svn_opt_revision_t opt_rev;
  svn_ra_session_t *ra_session;
  const char *preserved_exts_str;
  apr_array_header_t *preserved_exts;
  struct svn_client__dirent_fetcher_baton_t dfb;
  svn_boolean_t server_supports_depth;
  svn_boolean_t cropping_target;
  svn_boolean_t target_conflicted = FALSE;
  svn_config_t *cfg = ctx->config
                      ? svn_hash_gets(ctx->config, SVN_CONFIG_CATEGORY_CONFIG)
                      : NULL;

  if (result_rev)
    *result_rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;

  /* An unknown depth can't be sticky. */
  if (depth == svn_depth_unknown)
    depth_is_sticky = FALSE;

  if (strcmp(local_abspath, anchor_abspath))
    target = svn_dirent_basename(local_abspath, pool);
    target = "";

  /* Check if our anchor exists in BASE. If it doesn't we can't update. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_get_base(NULL, NULL, &repos_relpath, &repos_root_url,
                                &repos_uuid, NULL,
                                ctx->wc_ctx, anchor_abspath,
                                TRUE, FALSE,
                                pool, pool));

  /* It does not make sense to update conflict victims. */
  if (repos_relpath)
      svn_error_t *err;
      svn_boolean_t text_conflicted, prop_conflicted;

      anchor_url = svn_path_url_add_component2(repos_root_url, repos_relpath,

      err = svn_wc_conflicted_p3(&text_conflicted, &prop_conflicted,
                                 ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath, pool);

      if (err && err->apr_err != SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
        return svn_error_trace(err);

      /* tree-conflicts are handled by the update editor */
      if (!err && (text_conflicted || prop_conflicted))
        target_conflicted = TRUE;
    anchor_url = NULL;

  if (! anchor_url || target_conflicted)
      if (ctx->notify_func2)
          svn_wc_notify_t *nt;

          nt = svn_wc_create_notify(local_abspath,
                                      ? svn_wc_notify_skip_conflicted
                                      : svn_wc_notify_update_skip_working_only,

          ctx->notify_func2(ctx->notify_baton2, nt, pool);
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  /* We may need to crop the tree if the depth is sticky */
  cropping_target = (depth_is_sticky && depth < svn_depth_infinity);
  if (cropping_target)
      svn_node_kind_t target_kind;

      if (depth == svn_depth_exclude)
                                 ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                 ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,

          /* Target excluded, we are done now */
          return SVN_NO_ERROR;

      SVN_ERR(svn_wc_read_kind2(&target_kind, ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath,
                                TRUE, TRUE, pool));
      if (target_kind == svn_node_dir)
          SVN_ERR(svn_wc_crop_tree2(ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath, depth,
                                    ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                    ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,

  /* check whether the "clean c/o" optimization is applicable */
  SVN_ERR(is_empty_wc(&clean_checkout, local_abspath, anchor_abspath, pool));

  /* Get the external diff3, if any. */
  svn_config_get(cfg, &diff3_cmd, SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_HELPERS,
                 SVN_CONFIG_OPTION_DIFF3_CMD, NULL);

  if (diff3_cmd != NULL)
    SVN_ERR(svn_path_cstring_to_utf8(&diff3_cmd, diff3_cmd, pool));

  /* See if the user wants last-commit timestamps instead of current ones. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_config_get_bool(cfg, &use_commit_times,
                              SVN_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_COMMIT_TIMES, FALSE));

  /* See which files the user wants to preserve the extension of when
     conflict files are made. */
  svn_config_get(cfg, &preserved_exts_str, SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_MISCELLANY,
  preserved_exts = *preserved_exts_str
    ? svn_cstring_split(preserved_exts_str, "\n\r\t\v ", FALSE, pool)
    : NULL;

  /* Let everyone know we're starting a real update (unless we're
     asked not to). */
  if (ctx->notify_func2 && notify_summary)
      svn_wc_notify_t *notify
        = svn_wc_create_notify(local_abspath, svn_wc_notify_update_started,
      notify->kind = svn_node_none;
      notify->content_state = notify->prop_state
        = svn_wc_notify_state_inapplicable;
      notify->lock_state = svn_wc_notify_lock_state_inapplicable;
      (*ctx->notify_func2)(ctx->notify_baton2, notify, pool);

  /* Open an RA session for the URL */
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__open_ra_session_internal(&ra_session, &corrected_url,
                                               anchor_abspath, NULL, TRUE,
                                               TRUE, ctx, pool, pool));

  /* If we got a corrected URL from the RA subsystem, we'll need to
     relocate our working copy first. */
  if (corrected_url)
      const char *new_repos_root_url;

      /* To relocate everything inside our repository we need the old and new
         repos root. */
      SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_repos_root2(ra_session, &new_repos_root_url, pool));

      /* svn_client_relocate2() will check the uuid */
      SVN_ERR(svn_client_relocate2(anchor_abspath, repos_root_url,
                                   new_repos_root_url, ignore_externals,
                                   ctx, pool));

      /* Store updated repository root for externals */
      repos_root_url = new_repos_root_url;
      /* ### We should update anchor_loc->repos_uuid too, although currently
       * we don't use it. */
      anchor_url = corrected_url;

  /* Resolve unspecified REVISION now, because we need to retrieve the
     correct inherited props prior to the editor drive and we need to
     use the same value of HEAD for both. */
  opt_rev.kind = revision->kind;
  opt_rev.value = revision->value;
  if (opt_rev.kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified)
    opt_rev.kind = svn_opt_revision_head;

  /* ### todo: shouldn't svn_client__get_revision_number be able
     to take a URL as easily as a local path?  */
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_revision_number(&revnum, NULL, ctx->wc_ctx,
                                          local_abspath, ra_session, &opt_rev,

  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_has_capability(ra_session, &server_supports_depth,
                                SVN_RA_CAPABILITY_DEPTH, pool));

  dfb.ra_session = ra_session;
  dfb.target_revision = revnum;
  dfb.anchor_url = anchor_url;

  SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_inheritable_props(&wcroot_iprops, local_abspath,
                                            revnum, depth, ra_session,
                                            ctx, pool, pool));

  /* Fetch the update editor.  If REVISION is invalid, that's okay;
     the RA driver will call editor->set_target_revision later on. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__get_update_editor(&update_editor, &update_edit_baton,
                                    &revnum, ctx->wc_ctx, anchor_abspath,
                                    target, wcroot_iprops, use_commit_times,
                                    depth, depth_is_sticky,
                                    diff3_cmd, preserved_exts,
                                    svn_client__dirent_fetcher, &dfb,
                                    conflicted_paths ? record_conflict : NULL,
                                    NULL, NULL,
                                    ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                    ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,
                                    pool, pool));

  /* Tell RA to do an update of URL+TARGET to REVISION; if we pass an
     invalid revnum, that means RA will use the latest revision.  */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_do_update3(ra_session, &reporter, &report_baton,
                            revnum, target,
                            (!server_supports_depth || depth_is_sticky
                             ? depth
                             : svn_depth_unknown),
                            FALSE /* send_copyfrom_args */,
                            FALSE /* ignore_ancestry */,
                            update_editor, update_edit_baton, pool, pool));

  /* Past this point, we assume the WC is going to be modified so we will
   * need to sleep for timestamps. */
  *timestamp_sleep = TRUE;

  /* Drive the reporter structure, describing the revisions within
     PATH.  When we call reporter->finish_report, the
     update_editor will be driven by svn_repos_dir_delta2. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_wc_crawl_revisions5(ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath, reporter,
                                  report_baton, TRUE,
                                  depth, (! depth_is_sticky),
                                  (! server_supports_depth),
                                  ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                  ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,

  /* We handle externals after the update is complete, so that
     handling external items (and any errors therefrom) doesn't delay
     the primary operation.  */
  if ((SVN_DEPTH_IS_RECURSIVE(depth) || cropping_target)
      && (! ignore_externals))
      apr_hash_t *new_externals;
      apr_hash_t *new_depths;
                                                   ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath,
                                                   depth, pool, pool));

                                           repos_root_url, local_abspath,
                                           depth, timestamp_sleep,
                                           ctx, pool));

  /* Let everyone know we're finished here (unless we're asked not to). */
  if (ctx->notify_func2 && notify_summary)
      svn_wc_notify_t *notify
        = svn_wc_create_notify(local_abspath, svn_wc_notify_update_completed,
      notify->kind = svn_node_none;
      notify->content_state = notify->prop_state
        = svn_wc_notify_state_inapplicable;
      notify->lock_state = svn_wc_notify_lock_state_inapplicable;
      notify->revision = revnum;
      (*ctx->notify_func2)(ctx->notify_baton2, notify, pool);

  /* If the caller wants the result revision, give it to them. */
  if (result_rev)
    *result_rev = revnum;

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* Make an unversioned copy of the versioned file or directory tree at the
 * source path FROM_ABSPATH.  Copy it to the destination path TO_ABSPATH.
 * If REVISION is svn_opt_revision_working, copy the working version,
 * otherwise copy the base version.
 * See copy_one_versioned_file() for details of file copying behaviour,
 * Include externals unless IGNORE_EXTERNALS is true.
 * Recurse according to DEPTH.

static svn_error_t *
copy_versioned_files(const char *from_abspath,
                     const char *to_abspath,
                     const svn_opt_revision_t *revision,
                     svn_boolean_t force,
                     svn_boolean_t ignore_externals,
                     svn_boolean_t ignore_keywords,
                     svn_depth_t depth,
                     const char *native_eol,
                     svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                     apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_error_t *err;
  apr_pool_t *iterpool;
  const apr_array_header_t *children;
  svn_node_kind_t from_kind;
  svn_depth_t node_depth;


  /* Only export 'added' and 'replaced' files when the revision is WORKING;
     when the revision is BASE (i.e. != WORKING), only export 'added' and
     'replaced' files when they are part of a copy-/move-here. Otherwise, skip
     them, since they don't have an associated text-base. This condition for
     added/replaced simply is an optimization. Added and replaced files would
     be handled similarly by svn_wc_get_pristine_contents2(), which would
     return NULL if they have no base associated.
     TODO: We may prefer not to duplicate this condition and rather use
     svn_wc_get_pristine_contents2() or a dedicated new function instead.

     Don't export 'deleted' files and directories unless it's a
     revision other than WORKING.  These files and directories
     don't really exist in WORKING. */
  if (revision->kind != svn_opt_revision_working)
      svn_boolean_t is_added;
      const char *repos_relpath;

      SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_get_origin(&is_added, NULL, &repos_relpath,
                                      NULL, NULL,
                                      ctx->wc_ctx, from_abspath, FALSE,
                                      pool, pool));

      if (is_added && !repos_relpath)
        return SVN_NO_ERROR; /* Local addition */
      svn_boolean_t is_deleted;

      SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_is_status_deleted(&is_deleted, ctx->wc_ctx,
                                             from_abspath, pool));
      if (is_deleted)
        return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  SVN_ERR(svn_wc_read_kind(&from_kind, ctx->wc_ctx, from_abspath, FALSE,

  if (from_kind == svn_node_dir)
      apr_fileperms_t perm = APR_OS_DEFAULT;
      int j;

      /* Try to make the new directory.  If this fails because the
         directory already exists, check our FORCE flag to see if we
         care. */

      /* Keep the source directory's permissions if applicable.
         Skip retrieving the umask on windows. Apr does not implement setting
         filesystem privileges on Windows.
         Retrieving the file permissions with APR_FINFO_PROT | APR_FINFO_OWNER
         is documented to be 'incredibly expensive' */
#ifndef WIN32
      if (revision->kind == svn_opt_revision_working)
          apr_finfo_t finfo;
          SVN_ERR(svn_io_stat(&finfo, from_abspath, APR_FINFO_PROT, pool));
          perm = finfo.protection;
      err = svn_io_dir_make(to_abspath, perm, pool);
      if (err)
          if (! APR_STATUS_IS_EEXIST(err->apr_err))
            return svn_error_trace(err);
          if (! force)
            SVN_ERR_W(err, _("Destination directory exists, and will not be "
                             "overwritten unless forced"));

      SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_get_children(&children, ctx->wc_ctx, from_abspath,
                                        FALSE, pool, pool));

      iterpool = svn_pool_create(pool);
      for (j = 0; j < children->nelts; j++)
          const char *child_abspath = APR_ARRAY_IDX(children, j, const char *);
          const char *child_name = svn_dirent_basename(child_abspath, NULL);
          const char *target_abspath;
          svn_node_kind_t child_kind;


          if (ctx->cancel_func)

          target_abspath = svn_dirent_join(to_abspath, child_name, iterpool);

          SVN_ERR(svn_wc_read_kind(&child_kind, ctx->wc_ctx, child_abspath,
                                   FALSE, iterpool));

          if (child_kind == svn_node_dir)
              if (depth == svn_depth_infinity
                  || depth == svn_depth_immediates)
                  if (ctx->notify_func2)
                      svn_wc_notify_t *notify =
                                               svn_wc_notify_update_add, pool);
                      notify->kind = svn_node_dir;
                      (*ctx->notify_func2)(ctx->notify_baton2, notify, pool);

                  if (depth == svn_depth_infinity)
                    SVN_ERR(copy_versioned_files(child_abspath, target_abspath,
                                                 revision, force,
                                                 ignore_keywords, depth,
                                                 native_eol, ctx, iterpool));
          else if (child_kind == svn_node_file
                   && depth >= svn_depth_files)
              svn_node_kind_t external_kind;

                                                 NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                                 NULL, ctx->wc_ctx,
                                                 child_abspath, TRUE,
                                                 pool, pool));

              if (external_kind != svn_node_file)
                SVN_ERR(copy_one_versioned_file(child_abspath, target_abspath,
                                                ctx, revision,
                                                native_eol, ignore_keywords,

      SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_get_depth(&node_depth, ctx->wc_ctx,
                                     from_abspath, pool));

      /* Handle externals. */
      if (! ignore_externals && depth == svn_depth_infinity
          && node_depth == svn_depth_infinity)
          apr_array_header_t *ext_items;
          const svn_string_t *prop_val;

          SVN_ERR(svn_wc_prop_get2(&prop_val, ctx->wc_ctx, from_abspath,
                                   SVN_PROP_EXTERNALS, pool, pool));
          if (prop_val != NULL)
              int i;

                                                          FALSE, pool));
              for (i = 0; i < ext_items->nelts; ++i)
                  svn_wc_external_item2_t *ext_item;
                  const char *new_from, *new_to;


                  ext_item = APR_ARRAY_IDX(ext_items, i,
                                           svn_wc_external_item2_t *);
                  new_from = svn_dirent_join(from_abspath,
                  new_to = svn_dirent_join(to_abspath, ext_item->target_dir,

                   /* The target dir might have parents that don't exist.
                      Guarantee the path upto the last component. */
                  if (!svn_dirent_is_root(ext_item->target_dir,
                      const char *parent = svn_dirent_dirname(new_to, iterpool);
                      SVN_ERR(svn_io_make_dir_recursively(parent, iterpool));

                  SVN_ERR(copy_versioned_files(new_from, new_to,
                                               revision, force, FALSE,
                                               svn_depth_infinity, native_eol,
                                               ctx, iterpool));
Example #3
/* ...

   Add the paths of any conflict victims to CONFLICTED_PATHS, if that
   is not null.
static svn_error_t *
switch_internal(svn_revnum_t *result_rev,
                apr_hash_t *conflicted_paths,
                const char *local_abspath,
                const char *anchor_abspath,
                const char *switch_url,
                const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision,
                const svn_opt_revision_t *revision,
                svn_depth_t depth,
                svn_boolean_t depth_is_sticky,
                svn_boolean_t ignore_externals,
                svn_boolean_t allow_unver_obstructions,
                svn_boolean_t ignore_ancestry,
                svn_boolean_t *timestamp_sleep,
                svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                apr_pool_t *pool)
  const svn_ra_reporter3_t *reporter;
  void *report_baton;
  const char *anchor_url, *target;
  svn_client__pathrev_t *switch_loc;
  svn_ra_session_t *ra_session;
  svn_revnum_t revnum;
  const char *diff3_cmd;
  apr_hash_t *wcroot_iprops;
  apr_array_header_t *inherited_props;
  svn_boolean_t use_commit_times;
  const svn_delta_editor_t *switch_editor;
  void *switch_edit_baton;
  const char *preserved_exts_str;
  apr_array_header_t *preserved_exts;
  svn_boolean_t server_supports_depth;
  struct svn_client__dirent_fetcher_baton_t dfb;
  svn_config_t *cfg = ctx->config
                      ? svn_hash_gets(ctx->config, SVN_CONFIG_CATEGORY_CONFIG)
                      : NULL;

  /* An unknown depth can't be sticky. */
  if (depth == svn_depth_unknown)
    depth_is_sticky = FALSE;

  /* Do not support the situation of both exclude and switch a target. */
  if (depth == svn_depth_exclude)
    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, NULL,
                             _("Cannot both exclude and switch a path"));

  /* Get the external diff3, if any. */
  svn_config_get(cfg, &diff3_cmd, SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_HELPERS,
                 SVN_CONFIG_OPTION_DIFF3_CMD, NULL);

  if (diff3_cmd != NULL)
    SVN_ERR(svn_path_cstring_to_utf8(&diff3_cmd, diff3_cmd, pool));

  /* See if the user wants last-commit timestamps instead of current ones. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_config_get_bool(cfg, &use_commit_times,
                              SVN_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_COMMIT_TIMES, FALSE));

    svn_boolean_t has_working;
    SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_has_working(&has_working, ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath,

    if (has_working)
      return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, NULL,
                               _("Cannot switch '%s' because it is not in the "
                                 "repository yet"),
                               svn_dirent_local_style(local_abspath, pool));

  /* See which files the user wants to preserve the extension of when
     conflict files are made. */
  svn_config_get(cfg, &preserved_exts_str, SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_MISCELLANY,
  preserved_exts = *preserved_exts_str
    ? svn_cstring_split(preserved_exts_str, "\n\r\t\v ", FALSE, pool)
    : NULL;

  /* Sanity check.  Without these, the switch is meaningless. */
  SVN_ERR_ASSERT(switch_url && (switch_url[0] != '\0'));

  if (strcmp(local_abspath, anchor_abspath))
    target = svn_dirent_basename(local_abspath, pool);
    target = "";

  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_get_url(&anchor_url, ctx->wc_ctx, anchor_abspath,
                               pool, pool));
  if (! anchor_url)
    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_ENTRY_MISSING_URL, NULL,
                             _("Directory '%s' has no URL"),
                             svn_dirent_local_style(anchor_abspath, pool));

  /* We may need to crop the tree if the depth is sticky */
  if (depth_is_sticky && depth < svn_depth_infinity)
      svn_node_kind_t target_kind;

      if (depth == svn_depth_exclude)
                                 ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                 ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,

          /* Target excluded, we are done now */
          return SVN_NO_ERROR;

      SVN_ERR(svn_wc_read_kind2(&target_kind, ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath,
                                TRUE, TRUE, pool));

      if (target_kind == svn_node_dir)
        SVN_ERR(svn_wc_crop_tree2(ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath, depth,
                                  ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                  ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,

  /* Open an RA session to 'source' URL */
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__ra_session_from_path2(&ra_session, &switch_loc,
                                            switch_url, anchor_abspath,
                                            peg_revision, revision,
                                            ctx, pool));

  /* Disallow a switch operation to change the repository root of the
     target. */
  if (! svn_uri__is_ancestor(switch_loc->repos_root_url, anchor_url))
    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_WC_INVALID_SWITCH, NULL,
                             _("'%s'\nis not the same repository as\n'%s'"),
                             anchor_url, switch_loc->repos_root_url);

  /* If we're not ignoring ancestry, then error out if the switch
     source and target don't have a common ancestory.

     ### We're acting on the anchor here, not the target.  Is that
     ### okay? */
  if (! ignore_ancestry)
      svn_client__pathrev_t *target_base_loc, *yca;

      SVN_ERR(svn_client__wc_node_get_base(&target_base_loc, local_abspath,
                                           ctx->wc_ctx, pool, pool));

      if (!target_base_loc)
        yca = NULL; /* Not versioned */
                  &yca, switch_loc, target_base_loc, ra_session, ctx,
                  pool, pool));
      if (! yca)
        return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CLIENT_UNRELATED_RESOURCES, NULL,
                                 _("'%s' shares no common ancestry with '%s'"),
                                 svn_dirent_local_style(local_abspath, pool));

  wcroot_iprops = apr_hash_make(pool);

  /* Will the base of LOCAL_ABSPATH require an iprop cache post-switch?
     If we are switching LOCAL_ABSPATH to the root of the repository then
     we don't need to cache inherited properties.  In all other cases we
     *might* need to cache iprops. */
  if (strcmp(switch_loc->repos_root_url, switch_loc->url) != 0)
      svn_boolean_t wc_root;
      svn_boolean_t needs_iprop_cache = TRUE;

      SVN_ERR(svn_wc__is_wcroot(&wc_root, ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath,

      /* Switching the WC root to anything but the repos root means
         we need an iprop cache. */
      if (!wc_root)
          /* We know we are switching a subtree to something other than the
             repos root, but if we are unswitching that subtree we don't
             need an iprops cache. */
          const char *target_parent_url;
          const char *unswitched_url;

          /* Calculate the URL LOCAL_ABSPATH would have if it was unswitched
             relative to its parent. */
          SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_get_url(&target_parent_url, ctx->wc_ctx,
                                       pool, pool));
          unswitched_url = svn_path_url_add_component2(
            svn_dirent_basename(local_abspath, pool),

          /* If LOCAL_ABSPATH will be unswitched relative to its parent, then
             it doesn't need an iprop cache.  Note: It doesn't matter if
             LOCAL_ABSPATH is withing a switched subtree, only if it's the
             *root* of a switched subtree.*/
          if (strcmp(unswitched_url, switch_loc->url) == 0)
            needs_iprop_cache = FALSE;

      if (needs_iprop_cache)
          SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_inherited_props(ra_session, &inherited_props,
                                             "", switch_loc->rev, pool,
          svn_hash_sets(wcroot_iprops, local_abspath, inherited_props);

  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_reparent(ra_session, anchor_url, pool));

  /* Fetch the switch (update) editor.  If REVISION is invalid, that's
     okay; the RA driver will call editor->set_target_revision() later on. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_has_capability(ra_session, &server_supports_depth,
                                SVN_RA_CAPABILITY_DEPTH, pool));

  dfb.ra_session = ra_session;
  dfb.anchor_url = anchor_url;
  dfb.target_revision = switch_loc->rev;

  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__get_switch_editor(&switch_editor, &switch_edit_baton,
                                    &revnum, ctx->wc_ctx, anchor_abspath,
                                    target, switch_loc->url, wcroot_iprops,
                                    use_commit_times, depth,
                                    depth_is_sticky, allow_unver_obstructions,
                                    diff3_cmd, preserved_exts,
                                    svn_client__dirent_fetcher, &dfb,
                                    conflicted_paths ? record_conflict : NULL,
                                    NULL, NULL,
                                    ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                    ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,
                                    pool, pool));

  /* Tell RA to do an update of URL+TARGET to REVISION; if we pass an
     invalid revnum, that means RA will use the latest revision. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_do_switch3(ra_session, &reporter, &report_baton,
                            depth_is_sticky ? depth : svn_depth_unknown,
                            FALSE /* send_copyfrom_args */,
                            switch_editor, switch_edit_baton,
                            pool, pool));

  /* Past this point, we assume the WC is going to be modified so we will
   * need to sleep for timestamps. */
  *timestamp_sleep = TRUE;

  /* Drive the reporter structure, describing the revisions within
     LOCAL_ABSPATH.  When this calls reporter->finish_report, the
     reporter will drive the switch_editor. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_wc_crawl_revisions5(ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath, reporter,
                                  report_baton, TRUE,
                                  depth, (! depth_is_sticky),
                                  (! server_supports_depth),
                                  ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                  ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,

  /* We handle externals after the switch is complete, so that
     handling external items (and any errors therefrom) doesn't delay
     the primary operation. */
  if (SVN_DEPTH_IS_RECURSIVE(depth) && (! ignore_externals))
      apr_hash_t *new_externals;
      apr_hash_t *new_depths;
                                                   ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath,
                                                   depth, pool, pool));

                                           depth, timestamp_sleep,
                                           ctx, pool));

  /* Let everyone know we're finished here. */
  if (ctx->notify_func2)
      svn_wc_notify_t *notify
        = svn_wc_create_notify(anchor_abspath, svn_wc_notify_update_completed,
      notify->kind = svn_node_none;
      notify->content_state = notify->prop_state
        = svn_wc_notify_state_inapplicable;
      notify->lock_state = svn_wc_notify_lock_state_inapplicable;
      notify->revision = revnum;
      (*ctx->notify_func2)(ctx->notify_baton2, notify, pool);

  /* If the caller wants the result revision, give it to them. */
  if (result_rev)
    *result_rev = revnum;

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Example #4
svn_error_t *
svn_client__get_auto_props(apr_hash_t **properties,
                           const char **mimetype,
                           const char *path,
                           svn_magic__cookie_t *magic_cookie,
                           svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                           apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_config_t *cfg;
  svn_boolean_t use_autoprops;
  auto_props_baton_t autoprops;

  /* initialisation */
  autoprops.properties = apr_hash_make(pool);
  autoprops.filename = svn_dirent_basename(path, pool);
  autoprops.pool = pool;
  autoprops.mimetype = NULL;
  autoprops.have_executable = FALSE;
  *properties = autoprops.properties;

  cfg = ctx->config ? apr_hash_get(ctx->config, SVN_CONFIG_CATEGORY_CONFIG,
                                   APR_HASH_KEY_STRING) : NULL;

  /* check that auto props is enabled */
  SVN_ERR(svn_config_get_bool(cfg, &use_autoprops,
                              SVN_CONFIG_OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_PROPS, FALSE));

  /* search for auto props */
  if (use_autoprops)
    svn_config_enumerate2(cfg, SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_AUTO_PROPS,
                          auto_props_enumerator, &autoprops, pool);

  /* if mimetype has not been set check the file */
  if (! autoprops.mimetype)
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_detect_mimetype2(&autoprops.mimetype, path,
                                      ctx->mimetypes_map, pool));

      /* If we got no mime-type, or if it is "application/octet-stream",
       * try to get the mime-type from libmagic. */
      if (magic_cookie &&
          (!autoprops.mimetype ||
           strcmp(autoprops.mimetype, "application/octet-stream") == 0))
          const char *magic_mimetype;

         /* Since libmagic usually treats UTF-16 files as "text/plain",
          * svn_magic__detect_binary_mimetype() will return NULL for such
          * files. This is fine for now since we currently don't support
          * UTF-16-encoded text files (issue #2194).
          * Once we do support UTF-16 this code path will fail to detect
          * them as text unless the svn_io_detect_mimetype2() call above
          * returns "text/plain" for them. */
                                                    path, magic_cookie,
                                                    pool, pool));
          if (magic_mimetype)
            autoprops.mimetype = magic_mimetype;

      if (autoprops.mimetype)
        apr_hash_set(autoprops.properties, SVN_PROP_MIME_TYPE,
                     svn_string_create(autoprops.mimetype, pool));

  /* if executable has not been set check the file */
  if (! autoprops.have_executable)
      svn_boolean_t executable = FALSE;
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_is_file_executable(&executable, path, pool));
      if (executable)
        apr_hash_set(autoprops.properties, SVN_PROP_EXECUTABLE,

  *mimetype = autoprops.mimetype;
  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Example #5
svn_error_t *
svn_client_status6(svn_revnum_t *result_rev,
                   svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                   const char *path,
                   const svn_opt_revision_t *revision,
                   svn_depth_t depth,
                   svn_boolean_t get_all,
                   svn_boolean_t check_out_of_date,
                   svn_boolean_t check_working_copy,
                   svn_boolean_t no_ignore,
                   svn_boolean_t ignore_externals,
                   svn_boolean_t depth_as_sticky,
                   const apr_array_header_t *changelists,
                   svn_client_status_func_t status_func,
                   void *status_baton,
                   apr_pool_t *pool)  /* ### aka scratch_pool */
    struct status_baton sb;
    const char *dir, *dir_abspath;
    const char *target_abspath;
    const char *target_basename;
    apr_array_header_t *ignores;
    svn_error_t *err;
    apr_hash_t *changelist_hash = NULL;

    /* Override invalid combinations of the check_out_of_date and
       check_working_copy flags. */
    if (!check_out_of_date)
        check_working_copy = TRUE;

    if (svn_path_is_url(path))
        return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_ILLEGAL_TARGET, NULL,
                                 _("'%s' is not a local path"), path);

    if (changelists && changelists->nelts)
        SVN_ERR(svn_hash_from_cstring_keys(&changelist_hash, changelists, pool));

    if (result_rev)
        *result_rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;

    sb.real_status_func = status_func;
    sb.real_status_baton = status_baton;
    sb.deleted_in_repos = FALSE;
    sb.changelist_hash = changelist_hash;
    sb.wc_ctx = ctx->wc_ctx;

    SVN_ERR(svn_dirent_get_absolute(&target_abspath, path, pool));

    if (check_out_of_date)
        /* The status editor only works on directories, so get the ancestor
           if necessary */

        svn_node_kind_t kind;

        SVN_ERR(svn_wc_read_kind2(&kind, ctx->wc_ctx, target_abspath,
                                  TRUE, FALSE, pool));

        /* Dir must be a working copy directory or the status editor fails */
        if (kind == svn_node_dir)
            dir_abspath = target_abspath;
            target_basename = "";
            dir = path;
            dir_abspath = svn_dirent_dirname(target_abspath, pool);
            target_basename = svn_dirent_basename(target_abspath, NULL);
            dir = svn_dirent_dirname(path, pool);

            if (kind == svn_node_file)
                if (depth == svn_depth_empty)
                    depth = svn_depth_files;
                err = svn_wc_read_kind2(&kind, ctx->wc_ctx, dir_abspath,
                                        FALSE, FALSE, pool);


                if (err || kind != svn_node_dir)
                    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_WC_NOT_WORKING_COPY, NULL,
                                             _("'%s' is not a working copy"),
                                             svn_dirent_local_style(path, pool));
        dir = path;
        dir_abspath = target_abspath;

    if (svn_dirent_is_absolute(dir))
        sb.anchor_abspath = NULL;
        sb.anchor_relpath = NULL;
        sb.anchor_abspath = dir_abspath;
        sb.anchor_relpath = dir;

    /* Get the status edit, and use our wrapping status function/baton
       as the callback pair. */
    SVN_ERR(svn_wc_get_default_ignores(&ignores, ctx->config, pool));

    /* If we want to know about out-of-dateness, we crawl the working copy and
       let the RA layer drive the editor for real.  Otherwise, we just close the
       edit.  :-) */
    if (check_out_of_date)
        svn_ra_session_t *ra_session;
        const char *URL;
        svn_node_kind_t kind;
        svn_boolean_t server_supports_depth;
        const svn_delta_editor_t *editor;
        void *edit_baton, *set_locks_baton;
        svn_revnum_t edit_revision = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;

        /* Get full URL from the ANCHOR. */
        SVN_ERR(svn_client_url_from_path2(&URL, dir_abspath, ctx,
                                          pool, pool));

        if (!URL)
            return svn_error_createf
                   (SVN_ERR_ENTRY_MISSING_URL, NULL,
                    _("Entry '%s' has no URL"),
                    svn_dirent_local_style(dir, pool));

        /* Open a repository session to the URL. */
        SVN_ERR(svn_client__open_ra_session_internal(&ra_session, NULL, URL,
                dir_abspath, NULL,
                FALSE, TRUE,
                ctx, pool, pool));

        SVN_ERR(svn_ra_has_capability(ra_session, &server_supports_depth,
                                      SVN_RA_CAPABILITY_DEPTH, pool));

        SVN_ERR(svn_wc__get_status_editor(&editor, &edit_baton, &set_locks_baton,
                                          &edit_revision, ctx->wc_ctx,
                                          dir_abspath, target_basename,
                                          depth, get_all, check_working_copy,
                                          no_ignore, depth_as_sticky,
                                          ignores, tweak_status, &sb,
                                          ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                          pool, pool));

        /* Verify that URL exists in HEAD.  If it doesn't, this can save
           us a whole lot of hassle; if it does, the cost of this
           request should be minimal compared to the size of getting
           back the average amount of "out-of-date" information. */
        SVN_ERR(svn_ra_check_path(ra_session, "", SVN_INVALID_REVNUM,
                                  &kind, pool));
        if (kind == svn_node_none)
            svn_boolean_t added;

            /* Our status target does not exist in HEAD.  If we've got
               it locally added, that's okay.  But if it was previously
               versioned, then it must have since been deleted from the
               repository.  (Note that "locally replaced" doesn't count
               as "added" in this case.)  */
            SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_is_added(&added, ctx->wc_ctx,
                                          dir_abspath, pool));
            if (! added)
                sb.deleted_in_repos = TRUE;

            /* And now close the edit. */
            SVN_ERR(editor->close_edit(edit_baton, pool));
            svn_revnum_t revnum;
            report_baton_t rb;
            svn_depth_t status_depth;

            if (revision->kind == svn_opt_revision_head)
                /* Cause the revision number to be omitted from the request,
                   which implies HEAD. */
                revnum = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
                /* Get a revision number for our status operation. */
                SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_revision_number(&revnum, NULL,
                                                        ra_session, revision,

            if (depth_as_sticky || !server_supports_depth)
                status_depth = depth;
                status_depth = svn_depth_unknown; /* Use depth from WC */

            /* Do the deed.  Let the RA layer drive the status editor. */
            SVN_ERR(svn_ra_do_status2(ra_session, &rb.wrapped_reporter,
                                      target_basename, revnum, status_depth,
                                      editor, edit_baton, pool));

            /* Init the report baton. */
            rb.ancestor = apr_pstrdup(pool, URL); /* Edited later */
            rb.set_locks_baton = set_locks_baton;
            rb.ctx = ctx;
            rb.pool = pool;

            if (depth == svn_depth_unknown)
                rb.depth = svn_depth_infinity;
                rb.depth = depth;

            /* Drive the reporter structure, describing the revisions
               within PATH.  When we call reporter->finish_report,
               EDITOR will be driven to describe differences between our
               working copy and HEAD. */
                                            &lock_fetch_reporter, &rb,
                                            FALSE /* restore_files */,
                                            depth, (! depth_as_sticky),
                                            (! server_supports_depth),
                                            FALSE /* use_commit_times */,
                                            ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                            NULL, NULL, pool));

        if (ctx->notify_func2)
            svn_wc_notify_t *notify
                = svn_wc_create_notify(target_abspath,
                                       svn_wc_notify_status_completed, pool);
            notify->revision = edit_revision;
            ctx->notify_func2(ctx->notify_baton2, notify, pool);

        /* If the caller wants the result revision, give it to them. */
        if (result_rev)
            *result_rev = edit_revision;
        err = svn_wc_walk_status(ctx->wc_ctx, target_abspath,
                                 depth, get_all, no_ignore, FALSE, ignores,
                                 tweak_status, &sb,
                                 ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,

        if (err && err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_WC_MISSING)
            /* This error code is checked for in svn to continue after
               this error */
            return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_WC_NOT_WORKING_COPY, NULL,
                                     _("'%s' is not a working copy"),
                                     svn_dirent_local_style(path, pool));


    /* We only descend into an external if depth is svn_depth_infinity or
       svn_depth_unknown.  However, there are conceivable behaviors that
       would involve descending under other circumstances; thus, we pass
       depth anyway, so the code will DTRT if we change the conditional
       in the future.
    if (SVN_DEPTH_IS_RECURSIVE(depth) && (! ignore_externals))
        apr_hash_t *external_map;
                                                ctx->wc_ctx, target_abspath,
                                                pool, pool));

        SVN_ERR(do_external_status(ctx, external_map,
                                   depth, get_all,
                                   check_out_of_date, check_working_copy,
                                   no_ignore, changelists,
                                   sb.anchor_abspath, sb.anchor_relpath,
                                   status_func, status_baton, pool));

    return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* This implements the svn_client_list_func_t API, printing a single
   directory entry in text format. */
static svn_error_t *
print_dirent(void *baton,
             const char *path,
             const svn_dirent_t *dirent,
             const svn_lock_t *lock,
             const char *abs_path,
             apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct print_baton *pb = baton;
  const char *entryname;

  if (pb->ctx->cancel_func)

  if (strcmp(path, "") == 0)
      if (dirent->kind == svn_node_file)
        entryname = svn_dirent_basename(abs_path, pool);
      else if (pb->verbose)
        entryname = ".";
        /* Don't bother to list if no useful information will be shown. */
        return SVN_NO_ERROR;
    entryname = path;

  if (pb->verbose)
      apr_time_t now = apr_time_now();
      apr_time_exp_t exp_time;
      apr_status_t apr_err;
      apr_size_t size;
      char timestr[20];
      const char *sizestr, *utf8_timestr;

      /* svn_time_to_human_cstring gives us something *way* too long
         to use for this, so we have to roll our own.  We include
         the year if the entry's time is not within half a year. */
      apr_time_exp_lt(&exp_time, dirent->time);
      if (apr_time_sec(now - dirent->time) < (365 * 86400 / 2)
          && apr_time_sec(dirent->time - now) < (365 * 86400 / 2))
          apr_err = apr_strftime(timestr, &size, sizeof(timestr),
                                 _("%b %d %H:%M"), &exp_time);
          apr_err = apr_strftime(timestr, &size, sizeof(timestr),
                                 _("%b %d  %Y"), &exp_time);

      /* if that failed, just zero out the string and print nothing */
      if (apr_err)
        timestr[0] = '\0';

      /* we need it in UTF-8. */
      SVN_ERR(svn_utf_cstring_to_utf8(&utf8_timestr, timestr, pool));

      sizestr = apr_psprintf(pool, "%" SVN_FILESIZE_T_FMT, dirent->size);

      return svn_cmdline_printf
              (pool, "%7ld %-8.8s %c %10s %12s %s%s\n",
               dirent->last_author ? dirent->last_author : " ? ",
               lock ? 'O' : ' ',
               (dirent->kind == svn_node_file) ? sizestr : "",
               (dirent->kind == svn_node_dir) ? "/" : "");
      return svn_cmdline_printf(pool, "%s%s\n", entryname,
                                (dirent->kind == svn_node_dir)
                                ? "/" : "");
Example #7
File: opt.c Project: DJEX93/dsploit
/* Note: This is substantially copied into svn_client_args_to_target_array() in
 * order to move to libsvn_client while maintaining backward compatibility. */
svn_error_t *
svn_opt__args_to_target_array(apr_array_header_t **targets_p,
                              apr_getopt_t *os,
                              const apr_array_header_t *known_targets,
                              apr_pool_t *pool)
  int i;
  svn_error_t *err = SVN_NO_ERROR;
  apr_array_header_t *input_targets =
    apr_array_make(pool, DEFAULT_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(const char *));
  apr_array_header_t *output_targets =
    apr_array_make(pool, DEFAULT_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(const char *));

  /* Step 1:  create a master array of targets that are in UTF-8
     encoding, and come from concatenating the targets left by apr_getopt,
     plus any extra targets (e.g., from the --targets switch.) */

  for (; os->ind < os->argc; os->ind++)
      /* The apr_getopt targets are still in native encoding. */
      const char *raw_target = os->argv[os->ind];
              ((const char **) apr_array_push(input_targets),
               raw_target, pool));

  if (known_targets)
      for (i = 0; i < known_targets->nelts; i++)
          /* The --targets array have already been converted to UTF-8,
             because we needed to split up the list with svn_cstring_split. */
          const char *utf8_target = APR_ARRAY_IDX(known_targets,
                                                  i, const char *);
          APR_ARRAY_PUSH(input_targets, const char *) = utf8_target;

  /* Step 2:  process each target.  */

  for (i = 0; i < input_targets->nelts; i++)
      const char *utf8_target = APR_ARRAY_IDX(input_targets, i, const char *);
      const char *true_target;
      const char *target;      /* after all processing is finished */
      const char *peg_rev;

       * This is needed so that the target can be properly canonicalized,
       * otherwise the canonicalization does not treat a ".@BASE" as a "."
       * with a BASE peg revision, and it is not canonicalized to "@BASE".
       * If any peg revision exists, it is appended to the final
       * canonicalized path or URL.  Do not use svn_opt_parse_path()
       * because the resulting peg revision is a structure that would have
       * to be converted back into a string.  Converting from a string date
       * to the apr_time_t field in the svn_opt_revision_value_t and back to
       * a string would not necessarily preserve the exact bytes of the
       * input date, so its easier just to keep it in string form.
      SVN_ERR(svn_opt__split_arg_at_peg_revision(&true_target, &peg_rev,
                                                 utf8_target, pool));

      /* URLs and wc-paths get treated differently. */
      if (svn_path_is_url(true_target))
          SVN_ERR(svn_opt__arg_canonicalize_url(&true_target, true_target,
      else  /* not a url, so treat as a path */
          const char *base_name;

          SVN_ERR(svn_opt__arg_canonicalize_path(&true_target, true_target,

          /* If the target has the same name as a Subversion
             working copy administrative dir, skip it. */
          base_name = svn_dirent_basename(true_target, pool);

          /* FIXME:
             The canonical list of administrative directory names is
             maintained in libsvn_wc/adm_files.c:svn_wc_set_adm_dir().
             That list can't be used here, because that use would
             create a circular dependency between libsvn_wc and
             libsvn_subr.  Make sure changes to the lists are always
             synchronized! */
          if (0 == strcmp(base_name, ".svn")
              || 0 == strcmp(base_name, "_svn"))
              err = svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_RESERVED_FILENAME_SPECIFIED,
                                      err, _("'%s' ends in a reserved name"),

      target = apr_pstrcat(pool, true_target, peg_rev, (char *)NULL);

      APR_ARRAY_PUSH(output_targets, const char *) = target;

  /* kff todo: need to remove redundancies from targets before
     passing it to the cmd_func. */

  *targets_p = output_targets;

  return err;
Example #8
svn_error_t *
svn_repos_get_commit_editor5(const svn_delta_editor_t **editor,
                             void **edit_baton,
                             svn_repos_t *repos,
                             svn_fs_txn_t *txn,
                             const char *repos_url,
                             const char *base_path,
                             apr_hash_t *revprop_table,
                             svn_commit_callback2_t callback,
                             void *callback_baton,
                             svn_repos_authz_callback_t authz_callback,
                             void *authz_baton,
                             apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_delta_editor_t *e;
  apr_pool_t *subpool = svn_pool_create(pool);
  struct edit_baton *eb;

  /* Do a global authz access lookup.  Users with no write access
     whatsoever to the repository don't get a commit editor. */
  if (authz_callback)
      svn_boolean_t allowed;

      SVN_ERR(authz_callback(svn_authz_write, &allowed, NULL, NULL,
                             authz_baton, pool));
      if (!allowed)
        return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_AUTHZ_UNWRITABLE, NULL,
                                "Not authorized to open a commit editor.");

  /* Allocate the structures. */
  e = svn_delta_default_editor(pool);
  eb = apr_pcalloc(subpool, sizeof(*eb));

  /* Set up the editor. */
  e->open_root         = open_root;
  e->delete_entry      = delete_entry;
  e->add_directory     = add_directory;
  e->open_directory    = open_directory;
  e->change_dir_prop   = change_dir_prop;
  e->add_file          = add_file;
  e->open_file         = open_file;
  e->close_file        = close_file;
  e->apply_textdelta   = apply_textdelta;
  e->change_file_prop  = change_file_prop;
  e->close_edit        = close_edit;
  e->abort_edit        = abort_edit;

  /* Set up the edit baton. */
  eb->pool = subpool;
  eb->revprop_table = svn_prop_hash_dup(revprop_table, subpool);
  eb->commit_callback = callback;
  eb->commit_callback_baton = callback_baton;
  eb->authz_callback = authz_callback;
  eb->authz_baton = authz_baton;
  eb->base_path = svn_fspath__canonicalize(base_path, subpool);
  eb->repos = repos;
  eb->repos_url = repos_url;
  eb->repos_name = svn_dirent_basename(svn_repos_path(repos, subpool),
  eb->fs = svn_repos_fs(repos);
  eb->txn = txn;
  eb->txn_owner = txn == NULL;

  *edit_baton = eb;
  *editor = e;

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* This implements the svn_client_list_func_t API, printing a single dirent
   in XML format. */
static svn_error_t *
print_dirent_xml(void *baton,
                 const char *path,
                 const svn_dirent_t *dirent,
                 const svn_lock_t *lock,
                 const char *abs_path,
                 apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct print_baton *pb = baton;
  const char *entryname;
  svn_stringbuf_t *sb;

  if (strcmp(path, "") == 0)
      if (dirent->kind == svn_node_file)
        entryname = svn_dirent_basename(abs_path, pool);
      else if (pb->verbose)
        entryname = ".";
        /* Don't bother to list if no useful information will be shown. */
        return SVN_NO_ERROR;
    entryname = path;

  if (pb->ctx->cancel_func)

  sb = svn_stringbuf_create("", pool);

  svn_xml_make_open_tag(&sb, pool, svn_xml_normal, "entry",
                        "kind", svn_cl__node_kind_str_xml(dirent->kind),

  svn_cl__xml_tagged_cdata(&sb, pool, "name", entryname);

  if (dirent->kind == svn_node_file)
        (&sb, pool, "size",
         apr_psprintf(pool, "%" SVN_FILESIZE_T_FMT, dirent->size));

  svn_xml_make_open_tag(&sb, pool, svn_xml_normal, "commit",
                        apr_psprintf(pool, "%ld", dirent->created_rev),
  svn_cl__xml_tagged_cdata(&sb, pool, "author", dirent->last_author);
  if (dirent->time)
    svn_cl__xml_tagged_cdata(&sb, pool, "date",
                             svn_time_to_cstring(dirent->time, pool));
  svn_xml_make_close_tag(&sb, pool, "commit");

  if (lock)
      svn_xml_make_open_tag(&sb, pool, svn_xml_normal, "lock", NULL);
      svn_cl__xml_tagged_cdata(&sb, pool, "token", lock->token);
      svn_cl__xml_tagged_cdata(&sb, pool, "owner", lock->owner);
      svn_cl__xml_tagged_cdata(&sb, pool, "comment", lock->comment);
      svn_cl__xml_tagged_cdata(&sb, pool, "created",
      if (lock->expiration_date != 0)
        svn_cl__xml_tagged_cdata(&sb, pool, "expires",
                                 (lock->expiration_date, pool));
      svn_xml_make_close_tag(&sb, pool, "lock");

  svn_xml_make_close_tag(&sb, pool, "entry");

  return svn_cl__error_checked_fputs(sb->data, stdout);
Example #10
/* This is a helper for svn_client__update_internal(), which see for
   an explanation of most of these parameters.  Some stuff that's
   unique is as follows:

   ANCHOR_ABSPATH is the local absolute path of the update anchor.
   This is typically either the same as LOCAL_ABSPATH, or the
   immediate parent of LOCAL_ABSPATH.

   If NOTIFY_SUMMARY is set (and there's a notification handler in
   CTX), transmit the final update summary upon successful
   completion of the update.
static svn_error_t *
update_internal(svn_revnum_t *result_rev,
                const char *local_abspath,
                const char *anchor_abspath,
                const svn_opt_revision_t *revision,
                svn_depth_t depth,
                svn_boolean_t depth_is_sticky,
                svn_boolean_t ignore_externals,
                svn_boolean_t allow_unver_obstructions,
                svn_boolean_t adds_as_modification,
                svn_boolean_t *timestamp_sleep,
                svn_boolean_t notify_summary,
                svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                apr_pool_t *pool)
  const svn_delta_editor_t *update_editor;
  void *update_edit_baton;
  const svn_ra_reporter3_t *reporter;
  void *report_baton;
  const char *anchor_url;
  const char *corrected_url;
  const char *target;
  const char *repos_root;
  svn_error_t *err;
  svn_revnum_t revnum;
  svn_boolean_t use_commit_times;
  svn_boolean_t sleep_here = FALSE;
  svn_boolean_t *use_sleep = timestamp_sleep ? timestamp_sleep : &sleep_here;
  svn_boolean_t clean_checkout = FALSE;
  const char *diff3_cmd;
  svn_ra_session_t *ra_session;
  const char *preserved_exts_str;
  apr_array_header_t *preserved_exts;
  struct svn_client__dirent_fetcher_baton_t dfb;
  svn_boolean_t server_supports_depth;
  svn_boolean_t tree_conflicted;
  svn_config_t *cfg = ctx->config ? apr_hash_get(ctx->config,
                                                 APR_HASH_KEY_STRING) : NULL;

  /* An unknown depth can't be sticky. */
  if (depth == svn_depth_unknown)
    depth_is_sticky = FALSE;

  if (strcmp(local_abspath, anchor_abspath))
    target = svn_dirent_basename(local_abspath, pool);
    target = "";

  /* Get full URL from the ANCHOR. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_get_url(&anchor_url, ctx->wc_ctx, anchor_abspath,
                               pool, pool));
  if (! anchor_url)
    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_ENTRY_MISSING_URL, NULL,
                             _("'%s' has no URL"),
                             svn_dirent_local_style(anchor_abspath, pool));

  /* Check if our anchor exists in BASE. If it doesn't we can't update.
     ### For performance reasons this should be handled with the same query
     ### as retrieving the anchor url. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_get_base_rev(&revnum, ctx->wc_ctx, anchor_abspath,

  /* It does not make sense to update tree-conflict victims. */
  err = svn_wc_conflicted_p3(NULL, NULL, &tree_conflicted,
                             ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath, pool);
  if (err && err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
      tree_conflicted = FALSE;

  if (!SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(revnum) || tree_conflicted)
      if (ctx->notify_func2)
          svn_wc_notify_t *nt;

          nt = svn_wc_create_notify(local_abspath,
                                      ? svn_wc_notify_skip_conflicted
                                      : svn_wc_notify_update_skip_working_only,

          ctx->notify_func2(ctx->notify_baton2, nt, pool);
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  /* We may need to crop the tree if the depth is sticky */
  if (depth_is_sticky && depth < svn_depth_infinity)
      svn_node_kind_t target_kind;

      if (depth == svn_depth_exclude)
                                 ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                 ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,

          /* Target excluded, we are done now */
          return SVN_NO_ERROR;

      SVN_ERR(svn_wc_read_kind(&target_kind, ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath, TRUE,
      if (target_kind == svn_node_dir)
          SVN_ERR(svn_wc_crop_tree2(ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath, depth,
                                    ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                    ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,

  /* check whether the "clean c/o" optimization is applicable */
  SVN_ERR(is_empty_wc(&clean_checkout, local_abspath, anchor_abspath, pool));

  /* Get the external diff3, if any. */
  svn_config_get(cfg, &diff3_cmd, SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_HELPERS,
                 SVN_CONFIG_OPTION_DIFF3_CMD, NULL);

  if (diff3_cmd != NULL)
    SVN_ERR(svn_path_cstring_to_utf8(&diff3_cmd, diff3_cmd, pool));

  /* See if the user wants last-commit timestamps instead of current ones. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_config_get_bool(cfg, &use_commit_times,
                              SVN_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_COMMIT_TIMES, FALSE));

  /* See which files the user wants to preserve the extension of when
     conflict files are made. */
  svn_config_get(cfg, &preserved_exts_str, SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_MISCELLANY,
  preserved_exts = *preserved_exts_str
    ? svn_cstring_split(preserved_exts_str, "\n\r\t\v ", FALSE, pool)
    : NULL;

  /* Let everyone know we're starting a real update (unless we're
     asked not to). */
  if (ctx->notify_func2 && notify_summary)
      svn_wc_notify_t *notify
        = svn_wc_create_notify(local_abspath, svn_wc_notify_update_started,
      notify->kind = svn_node_none;
      notify->content_state = notify->prop_state
        = svn_wc_notify_state_inapplicable;
      notify->lock_state = svn_wc_notify_lock_state_inapplicable;
      (*ctx->notify_func2)(ctx->notify_baton2, notify, pool);

  /* Open an RA session for the URL */
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__open_ra_session_internal(&ra_session, &corrected_url,
                                               anchor_abspath, NULL, TRUE,
                                               TRUE, ctx, pool));

  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_repos_root2(ra_session, &repos_root, pool));

  /* If we got a corrected URL from the RA subsystem, we'll need to
     relocate our working copy first. */
  if (corrected_url)
      const char *current_repos_root;
      const char *current_uuid;

      /* To relocate everything inside our repository we need the old and new
         repos root. ### And we should only perform relocates on the wcroot */
      SVN_ERR(svn_wc__node_get_repos_info(&current_repos_root, &current_uuid,
                                          ctx->wc_ctx, anchor_abspath,
                                          pool, pool));

      /* ### Check uuid here before calling relocate? */
      SVN_ERR(svn_client_relocate2(anchor_abspath, current_repos_root,
                                   repos_root, ignore_externals, ctx, pool));
      anchor_url = corrected_url;

  /* ### todo: shouldn't svn_client__get_revision_number be able
     to take a URL as easily as a local path?  */
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_revision_number(&revnum, NULL, ctx->wc_ctx,
                                          local_abspath, ra_session, revision,

  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_has_capability(ra_session, &server_supports_depth,
                                SVN_RA_CAPABILITY_DEPTH, pool));

  dfb.ra_session = ra_session;
  dfb.target_revision = revnum;
  dfb.anchor_url = anchor_url;

  /* Fetch the update editor.  If REVISION is invalid, that's okay;
     the RA driver will call editor->set_target_revision later on. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_wc_get_update_editor4(&update_editor, &update_edit_baton,
                                    &revnum, ctx->wc_ctx, anchor_abspath,
                                    target, use_commit_times, depth,
                                    depth_is_sticky, allow_unver_obstructions,
                                    diff3_cmd, preserved_exts,
                                    svn_client__dirent_fetcher, &dfb,
                                    ctx->conflict_func2, ctx->conflict_baton2,
                                    NULL, NULL,
                                    ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                    ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,
                                    pool, pool));

  /* Tell RA to do an update of URL+TARGET to REVISION; if we pass an
     invalid revnum, that means RA will use the latest revision.  */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_do_update2(ra_session, &reporter, &report_baton,
                            revnum, target,
                            (!server_supports_depth || depth_is_sticky
                             ? depth
                             : svn_depth_unknown),
                            FALSE, update_editor, update_edit_baton, pool));

  /* Drive the reporter structure, describing the revisions within
     PATH.  When we call reporter->finish_report, the
     update_editor will be driven by svn_repos_dir_delta2. */
  err = svn_wc_crawl_revisions5(ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath, reporter,
                                report_baton, TRUE, depth, (! depth_is_sticky),
                                (! server_supports_depth),
                                ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton,
                                ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,

  if (err)
      /* Don't rely on the error handling to handle the sleep later, do
         it now */
      svn_io_sleep_for_timestamps(local_abspath, pool);
      return svn_error_trace(err);
  *use_sleep = TRUE;

  /* We handle externals after the update is complete, so that
     handling external items (and any errors therefrom) doesn't delay
     the primary operation.  */
  if (SVN_DEPTH_IS_RECURSIVE(depth) && (! ignore_externals))
      apr_hash_t *new_externals;
      apr_hash_t *new_depths;
                                                   ctx->wc_ctx, local_abspath,
                                                   depth, pool, pool));

                                           repos_root, local_abspath,
                                           depth, use_sleep,
                                           ctx, pool));

  if (sleep_here)
    svn_io_sleep_for_timestamps(local_abspath, pool);

  /* Let everyone know we're finished here (unless we're asked not to). */
  if (ctx->notify_func2 && notify_summary)
      svn_wc_notify_t *notify
        = svn_wc_create_notify(local_abspath, svn_wc_notify_update_completed,
      notify->kind = svn_node_none;
      notify->content_state = notify->prop_state
        = svn_wc_notify_state_inapplicable;
      notify->lock_state = svn_wc_notify_lock_state_inapplicable;
      notify->revision = revnum;
      (*ctx->notify_func2)(ctx->notify_baton2, notify, pool);

  /* If the caller wants the result revision, give it to them. */
  if (result_rev)
    *result_rev = revnum;

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Example #11
/* Note: This is substantially copied from svn_opt__args_to_target_array() in
 * order to move to libsvn_client while maintaining backward compatibility. */
svn_error_t *
svn_client_args_to_target_array2(apr_array_header_t **targets_p,
                                 apr_getopt_t *os,
                                 const apr_array_header_t *known_targets,
                                 svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                                 svn_boolean_t keep_last_origpath_on_truepath_collision,
                                 apr_pool_t *pool)
  int i;
  svn_boolean_t rel_url_found = FALSE;
  const char *root_url = NULL;
  svn_error_t *err = SVN_NO_ERROR;
  apr_array_header_t *input_targets =
    apr_array_make(pool, DEFAULT_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(const char *));
  apr_array_header_t *output_targets =
    apr_array_make(pool, DEFAULT_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(const char *));
  apr_array_header_t *reserved_names = NULL;

  /* Step 1:  create a master array of targets that are in UTF-8
     encoding, and come from concatenating the targets left by apr_getopt,
     plus any extra targets (e.g., from the --targets switch.)
     If any of the targets are relative urls, then set the rel_url_found

  for (; os->ind < os->argc; os->ind++)
      /* The apr_getopt targets are still in native encoding. */
      const char *raw_target = os->argv[os->ind];
      const char *utf8_target;

                                      raw_target, pool));

      if (arg_is_repos_relative_url(utf8_target))
        rel_url_found = TRUE;

      APR_ARRAY_PUSH(input_targets, const char *) = utf8_target;

  if (known_targets)
      for (i = 0; i < known_targets->nelts; i++)
          /* The --targets array have already been converted to UTF-8,
             because we needed to split up the list with svn_cstring_split. */
          const char *utf8_target = APR_ARRAY_IDX(known_targets,
                                                  i, const char *);

          if (arg_is_repos_relative_url(utf8_target))
            rel_url_found = TRUE;

          APR_ARRAY_PUSH(input_targets, const char *) = utf8_target;

  /* Step 2:  process each target.  */

  for (i = 0; i < input_targets->nelts; i++)
      const char *utf8_target = APR_ARRAY_IDX(input_targets, i, const char *);

      /* Relative urls will be canonicalized when they are resolved later in
       * the function
      if (arg_is_repos_relative_url(utf8_target))
          APR_ARRAY_PUSH(output_targets, const char *) = utf8_target;
          const char *true_target;
          const char *peg_rev;
          const char *target;

           * This is needed so that the target can be properly canonicalized,
           * otherwise the canonicalization does not treat a ".@BASE" as a "."
           * with a BASE peg revision, and it is not canonicalized to "@BASE".
           * If any peg revision exists, it is appended to the final
           * canonicalized path or URL.  Do not use svn_opt_parse_path()
           * because the resulting peg revision is a structure that would have
           * to be converted back into a string.  Converting from a string date
           * to the apr_time_t field in the svn_opt_revision_value_t and back to
           * a string would not necessarily preserve the exact bytes of the
           * input date, so its easier just to keep it in string form.
          SVN_ERR(svn_opt__split_arg_at_peg_revision(&true_target, &peg_rev,
                                                     utf8_target, pool));

          /* URLs and wc-paths get treated differently. */
          if (svn_path_is_url(true_target))
                                                    true_target, pool));
          else  /* not a url, so treat as a path */
              const char *base_name;
              const char *original_target;

              original_target = svn_dirent_internal_style(true_target, pool);
                                                     true_target, pool));

              /* There are two situations in which a 'truepath-conversion'
                 (case-canonicalization to on-disk path on case-insensitive
                 filesystem) needs to be undone:

                    this is the last target of a 2-element target list, and
                    both targets have the same truepath. */
              if (keep_last_origpath_on_truepath_collision
                  && input_targets->nelts == 2 && i == 1
                  && strcmp(original_target, true_target) != 0)
                  const char *src_truepath = APR_ARRAY_IDX(output_targets,
                                                           const char *);
                  if (strcmp(src_truepath, true_target) == 0)
                    true_target = original_target;

              /* 2. If there is an exact match in the wc-db without a
                    corresponding on-disk path (e.g. a scheduled-for-delete
                    file only differing in case from an on-disk file). */
              if (strcmp(original_target, true_target) != 0)
                  const char *target_abspath;
                  svn_node_kind_t kind;
                  svn_error_t *err2;

                                                  original_target, pool));
                  err2 = svn_wc_read_kind(&kind, ctx->wc_ctx, target_abspath,
                                          FALSE, pool);
                  if (err2
                      && (err2->apr_err == SVN_ERR_WC_NOT_WORKING_COPY
                          || err2->apr_err == SVN_ERR_WC_UPGRADE_REQUIRED))
                      /* We successfully did a lookup in the wc-db. Now see
                         if it's something interesting. */
                      if (kind == svn_node_file || kind == svn_node_dir)
                        true_target = original_target;

              /* If the target has the same name as a Subversion
                 working copy administrative dir, skip it. */
              base_name = svn_dirent_basename(true_target, pool);

              if (svn_wc_is_adm_dir(base_name, pool))
                  if (!reserved_names)
                    reserved_names = apr_array_make(pool, DEFAULT_ARRAY_SIZE,
                                                    sizeof(const char *));

                  APR_ARRAY_PUSH(reserved_names, const char *) = utf8_target;


          target = apr_pstrcat(pool, true_target, peg_rev, (char *)NULL);

          if (rel_url_found)
              /* Later targets have priority over earlier target, I
                 don't know why, see basic_relative_url_multi_repo. */
              SVN_ERR(check_root_url_of_target(&root_url, target,
                                               ctx, pool));

          APR_ARRAY_PUSH(output_targets, const char *) = target;

  /* Only resolve relative urls if there were some actually found earlier. */
  if (rel_url_found)
       * Use the current directory's root url if one wasn't found using the
       * arguments.
      if (root_url == NULL)
          err = svn_client_root_url_from_path(&root_url, "", ctx, pool);
          if (err || root_url == NULL)
            return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_WC_NOT_WORKING_COPY, err,
                                    _("Resolving '^/': no repository root "
                                      "found in the target arguments or "
                                      "in the current directory"));

      *targets_p = apr_array_make(pool, output_targets->nelts,
                                  sizeof(const char *));

      for (i = 0; i < output_targets->nelts; i++)
          const char *target = APR_ARRAY_IDX(output_targets, i,
                                             const char *);

          if (arg_is_repos_relative_url(target))
              const char *abs_target;
              const char *true_target;
              const char *peg_rev;

              SVN_ERR(svn_opt__split_arg_at_peg_revision(&true_target, &peg_rev,
                                                         target, pool));

              SVN_ERR(resolve_repos_relative_url(&abs_target, true_target,
                                                 root_url, pool));

              SVN_ERR(svn_opt__arg_canonicalize_url(&true_target, abs_target,

              target = apr_pstrcat(pool, true_target, peg_rev, (char *)NULL);

          APR_ARRAY_PUSH(*targets_p, const char *) = target;
Example #12
/* Produce a diff of depth DEPTH for the directory at LOCAL_ABSPATH,
 * using information from the arbitrary_diff_walker_baton B.
 * LOCAL_ABSPATH is the path being crawled and can be on either side
 * of the diff depending on baton->recursing_within_added_subtree. */
static svn_error_t *
arbitrary_diff_this_dir(struct arbitrary_diff_walker_baton *b,
                        const char *local_abspath,
                        svn_depth_t depth,
                        apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
  const char *local_abspath1;
  const char *local_abspath2;
  svn_node_kind_t kind1;
  svn_node_kind_t kind2;
  const char *child_relpath;
  apr_hash_t *dirents1;
  apr_hash_t *dirents2;
  apr_hash_t *merged_dirents;
  apr_array_header_t *sorted_dirents;
  int i;
  apr_pool_t *iterpool;

  if (b->recursing_within_adm_dir)
      if (svn_dirent_skip_ancestor(b->adm_dir_abspath, local_abspath))
        return SVN_NO_ERROR;
          b->recursing_within_adm_dir = FALSE;
          b->adm_dir_abspath = NULL;
  else if (svn_wc_is_adm_dir(svn_dirent_basename(local_abspath, NULL),
      b->recursing_within_adm_dir = TRUE;
      b->adm_dir_abspath = apr_pstrdup(b->pool, local_abspath);
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  if (b->recursing_within_added_subtree)
    child_relpath = svn_dirent_skip_ancestor(b->root2_abspath, local_abspath);
    child_relpath = svn_dirent_skip_ancestor(b->root1_abspath, local_abspath);
  if (!child_relpath)
    return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  local_abspath1 = svn_dirent_join(b->root1_abspath, child_relpath,
  SVN_ERR(svn_io_check_resolved_path(local_abspath1, &kind1, scratch_pool));

  local_abspath2 = svn_dirent_join(b->root2_abspath, child_relpath,
  SVN_ERR(svn_io_check_resolved_path(local_abspath2, &kind2, scratch_pool));

  if (depth > svn_depth_empty)
      if (kind1 == svn_node_dir)
        SVN_ERR(svn_io_get_dirents3(&dirents1, local_abspath1,
                                    TRUE, /* only_check_type */
                                    scratch_pool, scratch_pool));
        dirents1 = apr_hash_make(scratch_pool);

  if (kind2 == svn_node_dir)
      apr_hash_t *original_props;
      apr_hash_t *modified_props;
      apr_array_header_t *prop_changes;

      /* Show any property changes for this directory. */
      SVN_ERR(get_props(&original_props, local_abspath1, b->ctx->wc_ctx,
                        scratch_pool, scratch_pool));
      SVN_ERR(get_props(&modified_props, local_abspath2, b->ctx->wc_ctx,
                        scratch_pool, scratch_pool));
      SVN_ERR(svn_prop_diffs(&prop_changes, modified_props, original_props,
      if (prop_changes->nelts > 0)
        SVN_ERR(b->callbacks->dir_props_changed(NULL, NULL, child_relpath,
                                                FALSE /* was_added */,
                                                prop_changes, original_props,

      if (depth > svn_depth_empty)
          /* Read directory entries. */
          SVN_ERR(svn_io_get_dirents3(&dirents2, local_abspath2,
                                      TRUE, /* only_check_type */
                                      scratch_pool, scratch_pool));
  else if (depth > svn_depth_empty)
    dirents2 = apr_hash_make(scratch_pool);

  if (depth <= svn_depth_empty)
    return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  /* Compare dirents1 to dirents2 and show added/deleted/changed files. */
  merged_dirents = apr_hash_merge(scratch_pool, dirents1, dirents2,
                                  NULL, NULL);
  sorted_dirents = svn_sort__hash(merged_dirents,
  iterpool = svn_pool_create(scratch_pool);
  for (i = 0; i < sorted_dirents->nelts; i++)
      svn_sort__item_t elt = APR_ARRAY_IDX(sorted_dirents, i, svn_sort__item_t);
      const char *name = elt.key;
      svn_io_dirent2_t *dirent1;
      svn_io_dirent2_t *dirent2;
      const char *child1_abspath;
      const char *child2_abspath;


      if (b->ctx->cancel_func)

      if (strcmp(name, SVN_WC_ADM_DIR_NAME) == 0)

      dirent1 = svn_hash_gets(dirents1, name);
      if (!dirent1)
          dirent1 = svn_io_dirent2_create(iterpool);
          dirent1->kind = svn_node_none;
      dirent2 = svn_hash_gets(dirents2, name);
      if (!dirent2)
          dirent2 = svn_io_dirent2_create(iterpool);
          dirent2->kind = svn_node_none;

      child1_abspath = svn_dirent_join(local_abspath1, name, iterpool);
      child2_abspath = svn_dirent_join(local_abspath2, name, iterpool);

      if (dirent1->special)
        SVN_ERR(svn_io_check_resolved_path(child1_abspath, &dirent1->kind,
      if (dirent2->special)
        SVN_ERR(svn_io_check_resolved_path(child1_abspath, &dirent2->kind,

      if (dirent1->kind == svn_node_dir &&
          dirent2->kind == svn_node_dir)
          if (depth == svn_depth_immediates)
              /* Not using the walker, so show property diffs on these dirs. */
              SVN_ERR(do_arbitrary_dirs_diff(child1_abspath, child2_abspath,
                                             b->root1_abspath, b->root2_abspath,
                                             b->callbacks, b->diff_baton,
                                             b->ctx, iterpool));
              /* Either the walker will visit these directories (with
               * depth=infinity) and they will be processed as 'this dir'
               * later, or we're showing file children only (depth=files). */


      /* Files that exist only in dirents1. */
      if (dirent1->kind == svn_node_file &&
          (dirent2->kind == svn_node_dir || dirent2->kind == svn_node_none))
        SVN_ERR(do_arbitrary_files_diff(child1_abspath, b->empty_file_abspath,
                                        svn_relpath_join(child_relpath, name,
                                        FALSE, TRUE, NULL,
                                        b->callbacks, b->diff_baton,
                                        b->ctx, iterpool));

      /* Files that exist only in dirents2. */
      if (dirent2->kind == svn_node_file &&
          (dirent1->kind == svn_node_dir || dirent1->kind == svn_node_none))
          apr_hash_t *original_props;

          SVN_ERR(get_props(&original_props, child1_abspath, b->ctx->wc_ctx,
                            scratch_pool, scratch_pool));
          SVN_ERR(do_arbitrary_files_diff(b->empty_file_abspath, child2_abspath,
                                          svn_relpath_join(child_relpath, name,
                                          TRUE, FALSE, original_props,
                                          b->callbacks, b->diff_baton,
                                          b->ctx, iterpool));

      /* Files that exist in dirents1 and dirents2. */
      if (dirent1->kind == svn_node_file && dirent2->kind == svn_node_file)
        SVN_ERR(do_arbitrary_files_diff(child1_abspath, child2_abspath,
                                        svn_relpath_join(child_relpath, name,
                                        FALSE, FALSE, NULL,
                                        b->callbacks, b->diff_baton,
                                        b->ctx, scratch_pool));

      /* Directories that only exist in dirents2. These aren't crawled
       * by this walker so we have to crawl them separately. */
      if (depth > svn_depth_files &&
          dirent2->kind == svn_node_dir &&
          (dirent1->kind == svn_node_file || dirent1->kind == svn_node_none))
        SVN_ERR(do_arbitrary_dirs_diff(child1_abspath, child2_abspath,
                                       b->root1_abspath, b->root2_abspath,
                                       depth <= svn_depth_immediates
                                         ? svn_depth_empty
                                         : svn_depth_infinity ,
                                       b->callbacks, b->diff_baton,
                                       b->ctx, iterpool));


  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Example #13
/* Make a copy of the filesystem node (or tree if RECURSIVE) at
   SRC_ABSPATH under a temporary name in the directory
   TMPDIR_ABSPATH and return the absolute path of the copy in
   *DST_ABSPATH.  Return the node kind of SRC_ABSPATH in *KIND.  If
   SRC_ABSPATH doesn't exist then set *DST_ABSPATH to NULL to indicate
   that no copy was made. */
static svn_error_t *
copy_to_tmpdir(svn_skel_t **work_item,
               svn_node_kind_t *kind,
               svn_wc__db_t *db,
               const char *src_abspath,
               const char *dst_abspath,
               const char *tmpdir_abspath,
               svn_boolean_t file_copy,
               svn_boolean_t unversioned,
               svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
               void *cancel_baton,
               apr_pool_t *result_pool,
               apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
  svn_boolean_t is_special;
  svn_io_file_del_t delete_when;
  const char *dst_tmp_abspath;
  svn_node_kind_t dsk_kind;
  if (!kind)
    kind = &dsk_kind;

  *work_item = NULL;

  SVN_ERR(svn_io_check_special_path(src_abspath, kind, &is_special,
  if (*kind == svn_node_none)
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;
  else if (*kind == svn_node_unknown)
      return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_NODE_UNEXPECTED_KIND, NULL,
                               _("Source '%s' is unexpected kind"),
  else if (*kind == svn_node_dir || is_special)
    delete_when = svn_io_file_del_on_close;
  else /* the default case: (*kind == svn_node_file) */
    delete_when = svn_io_file_del_none;

  /* ### Do we need a pool cleanup to remove the copy?  We can't use
     ### svn_io_file_del_on_pool_cleanup above because a) it won't
     ### handle the directory case and b) we need to be able to remove
     ### the cleanup before queueing the move work item. */

  if (file_copy && !unversioned)
      svn_boolean_t modified;
      /* It's faster to look for mods on the source now, as
         the timestamp might match, than to examine the
         destination later as the destination timestamp will
         never match. */
                                               db, src_abspath,
                                               FALSE, scratch_pool));
      if (!modified)
          /* Why create a temp copy if we can just reinstall from pristine? */
                                                db, dst_abspath, NULL, FALSE,
                                                result_pool, scratch_pool));
          return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  /* Set DST_TMP_ABSPATH to a temporary unique path.  If *KIND is file, leave
     a file there and then overwrite it; otherwise leave no node on disk at
     that path.  In the latter case, something else might use that path
     before we get around to using it a moment later, but never mind. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_io_open_unique_file3(NULL, &dst_tmp_abspath, tmpdir_abspath,
                                   delete_when, scratch_pool, scratch_pool));

  if (*kind == svn_node_dir)
      if (file_copy)
                           svn_dirent_basename(dst_tmp_abspath, scratch_pool),
                           TRUE, /* copy_perms */
                           cancel_func, cancel_baton,
        SVN_ERR(svn_io_dir_make(dst_tmp_abspath, APR_OS_DEFAULT, scratch_pool));
  else if (!is_special)
    SVN_ERR(svn_io_copy_file(src_abspath, dst_tmp_abspath,
                             TRUE /* copy_perms */,
    SVN_ERR(svn_io_copy_link(src_abspath, dst_tmp_abspath, scratch_pool));

  if (file_copy)
      /* Remove 'read-only' from the destination file; it's a local add now. */
                                         FALSE, scratch_pool));

  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__wq_build_file_move(work_item, db, dst_abspath,
                                     dst_tmp_abspath, dst_abspath,
                                     result_pool, scratch_pool));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Example #14
/* This implements the `svn_opt_subcommand_t' interface. */
svn_error_t *
svn_cl__export(apr_getopt_t *os,
               void *baton,
               apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_cl__opt_state_t *opt_state = ((svn_cl__cmd_baton_t *) baton)->opt_state;
  svn_client_ctx_t *ctx = ((svn_cl__cmd_baton_t *) baton)->ctx;
  const char *from, *to;
  apr_array_header_t *targets;
  svn_error_t *err;
  svn_opt_revision_t peg_revision;
  const char *truefrom;
  struct svn_cl__check_externals_failed_notify_baton nwb;

  SVN_ERR(svn_cl__args_to_target_array_print_reserved(&targets, os,
                                                      ctx, FALSE, pool));

  /* We want exactly 1 or 2 targets for this subcommand. */
  if (targets->nelts < 1)
    return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CL_INSUFFICIENT_ARGS, 0, NULL);
  if (targets->nelts > 2)
    return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, 0, NULL);

  /* The first target is the `from' path. */
  from = APR_ARRAY_IDX(targets, 0, const char *);

  /* Get the peg revision if present. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_opt_parse_path(&peg_revision, &truefrom, from, pool));

  /* If only one target was given, split off the basename to use as
     the `to' path.  Else, a `to' path was supplied. */
  if (targets->nelts == 1)
      if (svn_path_is_url(truefrom))
        to = svn_uri_basename(truefrom, pool);
        to = svn_dirent_basename(truefrom, pool);
      to = APR_ARRAY_IDX(targets, 1, const char *);

      if (strcmp("", to) != 0)
        /* svn_cl__eat_peg_revisions() but only on one target */
        SVN_ERR(svn_opt__split_arg_at_peg_revision(&to, NULL, to, pool));


  if (! opt_state->quiet)

  if (opt_state->depth == svn_depth_unknown)
    opt_state->depth = svn_depth_infinity;

  nwb.wrapped_func = ctx->notify_func2;
  nwb.wrapped_baton = ctx->notify_baton2;
  nwb.had_externals_error = FALSE;
  ctx->notify_func2 = svn_cl__check_externals_failed_notify_wrapper;
  ctx->notify_baton2 = &nwb;

  /* Do the export. */
  err = svn_client_export5(NULL, truefrom, to, &peg_revision,
                           opt_state->force, opt_state->ignore_externals,
                           opt_state->ignore_keywords, opt_state->depth,
                           opt_state->native_eol, ctx, pool);
  if (err && err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_WC_OBSTRUCTED_UPDATE && !opt_state->force)
              _("Destination directory exists; please remove "
                "the directory or use --force to overwrite"));

  if (nwb.had_externals_error)
      svn_error_t *externals_err;

      externals_err = svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CL_ERROR_PROCESSING_EXTERNALS,
                                       _("Failure occurred processing one or "
                                         "more externals definitions"));
      return svn_error_compose_create(externals_err, err);

  return svn_error_trace(err);