Example #1
static svn_error_t *
read_handler_apr(void *baton, char *buffer, apr_size_t *len)
  struct baton_apr *btn = baton;
  svn_error_t *err;
  svn_boolean_t eof;

  if (*len == 1)
      err = svn_io_file_getc(buffer, btn->file, btn->pool);
      if (err)
          *len = 0;
          if (APR_STATUS_IS_EOF(err->apr_err))
              err = SVN_NO_ERROR;
    err = svn_io_file_read_full2(btn->file, buffer, *len, len,
                                 &eof, btn->pool);

  return svn_error_trace(err);
Example #2
svn_error_t *
svn_fs_x__rev_file_read(svn_fs_x__revision_file_t *file,
                        void *buf,
                        apr_size_t nbytes)
  return svn_error_trace(svn_io_file_read_full2(file->file, buf, nbytes,
                                                NULL, NULL, file->pool));
Example #3
/* If the footer data in FILE has not been read, yet, do so now.
 * Index locations will only be read upon request as we assume they get
 * cached and the FILE is usually used for REP data access only.
 * Hence, the separate step.
static svn_error_t *
auto_read_footer(svn_fs_x__revision_file_t *file)
  if (file->l2p_info.start == -1)
      apr_off_t filesize = 0;
      unsigned char footer_length;
      svn_stringbuf_t *footer;

      /* Determine file size. */
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_seek(file->file, APR_END, &filesize, file->pool));

      /* Read last byte (containing the length of the footer). */
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_aligned_seek(file->file, file->block_size, NULL,
                                       filesize - 1, file->pool));
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_read_full2(file->file, &footer_length,
                                     sizeof(footer_length), NULL, NULL,

      /* Read footer. */
      footer = svn_stringbuf_create_ensure(footer_length, file->pool);
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_aligned_seek(file->file, file->block_size, NULL,
                                       filesize - 1 - footer_length,
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_read_full2(file->file, footer->data, footer_length,
                                     &footer->len, NULL, file->pool));
      footer->data[footer->len] = '\0';

      /* Extract index locations. */
                                     footer, file->file_info.start_revision,
                                     filesize - footer_length - 1, file->pool));
      file->l2p_info.end = file->p2l_info.start;
      file->p2l_info.end = filesize - footer_length - 1;

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* There are enough quirks in the deprecated svn_hash_read that we
   should just preserve its implementation. */
svn_error_t *
svn_hash_read(apr_hash_t *hash,
              apr_file_t *srcfile,
              apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_error_t *err;
  apr_size_t num_read;
  char c;
  int first_time = 1;

  while (1)
      /* Read a key length line.  Might be END, though. */
      apr_size_t len = sizeof(buf);

      err = svn_io_read_length_line(srcfile, buf, &len, pool);
      if (err && APR_STATUS_IS_EOF(err->apr_err) && first_time)
          /* We got an EOF on our very first attempt to read, which
             means it's a zero-byte file.  No problem, just go home. */
          return SVN_NO_ERROR;
      else if (err)
        /* Any other circumstance is a genuine error. */
        return err;

      first_time = 0;

      if (((len == 3) && (buf[0] == 'E') && (buf[1] == 'N') && (buf[2] == 'D'))
          || ((len == 9)
              && (buf[0] == 'P')
              && (buf[1] == 'R')       /* We formerly used just "END" to */
              && (buf[2] == 'O')       /* end a property hash, but later */
              && (buf[3] == 'P')       /* we added "PROPS-END", so that  */
              && (buf[4] == 'S')       /* the fs dump format would be    */
              && (buf[5] == '-')       /* more human-readable.  That's   */
              && (buf[6] == 'E')       /* why we accept either way here. */
              && (buf[7] == 'N')
              && (buf[8] == 'D')))
          /* We've reached the end of the dumped hash table, so leave. */
          return SVN_NO_ERROR;
      else if ((buf[0] == 'K') && (buf[1] == ' '))
          size_t keylen;
          int parsed_len;
          void *keybuf;

          /* Get the length of the key */
          SVN_ERR(svn_cstring_atoi(&parsed_len, buf + 2));
          keylen = parsed_len;

          /* Now read that much into a buffer, + 1 byte for null terminator */
          keybuf = apr_palloc(pool, keylen + 1);
                                         keybuf, keylen,
                                         &num_read, NULL, pool));
          ((char *) keybuf)[keylen] = '\0';

          /* Suck up extra newline after key data */
          SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_getc(&c, srcfile, pool));
          if (c != '\n')
            return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, NULL);

          /* Read a val length line */
          len = sizeof(buf);
          SVN_ERR(svn_io_read_length_line(srcfile, buf, &len, pool));

          if ((buf[0] == 'V') && (buf[1] == ' '))
              svn_string_t *value = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*value));
              apr_size_t vallen;
              void *valbuf;

              /* Get the length of the value */
              SVN_ERR(svn_cstring_atoi(&parsed_len, buf + 2));
              vallen = parsed_len;

              /* Again, 1 extra byte for the null termination. */
              valbuf = apr_palloc(pool, vallen + 1);
                                             valbuf, vallen,
                                             &num_read, NULL, pool));
              ((char *) valbuf)[vallen] = '\0';

              /* Suck up extra newline after val data */
              SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_getc(&c, srcfile, pool));
              if (c != '\n')
                return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, NULL);

              value->data = valbuf;
              value->len = vallen;

              /* The Grand Moment:  add a new hash entry! */
              apr_hash_set(hash, keybuf, keylen, value);
              return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, NULL);
          return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, NULL);
    } /* while (1) */
Example #5
/* Return the next *HUNK from a PATCH in APR_FILE.
 * If no hunk can be found, set *HUNK to NULL.
 * Set IS_PROPERTY to TRUE if we have a property hunk. If the returned HUNK
 * is the first belonging to a certain property, then PROP_NAME and
 * PROP_OPERATION will be set too. If we have a text hunk, PROP_NAME will be
 * NULL.  If IGNORE_WHITESPACE is TRUE, lines without leading spaces will be
 * treated as context lines.  Allocate results in RESULT_POOL.
 * Use SCRATCH_POOL for all other allocations. */
static svn_error_t *
parse_next_hunk(svn_diff_hunk_t **hunk,
                svn_boolean_t *is_property,
                const char **prop_name,
                svn_diff_operation_kind_t *prop_operation,
                svn_patch_t *patch,
                apr_file_t *apr_file,
                svn_boolean_t ignore_whitespace,
                apr_pool_t *result_pool,
                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
  static const char * const minus = "--- ";
  static const char * const text_atat = "@@";
  static const char * const prop_atat = "##";
  svn_stringbuf_t *line;
  svn_boolean_t eof, in_hunk, hunk_seen;
  apr_off_t pos, last_line;
  apr_off_t start, end;
  apr_off_t original_end;
  apr_off_t modified_end;
  svn_linenum_t original_lines;
  svn_linenum_t modified_lines;
  svn_linenum_t leading_context;
  svn_linenum_t trailing_context;
  svn_boolean_t changed_line_seen;
  enum {
  } last_line_type;
  apr_pool_t *iterpool;

  *prop_operation = svn_diff_op_unchanged;

  /* We only set this if we have a property hunk header. */
  *prop_name = NULL;
  *is_property = FALSE;

  if (apr_file_eof(apr_file) == APR_EOF)
      /* No more hunks here. */
      *hunk = NULL;
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  in_hunk = FALSE;
  hunk_seen = FALSE;
  leading_context = 0;
  trailing_context = 0;
  changed_line_seen = FALSE;
  original_end = 0;
  modified_end = 0;
  *hunk = apr_pcalloc(result_pool, sizeof(**hunk));

  /* Get current seek position -- APR has no ftell() :( */
  pos = 0;
  SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_seek(apr_file, APR_CUR, &pos, scratch_pool));

  /* Start out assuming noise. */
  last_line_type = noise_line;

  iterpool = svn_pool_create(scratch_pool);


      /* Remember the current line's offset, and read the line. */
      last_line = pos;
      SVN_ERR(readline(apr_file, &line, NULL, &eof, APR_SIZE_MAX,
                       iterpool, iterpool));

      /* Update line offset for next iteration. */
      pos = 0;
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_seek(apr_file, APR_CUR, &pos, iterpool));

      /* Lines starting with a backslash are comments, such as
       * "\ No newline at end of file". */
      if (line->data[0] == '\\')
          if (in_hunk &&
              ((!*is_property &&
                strcmp(line->data, "\\ No newline at end of file") == 0) ||
               (*is_property &&
                strcmp(line->data, "\\ No newline at end of property") == 0)))
              char eolbuf[2];
              apr_size_t len;
              apr_off_t off;
              apr_off_t hunk_text_end;

              /* Comment terminates the hunk text and says the hunk text
               * has no trailing EOL. Snip off trailing EOL which is part
               * of the patch file but not part of the hunk text. */
              off = last_line - 2;
              SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_seek(apr_file, APR_SET, &off, iterpool));
              len = sizeof(eolbuf);
              SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_read_full2(apr_file, eolbuf, len, &len,
                                             &eof, iterpool));
              if (eolbuf[0] == '\r' && eolbuf[1] == '\n')
                hunk_text_end = last_line - 2;
              else if (eolbuf[1] == '\n' || eolbuf[1] == '\r')
                hunk_text_end = last_line - 1;
                hunk_text_end = last_line;

              if (last_line_type == original_line && original_end == 0)
                original_end = hunk_text_end;
              else if (last_line_type == modified_line && modified_end == 0)
                modified_end = hunk_text_end;
              else if (last_line_type == context_line)
                  if (original_end == 0)
                    original_end = hunk_text_end;
                  if (modified_end == 0)
                    modified_end = hunk_text_end;

              SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_seek(apr_file, APR_SET, &pos, iterpool));


      if (in_hunk)
          char c;
          static const char add = '+';
          static const char del = '-';

          if (! hunk_seen)
              /* We're reading the first line of the hunk, so the start
               * of the line just read is the hunk text's byte offset. */
              start = last_line;

          c = line->data[0];
          if (original_lines > 0 && modified_lines > 0 &&
              ((c == ' ')
               /* Tolerate chopped leading spaces on empty lines. */
               || (! eof && line->len == 0)
               /* Maybe tolerate chopped leading spaces on non-empty lines. */
               || (ignore_whitespace && c != del && c != add)))
              /* It's a "context" line in the hunk. */
              hunk_seen = TRUE;
              if (changed_line_seen)
              last_line_type = context_line;
          else if (original_lines > 0 && c == del)
              /* It's a "deleted" line in the hunk. */
              hunk_seen = TRUE;
              changed_line_seen = TRUE;

              /* A hunk may have context in the middle. We only want
                 trailing lines of context. */
              if (trailing_context > 0)
                trailing_context = 0;

              last_line_type = original_line;
          else if (modified_lines > 0 && c == add)
              /* It's an "added" line in the hunk. */
              hunk_seen = TRUE;
              changed_line_seen = TRUE;

              /* A hunk may have context in the middle. We only want
                 trailing lines of context. */
              if (trailing_context > 0)
                trailing_context = 0;

              last_line_type = modified_line;
              if (eof)
                  /* The hunk ends at EOF. */
                  end = pos;
                  /* The start of the current line marks the first byte
                   * after the hunk text. */
                  end = last_line;

              if (original_end == 0)
                original_end = end;
              if (modified_end == 0)
                modified_end = end;
              break; /* Hunk was empty or has been read. */
          if (starts_with(line->data, text_atat))
              /* Looks like we have a hunk header, try to rip it apart. */
              in_hunk = parse_hunk_header(line->data, *hunk, text_atat,
              if (in_hunk)
                  original_lines = (*hunk)->original_length;
                  modified_lines = (*hunk)->modified_length;
                  *is_property = FALSE;
          else if (starts_with(line->data, prop_atat))
              /* Looks like we have a property hunk header, try to rip it
               * apart. */
              in_hunk = parse_hunk_header(line->data, *hunk, prop_atat,
              if (in_hunk)
                  original_lines = (*hunk)->original_length;
                  modified_lines = (*hunk)->modified_length;
                  *is_property = TRUE;
          else if (starts_with(line->data, "Added: "))
              SVN_ERR(parse_prop_name(prop_name, line->data, "Added: ",
              if (*prop_name)
                *prop_operation = svn_diff_op_added;
          else if (starts_with(line->data, "Deleted: "))
              SVN_ERR(parse_prop_name(prop_name, line->data, "Deleted: ",
              if (*prop_name)
                *prop_operation = svn_diff_op_deleted;
          else if (starts_with(line->data, "Modified: "))
              SVN_ERR(parse_prop_name(prop_name, line->data, "Modified: ",
              if (*prop_name)
                *prop_operation = svn_diff_op_modified;
          else if (starts_with(line->data, minus)
                   || starts_with(line->data, "diff --git "))
            /* This could be a header of another patch. Bail out. */
  /* Check for the line length since a file may not have a newline at the
   * end and we depend upon the last line to be an empty one. */
  while (! eof || line->len > 0);

  if (! eof)
    /* Rewind to the start of the line just read, so subsequent calls
     * to this function or svn_diff_parse_next_patch() don't end
     * up skipping the line -- it may contain a patch or hunk header. */
    SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_seek(apr_file, APR_SET, &last_line, scratch_pool));

  if (hunk_seen && start < end)
      (*hunk)->patch = patch;
      (*hunk)->apr_file = apr_file;
      (*hunk)->leading_context = leading_context;
      (*hunk)->trailing_context = trailing_context;
      (*hunk)->diff_text_range.start = start;
      (*hunk)->diff_text_range.current = start;
      (*hunk)->diff_text_range.end = end;
      (*hunk)->original_text_range.start = start;
      (*hunk)->original_text_range.current = start;
      (*hunk)->original_text_range.end = original_end;
      (*hunk)->modified_text_range.start = start;
      (*hunk)->modified_text_range.current = start;
      (*hunk)->modified_text_range.end = modified_end;
    /* Something went wrong, just discard the result. */
    *hunk = NULL;

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Example #6
/* A helper for reading a line of text from a range in the patch file.
 * Allocate *STRINGBUF in RESULT_POOL, and read into it one line from FILE.
 * Reading stops either after a line-terminator was found or after MAX_LEN
 * bytes have been read. The line-terminator is not stored in *STRINGBUF.
 * The line-terminator is detected automatically and stored in *EOL
 * if EOL is not NULL. If EOF is reached and FILE does not end
 * with a newline character, and EOL is not NULL, *EOL is set to NULL.
 * SCRATCH_POOL is used for temporary allocations.
static svn_error_t *
readline(apr_file_t *file,
         svn_stringbuf_t **stringbuf,
         const char **eol,
         svn_boolean_t *eof,
         apr_size_t max_len,
         apr_pool_t *result_pool,
         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
  svn_stringbuf_t *str;
  const char *eol_str;
  apr_size_t numbytes;
  char c;
  apr_size_t len;
  svn_boolean_t found_eof;

  str = svn_stringbuf_create_ensure(80, result_pool);

  /* Read bytes into STR up to and including, but not storing,
   * the next EOL sequence. */
  eol_str = NULL;
  numbytes = 1;
  len = 0;
  found_eof = FALSE;
  while (!found_eof)
      if (len < max_len)
        SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_read_full2(file, &c, sizeof(c), &numbytes,
                                       &found_eof, scratch_pool));
      if (numbytes != 1 || len > max_len)
          found_eof = TRUE;

      if (c == '\n')
          eol_str = "\n";
      else if (c == '\r')
          eol_str = "\r";

          if (!found_eof && len < max_len)
              apr_off_t pos;

              /* Check for "\r\n" by peeking at the next byte. */
              pos = 0;
              SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_seek(file, APR_CUR, &pos, scratch_pool));
              SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_read_full2(file, &c, sizeof(c), &numbytes,
                                             &found_eof, scratch_pool));
              if (numbytes == 1 && c == '\n')
                  eol_str = "\r\n";
                  /* Pretend we never peeked. */
                  SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_seek(file, APR_SET, &pos, scratch_pool));
                  found_eof = FALSE;
                  numbytes = 1;
        svn_stringbuf_appendbyte(str, c);

      if (eol_str)

  if (eol)
    *eol = eol_str;
  if (eof)
    *eof = found_eof;
  *stringbuf = str;

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;