svn_string_t * svn_fs_fs__id_unparse(const svn_fs_id_t *fs_id, apr_pool_t *pool) { char string[6 * SVN_INT64_BUFFER_SIZE + 10]; const fs_fs__id_t *id = (const fs_fs__id_t *)fs_id; char *p = unparse_id_part(string, &id->private_id.node_id); p = unparse_id_part(p, &id->private_id.copy_id); if (svn_fs_fs__id_txn_used(&id->private_id.txn_id)) { *(p++) = 't'; p += svn__i64toa(p, id->private_id.txn_id.revision); *(p++) = '-'; p += svn__ui64tobase36(p, id->private_id.txn_id.number); } else { *(p++) = 'r'; p += svn__i64toa(p, id->private_id.rev_item.revision); *(p++) = '/'; p += svn__i64toa(p, id->private_id.rev_item.number); } return svn_string_ncreate(string, p - string, pool); }
svn_error_t * svn_skel__parse_iprops(apr_array_header_t **iprops, const svn_skel_t *skel, apr_pool_t *result_pool) { svn_skel_t *elt; /* Validate the skel. */ if (! is_valid_iproplist_skel(skel)) return skel_err("iprops"); /* Create the returned structure */ *iprops = apr_array_make(result_pool, 1, sizeof(svn_prop_inherited_item_t *)); for (elt = skel->children; elt; elt = elt->next->next) { svn_prop_inherited_item_t *new_iprop = apr_palloc(result_pool, sizeof(*new_iprop)); svn_string_t *repos_parent = svn_string_ncreate(elt->data, elt->len, result_pool); SVN_ERR(svn_skel__parse_proplist(&(new_iprop->prop_hash), elt->next, result_pool)); new_iprop->path_or_url = repos_parent->data; APR_ARRAY_PUSH(*iprops, svn_prop_inherited_item_t *) = new_iprop; } return SVN_NO_ERROR; }
svn_error_t * svn_skel__parse_prop(svn_string_t **propval, const svn_skel_t *skel, const char *propname, apr_pool_t *pool /* result_pool */) { svn_skel_t *elt; *propval = NULL; /* Validate the skel. */ if (! is_valid_proplist_skel(skel)) return skel_err("proplist"); /* Look for PROPNAME in SKEL. */ for (elt = skel->children; elt; elt = elt->next->next) { if (elt->len == strlen(propname) && strncmp(propname, elt->data, elt->len) == 0) { *propval = svn_string_ncreate(elt->next->data, elt->next->len, pool); break; } else { continue; } } return SVN_NO_ERROR; }
svn_error_t * svn_skel__parse_proplist(apr_hash_t **proplist_p, const svn_skel_t *skel, apr_pool_t *pool /* result_pool */) { apr_hash_t *proplist = NULL; svn_skel_t *elt; /* Validate the skel. */ if (! is_valid_proplist_skel(skel)) return skel_err("proplist"); /* Create the returned structure */ proplist = apr_hash_make(pool); for (elt = skel->children; elt; elt = elt->next->next) { svn_string_t *value = svn_string_ncreate(elt->next->data, elt->next->len, pool); apr_hash_set(proplist, apr_pstrmemdup(pool, elt->data, elt->len), elt->len, value); } /* Return the structure. */ *proplist_p = proplist; return SVN_NO_ERROR; }
/* Return a copy, allocated in POOL, of the next line of text from *STR * up to and including a CR and/or an LF. Change *STR to point to the * remainder of the string after the returned part. If there are no * characters to be returned, return NULL; never return an empty string. */ static const char * next_line(const char **str, apr_pool_t *pool) { const char *start = *str; const char *p = *str; /* n.b. Throughout this fn, we never read any character after a '\0'. */ /* Skip over all non-EOL characters, if any. */ while (*p != '\r' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\0') p++; /* Skip over \r\n or \n\r or \r or \n, if any. */ if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { char c = *p++; if ((c == '\r' && *p == '\n') || (c == '\n' && *p == '\r')) p++; } /* Now p points after at most one '\n' and/or '\r'. */ *str = p; if (p == start) return NULL; return svn_string_ncreate(start, p - start, pool)->data; }
static void x509parse_get_hostnames(svn_x509_certinfo_t *ci, x509_cert *crt, apr_pool_t *result_pool, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) { ci->hostnames = NULL; if (crt->dnsnames->nelts > 0) { int i; ci->hostnames = apr_array_make(result_pool, crt->dnsnames->nelts, sizeof(const char*)); /* Subject Alt Names take priority */ for (i = 0; i < crt->dnsnames->nelts; i++) { x509_buf *dnsname = APR_ARRAY_IDX(crt->dnsnames, i, x509_buf *); const svn_string_t *temp = svn_string_ncreate((const char *)dnsname->p, dnsname->len, scratch_pool); APR_ARRAY_PUSH(ci->hostnames, const char*) = fuzzy_escape(temp, result_pool); } }
apr_hash_t *PropertyTable::hash(const SVN::Pool &pool, bool nullIfEmpty) { if (m_revprops.size() == 0 && nullIfEmpty) return NULL; apr_hash_t *revprop_table = apr_hash_make(pool.getPool()); std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it; for (it = m_revprops.begin(); it != m_revprops.end(); ++it) { const char *propname = apr_pstrdup(pool.getPool(), it->first.c_str()); if (!svn_prop_name_is_valid(propname)) { const char *msg = apr_psprintf(pool.getPool(), "Invalid property name: '%s'", propname); JNIUtil::throwNativeException(JAVA_PACKAGE "/ClientException", msg, NULL, SVN_ERR_CLIENT_PROPERTY_NAME); return NULL; } svn_string_t *propval = svn_string_ncreate(it->second.c_str(), it->second.size(), pool.getPool()); apr_hash_set(revprop_table, propname, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, propval); } return revprop_table; }
Py::Object pysvn_client::cmd_revpropset( const Py::Tuple &a_args, const Py::Dict &a_kws ) { static argument_description args_desc[] = { { true, name_prop_name }, { true, name_prop_value }, { true, name_url }, { false, name_revision }, { false, name_force }, { false, NULL } }; FunctionArguments args( "revpropset", args_desc, a_args, a_kws ); args.check(); std::string propname( args.getUtf8String( name_prop_name ) ); std::string propval( args.getUtf8String( name_prop_value ) ); std::string path( args.getUtf8String( name_url ) ); svn_opt_revision_t revision = args.getRevision( name_revision, svn_opt_revision_head ); bool force = args.getBoolean( name_force, false ); SvnPool pool( m_context ); svn_revnum_t revnum = 0; try { std::string norm_path( svnNormalisedIfPath( path, pool ) ); checkThreadPermission(); PythonAllowThreads permission( m_context ); const svn_string_t *svn_propval = svn_string_ncreate( propval.c_str(), propval.size(), pool ); svn_error_t *error = svn_client_revprop_set ( propname.c_str(), svn_propval, norm_path.c_str(), &revision, &revnum, force, m_context, pool ); permission.allowThisThread(); if( error != NULL ) throw SvnException( error ); } catch( SvnException &e ) { // use callback error over ClientException m_context.checkForError( m_module.client_error ); throw_client_error( e ); } return Py::asObject( new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, revnum ) ); }
/* Set the value of KEY (whose size is KEY_LEN, or APR_HASH_KEY_STRING if unknown) to an svn_string_t-ized version of VALUE (whose size is VALUE_LEN, or APR_HASH_KEY_STRING if unknown) in HASH. The value will be allocated in POOL; KEY will not be duped. If either KEY or VALUE is NULL, this function will do nothing. */ static void hash_store(apr_hash_t *hash, const char *key, apr_ssize_t key_len, const char *value, apr_ssize_t value_len, apr_pool_t *pool) { if (! (key && value)) return; if (value_len == APR_HASH_KEY_STRING) value_len = strlen(value); apr_hash_set(hash, key, key_len, svn_string_ncreate(value, value_len, pool)); }
/* Set *MC_KEY to a memcache key for the given key KEY for CACHE, allocated in POOL. */ static svn_error_t * build_key(const char **mc_key, memcache_t *cache, const void *raw_key, apr_pool_t *pool) { const char *encoded_suffix; const char *long_key; apr_size_t long_key_len; if (cache->klen == APR_HASH_KEY_STRING) encoded_suffix = svn_path_uri_encode(raw_key, pool); else { const svn_string_t *raw = svn_string_ncreate(raw_key, cache->klen, pool); const svn_string_t *encoded = svn_base64_encode_string2(raw, FALSE, pool); encoded_suffix = encoded->data; } long_key = apr_pstrcat(pool, "SVN:", cache->prefix, ":", encoded_suffix, (char *)NULL); long_key_len = strlen(long_key); /* We don't want to have a key that's too big. If it was going to be too big, we MD5 the entire string, then replace the last bit with the checksum. Note that APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE is for the pure binary digest; we have to double that when we convert to hex. Every key we use will either be at most MEMCACHED_KEY_UNHASHED_LEN bytes long, or be exactly MAX_MEMCACHED_KEY_LEN bytes long. */ if (long_key_len > MEMCACHED_KEY_UNHASHED_LEN) { svn_checksum_t *checksum; SVN_ERR(svn_checksum(&checksum, svn_checksum_md5, long_key, long_key_len, pool)); long_key = apr_pstrcat(pool, apr_pstrmemdup(pool, long_key, MEMCACHED_KEY_UNHASHED_LEN), svn_checksum_to_cstring_display(checksum, pool), (char *)NULL); } *mc_key = long_key; return SVN_NO_ERROR; }
svn_error_t *svn_fs_bdb__set_node_origin(svn_fs_t *fs, const char *node_id, const svn_fs_id_t *origin_id, trail_t *trail, apr_pool_t *pool) { base_fs_data_t *bfd = fs->fsap_data; DBT key, value; int db_err; /* Create a key from our NODE_ID. */ svn_fs_base__str_to_dbt(&key, node_id); /* Check to see if we already have a mapping for NODE_ID. If so, and the value is the same one we were about to write. That's cool -- just do nothing. If, however, the value is *different*, that's a red flag! */ svn_fs_base__trail_debug(trail, "node-origins", "get"); db_err = bfd->node_origins->get(bfd->node_origins, trail->db_txn, &key, svn_fs_base__result_dbt(&value), 0); svn_fs_base__track_dbt(&value, pool); if (db_err != DB_NOTFOUND) { const svn_string_t *origin_id_str = svn_fs_base__id_unparse(origin_id, pool); const svn_string_t *old_origin_id_str = svn_string_ncreate(, value.size, pool); if (! svn_string_compare(origin_id_str, old_origin_id_str)) return svn_error_createf (SVN_ERR_FS_CORRUPT, NULL, _("Node origin for '%s' exists in filesystem '%s' with a different " "value (%s) than what we were about to store (%s)"), node_id, fs->path, old_origin_id_str->data, origin_id_str->data); else return SVN_NO_ERROR; } /* Create a value from our ORIGIN_ID, and add this record to the table. */ svn_fs_base__id_to_dbt(&value, origin_id, pool); svn_fs_base__trail_debug(trail, "node-origins", "put"); SVN_ERR(BDB_WRAP(fs, _("storing node-origins record"), bfd->node_origins->put(bfd->node_origins, trail->db_txn, &key, &value, 0))); return SVN_NO_ERROR; }
const svn_string_t * SVNAuthData::encrypt_data(const svn_string_t *orig, apr_pool_t *pool) { DATA_BLOB blobin; DATA_BLOB blobout; const svn_string_t * crypted = NULL; blobin.cbData = (DWORD)orig->len; blobin.pbData = (BYTE *)orig->data; if (CryptProtectData(&blobin, description, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &blobout)) { const svn_string_t * crypt = svn_string_ncreate((const char *)blobout.pbData, blobout.cbData, pool); if (crypt) crypted = svn_base64_encode_string2(crypt, false, pool); LocalFree(blobout.pbData); } return crypted; }
/* Return a copy of ORIG, encrypted using the Windows CryptoAPI and allocated from POOL. */ const svn_string_t * encrypt_data(const svn_string_t *orig, apr_pool_t *pool) { DATA_BLOB blobin; DATA_BLOB blobout; const svn_string_t *crypted = NULL; blobin.cbData = orig->len; blobin.pbData = (BYTE *)orig->data; if (CryptProtectData(&blobin, description, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &blobout)) { crypted = svn_string_ncreate((const char *)blobout.pbData, blobout.cbData, pool); LocalFree(blobout.pbData); } return crypted; }
const svn_string_t * SVNAuthData::decrypt_data(const svn_string_t *crypted, apr_pool_t *pool) { crypted = svn_base64_decode_string(crypted, pool); DATA_BLOB blobin; DATA_BLOB blobout; LPWSTR descr; const svn_string_t * orig = NULL; blobin.cbData = (DWORD)crypted->len; blobin.pbData = (BYTE *)crypted->data; if (CryptUnprotectData(&blobin, &descr, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &blobout)) { if (0 == lstrcmpW(descr, description)) orig = svn_string_ncreate((const char *)blobout.pbData, blobout.cbData, pool); LocalFree(blobout.pbData); LocalFree(descr); } return orig; }
svn_string_t * svn_string_dup(const svn_string_t *original_string, apr_pool_t *pool) { return (svn_string_ncreate(original_string->data, original_string->len, pool)); }
svn_string_t * svn_string_create_from_buf(const svn_stringbuf_t *strbuf, apr_pool_t *pool) { return svn_string_ncreate(strbuf->data, strbuf->len, pool); }
svn_string_t * svn_string_create(const char *cstring, apr_pool_t *pool) { return svn_string_ncreate(cstring, strlen(cstring), pool); }
static svn_error_t *try_auth(svn_ra_svn_conn_t *conn, sasl_conn_t *sasl_ctx, apr_pool_t *pool, server_baton_t *b, svn_boolean_t *success) { const char *out, *mech; const svn_string_t *arg = NULL, *in; unsigned int outlen; int result; svn_boolean_t use_base64; *success = FALSE; /* Read the client's chosen mech and the initial token. */ SVN_ERR(svn_ra_svn_read_tuple(conn, pool, "w(?s)", &mech, &in)); if (strcmp(mech, "EXTERNAL") == 0 && !in) in = svn_string_create(b->tunnel_user, pool); else if (in) in = svn_base64_decode_string(in, pool); /* For CRAM-MD5, we don't base64-encode stuff. */ use_base64 = (strcmp(mech, "CRAM-MD5") != 0); result = sasl_server_start(sasl_ctx, mech, in ? in->data : NULL, in ? in->len : 0, &out, &outlen); if (result != SASL_OK && result != SASL_CONTINUE) return fail_auth(conn, pool, sasl_ctx); while (result == SASL_CONTINUE) { svn_ra_svn_item_t *item; arg = svn_string_ncreate(out, outlen, pool); /* Encode what we send to the client. */ if (use_base64) arg = svn_base64_encode_string2(arg, TRUE, pool); SVN_ERR(svn_ra_svn_write_tuple(conn, pool, "w(s)", "step", arg)); /* Read and decode the client response. */ SVN_ERR(svn_ra_svn_read_item(conn, pool, &item)); if (item->kind != SVN_RA_SVN_STRING) return SVN_NO_ERROR; in = item->u.string; if (use_base64) in = svn_base64_decode_string(in, pool); result = sasl_server_step(sasl_ctx, in->data, in->len, &out, &outlen); } if (result != SASL_OK) return fail_auth(conn, pool, sasl_ctx); /* Send our last response, if necessary. */ if (outlen) arg = svn_base64_encode_string2(svn_string_ncreate(out, outlen, pool), TRUE, pool); else arg = NULL; *success = TRUE; SVN_ERR(svn_ra_svn_write_tuple(conn, pool, "w(?s)", "success", arg)); return SVN_NO_ERROR; }
/* Implements svn_hash_read2 and svn_hash_read_incremental. */ static svn_error_t * hash_read(apr_hash_t *hash, svn_stream_t *stream, const char *terminator, svn_boolean_t incremental, apr_pool_t *pool) { svn_stringbuf_t *buf; svn_boolean_t eof; apr_size_t len, keylen, vallen; char c, *end, *keybuf, *valbuf; apr_pool_t *iterpool = svn_pool_create(pool); while (1) { svn_pool_clear(iterpool); /* Read a key length line. Might be END, though. */ SVN_ERR(svn_stream_readline(stream, &buf, "\n", &eof, iterpool)); /* Check for the end of the hash. */ if ((!terminator && eof && buf->len == 0) || (terminator && (strcmp(buf->data, terminator) == 0))) break; /* Check for unexpected end of stream */ if (eof) return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, _("Serialized hash missing terminator")); if ((buf->len >= 3) && (buf->data[0] == 'K') && (buf->data[1] == ' ')) { /* Get the length of the key */ keylen = (size_t) strtoul(buf->data + 2, &end, 10); if (keylen == (size_t) ULONG_MAX || *end != '\0') return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, _("Serialized hash malformed")); /* Now read that much into a buffer. */ keybuf = apr_palloc(pool, keylen + 1); SVN_ERR(svn_stream_read(stream, keybuf, &keylen)); keybuf[keylen] = '\0'; /* Suck up extra newline after key data */ len = 1; SVN_ERR(svn_stream_read(stream, &c, &len)); if (c != '\n') return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, _("Serialized hash malformed")); /* Read a val length line */ SVN_ERR(svn_stream_readline(stream, &buf, "\n", &eof, iterpool)); if ((buf->data[0] == 'V') && (buf->data[1] == ' ')) { vallen = (size_t) strtoul(buf->data + 2, &end, 10); if (vallen == (size_t) ULONG_MAX || *end != '\0') return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, _("Serialized hash malformed")); valbuf = apr_palloc(iterpool, vallen + 1); SVN_ERR(svn_stream_read(stream, valbuf, &vallen)); valbuf[vallen] = '\0'; /* Suck up extra newline after val data */ len = 1; SVN_ERR(svn_stream_read(stream, &c, &len)); if (c != '\n') return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, _("Serialized hash malformed")); /* Add a new hash entry. */ apr_hash_set(hash, keybuf, keylen, svn_string_ncreate(valbuf, vallen, pool)); } else return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, _("Serialized hash malformed")); } else if (incremental && (buf->len >= 3) && (buf->data[0] == 'D') && (buf->data[1] == ' ')) { /* Get the length of the key */ keylen = (size_t) strtoul(buf->data + 2, &end, 10); if (keylen == (size_t) ULONG_MAX || *end != '\0') return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, _("Serialized hash malformed")); /* Now read that much into a buffer. */ keybuf = apr_palloc(iterpool, keylen + 1); SVN_ERR(svn_stream_read(stream, keybuf, &keylen)); keybuf[keylen] = '\0'; /* Suck up extra newline after key data */ len = 1; SVN_ERR(svn_stream_read(stream, &c, &len)); if (c != '\n') return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, _("Serialized hash malformed")); /* Remove this hash entry. */ apr_hash_set(hash, keybuf, keylen, NULL); } else { return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE, NULL, _("Serialized hash malformed")); } } svn_pool_destroy(iterpool); return SVN_NO_ERROR; }
static svn_error_t *try_auth(svn_ra_svn_conn_t *conn, sasl_conn_t *sasl_ctx, apr_pool_t *pool, server_baton_t *b, svn_boolean_t *success) { const char *out, *mech; const svn_string_t *arg = NULL, *in; unsigned int outlen; int result; svn_boolean_t use_base64; *success = FALSE; /* Read the client's chosen mech and the initial token. */ SVN_ERR(svn_ra_svn__read_tuple(conn, pool, "w(?s)", &mech, &in)); if (strcmp(mech, "EXTERNAL") == 0 && !in) in = svn_string_create(b->client_info->tunnel_user, pool); else if (in) in = svn_base64_decode_string(in, pool); /* For CRAM-MD5, we don't base64-encode stuff. */ use_base64 = (strcmp(mech, "CRAM-MD5") != 0); /* sasl uses unsigned int for the length of strings, we use apr_size_t * which may not be the same size. Deal with potential integer overflow */ if (in && in->len > UINT_MAX) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_RA_NOT_AUTHORIZED, NULL, _("Initial token is too long")); result = svn_sasl__server_start(sasl_ctx, mech, in ? in->data : NULL, in ? (unsigned int) in->len : 0, &out, &outlen); if (result != SASL_OK && result != SASL_CONTINUE) return fail_auth(conn, pool, sasl_ctx); while (result == SASL_CONTINUE) { svn_ra_svn__item_t *item; arg = svn_string_ncreate(out, outlen, pool); /* Encode what we send to the client. */ if (use_base64) arg = svn_base64_encode_string2(arg, TRUE, pool); SVN_ERR(svn_ra_svn__write_tuple(conn, pool, "w(s)", "step", arg)); /* Read and decode the client response. */ SVN_ERR(svn_ra_svn__read_item(conn, pool, &item)); if (item->kind != SVN_RA_SVN_STRING) return SVN_NO_ERROR; in = &item->u.string; if (use_base64) in = svn_base64_decode_string(in, pool); if (in->len > UINT_MAX) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_RA_NOT_AUTHORIZED, NULL, _("Step response is too long")); result = svn_sasl__server_step(sasl_ctx, in->data, (unsigned int) in->len, &out, &outlen); } if (result != SASL_OK) return fail_auth(conn, pool, sasl_ctx); /* Send our last response, if necessary. */ if (outlen) arg = svn_base64_encode_string2(svn_string_ncreate(out, outlen, pool), TRUE, pool); else arg = NULL; *success = TRUE; SVN_ERR(svn_ra_svn__write_tuple(conn, pool, "w(?s)", "success", arg)); return SVN_NO_ERROR; }
Py::Object pysvn_client::cmd_propset( const Py::Tuple &a_args, const Py::Dict &a_kws ) { static argument_description args_desc[] = { { true, name_prop_name }, { true, name_prop_value }, { true, name_url_or_path }, { false, name_revision }, { false, name_recurse }, #if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_PROPSET2 ) { false, name_skip_checks }, #endif #if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_PROPSET3 ) { false, name_depth }, { false, name_base_revision_for_url }, { false, name_changelists }, { false, name_revprops }, #endif { false, NULL } }; FunctionArguments args( "propset", args_desc, a_args, a_kws ); args.check(); std::string propname( args.getUtf8String( name_prop_name ) ); std::string propval( args.getUtf8String( name_prop_value ) ); std::string path( args.getUtf8String( name_url_or_path ) ); svn_opt_revision_t revision; if( is_svn_url( path ) ) revision = args.getRevision( name_revision, svn_opt_revision_head ); else revision = args.getRevision( name_revision, svn_opt_revision_working ); SvnPool pool( m_context ); #if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_PROPSET3 ) apr_array_header_t *changelists = NULL; if( args.hasArg( name_changelists ) ) { changelists = arrayOfStringsFromListOfStrings( args.getArg( name_changelists ), pool ); } svn_revnum_t base_revision_for_url = args.getInteger( name_base_revision_for_url, 0 ); svn_depth_t depth = args.getDepth( name_depth, name_recurse, svn_depth_files, svn_depth_empty ); apr_hash_t *revprops = NULL; if( args.hasArg( name_revprops ) ) { Py::Object py_revprop = args.getArg( name_revprops ); if( !py_revprop.isNone() ) { revprops = hashOfStringsFromDistOfStrings( py_revprop, pool ); } } #else bool recurse = args.getBoolean( name_recurse, false ); #endif #if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_PROPSET2 ) bool skip_checks = args.getBoolean( name_skip_checks, false ); #endif #if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_PROPSET3 ) pysvn_commit_info_t *commit_info = NULL; #endif try { std::string norm_path( svnNormalisedIfPath( path, pool ) ); checkThreadPermission(); PythonAllowThreads permission( m_context ); const svn_string_t *svn_propval = svn_string_ncreate( propval.c_str(), propval.size(), pool ); #if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_PROPSET3 ) svn_error_t *error = svn_client_propset3 ( &commit_info, propname.c_str(), svn_propval, norm_path.c_str(), depth, skip_checks, base_revision_for_url, changelists, revprops, m_context.ctx(), pool ); #elif defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_PROPSET2 ) svn_error_t *error = svn_client_propset2 ( propname.c_str(), svn_propval, norm_path.c_str(), recurse, skip_checks, m_context.ctx(), pool ); #else svn_error_t *error = svn_client_propset ( propname.c_str(), svn_propval, norm_path.c_str(), recurse, pool ); #endif permission.allowThisThread(); if( error != NULL ) throw SvnException( error ); } catch( SvnException &e ) { // use callback error over ClientException m_context.checkForError( m_module.client_error ); throw_client_error( e ); } #if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_PROPSET3 ) return toObject( commit_info ); #else return Py::None(); #endif }
/* Make a best effort to convert a X.509 name to a UTF-8 encoded * string and return it. If we can't properly convert just do a * fuzzy conversion so we have something to display. */ static const char * x509name_to_utf8_string(const x509_name *name, apr_pool_t *result_pool) { const svn_string_t *src_string; const svn_string_t *utf8_string; svn_error_t *err; src_string = svn_string_ncreate((const char *)name->val.p, name->val.len, result_pool); switch (name->val.tag) { case ASN1_UTF8_STRING: if (svn_utf__is_valid(src_string->data, src_string->len)) return nul_escape(src_string, result_pool); else /* not a valid UTF-8 string, who knows what it is, * so run it through the fuzzy_escape code. */ return fuzzy_escape(src_string, result_pool); break; /* Both BMP and UNIVERSAL should always be in Big Endian (aka * network byte order). But rumor has it that there are certs * out there with other endianess and even Byte Order Marks. * If we actually run into these, we might need to do something * about it. */ case ASN1_BMP_STRING: if (0 != src_string->len % sizeof(apr_uint16_t)) return fuzzy_escape(src_string, result_pool); err = svn_utf__utf16_to_utf8(&utf8_string, (const void*)(src_string->data), src_string->len / sizeof(apr_uint16_t), TRUE, result_pool, result_pool); break; case ASN1_UNIVERSAL_STRING: if (0 != src_string->len % sizeof(apr_int32_t)) return fuzzy_escape(src_string, result_pool); err = svn_utf__utf32_to_utf8(&utf8_string, (const void*)(src_string->data), src_string->len / sizeof(apr_int32_t), TRUE, result_pool, result_pool); break; /* Despite what all the IETF, ISO, ITU bits say everything out * on the Internet that I can find treats this as ISO-8859-1. * Even the name is misleading, it's not actually T.61. All the * gory details can be found in the Character Sets section of: * */ case ASN1_T61_STRING: err = latin1_to_utf8(&utf8_string, src_string, result_pool); break; /* This leaves two types out there in the wild. PrintableString, * which is just a subset of ASCII and IA5 which is ASCII (though * 0x24 '$' and 0x23 '#' may be defined with differnet symbols * depending on the location, in practice it seems everyone just * treats it as ASCII). Since these are just ASCII run through * the fuzzy_escape code to deal with anything that isn't actually * ASCII. There shouldn't be any other types here but if we find * a cert with some other encoding, the best we can do is the * fuzzy_escape(). Note: Technically IA5 isn't valid in this * context, however in the real world it may pop up. */ default: return fuzzy_escape(src_string, result_pool); } if (err) { svn_error_clear(err); return fuzzy_escape(src_string, result_pool); } return nul_escape(utf8_string, result_pool); }