Example #1
void cMRC<T>::readData(const std::string& fileName, cData3<T>& object, cMapHeader& header)
    const std::string   funcName("void cMRC::readData(const std::string& fileName, "
                                    "cData3<T>& object, cMapHeader& header)");


    std::ifstream       fileHandle;

    fileHandle.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary);
    assure(fileHandle, fileName.c_str());

    // allocate new memory
    object.memReAlloc(cVector3<size_t>((size_t) header.map_dim[0],
                                       (size_t) header.map_dim[1],
                                       (size_t) header.map_dim[2]));

    // seek to data starting point
    fileHandle.seekg(CCP4_HEADER_SIZE + header.sym_byte, std::ios::beg);

    unsigned char*      bufferData   = NULL;
    size_t              bufferLength = (size_t) std::pow(2,header.data_mode) * header.getNelement();

    array_new(bufferData, bufferLength);
    fileHandle.read((char*) bufferData, bufferLength);

    switch (header.data_mode) {
        case 0:            // int8
            array_index_col2row((int8_t*) bufferData, object.getAddrData(),
                                object.getNrow(), object.getNcol(), object.getNsec());

        case 1:            // int16
            if (header.edian_swap) { swap2_aligned(bufferData, header.getNelement()); }

            array_index_col2row((int16_t*) bufferData, object.getAddrData(),
                                object.getNrow(), object.getNcol(), object.getNsec());

        case 2:            // float32
            if (header.edian_swap) { swap4_aligned(bufferData, header.getNelement()); }

            array_index_col2row((float*) bufferData, object.getAddrData(),
                                object.getNrow(), object.getNcol(), object.getNsec());

        case 6:            // uint16
            if (header.edian_swap) { swap2_aligned(bufferData, header.getNelement()); }

            array_index_col2row((uint16_t*) bufferData, object.getAddrData(),
                                object.getNrow(), object.getNcol(), object.getNsec());

            ERROR(funcName, "unsupported data mode in reading " + fileName);


Example #2
static int read_rawgraphics(void *v, int *nelem, 
    const molfile_graphics_t **data) {
  grasp_t *grasp = (grasp_t *)v;
  FILE *infile = grasp->fd;

  // Reverse engineering is your friend, and combined with FORTRAN code, voila!
  // od -c shows the header starts off:
  // \0  \0  \0   P   f   o   r   m   a   t   =   2
  // and according to ungrasp, this is a 1 for grasp versions 1.0
  // and 1.1, and 2 for grasp version 1.2
  // Also, the header lines are of length 80 characters + 4 header chars
  // + 4 trailer chars
  // The 4 bytes at the beginning/end are standard Fortran array trash

  /// Pointers grassp type
  GRASSP datax;
  char trash[4];
#define TRASH fread(trash, 4, 1, infile)
  char line[81];

  // FIRST LINE OF HEADER; contains format type
  fread(line, 1, 80, infile); 
  // make sure it says 'format='
  if (strncmp(line, "format=", 7) != 0) {
    printf("graspplugin) First characters of file don't look like a GRASP file\n");
    return MOLFILE_ERROR;

  // next char should be a 0 or 1
  char gfiletype = line[7];
  if (gfiletype == '1') {
    gfiletype = 1;
  } else if (gfiletype == '2') {
    gfiletype = 2;
  } else {
    printf("graspplugin) GRASP file is in format %c, but only '1' or '2' is supported\n", gfiletype);
    return MOLFILE_ERROR;

  // SECOND LINE: contains "vertices,accessibles,normals,triangles"
  fread(line, 1, 80, infile); 

  // THIRD LINE: contains (0 or more of)?
  //  "potentials,curvature,distances,gproperty,g2property,vertexcolor
  line3(infile, &datax);/// Reads line 3

  // FOURTH LINE stores vertices, triangles, gridsize, lattice spacing
  int nvert, ntriangles, gridsize;
  float lattice;
  fread(line, 1, 80, infile); 
  sscanf(line, "%d%d%d%f", &nvert, &ntriangles, &gridsize, &lattice);

  /// Stores color
  float *colores = new float [3*nvert];

  // FIFTH LINE stores the center (x,y,z) position
  float center[3];
  fread(line, 1, 80, infile); 
  sscanf(line, "%f%f%f", center, center+1, center+2);

  float *vertex = new float[3 * nvert];
  float *access = new float[3 * nvert];
  float *normal = new float[3 * nvert];
  int *triangle = new int[3 * ntriangles];
  float *properties = new float[3* nvert];

  if (!vertex || !access || !normal || !triangle || !properties) {
    delete [] vertex;
    delete [] access;
    delete [] normal;
    delete [] triangle;
    delete [] properties;
    printf("graspplugin) Failed vertex/access/normal/triangle allocations.\n");
    return MOLFILE_ERROR;

  // ungrasp says:
  //    if (filetype.eq.1) then integer*2
  //    if (filetype.eq.2) then integer*4

  // And read them in.  Who needs error checking?
  fread(vertex, 3 * sizeof(float), nvert, infile); 
  fread(access, 3 * sizeof(float), nvert, infile); 
  fread(normal, 3 * sizeof(float), nvert, infile); 
  if (is_little_endian()) {
    swap4_aligned(vertex, 3*nvert);
    swap4_aligned(access, 3*nvert);
    swap4_aligned(normal, 3*nvert);

  if (gfiletype == 2) {
    fread(triangle, 3 * sizeof(int), ntriangles, infile); 
    fread(properties, 3 * sizeof(float), nvert, infile);
    if (is_little_endian()) {
      swap4_aligned(triangle, 3*ntriangles);
      swap4_aligned(properties, 3*nvert);
  } else {
#if 1
    int i;
    short *striangle = new short[3 * ntriangles];
    if (!striangle) {
      delete [] vertex;
      delete [] access;
      delete [] normal;
      delete [] triangle;
      delete [] properties;
      printf("graspplugin) Failed short triangle allocation.\n");
      return MOLFILE_ERROR;

    fread(striangle, sizeof(short), 3 * ntriangles, infile);
    fread(properties, sizeof(float), 3 * nvert, infile);
    if (is_little_endian()) {
    swap2_aligned(striangle, 3 * ntriangles);
    swap4_aligned(properties, 3*nvert);}
    for (i=0; i<3*ntriangles; i++) {
      triangle[i] = striangle[i];
    delete [] striangle;  
    // do it the slow way (converting from short to int)
    int i;
    short tmp[3];
    for (i=0; i<ntriangles; i++) {
      fread(tmp, sizeof(short), 3, infile);
      if (is_little_endian()) swap2_aligned(tmp, 3);
      triangle[3*i+0] = tmp[0];
      triangle[3*i+1] = tmp[1];
      triangle[3*i+2] = tmp[2];
    fread(properties, sizeof(float), 3 * nvert, infile);
      if (is_little_endian())
      swap4_aligned(properties, 3*nvert);

  /// Gets properties:  potentials, curvature, distances, gproperty, g2property or vertexcolor 
  Get_Property_Values(&datax, properties, colores, nvert);
  // And draw things
  grasp->graphics = new molfile_graphics_t[3*ntriangles];
  int vert1, vert2, vert3;

  for (int tri_count = 0; tri_count < ntriangles; tri_count++) {
    vert1 = triangle[3*tri_count+0] - 1;  // from 1-based FORTRAN
    vert2 = triangle[3*tri_count+1] - 1;  // to 0-based C++
    vert3 = triangle[3*tri_count+2] - 1;

    if (vert1 <      0 || vert2 <      0 || vert3 <      0 ||
        vert1 >= nvert || vert2 >= nvert || vert3 >= nvert) {
      printf("graspplugin) Error, out-of-range vertex index, aborting.\n"); 
      delete [] vertex;
      delete [] access;
      delete [] normal;
      delete [] triangle;
      delete [] properties;
      return MOLFILE_ERROR;

    grasp->graphics[2*tri_count  ].type = MOLFILE_TRINORM;
    grasp->graphics[2*tri_count+1].type = MOLFILE_NORMS;
    grasp->graphics[2*tri_count+2].type = MOLFILE_COLOR;
    float *tridata =  grasp->graphics[2*tri_count  ].data;
    float *normdata = grasp->graphics[2*tri_count+1].data;
    float *colordata = grasp->graphics[2*tri_count+2].data;
    memcpy(tridata  , vertex+3*vert1, 3*sizeof(float));
    memcpy(tridata+3, vertex+3*vert2, 3*sizeof(float));
    memcpy(tridata+6, vertex+3*vert3, 3*sizeof(float));
    memcpy(normdata  , normal+3*vert1, 3*sizeof(float));
    memcpy(normdata+3, normal+3*vert2, 3*sizeof(float));
    memcpy(normdata+6, normal+3*vert3, 3*sizeof(float));
    memcpy(colordata  , properties+3*vert1, 3*sizeof(float));
    memcpy(colordata+3, properties+3*vert2, 3*sizeof(float));
    memcpy(colordata+6, properties+3*vert3, 3*sizeof(float));

  *nelem = 2*ntriangles;
  *data = grasp->graphics;

  delete [] triangle;
  delete [] normal;
  delete [] access;
  delete [] vertex;
  delete [] properties;

Example #3
static int read_js_structure(void *mydata, int *optflags,
                             molfile_atom_t *atoms) {
  jshandle *js = (jshandle *) mydata;
  int i;

  *optflags = MOLFILE_NOOPTIONS; /* set to no options until we read them */

  /* write flags data to the file */
  fio_read_int32(js->fd, &js->optflags); 
  if (js->reverseendian)
    swap4_aligned(&js->optflags, 1);
printf("jsplugin) read option flags: %0x08x\n", js->optflags);

  /* determine whether or not this file contains structure info or not */
  if (js->optflags & JSOPT_STRUCTURE) {
    int numatomnames, numatomtypes, numresnames, numsegids, numchains;
    char **atomnames = NULL;
    char **atomtypes = NULL;
    char **resnames = NULL;
    char **segids = NULL;
    char **chains = NULL;
    short *shortbuf = NULL; /* temp buf for decoding atom records */
    int *intbuf = NULL;     /* temp buf for decoding atom records */
    float *fltbuf = NULL;   /* temp buf for decoding atom records */
    /* read in block of name string table sizes */
    fio_read_int32(js->fd, &numatomnames); 
    fio_read_int32(js->fd, &numatomtypes); 
    fio_read_int32(js->fd, &numresnames);
    fio_read_int32(js->fd, &numsegids);
    fio_read_int32(js->fd, &numchains); 
    if (js->reverseendian) {
      swap4_aligned(&numatomnames, js->natoms);
      swap4_aligned(&numatomtypes, js->natoms);
      swap4_aligned(&numresnames, js->natoms);
      swap4_aligned(&numsegids, js->natoms);
      swap4_aligned(&numchains, js->natoms);

printf("jsplugin) reading string tables...\n");
printf("jsplugin) %d %d %d %d %d\n",
       numatomnames, numatomtypes, numresnames, numsegids, numchains);

    /* allocate string tables */
    atomnames = (char **) malloc(numatomnames * sizeof(char *));
    atomtypes = (char **) malloc(numatomtypes * sizeof(char *));
    resnames  = (char **) malloc(numresnames  * sizeof(char *));
    segids    = (char **) malloc(numsegids    * sizeof(char *));
    chains    = (char **) malloc(numchains    * sizeof(char *));

printf("jsplugin)   atom names...\n");
    /* read in the string tables */
    for (i=0; i<numatomnames; i++) {
      atomnames[i] = (char *) malloc(16 * sizeof(char));
      fio_fread(atomnames[i], 16 * sizeof(char), 1, js->fd);

printf("jsplugin)   atom types...\n");
    for (i=0; i<numatomtypes; i++) {
      atomtypes[i] = (char *) malloc(16 * sizeof(char));
      fio_fread(atomtypes[i], 16 * sizeof(char), 1, js->fd);

printf("jsplugin)   residue names...\n");
    for (i=0; i<numresnames; i++) {
      resnames[i] = (char *) malloc(8 * sizeof(char));
      fio_fread(resnames[i], 8 * sizeof(char), 1, js->fd);

printf("jsplugin)   segment names...\n");
    for (i=0; i<numsegids; i++) {
      segids[i] = (char *) malloc(8 * sizeof(char));
      fio_fread(segids[i], 8 * sizeof(char), 1, js->fd);

printf("jsplugin)   chain names...\n");
    for (i=0; i<numchains; i++) {
      chains[i] = (char *) malloc(2 * sizeof(char));
      fio_fread(chains[i], 2 * sizeof(char), 1, js->fd);

printf("jsplugin) reading numeric field tables...\n");
    /* read in all of the atom fields */
    shortbuf = (void *) malloc(js->natoms * sizeof(short));

printf("jsplugin)   atom name indices...\n");
    /* read in atom names */
    fio_fread(shortbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(short), 1, js->fd);
    if (js->reverseendian)
      swap2_aligned(shortbuf, js->natoms);
    for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
      strcpy(atoms[i].name, atomnames[shortbuf[i]]);

printf("jsplugin)   atom type indices...\n");
    /* read in atom types */
    fio_fread(shortbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(short), 1, js->fd);
    if (js->reverseendian)
      swap2_aligned(shortbuf, js->natoms);
    for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
      strcpy(atoms[i].type, atomtypes[shortbuf[i]]);

printf("jsplugin)   residue name indices...\n");
    /* read in resnames */
    fio_fread(shortbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(short), 1, js->fd);
    if (js->reverseendian)
      swap2_aligned(shortbuf, js->natoms);
    for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
      strcpy(atoms[i].resname, resnames[shortbuf[i]]);
printf("jsplugin)   segment name indices...\n");
    /* read in segids */
    fio_fread(shortbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(short), 1, js->fd);
    if (js->reverseendian)
      swap2_aligned(shortbuf, js->natoms);
    for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
      strcpy(atoms[i].segid, segids[shortbuf[i]]);

printf("jsplugin)   chain name indices...\n");
    /* read in chains */
    fio_fread(shortbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(short), 1, js->fd);
    if (js->reverseendian)
      swap2_aligned(shortbuf, js->natoms);
    for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
      strcpy(atoms[i].chain, chains[shortbuf[i]]);

    if (shortbuf != NULL) {

     * read in integer data blocks 
    intbuf = (int *) malloc(js->natoms * sizeof(int));

printf("jsplugin)   residue indices...\n");
    /* read in resid */
    fio_fread(intbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(int), 1, js->fd);
    if (js->reverseendian)
      swap4_aligned(intbuf, js->natoms);
    for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
      atoms[i].resid = intbuf[i];
    if (intbuf != NULL) {
      intbuf = NULL;

printf("jsplugin) reading optional per-atom tables...\n");
     * read in optional single-precision float data blocks
    if (js->optflags & (JSOPT_OCCUPANCY | JSOPT_BFACTOR | 
      fltbuf = (void *) malloc(js->natoms * sizeof(float));

    /* read in optional data if it exists */
    if (js->optflags & JSOPT_OCCUPANCY) {
printf("jsplugin)   occupancy...\n");
      *optflags |= MOLFILE_OCCUPANCY;
      fio_fread(fltbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(float), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(fltbuf, js->natoms);
      for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
        atoms[i].occupancy = fltbuf[i];

    if (js->optflags & JSOPT_BFACTOR) {
printf("jsplugin)   bfactor...\n");
      *optflags |= MOLFILE_BFACTOR;
      fio_fread(fltbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(float), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(fltbuf, js->natoms);
      for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
        atoms[i].bfactor = fltbuf[i];

    if (js->optflags & JSOPT_MASS) { 
printf("jsplugin)   mass...\n");
      *optflags |= MOLFILE_MASS;
      fio_fread(fltbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(float), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(fltbuf, js->natoms);
      for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
        atoms[i].mass = fltbuf[i];

    if (js->optflags & JSOPT_CHARGE) { 
printf("jsplugin)   charge...\n");
      *optflags |= MOLFILE_CHARGE;
      fio_fread(fltbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(float), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(fltbuf, js->natoms);
      for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
        atoms[i].charge = fltbuf[i];

    if (js->optflags & JSOPT_RADIUS) { 
printf("jsplugin)   radius...\n");
      *optflags |= MOLFILE_RADIUS;
      fio_fread(fltbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(float), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(fltbuf, js->natoms);
      for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
        atoms[i].radius = fltbuf[i];

    if (fltbuf != NULL) {

     * read in optional integer data blocks
    if (js->optflags & JSOPT_ATOMICNUMBER)
      intbuf = (void *) malloc(js->natoms * sizeof(int));

    if (js->optflags & JSOPT_ATOMICNUMBER) { 
printf("jsplugin)   atomic number...\n");
      *optflags |= MOLFILE_ATOMICNUMBER;
      fio_fread(intbuf, js->natoms * sizeof(int), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(intbuf, js->natoms);
      for (i=0; i<js->natoms; i++) {
        atoms[i].atomicnumber = intbuf[i];

    if (intbuf != NULL) {
      intbuf = NULL;

     * read in bonds and fractional bond orders
    if (js->optflags & JSOPT_BONDS) {
      fio_fread(&js->nbonds, sizeof(int), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(&js->nbonds, 1);
printf("jsplugin)   %d bonds...\n", js->nbonds);

      js->bondfrom = (int *) malloc(js->nbonds * sizeof(int));
      js->bondto = (int *) malloc(js->nbonds * sizeof(int));
      fio_fread(js->bondfrom, js->nbonds * sizeof(int), 1, js->fd);
      fio_fread(js->bondto, js->nbonds * sizeof(int), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian) {
        swap4_aligned(js->bondfrom, js->nbonds);
        swap4_aligned(js->bondto, js->nbonds);

      if (js->optflags & JSOPT_BONDORDERS) {
printf("jsplugin)   bond orders...\n");
        js->bondorders = (void *) malloc(js->nbonds * sizeof(float));
        fio_fread(js->bondorders, js->nbonds * sizeof(float), 1, js->fd);
        if (js->reverseendian)
          swap4_aligned(js->bondorders, js->nbonds);

    if (js->optflags & JSOPT_ANGLES) {
      fio_fread(&js->numangles, sizeof(int), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(&js->numangles, 1);
printf("jsplugin)   %d angles...\n", js->numangles);
      js->angles = (int *) malloc(3 * js->numangles * sizeof(int));
      fio_fread(js->angles, sizeof(int)*3*js->numangles, 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(&js->angles, 3*js->numangles);

      fio_fread(&js->numdihedrals, sizeof(int), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(&js->numdihedrals, 1);
printf("jsplugin)   %d dihedrals...\n", js->numdihedrals);
      js->dihedrals = (int *) malloc(4 * js->numdihedrals * sizeof(int));
      fio_fread(js->dihedrals, sizeof(int)*4*js->numdihedrals, 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(&js->dihedrals, 4*js->numdihedrals);

      fio_fread(&js->numimpropers, sizeof(int), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(&js->numimpropers, 1);
      js->impropers = (int *) malloc(4 * js->numimpropers * sizeof(int));
printf("jsplugin)   %d impropers...\n", js->numimpropers);
      fio_fread(js->impropers, sizeof(int)*4*js->numimpropers, 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(&js->impropers, 4*js->numimpropers);
    if (js->optflags & JSOPT_CTERMS) {
      fio_fread(&js->numcterms, sizeof(int), 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(&js->numcterms, 1);
      js->cterms = (int *) malloc(8 * js->numcterms * sizeof(int));
printf("jsplugin)   %d cterms...\n", js->numcterms);
      fio_fread(js->cterms, sizeof(int)*8*js->numcterms, 1, js->fd);
      if (js->reverseendian)
        swap4_aligned(&js->cterms, 8*js->numcterms);

printf("jsplugin) final optflags: %08x\n", *optflags);
printf("jsplugin) structure information complete\n");


printf("jsplugin) no structure information available\n");

  /* else, we have no structure information */
Example #4
static int read_ccp4_data(void *v, int set, float *datablock,
                         float *colorblock) {
  ccp4_t *ccp4 = (ccp4_t *)v;
  int x, y, z, xSize, ySize, zSize, extent[3], coord[3];
  long xySize;
  FILE *fd = ccp4->fd;

  xSize = ccp4->vol[0].xsize;
  ySize = ccp4->vol[0].ysize;
  zSize = ccp4->vol[0].zsize;
  xySize = xSize * ySize;

  // coord = <col, row, sec>
  // extent = <colSize, rowSize, secSize>
  extent[ccp4->xyz2crs[0]] = xSize;
  extent[ccp4->xyz2crs[1]] = ySize;
  extent[ccp4->xyz2crs[2]] = zSize;

  fseek(fd, ccp4->dataOffset, SEEK_SET);

  // Read entire rows of data from the file, then write into the
  // datablock with the correct slice ordering.
  if ((ccp4->voxtype == MRC_TYPE_BYTE) && (ccp4->dataflags & DATA_FLAG_SIGNED)) {
    printf("ccp4plugin) reading signed-byte voxel data\n");
    signed char *rowdata = new signed char[extent[0]];
    for (coord[2] = 0; coord[2] < extent[2]; coord[2]++) {
      for (coord[1] = 0; coord[1] < extent[1]; coord[1]++) {
        if (feof(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Unexpected end-of-file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if (ferror(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Problem reading the file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if ( fread(rowdata, sizeof(char), extent[0], fd) != extent[0] ) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Error reading data row.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;

        for (coord[0] = 0; coord[0] < extent[0]; coord[0]++) {
          x = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[0]];
          y = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[1]];
          z = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[2]];
          datablock[x + long(y*xSize) + long(z*xySize)] = rowdata[coord[0]];
    delete [] rowdata;
  } else if ((ccp4->voxtype == MRC_TYPE_BYTE) && !(ccp4->dataflags & DATA_FLAG_SIGNED)) {
    printf("ccp4plugin) reading unsigned-byte voxel data\n");
    unsigned char *rowdata = new unsigned char[extent[0]];
    for (coord[2] = 0; coord[2] < extent[2]; coord[2]++) {
      for (coord[1] = 0; coord[1] < extent[1]; coord[1]++) {
        if (feof(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Unexpected end-of-file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if (ferror(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Problem reading the file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if ( fread(rowdata, sizeof(unsigned char), extent[0], fd) != extent[0] ) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Error reading data row.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;

        for (coord[0] = 0; coord[0] < extent[0]; coord[0]++) {
          x = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[0]];
          y = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[1]];
          z = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[2]];
          datablock[x + long(y*xSize) + long(z*xySize)] = rowdata[coord[0]];
    delete [] rowdata;
  } else if (ccp4->voxtype == MRC_TYPE_FLOAT) {
    printf("ccp4plugin) reading float (32-bit real) voxel data\n");
    float *rowdata = new float[extent[0]];
    int x, y, z;
    for (coord[2] = 0; coord[2] < extent[2]; coord[2]++) {
      for (coord[1] = 0; coord[1] < extent[1]; coord[1]++) {
        if (feof(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Unexpected end-of-file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if (ferror(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Problem reading the file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if (fread(rowdata, sizeof(float), extent[0], fd) != extent[0] ) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Error reading data row.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;

        for (coord[0] = 0; coord[0] < extent[0]; coord[0]++) {
          x = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[0]];
          y = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[1]];
          z = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[2]];
          datablock[x + long(y*xSize) + long(z*xySize)] = rowdata[coord[0]];
    delete [] rowdata;
    if (ccp4->swap == 1)
      swap4_aligned(datablock, xySize * zSize);
  } else if (ccp4->voxtype == MRC_TYPE_SHORT) {
    printf("ccp4plugin) reading short (16-bit int) voxel data\n");
    short *rowdata = new short[extent[0]];
    for (coord[2] = 0; coord[2] < extent[2]; coord[2]++) {
      for (coord[1] = 0; coord[1] < extent[1]; coord[1]++) {
        if (feof(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Unexpected end-of-file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if (ferror(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Problem reading the file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if (fread(rowdata, sizeof(short), extent[0], fd) != extent[0] ) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Error reading data row.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if (ccp4->swap == 1)
          swap2_aligned(rowdata, extent[0]);
        for (coord[0] = 0; coord[0] < extent[0]; coord[0]++) {
          x = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[0]];
          y = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[1]];
          z = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[2]];
          datablock[x + long(y*xSize) + long(z*xySize)] = rowdata[coord[0]];
    delete [] rowdata;
  } else if (ccp4->voxtype == MRC_TYPE_SHORT2) {
    /* IMOD developers said that this is not used anymore and not worth our time to implement */
    printf("TYPE_SHORT2 not implemented yet...\n");
    return MOLFILE_ERROR;
  } else if (ccp4->voxtype == MRC_TYPE_USHORT) {
    printf("ccp4plugin) reading unsigned short (16-bit int) voxel data\n");
    unsigned short *rowdata = new unsigned short[extent[0]];
    for (coord[2] = 0; coord[2] < extent[2]; coord[2]++) {
      for (coord[1] = 0; coord[1] < extent[1]; coord[1]++) {
        if (feof(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Unexpected end-of-file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if (ferror(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Problem reading the file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if (fread(rowdata, sizeof(unsigned short), extent[0], fd) != extent[0] ) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Error reading data row.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if (ccp4->swap == 1)
          swap2_aligned(rowdata, extent[0]);
        for (coord[0] = 0; coord[0] < extent[0]; coord[0]++) {
          x = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[0]];
          y = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[1]];
          z = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[2]];
          datablock[x + long(y*xSize) + long(z*xySize)] = rowdata[coord[0]];
    delete [] rowdata;
  } else if (ccp4->voxtype == MRC_TYPE_UCHAR3) {
    printf("ccp4plugin) reading unsigned char * 3 (8-bit uchar * 3) voxel data\n");
    uchar3 *rowdata = new uchar3[extent[0]];
    float grayscale;
    for (coord[2] = 0; coord[2] < extent[2]; coord[2]++) {
      for (coord[1] = 0; coord[1] < extent[1]; coord[1]++) {
        if (feof(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Unexpected end-of-file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if (ferror(fd)) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Problem reading the file.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        if ( fread(rowdata, sizeof(uchar3), extent[0], fd) != extent[0] ) {
          printf("ccp4plugin) Error reading data row.\n");
          delete [] rowdata;
          return MOLFILE_ERROR;
        for (coord[0] = 0; coord[0] < extent[0]; coord[0]++) {
          x = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[0]];
          y = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[1]];
          z = coord[ccp4->xyz2crs[2]];
          grayscale = rowdata[coord[0]].red + rowdata[coord[0]].blue + rowdata[coord[0]].green;
          datablock[x + long(y*xSize) + long(z*xySize)] = grayscale/3.0;
    delete [] rowdata;