Example #1
/* At this time, billing never succeeds if you don't have a database. */
static switch_bool_t bill_event(double billamount, const char *billaccount, switch_channel_t *channel)
	char *sql = NULL, *dsql = NULL;
	switch_status_t status = SWITCH_FALSE;

	if (globals.custom_sql_save) {
		if (switch_string_var_check_const(globals.custom_sql_save) || switch_string_has_escaped_data(globals.custom_sql_save)) {
			switch_channel_set_variable_printf(channel, "nibble_bill", "%f", billamount, SWITCH_FALSE);
			sql = switch_channel_expand_variables(channel, globals.custom_sql_save);
			if (sql != globals.custom_sql_save) dsql = sql;
		} else {
			sql = globals.custom_sql_save;
	} else {
		sql = dsql = switch_mprintf("UPDATE %s SET %s=%s-%f WHERE %s='%s'", globals.db_table, globals.db_column_cash, 
									globals.db_column_cash, billamount, globals.db_column_account, billaccount);

	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Doing update query\n[%s]\n", sql);
	status = nibblebill_execute_sql_callback(sql, nibblebill_callback, NULL);

	return status;
static void tech_attach(private_t *tech_pvt, modem_t *modem)
	tech_pvt->modem = modem;
	switch_set_string(modem->uuid_str, switch_core_session_get_uuid(tech_pvt->session));
	switch_channel_set_variable_printf(tech_pvt->channel, "modem_slot", "%d", modem->slot);
	switch_channel_set_variable(tech_pvt->channel, "modem_devlink", modem->devlink);
	switch_channel_set_variable(tech_pvt->channel, "modem_digits", modem->digits);
	switch_channel_export_variable(tech_pvt->channel, "rtp_autoflush_during_bridge", "false", SWITCH_EXPORT_VARS_VARIABLE);
Example #3
/* At this time, billing never succeeds if you don't have a database. */
static switch_status_t bill_event(double billamount, const char *billaccount, switch_channel_t *channel)
	char *sql = NULL, *dsql = NULL;
	switch_odbc_statement_handle_t stmt = NULL;
	switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;

	if (!switch_odbc_available()) {
		return status;

	if (globals.custom_sql_save) {
		if (switch_string_var_check_const(globals.custom_sql_save) || switch_string_has_escaped_data(globals.custom_sql_save)) {
			switch_channel_set_variable_printf(channel, "nibble_bill", "%f", billamount, SWITCH_FALSE);
			sql = switch_channel_expand_variables(channel, globals.custom_sql_save);
			if (sql != globals.custom_sql_save) dsql = sql;
		} else {
			sql = globals.custom_sql_save;
	} else {
		sql = dsql = switch_mprintf("UPDATE %s SET %s=%s-%f WHERE %s='%s'", globals.db_table, globals.db_column_cash, 
									globals.db_column_cash, billamount, globals.db_column_account, billaccount);

	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Doing update query\n[%s]\n", sql);

	if (switch_odbc_handle_exec(globals.master_odbc, sql, &stmt, NULL) != SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS) {
		char *err_str;
		err_str = switch_odbc_handle_get_error(globals.master_odbc, stmt);
		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "ERR: [%s]\n[%s]\n", sql, switch_str_nil(err_str));
	} else {

	if (stmt) {

	return status;
Example #4
static switch_status_t process_hangup(switch_core_session_t *session)
	const char* billaccount;
	switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;

	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
	/* Resume any paused billings, just in case */
	/*  nibblebill_resume(session); */

	/* Now go handle like normal billing */

	billaccount = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "nibble_account");
	if (billaccount) {
		switch_channel_set_variable_printf(channel, "nibble_current_balance", "%f", get_balance(billaccount, channel));
Example #5
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_limit_incr(const char *backend, switch_core_session_t *session, const char *realm, const char *resource, const int max, const int interval) {
	switch_limit_interface_t *limit = NULL;
	switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;
	if (session) {
		channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);

	/* locate impl, call appropriate func */
	if (!(limit = get_backend(backend))) {
		switch_limit_log(session, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Limit subsystem %s not found!\n", backend);
		switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR, end);

	switch_limit_log(session, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "incr called: %s_%s max:%d, interval:%d\n",
					  realm, resource, max, interval);
	if ((status = limit->incr(session, realm, resource, max, interval)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		if (session) {
			/* race condition? what if another leg is doing the same thing? */
			const char *existing = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, LIMIT_BACKEND_VARIABLE);
			if (existing) {
				if (!strstr(existing, backend)) {
					switch_channel_set_variable_printf(channel, LIMIT_BACKEND_VARIABLE, "%s,%s", existing, backend);
			} else {
				switch_channel_set_variable(channel, LIMIT_BACKEND_VARIABLE, backend);
				switch_core_event_hook_add_state_change(session, limit_state_handler);
	return status;
Example #6
/* This is where we actually charge the guy 
  This can be called anytime a call is in progress or at the end of a call before the session is destroyed */
static switch_status_t do_billing(switch_core_session_t *session)
	/* FS vars we will use */
	switch_channel_t *channel;
	switch_caller_profile_t *profile;

	/* Local vars */
	nibble_data_t *nibble_data;
	switch_time_t ts = switch_micro_time_now();
	double billamount;
	char date[80] = "";
	char *uuid;
	switch_size_t retsize;
	switch_time_exp_t tm;
	const char *billrate;
	const char *billincrement;
	const char *billaccount;
	double nobal_amt = globals.nobal_amt;
	double lowbal_amt = globals.lowbal_amt;
	double balance;

	if (!session) {
		/* Why are we here? */

	uuid = switch_core_session_get_uuid(session);

	/* Get channel var */
	if (!(channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session))) {

	/* Variables kept in FS but relevant only to this module */
	billrate = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "nibble_rate");
	billincrement = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "nibble_increment");
	billaccount = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "nibble_account");
	if (!zstr(switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "nobal_amt"))) {
		nobal_amt = atof(switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "nobal_amt"));
	if (!zstr(switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "lowbal_amt"))) {
		lowbal_amt = atof(switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "lowbal_amt"));
	/* Return if there's no billing information on this session */
	if (!billrate || !billaccount) {

	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Attempting to bill at $%s per minute to account %s\n", billrate,

	/* Get caller profile info from channel */
	profile = switch_channel_get_caller_profile(channel);

	if (!profile || !profile->times) {
		/* No caller profile (why would this happen?) */

	if (profile->times->answered < 1) {
		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Not billing %s - call is not in answered state\n", billaccount);

		/* See if this person has enough money left to continue the call */
		balance = get_balance(billaccount, channel);
		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Comparing %f to hangup balance of %f\n", balance, nobal_amt);
		if (balance <= nobal_amt) {
			/* Not enough money - reroute call to nobal location */
			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Balance of %f fell below allowed amount of %f! (Account %s)\n",
							  balance, nobal_amt, billaccount);

			transfer_call(session, globals.nobal_action);


	/* Lock this session's data for this module while we tinker with it */
	if (globals.mutex) {

	/* Get our nibble data var. This will be NULL if it's our first call here for this session */
	nibble_data = (nibble_data_t *) switch_channel_get_private(channel, "_nibble_data_");

	/* Are we in paused mode? If so, we don't do anything here - go back! */
	if (nibble_data && (nibble_data->pausets > 0)) {
		if (globals.mutex) {
		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Received heartbeat, but we're paused - ignoring\n");

	/* Have we done any billing on this channel yet? If no, set up vars for doing so */
	if (!nibble_data) {
		nibble_data = switch_core_session_alloc(session, sizeof(*nibble_data));
		memset(nibble_data, 0, sizeof(*nibble_data));

		/* Setup new billing data (based on call answer time, in case this module started late with active calls) */
		nibble_data->lastts = profile->times->answered;	/* Set the initial answer time to match when the call was really answered */
		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Beginning new billing on %s\n", uuid);

	switch_time_exp_lt(&tm, nibble_data->lastts);
	switch_strftime_nocheck(date, &retsize, sizeof(date), "%Y-%m-%d %T", &tm);

	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "%d seconds passed since last bill time of %s\n",
					  (int) ((ts - nibble_data->lastts) / 1000000), date);

	if ((ts - nibble_data->lastts) >= 0) {
		/* If billincrement is set we bill by it and not by time elapsed */
		if (!(switch_strlen_zero(billincrement))) {
			switch_time_t chargedunits = (ts - nibble_data->lastts) / 1000000 <= atol(billincrement) ? atol(billincrement) * 1000000 : (switch_time_t)(ceil((ts - nibble_data->lastts) / (atol(billincrement) * 1000000.0))) * atol(billincrement) * 1000000;
			billamount = (atof(billrate) / 1000000 / 60) * chargedunits - nibble_data->bill_adjustments;
			/* Account for the prepaid amount */
			nibble_data->lastts += chargedunits;
		} else {		
			/* Convert billrate into microseconds and multiply by # of microseconds that have passed since last *successful* bill */
			billamount = (atof(billrate) / 1000000 / 60) * ((ts - nibble_data->lastts)) - nibble_data->bill_adjustments;
			/* Update the last time we billed */
			nibble_data->lastts = ts;

		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Billing $%f to %s (Call: %s / %f so far)\n", billamount, billaccount,
						  uuid, nibble_data->total);

		/* DO ODBC BILLING HERE and reset counters if it's successful! */
		if (bill_event(billamount, billaccount, channel) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			/* Increment total cost */
			nibble_data->total += billamount;

			/* Reset manual billing adjustments from pausing */
			nibble_data->bill_adjustments = 0;

			/* Update channel variable with current billing */
			switch_channel_set_variable_printf(channel, "nibble_total_billed", "%f", nibble_data->total);
		} else {
			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Failed to log to database!\n");
	} else {
		if (switch_strlen_zero(billincrement))
			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Just tried to bill %s negative minutes! That should be impossible.\n", uuid);

	/* Save this location */
	if (channel) {
		switch_channel_set_private(channel, "_nibble_data_", nibble_data);

		/* don't verify balance and transfer to nobal if we're done with call */
		if (switch_channel_get_state(channel) != CS_REPORTING && switch_channel_get_state(channel) != CS_HANGUP) {
			balance = get_balance(billaccount, channel);
			/* See if we've achieved low balance */
			if (!nibble_data->lowbal_action_executed && balance <= lowbal_amt) {
				switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Balance of %f fell below low balance amount of %f! (Account %s)\n",
								  balance, lowbal_amt, billaccount);

				if (exec_app(session, globals.lowbal_action) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS)
					switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Low balance action didn't execute\n");
					nibble_data->lowbal_action_executed = 1;

			/* See if this person has enough money left to continue the call */
			if (balance <= nobal_amt) {
				/* Not enough money - reroute call to nobal location */
				switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Balance of %f fell below allowed amount of %f! (Account %s)\n",
								  balance, nobal_amt, billaccount);

				/* IMPORTANT: Billing must be paused before the transfer occurs! This prevents infinite loops, since the transfer will result */
				/* in nibblebill checking the call again in the routing process for an allowed balance! */
				/* If you intend to give the user the option to re-up their balance, you must clear & resume billing once the balance is updated! */
				transfer_call(session, globals.nobal_action);

	/* Done changing - release lock */
	if (globals.mutex) {

	/* Go check if this call is allowed to continue */

 * Start recording call
 * @param session the session to record
 * @param record the record component
static int start_call_record(switch_core_session_t *session, struct rayo_component *component)
	struct record_component *record_component = RECORD_COMPONENT(component);
	switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
	int max_duration_sec = 0;

	switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_HANGUP_ON_ERROR", "false");
	switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_TOGGLE_ON_REPEAT", "");
	switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_CHECK_BRIDGE", "");
	switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_MIN_SEC", "0");
	switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_STEREO", "");
	switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_READ_ONLY", "");
	switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_WRITE_ONLY", "");
	switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_APPEND", "");
	switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_WRITE_OVER", "true");
	switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_ANSWER_REQ", "");
	switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_SILENCE_THRESHOLD", "200");
	if (record_component->initial_timeout > 0) {
		switch_channel_set_variable_printf(channel, "RECORD_INITIAL_TIMEOUT_MS", "%i", record_component->initial_timeout);
	} else {
		switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_INITIAL_TIMEOUT_MS", "");
	if (record_component->final_timeout > 0) {
		switch_channel_set_variable_printf(channel, "RECORD_FINAL_TIMEOUT_MS", "%i", record_component->final_timeout);
	} else {
		switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_FINAL_TIMEOUT_MS", "");
	/* allow dialplan override for these variables */
	//switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_PRE_BUFFER_FRAMES", "");
	//switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "record_sample_rate", "");
	//switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "enable_file_write_buffering", "");

	/* max duration attribute is in milliseconds- convert to seconds */
	if (record_component->max_duration > 0) {
		max_duration_sec = ceil((double)(record_component->max_duration - record_component->duration_ms) / 1000.0);

	if (!strcmp(record_component->direction, "duplex")) {
		if (!record_component->mix) {
			/* STEREO */
			switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_STEREO", "true");
		} /* else MONO (default) */
	} else if (!strcmp(record_component->direction, "send")) {
		/* record audio sent from the caller */
		switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_READ_ONLY", "true");
	} else if (!strcmp(record_component->direction, "recv")) {
		/* record audio received by the caller */
		switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "RECORD_WRITE_ONLY", "true");

	if (record_component->start_beep) {
		switch_ivr_displace_session(session, RECORD_BEEP, 0, "");
		record_component->start_time = switch_micro_time_now();

	if (switch_ivr_record_session(session, (char *)RAYO_ID(component), max_duration_sec, NULL) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Recording started: file = %s\n", RAYO_ID(component));
		return 1;

	return 0;
Example #8
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_core_session_hangup_state(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_bool_t force)
	switch_call_cause_t cause = switch_channel_get_cause(session->channel);
	switch_call_cause_t cause_q850 = switch_channel_get_cause_q850(session->channel);
	int proceed = 1;
	int global_proceed = 1;
	int do_extra_handlers = 1;
	int silly = 0;
	int index = 0;
	switch_channel_state_t state = switch_channel_get_state(session->channel), midstate = state;
	const switch_endpoint_interface_t *endpoint_interface;
	const switch_state_handler_table_t *driver_state_handler = NULL;
	const switch_state_handler_table_t *application_state_handler = NULL;
	const char *hook_var;
	int use_session = 0;

	if (!force) {
		if (!switch_channel_test_flag(session->channel, CF_EARLY_HANGUP) && !switch_test_flag((&runtime), SCF_EARLY_HANGUP)) {

		if (switch_thread_self() != session->thread_id) {
			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "%s thread mismatch skipping state handler.\n",

	if (switch_test_flag(session, SSF_HANGUP)) {
		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "%s handler already called, skipping state handler.\n",

	endpoint_interface = session->endpoint_interface;
	switch_assert(endpoint_interface != NULL);

	driver_state_handler = endpoint_interface->state_handler;
	switch_assert(driver_state_handler != NULL);




	switch_channel_set_variable(session->channel, "hangup_cause", switch_channel_cause2str(cause));
	switch_channel_set_variable_printf(session->channel, "hangup_cause_q850", "%d", cause_q850);
	//switch_channel_presence(session->channel, "unknown", switch_channel_cause2str(cause), NULL);




	if ((hook_var = switch_channel_get_variable(session->channel, SWITCH_API_HANGUP_HOOK_VARIABLE))) {

		if (switch_true(switch_channel_get_variable(session->channel, SWITCH_SESSION_IN_HANGUP_HOOK_VARIABLE))) {
			use_session = 1;

		api_hook(session, hook_var, use_session);

	switch_channel_set_callstate(session->channel, CCS_HANGUP);
	switch_set_flag(session, SSF_HANGUP);
