static int db_is_up(switch_odbc_handle_t *handle) { int ret = 0; SQLHSTMT stmt = NULL; SQLLEN m = 0; int result; switch_event_t *event; switch_odbc_status_t recon = 0; char *err_str = NULL; SQLCHAR sql[255] = ""; int max_tries = DEFAULT_ODBC_RETRIES; int code = 0; SQLRETURN rc; SQLSMALLINT nresultcols; if (handle) { max_tries = handle->num_retries; if (max_tries < 1) max_tries = DEFAULT_ODBC_RETRIES; } top: if (!handle) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "No DB Handle\n"); goto done; } if (handle->is_oracle) { strcpy((char *) sql, "select 1 from dual"); } else if (handle->is_firebird) { strcpy((char *) sql, "select first 1 * from RDB$RELATIONS"); } else { strcpy((char *) sql, "select 1"); } if (SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, handle->con, &stmt) != SQL_SUCCESS) { code = __LINE__; goto error; } SQLSetStmtAttr(stmt, SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT, (SQLPOINTER)30, 0); if (SQLPrepare(stmt, sql, SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) { code = __LINE__; goto error; } result = SQLExecute(stmt); if (result != SQL_SUCCESS && result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { code = __LINE__; goto error; } SQLRowCount(stmt, &m); rc = SQLNumResultCols(stmt, &nresultcols); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { code = __LINE__; goto error; } ret = (int) nresultcols; /* determine statement type */ if (nresultcols <= 0) { /* statement is not a select statement */ code = __LINE__; goto error; } goto done; error: err_str = switch_odbc_handle_get_error(handle, stmt); /* Make sure to free the handle before we try to reconnect */ if (stmt) { SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt); stmt = NULL; } recon = switch_odbc_handle_connect(handle); max_tries--; if (switch_event_create(&event, SWITCH_EVENT_TRAP) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_event_add_header(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Failure-Message", "The sql server is not responding for DSN %s [%s][%d]", switch_str_nil(handle->dsn), switch_str_nil(err_str), code); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "The sql server is not responding for DSN %s [%s][%d]\n", switch_str_nil(handle->dsn), switch_str_nil(err_str), code); if (recon == SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS) { switch_event_add_header(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Additional-Info", "The connection has been re-established"); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "The connection has been re-established\n"); } else { switch_event_add_header(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Additional-Info", "The connection could not be re-established"); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "The connection could not be re-established\n"); } if (!max_tries) { switch_event_add_header(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Additional-Info", "Giving up!"); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Giving up!\n"); } switch_event_fire(&event); } if (!max_tries) { goto done; } switch_safe_free(err_str); switch_yield(1000000); goto top; done: switch_safe_free(err_str); if (stmt) { SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt); } return ret; }
static switch_status_t load_config(void) { char *cf = "nibblebill.conf"; switch_xml_t cfg, xml = NULL, param, settings; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!(xml = switch_xml_open_cfg(cf, &cfg, NULL))) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "open of %s failed\n", cf); status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* We don't fail because we can still write to a text file or buffer */ goto setdefaults; } if ((settings = switch_xml_child(cfg, "settings"))) { for (param = switch_xml_child(settings, "param"); param; param = param->next) { char *var = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "name"); char *val = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "value"); if (!strcasecmp(var, "db_username")) { set_global_db_username(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "db_password")) { set_global_db_password(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "db_dsn")) { set_global_db_dsn(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "db_table")) { set_global_db_table(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "db_column_cash")) { set_global_db_column_cash(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "db_column_account")) { set_global_db_column_account(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "custom_sql_save")) { set_global_custom_sql_save(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "custom_sql_lookup")) { set_global_custom_sql_lookup(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "percall_action")) { set_global_percall_action(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "percall_max_amt")) { globals.percall_max_amt = atof(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "lowbal_action")) { set_global_lowbal_action(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "lowbal_amt")) { globals.lowbal_amt = atof(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "nobal_action")) { set_global_nobal_action(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "nobal_amt")) { globals.nobal_amt = atof(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "global_heartbeat")) { globals.global_heartbeat = atoi(val); } } } /* Set defaults for any variables still not set */ setdefaults: if (zstr(globals.percall_action)) { set_global_percall_action("hangup"); } if (zstr(globals.lowbal_action)) { set_global_lowbal_action("play ding"); } if (zstr(globals.nobal_action)) { set_global_nobal_action("hangup"); } if (switch_odbc_available() && globals.db_dsn) { if (!(globals.master_odbc = switch_odbc_handle_new(globals.db_dsn, globals.db_username, globals.db_password))) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Cannot create handle to ODBC Database!\n"); status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; goto done; } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Opened ODBC Database handle!\n"); } if (switch_odbc_handle_connect(globals.master_odbc) != SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Cannot connect to ODBC driver/database %s (user: %s / pass %s)!\n", globals.db_dsn, globals.db_username, globals.db_password); status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; goto done; } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Opened ODBC Database!\n"); } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Connected ODBC DSN: %s\n", globals.db_dsn); } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "ODBC does not appear to be installed in the core or your dsn is empty. You need to run ./configure --enable-core-odbc-support\n"); } done: if (xml) { switch_xml_free(xml); } return status; }
static switch_status_t load_config(void) { char *cf = "easyroute.conf"; switch_xml_t cfg, xml = NULL, param, settings; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!(xml = switch_xml_open_cfg(cf, &cfg, NULL))) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "open of %s failed\n", cf); status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; goto done; } if ((settings = switch_xml_child(cfg, "settings"))) { for (param = switch_xml_child(settings, "param"); param; param = param->next) { char *var = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "name"); char *val = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "value"); if (!strcasecmp(var, "db-username")) { set_global_db_username(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "db-password")) { set_global_db_password(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "db-dsn")) { set_global_db_dsn(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "default-techprofile")) { set_global_default_techprofile(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "default-gateway")) { set_global_default_gateway(val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "custom-query")) { set_global_custom_query(val); } } } done: if (zstr(globals.db_username)) { set_global_db_username("root"); } if (zstr(globals.db_password)) { set_global_db_password("password"); } if (zstr(globals.db_dsn)) { set_global_db_dsn("easyroute"); } if (switch_odbc_available() && globals.db_dsn) { if (!(globals.master_odbc = switch_odbc_handle_new(globals.db_dsn, globals.db_username, globals.db_password))) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Cannot Open ODBC Database!\n"); status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; goto reallydone; } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Opened ODBC Database!\n"); } if (switch_odbc_handle_connect(globals.master_odbc) != SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Cannot Open ODBC Database!\n"); status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; goto reallydone; } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Opened ODBC Database!\n"); } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Connected ODBC DSN: %s\n", globals.db_dsn); if (!globals.custom_query) { if (switch_odbc_handle_exec(globals.master_odbc, "select count(*) from numbers", NULL, NULL) != SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Cannot find SQL Database! (Where\'s the numbers table\?\?)\n"); } if (switch_odbc_handle_exec(globals.master_odbc, "select count(*) from gateways", NULL, NULL) != SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Cannot find SQL Database! (Where\'s the gateways table\?\?)\n"); } } } else if (globals.db_dsn) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Cannot Open ODBC Connection (did you enable it?!)\n"); } reallydone: if (xml) { switch_xml_free(xml); } if (!globals.default_techprofile) { set_global_default_techprofile("sofia/default"); } if (!globals.default_gateway) { set_global_default_gateway(""); } return status; }