Example #1
 * Allocate and contruct a hash
 * @param name          = Name of the hash, used in diagnostics
 * @param element_count = Maximum number of elements in the hash
 * @param element_size  = Size of each element in the hash in bytes
 * @param key_offset    = Offset of start of key from start of element in bytes
 * @param key_size      = Size of the key in bytes
 * @param options       = SXE_HASH_OPTION_UNLOCKED  | SXE_HASH_OPTION_LOCKED       (single threaded  or use locking)
 *                      + SXE_HASH_OPTION_PREHASHED | SXE_HASH_OPTION_LOOKUP3_HASH (key is prehashed or use lookup3)
 * @return A pointer to an array of hash elements
void *
sxe_hash_new_plus(const char * name, unsigned element_count, unsigned element_size, unsigned key_offset, unsigned key_size,
                  unsigned options)
    SXE_HASH * hash;
    unsigned   size;

    SXEE6("sxe_hash_new_plus(name=%s,element_count=%u,element_size=%u,key_offset=%u,key_size=%u,options=%u)", name, element_count,
           element_size, key_offset, key_size, options);
    size = sizeof(SXE_HASH) + sxe_pool_size(element_count, element_size, element_count + SXE_HASH_BUCKETS_RESERVED);
    SXEA1((hash = malloc(size)) != NULL, "Unable to allocate %u bytes of memory for hash %s", size, name);
    SXEL6("Base address of hash %s = %p", name, hash);

    /* Note: hash + 1 == pool base */
    hash->pool   = sxe_pool_construct(hash + 1, name, element_count, element_size, element_count + SXE_HASH_BUCKETS_RESERVED,
                                      options & SXE_HASH_OPTION_LOCKED ? SXE_POOL_OPTION_LOCKED : 0);
    hash->count      = element_count;
    hash->size       = element_size;
    hash->key_offset = key_offset;
    hash->key_size   = key_size;
    hash->options    = options;
    hash->hash_key   = options & SXE_HASH_OPTION_LOOKUP3_HASH ? lookup3_hash : sxe_prehashed_key_hash;

    SXER6("return array=%p", hash->pool);
    return hash->pool;
Example #2
sxe_hash_reconstruct(void * array)
    SXE_HASH * hash = SXE_HASH_ARRAY_TO_IMPL(array);
    SXEE6("sxe_hash_reconstruct(hash=%s)", sxe_pool_get_name(array));
    hash->pool  = sxe_pool_construct(hash + 1, sxe_pool_get_name(array),
                                     hash->count, hash->size, hash->count + SXE_HASH_BUCKETS_RESERVED,
                                     hash->options & SXE_HASH_OPTION_LOCKED ? SXE_POOL_OPTION_LOCKED : 0);
Example #3

    sxe_test_get_temp_file_name("test-sxe-mmap-pool", unique_memmap_path_and_file_master_buffer, sizeof(unique_memmap_path_and_file_master_buffer), &unique_memmap_path_and_file_master_buffer_used);
    unique_memmap_path_and_file = &unique_memmap_path_and_file_master_buffer[0];
    SXEL1("Instance %2d unique memmap path and file: %s", count, unique_memmap_path_and_file);

    ok((size = sxe_pool_size(TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES/2, sizeof(*pool), TEST_STATE_NUMBER_OF_STATES)) >= TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES * sizeof(*pool),
       "Expect pool size %u to be at least the size of the array %u", (unsigned)size, (unsigned)(TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES * sizeof(*pool)));

    SXEA1((fd = open(unique_memmap_path_and_file, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0666)) >= 0, "Failed to create file '%s': %s", unique_memmap_path_and_file, strerror(errno));
    SXEA1(ftruncate(fd, size)                                                          >= 0, "Failed to extend the file to %p bytes: %s", SXE_CAST(void *, size), strerror(errno));
    sxe_mmap_open(&memmap, unique_memmap_path_and_file);
    shared = SXE_CAST(unsigned *, SXE_MMAP_ADDR(&memmap));

    pool = sxe_pool_construct(shared, "shared-pool", TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES/2, sizeof(*pool), TEST_STATE_NUMBER_OF_STATES,

    for (count = 0; count < TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES; count++) {
        char buffer[12];

        snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", count + 1);
        child[count] = spawnl(P_NOWAIT, argv[0], argv[0], buffer, unique_memmap_path_and_file, NULL);
        SXEA1(child[count] != -1, "Failed to spawn '%s %s': %s", argv[0], buffer, strerror(errno));

    start_time = sxe_get_time_in_seconds();

    for (count = 0; (count < TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES); ) {
        SXEA1((TEST_WAIT + start_time ) > sxe_get_time_in_seconds(), "Unexpected timeout... is the hardware too slow?");
        id = sxe_pool_set_oldest_element_state(pool, TEST_STATE_CLIENT_DONE, TEST_STATE_FREE);
Example #4
main(int argc, char ** argv)
    SXEL10("WARNING: Need to implement sxe_spawn() on Windows to run this test file!");
    int           fd;
    double        start_time;
    unsigned      count;
    unsigned      id;
    unsigned    * pool;
    unsigned    * shared;
    size_t        size;
    SXE_MMAP      memmap;
    SXE_RETURN    result;

    if (argc > 1) {
        count = atoi(argv[1]);
        sxe_mmap_open(&memmap, "memmap");
        shared  = (unsigned *)(unsigned long)SXE_MMAP_ADDR(&memmap);
        pool    = sxe_pool_from_base(shared);
        SXEL63("Instance %u mapped to shared pool // base=%p, pool=%p", count, shared, pool);
        do {
            usleep(10000 * count);
            id = sxe_pool_set_oldest_element_state_locked(pool, TEST_STATE_FREE, TEST_STATE_CLIENT_TAKE);
        } while (id == SXE_POOL_NO_INDEX);

        SXEL62("Instance %u got pool element %u", count, id);
        pool[id] = count;
        sxe_pool_set_indexed_element_state_locked(pool, id, TEST_STATE_CLIENT_TAKE, TEST_STATE_CLIENT_DONE);
        SXEL61("Instance %u exiting", count);
        return 0;

    ok((size = sxe_pool_size(TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES/2, sizeof(*pool), TEST_STATE_NUMBER_OF_STATES)) >= TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES * sizeof(*pool),
       "Expect pool size %u to be at least the size of the array %u", size, TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES * sizeof(*pool));

    SXEA11((fd = open("memmap", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0666)) >= 0, "Failed to create file 'memmap': %s",         strerror(errno));
    SXEA12(ftruncate(fd, size)                                       >= 0, "Failed to extend the file to %lu bytes: %s", size, strerror(errno));
    sxe_mmap_open(&memmap, "memmap");
    shared = (unsigned *)(unsigned long)SXE_MMAP_ADDR(&memmap);

    pool = sxe_pool_construct(shared, "shared-pool", TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES/2, sizeof(*pool), TEST_STATE_NUMBER_OF_STATES, SXE_POOL_LOCKS_ENABLED);

    sxe_register(TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES + 1, 0);
    SXEA11((result = sxe_init()) == SXE_RETURN_OK,  "Failed to initialize the SXE package: %s",  sxe_return_to_string(result));

    for (count = 1; count <= TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES; count++) {
        char buffer[12];

        snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", count);
        result = sxe_spawn(NULL, &spawn[count - 1], argv[0], buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        SXEA13(result == SXE_RETURN_OK, "Failed to spawn '%s %s': %s", argv[0], buffer, sxe_return_to_string(result));

    start_time = sxe_get_time_in_seconds();
    for (count = 0; (count < TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES); ) {
        SXEA10((TEST_WAIT + start_time ) > sxe_get_time_in_seconds(), "Unexpected timeout... is the hardware too slow?");
        id = sxe_pool_set_oldest_element_state_locked(pool, TEST_STATE_CLIENT_DONE, TEST_STATE_FREE);

        /* Assert here in  the test. The actual service would take specific action here */
        SXEA12(id != SXE_POOL_LOCK_NEVER_TAKEN, "Parent: Failed to acqure lock .. yield limit reached. id %u vs %u", id, SXE_POOL_LOCK_NEVER_TAKEN);

        if (id != SXE_POOL_NO_INDEX) {
            SXEL62("Looks like instance %u got element %u", pool[id], id);
    ok(count == TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES, "All clients got an element in the pool");

    start_time = sxe_get_time_in_seconds();
    for (count = 0; (count < TEST_CLIENT_INSTANCES); count++) {
        SXEA10((TEST_WAIT + start_time ) > sxe_get_time_in_seconds(), "Unexpected timeout... is the hardware too slow?");
        waitpid(spawn[count].pid, NULL, 0);

    ok(SXE_POOL_LOCK_NEVER_TAKEN != sxe_pool_lock(pool), "Forced lock to be always locked!");
    id = sxe_pool_set_oldest_element_state_locked(pool, TEST_STATE_FREE, TEST_STATE_FREE);
    ok(id == SXE_POOL_LOCK_NEVER_TAKEN,   "sxe_pool_set_oldest_element_state_locked() Failed to acquire lock");
    id = sxe_pool_set_indexed_element_state_locked(pool, 0, TEST_STATE_FREE, TEST_STATE_FREE);
    ok(id == SXE_POOL_LOCK_NEVER_TAKEN,   "sxe_pool_set_indexed_element_state_locked() Failed to acquire lock");
    sxe_pool_override_locked(pool); /* for coverage */

    return exit_status();