Example #1
void JSModuleRecord::instantiateDeclarations(ExecState* exec, ModuleProgramExecutable* moduleProgramExecutable)
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);

    // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-moduledeclarationinstantiation

    SymbolTable* symbolTable = moduleProgramExecutable->moduleEnvironmentSymbolTable();
    JSModuleEnvironment* moduleEnvironment = JSModuleEnvironment::create(vm, exec->lexicalGlobalObject(), exec->lexicalGlobalObject(), symbolTable, jsTDZValue(), this);

    // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-moduledeclarationinstantiation
    // section step 9.
    // Ensure all the indirect exports are correctly resolved to unique bindings.
    // Even if we avoided duplicate exports in the parser, still ambiguous exports occur due to the star export (`export * from "mod"`).
    // When we see this type of ambiguity for the indirect exports here, throw a syntax error.
    for (const auto& pair : exportEntries()) {
        const ExportEntry& exportEntry = pair.value;
        if (exportEntry.type == JSModuleRecord::ExportEntry::Type::Indirect) {
            Resolution resolution = resolveExport(exec, exportEntry.exportName);
            switch (resolution.type) {
            case Resolution::Type::NotFound:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Indirectly exported binding name '", String(exportEntry.exportName.impl()), "' is not found."));

            case Resolution::Type::Ambiguous:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Indirectly exported binding name '", String(exportEntry.exportName.impl()), "' cannot be resolved due to ambiguous multiple bindings."));

            case Resolution::Type::Error:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Indirectly exported binding name 'default' cannot be resolved by star export entries."));

            case Resolution::Type::Resolved:

    // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-moduledeclarationinstantiation
    // section step 12.
    // Instantiate namespace objects and initialize the bindings with them if required.
    // And ensure that all the imports correctly resolved to unique bindings.
    for (const auto& pair : importEntries()) {
        const ImportEntry& importEntry = pair.value;
        AbstractModuleRecord* importedModule = hostResolveImportedModule(exec, importEntry.moduleRequest);
        if (importEntry.isNamespace(vm)) {
            JSModuleNamespaceObject* namespaceObject = importedModule->getModuleNamespace(exec);
            RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, void());
            bool putResult = false;
            symbolTablePutTouchWatchpointSet(moduleEnvironment, exec, importEntry.localName, namespaceObject, /* shouldThrowReadOnlyError */ false, /* ignoreReadOnlyErrors */ true, putResult);
        } else {
            Resolution resolution = importedModule->resolveExport(exec, importEntry.importName);
            switch (resolution.type) {
            case Resolution::Type::NotFound:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Importing binding name '", String(importEntry.importName.impl()), "' is not found."));

            case Resolution::Type::Ambiguous:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Importing binding name '", String(importEntry.importName.impl()), "' cannot be resolved due to ambiguous multiple bindings."));

            case Resolution::Type::Error:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Importing binding name 'default' cannot be resolved by star export entries."));

            case Resolution::Type::Resolved:

    // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-moduledeclarationinstantiation
    // section step 14.
    // Module environment contains the heap allocated "var", "function", "let", "const", and "class".
    // When creating the environment, we initialized all the slots with empty, it's ok for lexical values.
    // But for "var" and "function", we should initialize it with undefined. They are contained in the declared variables.
    for (const auto& variable : declaredVariables()) {
        SymbolTableEntry entry = symbolTable->get(variable.key.get());
        VarOffset offset = entry.varOffset();
        if (!offset.isStack()) {
            bool putResult = false;
            symbolTablePutTouchWatchpointSet(moduleEnvironment, exec, Identifier::fromUid(exec, variable.key.get()), jsUndefined(), /* shouldThrowReadOnlyError */ false, /* ignoreReadOnlyErrors */ true, putResult);

    // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-moduledeclarationinstantiation
    // section step 16-a-iv.
    // Initialize heap allocated function declarations.
    // They can be called before the body of the module is executed under circular dependencies.
    UnlinkedModuleProgramCodeBlock* unlinkedCodeBlock = moduleProgramExecutable->unlinkedModuleProgramCodeBlock();
    for (size_t i = 0, numberOfFunctions = unlinkedCodeBlock->numberOfFunctionDecls(); i < numberOfFunctions; ++i) {
        UnlinkedFunctionExecutable* unlinkedFunctionExecutable = unlinkedCodeBlock->functionDecl(i);
        SymbolTableEntry entry = symbolTable->get(unlinkedFunctionExecutable->name().impl());
        VarOffset offset = entry.varOffset();
        if (!offset.isStack()) {
            if (vm.typeProfiler() || vm.controlFlowProfiler()) {
            JSFunction* function = JSFunction::create(vm, unlinkedFunctionExecutable->link(vm, moduleProgramExecutable->source()), moduleEnvironment);
            bool putResult = false;
            symbolTablePutTouchWatchpointSet(moduleEnvironment, exec, unlinkedFunctionExecutable->name(), function, /* shouldThrowReadOnlyError */ false, /* ignoreReadOnlyErrors */ true, putResult);

    m_moduleEnvironment.set(vm, this, moduleEnvironment);
void WebAssemblyModuleRecord::link(ExecState* state, JSWebAssemblyInstance* instance)
    VM& vm = state->vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
    auto* globalObject = state->lexicalGlobalObject();

    JSWebAssemblyModule* module = instance->module();
    const Wasm::ModuleInformation& moduleInformation = module->moduleInformation();

    SymbolTable* exportSymbolTable = module->exportSymbolTable();
    unsigned functionImportCount = module->functionImportCount();

    // FIXME wire up the imports. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165118

    // Let exports be a list of (string, JS value) pairs that is mapped from each external value e in instance.exports as follows:
    JSModuleEnvironment* moduleEnvironment = JSModuleEnvironment::create(vm, globalObject, nullptr, exportSymbolTable, JSValue(), this);
    for (const auto& exp : moduleInformation.exports) {
        JSValue exportedValue;
        switch (exp.kind) {
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Function: {
            // 1. If e is a closure c:
            //   i. If there is an Exported Function Exotic Object func in funcs whose func.[[Closure]] equals c, then return func.
            //   ii. (Note: At most one wrapper is created for any closure, so func is unique, even if there are multiple occurrances in the list. Moreover, if the item was an import that is already an Exported Function Exotic Object, then the original function object will be found. For imports that are regular JS functions, a new wrapper will be created.)
            if (exp.kindIndex < functionImportCount) {
                // FIXME Implement re-exporting an import. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165510
            //   iii. Otherwise:
            //     a. Let func be an Exported Function Exotic Object created from c.
            //     b. Append func to funcs.
            //     c. Return func.
            JSWebAssemblyCallee* jsEntrypointCallee = module->jsEntrypointCalleeFromFunctionIndexSpace(exp.kindIndex);
            JSWebAssemblyCallee* wasmEntrypointCallee = module->wasmEntrypointCalleeFromFunctionIndexSpace(exp.kindIndex);
            Wasm::SignatureIndex signatureIndex = module->signatureIndexFromFunctionIndexSpace(exp.kindIndex);
            const Wasm::Signature* signature = Wasm::SignatureInformation::get(&vm, signatureIndex);
            WebAssemblyFunction* function = WebAssemblyFunction::create(vm, globalObject, signature->argumentCount(), exp.field.string(), instance, jsEntrypointCallee, wasmEntrypointCallee, signatureIndex);
            exportedValue = function;
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Table: {
            // This should be guaranteed by module verification.
            ASSERT(exp.kindIndex == 0);

            exportedValue = instance->table();
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Memory: {
            ASSERT(exp.kindIndex == 0);

            exportedValue = instance->memory();
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Global: {
            // Assert: the global is immutable by MVP validation constraint.
            const Wasm::Global& global = moduleInformation.globals[exp.kindIndex];
            ASSERT(global.mutability == Wasm::Global::Immutable);
            // Return ToJSValue(v).
            switch (global.type) {
            case Wasm::I32:
                exportedValue = JSValue(instance->loadI32Global(exp.kindIndex));

            case Wasm::F32:
                exportedValue = JSValue(instance->loadF32Global(exp.kindIndex));

            case Wasm::F64:
                exportedValue = JSValue(instance->loadF64Global(exp.kindIndex));


        bool shouldThrowReadOnlyError = false;
        bool ignoreReadOnlyErrors = true;
        bool putResult = false;
        symbolTablePutTouchWatchpointSet(moduleEnvironment, state, exp.field, exportedValue, shouldThrowReadOnlyError, ignoreReadOnlyErrors, putResult);

    bool hasStart = !!moduleInformation.startFunctionIndexSpace;
    if (hasStart) {
        auto startFunctionIndexSpace = moduleInformation.startFunctionIndexSpace.value_or(0);
        Wasm::SignatureIndex signatureIndex = module->signatureIndexFromFunctionIndexSpace(startFunctionIndexSpace);
        const Wasm::Signature* signature = Wasm::SignatureInformation::get(&vm, signatureIndex);
        // The start function must not take any arguments or return anything. This is enforced by the parser.
        ASSERT(signature->returnType() == Wasm::Void);
        if (startFunctionIndexSpace < module->functionImportCount()) {
            JSCell* startFunction = instance->importFunction(startFunctionIndexSpace)->get();
            m_startFunction.set(vm, this, startFunction);
        } else {
            JSWebAssemblyCallee* jsEntrypointCallee = module->jsEntrypointCalleeFromFunctionIndexSpace(startFunctionIndexSpace);
            JSWebAssemblyCallee* wasmEntrypointCallee = module->wasmEntrypointCalleeFromFunctionIndexSpace(startFunctionIndexSpace);
            WebAssemblyFunction* function = WebAssemblyFunction::create(vm, globalObject, signature->argumentCount(), "start", instance, jsEntrypointCallee, wasmEntrypointCallee, signatureIndex);
            m_startFunction.set(vm, this, function);

    m_instance.set(vm, this, instance);
    m_moduleEnvironment.set(vm, this, moduleEnvironment);