Example #1
static BOOL ana_BidirectionalDistributivity(LIST SymbolPairs)
  INPUT:   A list of symbol pairs defining distributivity.
  RETURNS: TRUE, if the list contains two pairs (s1, s2) and (s2, s1)
           FALSE otherwise.
  EFFECT:  This function is used to detect symbols that are distributive
           in both directions, logical OR and AND for example.
  LIST scan, actPair, nextPair;

  for ( ; !list_Empty(SymbolPairs); SymbolPairs = list_Cdr(SymbolPairs)) {
    actPair = list_Car(SymbolPairs);
    /* If actPair = (s1, s2), check whether there's a pair (s2, s1) in list */
    for (scan = list_Cdr(SymbolPairs); !list_Empty(scan); scan = list_Cdr(scan)) {
      nextPair = list_Car(scan);
      if (symbol_Equal((SYMBOL)list_PairFirst(actPair),(SYMBOL)list_PairSecond(nextPair)) &&
	return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
Example #2
void cont_Check(void)
  INPUT:   None.
  RETURNS: None.
  EFFECT:  Frees internal structures of the unify module.
#ifdef CHECK
  if (cont_LASTBINDING || (cont_BINDINGS != 0) ||
		    symbol_GetInitialIndexVarCounter())) {
    misc_ErrorReport("\n In cont_Check: There are variable bindings not reset.\n");
Example #3
void symbol_FPrint(FILE* File, SYMBOL Symbol)
  INPUT:   A file and a symbol.
  RETURNS: None.
  SUMMARY: Prints a symbol to the file. 
#ifdef CHECK
  if (!symbol_IsSymbol(Symbol)) {
    misc_ErrorReport("\n In symbol_FPrint: Illegal input.\n");

  if (symbol_Equal(symbol_Null(),Symbol))
    fputs("NULL", File);
  else if (symbol_IsVariable(Symbol)) {
    SYMBOL NormSymbol;

    NormSymbol = symbol_NormVar(Symbol);

    if (symbol_IsStandardVariable(Symbol)) {
      if (Symbol <= 6)
	/* U, V, W, X, Y, Z */
	sprintf(symbol_VARSTRING,"%c", 'U' + NormSymbol - 1);
	/* X1, X2, X3, ... */
	sprintf(symbol_VARSTRING,"X%d", NormSymbol - 6);
    else if (symbol_IsIndexVariable(Symbol))
      /* I1, I2, I3, ... */
      sprintf(symbol_VARSTRING,"I%d", NormSymbol);

    fputs(symbol_VARSTRING, File);
  else if (symbol_SignatureExists())
    fputs(symbol_Name(Symbol), File);
    fprintf(File, "%d", Symbol);
Example #4
BOOL cont_TermContainsSymbol(CONTEXT Context, TERM Term, SYMBOL Symbol)
  INPUT:   A context, a term and a symbol.
  RETURNS: TRUE, if <Symbol> occurs in <Term> with respect to
           the bindings in <Context>, FALSE otherwise.
  LIST scan;

  Term = cont_Deref(&Context, Term);

  if (symbol_Equal(term_TopSymbol(Term), Symbol))
    return TRUE;
    for (scan = term_ArgumentList(Term); !list_Empty(scan); scan = list_Cdr(scan)) {
      if (cont_TermContainsSymbol(Context, list_Car(scan), Symbol))
	return TRUE;

  return FALSE;
Example #5
static LIST ana_CalculatePredicatePrecedence(LIST Predicates, LIST Clauses)
  INPUT:   A list of predicates and a list of clauses.
  RETURNS: A list of predicate symbols, which should be used
           for setting the symbol precedence. The list is sorted
           in descending order, that means predicates with highest
           precedence come first.
  EFFECT:  Analyze the clause list to build a directed graph G where
           the predicates are vertices. There's an edge (P,Q) in
           G iff a clause exists where P is a negative literal
           and Q is a positive literal and P != Q. Apply DFS to
           find the strongly connected components of this graph.
	   The <Predicates> list is deleted.
  CAUTION: The predicate list must contain ALL predicates
           occurring in the clause list!
  GRAPH  graph;
  LIST   result, scan;
  int    i, j;
  NAT    count;

  /* clause_ListPrint(Clauses); DBG */

  if (list_Empty(Predicates)) {
    return Predicates;

  graph = graph_Create();

  /* First create the nodes: one node for every predicate symbol. */
  for ( ; !list_Empty(Predicates); Predicates = list_Pop(Predicates))
    graph_AddNode(graph, symbol_Index((SYMBOL)list_Car(Predicates)));

  /* Now scan the clause clause list to create the edges */
  /* An edge (P,Q) means P is smaller than Q */
  for (scan = Clauses; !list_Empty(scan); scan = list_Cdr(scan)) {
    CLAUSE c = list_Car(scan);

    for (i = clause_FirstLitIndex(); i < clause_FirstSuccedentLitIndex(c); i++) {
      SYMBOL negPred = term_TopSymbol(clause_GetLiteralAtom(c, i));
      if (!symbol_Equal(negPred, fol_Equality())) { /* negative predicate */
	for (j = clause_FirstSuccedentLitIndex(c); j < clause_Length(c); j++) {
	  SYMBOL posPred = term_TopSymbol(clause_GetLiteralAtom(c, j));
	  if (!symbol_Equal(posPred, fol_Equality()) && /* positive predicate */
	      negPred != posPred) {  /* No self loops! */
	    graph_AddEdge(graph_GetNode(graph, symbol_Index(negPred)),
			  graph_GetNode(graph, symbol_Index(posPred)));

  /* graph_Print(graph); fflush(stdout); DBG */

  /* Calculate the strongly connected components of the graph */
  count = graph_StronglyConnectedComponents(graph);

  /* Now create the precedence list by scanning the nodes.        */
  /* If there's a link between two strongly connected components  */
  /* c1 and c2 then component_num(c1) > component_num(c2), so the */
  /* following code creates a valid precedence list in descending */
  /* order.                                                       */
  result = list_Nil();
  for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    for (scan = graph_Nodes(graph); !list_Empty(scan); scan = list_Cdr(scan)) {
      GRAPHNODE n = list_Car(scan);
      if (graph_NodeCompNum(n) == i) {
	/* The symbol represented by the node <<n> belongs to component <i> */
	s = symbol_GetSigSymbol(graph_NodeNumber(n));
	result = list_Cons((POINTER)s, result);

  /* putchar('\n');
     for (scan = result; !list_Empty(scan); scan = list_Cdr(scan)) {
     s = (SYMBOL) list_Car(scan);
     putchar(' ');
     putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); DBG */


  return result;