Example #1
void RobustMatcher::robustMatch( const cv::Mat& frame, std::vector<cv::DMatch>& good_matches,
              std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints_frame, const cv::Mat& descriptors_model )

  // 1a. Detection of the ORB features
  this->computeKeyPoints(frame, keypoints_frame);

  // 1b. Extraction of the ORB descriptors
  cv::Mat descriptors_frame;
  this->computeDescriptors(frame, keypoints_frame, descriptors_frame);

  // 2. Match the two image descriptors
  std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches12, matches21;

  // 2a. From image 1 to image 2
  matcher_->knnMatch(descriptors_frame, descriptors_model, matches12, 2); // return 2 nearest neighbours

  // 2b. From image 2 to image 1
  matcher_->knnMatch(descriptors_model, descriptors_frame, matches21, 2); // return 2 nearest neighbours

  // 3. Remove matches for which NN ratio is > than threshold
  // clean image 1 -> image 2 matches
  // clean image 2 -> image 1 matches

  // 4. Remove non-symmetrical matches
  symmetryTest(matches12, matches21, good_matches);

void SymmetryNNDRMatcher::match(Mat &descriptors_object, Mat &descriptors_scene, std::vector<DMatch> &good_matches)
  cv::BruteForceMatcher<cv::L2<float> > matcher;	

  // Match all keypoints from the object to the scene
  std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches1;
  matcher.knnMatch(descriptors_object, descriptors_scene,
      matches1, // Vector of matches
      2); // return 2 nearest neighbours

  // Match all keypoints from the scene with the object
  std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches2;
  matcher.knnMatch(descriptors_scene, descriptors_object,
      matches2, // Vector of matches
      2); // return 2 nearest neighbours

  // Check NNDR for both match vectors

  // Remove non-symmetrical matches
  // std::vector<cv::DMatch> symMatches;

// Main method:
cv::Mat RobustMatcher::match(cv::Mat &image1,
                             cv::Mat &image2,
                             std::vector<cv::DMatch> &matches,
                             std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keypoints1,
                             std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keypoints2){

    // 1a. Detection of the SURF features
    // 1b. Extraction of the SURF descriptors
    cv::Mat descriptors1, descriptors2;
    // 2. Match the two image descriptors
    // Construction of the matcher
    //cv::BruteForceMatcher< cv::L2<float> > matcher;
    cv::FlannBasedMatcher matcher;

    // from image 1 to image 2
    // based on k nearest neighbours (with k=2)
    std::vector< std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches1;
                     matches1, // vector of matches (up to 2 per entry)
     // return 2 nearest neighbours
     // from image 2 to image 1
     // based on k nearest neighbours (with k=2)
     std::vector< std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches2;
     matches2, // vector of matches (up to 2 per entry)
     // return 2 nearest neighbours
     // 3. Remove matches for which NN ratio is
     // > than threshold
     // clean image 1 -> image 2 matches
     int removed= ratioTest(matches1);
     // clean image 2 -> image 1 matches
     removed= ratioTest(matches2);
     // 4. Remove non-symmetrical matches
     std::vector<cv::DMatch> symMatches;

     // 5. Validate matches using RANSAC
     cv::Mat fundemental= ransacTest(symMatches,
     keypoints1, keypoints2, matches);
     // return the found fundemental matrix
     return fundemental;
/* Calculation of Homography for feature based
void AlignmentMatrixCalc::featureBasedHomography()
    std::vector<cv::DMatch> matchesPrevToCurrent;
    std::vector<cv::DMatch> matchesCurrentToPrev;
    std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > kmatchesPrevToCurrent;
    std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > kmatchesCurrentToPrev;
    std::vector<cv::DMatch> matchesPassed;

    // Matching Section begin
    if( matchType == normalMatch )
        matcher->match( descriptorsPrev, descriptorsCurrent, matchesPrevToCurrent );
        matcher->match( descriptorsCurrent, descriptorsPrev, matchesCurrentToPrev );
        // Symmetry Test start
        symmetryTest(matchesPrevToCurrent, matchesCurrentToPrev, matchesPassed);

    else if( matchType == knnMatch)
 //       qDebug()<<"Match : "<<keypointsCurrent.size()<<"  "<<keypointsPrev.size()<<"\n";
        matcher->knnMatch(descriptorsPrev, descriptorsCurrent, kmatchesPrevToCurrent,2);
 //       qDebug()<<"Ratio Test 1 :"<<kmatchesPrevToCurrent.size()<<"\n";
 //       qDebug()<<"Ratio Test 1 End :"<<kmatchesPrevToCurrent.size()<<"\n";
        matcher->knnMatch(descriptorsCurrent,descriptorsPrev, kmatchesCurrentToPrev, 2);
 //       qDebug()<<"Ratio Test 2 :"<<kmatchesCurrentToPrev.size()<<"\n";
 //       qDebug()<<"Ratio Test 2 End :"<<kmatchesCurrentToPrev.size()<<"\n";
        // Symmetry Test not working for knn
 //       qDebug()<<"Sym Test  :"<<matchesPassed.size()<<"\n";

    else if( matchType == radiusMatch)
        // there is no documentation
        // matcher->radiusMatch(descriptorsPrev, descriptorsCurrent, kmatchesPrevToCurrent,maxRadius );
        // work but there is no matching back for any maxRadius
        exc.showException("radiusMatch not working Dont use it!" );


    // Matching Section end
    isHomographyCalc = false;


    // Conversition of matched Keypoints to points
    for (int p = 0; p < (int)matchesPassed.size(); ++p)

    // if enough matched points exist
    if(pointsPrev.size() >= 4 && pointsCurrent.size() >= 4)
        // Sub-pixsel Accuracy

        cv::cornerSubPix(prevFrame, pointsPrev, cv::Size(5,5), cv::Size(-1,-1),

        cv::cornerSubPix(currentFrame, pointsCurrent, cv::Size(5,5), cv::Size(-1,-1),

        homography = cv::findHomography(pointsPrev, pointsCurrent, homographyCalcMethod,
         cv::findHomography can return empty matrix in some cases.
         This seems happen only when cv::RANSAC flag is passed.
         check the computed homography before using it
            if(isHomographyValid()) //
                isHomographyCalc = true;


    if(isHomographyCalc == false)
        // if valid homography not calculated returns to a second stage....


// Match feature points using symmetry test and RANSAC
// returns fundemental matrix
bool feature_matcher::match(cv::Mat& image1, cv::Mat& image2, // input images
	                  std::vector<cv::DMatch>& matches, // output matches and keypoints
	                  std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints1, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints2) {

	ros::Time startTime = ros::Time::now();
	cv::Mat matchesMat;
	std::stringstream onScreenText;
	// cleaning..
	int imageMatches;
	imageMatches= imageMatches+0;
	highestComp = 0.;
	cv::createTrackbar("ConfidenceLevel [%] : ", "FEATURE REF", &Trackbar1, 100, NULL);
	cv::createTrackbar("MinDistanceToEpipolar: ", "FEATURE REF", &Trackbar2, 10, NULL);
	cv::createTrackbar("Ratio [%]: ", "FEATURE REF", &Trackbar3, 100, NULL);
	cv::createTrackbar("Min. Matches: ", "FEATURE REF", &Trackbar4, 200, NULL);
	// 1a. Detection of the SURF/SIFT features

	std::cout << keypoints1.size() << " Keypoints extracted from Label" << std::endl;
	info_lastMatch.imageKeys = keypoints1.size();

	// 1b. Extraction of the SURF/SIFT descriptors
	cv::Mat descriptors1, descriptors2;

	//std::cout << "descriptor matrix size: " << descriptors1.rows << " by " << descriptors1.cols << std::endl;

	cv::Mat tmp;

	onScreenText << "Keypoints on Scene-Label: " << keypoints1.size();
	cv::putText(tmp, onScreenText.str(), cv::Point(10, this->allReferences.rows - 50), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.50, cv::Scalar(200, 200, 0), 1, CV_AA);

	std::cout << "Matching with references (ratio test) : " << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl;

	if (descriptors1.rows == 0 || descriptors1.cols == 0) {
		printf("No Keypoints identified from camera. ??Looking at a plain scene??\n");
		return false;

	int featureMatches[2][numOfRefPics];
	int positiveRef;
	float highestMatch;
	std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > bestMatches;
	cv::Mat bestDescriptors;
	std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> bestKeypoints;
	std::stringstream resultText;

	for (uint i = 0; (i < (this->referencePics).size()); i++) {

		// take the right Pic/KP/Desc of the Array and store it in XXX2 <- only for easier handling
		keypoints2 = this->refKeypoints[i];
		descriptors2 = this->refDescriptors[i];
		image2= this->referencePics[i];

		// 2. Match the two image descriptors

		// Construction of the matcher

		//cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> matcher = new cv::DescriptorMatcher::create("BruteForceMatcher");
		//OPEN CV 2.3 style:
		cv::BruteForceMatcher<cv::L2<float> > matcher;

		// from image 1 to image 2
		// based on k nearest neighbours (with k=2)
		std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches1;
		matcher.knnMatch(descriptors1, descriptors2, matches1, // vector of matches (up to 2 per entry)
				2); // return 2 nearest neighbours

		// from image 2 to image 1
		// based on k nearest neighbours (with k=2)
		std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches2;
		matcher.knnMatch(descriptors2, descriptors1, matches2, // vector of matches (up to 2 per entry)
				2); // return 2 nearest neighbours

	                //std::cout << "Number of matched points 1->2: " << matches1.size() << std::endl;
	                //std::cout << "Number of matched points 2->1: " << matches2.size() << std::endl;

		int stableMatches= 0;
		stableMatches = stableMatches+0;

		// 3. Remove matches for which NN ratio is > than threshold
		if (rTest12) {
			// clean image 1 -> image 2 matches
			int removed = ratioTest(matches1);
			printf("%i", (int)(matches1.size() - removed));
			resultText << (int)(matches1.size() - removed);
			onScreenText << "Matches (1->2): " << (matches1.size() - removed);
			cv::putText(tmp, onScreenText.str(), cv::Point(((this->allReferences.cols / this->referencePics.size()) * i + 10),15), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.50, cv::Scalar(200, 200, 0), 1, CV_AA);
			stableMatches = matches1.size() - removed;
			featureMatches[0][i]= matches1.size() - removed;

			if (rTest21) {
				// clean image 2 -> image 1 matches
				removed = ratioTest(matches2);
				printf("/%i\t", (int)(matches2.size() - removed));
				resultText << "/" << (int)(matches2.size() - removed) << "  ";
				onScreenText << "Matches (1<-2): " << (matches2.size() - removed);
				cv::putText(tmp, onScreenText.str(), cv::Point(((this->allReferences.cols / this->referencePics.size()) * i + 10),35), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.50, cv::Scalar(200, 200, 0), 1, CV_AA);
				stableMatches = matches2.size() - removed;
				featureMatches[1][i]= matches2.size() - removed;

				// 4. Remove non-symmetrical matches
				if (symTest) {
					std::vector<cv::DMatch> symMatches;
					symmetryTest(matches1, matches2, symMatches);
					std::cout << "Number of matched points (symmetry test): "
							<< symMatches.size() << std::endl;
					stableMatches = symMatches.size();
					featureMatches[1][i]= symMatches.size();

					// 5. Validate matches using RANSAC
					if (rsacTest) {
						cv::Mat fundemental = ransacTest(symMatches, keypoints1,
								keypoints2, matches);
						stableMatches = matches.size();
						featureMatches[1][i]= symMatches.size();
		// Wenn die Anzahl an Matches beidseitig größer als 15 ist
		if ((featureMatches[0][i] > minimumMatches) && (featureMatches[1][i] > minimumMatches)) {

			if (((featureMatches[1][i]) + (featureMatches[0][i])) > highestMatch) {
				highestMatch= ((featureMatches[1][i]) + (featureMatches[0][i]));
				positiveRef= i;
				bestMatches= matches2;
				info_lastMatch.positiveMatches1 = featureMatches[0][i];
				info_lastMatch.positiveMatches2 = featureMatches[1][i];
	std::cout << std::endl;

	// Now look for highest positive Match!
	// TODO: die refPic links und rechts von RefPic[highestMatch] auf Matches überprüfen -> sollten auch Matches haben!!
	highestComp= highestMatch;

	if (positiveRef > -1) {
		std::cout << "The Object was found. Reference picture number " << positiveRef+1 << " gave the best results." << std::endl;

		if (this->showWindows) {
			cv::drawMatches(image1, keypoints1, // 1st image and its keypoints
					this->referencePics[positiveRef], bestKeypoints, // 2nd image and its keypoints
					bestMatches, // the matches
					matchesMat, // the image produced
					cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0)); // color of the lines
			onScreenText << "Ref1   Ref2   Ref3   Ref4   Ref5   Ref6   Ref7   Ref8";
			cv::putText(matchesMat, onScreenText.str(), cv::Point(image1.cols/2 - 200, image1.rows/2 +30), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(10, 10, 255), 1, CV_AA);
			cv::putText(matchesMat, resultText.str(), cv::Point(image1.cols/2 - 200, image1.rows/2 + 50), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(10, 10, 255), 1, CV_AA);
			cv::namedWindow("Features", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
			cv::imshow("Features", matchesMat);
		info_lastMatch.processingTime = (ros::Time::now().nsec - startTime.nsec)/1000000;
		return true;
	// "else"
	if (this->showWindows && (keypoints1.size() > 0)) {
		onScreenText << "This is not the wanted object!";
		cv::putText(matchesMat, onScreenText.str(), cv::Point(image1.cols/2 - 200, image1.rows/2), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, cv::Scalar(10, 10, 200), 2, CV_AA);
		onScreenText << "Ref1  Ref2  Ref3  Ref4  Ref5  Ref6  Ref7  Ref8";
		cv::putText(matchesMat, onScreenText.str(), cv::Point(image1.cols/2 - 200, image1.rows/2 +30), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(10, 10, 200), 1, CV_AA);
		cv::putText(matchesMat, resultText.str(), cv::Point(image1.cols/2 - 200, image1.rows/2 + 50), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(10, 10, 200), 1, CV_AA);
		cv::namedWindow("Features", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
		cv::imshow("Features", matchesMat);
	info_lastMatch.processingTime = (ros::Time::now().nsec - startTime.nsec)/1000000;
	return false;
 // The knn matching with k = 2
 // This code performs the matching and the refinement.
 // @paraam query_image: the input image
 // @param matches_out: a pointer that stores the output matches. It is necessary for
 //                     pose estimation.
int knn_match(cv::Mat& query_image,  std::vector< cv::DMatch> * matches_out)
    // variabels that keep the query keypoints and query descriptors
    std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>           keypointsQuery;
    cv::Mat                             descriptorQuery;
    // Temporary variables for the matching results
    std::vector< std::vector< cv::DMatch> > matches1;
    std::vector< std::vector< cv::DMatch> > matches2;
    std::vector< std::vector< cv::DMatch> > matches_opt1;
    // 1. Detect the keypoints
    // This line detects keypoints in the query image
    _detector->detect(query_image, keypointsQuery);
    // If keypoints were found, descriptors are extracted.
    if(keypointsQuery.size() > 0)
        // extract descriptors
        _extractor->compute( query_image, keypointsQuery, descriptorQuery);
    // 2. Here we match the descriptors with the database descriptors.
    // with k-nearest neighbors with k=2
    _matcher.knnMatch(descriptorQuery , matches1, 2);
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    std::cout << "Found " << matches1.size() << " matching feature descriptors out of " << _matcher.getTrainDescriptors().size() << " database descriptors."  << std::endl;
    // 3 Filter the matches.
    // Accept only matches (knn with k=2) which belong ot one images
    // The database tree within _matcher contains descriptors of all input images.
    // We expect that both nearest neighbors must belong to one image.
    // Otherwise we can remove the result.
    // Along with this, we count which reference image has the highest number of matches.
    // At this time, we consinder this image as the searched image.
    // we init the variable hit with 0
    std::vector<int> hits(_num_ref_images);
    for (int i=0; i<_num_ref_images; i++)
        hits[i] = 0;
    // the loop runs through all matches and comparees the image indes
    // imgIdx. The must be equal otherwise the matches belong to two
    // different reference images.
    for (int i=0; i<matches1.size(); i++)
        // The comparison.
        if(matches1[i].at(0).imgIdx == matches1[i].at(1).imgIdx)
            // we keep it
            // and count a hit
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    std::cout << "Optimized " << matches_opt1.size() << " feature descriptors." << std::endl;
    // Now we search for the highest number of hits in our hit array
    // The variable max_idx keeps the image id.
    // The variable max_value the amount of hits.
    int max_idx = -1;
    int max_value = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<_num_ref_images; i++)
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
        std::cout << "for " << i << " : " << hits[i] << std::endl;
        if(hits[i]  > max_value)
            max_value = hits[i];
            max_idx = i;
    // 4. The cross-match
    // At this time, we test the database agains the query descriptors.
    // The variable max_id stores the reference image id. Thus, we test only
    // the descriptors that belong to max_idx agains the query descriptors.
    _matcher.knnMatch(_descriptorsRefDB[max_idx], descriptorQuery, matches2, 2);
    // 5. Refinement; Ratio test
    // The ratio test only accept matches which are clear without ambiguity.
    // The best hit must be closer to the query descriptors than the second hit.
    int removed = ratioTest(matches_opt1);
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    std::cout << "Removed " << removed << " matched."  << std::endl;
    removed = ratioTest(matches2);
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    std::cout << "Removed " << removed << " matched."  << std::endl;
    // 6. Refinement; Symmetry test
    // We only accept matches which appear in both knn-matches.
    // It should not matter whether we test the database against the query desriptors
    // or the query descriptors against the database.
    // If we do not find the same solution in both directions, we toss the match.
    std::vector<cv::DMatch> symMatches;
    symmetryTest(  matches_opt1, matches2, symMatches);
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    std::cout << "Kept " << symMatches.size() << " matches after symetry test test."  << std::endl;
    // 7. Refinement; Epipolar constraint
    // We perform a Epipolar test using the RANSAC method.
    if(symMatches.size() > 25)
        ransacTest( symMatches,  _keypointsRefDB[max_idx], keypointsQuery, *matches_out);
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    std::cout << "Kept " << matches_out->size() << " matches after RANSAC test."  << std::endl;
    // 8.  Draw this image on screen.
    cv::Mat out;
    cv::drawMatches(feature_map_database[max_idx]._ref_image , _keypointsRefDB[max_idx], query_image, keypointsQuery, *matches_out, out, cv::Scalar(255,255,255), cv::Scalar(0,0,255));
    std::string num_matches_str;
    std::strstream conv;
    conv << matches_out->size();
    conv >> num_matches_str;
    std::string text;
    text.append( num_matches_str);
    text.append("( " + _num_ref_features_in_db_str + " total)");
    text.append(" matches were found in reference image ");
    text.append( feature_map_database[max_idx]._ref_image_str);
    putText(out, text, cvPoint(20,20),
            cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1.0, cvScalar(0,255,255), 1, CV_AA);
    cv::imshow("result", out);
    if (run_video) cv::waitKey(1);
    else cv::waitKey();
    // Delete the images
    return max_idx;
 // This applies a brute force match without a trained datastructure.
 // It also calculates the two nearest neigbors.
 // @paraam query_image: the input image
 // @param matches_out: a pointer that stores the output matches. It is necessary for
 //                     pose estimation.
int brute_force_match(cv::Mat& query_image,  std::vector< cv::DMatch> * matches_out)
    // variabels that keep the query keypoints and query descriptors
    std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>           keypointsQuery;
    cv::Mat                             descriptorQuery;
    // Temporary variables for the matching results
    std::vector< std::vector< cv::DMatch> > matches1;
    std::vector< std::vector< cv::DMatch> > matches2;
    std::vector< std::vector< cv::DMatch> > matches_opt1;
    // 1. Detect the keypoints
    // This line detects keypoints in the query image
    _detector->detect(query_image, keypointsQuery);
    // If keypoints were found, descriptors are extracted.
    if(keypointsQuery.size() > 0)
        // extract descriptors
        _extractor->compute( query_image, keypointsQuery, descriptorQuery);
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    std::cout << "Found " << descriptorQuery.size() << " feature descriptors in the image."  << std::endl;
    // 2. Here we match the descriptors with all descriptors in the database
    // with k-nearest neighbors with k=2
    int max_removed = INT_MAX;
    int max_id = -1;
    for(int i=0; i<_descriptorsRefDB.size(); i++)
        std::vector< std::vector< cv::DMatch> > matches_temp1;
        // Here we match all query descriptors agains all db descriptors and try to find
        // matching descriptors
        _brute_force_matcher.knnMatch( descriptorQuery, _descriptorsRefDB[i],  matches_temp1, 2);
        // 3. Refinement; Ratio test
        // The ratio test only accept matches which are clear without ambiguity.
        // The best hit must be closer to the query descriptors than the second hit.
        int removed = ratioTest(matches_temp1);
        // We only accept the match with the highest number of hits / the vector with the minimum revmoved features
        int num_matches = matches_temp1.size();
        if(removed < max_removed)
            max_removed = removed;
            max_id = i;
            matches1 = matches_temp1;
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    std::cout << "Feature map number " << max_id << " has the highest hit with "<< matches1.size() -  max_removed << " descriptors." << std::endl;
    std::vector< std::vector< cv::DMatch> > matches_temp2;
    // Here we match all query descriptors agains all db descriptors and try to find
    // matching descriptors
    _brute_force_matcher.knnMatch(_descriptorsRefDB[max_id],  descriptorQuery,  matches_temp2, 2);
    // The ratio test only accept matches which are clear without ambiguity.
    // The best hit must be closer to the query descriptors than the second hit.
    int removed = ratioTest(matches_temp2);
    // 6. Refinement; Symmetry test
    // We only accept matches which appear in both knn-matches.
    // It should not matter whether we test the database against the query desriptors
    // or the query descriptors against the database.
    // If we do not find the same solution in both directions, we toss the match.
    std::vector<cv::DMatch> symMatches;
    symmetryTest(  matches1, matches_temp2, symMatches);
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    std::cout << "Kept " << symMatches.size() << " matches after symetry test test."  << std::endl;
    // 7. Refinement; Epipolar constraint
    // We perform a Epipolar test using the RANSAC method.
    if(symMatches.size() > 25)
        ransacTest( symMatches,  _keypointsRefDB[max_id], keypointsQuery, *matches_out);
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    std::cout << "Kept " << matches_out->size() << " matches after RANSAC test."  << std::endl;
    // 8.  Draw this image on screen.
    cv::Mat out;
    cv::drawMatches(feature_map_database[max_id]._ref_image , _keypointsRefDB[max_id], query_image, keypointsQuery, *matches_out, out, cv::Scalar(255,255,255), cv::Scalar(0,0,255));
    std::string num_matches_str;
    std::strstream conv;
    conv << matches_out->size();
    conv >> num_matches_str;
    std::string text;
    text.append( num_matches_str);
    text.append("( " + _num_ref_features_in_db_str + " total)");
    text.append(" matches were found in reference image ");
    text.append( feature_map_database[max_id]._ref_image_str);
    putText(out, text, cvPoint(20,20),
            cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1.0, cvScalar(0,255,255), 1, CV_AA);
    cv::imshow("result", out);
    if (run_video) cv::waitKey(1);
    else cv::waitKey();
    // Delete the images
    return max_id;
// Match feature points using symmetry test and RANSAC
// returns fundemental matrix
cv::Mat RobustMatcher::match(cv::Mat &image1,
		cv::Mat& image2, // input image
		// output matches and keypoints
		std::vector<cv::DMatch> &matches, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keypoints1,
		std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keypoints2) {

	// 1a. Detection of the SURF features
	helper->detectKeypoints(image1, keypoints1);
	helper->detectKeypoints(image2, keypoints2);

	// 1b. Extraction of the SURF descriptors
	cv::Mat descriptors1, descriptors2;
	extractor->compute(image1, keypoints1, descriptors1);
	extractor->compute(image2, keypoints2, descriptors2);

	//cout << "RobustMatcher: Keypoints 1: " << keypoints1.size() << endl;
	//cout << "RobustMatcher: Keypoints 2: " << keypoints2.size() << endl;

	// 2. Match the two image descriptors
	// Construction of the matcher
	cv::BruteForceMatcher<cv::L2<float> > matcher;

	// from image 1 to image 2
	// based on k neares neighbours (with k=2)
	std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches1;
	matcher.knnMatch(descriptors1, descriptors2, matches1, // vector of matches (up to 2 per entry)
			2); // returns 2 nearest neighbours

	// from image 2 to image 1
	// based on k nearest neighbours (with k=2)
	std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches2;
	matcher.knnMatch(descriptors2, descriptors1, matches2, // vector of matches (up to 2 per entry)
			2); // return 2 nearest neighbours

	//cout << "Matchtes in Bild 2: " << matches1.size() << endl;
	// 3. Remove matches for which NN ratio is > than threshold
	// clean image 1 -> image 2 matches
	int removed = ratioTest(matches1);

	//cout << "Ratio; Entfernte Matches Bild 2: " << removed << endl;

	//cout << "Matchtes in Bild 1: " << matches2.size() << endl;
	// clean image 2 -> image 1 matches
	removed = ratioTest(matches2);

	//cout << "Ratio; Entfernte Matches Bild 1: " << removed << endl;

	// 4. Remove non-symmetrical matches
	std::vector<cv::DMatch> symMatches;
	symmetryTest(matches1, matches2, symMatches);

	//cout << "Symmetrische Matches: " << symMatches.size() << endl;

	matches = symMatches;
	// 5. Validate matches using RANSAC
	cv::Mat fundemental = ransacTest(symMatches, keypoints1, keypoints2,

	// return the found fundemental matrix
	//cv::Mat fundemental;
	return fundemental;
// Match feature points using symmetry test and RANSAC
// Returns number of matched points
cv::Mat RobustMatcher::match(cv::Mat& image1, cv::Mat& image2, // input images
    std::vector<cv::DMatch>& matches, // output matches and keypoints
	std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints1, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints2) {

    // 1a. Detection of the SURF features

    //std::cout << "Number of SURF points (1): " << keypoints1.size() << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "Number of SURF points (2): " << keypoints2.size() << std::endl;

    // 1b. Extraction of the SURF descriptors
    cv::Mat descriptors1, descriptors2;

	if(keypoints1.empty() || keypoints2.empty()) return cv::Mat();

    //std::cout << "descriptor matrix size: " << descriptors1.rows << " by " << descriptors1.cols << std::endl;

    // 2. Match the two image descriptors

    // Construction of the matcher

    cv::BruteForceMatcher<cv::L2<float> > matcher;

    // from image 1 to image 2
    // based on k nearest neighbours (with k=2)
    std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches1;
      matches1, // vector of matches (up to 2 per entry)
      2);		  // return 2 nearest neighbours

    // from image 2 to image 1
    // based on k nearest neighbours (with k=2)
    std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches2;
      matches2, // vector of matches (up to 2 per entry)
      2);		  // return 2 nearest neighbours

    //std::cout << "Number of matched points 1->2: " << matches1.size() << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "Number of matched points 2->1: " << matches2.size() << std::endl;

    // 3. Remove matches for which NN ratio is > than threshold

    // clean image 1 -> image 2 matches
    //int removed = ratioTest(matches1);
    //std::cout << "Number of matched points 1->2 (ratio test) : " << matches1.size()-removed << std::endl;
    // clean image 2 -> image 1 matches
    //removed = ratioTest(matches2);
    //std::cout << "Number of matched points 1->2 (ratio test) : " << matches2.size()-removed << std::endl;

    // 4. Remove non-symmetrical matches
    std::vector<cv::DMatch> symMatches;

    //std::cout << "Number of matched points (symmetry test): " << symMatches.size() << std::endl;

	// 5. Validate matches using RANSAC
	cv::Mat fundamental = ransacTest(symMatches,
				keypoints1, keypoints2, matches);
	// return the found fundemental matrix
	return fundamental;