Example #1
Locator_Repository::link_peers (Server_Info_Ptr base,
                                const CORBA::StringSeq p)
  sync_load ();
  CORBA::ULong len = base->peers.length();
  base->peers.length (len + p.length());
  for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < p.length(); i++)
      base->peers[len + i] =  p[i];
      Server_Info *si;
      ACE_CString peer(p[i]);
      ACE_NEW_RETURN (si,
                      Server_Info (base->server_id, peer, base->is_jacorb, base),
      Server_Info_Ptr sip(si);
      servers ().bind (si->key_name_, sip);
      this->persistent_update (sip, true);

  this->persistent_update (base, true);

  return 0;

void _bitmap_bounds_check(bitmap_t *b, uint32_t page, uint32_t word) {
  assert(word < _bitmap_num_words);

  // check if the page has been allocated or not
  for (;;) {
    _bitmap_page_t p = sync_load(&b[page].page, SYNC_ACQUIRE);
    if (!p) {
      void *newp = NULL;
      int e = posix_memalign((void**)&newp, HPX_CACHELINE_SIZE,
                             _bitmap_num_words * sizeof(_bitmap_word_t));
      if (e) {
        dbg_error("failed to allocate a page for %u words\n",
      memset(newp, 0, _bitmap_num_words * sizeof(_bitmap_word_t));

      if (!sync_cas(&b[page].page, &p, newp, SYNC_RELEASE, SYNC_RELAXED)) {
        // try again..
      } else {
        // move on to the previous page
Example #3
Locator_Repository::remove_activator (const ACE_CString& name)
  int err = sync_load ();
  if (err != 0)
      return err;

  int ret = activators().unbind (lcase(name));
  if (ret != 0)
      return ret;

  Locator_Repository::SIMap::ENTRY* sientry = 0;
  Locator_Repository::SIMap::ITERATOR siit (servers ());
  for (; siit.next (sientry); siit.advance() )
    Server_Info *info = sientry->int_id_->active_info ();

    if (info->death_notify && info->activator == name)
        info->death_notify = false;

  return persistent_remove(name, true);
Example #4
Locator_Repository::get_active_server (const ACE_CString& name, int pid)
  sync_load ();
  ACE_CString key;
  Server_Info_Ptr si;
  if (name.length() == 0)
      return si;
  Server_Info::fqname_to_key (name.c_str(), key);
  servers ().find (key, si);
  if (si.null())
      if (this->opts_.debug() > 5)
                          ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) get_active_server could not find %C\n"),
      si = find_by_poa (key);
      if (si.null())
          if (name.find ("JACORB:") == ACE_CString::npos)
              ACE_CString jo_key ("JACORB:");
              ACE_CString::size_type pos = name.find (':');
              if (pos == ACE_CString::npos)
                  jo_key += name;
                  jo_key += name.substring (0, pos);
                  jo_key += '/';
                  jo_key += name.substring (pos+1);
              return this->get_active_server (jo_key, pid);
              return si;

  if (pid != 0 && si->pid != 0 && si->pid != pid)
      if (this->opts_.debug() > 5)
                          ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) get_active_server could not")
                          ACE_TEXT (" find %C, %d != %d\n"),
                          name.c_str(), pid, si->pid));
      si.reset ();
  return si;
Example #5
Locator_Repository::get_activator (const ACE_CString& name)
  sync_load ();

  Activator_Info_Ptr activator (0);
  activators ().find (lcase (name), activator);
  return activator;
Example #6
Locator_Repository::get_info (const ACE_CString& name)
  sync_load ();

  Server_Info_Ptr si;
  servers ().find (name, si);
  return si;
void cr_bitmap_delete(bitmap_t *b) {
  // delete all pages
  for (int i = 0; i < _bitmap_num_pages; ++i) {
    _bitmap_page_t p = sync_load(&b[i].page, SYNC_ACQUIRE);
    if (p) {
// set a bit at index i and then test if the bit at the 0th
// position (page 0 word 0) is set
uint64_t cr_bitmap_add_and_test(bitmap_t *b, int64_t i) {
  if (!i) {
    return 0;
  uint32_t page      = (i-1)/_bitmap_num_pages;
  uint32_t pg_offset = (i-1)%_bitmap_page_size;
  uint32_t word      = pg_offset/_bitmap_word_size;

  int word_offset = (_bitmap_word_size-1) - (pg_offset%_bitmap_word_size);
  _bitmap_add_at(b, page, word, word_offset);
  return (uint64_t)sync_load(&b[0].page[0], SYNC_ACQUIRE);
Example #9
static int _test_action_handler(void) {
  char local;

  // Everyone joins the barrier once.
  if (sync_barrier_join(barrier, HPX_THREAD_ID)) {
    // I win the race.
    printf("thread %d running action on stack %p\n", HPX_THREAD_ID, &local);

    // This will push the task onto my queue, then I have to induce myself to
    // transfer to it---everyone else is blocked, so all I have to do is call
    // yield, which should do the transfer on the same stack, and make this
    // thread available to whoever wakes up.
    // Note that the _test_task task actually releases the lock here, this
    // prevents anyone from stealing the parent thread (or getting it from the
    // yield queue) until I have already transferred to the child.
    // We send our continuation along so that the test doesn't terminate early.
    hpx_addr_t and = hpx_thread_current_cont_target();
    int e = hpx_call(HPX_HERE, _test_task, and);
    assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);
    printf("action stolen by %d\n", HPX_THREAD_ID);

    // Now, this thread should have been "stolen" or taken from the yield queue
    // or whatnot. We expect that we're running concurrent with, and on the same
    // stack, as the _test_task. Verify that we're on the same stack.
    ptrdiff_t d = &local - task_sp;

    if (0 < d && d < 1000) {
      // We're on the same stack---for this to be safe, the _test_task MUST have
      // already run, which implies that the value for n must be 1.
      int v = sync_load(&n, SYNC_ACQUIRE);
      printf("stack difference is %td, value is %d\n", d, v);
      assert(v == 1 && "work-first task test failed\n");
    else {
      printf("test indeterminate, task spawned with new stack, d=%td\n", d);

    printf("work-first task test success\n");
  else {
    // I lost the race, wait for the entire thing to be set up before
    // returning and becoming a "stealer".
    sync_barrier_join(barrier, HPX_THREAD_ID);
  printf("finishing %d\n", HPX_THREAD_ID);
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
Example #10
Locator_Repository::remove_server (const ACE_CString& name)
  int err = sync_load ();
  if (err != 0)
      return err;
  Server_Info_Ptr si;
  this->servers().find (name, si);
  int ret = this->servers().unbind (name);
  if (ret != 0)
      return ret;

  if (!si->alt_info_.null ())
      // name is a peer to another an must be removed from other list
      bool found = false;
      for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < si->alt_info_->peers.length(); i++)
          if (!found && si->poa_name == si->alt_info_->peers[i])
              found = true;
          if (found)
              si->alt_info_->peers[i-1] = si->alt_info_->peers[i];
      si->alt_info_->peers.length (si->alt_info_->peers.length() - 1);
  else if (si->peers.length () > 0)
      for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < si->peers.length(); i++)
          ACE_CString key;
          ACE_CString peer (si->peers[i]);
          Server_Info::gen_key (si->server_id, peer, key);

          this->servers ().unbind (key);
          this->persistent_remove (key, false);
  return persistent_remove (name, false);
Example #11
static int _proc_return_credit_handler(_process_t *p, uint64_t *args, size_t size) {
  // add credit to the credit-accounting bitmap
  uint64_t debt = cr_bitmap_add_and_test(p->debt, *args);
  for (;;) {
    uint64_t credit = sync_load(&p->credit, SYNC_ACQUIRE);
    if ((credit != 0) && ~(debt | ((UINT64_C(1) << (64-credit)) - 1)) == 0) {
      // log("detected quiescence...\n");
      if (!sync_cas(&p->credit, &credit, -credit, SYNC_RELEASE, SYNC_RELAXED)) {
      hpx_lco_set(p->termination, 0, NULL, HPX_NULL, HPX_NULL);
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
Example #12
Locator_Repository::add_server_i (Server_Info *si)
  Server_Info_Ptr info(si);

  int err = sync_load ();
  if (err != 0)
      return err;
  err = servers ().bind (si->key_name_, info);
  if (err != 0)
      return err;

  this->persistent_update(info, true);
  return 0;
Example #13
Locator_Repository::add_activator (const ACE_CString& name,
                        const CORBA::Long token,
                        const ACE_CString& ior,
                        ImplementationRepository::Activator_ptr act)
  int err = sync_load ();
  if (err != 0)
      return err;

  Activator_Info_Ptr info (new Activator_Info (name, token, ior, act));

  err = activators ().bind (lcase (name), info);
  if (err != 0)
      return err;
  this->persistent_update(info, true);
  return 0;
int scheduler_is_stopped(struct scheduler *sched) {
    int stopped = sync_load(&sched->stopped, SYNC_ACQUIRE);
    return (stopped != SCHED_RUN);