int main(int argc, char **argv) { int res; char *p; if ((p = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == NULL) p = argv[0]; else p++; if (strcmp(p, "[") == 0) { if (strcmp(argv[--argc], "]") != 0) error("missing ]"); argv[argc] = NULL; } /* no expression => false */ if (--argc <= 0) return 1; #ifndef SHELL (void)setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); #endif nargc = argc; t_wp = &argv[1]; parenlevel = 0; if (nargc == 4 && strcmp(*t_wp, "!") == 0) { /* Things like ! "" -o x do not fit in the normal grammar. */ --nargc; ++t_wp; res = oexpr(t_lex(*t_wp)); } else res = !oexpr(t_lex(*t_wp)); if (--nargc > 0) syntax(*t_wp, "unexpected operator"); return res; }
int testcmd(int argc, char **argv) { int res; if (strcmp(argv[0], "[") == 0) { if (strcmp(argv[--argc], "]")) error("missing ]"); argv[argc] = NULL; } if (argc < 2) return 1; t_wp = &argv[1]; res = !oexpr(t_lex(*t_wp)); if (*t_wp != NULL && *++t_wp != NULL) syntax(*t_wp, "unexpected operator"); return res; }
EPNODE * getE2(void) /* E2 -> E2 MULOP E3 */ /* E3 */ { EPNODE *ep1, *ep2; ep1 = getE3(); while (nextc == '*' || nextc == '/') { ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = nextc; scan(); addekid(ep2, ep1); addekid(ep2, getE3()); if (esupport&E_RCONST) { EPNODE *ep3 = ep1->sibling; if (ep1->type == NUM && ep3->type == NUM) { ep2 = rconst(ep2); } else if (ep3->type == NUM) { if (ep2->type == '/') { if (ep3->v.num == 0) syntax("divide by zero constant"); ep2->type = '*'; /* for speed */ ep3->v.num = 1./ep3->v.num; } else if (ep3->v.num == 0) { ep1->sibling = NULL; /* (E2 * 0) */ epfree(ep2); ep2 = ep3; } } else if (ep1->type == NUM && ep1->v.num == 0) { epfree(ep3); /* (0 * E3) or (0 / E3) */ ep1->sibling = NULL; efree((char *)ep2); ep2 = ep1; } } ep1 = ep2; } return(ep1); }
MStatus tm_polyExtract::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess; clearResult(); MArgDatabase argData( syntax(), args); // if(argData.isFlagSet( extractFaces_Flag)) { MSelectionList selectionList; argData.getObjects( selectionList); MStringArray node_names; bool result = extractFaces_Func( selectionList, node_names); if(!result) { MGlobal::displayError("tm_polyExtract: extractFaces function call failed."); return MStatus::kFailure; } setResult( node_names); return stat; } }
MStatus userMessage::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus status = MS::kSuccess; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args); if (argData.isFlagSet(deregisterFlag)) { MString event; argData.getFlagArgument(deregisterFlag, 0, event); status = MUserEventMessage::deregisterUserEvent(event); } else if (argData.isFlagSet(registerFlag)) { // Register the new event and add two fixed callbacks to it. MString event; argData.getFlagArgument(registerFlag, 0, event); if (!MUserEventMessage::isUserEvent(event)) { status = MUserEventMessage::registerUserEvent(event); if (status == MS::kSuccess) { MUserEventMessage::addUserEventCallback(event,userCallback1,(void*) &stringClientData,&status); MUserEventMessage::addUserEventCallback(event,userCallback2,(void*) &stringClientData,&status); } } } else if (argData.isFlagSet(postFlag)) { MString event; argData.getFlagArgument(postFlag, 0, event); status = MUserEventMessage::postUserEvent(event); } else if (argData.isFlagSet(testFlag)) { runTests(); } return status; }
CFX_ByteString CPDF_DefaultAppearance::GetColorString( PaintOperation nOperation) { CFX_ByteString csColor; if (m_csDA.IsEmpty()) return csColor; CPDF_SimpleParser syntax(m_csDA.AsStringC()); if (syntax.FindTagParamFromStart( (nOperation == PaintOperation::STROKE ? "G" : "g"), 1)) { csColor += syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += syntax.GetWord(); return csColor; } if (syntax.FindTagParamFromStart( (nOperation == PaintOperation::STROKE ? "RG" : "rg"), 3)) { csColor += syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += syntax.GetWord(); return csColor; } if (syntax.FindTagParamFromStart( (nOperation == PaintOperation::STROKE ? "K" : "k"), 4)) { csColor += syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += syntax.GetWord(); } return csColor; }
void CPDF_DefaultAppearance::GetColor(FX_ARGB& color, int& iColorType, PaintOperation nOperation) { color = 0; iColorType = COLORTYPE_TRANSPARENT; if (m_csDA.IsEmpty()) return; CPDF_SimpleParser syntax(m_csDA.AsStringC()); if (syntax.FindTagParamFromStart( (nOperation == PaintOperation::STROKE ? "G" : "g"), 1)) { iColorType = COLORTYPE_GRAY; FX_FLOAT g = FX_atof(syntax.GetWord()) * 255 + 0.5f; color = ArgbEncode(255, (int)g, (int)g, (int)g); return; } if (syntax.FindTagParamFromStart( (nOperation == PaintOperation::STROKE ? "RG" : "rg"), 3)) { iColorType = COLORTYPE_RGB; FX_FLOAT r = FX_atof(syntax.GetWord()) * 255 + 0.5f; FX_FLOAT g = FX_atof(syntax.GetWord()) * 255 + 0.5f; FX_FLOAT b = FX_atof(syntax.GetWord()) * 255 + 0.5f; color = ArgbEncode(255, (int)r, (int)g, (int)b); return; } if (syntax.FindTagParamFromStart( (nOperation == PaintOperation::STROKE ? "K" : "k"), 4)) { iColorType = COLORTYPE_CMYK; FX_FLOAT c = FX_atof(syntax.GetWord()); FX_FLOAT m = FX_atof(syntax.GetWord()); FX_FLOAT y = FX_atof(syntax.GetWord()); FX_FLOAT k = FX_atof(syntax.GetWord()); FX_FLOAT r = 1.0f - std::min(1.0f, c + k); FX_FLOAT g = 1.0f - std::min(1.0f, m + k); FX_FLOAT b = 1.0f - std::min(1.0f, y + k); color = ArgbEncode(255, (int)(r * 255 + 0.5f), (int)(g * 255 + 0.5f), (int)(b * 255 + 0.5f)); } }
FX_DWORD CPDF_StreamContentParser::Parse(const uint8_t* pData, FX_DWORD dwSize, FX_DWORD max_cost) { if (m_Level > _FPDF_MAX_FORM_LEVEL_) { return dwSize; } FX_DWORD InitObjCount = m_pObjectList->CountObjects(); CPDF_StreamParser syntax(pData, dwSize); CPDF_StreamParserAutoClearer auto_clearer(&m_pSyntax, &syntax); m_CompatCount = 0; while (1) { FX_DWORD cost = m_pObjectList->CountObjects() - InitObjCount; if (max_cost && cost >= max_cost) { break; } switch (syntax.ParseNextElement()) { case CPDF_StreamParser::EndOfData: return m_pSyntax->GetPos(); case CPDF_StreamParser::Keyword: if(!OnOperator((char*)syntax.GetWordBuf()) && _PDF_HasInvalidOpChar((char*)syntax.GetWordBuf())) { m_bAbort = TRUE; } if (m_bAbort) { return m_pSyntax->GetPos(); } ClearAllParams(); break; case CPDF_StreamParser::Number: AddNumberParam((char*)syntax.GetWordBuf(), syntax.GetWordSize()); break; case CPDF_StreamParser::Name: AddNameParam((const FX_CHAR*)syntax.GetWordBuf() + 1, syntax.GetWordSize() - 1); break; default: AddObjectParam(syntax.GetObject()); } } return m_pSyntax->GetPos(); }
CFX_ByteString CPDF_DefaultAppearance::GetColorString( FX_BOOL bStrokingOperation) { CFX_ByteString csColor; if (m_csDA.IsEmpty()) { return csColor; } CPDF_SimpleParser syntax(m_csDA); if (syntax.FindTagParam(bStrokingOperation ? "G" : "g", 1)) { csColor += (CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += (CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord(); return csColor; } syntax.SetPos(0); if (syntax.FindTagParam(bStrokingOperation ? "RG" : "rg", 3)) { csColor += (CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += (CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += (CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += (CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord(); return csColor; } syntax.SetPos(0); if (syntax.FindTagParam(bStrokingOperation ? "K" : "k", 4)) { csColor += (CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += (CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += (CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += (CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord(); csColor += " "; csColor += (CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord(); } return csColor; }
void func_reply_mail(USER_DATA *usr, char *argument) { MAIL_DATA *pMail; char buf[STRING]; BUFFER *buffer; int vnum = 1; int anum = 0; if (argument[0] == '\0' || !is_number(argument)) { syntax("[#Wr#x]eply <mail number>", usr); return; } anum = atoi(argument); buffer = new_buf(); for (pMail = usr->pMailFirst; pMail; pMail = pMail->next) { if (pMail && (vnum++ == anum)) break; } mail_attach(usr); if (usr->pCurrentMail->to) free_string(usr->pCurrentMail->to); usr->pCurrentMail->to = str_dup(pMail->from); if (usr->pCurrentMail->subject) free_string(usr->pCurrentMail->subject); if (pMail->subject[0] == 'R' && pMail->subject[1] == 'e' && pMail->subject[2] == ':' && pMail->subject[3] == ' ') usr->pCurrentMail->subject = str_dup(pMail->subject); else { sprintf(buf, "Re: %s", pMail->subject); usr->pCurrentMail->subject = str_dup(buf); } print_to_user(usr, "To: %s\n\rSubject: %s\n\r", usr->pCurrentMail->to, usr->pCurrentMail->subject); EDIT_MODE(usr) = EDITOR_MAIL_WRITE; string_edit(usr, &usr->pCurrentMail->message); }
MStatus nodeCreatedCB::doIt( const MArgList& args ) // // Description: // implements the MEL nodeCreatedCB command. // { MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess; MArgDatabase argData( syntax(), args ); // Parse command flags. // if ( argData.isFlagSet( kRegisterFlag ) ) { // Register a new procedure. // MString proc; argData.getFlagArgument( kRegisterFlag, 0, proc ); stat = registerMelProc( proc, argData.isFlagSet( kFullDagPathFlag ) ); } else if ( argData.isFlagSet( kUnregisterFlag ) ) { // Unregister a procedure. // MString proc; argData.getFlagArgument( kUnregisterFlag, 0, proc ); stat = unregisterMelProc( proc ); } else if ( argData.isFlagSet( kFilterFlag ) ) { // Change the filter being applied. // MString filter; argData.getFlagArgument( kFilterFlag, 0, filter ); stat = changeFilter( filter ); } if ( stat.error() ) { MGlobal::displayError( stat.errorString() ); } return stat; }
void CPDF_DefaultAppearance::GetColor(FX_ARGB& color, int& iColorType, FX_BOOL bStrokingOperation) { color = 0; iColorType = COLORTYPE_TRANSPARENT; if (m_csDA.IsEmpty()) { return; } CPDF_SimpleParser syntax(m_csDA); if (syntax.FindTagParam(bStrokingOperation ? "G" : "g", 1)) { iColorType = COLORTYPE_GRAY; FX_FLOAT g = FX_atof((CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord()) * 255 + 0.5f; color = ArgbEncode(255, (int)g, (int)g, (int)g); return; } syntax.SetPos(0); if (syntax.FindTagParam(bStrokingOperation ? "RG" : "rg", 3)) { iColorType = COLORTYPE_RGB; FX_FLOAT r = FX_atof((CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord()) * 255 + 0.5f; FX_FLOAT g = FX_atof((CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord()) * 255 + 0.5f; FX_FLOAT b = FX_atof((CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord()) * 255 + 0.5f; color = ArgbEncode(255, (int)r, (int)g, (int)b); return; } syntax.SetPos(0); if (syntax.FindTagParam(bStrokingOperation ? "K" : "k", 4)) { iColorType = COLORTYPE_CMYK; FX_FLOAT c = FX_atof((CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord()); FX_FLOAT m = FX_atof((CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord()); FX_FLOAT y = FX_atof((CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord()); FX_FLOAT k = FX_atof((CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord()); FX_FLOAT r = 1.0f - std::min(1.0f, c + k); FX_FLOAT g = 1.0f - std::min(1.0f, m + k); FX_FLOAT b = 1.0f - std::min(1.0f, y + k); color = ArgbEncode(255, (int)(r * 255 + 0.5f), (int)(g * 255 + 0.5f), (int)(b * 255 + 0.5f)); } }
co_rc_t co_winnt_main(LPSTR szCmdLine) { co_rc_t rc; co_command_line_params_t cmdline; int argc = 0; char **args = NULL; rc = co_os_parse_args(szCmdLine, &argc, &args); if (!CO_OK(rc)) { co_terminal_print("daemon: error parsing arguments\n"); syntax(); return CO_RC(ERROR); } rc = co_cmdline_params_alloc(args, argc, &cmdline); if (!CO_OK(rc)) { co_terminal_print("daemon: error parsing arguments\n"); co_os_free_parsed_args(args); return CO_RC(ERROR); } return CO_RC(OK); }
MStatus AlembicPolyMeshToSubdivCommand::doIt(const MArgList& args) { MStatus status; MArgParser argData(syntax(), args, &status); if (argData.isFlagSet("help")) { MGlobal::displayInfo("[ExocortexAlembic]: ExocortexAlembic_meshToSubdiv command:"); MGlobal::displayInfo(" -m : mesh to assign the initialShadingGroup on"); return MS::kSuccess; } const MString mesh = argData.isFlagSet("mesh") ? ("\"" + argData.flagArgumentString("mesh", 0) + "\"") : ""; MString result; MGlobal::executePythonCommand(("ExoAlembic._functions.alembicPolyMeshToSubdiv(" + mesh) + ")", result); if (result.length()) { MPxCommand::setResult(result); return MS::kFailure; } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus geometrySurfaceConstraintCommand::parseArgs(const MArgList &argList) { MStatus ReturnStatus; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), argList, &ReturnStatus); if ( ReturnStatus.error() ) return MS::kFailure; // Settings only work at creation time. Would need an // attribute on the node in order to push this state // into the node at any time. ConstraintType typ; if (argData.isFlagSet(kConstrainToLargestWeightFlag)) typ = geometrySurfaceConstraintCommand::kLargestWeight; else if (argData.isFlagSet(kConstrainToSmallestWeightFlag)) typ = geometrySurfaceConstraintCommand::kSmallestWeight; else typ = geometrySurfaceConstraintCommand::kLargestWeight; weightType = typ; // Need parent to process return MS::kUnknownParameter; }
int testcmd(shinstance *psh, int argc, char **argv) { int res; if (strcmp(argv[0], "[") == 0) { if (strcmp(argv[--argc], "]")) error(psh, "missing ]"); argv[argc] = NULL; } if (argc < 2) return 1; psh->t_wp_op = NULL; psh->t_wp = &argv[1]; res = !oexpr(psh, t_lex(psh, *psh->t_wp)); if (*psh->t_wp != NULL && *++psh->t_wp != NULL) syntax(psh, *psh->t_wp, "unexpected operator"); return res; }
MStatus AlembicAssignInitialSGCommand::doIt(const MArgList& args) { MStatus status; MArgParser argData(syntax(), args, &status); if (argData.isFlagSet("help")) { MGlobal::displayInfo("[ExocortexAlembic]: ExocortexAlembic_assignFaceset command:"); MGlobal::displayInfo(" -m : mesh to assign the initialShadingGroup on"); return MS::kSuccess; } if (!argData.isFlagSet("mesh")) { MGlobal::displayError("No mesh/subdiv specified!"); return MS::kFailure; } MObject initShader; MDagPath dagPath; if (getObjectByName("initialShadingGroup", initShader) == MS::kSuccess && getDagPathByName(argData.flagArgumentString("mesh", 0), dagPath) == MS::kSuccess) { ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicAssignInitialSGCommand::doIt::MFnSet"); MFnSet set(initShader); set.addMember(dagPath); } else { MString theError("Error getting adding "); theError += argData.flagArgumentString("mesh", 0); theError += MString(" to initalShadingGroup."); MGlobal::displayError(theError); return MS::kFailure; } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus RadiosityRenderer::prepareRenderView() { if (!MRenderView::doesRenderEditorExist()) { setResult( "Cannot renderViewRender in batch render mode. " "Please run in interactive mode, " "so that the render editor exists." ); return MS::kFailure; } else { printf("Past doesRenderEditorExist()"); } // get optional flags MArgDatabase argData( syntax(), args ); parseSyntax( argData ); M3dView curView = M3dView::active3dView(); MDagPath camDagPath; curView.getCamera( camDagPath ); printf("Rendering camera: %s", camDagPath.fullPathName().asChar()); if( MRenderView::setCurrentCamera( camDagPath ) != MS::kSuccess ) { setResult( "renderViewRender: error occurred in setCurrentCamera." ); return MS::kFailure; } if (MRenderView::startRender( windowWidth, windowHeight, doNotClearBackground) != MS::kSuccess) { setResult( "renderViewRender: error occured in startRender." ); return MS::kFailure; } return MS::kSuccess; }
/* * Read, parse, and execute a command line. */ static void rpx_line(void) { struct tnode *t; sigset_t nmask, omask; char *wp; linep = line; wordp = word; error_message = NULL; nul_count = 0; tree_count = 0; do { wp = linep; get_word(); } while (*wp != EOL); *wordp = NULL; if (error_message != NULL) { err(SH_ERR, FMT1S, error_message); return; } if (wordp - word > 1) { (void)sigfillset(&nmask); (void)sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &nmask, &omask); t = NULL; t = syntax(word, wordp); (void)sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &omask, NULL); if (error_message != NULL) err(SH_ERR, FMT1S, error_message); else execute(t, NULL, NULL); tfree(t); t = NULL; } }
void func_read_mail(USER_DATA *usr, char *argument) { MAIL_DATA *pMail; char buf[STRING]; BUFFER *buffer; int vnum = 1; int anum = 0; if (argument[0] == '\0' || !is_number(argument)) { syntax("[#Wre#x]ad <mail number>", usr); return; } anum = atoi(argument); buffer = new_buf(); for (pMail = usr->pMailFirst; pMail; pMail = pMail->next) { if (pMail && (vnum++ == anum)) { time_t *last_read = &pMail->read_time; *last_read = UMAX(*last_read, pMail->stamp_time); sprintf(buf, "Reading message %d.\n\rDate: %s\n\rFrom: %s\n\r" "Subject: %s\n\r\n\r", vnum - 1, time_str(pMail->stamp_time), pMail->from, pMail->subject); add_buf(buffer, buf); add_buf(buffer, pMail->message); add_buf(buffer, "#x\n\r"); page_to_user(buf_string(buffer), usr); free_buf(buffer); save_mail(usr); return; } } send_to_user("There aren't that many mail.\n\r", usr); return; }
static char *yes_no(char *arg, struct switch_s *s) { int value = s->min; switch(arg[0]) { case '+': arg++; value = ON; break; case '-': arg++; value = OFF; break; case 'o': case 'O': switch(toupper(arg[1])) { case 'N': arg += 2; /* ON */ value = ON; break; case 'F': if (toupper(arg[2]) == 'F') { arg += 3; /* OFF */ value = OFF; break; } default: syntax("ON, OFF or nothing expected after /%s", s->sw); } } if (s->loc) *(int *)s->loc = value; defined_format |= s->ID; forced_format |= s->ID; return arg; }
int main (int argc, char *argv []) { int argn, argmax, max, used, i, j, k, n; char *p; GROUP_ *gr; no_mem_buffer = (char *) malloc (1024); get_programname (argv [0]); while (argc > 1 && argv [1][0] == '-') { if (! strcmp (argv [1], "-o")) { argc--; argv++; outfile = argv [1]; } else if (! strcmp (argv [1], "-l")) { argc--; argv++; listfile = argv [1]; } argc--; argv++; } if (argc < 2 && ! listfile) syntax (); if (listfile) { argc = 1; argmax = 256; p = argv [0]; argv = (char **) s_malloc (argmax * sizeof (char *)); argv [0] = p; fileopen (listfile); while (mygetline (FALSE)) { if (argc == argmax) { argmax += 256; argv = (char **) s_realloc (argv, argmax * sizeof (char *)); } argv [argc++] = s_strdup (buffer); } } fileopen (argv [1]); while (mygetline (FALSE)) { if (buffer [0] == 'l' || buffer [0] == 'L') { if (n_lbls == max_lbls) { max_lbls += 256; lbls = (char **) s_realloc (lbls, max_lbls * sizeof (char *)); } i = 1; while (buffer [i] && isspace ((unsigned char) buffer [i])) i++; lbls [n_lbls++] = s_strdup (buffer + i); } } fclose (fp); qsort (lbls, n_lbls, sizeof (char *), scmp); if (outfile) { fpout = fopen (outfile, "w"); if (! fpout) errit ("Creating file \"%s\": %s", outfile, strerror (errno)); } else fpout = stdout; fprintf (fpout, "# Number of cluster files:\n%i\n# Number of labels:\n%i\n# Labels:\n", argc - 1, n_lbls); for (i = 0; i < n_lbls; i++) fprintf (fpout, "%s\n", lbls [i]); fprintf (fpout, "# Cluster count, cluster members, average cophenetic distance:\n"); max = n_lbls - 1; cl = (CLUSTER_ *) s_malloc (max * sizeof (CLUSTER_)); members = (char *) s_malloc ((n_lbls + 1) * sizeof (char)); members [n_lbls] = '\0'; for (argn = 1; argn < argc; argn++) { fileopen (argv [argn]); for (used = 0; used < max; used++) { mygetline (TRUE); if (sscanf (buffer, "%i %f%n", &(cl [used].index), &(cl [used].value), &i) < 2) errit ("Syntax error in \"%s\", line %i: \"%s\"", filename, inputline, buffer); for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) { mygetline (TRUE); switch (buffer [0]) { case 'l': case 'L': cl [used].node [n] = LBL; i = 1; while (buffer [i] && isspace ((unsigned char) buffer [i])) i++; p = bsearch (buffer + i, lbls, n_lbls, sizeof (char *), lscmp); if (! p) errit ("Unknown label in \"%s\", line %i: \"%s\"", filename, inputline, buffer + i); cl [used].n [n].label = ((char **)p) - lbls; break; case 'c': case 'C': cl [used].node [n] = CLS; if (sscanf (buffer + 1, "%i", &(cl [used].n [n].cluster)) != 1) errit ("Missing cluster number at line %i", inputline); break; default: errit ("Syntax error at line %i: \"%s\"", inputline, buffer); } } } /* replace indexes */ for (i = 0; i < max; i++) for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) if (cl [i].node [j] == CLS) for (k = 0; k < max; k++) if (cl [i].n [j].cluster == cl [k].index) { cl [i].n [j].cluster = k; break; } for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n_lbls; j++) members [j] = '-'; walk (i); gr = findgroup (); gr->n++; gr->value += cl [i].value; } fclose (fp); } walkgroups (root); if (outfile) fclose (fpout); return 0; }
/** * @brief Member function <b>parse</b> parses the expression. If successful, the * parse status is set to true. * * @param expr a <b>std::string</b> const reference to the * expression to parse. * */ inline void syntaxCheck(const std::string &expr) { setExpression(expr); syntax(); }
//-***************************************************************************** MStatus AbcExport::doIt( const MArgList & args ) { MStatus status; MTime oldCurTime = MAnimControl::currentTime(); MArgParser argData( syntax(), args, &status ); if ( status != MS::kSuccess ) { return status; } unsigned int numberOfArguments = args.length(); MString msg; msg += "AlembicSimpleAbcExport [options]\n\n"; msg += "Options:\n"; msg += "-h / help Print this message.\n"; msg += "\n"; msg += "-fs / frameStart int (default: 0)\n"; msg += "The export start frame\n"; msg += "\n"; msg += "-fe / frameEnd int (default: 0)\n"; msg += "The export end frame\n"; msg += "\n"; msg += "-v / verbose Verbose output\n"; msg += "\n"; if ( argData.isFlagSet( "help" ) ) { MGlobal::displayInfo( msg ); return MS::kSuccess; } bool verbose = argData.isFlagSet( "verbose" ); int frameStart = 0; if ( argData.isFlagSet( "frameStart" ) ) { argData.getFlagArgument( "frameStart", 0, frameStart ); } int frameEnd = 0; if ( argData.isFlagSet( "frameEnd" ) ) { argData.getFlagArgument( "frameEnd", 0, frameEnd ); } // status = argData.getCommandArgument(0, argStr); // Get filenameArgument MString fileNameStr = args.asString( numberOfArguments-1, &status ); // Okay, do it. Parameters params; params.fileName = fileNameStr.asChar(); params.startFrame = frameStart; params.endFrame = frameEnd; params.verbose = verbose; params.polysAsSubds = false; params.deforming = true; params.allUserAttributes = true; params.allMayaAttributes = false; try { status = AbcExportSelected( params ); } catch ( std::exception &exc ) { MGlobal::displayError( exc.what() ); status = MS::kFailure; } catch ( ... ) { MGlobal::displayError( "AlembicSimpleAbcExport: UNKNOWN EXCEPTION" ); status = MS::kFailure; } return status; }
static int parse_parameter ( ctx_t *ctx_p, uint16_t param_id, char *arg, paramsource_t paramsource ) { int ret = 0; #ifdef _DEBUG_FORCE fprintf ( stderr, "Force-Debug: parse_parameter(): %i: %i = \"%s\"\n", paramsource, param_id, arg ); #endif switch ( paramsource ) { case PS_CONTROL: case PS_ARGUMENT: if ( param_id & OPTION_CONFIGONLY ) { syntax(); return 0; } ctx_p->flags_set[param_id] = 1; break; case PS_CONFIG: if ( ctx_p->flags_set[param_id] ) return 0; ctx_p->flags_set[param_id] = 1; break; case PS_DEFAULTS: #ifdef VERYPARANOID if ( ctx_p->flags_set[param_id] ) { error ( "Parameter #%i is already set. No need in setting the default value.", param_id ); return 0; } #endif break; /* case PS_REHASH: arg = ctx_p->flags_values_raw[param_id]; #ifdef VERYPARANOID critical_on (arg == NULL); #endif debug(9, "Rehash setting %i -> \"%s\"", param_id, arg); break;*/ case PS_CORRECTION: critical_on ( arg == NULL ); debug ( 9, "Correcting setting %i -> \"%s\"", param_id, arg ); break; default: error ( "Unknown parameter #%i source (value \"%s\").", param_id, arg != NULL ? arg : "" ); break; } if ( ( arg != NULL ) /*&& (paramsource != PS_REHASH)*/ ) { if ( param_id != KVM_ARGS ) arg = parameter_expand ( ctx_p, arg, 0, NULL, NULL, parameter_get, ctx_p ); if ( ctx_p->flags_values_raw[param_id] != NULL ) free ( ctx_p->flags_values_raw[param_id] ); ctx_p->flags_values_raw[param_id] = arg; } switch ( param_id ) { case '?': case HELP: syntax(); break; case SHOW_VERSION: version(); break; case CONFIG_FILE: ctx_p->config_path = *arg ? arg : NULL; break; case CONFIG_GROUP: ctx_p->config_group = *arg ? arg : NULL; break; case CONFIG_GROUP_INHERITS: break; case VMS_MIN: ctx_p->vms_min = ( unsigned int ) xstrtol ( arg, &ret ); break; case VMS_MAX: ctx_p->vms_max = ( unsigned int ) xstrtol ( arg, &ret ); break; case VMS_SPARE_MIN: ctx_p->vms_spare_min = ( unsigned int ) xstrtol ( arg, &ret ); break; case VMS_SPARE_MAX: ctx_p->vms_spare_max = ( unsigned int ) xstrtol ( arg, &ret ); break; case LISTEN: strncpy ( ctx_p->listen_addr, arg, sizeof ( ctx_p->listen_addr ) - 1 ); break; default: if ( arg == NULL ) ctx_p->flags[param_id]++; else ctx_p->flags[param_id] = xstrtol ( arg, &ret ); #ifdef _DEBUG_FORCE fprintf ( stderr, "Force-Debug: flag %i is set to %i\n", param_id & 0xff, ctx_p->flags[param_id] ); #endif break; } return ret; }
/* * Karl Kleinpaste, 21oct1983. * Set up a one-word alias command, for use for special things. * This code is based on the mainline of process(). */ void aliasrun(int cnt, Char *s1, Char *s2) { struct wordent w, *new1, *new2; /* for holding alias name */ struct command *t = NULL; jmp_buf_t osetexit; int status; size_t omark; getexit(osetexit); if (seterr) { xfree(seterr); seterr = NULL; /* don't repeatedly print err msg. */ } w.word = STRNULL; new1 = xcalloc(1, sizeof w); new1->word = Strsave(s1); if (cnt == 1) { /* build a lex list with one word. */ = w.prev = new1; new1->next = new1->prev = &w; } else { /* build a lex list with two words. */ new2 = xcalloc(1, sizeof w); new2->word = Strsave(s2); = new2->prev = new1; new1->next = w.prev = new2; new1->prev = new2->next = &w; } cleanup_push(&w, lex_cleanup); /* Save the old status */ status = getn(varval(STRstatus)); /* expand aliases like process() does. */ alias(&w); /* build a syntax tree for the command. */ t = syntax(, &w, 0); cleanup_push(t, syntax_cleanup); if (seterr) stderror(ERR_OLD); psavejob(); cleanup_push(&cnt, psavejob_cleanup); /* cnt is used only as a marker */ /* catch any errors here */ omark = cleanup_push_mark(); if (setexit() == 0) /* execute the parse tree. */ /* * From: Michael Schroeder <*****@*****.**> * was execute(t, tpgrp); */ execute(t, tpgrp > 0 ? tpgrp : -1, NULL, NULL, TRUE); /* reset the error catcher to the old place */ cleanup_pop_mark(omark); resexit(osetexit); if (haderr) { haderr = 0; /* * Either precmd, or cwdcmd, or periodic had an error. Call it again so * that it is removed */ if (precmd_active) precmd(); if (postcmd_active) postcmd(); #ifdef notdef /* * XXX: On the other hand, just interrupting them causes an error too. * So if we hit ^C in the middle of cwdcmd or periodic the alias gets * removed. We don't want that. Note that we want to remove precmd * though, cause that could lead into an infinite loop. This should be * fixed correctly, but then haderr should give us the whole exit * status not just true or false. */ else if (cwdcmd_active) cwd_cmd(); else if (beepcmd_active) beep_cmd(); else if (periodic_active) period_cmd(); #endif /* notdef */ } cleanup_until(&w); pendjob(); /* Restore status */ setv(STRstatus, putn((tcsh_number_t)status), VAR_READWRITE); }
/*ARGSUSED*/ void dolist(Char **v, struct command *c) { Char **globbed; int i, k, ret = 0; struct stat st; USE(c); if (*++v == NULL) { struct Strbuf word = Strbuf_INIT; Strbuf_terminate(&word); cleanup_push(&word, Strbuf_cleanup); (void) t_search(&word, LIST, TW_ZERO, 0, STRNULL, 0); cleanup_until(&word); return; } v = glob_all_or_error(v); globbed = v; cleanup_push(globbed, blk_cleanup); for (k = 0; v[k] != NULL && v[k][0] != '-'; k++) continue; if (v[k]) { /* * We cannot process a flag therefore we let ls do it right. */ Char *lspath; struct command *t; struct wordent cmd, *nextword, *lastword; Char *cp; struct varent *vp; if (setintr) { pintr_disabled++; cleanup_push(&pintr_disabled, disabled_cleanup); } if (seterr) { xfree(seterr); seterr = NULL; } lspath = STRls; STRmCF[1] = 'C'; STRmCF[3] = '\0'; /* Look at listflags, to add -A to the flags, to get a path of ls if necessary */ if ((vp = adrof(STRlistflags)) != NULL && vp->vec != NULL && vp->vec[0] != STRNULL) { if (vp->vec[1] != NULL && vp->vec[1][0] != '\0') lspath = vp->vec[1]; for (cp = vp->vec[0]; *cp; cp++) switch (*cp) { case 'x': STRmCF[1] = 'x'; break; case 'a': STRmCF[3] = 'a'; break; case 'A': STRmCF[3] = 'A'; break; default: break; } } cmd.word = STRNULL; lastword = &cmd; nextword = xcalloc(1, sizeof cmd); nextword->word = Strsave(lspath); lastword->next = nextword; nextword->prev = lastword; lastword = nextword; nextword = xcalloc(1, sizeof cmd); nextword->word = Strsave(STRmCF); lastword->next = nextword; nextword->prev = lastword; #if defined(KANJI) && defined(SHORT_STRINGS) && defined(DSPMBYTE) if (dspmbyte_ls) { lastword = nextword; nextword = xcalloc(1, sizeof cmd); nextword->word = Strsave(STRmmliteral); lastword->next = nextword; nextword->prev = lastword; } #endif #ifdef COLOR_LS_F if (color_context_ls) { lastword = nextword; nextword = xcalloc(1, sizeof cmd); nextword->word = Strsave(STRmmcolormauto); lastword->next = nextword; nextword->prev = lastword; } #endif /* COLOR_LS_F */ lastword = nextword; for (cp = *v; cp; cp = *++v) { nextword = xcalloc(1, sizeof cmd); nextword->word = quote(Strsave(cp)); lastword->next = nextword; nextword->prev = lastword; lastword = nextword; } lastword->next = &cmd; cmd.prev = lastword; cleanup_push(&cmd, lex_cleanup); /* build a syntax tree for the command. */ t = syntax(, &cmd, 0); cleanup_push(t, syntax_cleanup); if (seterr) stderror(ERR_OLD); /* expand aliases like process() does */ /* alias(&cmd); */ /* execute the parse tree. */ execute(t, tpgrp > 0 ? tpgrp : -1, NULL, NULL, FALSE); /* done. free the lex list and parse tree. */ cleanup_until(&cmd); if (setintr) cleanup_until(&pintr_disabled); } else { Char *dp, *tmp; struct Strbuf buf = Strbuf_INIT; cleanup_push(&buf, Strbuf_cleanup); for (k = 0, i = 0; v[k] != NULL; k++) { tmp = dnormalize(v[k], symlinks == SYM_IGNORE); cleanup_push(tmp, xfree); dp = Strend(tmp) - 1; if (*dp == '/' && dp != tmp) #ifdef apollo if (dp != &tmp[1]) #endif /* apollo */ *dp = '\0'; if (stat(short2str(tmp), &st) == -1) { int err; err = errno; if (k != i) { if (i != 0) xputchar('\n'); print_by_column(STRNULL, &v[i], k - i, FALSE); } haderr = 1; xprintf("%S: %s.\n", tmp, strerror(err)); haderr = 0; i = k + 1; ret = 1; } else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { Char *cp; if (k != i) { if (i != 0) xputchar('\n'); print_by_column(STRNULL, &v[i], k - i, FALSE); } if (k != 0 && v[1] != NULL) xputchar('\n'); xprintf("%S:\n", tmp); buf.len = 0; for (cp = tmp; *cp; cp++) Strbuf_append1(&buf, (*cp | QUOTE)); Strbuf_terminate(&buf); dp = &buf.s[buf.len - 1]; if ( #ifdef WINNT_NATIVE (*dp != (Char) (':' | QUOTE)) && #endif /* WINNT_NATIVE */ (*dp != (Char) ('/' | QUOTE))) { Strbuf_append1(&buf, '/'); Strbuf_terminate(&buf); } else *dp &= TRIM; (void) t_search(&buf, LIST, TW_ZERO, 0, STRNULL, 0); i = k + 1; } cleanup_until(tmp); } cleanup_until(&buf); if (k != i) { if (i != 0) xputchar('\n'); print_by_column(STRNULL, &v[i], k - i, FALSE); } if (ret) stderror(ERR_SILENT); } cleanup_until(globbed); }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *pgmname; /* prog name in host format */ char *pgm; /* less any extension (.ext) */ char msgbuf[512]; /* message build work area */ int cckd_diag_rc = 0; /* Program return code */ char *fn; /* File name */ CKDDASD_DEVHDR devhdr; /* [C]CKD device hdr */ CCKDDASD_DEVHDR cdevhdr; /* Compressed CKD device hdr */ CKDDEV *ckd=0; /* CKD DASD table entry */ FBADEV *fba=0; /* FBA DASD table entry */ int cmd_devhdr = 0; /* display DEVHDR */ int cmd_cdevhdr = 0; /* display CDEVHDR */ int cmd_l1tab = 0; /* display L1TAB */ int cmd_l2tab = 0; /* display L2TAB */ int cmd_trkdata = 0; /* display track data */ int cmd_hexdump = 0; /* display track data (hex) */ int cmd_offset = 0; /* 1 = display data at */ int op_offset = 0; /* op_offset of length */ int op_length = 0; /* op_length */ int cmd_cchh = 0; /* 1 = display CCHH data */ int op_cc = 0; /* CC = cylinder */ int op_hh = 0; /* HH = head */ int cmd_tt = 0; /* 1 = display TT data */ int op_tt = 0; /* relative track # */ int swapend; /* 1 = New endianess doesn't match machine endianess */ int n, trk=0, l1ndx=0, l2ndx=0; off_t l2taboff=0; /* offset to assoc. L2 table */ int ckddasd; /* 1=CKD dasd 0=FBA dasd */ int heads=0; /* Heads per cylinder */ off_t trkhdroff=0; /* offset to assoc. trk hdr */ int imglen=0; /* track length */ char pathname[MAX_PATH]; /* file path in host format */ char *strtok_str = NULL; /* Set program name */ if ( argc > 0 ) { if ( strlen(argv[0]) == 0 ) { pgmname = strdup( UTILITY_NAME ); } else { char path[MAX_PATH]; #if defined( _MSVC_ ) GetModuleFileName( NULL, path, MAX_PATH ); #else strncpy( path, argv[0], sizeof( path ) ); #endif pgmname = strdup(basename(path)); #if !defined( _MSVC_ ) strncpy( path, argv[0], sizeof(path) ); #endif } } else { pgmname = strdup( UTILITY_NAME ); } pgm = strtok_r( strdup(pgmname), ".", &strtok_str); INITIALIZE_UTILITY( pgmname ); /* Display the program identification message */ MSGBUF( msgbuf, MSG_C( HHC02499, "I", pgm, "CCKD diagnostic program" ) ); display_version (stderr, msgbuf+10, FALSE); /* parse the arguments */ argc--; argv++ ; while (argc > 0) { if(**argv != '-') break; switch(argv[0][1]) { case 'v': if (argv[0][2] != '\0') return syntax (pgm); return 0; case 'd': if (argv[0][2] != '\0') return syntax (pgm); cmd_devhdr = 1; break; case 'c': if (argv[0][2] != '\0') return syntax (pgm); cmd_cdevhdr = 1; break; case '1': if (argv[0][2] != '\0') return syntax (pgm); cmd_l1tab = 1; break; case '2': if (argv[0][2] != '\0') return syntax (pgm); cmd_l2tab = 1; break; case 'a': if (argv[0][2] != '\0') return syntax (pgm); cmd_cchh = 1; argc--; argv++; op_cc = offtify(*argv); argc--; argv++; op_hh = offtify(*argv); break; case 'r': if (argv[0][2] != '\0') return syntax (pgm); cmd_tt = 1; argc--; argv++; op_tt = offtify(*argv); break; case 'o': if (argv[0][2] != '\0') return syntax (pgm); cmd_offset = 1; argc--; argv++; op_offset = offtify(*argv); argc--; argv++; op_length = offtify(*argv); break; case 't': if (argv[0][2] != '\0') return syntax (pgm); cmd_trkdata = 1; break; case 'x': if (argv[0][2] != '\0') return syntax (pgm); cmd_hexdump = 1; cmd_trkdata = 1; break; case 'g': if (argv[0][2] != '\0') return syntax (pgm); debug = 1; break; default: return syntax (pgm); } argc--; argv++; } if (argc != 1) return syntax (pgm); fn = argv[0]; /* open the file */ hostpath(pathname, fn, sizeof(pathname)); fd = HOPEN(pathname, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("cckddiag: error opening file %s: %s\n"), fn, strerror(errno)); return -1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* display DEVHDR - first 512 bytes of dasd image */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ readpos(fd, &devhdr, 0, sizeof(devhdr)); if (cmd_devhdr) { fprintf(stderr, "\nDEVHDR - %d (decimal) bytes:\n", (int)sizeof(devhdr)); data_dump(&devhdr, sizeof(devhdr)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Determine CKD or FBA device type */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (memcmp(devhdr.devid, "CKD_C370", 8) == 0 || memcmp(devhdr.devid, "CKD_S370", 8) == 0) { ckddasd = 1; ckd = dasd_lookup(DASD_CKDDEV, NULL, devhdr.devtype, 0); if (ckd == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "DASD table entry not found for devtype 0x%2.2X\n", devhdr.devtype); clean(); exit(5); } } else if (memcmp(devhdr.devid, "FBA_C370", 8) == 0 || memcmp(devhdr.devid, "FBA_S370", 8) == 0) { ckddasd = 0; fba = dasd_lookup(DASD_FBADEV, NULL, devhdr.devtype, 0); if (fba == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "DASD table entry not found for " "devtype 0x%2.2X\n", DEFAULT_FBA_TYPE); clean(); exit(6); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "incorrect header id\n"); clean(); return -1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set up device characteristics */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (ckddasd) { heads = ((U32)(devhdr.heads[3]) << 24) | ((U32)(devhdr.heads[2]) << 16) | ((U32)(devhdr.heads[1]) << 8) | (U32)(devhdr.heads[0]); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "\nHHC90000D DBG: %s device has %d heads/cylinder\n", ckd->name, heads); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* display CDEVHDR - follows DEVHDR */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ readpos(fd, &cdevhdr, CKDDASD_DEVHDR_SIZE, sizeof(cdevhdr)); if (cmd_cdevhdr) { fprintf(stderr, "\nCDEVHDR - %d (decimal) bytes:\n", (int)sizeof(cdevhdr)); data_dump(&cdevhdr, sizeof(cdevhdr)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Find machine endian-ness */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* cckd_endian() returns 1 for big-endian machines */ swapend = (cckd_endian() != ((cdevhdr.options & CCKD_BIGENDIAN) != 0)); /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* display L1TAB - follows CDEVHDR */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* swap numl1tab if needed */ n = cdevhdr.numl1tab; if (swapend) cckd_swapend4((char *)&n); l1 = makbuf(n * CCKD_L1ENT_SIZE, "L1TAB"); readpos(fd, l1, CCKD_L1TAB_POS, n * CCKD_L1ENT_SIZE); /* L1TAB itself is not adjusted for endian-ness */ if (cmd_l1tab) { fprintf(stderr, "\nL1TAB - %d (0x%X) bytes:\n", (int)(n * CCKD_L1ENT_SIZE), (unsigned int)(n * CCKD_L1ENT_SIZE)); data_dump(l1, n * CCKD_L1ENT_SIZE); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* display OFFSET, LENGTH data */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (cmd_offset) { bulk = makbuf(op_length, "BULK"); readpos(fd, bulk, op_offset, op_length); fprintf(stderr, "\nIMAGE OFFSET %d (0x%8.8X) " "of length %d (0x%8.8X) bytes:\n", op_offset, op_offset, op_length, op_length); data_dump(bulk, op_length); free(bulk); bulk = NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* FBA isn't supported here because I don't know much about FBA */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( (!ckddasd) && ((cmd_cchh) || (cmd_tt)) ) { fprintf(stderr, "CCHH/reltrk not supported for FBA\n"); clean(); exit(3); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Setup CCHH or relative track request */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (ckddasd) { if (cmd_tt) { trk = op_tt; op_cc = trk / heads; op_hh = trk % heads; } else { trk = (op_cc * heads) + op_hh; } l1ndx = trk / cdevhdr.numl2tab; l2ndx = trk % cdevhdr.numl2tab; l2taboff = l1[l1ndx]; if (swapend) cckd_swapend4((char *)&l2taboff); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* display CKD CCHH or relative track data */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ((cmd_cchh) || (cmd_tt)) { fprintf(stderr, "CC %d HH %d = reltrk %d; " "L1 index = %d, L2 index = %d\n" "L1 index %d = L2TAB offset %d (0x%8.8X)\n", op_cc, op_hh, trk, l1ndx, l2ndx, l1ndx, (int)l2taboff, (int)l2taboff); l2 = makbuf(cdevhdr.numl2tab * sizeof(CCKD_L2ENT), "L2TAB"); readpos(fd, l2, l2taboff, cdevhdr.numl2tab * sizeof(CCKD_L2ENT)); if (cmd_l2tab) { fprintf(stderr, "\nL2TAB - %d (decimal) bytes\n", (int)(cdevhdr.numl2tab * sizeof(CCKD_L2ENT))); data_dump(l2, (cdevhdr.numl2tab * sizeof(CCKD_L2ENT)) ); } fprintf(stderr, "\nL2 index %d = L2TAB entry %d bytes\n", l2ndx, (int)sizeof(CCKD_L2ENT) ); data_dump(&l2[l2ndx], sizeof(CCKD_L2ENT) ); trkhdroff = l2[l2ndx].pos; imglen = l2[l2ndx].len; if (swapend) { cckd_swapend4((char *)&trkhdroff); cckd_swapend4((char *)&imglen); } fprintf(stderr, "\nTRKHDR offset %d (0x%8.8X); " "length %d (0x%4.4X)\n", (int)trkhdroff, (int)trkhdroff, imglen, imglen); tbuf = makbuf(imglen, "TRKHDR+DATA"); readpos(fd, tbuf, trkhdroff, imglen); fprintf(stderr, "\nTRKHDR track %d\n", trk); data_dump(tbuf, sizeof(CKDDASD_TRKHDR) ); if (cmd_trkdata) showtrk(tbuf, imglen, trk, cmd_hexdump); free(l2); free(tbuf); l2 = NULL; tbuf = NULL; } /* Close file, exit */ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); clean(); return cckd_diag_rc; }
MStatus AbcImport::doIt(const MArgList & args) { MStatus status; MArgParser argData(syntax(), args, &status); MString filename(""); MString connectRootNodes(""); MString filterString(""); MString excludeFilterString(""); MObject reparentObj = MObject::kNullObj; bool swap = false; bool createIfNotFound = false; bool removeIfNoUpdate = false; bool debugOn = false; if (argData.isFlagSet("help")) { MGlobal::displayInfo(usage); return status; } if (argData.isFlagSet("debug")) debugOn = true; if (argData.isFlagSet("reparent")) { MString parent(""); MDagPath reparentDagPath; status = argData.getFlagArgument("reparent", 0, parent); if (status == MS::kSuccess && getDagPathByName(parent, reparentDagPath) == MS::kSuccess) { reparentObj = reparentDagPath.node(); } else { MString theWarning = parent; theWarning += MString(" is not a valid DagPath"); printWarning(theWarning); } } if (!argData.isFlagSet("connect") && argData.isFlagSet("mode")) { MString modeStr; argData.getFlagArgument("mode", 0, modeStr); if (modeStr == "replace") deleteCurrentSelection(); else if (modeStr == "open") { MFileIO fileIo; fileIo.newFile(true); } } else if (argData.isFlagSet("connect")) { swap = true; argData.getFlagArgument("connect", 0, connectRootNodes); if (argData.isFlagSet("createIfNotFound")) { createIfNotFound = true; } if (argData.isFlagSet("removeIfNoUpdate")) removeIfNoUpdate = true; } if (argData.isFlagSet("filterObjects")) { argData.getFlagArgument("filterObjects", 0, filterString); } if (argData.isFlagSet("excludeFilterObjects")) { argData.getFlagArgument("excludeFilterObjects", 0, excludeFilterString); } // if the flag isn't specified we'll only do stuff marked with the Maya // meta data bool recreateColorSets = false; if (argData.isFlagSet("recreateAllColorSets")) { recreateColorSets = true; } status = argData.getCommandArgument(0, filename); MString abcNodeName; if (status == MS::kSuccess) { { MString fileRule, expandName; MString alembicFileRule = "alembicCache"; MString alembicFilePath = "cache/alembic"; MString queryFileRuleCmd; queryFileRuleCmd.format("workspace -q -fre \"^1s\"", alembicFileRule); MString queryFolderCmd; queryFolderCmd.format("workspace -en `workspace -q -fre \"^1s\"`", alembicFileRule); // query the file rule for alembic cache MGlobal::executeCommand(queryFileRuleCmd, fileRule); if (fileRule.length() > 0) { // we have alembic file rule, query the folder MGlobal::executeCommand(queryFolderCmd, expandName); } // resolve the expanded file rule if (expandName.length() == 0) { expandName = alembicFilePath; } // get the path to the alembic file rule MFileObject directory; directory.setRawFullName(expandName); MString directoryName = directory.resolvedFullName(); // resolve the relative path MFileObject absoluteFile; absoluteFile.setRawFullName(filename); absoluteFile.setResolveMethod(MFileObject::kInputFile); #if MAYA_API_VERSION < 201300 if (absoluteFile.resolvedFullName() != absoluteFile.expandedFullName()) { #else if (!MFileObject::isAbsolutePath(filename)) { #endif // this is a relative path MString absoluteFileName = directoryName + "/" + filename; absoluteFile.setRawFullName(absoluteFileName); filename = absoluteFile.resolvedFullName(); } else { filename = absoluteFile.resolvedFullName(); } } MFileObject fileObj; status = fileObj.setRawFullName(filename); if (status == MS::kSuccess && fileObj.exists()) { ArgData inputData(filename, debugOn, reparentObj, swap, connectRootNodes, createIfNotFound, removeIfNoUpdate, recreateColorSets, filterString, excludeFilterString); abcNodeName = createScene(inputData); if (inputData.mSequenceStartTime != inputData.mSequenceEndTime && inputData.mSequenceStartTime != -DBL_MAX && inputData.mSequenceEndTime != DBL_MAX) { if (argData.isFlagSet("fitTimeRange")) { MTime sec(1.0, MTime::kSeconds); setPlayback( inputData.mSequenceStartTime *, inputData.mSequenceEndTime * ); } if (argData.isFlagSet("setToStartFrame")) { MTime sec(1.0, MTime::kSeconds); MGlobal::viewFrame( inputData.mSequenceStartTime * ); } } } else { MString theError("In AbcImport::doIt(), "); theError += filename; theError += MString(" doesn't exist"); printError(theError); } } MPxCommand::setResult(abcNodeName); return status; }
MStatus PTCMapCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args) { MStatus status = parseArgs( args ); if( status != MS::kSuccess ) return status; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args); MAnimControl timeControl; MTime time = timeControl.currentTime(); int frame =int(time.value()); MString proj; MGlobal::executeCommand( MString ("string $p = `workspace -q -fn`"), proj ); MString cache_path = proj + "/data"; MString cache_name = "foo"; MString cache_attrib; double cache_mindist = 0.1; int max_level = 3; double root_size = 32; MString dem_trans = "nil"; double cloud_os = 0.05; MString key_trans = "nil"; MString eye_trans = "nil"; if (argData.isFlagSet("-p")) argData.getFlagArgument("-p", 0, cache_path); if (argData.isFlagSet("-n")) argData.getFlagArgument("-n", 0, cache_name); if (argData.isFlagSet("-a")) argData.getFlagArgument("-a", 0, cache_attrib); if (argData.isFlagSet("-mnd")) argData.getFlagArgument("-mnd", 0, cache_mindist); if (argData.isFlagSet("-ml")) argData.getFlagArgument("-ml", 0, max_level); if (argData.isFlagSet("-rs")) argData.getFlagArgument("-rs", 0, root_size); if (argData.isFlagSet("-t")) argData.getFlagArgument("-t", 0, dem_trans); if(argData.isFlagSet("-o")) argData.getFlagArgument("-o", 0, cloud_os); if(argData.isFlagSet("-tk")) argData.getFlagArgument("-tk", 0, key_trans); if(argData.isFlagSet("-te")) argData.getFlagArgument("-te", 0, eye_trans); float def_area = root_size; int last = 0; while(last < max_level-2) { def_area /= 2; last++; } def_area = 1.0f; //def_area *= def_area; // get bounding box center MDagPath p_bbox; zWorks::getTypedPathByName(MFn::kTransform, dem_trans, p_bbox); MObject o_bbox = p_bbox.transform(); float m_space[4][4]; m_space[0][0]=1; m_space[0][1]=0; m_space[0][2]=0; m_space[1][0]=0; m_space[1][1]=1; m_space[1][2]=0; m_space[2][0]=0; m_space[2][1]=0; m_space[2][2]=1; m_space[3][0]=0; m_space[3][1]=0; m_space[3][2]=0; if(o_bbox.isNull()) MGlobal::displayWarning("Cannot find pmap dimension, use default space."); else zWorks::getTransformWorldNoScale(p_bbox.partialPathName(), m_space); XYZ root_center(m_space[3][0], m_space[3][1], m_space[3][2]); // get key light dir MDagPath p_key; zWorks::getTypedPathByName(MFn::kTransform, key_trans, p_key); MObject o_key = p_key.transform(); m_space[0][0]=1; m_space[0][1]=0; m_space[0][2]=0; m_space[1][0]=0; m_space[1][1]=1; m_space[1][2]=0; m_space[2][0]=0; m_space[2][1]=0; m_space[2][2]=1; m_space[3][0]=0; m_space[3][1]=0; m_space[3][2]=0; if(o_key.isNull()) MGlobal::displayWarning("Cannot find key camera, use default space."); else zWorks::getTransformWorldNoScale(p_key.partialPathName(), m_space); XYZ key_dir(m_space[2][0], m_space[2][1], m_space[2][2]); key_dir.normalize(); // get view dir MDagPath p_eye; zWorks::getTypedPathByName(MFn::kTransform, eye_trans, p_eye); MObject o_eye = p_eye.transform(); m_space[0][0]=1; m_space[0][1]=0; m_space[0][2]=0; m_space[1][0]=0; m_space[1][1]=1; m_space[1][2]=0; m_space[2][0]=0; m_space[2][1]=0; m_space[2][2]=1; m_space[3][0]=0; m_space[3][1]=0; m_space[3][2]=0; if(o_eye.isNull()) MGlobal::displayWarning("Cannot find render camera, use default space."); else zWorks::getTransformWorldNoScale(p_eye.partialPathName(), m_space); XYZ view_dir(-m_space[2][0], -m_space[2][1], -m_space[2][2]); view_dir.normalize(); // additional attribs MStringArray attribArray; cache_attrib.split('.', attribArray); MSelectionList slist; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( slist ); MItSelectionList list( slist, MFn::kParticle, &status ); if (MS::kSuccess != status) { displayError( "Could not create selection list iterator"); return status; } if (list.isDone()) { displayError( "No particles selected" ); return MS::kSuccess; } MDagPath fDagPath; MObject component; unsigned npt = 0,acc = 0; for(; !list.isDone(); { list.getDagPath (fDagPath, component); MFnParticleSystem ps( fDagPath ); npt += ps.count(); } if(npt < 1) { MGlobal::displayInfo(" zero particle: do nothing "); return MS::kSuccess; } std::list<AParticle *> particles; RGRID *buf = new RGRID[npt]; unsigned *idxb = new unsigned[npt]; float *opab = new float[npt]; float *ageb = new float[npt]; list.reset(); for(; !list.isDone(); { list.getDagPath (fDagPath, component); MFnParticleSystem ps( fDagPath ); MVectorArray positions; ps.position( positions ); MVectorArray velarr; ps.velocity( velarr ); MIntArray ids; ps.particleIds(ids); MVectorArray cols; ps.rgb(cols); MDoubleArray opas; ps.opacity(opas); MDoubleArray ages; ps.opacity(ages); for(unsigned i=0; i<positions.length(); i++,acc++ ) { buf[acc].pos.x = positions[i].x; buf[acc].pos.y = positions[i].y; buf[acc].pos.z = positions[i].z; buf[acc].nor.x = velarr[i].x; buf[acc].nor.y = velarr[i].y; buf[acc].nor.z = velarr[i].z; buf[acc].area = def_area; if(ps.hasRgb()) { buf[acc].col.x = cols[i].x; buf[acc].col.y = cols[i].y; buf[acc].col.z = cols[i].z; } else buf[acc].col = XYZ(1,1,1); idxb[acc] = ids[i]; if(ps.hasOpacity ()) opab[acc] = opas[i]; else opab[acc] = 1.f; ageb[acc] = ages[i]; AParticle *pt = new AParticle(); pt->pos.x = positions[i].x; pt->pos.y = positions[i].y; pt->pos.z = positions[i].z; pt->r = def_area; particles.push_back(pt); } } /* Z3DTexture* tree = new Z3DTexture(); tree->setGrid(buf, npt); tree->constructTree(root_center, root_size, max_level); tree->setGridIdData(idxb, npt); tree->setGridOpacityData(opab, npt); tree->setGridAgeData(ageb, npt); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" num grid ")+ tree->getNumGrid()); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" num voxel ")+ tree->getNumVoxel()); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" num leaf ")+ tree->getNumLeaf()); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" max level ")+ tree->getMaxLevel()); MGlobal::displayInfo(" calculating voxel volume occlusion..."); tree->occlusionVolume(cloud_os, key_dir, view_dir); MGlobal::displayInfo(" done"); MGlobal::displayInfo(" updating grid distance to neighbour..."); tree->distanceToNeighbour(cache_mindist); MGlobal::displayInfo(" done"); char filename[512]; sprintf( filename, "%s/%s.%d.pmap", cache_path.asChar(), cache_name.asChar(), frame ); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("PTCMap saved ") + filename); tree->save(filename); delete tree; */ if(!particles.empty()) { GPUOctree *data = new GPUOctree(); data->create(root_center, root_size, 8, particles); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" num voxel ")+ data->getNumVoxel()+ MString(" minvar ")+ data->getMinVariation()+ MString(" max level ")+ data->getMaxLevel()+ MString(" filter size ")+ def_area); char filename[512]; sprintf( filename, "%s/%s.%d", cache_path.asChar(), cache_name.asChar(), frame ); data->dumpIndirection(filename); delete data; particles.clear(); } return MS::kSuccess; }