int main( int argc, char **argv ) { UINT32 ret; UINT32 i; gp_ver = gpICVersion(); if (argc < 2) { #ifndef SYSCONFIG_MODULE_ALLIN_ROOTFS ret = sysInit(); #endif //sleep(10); } else { for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "backlight_enable") == 0) { backlightEnable(1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "backlight_disable") == 0) { backlightEnable(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "core") == 0) { sysCoreInit(); #ifdef SYSCONFIG_MODULE_ALLIN_ROOTFS sysInit(); #endif } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "main_storage") == 0) { sysMainStorageInit(); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "version") == 0) { sysShowVersion(); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "audio_power_off") == 0) { audioPowerOff(); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "usb") == 0){ usbhostInit(); } } } return ret; }
int XHServiceBasePrivate::run(bool asService, const std::vector<std::string> &argList) { int argc = argList.size(); std::vector<char *> argv(argc); std::vector<std::string> argvData; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) argvData.push_back(argList[i]); for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i){ char* c; const int len = argvData[i].length(); c = new char[len + 1]; strcpy(c, argvData[i].c_str()); argv[i] = c; } if (asService && !sysInit()) return -1; q_ptr->createApplication(argc,; if (asService) sysSetPath(); XHServiceStarter starter(this); starter.slotStart(); // TODO int res = q_ptr->executeApplication(); if (asService) sysCleanup(); return res; }
void main( void ) { PYGMYFILE pygmyFile; u8 i, ucStatus, ucBuffer[ 65 ], *ucSubString; sysInit(); print( COM3, "\rUpdating bootloader, cancel boot after completion" ); print( COM3, "\rOpening Resource..." ); if( !fileOpenResource( &pygmyFile, (u8*)PYGMY_boothex ) ){ print( COM3, "\rFile Failed to Open" ); } else{ print( COM3, "\rErasing..." ); for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ){ fpecErasePage( i ); } // for; print( COM3, "\rFlashing..." ); for( ucStatus = 0; !( fileIsEOF( &pygmyFile ) ) && ucStatus != 0xFF; ){ for( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ){ ucBuffer[ i ] = fileGetChar( &pygmyFile ); if( ucBuffer[ i ] == '\r' ){ ucBuffer[ i ] = '\0'; ucSubString = getNextSubString( (u8*)ucBuffer, WHITESPACE|NEWLINE ); // Add 1 to pointer before passing to skip the ':' packet start char ucStatus = fpecProcessIHEX( (u8*)( ucSubString + 1 ) ); break; // Time to fetch next IHEX entry } // if } // for } // for } // else print( COM3, "\rBootloader Updated" ); print( COM3, "\rReseting..." ); delay( 100 ); PYGMY_RESET; //boot(); }
/*! Special constructor for X11, ref. the documentation of QApplication's corresponding constructor. The application identifier will be \a appId. \a dpy, \a argc, \a argv, \a visual, and \a cmap are passed on to the QApplication constructor. */ QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication(Display* dpy, const QString &appId, int argc, char** argv, Qt::HANDLE visual, Qt::HANDLE cmap) : QApplication(dpy, argc, argv, visual, cmap) , peer(0) , actWin(0) { sysInit(appId); }
/*! Special constructor for X11, ref. the documentation of QApplication's corresponding constructor. The application identifier will be QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath(). \a dpy, \a argc, \a argv, \a visual, and \a cmap are passed on to the QApplication constructor. */ QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication(Display* dpy, int &argc, char** argv, Qt::HANDLE visual, Qt::HANDLE cmap) : QApplication(dpy, argc, argv, visual, cmap) , peer(0) , actWin(0) { sysInit(); }
/*! Special constructor for X11, ref. the documentation of QApplication's corresponding constructor. The application identifier will be QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath(). \a dpy, \a visual, and \a cmap are passed on to the QApplication constructor. */ QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication(Display* dpy, Qt::HANDLE visual, Qt::HANDLE cmap) : QApplication(dpy, visual, cmap) , peer(0) , actWin(0) { sysInit(); }
QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication(const QString &appId, int &argc, char** argv) : QApplication(argc, argv) , peer(0) , actWin(0) { sysInit(appId); }
int main(void) { srand(time(0)); if(!sysInit()) return 1; if(!sysLoadFiles()) return 1; gameTitle(); while(!quit) { startTimer = SDL_GetTicks(); sysInput(); gameLogic(); drawEverything(); // Update the screen if(SDL_Flip(screen) == -1) return 1; // Limit the frame rate endTimer = SDL_GetTicks(); deltaTimer = endTimer - startTimer; if(deltaTimer < (1000/FPS)) SDL_Delay((1000/FPS)-deltaTimer); } gameCleanup(); sysCleanup(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { srand(time(0)); if(!sysInit()) return 1; if(!sysLoadFiles()) return 1; gameModeInit(); menuInit(); gameTitle(); while(!quit) { startTimer = SDL_GetTicks(); sysInput(); gameLogic(); drawEverything(); // Update the screen SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); // Limit the frame rate endTimer = SDL_GetTicks(); deltaTimer = endTimer - startTimer; if(deltaTimer < (1000/FPS)) SDL_Delay((1000/FPS)-deltaTimer); } blockCleanup(); sysCleanup(); }
QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication(Display* dpy, const QString &appId, int argc, char **argv, Qt::HANDLE visual, Qt::HANDLE colormap) : QApplication(dpy, argc, argv, visual, colormap) { this->appId = appId; sysInit(appId); }
void main( void ) { sysInit(); // Your code here while( 1 ){;} }
void beginProgram (int argumentCount, char **argumentVector) { #if defined(GRUB_RUNTIME) #else /* at exit */ atexit(endProgram); #endif /* at exit */ #ifdef WINDOWS sysInit(); #endif /* WINDOWS */ prepareLocale(); if (!(programPath = getProgramPath())) programPath = argumentVector[0]; if (!isExplicitPath(programPath)) { char *path = findProgram(programPath); if (!path) path = testProgram(".", programPath); if (path) programPath = path; } if (isExplicitPath(programPath)) { #if defined(HAVE_REALPATH) && defined(PATH_MAX) if (!isAbsolutePath(programPath)) { char buffer[PATH_MAX]; char *path = realpath(programPath, buffer); if (path) { char *realPath = strdup(path); if (realPath) { programPath = realPath; } else { logMallocError(); } } else { logSystemError("realpath"); } } #endif /* defined(HAVE_REALPATH) && defined(PATH_MAX) */ if (!isAbsolutePath(programPath)) { char *directory; if ((directory = getWorkingDirectory())) { char *path; if ((path = makePath(directory, programPath))) programPath = path; free(directory); } } } programName = locatePathName(programPath); setLogPrefix(programName); }
/*! Creates a QtSingleApplication object, given an already open display \a dpy. Uses the identifier \a id. \a argc and \a argv are passed on to the QAppliation constructor. If \a visual and \a colormap are non-zero, the application will use those as the default Visual and Colormap contexts. There can only be one QtSingleApplication object(and since there can only be one QApplication object you do not need to create another QApplication object yourself). \warning Qt only supports TrueColor visuals at depths higher than 8 bits-per-pixel. This is available only on X11. */ QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication(Display* dpy, const QString &id, int argc, char **argv, Qt::HANDLE visual, Qt::HANDLE colormap) : QApplication(dpy, argc, argv, visual, colormap) { d = new QtSingletonPrivate; d->id = id; actWin = 0; sysInit(); }
void main(void) { __disable_interrupt(); sysInit(); setupIR(); setupTimer(); __enable_interrupt(); __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); }
int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer _disable_interrupts(); sysInit(); _enable_interrupts(); while(1){ if(uartCheck) uartParse(); } }
// ******************************************************************************************** // cncInit() // ******************************************************************************************** int cncInit(CNC_DATA *cncDataPtr) { sysInit(&cncDataPtr->sysData); intpInit(&cncDataPtr->intpData); decInit(&cncDataPtr->decData); mmiInit(&cncDataPtr->mmiData); /// Initialize all Data Ptr linkInit(&cncDataPtr->linkData); TeachInit(&cncDataPtr->teachData); return 1; }
/*! Creates a QtSingleApplication object with the identifier \a id. \a argc, \a argv and \a type are passed on to the QAppliation constructor. There can only be one QtSingleApplication object(and since there can only be one QApplication object you do not need to create another QApplication object yourself). \warning On X11 type can not be QApplication::Tty. */ QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication(const QString &id, int &argc, char **argv, Type type) : QApplication(argc, argv, type) { #ifdef Q_WS_X11 Q_ASSERT_X(type != Tty, "QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication", "QApplication::Tty cannot be used with QtSingleApplication on X11"); #endif d = new QtSingletonPrivate; d->id = id; actWin = 0; sysInit(); }
void main() { sysInit(); wait(1); level_load("menuLevel2.wmb"); startMenu(); }
int main( void ) { sysInit(); /* USB Power dinyalakan supaya memory USB bisa dipakai */ PCONP |= 0x80000000; FIO0DIR = LED_UTAMA; FIO0CLR = LED_UTAMA; FIO1DIR = 0xFFFFFFFF; #ifdef PAKAI_SERIAL_3 /* PCONP enable UART3 */ PCONP |= BIT(25); /* PCLK UART3, PCLK = CCLK */ PCLKSEL1 &= ~(BIT(18) | BIT(19)); PCLKSEL1 |= BIT(18); /* init TX3, RX3 */ PINSEL1 &= ~(BIT(18) | BIT(19) | BIT(20) | BIT(21)); PINSEL1 |= (BIT(18) | BIT(19)); PINSEL1 |= (BIT(20) | BIT(21)); PINSEL1 &= ~(BIT(16) | BIT(17)); /* TXDE di highkan */ FIO0DIR |= TXDE; //FIO0SET = TXDE; // on ---> bisa kirim //FIO0SET &= ~TXDE; // off ---> gak bisa kirim //FIO0CLR = TXDE; FIO0SET = TXDE; FIO0DIR |= RXDE; FIO0SET = RXDE; #endif #ifdef PAKAI_SERIAL_2 /* PCONP enable UART2 */ PCONP |= BIT(24); /* PCLK UART2, PCLK = CCLK */ PCLKSEL1 &= ~(BIT(16) | BIT(17)); PCLKSEL1 |= BIT(16); /* init TX2, RX2 */ PINSEL0 |= (BIT(20) | BIT(22)); #endif /* untuk cek blinking saat system boot */ #ifdef CEK_BLINK int t=0; while(t<5) { dele(1000000); FIO0CLR = LED_UTAMA; dele(1000000); FIO0SET = LED_UTAMA; t++; } #endif xSerialPortInitMinimal( BAUD_RATE, configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ); #ifdef PAKAI_SERIAL_2 serial2_init( BAUD_PM, (1 * configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE) ); #endif #ifdef PAKAI_SERIAL_3 serial3_init( BAUD_PM, (1 * configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE) ); #endif #ifdef PAKAI_ADC init_gpio_adc(); init_gpio_mmc(); init_spi_mmc(0); // untuk adc dan mmc #endif #ifdef jalankan init_led_utama(); start_ether(); #if (defined(PAKAI_PM) && defined(AMBIL_PM)) //init_task_pm(); #endif init_shell(); vTaskStartScheduler(); /* Will only get here if there was insufficient memory to create the idle task. */ return 0; #endif
int main(void){ sysInit(); SPCR = (1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR) | (0 << CPOL) | (0 << CPHA) | (0 << SPR1); SPSR = (1<<SPI2X); W5500_Init(); _delay_ms(10); sprintf(gPtrintBuff, "Version: %u\n",getVERSIONR()); uartPuts(gPtrintBuff); //i2cScanner(); si70xx_init(); uartPutsP("\nInto Loop\n"); while (1){ if(milis() - loopTime >= 50){ hsv2rgb(hue_value,255,80, &Rpwm, &Gpwm, &Bpwm, 250); OCR1A = Rpwm; OCR1B = Gpwm; OCR1C = Bpwm; hue_value++; if(hue_value > 359){ hue_value = 0; } float temperature = si70xx_get_temperature(); float humidity = si70xx_get_humidity(); /* while(getSn_SR(SOCK_ID_TCP) != SOCK_ESTABLISHED){ loopback_tcpc(SOCK_ID_TCP, dIP, dport); } */ sprintf(gDATABUF, "%u | Temp: %.2f RH: %.2f \n\0", i , temperature, humidity); retVal = send(SOCK_ID_TCP, gDATABUF, sizeof(gDATABUF)); //close(SOCK_ID_TCP); sprintf(gPtrintBuff, "%u | Sent: %i Sizeof: %u\n", i , retVal, sizeof(gDATABUF)); uartPuts(gPtrintBuff); i++; loopTime = milis(); } loopback_tcpc(SOCK_ID_TCP, dIP, dport); //send(TCP_) char temp = uartGetc(); if(temp == 'S'){ printNetInfo(); //uartPutc(temp); } if(temp == 's'){ send(SOCK_ID_TCP, 'a', sizeof('a')); //uartPutc(temp); } } }
void QtSingleApplication::setAppId(const QString &id) { sysInit(id); }
QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication(const QString &appId, int &argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc, argv) { this->appId = appId; sysInit(appId); }
QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication(int &argc, char **argv, bool GUIenabled) : QApplication(argc, argv, GUIenabled) { sysInit(); }
/*! Creates a QtSingleApplication object. The application identifier will be QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath(). \a argc, \a argv, and \a type are passed on to the QAppliation constructor. */ QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication(int& argc, char** argv, Type type) : QApplication(argc, argv, type) { sysInit(); }
int main(void) { /* <1> Enable flash. */ sysFlushCache (I_D_CACHE); sysDisableCache (); sysEnableCache (CACHE_WRITE_BACK); sysInit(); printf("REG_APLLCON=0x%x REG_UPLLCON=0x%x\n", inpw(REG_APLLCON), inpw(REG_UPLLCON)); printf("REG_CLKCON=0x%x REG_CLKSEL=0x%x\n", inpw(REG_CLKCON), inpw(REG_CLKSEL)); printf("REG_CLKDIV0=0x%x REG_CLKDIV1=0x%x\n", inpw(REG_CLKDIV0), inpw(REG_CLKDIV1)); printf("REG_TICR0=%d\n", inpw(REG_TICR0)); FTH_Init(); #if 0 test_inet(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_gethost(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_socket(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_netread(); test_netwrite(); test_send(); test_recv(); test_recvmsg(); test_sendmsg(); test_recvfrom(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_sendto(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_netselect(); test_getsockname(); test_getsockopt(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_netfcntl(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_netioctl(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_netioctl_withbuf(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_wb740getgateway(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_wb740reboot(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); #endif test_inet(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_gethost(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_socket(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_netread(); test_netwrite(); test_send(); test_recv(); test_recvmsg(); test_sendmsg(); test_recvfrom(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_sendto(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_netselect(); test_getsockname(); test_getsockopt(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_netfcntl(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_netioctl(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_netioctl_withbuf(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_wb740getgateway(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); test_wb740reboot(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); // insert test program here //GetDevInterface(); //simple_getgateway(); //simple_ioctl_withbuf(); //simple_udpserver(); //simple_tcpserver(); //simple_inet_addr(); //simple_uname(); //simple_gethostbyaddr(); //simple_multi_thread(); //wb740reboot(g_RemoteNet_Buf, RNT_BUFFER_LEN); return 0; }
VPubDaemon::VPubDaemon(int &argc, char **argv) : QCoreApplication(argc, argv) { sysInit(); }
void main( void ) { u8 i, ucChar, *ucEeproms, ucBuffer[ 40 ]; sysInit(); socketInit(); rfInit(); print( COM3, "\rV2 RFID: 0x%X", socketGetID()); //mpl115a2Init( TX1, RX1, NONE, NONE ); //print( COM3, "\rPressure: %f", mpl115a2ReadkPa() ); //print( COM3, "\rTemp: %f", mpl115a2ReadTemp() ); //i2cConfig( &globalGasSensorDigipot, DIGIPOT_BASEADDRESS|3, TX1, RX1, I2CSPEEDFAST ); //digipotSetWiper( &globalGasSensorDigipot, 2, 0 ); //eepromOpen( 0x2F, TX1, RX1, NONE ); //eepromPutString( 0, "Test" ); pinConfig( MCO, OUT ); pinSet( MCO, HIGH ); gasSensorInit(); //print( COM3, "\rGas Sensor: %f", gasSensorRead() ); //gasSensorSetGain( 0,0 ); //print( COM3, "\rGas Sensor: %f", gasSensorRead() ); //gasSensorSetGain( 200,200 ); //print( COM3, "\rGas Sensor: %f", gasSensorRead() ); //eepromGetBuffer( 0, ucBuffer, len( "test" ) ); //print( COM3, "\rEeprom: ucBuffer ); //print( COM3, "\rEEPROM Direct Read: " ); /*for( i = 0; i < len( "test" ); i++ ){ ucChar = eepromGetChar( i ); if( isAlphaOrNumeric( ucChar ) ) { print( COM3, "%c", ucChar ); } else{ print( COM3, "(%d)", ucChar );//ucBuffer, len( "humidity" ) ); } // else } // for */ /* // Test for LCD code if( isStringSame( ucBuffer, "<shield lcd>" ) ){ print( COM3, "\rLCD Shield Detected" ); fileOpenResource( &fileFont, (u8*)PYGMY_orbitron18 ); fontLoad( &fileFont, &fontOrbitron18 ); fontSetAll( &fontOrbitron18 ); pinConfig( A0, PULLUP ); pinConfig( D3, PULLUP ); pinConfig( TA0, PULLUP ); pinConfig( DAC1, PULLUP ); pinConfig( DAC2, PULLUP ); pinConfig( TX2, PULLUP ); pinConfig( RX2, PULLUP ); drawMainMenu(); } else{ hih5030Init( A2, A3 ); } // else */ //taskNewSimple( "humidity", 1000, (void*)threadRFHumiditySave ); //gemInit(); //fileOpen( &pygmyFile, "picon128", READ ); //drawImage( 0,0, &pygmyFile, 0 ); /*ucBuffer = sysAllocate( 5 ); copyString( "Test", ucBuffer ); ucBuffer = sysReallocate( ucBuffer, 20 ); appendString( "ThisToo", ucBuffer ); print( COM3, "\rTest String: %s", ucBuffer );*/ //pinConfig( SHIELD_CENTER, PULLUP ); //pinInterrupt( gemClickMenu, SHIELD_CENTER, TRIGGER_RISING|TRIGGER_FALLING ); //drawRect( 0, 20, 127, 40, VISIBLE|BORDER|ROUNDED, 8); //gemDrawMenu(); //drawWidget( &btnOK ); //gemInit(); //sysFree( ucBuffer ); //fileOpen( &pygmyFile, "jpeg", READ ); //drawJPEG( &pygmyFile, 0, 0 ); //drawPNG( &pygmyFile, 0, 0 ); /*mstatsTemp mstats(); print( COM3, "\rbytes_total: %d", bytes_total ); print( COM3, "\rchunks_used: %d", chunks_used ); print( COM3, "\rbytes_used: %d", bytes_used ); print( COM3, "\rchunks_free: %d", chunks_free ); print( COM3, "\rbytes_free: %d", bytes_free );*/ while(1){;} }
QtSingleApplication::QtSingleApplication(Display* dpy, Qt::HANDLE visual, Qt::HANDLE colormap) : QApplication(dpy, visual, colormap) { sysInit(); }