int LandSimulation(int landfg,char* strInputFilePath,CProgressWnd* pwndProgress) { CString ReportFilePath(strInputFilePath); ReportFilePath.TrimRight("inp"); CString OutputFilePath = ReportFilePath; ReportFilePath += "rpt"; OutputFilePath += "out"; char* strReportFilePath = ReportFilePath.GetBuffer(ReportFilePath.GetLength()); char* strOutputFilePath = OutputFilePath.GetBuffer(OutputFilePath.GetLength()); // initialize progress bar pwndProgress->SetRange(0, 100); pwndProgress->SetText(""); CString strMsg, strForDdg, strE; COleDateTime time_i; // time at the beginning of the simulation COleDateTime time_f; // time at the end of the simulation COleDateTimeSpan time_dif; // simulation run time SYSTEMTIME tm; // system time GetLocalTime(&tm); time_i = COleDateTime(tm); long newHour, oldHour = 0; DateTime elapsedTime = 0.0; // --- open the files & read input data ErrorCode = 0; swmm_open(strInputFilePath,strReportFilePath,strOutputFilePath); // --- run the simulation if input data OK if ( !ErrorCode ) { // --- initialize values swmm_start(TRUE); // --- execute each time step until elapsed time is re-set to 0 if ( !ErrorCode ) { int y, m, d; datetime_decodeDate(StartDateTime, &y, &m, &d); COleDateTime tStart(y,m,d,0,0,0); datetime_decodeDate(EndDateTime, &y, &m, &d); COleDateTime tEnd(y,m,d,0,0,0); COleDateTimeSpan span0 = tEnd - tStart; do { swmm_step(&elapsedTime); newHour = elapsedTime * 24.0; COleDateTimeSpan span = COleDateTimeSpan(0,newHour,0,0); COleDateTime tCurrent = tStart + span; int nSYear = tCurrent.GetYear(); int nSMonth = tCurrent.GetMonth(); int nSDay = tCurrent.GetDay(); int nSHour = tCurrent.GetHour(); GetLocalTime(&tm); time_f = COleDateTime(tm); time_dif = time_f - time_i; int dd_elap = int(time_dif.GetDays()); int hh_elap = int(time_dif.GetHours()); int mm_elap = int(time_dif.GetMinutes()); int ss_elap = int(time_dif.GetSeconds()); if ( newHour > oldHour ) { oldHour = newHour; if (landfg == 0) strMsg.Format("Land Simulation:\t Pre-Development Scenario\n"); else strMsg.Format("Land Simulation:\t Post-Development Scenario\n"); strForDdg = strMsg; strMsg.Format("Calculating:\t %02d-%02d-%04d\n", nSMonth, nSDay, nSYear); strForDdg += strMsg; strE.Format("\nTime Elapsed:\t %02d:%02d:%02d:%02d\n", dd_elap, hh_elap, mm_elap, ss_elap); strForDdg += strE; double lfPart = span.GetTotalSeconds(); double lfAll = span0.GetTotalSeconds(); double lfPerc = lfPart/lfAll; if(pwndProgress->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL && nSHour == 0) { pwndProgress->SetText(strForDdg); pwndProgress->SetPos((int)(lfPerc*100)); pwndProgress->PeekAndPump(); } if (pwndProgress->Cancelled()) { pwndProgress->DestroyWindow(); AfxMessageBox("BMP simulation is cancelled"); break; } } } while ( elapsedTime > 0.0 && !ErrorCode ); } // --- clean up swmm_end(); } // --- report results swmm_report(); // --- close the system swmm_close(); //return ErrorCode; return ErrorCode; }
// Main Program int main( int nArgs, char **args ) { // Read command line parameters if ( nArgs < 3 ) { std::cout << "Please specify output filename and run time (seconds)." << std::endl; return 1; } std::string outFileName(args[1]); int runTime(30); { std::stringstream tmp; tmp << std::string(args[2]); tmp >> runTime; } std::cout << "LED triggered run for " << runTime << " seconds: " << outFileName << std::endl; // Create the ROOT Application (to draw canvases) TApplication *theApp = new TApplication("LEDRun",&nArgs,args); //gStyle->SetPalette(1); // Configure the Argonne Board int err(0); uint nSamples = 600; //1024; // max = 2046 uint preTrigSamples = 50; err = ConfigArgoBoard_ExtTrig( nSamples, preTrigSamples ); if ( err != 0 ) { std::cout << "Failed to configure ANL Digitizer." << std::endl; return err; } // Get ANL Digitizer configuration info uint ANL_nSamples(0); DeviceRead(lbneReg.readout_window[0],&ANL_nSamples); uint ANL_preTrigSize(0); DeviceRead(lbneReg.readout_pretrigger[0],&ANL_preTrigSize); uint ANL_eventSize = sizeof(Event_Header) + 2*nSamples; // in bytes uint m1Size(0); DeviceRead(lbneReg.m1_window[0],&m1Size); uint m2Size(0); DeviceRead(lbneReg.m2_window[0],&m2Size); uint pWindow(0); DeviceRead(lbneReg.p_window[0],&pWindow); uint kWindow(0); DeviceRead(lbneReg.k_window[0],&kWindow); uint iWindow(0); DeviceRead(lbneReg.i_window[0],&iWindow); uint dWindow(0); DeviceRead(lbneReg.d_window[0],&dWindow); // Output File TFile *outFile = new TFile(outFileName.c_str(),"RECREATE"); TDirectory *waveDir = outFile->mkdir("waveforms"); std::vector<TH1D*> waveformExamples; // Set up output ROOT tree for ANL Digitizer TTree *ANLTree = new TTree("ANLTree","ANLTree"); Event_Packet ArPacket; Event ArEvent; ANLTree->Branch("channelID",&(ArEvent.channelID),"channelID/s"); ANLTree->Branch("syncDelay",&(ArEvent.syncDelay),"syncDelay/i"); ANLTree->Branch("syncCount",&(ArEvent.syncCount),"syncCount/i"); ANLTree->Branch("timestamp",&(ArEvent.intTimestamp),"timestamp/l"); ANLTree->Branch("peakSum",&(ArEvent.peakSum),"peakSum/I"); ANLTree->Branch("peakTime",&(ArEvent.peakTime),"peakTime/C"); ANLTree->Branch("prerise",&(ArEvent.prerise),"prerise/i"); ANLTree->Branch("integratedSum",&(ArEvent.integratedSum),"integratedSum/i"); ANLTree->Branch("baseline",&(ArEvent.baseline),"baseline/s"); ANLTree->Branch("cfdPoint",&(ArEvent.cfdPoint),"cfdPoint[4]/S"); ANLTree->Branch("nSamples",&(ArEvent.waveformWords),"nSamples/s"); std::stringstream waveformDescr; waveformDescr << "waveform[" << nSamples << "]/s"; ANLTree->Branch("waveform",&(ArEvent.waveform),waveformDescr.str().c_str()); // Set up configuration ROOT tree TTree *configTree = new TTree("configTree","configTree"); configTree->Branch("runTime",&runTime,"runTime/I"); configTree->Branch("ANL_nSamples",&ANL_nSamples,"ANL_nSamples/i"); configTree->Branch("ANL_preTrigSize",&ANL_preTrigSize,"ANL_preTrigSize/i"); configTree->Branch("m1Size",&m1Size,"m1Size/i"); configTree->Branch("m2Size",&m2Size,"m2Size/i"); configTree->Branch("pWindow",&pWindow,"pWindow/i"); configTree->Branch("kWindow",&kWindow,"kWindow/i"); configTree->Branch("iWindow",&iWindow,"iWindow/i"); configTree->Branch("dWindow",&dWindow,"dWindow/i"); configTree->Fill(); configTree->Write(); // Monitoring histograms TH1D *ANL_pulseAmp[32]; for ( int chan = 0; chan < 12; ++chan ) { std::stringstream histName; histName << "ANL_pulseAmp_CH" << chan; std::stringstream histTitle; histTitle << "Pulse Amplitudes, ANL Channel " << chan << ";ADC Counts"; ANL_pulseAmp[chan] = new TH1D(histName.str().c_str(),histTitle.str().c_str(),3000,0,3000); } std::cout << "Starting acquisition." << std::endl; // Enable boards err = DeviceTimeout(500); err = DeviceStart(); // Loop for specified time int totArEvts(0); time_t tStart(0), tEnd(0); time(&tStart); time(&tEnd); while ( tEnd - tStart < runTime ) { /*** ANL Digitizer Readout ***/ uint dataSize; err = DeviceQueueStatus(&dataSize); // How many full events have been collected? if ( err != 0 ) { std::cout << "Failed device queue status check." << std::endl; break; } uint ANL_nEvts = uint(dataSize) / ANL_eventSize; //if ( ANL_nEvts > 0 ) std::cout << "Received " << ANL_nEvts << " events on the Argonne Digitizer (" << dataSize << " bytes)." << std::endl; for ( uint evt = 0; evt < ANL_nEvts; ++evt ) { totArEvts++; uint dataReceived = 0; err = DeviceReceive(&ArPacket,&dataReceived); if ( err != 0 ) { std::cout << "Failed device receive." << std::endl; break; } err = LBNE_EventUnpack(&ArPacket,&ArEvent); if ( err != 0 ) { std::cout << "Failed to unpack data." << std::endl; break; } ANLTree->Fill(); ANL_pulseAmp[ArEvent.channelID]->Fill(ArEvent.prerise/double(kWindow)-ArEvent.peakSum/double(m1Size)); /* std::stringstream waveHistName; waveHistName << "waveform_" << totArEvts; TH1D *hist = new TH1D(waveHistName.str().c_str(),waveHistName.str().c_str(),nSamples,0,nSamples); for ( uint samp = 0; samp < nSamples; ++samp ) { hist->SetBinContent(samp+1,ArEvent.waveform[samp] & 0x3FFF); // 0x3FFF drops time marks on waveform, not necessary in next firmware upgrade } waveformExamples.push_back(hist); */ } //std::cout << tEnd-tStart << std::endl; time(&tEnd); } //// Finalize // Finalize Argonne Digitizer err = DeviceStopReset(); if ( err != 0 ) { std::cout << "Failed to stop and reset board 0. ErrorCode " << err << std::endl; return 1; } err = DeviceDisconnect(commUSB); // Write and close output file ANLTree->Write(); for ( int chan = 0; chan < 12; ++chan ) ANL_pulseAmp[chan]->Write(); waveDir->cd(); for ( uint i = 0; i < waveformExamples.size(); ++i ) { waveformExamples[i]->Write(); } outFile->cd(); outFile->Close(); // Done! std::cout << "Done! Collected " << totArEvts/12 << " events" << std::endl; return 0; }
void AlexSim::writeArrivalTimes(const QString filename) const { QFile file(filename); if(! | QIODevice::Text)) QMessageBox::information(0, "error", file.errorString()); QTextStream out(&file); out.setRealNumberPrecision(11); out <<"# Simulation data. All times in s. Parameters are:\n"; out <<"# rateDonor="<<rateDemDex<<"\trateAcceptor="<<rateAemAex<<"\trateBackground="<<rateBackground<<"\tburstDuration="<<burstDuration<<"\tsigma="<<sigma<<"\ttStart="<<tStart<<"\ttEnd="<<tEnd()<<"\n"; out <<"# time\tchannel\n"; long n=photons.size(); for(long ii=0;ii<n;ii++) { out <<photons.value(ii).time<<"\t"<<QString::number(photons.value(ii).flags,2)<<"\n"; } file.close(); qDebug()<<n<<"photon times written to file "<<filename; }
void AlexSim::writeHist(const QString filename) const { long ii; long nbins=(long)((t-tStart)/burstDuration*10); if(nbins==0||photons.size()==0) qWarning()<<"writeHist: no photon records "; gsl_histogram * histDonor = gsl_histogram_alloc (nbins); gsl_histogram_set_ranges_uniform (histDonor, tStart, t); // change t to tEnd if the latter is implemented gsl_histogram * histAcceptor = gsl_histogram_alloc (nbins); gsl_histogram_set_ranges_uniform (histAcceptor, tStart, t); // change t to tEnd if the latter is implemented for (ii=0;ii<photons.size();ii++) { #ifdef PHOTONMACRO if(isChannel(,DonorEm)) gsl_histogram_increment (histDonor,; #else if( gsl_histogram_increment (histDonor,; #endif else gsl_histogram_increment (histAcceptor,; } QFile file(filename); if(! | QIODevice::Text)) QMessageBox::warning(0, "error", file.errorString()); QTextStream out(&file); out <<"# Simulation data. photon count over time. parameters are:\n"; out <<"# rateDonor="<<rateDemDex<<"\trateAcceptor="<<rateAemAex<<"\trateBackground="<<rateBackground<<"\tburstDuration="<<burstDuration<<"\tsigma="<<sigma<<"\ttStart="<<tStart<<"\ttEnd="<<tEnd()<<"\n"; out.setRealNumberPrecision(11); out <<"# time in ms \tdonor channel \tacceptor channel\n"; for(ii=0;ii<histDonor->n;ii++) { out << histDonor->range[ii]*1e3 << "\t" << gsl_histogram_get(histDonor,ii) << "\t" << gsl_histogram_get(histAcceptor,ii) << "\n"; } file.close(); gsl_histogram_free (histDonor); gsl_histogram_free (histAcceptor); qDebug()<<nbins<<"histogram entries written to file "<<filename; }
void AlexSim::simBurstDuration(int nBursts,bool writeToFile) { // simulate many photon bursts and write their sampled duration and burst size to file --> linear relationship? simInit(); // photonArrivalTimeDonor.reserve((int)(nBursts*burstDuration*rateDemDex)); // photonArrivalTimeAcceptor.reserve((int)(nBursts*burstDuration*rateAemAex)); if(writeToFile) { QFile file("./AlexSimBurstDuration.txt"); | QIODevice::Text); QTextStream out(&file); out <<"# Simulation data. All times in ms.Parameters are:\n"; out <<"# rateDonor="<<rateDemDex<<"\trateAcceptor="<<rateAemAex<<"/trateBackground="<<rateBackground<<"\tburstDuration="<<burstDuration<<"\tvariance="<<burstDurationVar<<"\ttStart="<<tStart<<"\ttEnd="<<tEnd()<<"\n"; out.setRealNumberPrecision(11); out <<"# time \tburst duration\t#photons\n"; for(int i=0;i<nBursts;i++) { burstCount(out); background(burstDuration); } file.close(); writeArrivalTimes("./AlexSimPhotonTimes.txt"); } else { for(int i=0;i<nBursts;i++) { burst(false); background(burstDuration); } } }
void TTool::updateToolsPropertiesTranslation() { ToolTable::iterator tt, tEnd(toolTable->end()); for (tt = toolTable->begin(); tt != tEnd; ++tt) tt->second->updateTranslation(); }