static int sse50etf_exec(void *data, void *data2) { RAII_VAR(struct msg *, msg, (struct msg *)data, msg_decr); Quote *quote = (Quote *)msg->data; struct wp *wp; NOT_USED(data2); if (isnan(cru) || isnan(ecc)) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "No valid value for CRU or ECC"); goto end; } table_lock(contracts); if ((wp = table_get_value(contracts, quote->thyquote.m_cHYDM)) && (isnan(wp->price) || fabs(wp->price - quote->thyquote.m_dZXJ) > 0.000001)) { table_iter_t iter; table_node_t node; double sum = 0.0; time_t t = (time_t)quote->thyquote.m_nTime; struct tm lt; char datestr[64], res[512]; if (wp->type == 2) { table_unlock(contracts); goto end; } wp->price = quote->thyquote.m_dZXJ; iter = table_iter_new(contracts); while ((node = table_next(iter))) { wp = table_node_value(node); if (isnan(wp->price)) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "No price info for '%s'", table_node_key(node)); table_iter_free(&iter); table_unlock(contracts); goto end; } sum += wp->weight * wp->price; } table_iter_free(&iter); strftime(datestr, sizeof datestr, "%F %T", localtime_r(&t, <)); snprintf(res, sizeof res, "SSE50ETF,%s.%03d|%f", datestr, quote->m_nMSec, (sum + ecc) / cru); out2rmp(res); } table_unlock(contracts); end: return 0; }
static int impvbaw_exec(void *data, void *data2) { RAII_VAR(struct msg *, msg, (struct msg *)data, msg_decr); Quote *quote = (Quote *)msg->data; struct msgs *out = (struct msgs *)data2; dstr contract; float last; char *p; table_node_t node; contract = dstr_new(quote->thyquote.m_cHYDM); if (!strcmp(contract, "") || (fabs(quote->thyquote.m_dZXJ) <= 0.000001 && fabs(quote->thyquote.m_dMRJG1) <= 0.000001 && fabs(quote->thyquote.m_dMCJG1) <= 0.000001)) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid quote: '%d,%d,%s,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f'", quote->thyquote.m_nTime, quote->m_nMSec, contract, quote->thyquote.m_dZXJ, quote->thyquote.m_dMRJG1, quote->thyquote.m_dMCJG1); goto end; } /* FIXME */ if (!strncasecmp(contract, "IO", 2) || !strncasecmp(contract, "HO", 2) || !strncasecmp(contract, "00", 2) || !strncasecmp(contract, "60", 2)) goto end; last = quote->thyquote.m_dZXJ; if ((p = strrchr(contract, 'C')) == NULL) p = strrchr(contract, 'P'); /* FIXME: option quote */ if (p && p != contract && p != contract + dstr_length(contract) - 1 && ((*(p - 1) == '-' && *(p + 1) == '-') || (isdigit(*(p - 1)) && isdigit(*(p + 1))))) { dstr spotname, type, strike; float spot; struct prices *prices; double expiry, vol, vol2, vol3; struct tm lt; char *res; spotname = *(p - 1) == '-' ? dstr_new_len(contract, p - contract - 1) : dstr_new_len(contract, p - contract); type = dstr_new_len(p, 1); strike = *(p + 1) == '-' ? dstr_new_len(p + 2, contract + dstr_length(contract) - p - 2) : dstr_new_len(p + 1, contract + dstr_length(contract) - p - 1); table_rwlock_rdlock(spots); if ((node = table_find(spots, spotname)) == NULL) { table_rwlock_unlock(spots); dstr_free(strike); dstr_free(type); dstr_free(spotname); goto end; } spot = table_node_float(node); table_rwlock_unlock(spots); if (fabs(spot) <= 0.000001) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "The price of spot '%s' be zero", spotname); dstr_free(strike); dstr_free(type); dstr_free(spotname); goto end; } table_lock(optns); if ((node = table_find(optns, contract)) == NULL) { if (NEW(prices)) { prices->prelast = last; prices->prebid1 = quote->thyquote.m_dMRJG1; prices->preask1 = quote->thyquote.m_dMCJG1; prices->prespot = spot; table_insert(optns, dstr_new(contract), prices); } else xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "Error allocating memory for prices"); } else { prices = (struct prices *)table_node_value(node); if (fabs(prices->prelast - last) <= 0.000001 && fabs(prices->prebid1 - quote->thyquote.m_dMRJG1) <= 0.000001 && fabs(prices->preask1 - quote->thyquote.m_dMCJG1) <= 0.000001 && fabs(prices->prespot - spot) <= 0.000001) { table_unlock(optns); dstr_free(strike); dstr_free(type); dstr_free(spotname); goto end; } else { prices->prelast = last; prices->prebid1 = quote->thyquote.m_dMRJG1; prices->preask1 = quote->thyquote.m_dMCJG1; prices->prespot = spot; } } table_unlock(optns); if ((node = table_find(expiries, contract))) expiry = table_node_double(node); else { char *month; struct timeval tv; int diff; xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "No exact expiry date for '%s'", contract); month = spotname + dstr_length(spotname) - 2; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if ((diff = atoi(month) - localtime_r(&tv.tv_sec, <)->tm_mon - 1) < 0) diff += 12; if (diff == 0) diff = 1; expiry = diff / 12.0; } /* FIXME: last price */ if (fabs(last) <= 0.000001) vol = NAN; else vol = impv_baw(spot, atof(strike), r, r, expiry, last, !strcasecmp(type, "C") ? AMER_CALL : AMER_PUT); /* FIXME: bid price 1 */ if (fabs(quote->thyquote.m_dMRJG1) <= 0.000001) vol2 = NAN; else if (fabs(quote->thyquote.m_dMRJG1 - last) <= 0.000001) vol2 = vol; else vol2 = impv_baw(spot, atof(strike), r, r, expiry, quote->thyquote.m_dMRJG1, !strcasecmp(type, "C") ? AMER_CALL : AMER_PUT); /* FIXME: ask price 1 */ if (fabs(quote->thyquote.m_dMCJG1) <= 0.000001) vol3 = NAN; else if (fabs(quote->thyquote.m_dMCJG1 - last) <= 0.000001) vol3 = vol; else vol3 = impv_baw(spot, atof(strike), r, r, expiry, quote->thyquote.m_dMCJG1, !strcasecmp(type, "C") ? AMER_CALL : AMER_PUT); if ((res = ALLOC(512))) { time_t t = (time_t)quote->thyquote.m_nTime; char datestr[64]; strftime(datestr, sizeof datestr, "%F %T", localtime_r(&t, <)); snprintf(res, 512, "IMPVBAW,%s.%03d,%s|%.2f,%f,%.2f,%f,%.2f,%f,%.2f", datestr, quote->m_nMSec, contract, last, vol, quote->thyquote.m_dMRJG1, vol2, quote->thyquote.m_dMCJG1, vol3, spot); out2rmp(res); snprintf(res, 512, "IMPVBAW,%d,%d,%s,%.2f,%f,%.2f,%f,%.2f,%f,%.2f,%s,%s,%s,%f,%f,%d,0,0", quote->thyquote.m_nTime, quote->m_nMSec, contract, last, vol, quote->thyquote.m_dMRJG1, vol2, quote->thyquote.m_dMCJG1, vol3, spot, spotname, type, strike, r, expiry, quote->thyquote.m_nCJSL); if (out2msgs(res, out) == -1) FREE(res); } else xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "Error allocating memory for result"); dstr_free(strike); dstr_free(type); dstr_free(spotname); /* future quote */ } else { table_rwlock_wrlock(spots); if ((node = table_find(spots, contract)) == NULL) { if ((node = table_insert_raw(spots, contract))) table_set_float(node, last); } else { table_set_float(node, last); dstr_free(contract); } table_rwlock_unlock(spots); return 0; } end: dstr_free(contract); return 0; }