Example #1
** Check to see if the "sym-trunk" tag exists.  If not, create it
** and attach it to the very first check-in.
static void rebuild_tag_trunk(void){
  int tagid = db_int(0, "SELECT 1 FROM tag WHERE tagname='sym-trunk'");
  int rid;
  char *zUuid;

  if( tagid>0 ) return;
  rid = db_int(0, "SELECT pid FROM plink AS x WHERE NOT EXISTS("
                  "  SELECT 1 FROM plink WHERE cid=x.pid)");
  if( rid==0 ) return;

  /* Add the trunk tag to the root of the whole tree */
  zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid);
  if( zUuid==0 ) return;
  tag_add_artifact("sym-", "trunk", zUuid, 0, 2, 0, 0);
  tag_add_artifact("", "branch", zUuid, "trunk", 2, 0, 0);
Example #2
** COMMAND: tag
** Usage: %fossil tag SUBCOMMAND ...
** Run various subcommands to control tags and properties
**     %fossil tag add ?--raw? ?--propagate? TAGNAME CHECK-IN ?VALUE?
**         Add a new tag or property to CHECK-IN. The tag will
**         be usable instead of a CHECK-IN in commands such as
**         update and merge.  If the --propagate flag is present,
**         the tag value propages to all descendants of CHECK-IN
**     %fossil tag cancel ?--raw? TAGNAME CHECK-IN
**         Remove the tag TAGNAME from CHECK-IN, and also remove
**         the propagation of the tag to any descendants.
**     %fossil tag find ?--raw? ?--type TYPE? TAGNAME
**         List all objects that use TAGNAME.  TYPE can be "ci" for
**         checkins or "e" for events.
**     %fossil tag list ?--raw? ?CHECK-IN?
**         List all tags, or if CHECK-IN is supplied, list
**         all tags and their values for CHECK-IN.
** The option --raw allows the manipulation of all types of tags
** used for various internal purposes in fossil. It also shows
** "cancel" tags for the "find" and "list" subcommands. You should
** not use this option to make changes unless you are sure what
** you are doing.
** If you need to use a tagname that might be confused with
** a hexadecimal baseline or artifact ID, you can explicitly
** disambiguate it by prefixing it with "tag:". For instance:
**   fossil update decaf
** will be taken as an artifact or baseline ID and fossil will
** probably complain that no such revision was found. However
**   fossil update tag:decaf
** will assume that "decaf" is a tag/branch name.
** only allow --date-override and --user-override in 
**   %fossil tag add --date-override 'YYYY-MMM-DD HH:MM:SS' \\
**                   --user-override user 
** in order to import history from other scm systems
void tag_cmd(void){
  int n;
  int fRaw = find_option("raw","",0)!=0;
  int fPropagate = find_option("propagate","",0)!=0;
  const char *zPrefix = fRaw ? "" : "sym-";

  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
  if( g.argc<3 ){
    goto tag_cmd_usage;
  n = strlen(g.argv[2]);
  if( n==0 ){
    goto tag_cmd_usage;

  if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"add",n)==0 ){
    char *zValue;
    const char *zDateOvrd = find_option("date-override",0,1);
    const char *zUserOvrd = find_option("user-override",0,1);
    if( g.argc!=5 && g.argc!=6 ){
      usage("add ?--raw? ?--propagate? TAGNAME CHECK-IN ?VALUE?");
    zValue = g.argc==6 ? g.argv[5] : 0;
    tag_add_artifact(zPrefix, g.argv[3], g.argv[4], zValue,

  if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"branch",n)==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("the \"fossil tag branch\" command is discontinued\n"
                 "Use the \"fossil branch new\" command instead.");

  if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"cancel",n)==0 ){
    if( g.argc!=5 ){
      usage("cancel ?--raw? TAGNAME CHECK-IN");
    tag_add_artifact(zPrefix, g.argv[3], g.argv[4], 0, 0, 0, 0);

  if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"find",n)==0 ){
    Stmt q;
    const char *zType = find_option("type","t",1);
    if( zType==0 || zType[0]==0 ) zType = "*";
    if( g.argc!=4 ){
      usage("find ?--raw? TAGNAME");
    if( fRaw ){
        "SELECT blob.uuid FROM tagxref, blob"
        " WHERE tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname=%Q)"
        "   AND tagxref.tagtype>0"
        "   AND blob.rid=tagxref.rid",
      while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
        fossil_print("%s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0));
      int tagid = db_int(0, "SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname='sym-%q'",
      if( tagid>0 ){
          "  AND event.type GLOB '%q'"
          "  AND blob.rid IN ("
                    " SELECT rid FROM tagxref"
                    "  WHERE tagtype>0 AND tagid=%d"
          " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC",
          timeline_query_for_tty(), zType, tagid
        print_timeline(&q, 2000, 0);

  if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"list",n)==0 ){
    Stmt q;
    if( g.argc==3 ){
        "SELECT tagname FROM tag"
        " WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tagxref"
        "               WHERE tagid=tag.tagid"
        "                 AND tagtype>0)"
        " ORDER BY tagname"
      while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
        const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
        if( fRaw ){
          fossil_print("%s\n", zName);
        }else if( strncmp(zName, "sym-", 4)==0 ){
          fossil_print("%s\n", &zName[4]);
    }else if( g.argc==4 ){
      int rid = name_to_rid(g.argv[3]);
        "SELECT tagname, value FROM tagxref, tag"
        " WHERE tagxref.rid=%d AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid"
        "   AND tagtype>%d"
        " ORDER BY tagname",
        fRaw ? -1 : 0
      while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
        const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
        const char *zValue = db_column_text(&q, 1);
        if( fRaw==0 ){
          if( strncmp(zName, "sym-", 4)!=0 ) continue;
          zName += 4;
        if( zValue && zValue[0] ){
          fossil_print("%s=%s\n", zName, zValue);
          fossil_print("%s\n", zName);
      usage("tag list ?CHECK-IN?");
    goto tag_cmd_usage;

  /* Cleanup */

  usage("add|cancel|find|list ...");