Example #1
void QWidgetPrivate::create_sys(WId window, bool initializeWindow, bool /*destroyOldWindow*/)
    Qt::WindowType type = q->windowType();

    // Make sure the WindowTitleHint is on if any of the title bar hints are set
    // Note: This might be moved to cross-platform QWidgetPrivate::adjustFlags()
    if (  !(data.window_flags & Qt::CustomizeWindowHint) && (
           (data.window_flags & Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint) ||
           (data.window_flags & Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint) ||
           (data.window_flags & Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint) ||
           (data.window_flags & Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint) ||
           (data.window_flags & Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint) ) ) {
        data.window_flags |= Qt::WindowTitleHint;

    // Decoration plugins on QWS don't support switching on the close button on its own
    if (data.window_flags & Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint)
        data.window_flags |= Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint;

    Qt::WindowFlags flags = data.window_flags;

    data.alloc_region_index = -1;

    // we don't have a "Drawer" window type
    if (type == Qt::Drawer) {
        type = Qt::Widget;
        flags &= ~Qt::WindowType_Mask;

    bool topLevel = (flags & Qt::Window);
    bool popup = (type == Qt::Popup);
    bool dialog = (type == Qt::Dialog
                   || type == Qt::Sheet
                   || (flags & Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint));
    bool desktop = (type == Qt::Desktop);
    bool tool = (type == Qt::Tool || type == Qt::SplashScreen || type == Qt::ToolTip);

    static bool toolWarningShown = false;
    if (!toolWarningShown && type == Qt::Tool && !(flags & Qt::FramelessWindowHint)) {
        qWarning("Qt for Embedded Linux " QT_VERSION_STR " does not support tool windows with frames.\n"
                 "This behavior will change in a later release. To ensure compatibility with\n"
                 "future versions, use (Qt::Tool | Qt::FramelessWindowHint).");
        toolWarningShown = true;

    WId           id;
    QWSDisplay* dpy = QWidget::qwsDisplay();

    if (!window)                                // always initialize
        initializeWindow = true;

    // use the size of the primary screen to determine the default window size
    QList<QScreen *> screens = qt_screen->subScreens();
    if (screens.isEmpty())
    int sw = screens[0]->width();
    int sh = screens[0]->height();

    if (desktop) {                                // desktop widget
        dialog = popup = false;                        // force these flags off
        data.crect.setRect(0, 0, sw, sh);
    } else if (topLevel && !q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Resized)) {
        int width = sw / 2;
        int height = 4 * sh / 10;
        if (extra) {
            width = qMax(qMin(width, extra->maxw), extra->minw);
            height = qMax(qMin(height, extra->maxh), extra->minh);
        data.crect.setSize(QSize(width, height));

    if (window) {                                // override the old window
        id = window;
    } else if (desktop) {                        // desktop widget
        id = (WId)-2;                                // id = root window
#if 0
        QWidget *otherDesktop = q->find(id);        // is there another desktop?
        if (otherDesktop && otherDesktop->testWFlags(Qt::WPaintDesktop)) {
            otherDesktop->d_func()->setWinId(0);        // remove id from widget mapper
            setWinId(id);                        // make sure otherDesktop is
            otherDesktop->d_func()->setWinId(id);        //   found first
        } else
    } else {
        id = topLevel ? dpy->takeId() : takeLocalId();
        setWinId(id);                                // set widget id/handle + hd

    bool hasFrame = true;
    if (topLevel) {
        if (desktop || popup || tool || q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen))
            hasFrame = false;
            hasFrame = !(flags & Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
    if (desktop) {
    } else if (topLevel) {                        // set X cursor
        //QCursor *oc = QApplication::overrideCursor();
        if (initializeWindow) {
            //XXX XDefineCursor(dpy, winid, oc ? oc->handle() : cursor().handle());
        QWidget::qwsDisplay()->nameRegion(q->internalWinId(), q->objectName(), q->windowTitle());

    if (topLevel) {
        QTLWExtra *topextra = extra->topextra;
        if (hasFrame) {
            // get size of wm decoration and make the old crect the new frect
            QRect cr = data.crect;
            QRegion r = QApplication::qwsDecoration().region(q, cr) | cr;
            QRect br(r.boundingRect());
            topextra->frameStrut.setCoords(cr.x() - br.x(),
                                                  cr.y() - br.y(),
                                                  br.right() - cr.right(),
                                                  br.bottom() - cr.bottom());
            if (!q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Moved) || topextra->posFromMove)
                data.crect.translate(topextra->frameStrut.left(), topextra->frameStrut.top());
            if (!topData()->qwsManager) {
                topData()->qwsManager = new QWSManager(q);
                if((q->data->window_state & ~Qt::WindowActive) == Qt::WindowMaximized)

        } else if (topData()->qwsManager) {
            delete topData()->qwsManager;
            topData()->qwsManager = 0;
            data.crect.translate(-topextra->frameStrut.left(), -topextra->frameStrut.top());
            topextra->frameStrut.setCoords(0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (!topextra->caption.isEmpty())

        //XXX If we are session managed, inform the window manager about it
    } else {
        if (extra && extra->topextra)        { // already allocated due to reparent?
            extra->topextra->frameStrut.setCoords(0, 0, 0, 0);
Example #2
void QWidget::create( WId window, bool initializeWindow, bool /*destroyOldWindow*/)
    if ( testWState(WState_Created) && window == 0 )
    setWState( WState_Created );			// set created flag

    if ( !parentWidget() || parentWidget()->isDesktop() )
	setWFlags( WType_TopLevel );		// top-level widget

    alloc_region_index = -1;
    alloc_region_revision = -1;
    isSettingGeometry = FALSE;
    overlapping_children = -1;

    bool topLevel = testWFlags(WType_TopLevel);
    bool popup = testWFlags(WType_Popup);
    bool dialog = testWFlags(WType_Dialog);
    bool desktop = testWFlags(WType_Desktop);
    WId	   id;
    QWSDisplay* dpy = qwsDisplay();

    if ( !window )				// always initialize
	initializeWindow = TRUE;

    if ( popup ) {
	setWFlags(WStyle_Tool); // a popup is a tool window
	setWFlags(WStyle_StaysOnTop); // a popup stays on top
    if ( topLevel && parentWidget() ) {
	// if our parent has WStyle_StaysOnTop, so must we
	QWidget *ptl = parentWidget()->topLevelWidget();
	if ( ptl && ptl->testWFlags( WStyle_StaysOnTop ) )

    int sw = dpy->width();
    int sh = dpy->height();

    if ( dialog || popup || desktop ) {		// these are top-level, too
	topLevel = TRUE;
	setWFlags( WType_TopLevel );

    if ( desktop ) {				// desktop widget
	dialog = popup = FALSE;			// force these flags off
	crect.setRect( 0, 0, sw, sh );
    } else if ( topLevel ) {			// calc pos/size from screen
	crect.setRect( 0, 0, sw/2, 4*sh/10 );
    } else {					// child widget
	crect.setRect( 0, 0, 100, 30 );

    if ( window ) {				// override the old window
	id = window;
	setWinId( window );
    } else if ( desktop ) {			// desktop widget
	id = (WId)-2;				// id = root window
	QWidget *otherDesktop = find( id );	// is there another desktop?
	if ( otherDesktop && otherDesktop->testWFlags(WPaintDesktop) ) {
	    otherDesktop->setWinId( 0 );	// remove id from widget mapper
	    setWinId( id );			// make sure otherDesktop is
	    otherDesktop->setWinId( id );	//   found first
	} else {
	    setWinId( id );
    } else {
	id = topLevel ? dpy->takeId() : takeLocalId();
	setWinId( id );				// set widget id/handle + hd

    if ( !topLevel ) {
	if ( !testWFlags(WStyle_Customize) )
	    setWFlags( WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_MinMax | WStyle_SysMenu  );
    } else if ( !(desktop || popup) ) {
	if ( testWFlags(WStyle_Customize) ) {	// customize top-level widget
	    if ( testWFlags(WStyle_NormalBorder) ) {
		// XXX ...
	    } else {
		if ( !testWFlags(WStyle_DialogBorder) ) {
		    // XXX ...
	    if ( testWFlags(WStyle_Tool) ) {
		// XXX ...
	} else {				// normal top-level widget
	    setWFlags( WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu |
		       WStyle_MinMax );


    if ( !initializeWindow ) {
	// do no initialization
    } else if ( popup ) {			// popup widget
    } else if ( topLevel && !desktop ) {	// top-level widget
	QWidget *p = parentWidget();	// real parent
	if (p)
	    p = p->topLevelWidget();
	if ( testWFlags(WStyle_DialogBorder)
	     || testWFlags(WStyle_StaysOnTop)
	     || testWFlags(WStyle_Dialog)
	     || testWFlags(WStyle_Tool) ) {
	    // XXX ...

	// find the real client leader, i.e. a toplevel without parent
	while ( p && p->parentWidget()) {
	    p = p->parentWidget()->topLevelWidget();

	// XXX ...

    if ( initializeWindow ) {

    setWState( WState_MouseTracking );
    setMouseTracking( FALSE );			// also sets event mask
    if ( desktop ) {
	setWState( WState_Visible );
    } else if ( topLevel ) {			// set X cursor
	//QCursor *oc = QApplication::overrideCursor();
	if ( initializeWindow ) {
	    //XXX XDefineCursor( dpy, winid, oc ? oc->handle() : cursor().handle() );
	setWState( WState_OwnCursor );
	qwsDisplay()->nameRegion( winId(), name(""), caption() );
	qwsDisplay()->nameRegion( winId(), name(""), QString::null );

    if ( topLevel ) {
#if !defined(QT_NO_WIDGET_TOPEXTRA) && !defined(QT_NO_QWS_MANAGER)
	if ( testWFlags(WStyle_DialogBorder)
	     || testWFlags(WStyle_NormalBorder))
	    // get size of wm decoration
	    QRegion r = QApplication::qwsDecoration().region(this, crect);
	    QRect br( r.boundingRect() );
	    crect.moveBy( crect.x()-br.x(), crect.y()-br.y() );
	    extra->topextra->fleft = crect.x()-br.x();
	    extra->topextra->ftop = crect.y()-br.y();
	    extra->topextra->fright = br.right()-crect.right();
	    extra->topextra->fbottom = br.bottom()-crect.bottom();
	    topData()->qwsManager = new QWSManager(this);
	} else if ( topData()->qwsManager ) {
	    delete topData()->qwsManager;
	    topData()->qwsManager = 0;
	    crect.moveBy( -extra->topextra->fleft, -extra->topextra->ftop );
	    extra->topextra->fleft = extra->topextra->ftop =
		extra->topextra->fright = extra->topextra->fbottom = 0;
	// declare the widget's object name as window role


	// If we are session managed, inform the window manager about it
	if ( extra && !extra->mask.isNull() ) {
	    req_region = extra->mask;
	    req_region &= crect; //??? this is optional
	} else {
	    req_region = crect;
	req_region = qt_screen->mapToDevice( req_region, QSize(qt_screen->width(), qt_screen->height()) );
    } else {
	if ( extra && extra->topextra )	{ // already allocated due to reparent?
	    extra->topextra->fleft = 0;
	    extra->topextra->ftop = 0;
	    extra->topextra->fright = 0;
	    extra->topextra->fbottom = 0;
	//updateRequestedRegion( mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)) );