int main(void) { char *path, *ctx = tal_strdup(NULL, "ctx"); plan_tests(26); path = path_basename(ctx, "/usr/lib"); ok1(streq(path, "lib")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); path = path_basename(ctx, "/usr/"); ok1(streq(path, "usr")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); path = path_basename(ctx, "/usr//"); ok1(streq(path, "usr")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); path = path_basename(ctx, "usr"); ok1(streq(path, "usr")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); path = path_basename(ctx, "/"); ok1(streq(path, "/")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); path = path_basename(ctx, "//"); ok1(streq(path, "/")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); path = path_basename(ctx, "."); ok1(streq(path, ".")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); path = path_basename(ctx, "./"); ok1(streq(path, ".")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); path = path_basename(ctx, ".."); ok1(streq(path, "..")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); path = path_basename(ctx, "../"); ok1(streq(path, "..")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); tal_free(ctx); ctx = tal_strdup(NULL, "ctx"); ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); /* Test take */ path = path_basename(ctx, take(tal_strdup(ctx, ".."))); ok1(streq(path, "..")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); ok1(tal_first(ctx) == path && !tal_next(ctx, path)); tal_free(path); ok1(path_basename(ctx, take(NULL)) == NULL); ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); tal_free(ctx); return exit_status(); }
int main(void) { char cwd[1024], *path, *path2, *ctx = tal_strdup(NULL, "ctx"); plan_tests(15); if (!getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd))) abort(); unlink("run-canon-link"); rmdir("run-canon-foo"); if (mkdir("run-canon-foo", 0700) != 0) abort(); if (symlink("run-canon-foo", "run-canon-link") != 0) abort(); path = path_canon(ctx, "run-canon-foo"); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); ok1(strends(path, "run-canon-foo")); ok1(strstarts(path, cwd)); ok1(path[strlen(cwd)] == PATH_SEP); ok1(strlen(path) == strlen(cwd) + 1 + strlen("run-canon-foo")); tal_free(path); ok1(!path_canon(ctx, take(NULL))); ok1(tal_first(ctx) == NULL); /* Test take doesn't leak. */ ok1(tal_first(ctx) == NULL); path = path_canon(ctx, take(tal_strdup(ctx, "run-canon-foo"))); ok1(strends(path, "run-canon-foo")); ok1(strstarts(path, cwd)); ok1(path[strlen(cwd)] == PATH_SEP); ok1(strlen(path) == strlen(cwd) + 1 + strlen("run-canon-foo")); ok1(tal_first(ctx) == path && tal_next(path) == NULL); path2 = path_canon(ctx, "run-canon-link"); ok1(streq(path2, path)); unlink("run-canon-link"); if (symlink(".", "run-canon-link") != 0) abort(); path = path_canon(ctx, "run-canon-link"); ok1(streq(path, cwd)); tal_free(ctx); return exit_status(); }
int main(void) { char cwd[1024], *path, *ctx = tal_strdup(NULL, "ctx"); plan_tests(6); if (!getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd))) abort(); unlink("run-is_dir-dir-link"); unlink("run-is_dir-file-link"); unlink("run-is_dir-dir/file"); rmdir("run-is_dir-dir"); if (mkdir("run-is_dir-dir", 0700) != 0) abort(); if (symlink("run-is_dir-dir", "run-is_dir-dir-link") != 0) abort(); if (symlink("run-is_dir-dir/file", "run-is_dir-file-link") != 0) abort(); close(open("run-is_dir-dir/file", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0600)); ok1(path_is_dir("run-is_dir-dir-link")); ok1(!path_is_dir("run-is_dir-file-link")); ok1(!path_is_dir("run-is_dir-dir/file")); ok1(path_is_dir("run-is_dir-dir")); path = path_join(ctx, cwd, "run-is_dir-dir/file"); ok1(!path_is_dir(path)); ok1(path_is_dir(cwd)); tal_free(ctx); return exit_status(); }
static char *get_leaks(char *lines[], char **errs) { char *leaks = tal_strdup(lines, ""); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < tal_count(lines) - 1; i++) { if (strstr(lines[i], " lost ")) { /* A leak... */ if (strstr(lines[i], " definitely lost ")) { /* Definite leak, report. */ while (lines[i] && !blank_line(lines[i])) { tal_append_fmt(&leaks, "%s\n", lines[i]); i++; } } else /* Not definite, ignore. */ while (lines[i] && !blank_line(lines[i])) i++; } else { /* A real error. */ while (lines[i] && !blank_line(lines[i])) { if (!*errs) *errs = tal_fmt(NULL, "%s\n", lines[i]); else tal_append_fmt(errs, "%s\n", lines[i]); i++; } } } return leaks; }
/* Make copy of src, replacing "from" with "to". */ static char *replace(const void *ctx, const char *src, const char *from, const char *to) { char *ret = tal_strdup(ctx, ""); unsigned int rlen, len, add; rlen = len = 0; for (;;) { const char *next = strstr(src+len, from); if (!next) add = strlen(src+len) + 1; else add = next - (src+len); tal_resize(&ret, rlen + add + strlen(to)+1); memcpy(ret+rlen, src+len, add); if (!next) return ret; len += add; rlen += add; strcpy(ret+rlen, to); rlen += strlen(to); len += strlen(from); } }
/* We might need more ../ for nested modules. */ static const char *link_prefix(struct manifest *m) { char *prefix = tal_strdup(m, "../../"); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < strcount(m->modname, "/"); i++) prefix = tal_strcat(m, take(prefix), "../"); return tal_strcat(m, take(prefix), "licenses/"); }
static char *cflags_list(const struct manifest *m) { unsigned int i; char *ret = tal_strdup(m, cflags); char **flags = get_cflags(m, m->dir, get_or_compile_info); for (i = 0; flags[i]; i++) tal_append_fmt(&ret, " %s", flags[i]); return ret; }
static struct json *json_parse(const tal_t * ctx, const char *str) { struct json *j = tal(ctx, struct json); j->buffer = tal_strdup(j, str); convert_quotes(j->buffer); bool ok; j->toks = json_parse_input(j, j->buffer, strlen(j->buffer), &ok); assert(ok); j->toks = json_tok_copy(j, j->toks); return j; }
static char *example_obj_list(const void *ctx, struct manifest **deps) { char *list = tal_strdup(ctx, ""); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < tal_count(deps); i++) { if (deps[i]->compiled[COMPILE_NORMAL]) tal_append_fmt(&list, " %s", deps[i]->compiled[COMPILE_NORMAL]); } return list; }
static const char *concat(struct score *score, char *bits[]) { unsigned int i; char *ret = tal_strdup(score, ""); for (i = 0; bits[i]; i++) { if (i) ret = tal_strcat(score, take(ret), " "); ret = tal_strcat(score, take(ret), bits[i]); } return ret; }
static char *to_base58(const tal_t *ctx, u8 version, const struct ripemd160 *rmd) { char out[BASE58_ADDR_MAX_LEN + 1]; size_t outlen = sizeof(out); b58_sha256_impl = my_sha256; if (!b58check_enc(out, &outlen, version, rmd, sizeof(*rmd))) { return NULL; }else{ return tal_strdup(ctx, out); } }
char *key_to_base58(const tal_t *ctx, bool test_net, const struct privkey *key) { u8 buf[32 + 1]; char out[BASE58_KEY_MAX_LEN + 2]; u8 version = test_net ? 239 : 128; size_t outlen = sizeof(out); memcpy(buf, key->secret, sizeof(key->secret)); /* Mark this as a compressed key. */ buf[32] = 1; b58check_enc(out, &outlen, version, buf, sizeof(buf)); return tal_strdup(ctx, out); }
static char *example_lib_list(const void *ctx, struct manifest **deps) { char *list = tal_strdup(ctx, ""); char **libs; unsigned int i, j; /* FIXME: This doesn't uniquify. */ for (i = 0; i < tal_count(deps); i++) { libs = get_libs(ctx, deps[i]->dir, NULL, get_or_compile_info); for (j = 0; libs[j]; j++) tal_append_fmt(&list, "-l%s ", libs[j]); } return list; }
/* Simple LL(1) parser, inspired by Tridge's */ struct cdump_definitions *cdump_extract(const tal_t *ctx, const char *code, char **complaints) { struct parse_state ps; const struct token *toks; ps.defs = tal(ctx, struct cdump_definitions); ps.complaints = tal_strdup(ctx, ""); ps.code = code; strmap_init(&ps.defs->enums); strmap_init(&ps.defs->structs); strmap_init(&ps.defs->unions); tal_add_destructor(ps.defs, destroy_definitions); toks = ps.toks = tokenize(ps.defs, code); while (tok_peek(&ps.toks)) { if (tok_take_if(&ps.toks, "struct")) { if (!tok_take_conglom(&ps, CDUMP_STRUCT)) goto fail; } else if (tok_take_if(&ps.toks, "union")) { if (!tok_take_conglom(&ps, CDUMP_UNION)) goto fail; } else if (tok_take_if(&ps.toks, "enum")) { if (!tok_take_enum(&ps)) goto fail; } else tok_take_unknown_statement(&ps); } /* Now, remove any undefined types! */ remove_undefined(&ps.defs->enums); remove_undefined(&ps.defs->structs); remove_undefined(&ps.defs->unions); tal_free(toks); out: if (streq(ps.complaints, "")) ps.complaints = tal_free(ps.complaints); if (complaints) *complaints = ps.complaints; else tal_free(ps.complaints); return ps.defs; fail: ps.defs = tal_free(ps.defs); goto out; }
static char *to_base58(const tal_t *ctx, u8 version, const struct ripemd160 *rmd) { u8 buf[1 + sizeof(*rmd) + 4]; char out[BASE58_ADDR_MAX_LEN + 2], *p; buf[0] = version; memcpy(buf+1, rmd, sizeof(*rmd)); /* Append checksum */ base58_get_checksum(buf + 1 + sizeof(*rmd), buf, 1 + sizeof(*rmd)); p = encode_base58(out, BASE58_ADDR_MAX_LEN, buf, sizeof(buf)); return tal_strdup(ctx, p); }
char *key_to_base58(const tal_t *ctx, bool test_net, const struct privkey *key) { u8 buf[1 + 32 + 1 + 4]; char out[BASE58_KEY_MAX_LEN + 2], *p; buf[0] = test_net ? 239 : 128; memcpy(buf + 1, key->secret, sizeof(key->secret)); /* Mark this as a compressed key. */ buf[1 + 32] = 1; /* Append checksum */ base58_get_checksum(buf + 1 + 32 + 1, buf, 1 + 32 + 1); p = encode_base58(out, BASE58_KEY_MAX_LEN, buf, sizeof(buf)); return tal_strdup(ctx, p); }
char *bitcoin_to_base58(const tal_t *ctx, bool test_net, const struct bitcoin_address *addr) { u8 buf[1 + sizeof(addr->addr) + 4]; char out[BASE58_ADDR_MAX_LEN + 2], *p; buf[0] = test_net ? 111 : 0; BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(addr->addr) == sizeof(struct ripemd160)); memcpy(buf+1, addr, sizeof(addr->addr)); /* Append checksum */ base58_get_checksum(buf + 1 + sizeof(addr->addr), buf, 1 + sizeof(addr->addr)); p = encode_base58(out, BASE58_ADDR_MAX_LEN, buf, sizeof(buf)); return tal_strdup(ctx, p); }
static struct command_result *waitsendpay_expired(struct command *cmd, struct pay_command *pc) { char *errmsg, *data; errmsg = tal_fmt(pc, "Gave up after %zu attempts", tal_count(pc->ps->attempts)); data = tal_strdup(pc, "'attempts': [ "); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(pc->ps->attempts); i++) { if (pc->ps->attempts[i].route) tal_append_fmt(&data, "%s { 'route': %s,\n 'failure': %s\n }", i == 0 ? "" : ",", pc->ps->attempts[i].route, pc->ps->attempts[i].failure); else tal_append_fmt(&data, "%s { 'failure': %s\n }", i == 0 ? "" : ",", pc->ps->attempts[i].failure); } tal_append_fmt(&data, "]"); return command_done_err(cmd, PAY_STOPPED_RETRYING, errmsg, data); }
struct ccan_file *new_ccan_file(const void *ctx, const char *dir, const char *name) { struct ccan_file *f; unsigned int i; assert(dir[0] == '/'); f = tal(ctx, struct ccan_file); f->lines = NULL; f->line_info = NULL; f->doc_sections = NULL; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(f->compiled); i++) f->compiled[i] = NULL; f->name = tal_strdup(f, name); f->fullname = path_join(f, dir, f->name); f->contents = NULL; f->simplified = NULL; f->idempotent_cond = NULL; return f; }
int main(void) { void *ctx = tal_strdup(NULL, "toplevel"); char *a, *b; /* If it accesses this, it will crash. */ char **invalid = (char **)1L; plan_tests(41); /* Simple matching. */ ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", "hello") == true); ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", "hi") == false); /* No parentheses means we don't use any extra args. */ ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", "hello", invalid) == true); ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", "hi", invalid) == false); ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", "[a-z]+", invalid) == true); ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", "([a-z]+)", &a, invalid) == true); /* Found string */ ok1(streq(a, "hello")); /* Allocated off ctx */ ok1(find_parent(a, ctx)); tal_free(a); ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", "([a-z]*) ([a-z]+)", &a, &b, invalid) == true); ok1(streq(a, "hello")); ok1(streq(b, "world")); ok1(find_parent(a, ctx)); ok1(find_parent(b, ctx)); tal_free(a); tal_free(b); /* * after parentheses returns last match. */ ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", "([a-z])* ([a-z]+)", &a, &b, invalid) == true); ok1(streq(a, "o")); ok1(streq(b, "world")); tal_free(a); tal_free(b); /* Nested parentheses are ordered by open brace. */ ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", "(([a-z]*) world)", &a, &b, invalid) == true); ok1(streq(a, "hello world")); ok1(streq(b, "hello")); tal_free(a); tal_free(b); /* Nested parentheses are ordered by open brace. */ ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", "(([a-z]*) world)", &a, &b, invalid) == true); ok1(streq(a, "hello world")); ok1(streq(b, "hello")); tal_free(a); tal_free(b); /* NULL means we're not interested. */ ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", "((hello|goodbye) world)", &a, NULL, invalid) == true); ok1(streq(a, "hello world")); tal_free(a); /* No leaks! */ ok1(no_children(ctx)); /* NULL arg with take means always fail. */ ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, take(NULL), "((hello|goodbye) world)", &b, NULL, invalid) == false); /* Take string. */ a = tal_strdup(ctx, "hello world!"); ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, take(a), "([a-z]+)", &b, invalid) == true); ok1(streq(b, "hello")); ok1(tal_parent(b) == ctx); tal_free(b); ok1(no_children(ctx)); /* Take regex. */ a = tal_strdup(ctx, "([a-z]+)"); ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "hello world!", take(a), &b, invalid) == true); ok1(streq(b, "hello")); ok1(tal_parent(b) == ctx); tal_free(b); ok1(no_children(ctx)); /* Take both. */ a = tal_strdup(ctx, "([a-z]+)"); ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, take(tal_strdup(ctx, "hello world!")), take(a), &b, invalid) == true); ok1(streq(b, "hello")); ok1(tal_parent(b) == ctx); tal_free(b); ok1(no_children(ctx)); /* ... even if we fail to match. */ a = tal_strdup(ctx, "([a-z]+)"); ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, take(tal_strdup(ctx, "HELLO WORLD!")), take(a), &b, invalid) == false); ok1(no_children(ctx)); tal_free(ctx); /* Don't get fooled by \(! */ ok1(tal_strreg(ctx, "(hello) (world)!", "\\([a-z]*\\) \\([a-z]+\\)", invalid) == true); return exit_status(); }
int main(void) { char *path, *ctx = tal_strdup(NULL, "ctx"); plan_tests(34); path = path_join(ctx, "foo", "bar"); ok1(streq(path, "foo/bar")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); tal_free(path); path = path_join(ctx, "foo/", "bar"); ok1(streq(path, "foo/bar")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); tal_free(path); path = path_join(ctx, "foo/", "/bar"); ok1(streq(path, "/bar")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); tal_free(path); path = path_join(ctx, "foo", "/bar"); ok1(streq(path, "/bar")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); tal_free(path); /* Test take */ path = path_join(ctx, "foo", take(tal_strdup(ctx, "bar"))); ok1(streq(path, "foo/bar")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); ok1(tal_first(ctx) == path && tal_next(path) == NULL && tal_first(path) == NULL); tal_free(path); path = path_join(ctx, "foo", take(tal_strdup(ctx, "/bar"))); ok1(streq(path, "/bar")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); ok1(tal_first(ctx) == path && tal_next(path) == NULL && tal_first(path) == NULL); tal_free(path); path = path_join(ctx, take(tal_strdup(ctx, "foo")), "bar"); ok1(streq(path, "foo/bar")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); ok1(tal_first(ctx) == path && tal_next(path) == NULL && tal_first(path) == NULL); tal_free(path); path = path_join(ctx, take(tal_strdup(ctx, "foo")), "/bar"); ok1(streq(path, "/bar")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); ok1(tal_first(ctx) == path && tal_next(path) == NULL && tal_first(path) == NULL); tal_free(path); path = path_join(ctx, take(tal_strdup(ctx, "foo")), take(tal_strdup(ctx, "bar"))); ok1(streq(path, "foo/bar")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); ok1(tal_first(ctx) == path && tal_next(path) == NULL && tal_first(path) == NULL); tal_free(path); path = path_join(ctx, take(tal_strdup(ctx, "foo")), take(tal_strdup(ctx, "/bar"))); ok1(streq(path, "/bar")); ok1(tal_parent(path) == ctx); ok1(tal_first(ctx) == path && tal_next(path) == NULL && tal_first(path) == NULL); tal_free(path); path = path_join(ctx, take(NULL), "bar"); ok1(!path); ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); /* This is allowed to succeed, as first arg unneeded. */ path = path_join(ctx, take(NULL), "/bar"); ok1(!path || streq(path, "/bar")); tal_free(path); ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); path = path_join(ctx, "foo", take(NULL)); ok1(!path); ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); path = path_join(ctx, take(NULL), take(NULL)); ok1(!path); ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); tal_free(ctx); return exit_status(); }
/* This just tests parser for the moment. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int i; struct line_info *line_info; struct ccan_file *f = tal(NULL, struct ccan_file); plan_tests(NUM_LINES * 2 + 2 + 86); f->num_lines = NUM_LINES; f->line_info = NULL; f->lines = tal_array(f, char *, f->num_lines); for (i = 0; i < f->num_lines; i++) f->lines[i] = tal_strdup(f->lines, testfile[i].line); line_info = get_ccan_line_info(f); ok1(line_info == f->line_info); for (i = 0; i < f->num_lines; i++) { ok(f->line_info[i].type == testfile[i].type, "Line %u:'%s' type %s should be %s", i, testfile[i].line, line_type_name(f->line_info[i].type), line_type_name(testfile[i].type)); ok(f->line_info[i].continued == testfile[i].continued, "Line %u:'%s' continued should be %s", i, testfile[i].line, testfile[i].continued ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } /* Should cache. */ ok1(get_ccan_line_info(f) == line_info); /* Expect line 1 condition to be NULL. */ ok1(line_info[0].cond == NULL); /* Line 2, should depend on TEST_H being undefined. */ ok1(line_info[1].cond != NULL); ok1(line_info[1].cond->type == PP_COND_IFDEF); ok1(line_info[1].cond->inverse); ok1(line_info[1].cond->parent == NULL); ok1(streq(line_info[1].cond->symbol, "TEST_H")); /* Every line BAR should depend on BAR being defined. */ for (i = 0; i < f->num_lines; i++) { if (!streq(testfile[i].line, "BAR")) continue; ok1(line_info[i].cond->type == PP_COND_IFDEF); ok1(!line_info[i].cond->inverse); ok1(streq(line_info[i].cond->symbol, "BAR")); ok1(line_info[i].cond->parent == line_info[1].cond); } /* Every line !BAR should depend on BAR being undefined. */ for (i = 0; i < f->num_lines; i++) { if (!streq(testfile[i].line, "!BAR")) continue; ok1(line_info[i].cond->type == PP_COND_IFDEF); ok1(line_info[i].cond->inverse); ok1(streq(line_info[i].cond->symbol, "BAR")); ok1(line_info[i].cond->parent == line_info[1].cond); } /* Every line HAVE_BAR should depend on HAVE_BAR being set. */ for (i = 0; i < f->num_lines; i++) { if (!streq(testfile[i].line, "HAVE_BAR")) continue; ok1(line_info[i].cond->type == PP_COND_IF); ok1(!line_info[i].cond->inverse); ok1(streq(line_info[i].cond->symbol, "HAVE_BAR")); ok1(line_info[i].cond->parent == line_info[1].cond); } /* Every line HAVE_FOO should depend on HAVE_FOO being set. */ for (i = 0; i < f->num_lines; i++) { if (!streq(testfile[i].line, "HAVE_FOO")) continue; ok1(line_info[i].cond->type == PP_COND_IF); ok1(!line_info[i].cond->inverse); ok1(streq(line_info[i].cond->symbol, "HAVE_FOO")); ok1(line_info[i].cond->parent == line_info[1].cond); } /* Now check using interface. */ for (i = 0; i < f->num_lines; i++) { unsigned int val = 1; if (streq(testfile[i].line, "BAR")) { /* If we don't know if the TEST_H was undefined, * best we get is a MAYBE. */ ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "BAR", &val, NULL) == MAYBE_COMPILED); ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "BAR", NULL, NULL) == NOT_COMPILED); ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "BAR", &val, "TEST_H", NULL, NULL) == COMPILED); ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "BAR", NULL, "TEST_H", NULL, NULL) == NOT_COMPILED); } else if (streq(testfile[i].line, "!BAR")) { ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "BAR", &val, NULL) == NOT_COMPILED); ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "BAR", NULL, NULL) == MAYBE_COMPILED); ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "BAR", &val, "TEST_H", NULL, NULL) == NOT_COMPILED); ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "BAR", NULL, "TEST_H", NULL, NULL) == COMPILED); } else if (streq(testfile[i].line, "HAVE_BAR")) { ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "HAVE_BAR", &val, NULL) == MAYBE_COMPILED); ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "HAVE_BAR", &val, "TEST_H", NULL, NULL) == COMPILED); val = 0; ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "HAVE_BAR", &val, NULL) == NOT_COMPILED); ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "HAVE_BAR", &val, "TEST_H", NULL, NULL) == NOT_COMPILED); } else if (streq(testfile[i].line, "HAVE_FOO")) { ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "HAVE_FOO", &val, NULL) == MAYBE_COMPILED); ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "HAVE_FOO", &val, "TEST_H", NULL, NULL) == COMPILED); val = 0; ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "HAVE_FOO", &val, NULL) == NOT_COMPILED); ok1(get_ccan_line_pp(line_info[i].cond, "HAVE_FOO", &val, "TEST_H", NULL, NULL) == NOT_COMPILED); } } return exit_status(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *ctx; unsigned count; int i, j; struct timespec tv; void *p1, *p2[100], *p3[100]; bool run_talloc = true, run_tal = true, run_malloc = true; if (argv[1]) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "--talloc") == 0) run_tal = run_malloc = false; else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--tal") == 0) run_talloc = run_malloc = false; else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--malloc") == 0) run_talloc = run_tal = false; else errx(1, "Bad flag %s", argv[1]); } if (!run_talloc) goto after_talloc; ctx = talloc_new(NULL); tv = time_now(); count = 0; do { for (i=0;i<LOOPS;i++) { p1 = talloc_size(ctx, LOOPS % 128); for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { p2[j] = talloc_strdup(p1, "foo bar"); p3[j] = talloc_size(p1, 300); } talloc_free(p1); } count += (1 + 200) * LOOPS; } while (time_sub(time_now(), tv).tv_sec < 5); fprintf(stderr, "talloc: %.0f ops/sec\n", count/5.0); talloc_free(ctx); after_talloc: if (!run_tal) goto after_tal; ctx = tal(NULL, char); tv = time_now(); count = 0; do { for (i=0;i<LOOPS;i++) { p1 = tal_arr(ctx, char, LOOPS % 128); for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { p2[j] = tal_strdup(p1, "foo bar"); p3[j] = tal_arr(p1, char, 300); } tal_free(p1); } count += (1 + 200) * LOOPS; } while (time_sub(time_now(), tv).tv_sec < 5); fprintf(stderr, "tal: %.0f ops/sec\n", count/5.0); tal_free(ctx); after_tal: if (!run_malloc) goto after_malloc; tv = time_now(); count = 0; do { for (i=0;i<LOOPS;i++) { p1 = malloc(LOOPS % 128); for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { p2[j] = strdup("foo bar"); p3[j] = malloc(300); } for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { free(p2[j]); free(p3[j]); } free(p1); } count += (1 + 200) * LOOPS; } while (time_sub(time_now(), tv).tv_sec < 5); fprintf(stderr, "malloc: %.0f ops/sec\n", count/5.0); after_malloc: printf("success: speed\n"); return 0; }
void pettycoin_dir_register_opts(const tal_t *ctx, char **pettycoin_dir, char **rpc_filename) { *pettycoin_dir = tal_strdup(ctx, "."); *rpc_filename = tal_strdup(ctx, "-"); }
static void check_has_license(struct manifest *m, unsigned int *timeleft, struct score *score) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; ssize_t len; char *license = path_join(m, m->dir, "LICENSE"); const char *expected; struct doc_section *d; const char *prefix = link_prefix(m); d = find_license_tag(m); if (!d) { score->error = tal_strdup(score, "No License: tag in _info"); return; } m->license = which_license(d); if (m->license == LICENSE_UNKNOWN) { score_file_error(score, m->info_file, d->srcline, "WARNING: unknown License: in _info: %s", d->lines[0]); /* FIXME: For historical reasons, don't fail here. */ score->pass = true; return; } /* If they have a license tag at all, we pass. */ score->pass = true; expected = expected_link(m, prefix, m->license); len = readlink(license, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len < 0) { /* Could be a real file... OK if not a standard license. */ if (errno == EINVAL) { if (!expected) { score->score = score->total; return; } score->error = tal_fmt(score, "License in _info is '%s'," " expect LICENSE symlink '%s'", d->lines[0], expected); return; } if (errno == ENOENT) { /* Public domain doesn't really need a file. */ if (m->license == LICENSE_PUBLIC_DOMAIN) { score->score = score->total; return; } score->error = tal_strdup(score, "LICENSE does not exist"); if (expected) license_exists.handle = handle_license_link; return; } err(1, "readlink on %s", license); } if (len >= sizeof(buf)) errx(1, "Reading symlink %s gave huge result", license); buf[len] = '\0'; if (!strstarts(buf, prefix)) { score->error = tal_fmt(score, "Expected symlink into %s not %s", prefix, buf); return; } if (!expected) { score->error = tal_fmt(score, "License in _info is unknown '%s'," " but LICENSE symlink is '%s'", d->lines[0], buf); return; } if (!streq(buf, expected)) { score->error = tal_fmt(score, "Expected symlink to %s not %s", expected, buf); return; } score->pass = true; score->score = score->total; }
int main(void) { jsmntok_t *toks_arr, *toks_obj, *arg1, *arg2, *arg3, *arg4, *arg5; const jsmntok_t *arr_params, *obj_params; void *ctx; bool valid; char *cmd_arr, *cmd_obj; struct protocol_double_sha sha; ctx = tal(NULL, char); cmd_arr = tal_strdup(ctx, "{ \"method\" : \"dev-echo\", " "\"params\" : [ null, [ 1, 2, 3 ], { \"one\" : 1 }, \"four\" ], " "\"id\" : \"1\" }"); cmd_obj = tal_strdup(ctx, "{ \"method\" : \"dev-echo\", " "\"params\" : { \"arg2\" : [ 1, 2, 3 ]," " \"arg3\" : { \"one\" : 1 }," " \"arg4\" : \"four\" }, " "\"id\" : \"1\" }"); /* Partial id we skip } */ toks_arr = json_parse_input(cmd_arr, strlen(cmd_arr) - 1, &valid); assert(!toks_arr); assert(valid); toks_obj = json_parse_input(cmd_obj, strlen(cmd_obj) - 1, &valid); assert(!toks_obj); assert(valid); /* This should work */ toks_arr = json_parse_input(cmd_arr, strlen(cmd_arr), &valid); assert(toks_arr); assert(tal_count(toks_arr) == 17); assert(valid); toks_obj = json_parse_input(cmd_obj, strlen(cmd_obj), &valid); assert(toks_obj); assert(tal_count(toks_obj) == 19); assert(valid); assert(toks_arr[0].type == JSMN_OBJECT); assert(json_tok_len(toks_arr) == strlen(cmd_arr)); assert(strncmp(json_tok_contents(cmd_arr, toks_arr), cmd_arr, json_tok_len(toks_arr)) == 0); assert(toks_obj[0].type == JSMN_OBJECT); assert(json_tok_len(toks_obj) == strlen(cmd_obj)); assert(strncmp(json_tok_contents(cmd_obj, toks_obj), cmd_obj, json_tok_len(toks_obj)) == 0); /* It's not a string, so this will fail. */ assert(!json_tok_streq(cmd_arr, toks_arr, cmd_obj)); assert(json_tok_streq(cmd_arr, toks_arr+1, "method")); assert(json_tok_streq(cmd_obj, toks_obj+1, "method")); assert(json_tok_is_null(cmd_arr, toks_arr + 5)); assert(!json_tok_is_null(cmd_arr, toks_arr + 6)); assert(!json_tok_is_null(cmd_arr, toks_arr + 7)); assert(json_get_member(cmd_arr, toks_arr, "method") == toks_arr+2); assert(json_get_member(cmd_obj, toks_obj, "method") == toks_obj+2); assert(!json_get_member(cmd_arr, toks_arr, "dev-echo")); assert(!json_get_member(cmd_obj, toks_obj, "arg2")); arr_params = json_get_member(cmd_arr, toks_arr, "params"); assert(arr_params == toks_arr+4); assert(arr_params->type == JSMN_ARRAY); obj_params = json_get_member(cmd_obj, toks_obj, "params"); assert(obj_params == toks_obj+4); assert(obj_params->type == JSMN_OBJECT); assert(json_get_member(cmd_arr, toks_arr, "id") == toks_arr+15); assert(json_get_member(cmd_obj, toks_obj, "id") == toks_obj+17); /* get_member works in sub objects */ assert(json_get_member(cmd_obj, obj_params, "arg4") == toks_obj + 15); json_get_params(cmd_arr, arr_params, "arg1", &arg1, "arg2", &arg2, "arg3", &arg3, "arg4", &arg4, "arg5", &arg5, NULL); assert(arg1 == NULL); assert(arg2 == toks_arr + 6); assert(arg2->type == JSMN_ARRAY); assert(arg3 == toks_arr + 10); assert(arg3->type == JSMN_OBJECT); assert(arg4 == toks_arr + 13); assert(arg4->type == JSMN_STRING); assert(arg5 == NULL); json_get_params(cmd_obj, obj_params, "arg1", &arg1, "arg2", &arg2, "arg3", &arg3, "arg4", &arg4, "arg5", &arg5, NULL); assert(arg1 == NULL); assert(arg2 == toks_obj + 6); assert(arg2->type == JSMN_ARRAY); assert(arg3 == toks_obj + 11); assert(arg3->type == JSMN_OBJECT); assert(arg4 == toks_obj + 15); assert(arg4->type == JSMN_STRING); assert(arg5 == NULL); /* Test json_delve() */ assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".method") == toks_arr + 2); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".params[0]") == toks_arr + 5); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".params[1]") == toks_arr + 6); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".params[2]") == toks_arr + 10); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".params[1][2]") == toks_arr + 9); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".params[4]") == NULL); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".params[1][4]") == NULL); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".params[3][4]") == NULL); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".unknown") == NULL); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".unknown[1]") == NULL); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".param") == NULL); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".params\"") == NULL); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".dev-echo") == NULL); assert(json_delve(cmd_arr, toks_arr, ".id[0]") == NULL); assert(json_delve(cmd_obj, toks_obj, "") == toks_obj + 13); /* More exotic object creation */ cmd_arr = tal_arr(ctx, char, 0); json_add_object(&cmd_arr, "arg2", JSMN_ARRAY, "[ 1, 2, 3 ]", "arg3", JSMN_OBJECT, "{ \"one\" : 1 }", "arg4", JSMN_STRING, "four", NULL); assert(streq(cmd_arr, "{ \"arg2\" : [ 1, 2, 3 ]," " \"arg3\" : { \"one\" : 1 }," " \"arg4\" : \"four\" }")); cmd_arr = tal_arr(ctx, char, 0); json_object_start(&cmd_arr, NULL); json_add_pubkey(&cmd_arr, "key", helper_public_key(0)); memset(&sha, 42, sizeof(sha)); json_add_double_sha(&cmd_arr, "sha", &sha); json_add_address(&cmd_arr, "test-address", true, helper_addr(0)); json_add_address(&cmd_arr, "address", false, helper_addr(0)); json_object_end(&cmd_arr); assert(streq(cmd_arr, "{ \"key\" : \"0214f24666a59e62c8b92a0b4b58f2a1cdeb573ea377e42f411be028292ff81926\"," " \"sha\" : \"2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a\"," " \"test-address\" : \"qKCafy33t92L9Nmoxx8H6NHDuiyGViqWBZ\"," " \"address\" : \"PZZyf1xcSbNFodrGQ6ot4LrsdSUu1bgmkc\" }")); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
int main(void) { char *parent, *c; plan_tests(43); parent = tal(NULL, char); ok1(parent); c = tal_strdup(parent, "hello"); ok1(strcmp(c, "hello") == 0); ok1(tal_parent(c) == parent); ok1(tal_count(c) == strlen(c) + 1); tal_free(c); c = tal_strndup(parent, "hello", 3); ok1(strcmp(c, "hel") == 0); ok1(tal_parent(c) == parent); ok1(tal_count(c) == strlen(c) + 1); tal_free(c); #ifdef TAL_USE_TALLOC c = tal_talloc_typechk_(parent, char *); #else c = tal_typechk_(parent, char *); #endif c = tal_dup_arr(parent, char, "hello", 6, 0); ok1(strcmp(c, "hello") == 0); ok1(strcmp(tal_name(c), "char[]") == 0); ok1(tal_count(c) == 6); ok1(tal_parent(c) == parent); tal_free(c); /* Now with an extra byte. */ c = tal_dup_arr(parent, char, "hello", 6, 1); ok1(strcmp(c, "hello") == 0); ok1(strcmp(tal_name(c), "char[]") == 0); ok1(tal_count(c) == 7); ok1(tal_parent(c) == parent); strcat(c, "x"); tal_free(c); c = tal_fmt(parent, "hello %s", "there"); ok1(strcmp(c, "hello there") == 0); ok1(tal_count(c) == strlen(c) + 1); ok1(tal_parent(c) == parent); tal_free(c); c = tal_strcat(parent, "hello ", "there"); ok1(strcmp(c, "hello there") == 0); ok1(tal_count(c) == strlen(c) + 1); ok1(tal_parent(c) == parent); /* Make sure take works correctly. */ c = tal_strcat(parent, take(c), " again"); ok1(strcmp(c, "hello there again") == 0); ok1(tal_count(c) == strlen(c) + 1); ok1(tal_parent(c) == parent); ok1(single_child(parent, c)); c = tal_strcat(parent, "And ", take(c)); ok1(tal_count(c) == strlen(c) + 1); ok1(strcmp(c, "And hello there again") == 0); ok1(tal_parent(c) == parent); ok1(single_child(parent, c)); /* NULL pass through works... */ c = tal_strcat(parent, take(NULL), take(c)); ok1(!c); ok1(no_children(parent)); c = tal_strcat(parent, take(tal_strdup(parent, "hi")), take(NULL)); ok1(!c); ok1(no_children(parent)); c = tal_strcat(parent, take(NULL), take(NULL)); ok1(!c); ok1(no_children(parent)); /* Appending formatted strings. */ c = tal_strdup(parent, "hi"); ok1(tal_count(c) == strlen(c) + 1); ok1(tal_append_fmt(&c, "%s %s", "there", "world")); ok1(strcmp(c, "hithere world") == 0); ok1(tal_count(c) == strlen(c) + 1); ok1(tal_parent(c) == parent); ok1(!tal_append_fmt(&c, take(NULL), "there", "world")); ok1(strcmp(c, "hithere world") == 0); ok1(tal_count(c) == strlen(c) + 1); tal_free(parent); return exit_status(); }
static char *ask_process(const tal_t *ctx, const char *name, const char *arg1, const char *arg2, const char *arg3, const char *arg4, const char *arg5) { struct json_result *response = new_json_result(ctx); if (streq(name, "bitcoind")) { assert(streq(arg1, "-testnet")); if (streq(arg2, "listtransactions")) { unsigned int i, num, skip; assert(streq(arg3, "gateway")); num = atoi(arg4 ? arg4 : "10"); assert(num); skip = atoi(arg5 ? arg5 : "0"); json_array_start(response, NULL); /* Like bitcoind, list oldest first. */ for (i = skip; i < skip+num; i++) { unsigned int confs; if (i >= ARRAY_SIZE(listtxs_response)) break; /* We only show one the first time. */ if (i > sleeps) break; /* First one is 16 confs, then 4, 1, then 0, * plus one each time you ask. */ confs = (1 << ((ARRAY_SIZE(listtxs_response) - i) * 2)) + sleeps; result_append_fmt(response, listtxs_response[i], confs); } json_array_end(response); assert(!response->indent); return response->s; } else if (streq(arg2, "getrawtransaction")) { unsigned int i; /* We only do verbose mode */ assert(streq(arg4, "1")); assert(arg5 == NULL); /* Search through responses for this txid */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(getrawtxs_response); i++) { const char *p; p = strstr(getrawtxs_response[i], " \"txid\" : \""); if (strstarts(p + strlen(" \"txid\" : \""), arg3)) return tal_strdup(ctx, getrawtxs_response[i]); } } else if (streq(arg2, "getinfo")) { return tal_strdup(ctx, getinfo_response); } else if (streq(arg2, "sendtoaddress")) { if (mark_off_payment(arg3, amount_in_satoshis(arg4, strlen(arg4)))) return tal_strdup(ctx, "some-new-bitcoin-txid"); } } else if (streq(name, "pettycoin-tx")) { assert(streq(arg1, "--no-fee")); assert(streq(arg2, "from-gateway")); assert(streq(arg3, "FAKE-gateway-privkey")); if (mark_off_payment(arg4, atol(arg5))) return tal_fmt(ctx, "raw-transaction-%s", arg4); } else if (streq(name, "pettycoin-query")) { assert(streq(arg1, "sendrawtransaction")); assert(strstarts(arg2, "raw-transaction-")); assert(arg3 == NULL); assert(arg4 == NULL); assert(arg5 == NULL); return tal_fmt(ctx, "txid for %s", arg2); } printf("ask_process: name=%s arg1=%s arg2=%s arg3=%s arg4=%s arg5=%s", name, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **split, *str; void *ctx; plan_tests(69); split = tal_strsplit(NULL, "hello world", " ", STR_EMPTY_OK); ok1(!strcmp(split[0], "hello")); ok1(!strcmp(split[1], "")); ok1(!strcmp(split[2], "world")); ok1(split[3] == NULL); ok1(tal_count(split) == 4); tal_free(split); split = tal_strsplit(NULL, "hello world", " ", STR_NO_EMPTY); ok1(!strcmp(split[0], "hello")); ok1(!strcmp(split[1], "world")); ok1(split[2] == NULL); ok1(tal_count(split) == 3); tal_free(split); split = tal_strsplit(NULL, " hello world", " ", STR_NO_EMPTY); ok1(!strcmp(split[0], "hello")); ok1(!strcmp(split[1], "world")); ok1(split[2] == NULL); ok1(tal_count(split) == 3); tal_free(split); split = tal_strsplit(NULL, "hello world", "o ", STR_EMPTY_OK); ok1(!strcmp(split[0], "hell")); ok1(!strcmp(split[1], "")); ok1(!strcmp(split[2], "")); ok1(!strcmp(split[3], "w")); ok1(!strcmp(split[4], "rld")); ok1(split[5] == NULL); ok1(tal_count(split) == 6); ctx = split; split = tal_strsplit(ctx, "hello world", "o ", STR_EMPTY_OK); ok1(tal_parent(split) == ctx); tal_free(ctx); str = tal_strjoin(NULL, (char **)substrings, ", ", STR_TRAIL); ok1(!strcmp(str, "far, bar, baz, b, ba, z, ar, ")); ctx = str; str = tal_strjoin(ctx, (char **)substrings, "", STR_TRAIL); ok1(!strcmp(str, "farbarbazbbazar")); ok1(tal_parent(str) == ctx); str = tal_strjoin(ctx, (char **)substrings, ", ", STR_NO_TRAIL); ok1(tal_parent(str) == ctx); ok1(!strcmp(str, "far, bar, baz, b, ba, z, ar")); str = tal_strjoin(ctx, (char **)substrings, "", STR_NO_TRAIL); ok1(!strcmp(str, "farbarbazbbazar")); ok1(tal_parent(str) == ctx); tal_free(ctx); ctx = tal_strdup(NULL, "context"); /* Pass through NULLs from take. */ ok1(tal_strsplit(NULL, take(NULL), " ", STR_EMPTY_OK) == NULL); ok1(tal_strsplit(NULL, "foo", take(NULL), STR_EMPTY_OK) == NULL); /* tal_strsplit take string. It reallocs it to same size, but * that sometimes causes a move, so we can't directly check * that split[0] == str. */ str = tal_strdup(ctx, "hello world"); ok1(tal_check(ctx, NULL)); ok1(tal_check(str, NULL)); split = tal_strsplit(ctx, take(str), " ", STR_EMPTY_OK); ok1(tal_parent(split) == ctx); ok1(!strcmp(split[0], "hello")); ok1(!strcmp(split[1], "world")); ok1(split[2] == NULL); ok1(tal_check(split, NULL)); ok1(tal_check(ctx, NULL)); tal_free(split); /* Previous free should get rid of str */ ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); /* tal_strsplit take delims */ str = tal_strdup(ctx, " "); split = tal_strsplit(ctx, "hello world", take(str), STR_EMPTY_OK); ok1(tal_parent(split) == ctx); ok1(!strcmp(split[0], "hello")); ok1(!strcmp(split[1], "world")); ok1(split[2] == NULL); ok1(tal_check(split, NULL)); ok1(tal_check(ctx, NULL)); tal_free(split); /* str is gone... */ ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); /* tal_strsplit takes both. */ split = tal_strsplit(ctx, take(tal_strdup(NULL, "hello world")), take(tal_strdup(NULL, " ")), STR_EMPTY_OK); ok1(tal_parent(split) == ctx); ok1(!strcmp(split[0], "hello")); ok1(!strcmp(split[1], "world")); ok1(split[2] == NULL); ok1(tal_check(split, NULL)); ok1(tal_check(ctx, NULL)); tal_free(split); /* temp allocs are gone... */ ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); /* tal_strjoin passthrough taken NULLs OK. */ ok1(tal_strjoin(ctx, take(NULL), "", STR_TRAIL) == NULL); ok1(tal_strjoin(ctx, take(NULL), "", STR_NO_TRAIL) == NULL); ok1(tal_strjoin(ctx, split, take(NULL), STR_TRAIL) == NULL); ok1(tal_strjoin(ctx, split, take(NULL), STR_NO_TRAIL) == NULL); /* tal_strjoin take strings[] */ split = tal_strsplit(ctx, "hello world", " ", STR_EMPTY_OK); str = tal_strjoin(ctx, take(split), " there ", STR_NO_TRAIL); ok1(!strcmp(str, "hello there world")); ok1(tal_parent(str) == ctx); /* split is gone... */ ok1(tal_first(ctx) == str && !tal_next(ctx, str)); tal_free(str); ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); /* tal_strjoin take delim */ split = tal_strsplit(ctx, "hello world", " ", STR_EMPTY_OK); str = tal_strjoin(ctx, split, take(tal_strdup(ctx, " there ")), STR_NO_TRAIL); ok1(!strcmp(str, "hello there world")); ok1(tal_parent(str) == ctx); tal_free(split); /* tmp alloc is gone, str is only remainder. */ ok1(tal_first(ctx) == str && !tal_next(ctx, str)); tal_free(str); ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); /* tal_strjoin take both. */ str = tal_strjoin(ctx, take(tal_strsplit(ctx, "hello world", " ", STR_EMPTY_OK)), take(tal_strdup(ctx, " there ")), STR_NO_TRAIL); ok1(!strcmp(str, "hello there world")); ok1(tal_parent(str) == ctx); /* tmp allocs are gone, str is only remainder. */ ok1(tal_first(ctx) == str && !tal_next(ctx, str)); tal_free(str); ok1(!tal_first(ctx)); tal_free(ctx); return exit_status(); }