Example #1
static void ann_predict_meanstd(uint16_t *pixels, float mean, float std)
    int i, j;
    float ah[6];
    float x, x_val, y_val;

    for (i = 0; i < num_hidden; i++)  {
        ah[i] = BH(i);

    uint16_t subsample;
    for (i = 0; i < num_subsample; i++) {
        subsample = pixels[i];
        x = (float)(subsample - mean) / std;

        for (j = 0; j < num_hidden; j++) {
            float wih_tmp = WIH(i, j);
            ah[j] += x * wih_tmp;

    x_val = BO(0);
    y_val = BO(1);

    for (i = 0; i < num_hidden; i++) {
        x_val += WHO(i, 0) * tanh_approx(ah[i]);
        y_val += WHO(i, 1) * tanh_approx(ah[i]);

    // pred = global for storing prediction values
    pred[PRED_X] = (unsigned short)((x_val * 112) + 0.5);
    pred[PRED_Y] = (unsigned short)((y_val * 111) + 0.5);

Example #2
void FlangerEffect::processChannel(const ChannelHandle& handle,
                                   FlangerGroupState* pState,
                                   const CSAMPLE* pInput, CSAMPLE* pOutput,
                                   const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters,
                                   const EffectEnableState enableState,
                                   const GroupFeatureState& groupFeatures) {

    double lfoPeriodParameter = m_pSpeedParameter->value();
    double lfoPeriodFrames;
    if (groupFeatures.has_beat_length_sec) {
        // lfoPeriodParameter is a number of beats
        lfoPeriodParameter = std::max(roundToFraction(lfoPeriodParameter, 2.0), kMinLfoBeats);
        if (m_pTripletParameter->toBool()) {
            lfoPeriodParameter /= 3.0;
        lfoPeriodFrames = lfoPeriodParameter * groupFeatures.beat_length_sec
                * bufferParameters.sampleRate();
    } else {
        // lfoPeriodParameter is a number of seconds
        lfoPeriodFrames = std::max(lfoPeriodParameter, kMinLfoBeats)
                * bufferParameters.sampleRate();

    // When the period is changed, the position of the sound shouldn't
    // so time need to be recalculated
    if (pState->previousPeriodFrames != -1.0) {
        pState->lfoFrames *= lfoPeriodFrames / pState->previousPeriodFrames;
    pState->previousPeriodFrames = lfoPeriodFrames;

    // lfoPeriodSamples is used to calculate the delay for each channel
    // independently in the loop below, so do not multiply lfoPeriodSamples by
    // the number of channels.

    CSAMPLE_GAIN mix = m_pMixParameter->value();
    RampingValue<CSAMPLE_GAIN> mixRamped(
            pState->prev_mix, mix, bufferParameters.framesPerBuffer());
    pState->prev_mix = mix;

    CSAMPLE_GAIN regen = m_pRegenParameter->value();
    RampingValue<CSAMPLE_GAIN> regenRamped(
            pState->prev_regen, regen, bufferParameters.framesPerBuffer());
    pState->prev_regen = regen;

    // With and Manual is limited by amount of amplitude that remains from width
    // to kMaxDelayMs
    double width = m_pWidthParameter->value();
    double manual = m_pManualParameter->value();
    double maxManual = kCenterDelayMs + (kMaxLfoWidthMs - width) / 2;
    double minManual = kCenterDelayMs - (kMaxLfoWidthMs - width) / 2;
    manual = math_clamp(manual, minManual, maxManual);

    RampingValue<double> widthRamped(
            pState->prev_width, width, bufferParameters.framesPerBuffer());
    pState->prev_width = width;

    RampingValue<double> manualRamped(
            pState->prev_manual, manual, bufferParameters.framesPerBuffer());
    pState->prev_manual = manual;

    CSAMPLE* delayLeft = pState->delayLeft;
    CSAMPLE* delayRight = pState->delayRight;

   for (unsigned int i = 0;
          i < bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer();
          i += bufferParameters.channelCount()) {

        CSAMPLE_GAIN mix_ramped = mixRamped.getNext();
        CSAMPLE_GAIN regen_ramped = regenRamped.getNext();
        double width_ramped = widthRamped.getNext();
        double manual_ramped = manualRamped.getNext();

        if (pState->lfoFrames >= lfoPeriodFrames) {
            pState->lfoFrames = 0;

        float periodFraction = static_cast<float>(pState->lfoFrames) / lfoPeriodFrames;
        double delayMs = manual_ramped + width_ramped / 2 * sin(M_PI * 2.0f * periodFraction);
        double delayFrames = delayMs * bufferParameters.sampleRate() / 1000;

        SINT framePrev = (pState->delayPos - static_cast<SINT>(floor(delayFrames))
                + kBufferLenth) % kBufferLenth;
        SINT frameNext = (pState->delayPos - static_cast<SINT>(ceil(delayFrames))
                + kBufferLenth) % kBufferLenth;
        CSAMPLE prevLeft = delayLeft[framePrev];
        CSAMPLE nextLeft = delayLeft[frameNext];

        CSAMPLE prevRight = delayRight[framePrev];
        CSAMPLE nextRight = delayRight[frameNext];

        CSAMPLE frac = delayFrames - floorf(delayFrames);
        CSAMPLE delayedSampleLeft = prevLeft + frac * (nextLeft - prevLeft);
        CSAMPLE delayedSampleRight = prevRight + frac * (nextRight - prevRight);

        delayLeft[pState->delayPos] = tanh_approx(pInput[i] + regen_ramped * delayedSampleLeft);
        delayRight[pState->delayPos] = tanh_approx(pInput[i + 1] + regen_ramped * delayedSampleRight);

        pState->delayPos = (pState->delayPos + 1) % kBufferLenth;

        double gain = (1 - mix_ramped + kGainCorrection * mix_ramped);
        pOutput[i] = (pInput[i] + mix_ramped * delayedSampleLeft) / gain;
        pOutput[i + 1] = (pInput[i + 1] + mix_ramped * delayedSampleRight) / gain;

    if (enableState == EffectEnableState::Disabling) {
        SampleUtil::clear(delayLeft, kBufferLenth);
        SampleUtil::clear(delayRight, kBufferLenth);
        pState->previousPeriodFrames = -1;
        pState->prev_regen = 0;
        pState->prev_mix = 0;