Example #1
static tb_bool_t tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_post(tb_aiop_rtor_impl_t* rtor, tb_aioe_ref_t aioe)
    // check
    tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_impl_t* impl = (tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_impl_t*)rtor;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && impl->epfd > 0 && aioe, tb_false);

    // the code
    tb_size_t       code = aioe->code;

    // the priv
    tb_cpointer_t   priv = aioe->priv;

    // the aioo
    tb_aioo_impl_t* aioo = (tb_aioo_impl_t*)aioe->aioo;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(aioo && aioo->sock, tb_false);

    // init event
    struct epoll_event e = {0};
    if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV || code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT) e.events |= EPOLLIN;
    if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND || code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN) e.events |= EPOLLOUT;
    if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CLEAR) e.events |= EPOLLET;
    if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ONESHOT) e.events |= EPOLLONESHOT;
    e.data.u64 = tb_p2u64(aioo);

    // save aioo
    tb_aioo_impl_t prev = *aioo;
    aioo->code = code;
    aioo->priv = priv;

    // sete
    if (epoll_ctl(impl->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, tb_sock2fd(aioo->sock), &e) < 0) 
        // re-add it 
        if (errno == ENOENT && epoll_ctl(impl->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, tb_sock2fd(aioo->sock), &e) >= 0) 
            return tb_true;

        // trace
        tb_trace_e("post aice code: %lu failed, errno: %d", code, errno);

        // restore aioo
        *aioo = prev;
        return tb_false;

    // ok
    return tb_true;
Example #2
static tb_bool_t tb_aiop_rtor_select_delo(tb_aiop_rtor_impl_t* rtor, tb_aioo_impl_t const* aioo)
    // check
    tb_aiop_rtor_select_impl_t* impl = (tb_aiop_rtor_select_impl_t*)rtor;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && aioo && aioo->sock, tb_false);

    // the aiop
    tb_aiop_impl_t* aiop = rtor->aiop;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(aiop, tb_false);

    // fd
    tb_long_t fd = tb_sock2fd(aioo->sock);

    // enter

    // del fds
    FD_CLR(fd, &impl->rfdi);
    FD_CLR(fd, &impl->wfdi);

    // leave

    // del sock => aioo
    if (impl->hash) tb_hash_map_remove(impl->hash, aioo->sock);

    // spak it
    if (aiop->spak[0]) tb_socket_send(aiop->spak[0], (tb_byte_t const*)"p", 1);

    // ok
    return tb_true;
Example #3
static tb_bool_t tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_delo(tb_aiop_rtor_impl_t* rtor, tb_aioo_impl_t const* aioo)
    // check
    tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_impl_t* impl = (tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_impl_t*)rtor;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && impl->kqfd >= 0 && aioo && aioo->sock, tb_false);

    // the code
    tb_size_t code = aioo->code;

    // delete event
    struct kevent   e[2];
    tb_size_t       n = 0;
    tb_int_t        fd = tb_sock2fd(aioo->sock);
    if ((code & TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV) || (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT)) 
        EV_SET(&e[n], fd, EVFILT_READ, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, (tb_pointer_t)aioo); n++;
    if ((code & TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND) || (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN))
        EV_SET(&e[n], fd, EVFILT_WRITE, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, (tb_pointer_t)aioo); n++;

    // ok?
    return n? tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_sync(rtor, e, n) : tb_true;
Example #4
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * implementation
static tb_bool_t tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_addo(tb_aiop_rtor_impl_t* rtor, tb_aioo_impl_t const* aioo)
    // check
    tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_impl_t* impl = (tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_impl_t*)rtor;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && impl->epfd > 0 && aioo && aioo->sock, tb_false);

    // the code
    tb_size_t code = aioo->code;

    // init event
    struct epoll_event e = {0};
    if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV || code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT) e.events |= EPOLLIN;
    if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND || code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN) e.events |= EPOLLOUT;
    if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CLEAR) e.events |= EPOLLET;
    if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ONESHOT) e.events |= EPOLLONESHOT;
    e.data.u64 = tb_p2u64(aioo);

    // add aioo
    if (epoll_ctl(impl->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, tb_sock2fd(aioo->sock), &e) < 0)
        // trace
        tb_trace_e("addo aioo[%p], code: %lu failed, errno: %d", aioo, code, errno);
        return tb_false;

    // ok
    return tb_true;
Example #5
static tb_bool_t tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_addo(tb_aiop_rtor_impl_t* rtor, tb_aioo_impl_t const* aioo)
    // check
    tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_impl_t* impl = (tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_impl_t*)rtor;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && impl->kqfd >= 0 && aioo && aioo->sock, tb_false);

    // the code
    tb_size_t code = aioo->code;

    // init the add event
    tb_size_t add_event = EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE;
    if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CLEAR) add_event |= EV_CLEAR;
    if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ONESHOT) add_event |= EV_ONESHOT;

    // add event
    struct kevent   e[2];
    tb_size_t       n = 0;
    tb_int_t        fd = tb_sock2fd(aioo->sock);
    if ((code & TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV) || (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT)) 
        EV_SET(&e[n], fd, EVFILT_READ, add_event, NOTE_EOF, 0, (tb_pointer_t)aioo); n++;
    if ((code & TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND) || (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN))
        EV_SET(&e[n], fd, EVFILT_WRITE, add_event, NOTE_EOF, 0, (tb_pointer_t)aioo); n++;

    // ok?
    return n? tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_sync(rtor, e, n) : tb_true;
Example #6
tb_void_t tb_sockdata_remove(tb_sockdata_ref_t sockdata, tb_socket_ref_t sock)
    // check
    tb_long_t fd = tb_sock2fd(sock);
    tb_assert(sockdata && sockdata->data);
    tb_assert(fd > 0 && fd < TB_MAXS32);

    // remove the socket private data
    if (fd < sockdata->maxn) sockdata->data[fd] = tb_null;
Example #7
static __tb_inline__ tb_cpointer_t tb_poller_hash_get(tb_poller_poll_ref_t poller, tb_socket_ref_t sock)
    // check
    tb_assert(poller && poller->hash && sock);

    // the socket fd
    tb_long_t fd = tb_sock2fd(sock);
    tb_assert(fd > 0 && fd < TB_MAXS32);

    // get the user private data
    return fd < poller->hash_size? poller->hash[fd] : tb_null;
Example #8
static __tb_inline__ tb_void_t tb_poller_hash_del(tb_poller_poll_ref_t poller, tb_socket_ref_t sock)
    // check
    tb_assert(poller && poller->hash && sock);

    // the socket fd
    tb_long_t fd = tb_sock2fd(sock);
    tb_assert(fd > 0 && fd < TB_MAXS32);

    // remove the user private data
    if (fd < poller->hash_size) poller->hash[fd] = tb_null;
Example #9
static tb_bool_t tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_post(tb_aiop_rtor_impl_t* rtor, tb_aioe_ref_t aioe)
    // check
    tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_impl_t* impl = (tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_impl_t*)rtor;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && aioe, tb_false);

    // the aioo
    tb_aioo_impl_t* aioo = (tb_aioo_impl_t*)aioe->aioo;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(aioo && aioo->sock, tb_false);

    // change
    tb_size_t adde = aioe->code & ~aioo->code;
    tb_size_t dele = ~aioe->code & aioo->code;

    // init the add event
    tb_size_t add_event = EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE;
    if (aioe->code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CLEAR) add_event |= EV_CLEAR;
    if (aioe->code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ONESHOT) add_event |= EV_ONESHOT;

    // save aioo
    aioo->code = aioe->code;
    aioo->priv = aioe->priv;

    // add event
    struct kevent   e[2];
    tb_size_t       n = 0;
    tb_int_t        fd = tb_sock2fd(aioo->sock);
    if (adde & TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV || adde & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT) 
        EV_SET(&e[n], fd, EVFILT_READ, add_event, NOTE_EOF, 0, aioo);
    else if (dele & TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV || dele & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT) 
        EV_SET(&e[n], fd, EVFILT_READ, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, aioo);
    if (adde & TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND || adde & TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN)
        EV_SET(&e[n], fd, EVFILT_WRITE, add_event, NOTE_EOF, 0, aioo);
    else if (dele & TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND || dele & TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN)
        EV_SET(&e[n], fd, EVFILT_WRITE, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, aioo);

    // ok?
    return n? tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_sync(rtor, e, n) : tb_true;
Example #10
static tb_bool_t tb_aiop_rtor_select_post(tb_aiop_rtor_impl_t* rtor, tb_aioe_t const* aioe)
    // check
    tb_aiop_rtor_select_impl_t* impl = (tb_aiop_rtor_select_impl_t*)rtor;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && aioe, tb_false);

    // the aiop
    tb_aiop_impl_t* aiop = rtor->aiop;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(aiop, tb_false);

    // the aioo
    tb_aioo_impl_t* aioo = (tb_aioo_impl_t*)aioe->aioo;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(aioo && aioo->sock, tb_false);

    // save aioo
    aioo->code = aioe->code;
    aioo->priv = aioe->priv;

    // fd
    tb_long_t fd = tb_sock2fd(aioo->sock);

    // enter

    // set fds
    if (aioe->code & (TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV | TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT)) FD_SET(fd, &impl->rfdi); else FD_CLR(fd, &impl->rfdi);
    if (aioe->code & (TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND | TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN)) FD_SET(fd, &impl->wfdi); else FD_CLR(fd, &impl->wfdi);
    if (    (aioe->code & (TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV | TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT))
        ||  (aioe->code & (TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND | TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN)))
        FD_SET(fd, &impl->efdi); 
        FD_CLR(fd, &impl->efdi);

    // leave

    // spak it
    if (aiop->spak[0]) tb_socket_send(aiop->spak[0], (tb_byte_t const*)"p", 1);

    // ok
    return tb_true;
Example #11
tb_bool_t tb_poller_modify(tb_poller_ref_t self, tb_socket_ref_t sock, tb_size_t events, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_poller_poll_ref_t poller = (tb_poller_poll_ref_t)self;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(poller && poller->pfds && sock, tb_false);

    // oneshot is not supported now
    tb_assertf(!(events & TB_POLLER_EVENT_ONESHOT), "cannot insert events with oneshot, not supported!");

    // modify events, TODO uses binary search
    tb_value_t tuple[2];
    tuple[0].l       = tb_sock2fd(sock);
    tuple[1].ul      = events;
    tb_walk_all(poller->pfds, tb_poller_walk_modify, tuple);

    // modify user private data to socket
    tb_poller_hash_set(poller, sock, priv);

    // ok
    return tb_true;
Example #12
static tb_void_t tb_poller_hash_set(tb_poller_poll_ref_t poller, tb_socket_ref_t sock, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_assert(poller && sock);

    // the socket fd
    tb_long_t fd = tb_sock2fd(sock);
    tb_assert(fd > 0 && fd < TB_MAXS32);

    // not null?
    if (priv)
        // no hash? init it first
        tb_size_t need = fd + 1;
        if (!poller->hash)
            // init hash
            poller->hash = tb_nalloc0_type(need, tb_cpointer_t);

            // init hash size
            poller->hash_size = need;
        else if (need > poller->hash_size)
            // grow hash
            poller->hash = (tb_cpointer_t*)tb_ralloc(poller->hash, need * sizeof(tb_cpointer_t));

            // init growed space
            tb_memset(poller->hash + poller->hash_size, 0, (need - poller->hash_size) * sizeof(tb_cpointer_t));

            // grow hash size
            poller->hash_size = need;

        // save the user private data
        poller->hash[fd] = priv;
Example #13
tb_void_t tb_sockdata_insert(tb_sockdata_ref_t sockdata, tb_socket_ref_t sock, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_long_t fd = tb_sock2fd(sock);
    tb_assert(sockdata && fd > 0 && fd < TB_MAXS32);

    // not null?
    if (priv)
        // no data? init it first
        tb_size_t need = fd + 1;
        if (!sockdata->data)
            // init data
            need += TB_SOCKDATA_GROW;
            sockdata->data = tb_nalloc0_type(need, tb_cpointer_t);

            // init data size
            sockdata->maxn = need;
        else if (need > sockdata->maxn)
            // grow data
            need += TB_SOCKDATA_GROW;
            sockdata->data = (tb_cpointer_t*)tb_ralloc(sockdata->data, need * sizeof(tb_cpointer_t));

            // init growed space
            tb_memset(sockdata->data + sockdata->maxn, 0, (need - sockdata->maxn) * sizeof(tb_cpointer_t));

            // grow data size
            sockdata->maxn = need;

        // save the socket private data
        sockdata->data[fd] = priv;
Example #14
tb_bool_t tb_poller_insert(tb_poller_ref_t self, tb_socket_ref_t sock, tb_size_t events, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_poller_poll_ref_t poller = (tb_poller_poll_ref_t)self;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(poller && poller->pfds && sock, tb_false);

    // oneshot is not supported now
    tb_assertf(!(events & TB_POLLER_EVENT_ONESHOT), "cannot insert events with oneshot, not supported!");

    // init events
    struct pollfd pfd = {0};
    if (events & TB_POLLER_EVENT_RECV) pfd.events |= POLLIN;
    if (events & TB_POLLER_EVENT_SEND) pfd.events |= POLLOUT;

    // save fd, TODO uses binary search
    pfd.fd = tb_sock2fd(sock);
    tb_vector_insert_tail(poller->pfds, &pfd);

    // bind user private data to socket
    tb_poller_hash_set(poller, sock, priv);

    // ok
    return tb_true;
Example #15
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * implementation
static tb_long_t tb_aioo_rtor_select_wait(tb_socket_ref_t sock, tb_size_t code, tb_long_t timeout)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(sock, -1);

    // fd
    tb_long_t fd = tb_sock2fd(sock);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(fd >= 0, -1);
    // init time
    struct timeval t = {0};
    if (timeout > 0)
        t.tv_sec = (LONG)(timeout / 1000);
        t.tv_sec = (timeout / 1000);
        t.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000;

    // init fds
    fd_set  rfds;
    fd_set  wfds;
    fd_set* prfds = (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV || code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT)? &rfds : tb_null;
    fd_set* pwfds = (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND || code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN)? &wfds : tb_null;

    if (prfds)
        FD_SET(fd, prfds);

    if (pwfds)
        FD_SET(fd, pwfds);
    // select
    tb_long_t r = tb_ws2_32()->select((tb_int_t)fd + 1, prfds, pwfds, tb_null, timeout >= 0? &t : tb_null);
    tb_long_t r = select(fd + 1, prfds, pwfds, tb_null, timeout >= 0? &t : tb_null);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(r >= 0, -1);

    // timeout?
    tb_check_return_val(r, 0);

    // error?
    tb_int_t o = 0;
    tb_int_t n = sizeof(tb_int_t);
    tb_ws2_32()->getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (tb_char_t*)&o, &n);
    socklen_t n = sizeof(socklen_t);
    getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (tb_char_t*)&o, &n);
    if (o) return -1;

    // ok
    tb_long_t e = 0;
    if (prfds && FD_ISSET(fd, &rfds)) 
        e |= TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV;
        if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT) e |= TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT;
    if (pwfds && FD_ISSET(fd, &wfds)) 
        e |= TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND;
        if (code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN) e |= TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN;
    return e;
Example #16
tb_bool_t tb_poller_remove(tb_poller_ref_t self, tb_socket_ref_t sock)
    // check
    tb_poller_poll_ref_t poller = (tb_poller_poll_ref_t)self;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(poller && poller->pfds && sock, tb_false);

    // remove this socket and events, TODO uses binary search
    tb_remove_first_if(poller->pfds, tb_poller_walk_remove, (tb_cpointer_t)(tb_long_t)tb_sock2fd(sock));

    // remove user private data from this socket
    tb_poller_hash_del(poller, sock);

    // ok
    return tb_true;
Example #17
static tb_long_t tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_wait(tb_aiop_rtor_impl_t* rtor, tb_aioe_ref_t list, tb_size_t maxn, tb_long_t timeout)
    // check
    tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_impl_t* impl = (tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_impl_t*)rtor;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && impl->epfd > 0, -1);

    // the aiop
    tb_aiop_impl_t* aiop = rtor->aiop;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(aiop, -1);

    // init grow
    tb_size_t grow = tb_align8((rtor->aiop->maxn >> 3) + 1);

    // init events
    if (!impl->evts)
        impl->evtn = grow;
        impl->evts = tb_nalloc0(impl->evtn, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl->evts, -1);
    // wait events
    tb_long_t evtn = epoll_wait(impl->epfd, impl->evts, impl->evtn, timeout);

    // interrupted?(for gdb?) continue it
    if (evtn < 0 && errno == EINTR) return 0;

    // check error?
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(evtn >= 0 && evtn <= impl->evtn, -1);
    // timeout?
    tb_check_return_val(evtn, 0);

    // grow it if events is full
    if (evtn == impl->evtn)
        // grow size
        impl->evtn += grow;
        if (impl->evtn > rtor->aiop->maxn) impl->evtn = rtor->aiop->maxn;

        // grow data
        impl->evts = tb_ralloc(impl->evts, impl->evtn * sizeof(struct epoll_event));
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl->evts, -1);
    tb_assert(evtn <= impl->evtn);

    // limit 
    evtn = tb_min(evtn, maxn);

    // sync
    tb_size_t i = 0;
    tb_size_t wait = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i < evtn; i++)
        // the aioo
        tb_aioo_impl_t* aioo = (tb_aioo_impl_t*)tb_u2p(impl->evts[i].data.u64);
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(aioo, -1);

        // the sock 
        tb_socket_ref_t sock = aioo->sock;
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(sock, -1);

        // the events
        tb_size_t events = impl->evts[i].events;

        // spak?
        if (sock == aiop->spak[1] && (events & EPOLLIN)) 
            // read spak
            tb_char_t spak = '\0';
            if (1 != tb_socket_recv(aiop->spak[1], (tb_byte_t*)&spak, 1)) return -1;

            // killed?
            if (spak == 'k') return -1;

            // continue it
            continue ;

        // skip spak
        tb_check_continue(sock != aiop->spak[1]);

        // save aioe
        tb_aioe_ref_t aioe = &list[wait++];
        aioe->code = TB_AIOE_CODE_NONE;
        aioe->priv = aioo->priv;
        aioe->aioo = (tb_aioo_ref_t)aioo;
        if (events & EPOLLIN) 
            aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV;
            if (aioo->code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT) aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT;
        if (events & EPOLLOUT) 
            aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND;
            if (aioo->code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN) aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN;
        if (events & (EPOLLHUP | EPOLLERR) && !(aioe->code & (TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV | TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND))) 
            aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV | TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND;

        // oneshot? clear it
        if (aioo->code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ONESHOT)
            // clear code
            aioo->code = TB_AIOE_CODE_NONE;
            aioo->priv = tb_null;

            // clear events manually if no epoll oneshot
            struct epoll_event e = {0};
            if (epoll_ctl(impl->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, tb_sock2fd(aioo->sock), &e) < 0) 
                // trace
                tb_trace_e("clear aioo[%p] failed manually for oneshot, error: %d", aioo, errno);

    // ok
    return wait;