Example #1
void tcp_send(FAR struct net_driver_s *dev, FAR struct tcp_conn_s *conn,
              uint16_t flags, uint16_t len)
  FAR struct tcp_hdr_s *tcp = tcp_header(dev);

  tcp->flags     = flags;
  dev->d_len     = len;
  tcp->tcpoffset = (TCP_HDRLEN / 4) << 4;
  tcp_sendcommon(dev, conn, tcp);
Example #2
void tcp_reset(FAR struct net_driver_s *dev)
  FAR struct tcp_hdr_s *tcp = tcp_header(dev);
  uint16_t tmp16;
  uint8_t seqbyte;


  /* TCP setup */

  tcp->flags     = TCP_RST | TCP_ACK;
  tcp->tcpoffset = 5 << 4;

  /* Flip the seqno and ackno fields in the TCP header. */

  seqbyte        = tcp->seqno[3];
  tcp->seqno[3]  = tcp->ackno[3];
  tcp->ackno[3]  = seqbyte;

  seqbyte        = tcp->seqno[2];
  tcp->seqno[2]  = tcp->ackno[2];
  tcp->ackno[2]  = seqbyte;

  seqbyte        = tcp->seqno[1];
  tcp->seqno[1]  = tcp->ackno[1];
  tcp->ackno[1]  = seqbyte;

  seqbyte        = tcp->seqno[0];
  tcp->seqno[0]  = tcp->ackno[0];
  tcp->ackno[0]  = seqbyte;

  /* We also have to increase the sequence number we are
   * acknowledging. If the least significant byte overflowed, we need
   * to propagate the carry to the other bytes as well.

  if (++(tcp->ackno[3]) == 0)
      if (++(tcp->ackno[2]) == 0)
          if (++(tcp->ackno[1]) == 0)

  /* Swap port numbers. */

  tmp16         = tcp->srcport;
  tcp->srcport  = tcp->destport;
  tcp->destport = tmp16;

  /* Set the packet length and swap IP addresses. */

#ifdef CONFIG_NET_IPv6
#ifdef CONFIG_NET_IPv4
  if (IFF_IS_IPv6(dev->d_flags))
      FAR struct ipv6_hdr_s *ipv6 = IPv6BUF;

      /* Set the packet length to the size of the IPv6 + TCP headers */

      dev->d_len = IPv6TCP_HDRLEN;

      /* Swap IPv6 addresses */

      net_ipv6addr_hdrcopy(ipv6->destipaddr, ipv6->srcipaddr);
      net_ipv6addr_hdrcopy(ipv6->srcipaddr, dev->d_ipv6addr);
#endif /* CONFIG_NET_IPv6 */

#ifdef CONFIG_NET_IPv4
#ifdef CONFIG_NET_IPv6
      FAR struct ipv4_hdr_s *ipv4 = IPv4BUF;

      /* Set the packet length to the size of the IPv4 + TCP headers */

      dev->d_len = IPv4TCP_HDRLEN;

      /* Swap IPv4 addresses */

      net_ipv4addr_hdrcopy(ipv4->destipaddr, ipv4->srcipaddr);
      net_ipv4addr_hdrcopy(ipv4->srcipaddr, &dev->d_ipaddr);
#endif /* CONFIG_NET_IPv4 */

  /* And send out the RST packet */

  tcp_sendcomplete(dev, tcp);
int main(int argc, char **argv)          // allows multiple input files
 // Define variables
 char command[800];
 int fnum;			         // File number
 int i;					 // Loop index
 unsigned long pkt_counter=0;            // Number of packets seen
 unsigned long user_pkt_counter=0;       // Number of user data packets analysed
 unsigned long user_total_volume=0;      // Total volume of user data in bytes
 unsigned long tcp_total_volume = 0;	 
 unsigned long udp_total_volume = 0;
 unsigned long udp_counter = 0;
 int ether_offset;		// Length of ethernet header
 int bgan_offset;               // Length of bgan header
 int ip_offset;			// Length of inner IP header
 int udp_len;			// Length of inner UDP packet payload
 int tcp_hdr_len;		// Length of inner TCP header
 int tcp_length;		// Length of inner TCP packet payload

 int port; 		        // 0 if should look at source port, 1 is destination port
 int *pnt_port = &port;
 int ip_protocol;		// Stores value of next protocol field in inner IP header
 int *pnt_ip_protocol = &ip_protocol;
 int ip_length;                 // Stores length of inner IP header
 int *pnt_ip_length = &ip_length;
 int port_number;               // Stores inner UDP/TCP source/destination port
 int *pnt_port_number = &port_number;
 int tcp_flags;			// Stores value of TCP flags field (whole byte)
 int *pnt_tcp_flags = &tcp_flags;

 unsigned long arr_iplength[65536] = {0};                    
// Array to store ip lengths- row number is (packet length - 1), value stored is number of packets with that length

 unsigned long arr_protocol[256][3] = {0};
// Array to store next header protocols.Row number is protocol ID, 1st column is number of bytes, 2nd column is background bytes, 3rd column is streaming bytes  

 unsigned long arr_tcp_port[65536] = {0};
// Array to store TCP ports.Row number is port number, value stored is number of bytes.

 unsigned long arr_tcp_len[65536] = {0};
// Array to store TCP lengths. Row number is payload length, value stored is number of packets

 unsigned long arr_udp_port[65536] = {0};
// Array to store UDP ports.Row number is port number, value stored is number of bytes.

 unsigned long arr_udp_len[65536] = {0};
// Array to store udp lengths - row number is payload length, value stored is number of packets

//Counters for types of TCP packet
 unsigned long tcp_counter = 0;
 unsigned long syn_counter = 0;
 unsigned long syn_ack_counter = 0;
 unsigned long fin_counter = 0;
 unsigned long fin_ack_counter = 0;
 unsigned long syn_fin_counter = 0;
 unsigned long syn_rst_counter = 0;
 unsigned long fin_rst_counter = 0;
 unsigned long pure_ack_counter = 0;
 unsigned long data_counter = 0;
 unsigned long reset_counter = 0;
 unsigned long weird_counter = 0;

// Output files
 f_ip_len = fopen ("IPLenAnalysis.csv", "wt");
 f_protocol = fopen ("ProtocolAnalysis.csv", "wt");
 f_tcp_port = fopen ("TCPPortAnalysis.csv", "wt");
 f_tcp_len = fopen ("TCPLenAnalysis.csv", "wt");
 f_udp_port = fopen ("UDPPortAnalysis.csv", "wt");
 f_udp_len = fopen ("UDPLenAnalysis.csv", "wt");
 f_err = fopen ("ErrorLog.csv", "wt");

 // Create temporary packet buffers
 struct pcap_pkthdr header;              // The header that pcap gives us 
 const u_char *packet;                   // The actual packet  
 // Check command line arguments 
 if (argc < 2) 
   fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [.cap filename]\n", argv[0]); 

 // Begin by processing the files

 for (fnum=1; fnum < argc; fnum++) 
   // Loop through the .cap files in the order given when called
   sprintf(command, "zcat %s > tempfile", argv[fnum]);
   pcap_t *handle; 
   char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; 
   //handle = pcap_open_offline(argv[fnum], errbuf);  // Call pcap library function 
   handle = pcap_open_offline("tempfile", errbuf);  // Call pcap library function 
   if (handle == NULL)                              // If there is a problem with the file
     fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open pcap file %s: %s\n", argv[fnum], errbuf); 
     printf("Processing packets in %s\n", argv[fnum]);
   // Begin processing the packets in this file

   while (packet = pcap_next(handle,&header)) 
    //printf("Processing packet number %d\n", pkt_counter);
    u_char *pkt_ptr = (u_char *)packet;      // Cast a pointer to the packet data

    //First check type of ethernet header

    ether_offset = ethernet_header(pkt_ptr);
    if (ether_offset == 0)
    pkt_ptr += ether_offset;
    //Now move on to BGAN header
    bgan_offset = bgan_header(pkt_ptr, pnt_port);
    if (bgan_offset == 0)
    pkt_ptr += bgan_offset;

    // Now move on to inner IP header
    ip_offset = inner_ip_header(pkt_ptr, pnt_ip_protocol, pnt_ip_length);
    if (ip_offset == 0)

    if(ip_length > 65535)
      arr_iplength[65535]++;	// Maximum IP packet length should be 65535. This catches longer packets.
    if(ip_length > 1500)
           fprintf(f_err, "Error, long IP packet. Packet Number: %d. Packet Length: %d\n", pkt_counter, ip_length);

    user_total_volume += ip_length;
    arr_protocol[ip_protocol][0] += ip_length;

    // Look at next header if UDP or TCP
    if(ip_protocol == 17)				// UDP
     pkt_ptr += ip_offset;
     port_number = udp_header(pkt_ptr, port);  //UDP header always 8 bytes
     udp_len = ip_length - ip_offset - 8;
     arr_udp_port[port_number] += ip_length;
     udp_total_volume += ip_length;
    if(ip_protocol == 6)                                // TCP
     pkt_ptr += ip_offset;
     tcp_hdr_len = tcp_header(pkt_ptr, port, pnt_port_number, pnt_tcp_flags); 
     arr_tcp_port[port_number] += ip_length;
     tcp_total_volume += ip_length;
     tcp_length = ip_length - ip_offset - tcp_hdr_len; // Length of data in TCP packet

     while (tcp_flags > 32)
	tcp_flags -= 32;		//Ignore all URG, ECE, CWR flags

     if ((tcp_flags == 2) || (tcp_flags == 10))   // SYN; SYN/PSH
     else if ((tcp_flags == 18) || (tcp_flags == 26))   // SYN/ACK; SYN/ACK/PSH
     else if ((tcp_flags == 1) || (tcp_flags == 9))     // FIN; FIN/PSH
     else if ((tcp_flags == 17) || (tcp_flags == 25))    // FIN/ACK; FIN/ACK/PSH
     else if (((tcp_flags == 16) || (tcp_flags == 24)) && (tcp_length == 0))   // ACK; ACK/PSH
     else if ((tcp_flags == 4) || (tcp_flags == 20) || (tcp_flags == 12) || (tcp_flags == 28))
        reset_counter++;      // RST; RST/ACK; RST/PSH; RST/ACK/PSH; 
     else if ((tcp_flags == 3) || (tcp_flags == 11) || (tcp_flags == 19) || (tcp_flags == 27))
        syn_fin_counter++;    // SYN/FIN; SYN/FIN/PSH; SYN/ACK/FIN; SYN/ACK/FIN/PSH
     else if ((tcp_flags == 6) || (tcp_flags == 14) || (tcp_flags == 22) || (tcp_flags == 30))
        syn_rst_counter++;    // SYN/RST; SYN/RST/PSH; SYN/ACK/RST; SYN/ACK/RST/PSH
     else if ((tcp_flags == 5) || (tcp_flags == 13))  // FIN/RST; FIN/RST/PSH
     else if (tcp_length != 0)
	fprintf(f_err, "Unidentified TCP packet.  Packet Number: %d. TCP Flags: %d\n", pkt_counter, tcp_flags);
   system("rm -rf tempfile");

// Analysis complete, now print to output files

 fprintf (f_ip_len, "Packet Length (bytes), Number of Packets\n");
 for (i = 0; i<65536; i++)
    if (arr_iplength[i] != 0)   // Only print out when some packets with this length
     fprintf (f_ip_len, "%d,%d\n", (i+1), arr_iplength[i]);

 fprintf(f_ip_len, "\nTotal number of IP packets: %d\n", user_pkt_counter);
 fprintf(f_ip_len, "Total IP volume (bytes): %d \n", user_total_volume);
 fprintf(f_ip_len, "Average IP packet length (bytes): %d \n", user_total_volume/user_pkt_counter);

 fprintf (f_protocol, "Protocol ID/Name, Number of Bytes, Background Bytes, Streaming Bytes\n");
 for (i = 0; i<256; i++)
    if (arr_protocol[i][0] != 0)
      fprintf (f_protocol, "%d,%d,%d,%d\n", i, arr_protocol[i][0], arr_protocol[i][1], arr_protocol[i][2]);

 fprintf(f_protocol, "\nTotal volume (bytes) : %d \n", user_total_volume);

 fprintf (f_tcp_port, "Port Number/Name, Number of Bytes\n");
 for (i = 0; i<65536; i++)
    if (arr_tcp_port[i] != 0)
      fprintf (f_tcp_port, "%d,%d\n", i, arr_tcp_port[i]);

 fprintf (f_tcp_port, "\nTotal TCP volume (bytes): %d\n", tcp_total_volume);

 fprintf (f_udp_port, "Port Number/Name, Number of Bytes\n");
 for (i = 0; i<65536; i++)
    if (arr_udp_port[i] != 0)
      fprintf (f_udp_port, "%d,%d\n", i, arr_udp_port[i]);

 fprintf (f_udp_port, "\nTotal UDP volume (bytes): %d\n", udp_total_volume);

 fprintf (f_udp_len, "Payload Length (bytes), Number of Packets\n");
 for (i = 0; i<65536; i++)
    if (arr_udp_len[i] != 0)
      fprintf (f_udp_len, "%d,%d\n", i, arr_udp_len[i]);
    fprintf(f_udp_len, "\nAverage UDP packet length (bytes): %d\n", udp_total_volume/udp_counter);

 fprintf (f_tcp_len, "Payload Length (bytes), Number of Packets\n");
 for (i = 0; i<65536; i++)
    if (arr_tcp_len[i] != 0)
      fprintf (f_tcp_len, "%d,%d\n", i, arr_tcp_len[i]);
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "\nTotal number of TCP packets: %d\n", tcp_counter);
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "Total number of SYN packets: %d\n", syn_counter);
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "Total number of SYN, ACK packets: %d\n", syn_ack_counter); 
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "Total number of FIN packets: %d\n", fin_counter); 
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "Total number of FIN, ACK packets: %d\n", fin_ack_counter);
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "Total number of pure ACK packets: %d\n", pure_ack_counter);
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "Total number of RST packets: %d\n", reset_counter);
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "Total number of SYN, FIN packets: %d\n", syn_fin_counter);
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "Total number of SYN, RST packets: %d\n", syn_rst_counter);
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "Total number of FIN, RST packets: %d\n", fin_rst_counter);
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "Total number of data packets: %d\n", data_counter);
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "Total number of weird packets: %d\n", weird_counter);
    fprintf(f_tcp_len, "\nAverage TCP packet length (bytes): %d\n", tcp_total_volume/tcp_counter);

 printf("\nSummary of Results:\n");
 printf("Number of user packets: %d\n",user_pkt_counter);
 return 0;