sem_id _user_create_sem(int32 count, const char *userName) { char name[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH]; if (userName == NULL) return create_sem_etc(count, NULL, team_get_current_team_id()); if (!IS_USER_ADDRESS(userName) || user_strlcpy(name, userName, B_OS_NAME_LENGTH) < B_OK) return B_BAD_ADDRESS; return create_sem_etc(count, name, team_get_current_team_id()); }
status_t PackagesDirectory::Init(const char* path, dev_t mountPointDeviceID, ino_t mountPointNodeID, struct stat& _st) { // Open the directory. We want the path be interpreted depending on from // where it came (kernel or userland), but we always want a FD in the // kernel I/O context. There's no VFS service method to do that for us, // so we need to do that ourselves. bool calledFromKernel = team_get_current_team_id() == team_get_kernel_team_id(); // Not entirely correct, but good enough for now. The only // alternative is to have that information passed in as well. struct vnode* vnode; status_t error; if (path != NULL) { error = vfs_get_vnode_from_path(path, calledFromKernel, &vnode); } else { // No path given -- use the "packages" directory at our mount point. error = vfs_entry_ref_to_vnode(mountPointDeviceID, mountPointNodeID, "packages", &vnode); } if (error != B_OK) { ERROR("Failed to open packages directory \"%s\"\n", strerror(error)); RETURN_ERROR(error); } return _Init(vnode, _st); }
status_t _user_system_profiler_recorded(struct system_profiler_parameters* userParameters) { if (userParameters == NULL || !IS_USER_ADDRESS(userParameters)) return B_BAD_ADDRESS; if (sRecordedParameters == NULL) return B_ERROR; // Transfer the area to the userland process void* address; area_id newArea = transfer_area(sRecordedParameters->buffer_area, &address, B_ANY_ADDRESS, team_get_current_team_id(), true); if (newArea < 0) return newArea; status_t status = set_area_protection(newArea, B_READ_AREA); if (status == B_OK) { sRecordedParameters->buffer_area = newArea; status = user_memcpy(userParameters, sRecordedParameters, sizeof(system_profiler_parameters)); } if (status != B_OK) delete_area(newArea); delete sRecordedParameters; sRecordedParameters = NULL; return status; }
static void node_opened(struct vnode *vnode, int32 fdType, dev_t device, ino_t parent, ino_t node, const char *name, off_t size) { if (device < gBootDevice) { // we ignore any access to rootfs, pipefs, and devfs // ToDo: if we can ever move the boot device on the fly, this will break return; } Session *session; SessionGetter getter(team_get_current_team_id(), &session); if (session == NULL) { char buffer[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; if (name == NULL && vfs_get_vnode_name(vnode, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == B_OK) name = buffer; // create new session for this team getter.New(name, device, node, &session); } if (session == NULL || !session->IsActive()) { if (sMainSession != NULL) { // ToDo: this opens a race condition with the "stop session" syscall getter.Stop(); } return; } session->AddNode(device, node); }
status_t core_dump_write_core_file(const char* path, bool killTeam) { TRACE("core_dump_write_core_file(\"%s\", %d): team: %" B_PRId32 "\n", path, killTeam, team_get_current_team_id()); CoreDumper* coreDumper = new(std::nothrow) CoreDumper(); if (coreDumper == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; ObjectDeleter<CoreDumper> coreDumperDeleter(coreDumper); return coreDumper->Dump(path, killTeam); }
static void node_closed(struct vnode *vnode, int32 fdType, dev_t device, ino_t node, int32 accessType) { Session *session; SessionGetter getter(team_get_current_team_id(), &session); if (session == NULL) return; if (accessType == FILE_CACHE_NO_IO) session->RemoveNode(device, node); }
status_t DefaultUserNotificationService::_AddListener(uint32 eventMask, NotificationListener& notificationListener) { default_listener* listener = new(std::nothrow) default_listener; if (listener == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; listener->eventMask = eventMask; listener->team = team_get_current_team_id(); listener->listener = ¬ificationListener; RecursiveLocker _(fLock); if (fListeners.IsEmpty()) FirstAdded(); fListeners.Add(listener); return B_OK; }
status_t _get_next_port_info(team_id team, int32* _cookie, struct port_info* info, size_t size) { TRACE(("get_next_port_info(team = %ld)\n", team)); if (info == NULL || size != sizeof(port_info) || _cookie == NULL || team < B_OK) return B_BAD_VALUE; if (!sPortsActive) return B_BAD_PORT_ID; int32 slot = *_cookie; if (slot >= sMaxPorts) return B_BAD_PORT_ID; if (team == B_CURRENT_TEAM) team = team_get_current_team_id(); info->port = -1; // used as found flag while (slot < sMaxPorts) { MutexLocker locker(sPorts[slot].lock); if (sPorts[slot].id != -1 && !is_port_closed(slot) && sPorts[slot].owner == team) { // found one! fill_port_info(&sPorts[slot], info, size); slot++; break; } slot++; } if (info->port == -1) return B_BAD_PORT_ID; *_cookie = slot; return B_OK; }
status_t socket_open(int family, int type, int protocol, net_socket** _socket) { net_socket_private* socket; status_t status = create_socket(family, type, protocol, &socket); if (status != B_OK) return status; status = socket->first_info->open(socket->first_protocol); if (status != B_OK) { delete socket; return status; } socket->owner = team_get_current_team_id(); socket->is_in_socket_list = true; mutex_lock(&sSocketLock); sSocketList.Add(socket); mutex_unlock(&sSocketLock); *_socket = socket; return B_OK; }
port_id create_port(int32 queueLength, const char* name) { TRACE(("create_port(queueLength = %ld, name = \"%s\")\n", queueLength, name)); if (!sPortsActive) { panic("ports used too early!\n"); return B_BAD_PORT_ID; } if (queueLength < 1 || queueLength > MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH) return B_BAD_VALUE; struct team* team = thread_get_current_thread()->team; if (team == NULL) return B_BAD_TEAM_ID; MutexLocker locker(sPortsLock); // check early on if there are any free port slots to use if (sUsedPorts >= sMaxPorts) return B_NO_MORE_PORTS; // check & dup name char* nameBuffer = strdup(name != NULL ? name : "unnamed port"); if (nameBuffer == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; sUsedPorts++; // find the first empty spot for (int32 slot = 0; slot < sMaxPorts; slot++) { int32 i = (slot + sFirstFreeSlot) % sMaxPorts; if (sPorts[i].id == -1) { // make the port_id be a multiple of the slot it's in if (i >= sNextPort % sMaxPorts) sNextPort += i - sNextPort % sMaxPorts; else sNextPort += sMaxPorts - (sNextPort % sMaxPorts - i); sFirstFreeSlot = slot + 1; MutexLocker portLocker(sPorts[i].lock); sPorts[i].id = sNextPort++; locker.Unlock(); sPorts[i].capacity = queueLength; sPorts[i].owner = team_get_current_team_id(); sPorts[i] = nameBuffer; sPorts[i].read_count = 0; sPorts[i].write_count = queueLength; sPorts[i].total_count = 0; sPorts[i].select_infos = NULL; { InterruptsSpinLocker teamLocker(gTeamSpinlock); list_add_item(&team->port_list, &sPorts[i].team_link); } port_id id = sPorts[i].id; T(Create(sPorts[i])); portLocker.Unlock(); TRACE(("create_port() done: port created %ld\n", id)); sNotificationService.Notify(PORT_ADDED, id); return id; } } // Still not enough ports... - due to sUsedPorts, this cannot really // happen anymore. panic("out of ports, but sUsedPorts is broken"); return B_NO_MORE_PORTS; }
status_t writev_port_etc(port_id id, int32 msgCode, const iovec* msgVecs, size_t vecCount, size_t bufferSize, uint32 flags, bigtime_t timeout) { if (!sPortsActive || id < 0) return B_BAD_PORT_ID; if (bufferSize > PORT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) return B_BAD_VALUE; // mask irrelevant flags (for acquire_sem() usage) flags &= B_CAN_INTERRUPT | B_KILL_CAN_INTERRUPT | B_RELATIVE_TIMEOUT | B_ABSOLUTE_TIMEOUT; if ((flags & B_RELATIVE_TIMEOUT) != 0 && timeout != B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT && timeout > 0) { // Make the timeout absolute, since we have more than one step where // we might have to wait flags = (flags & ~B_RELATIVE_TIMEOUT) | B_ABSOLUTE_TIMEOUT; timeout += system_time(); } bool userCopy = (flags & PORT_FLAG_USE_USER_MEMCPY) > 0; int32 slot = id % sMaxPorts; status_t status; port_message* message = NULL; MutexLocker locker(sPorts[slot].lock); if (sPorts[slot].id != id) { TRACE(("write_port_etc: invalid port_id %ld\n", id)); return B_BAD_PORT_ID; } if (is_port_closed(slot)) { TRACE(("write_port_etc: port %ld closed\n", id)); return B_BAD_PORT_ID; } if (sPorts[slot].write_count <= 0) { if ((flags & B_RELATIVE_TIMEOUT) != 0 && timeout <= 0) return B_WOULD_BLOCK; sPorts[slot].write_count--; // We need to block in order to wait for a free message slot ConditionVariableEntry entry; sPorts[slot].write_condition.Add(&entry); locker.Unlock(); status = entry.Wait(flags, timeout); locker.Lock(); if (sPorts[slot].id != id || is_port_closed(slot)) { // the port is no longer there T(Write(sPorts[slot], 0, 0, B_BAD_PORT_ID)); return B_BAD_PORT_ID; } if (status != B_OK) goto error; } else sPorts[slot].write_count--; status = get_port_message(msgCode, bufferSize, flags, timeout, &message); if (status != B_OK) goto error; // sender credentials message->sender = geteuid(); message->sender_group = getegid(); message->sender_team = team_get_current_team_id(); if (bufferSize > 0) { uint32 i; if (userCopy) { // copy from user memory for (i = 0; i < vecCount; i++) { size_t bytes = msgVecs[i].iov_len; if (bytes > bufferSize) bytes = bufferSize; status_t status = user_memcpy(message->buffer, msgVecs[i].iov_base, bytes); if (status != B_OK) { put_port_message(message); goto error; } bufferSize -= bytes; if (bufferSize == 0) break; } } else { // copy from kernel memory for (i = 0; i < vecCount; i++) { size_t bytes = msgVecs[i].iov_len; if (bytes > bufferSize) bytes = bufferSize; memcpy(message->buffer, msgVecs[i].iov_base, bytes); bufferSize -= bytes; if (bufferSize == 0) break; } } } sPorts[slot].messages.Add(message); sPorts[slot].read_count++; T(Write(sPorts[slot], message->code, message->size, B_OK)); notify_port_select_events(slot, B_EVENT_READ); sPorts[slot].read_condition.NotifyOne(); return B_OK; error: // Give up our slot in the queue again, and let someone else // try and fail T(Write(sPorts[slot], 0, 0, status)); sPorts[slot].write_count++; notify_port_select_events(slot, B_EVENT_WRITE); sPorts[slot].write_condition.NotifyOne(); return status; }