Example #1
	void CPCAGrid::BackTransform ()
		SMatD m_mTempPP (tempRef (0), m_dwPSub, m_dwPSub) ;
		SetDiag_sq (!m_mTempPP) ;

		int dwIdxRef = m_vOrd (0) ;

		set_neg (*m_vAfinBest) ;

		m_vAfinBest (dwIdxRef) += 1 ;

		double dNorm = norm2 (m_vAfinBest) ;

		if (dNorm > m_dZeroTol)
			static const double dSqrt2 = sqrt ((double) 2.0) ;
			EO<SOP::a_divide>::VSc (*m_vAfinBest, dNorm / dSqrt2) ;
			EO<SOP::AsaBmC>::MVcVct (!m_mTempPP, m_vAfinBest, m_vAfinBest) ;

		SMatD mProjSorted (tempRef (1), m_dwPSub, m_dwPSub) ;

		mProjSorted.CopyCol_Order_NC (m_mTempPP, *m_vOrd) ;						//	undo sorting

		SMatD mOldLoadings (tempRef (2), m_dwP, m_dwPSub) ;						//	2do: copying cols should be done in constructor (using GetColRef ()
		CopyCol (!mOldLoadings, m_mL, m_dwCurK, m_dwP) ;

		sme_matmult (mOldLoadings, mProjSorted, !m_mL.GetColRef (m_dwCurK, m_dwP)) ;
		sme_matmult_R (TempY (), mProjSorted.GetColRef (1, m_dwPSub), !TempYC ()) ;

		SwapTempY () ;
	void Table::bind_script(lua_State*  const vm)
		if(m_table_ref.m_lua == vm)return;
		if(m_table_ref.valid() )
			Lua_table_ref tempRef(vm);
		else m_table_ref.m_lua = vm;
Example #3
	void CPCAGrid::GridPlane (double dCurSplit)
		const double dASinNL = asin (m_dNL) ;

		const double dSm1 = (m_dwSplitCircle > 1) ? m_dwSplitCircle - 1 : 1 ;

		double dSplitFact = meal_PI () * dCurSplit ;

		InitPenalty () ;

		t_size i ;


		SVecD vProj (tempRef (11), m_dwN) ;

		m_dBestObj = meal_NegInf () ;

		if (m_dNL && fabs (m_dNL) < 1e-6)
			EvalDirection (1, 0) ;

		const t_size dwEnd = (dCurSplit == 1.0) ? m_dwSplitCircle - 1 : m_dwSplitCircle ;	//	dCurSplit means, that we're checking an angle of 180° ( = PI). thus the first and last checked point would be the same.

		for (i = 0; i < dwEnd; i++)
			double dAngle = (i / dSm1 - 0.5) * dSplitFact + dASinNL;

			EvalDirection (cos (dAngle), sin (dAngle)) ;
		if (m_dwCheckOrth)														//	always false for PCAgrid and sPCAgrid
			m_dCurScat = sqrt (CalcVarTrimmed (m_dNCL, m_dNL, m_dCurScat, m_dCurScatOrth)) ;

//			m_dCurScat = CalcScatTrimmed (m_dNCL, m_dNL, m_dCurScat, m_dCurScatOrth) ;
//		else
//			m_dCurScat = m_dCurScat ;