Example #1
void cThumbnailWidget::AssignParameters(const cParameterContainer &_params,
		const cFractalContainer &_fractal)
	*params = _params;
	*fractal = _fractal;
	params->Set("image_width", tWidth * oversample);
	params->Set("image_height", tHeight * oversample);
	cSettings tempSettings(cSettings::formatCondensedText);
	tempSettings.CreateText(params, fractal);
	oldHash = hash;
	hash = tempSettings.GetHashCode();

	if(hash != oldHash)
		stopRequest = true;
		while (image->IsUsed())
			//just wait and pray

		emit settingsChanged();

		isRendered = false;
		hasParameters = true;

		QString thumbnailFileName = systemData.thumbnailDir + hash + QString(".png");
		if (QFileInfo::exists(thumbnailFileName) && !disableThumbnailCache)
			stopRequest = true;
			isRendered = true;
			while (image->IsUsed())
				//just wait and pray

			QPixmap pixmap;
			pixmap = pixmap.scaled(tWidth, tHeight, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
			QImage qimage = pixmap.toImage();
			qimage = qimage.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB888);
			sRGB8 *bitmap;
			bitmap = (sRGB8*) (qimage.bits());
			int bwidth = qimage.width();
			int bheight = qimage.height();
			sRGB8 *previewPointer = (sRGB8*) image->GetPreviewPrimaryPtr();
			sRGB8 *preview2Pointer = (sRGB8*) image->GetPreviewPtr();
			memcpy(previewPointer, bitmap, sizeof(sRGB8) * bwidth * bheight);
			memcpy(preview2Pointer, bitmap, sizeof(sRGB8) * bwidth * bheight);
			emit thumbnailRendered();
				//render thumbnail after random time. It forces rendering of widgets when they are not visible. It makes rendering of widgets when they are idle.

				timer->start(Random(100000) * 10 + 1);
void cThumbnailWidget::AssignParameters(
	const cParameterContainer &_params, const cFractalContainer &_fractal)
	if (image)
		if (!params) params = new cParameterContainer;
		if (!fractal) fractal = new cFractalContainer;
		*params = _params;
		*fractal = _fractal;
		params->Set("image_width", tWidth * oversample);
		params->Set("image_height", tHeight * oversample);
		params->Set("stereo_mode", int(cStereo::stereoRedCyan));
		params->Set("DOF_max_noise", params->Get<double>("DOF_max_noise") * 10.0);
		params->Set("DOF_min_samples", 5);

		double distance =
			cInterface::GetDistanceForPoint(params->Get<CVector3>("camera"), params, fractal);
		if (distance < 1e-5)
			params->Set("opencl_mode", 0);

		cSettings tempSettings(cSettings::formatCondensedText);
		tempSettings.CreateText(params, fractal);
		oldHash = hash;
		hash = tempSettings.GetHashCode();

		if (hash != oldHash)
			stopRequest = true;
			while (image->IsUsed())
				// just wait and pray

			emit settingsChanged();

			isRendered = false;
			hasParameters = true;

			QString thumbnailFileName = GetThumbnailFileName();
			if (QFileInfo::exists(thumbnailFileName) && !disableThumbnailCache)
				stopRequest = true;
				isRendered = true;
				while (image->IsUsed())
					// just wait and pray

				QPixmap pixmap;
				pixmap = pixmap.scaled(tWidth, tHeight, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
				QImage qImage = pixmap.toImage();
				qImage = qImage.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB888);

				sRGB8 *previewPointer = reinterpret_cast<sRGB8 *>(image->GetPreviewPrimaryPtr());
				sRGB8 *preview2Pointer = reinterpret_cast<sRGB8 *>(image->GetPreviewPtr());

				int bWidth = qImage.width();
				int bHeight = qImage.height();

				if (!qImage.isNull())
					for (int y = 0; y < bHeight; y++)
						sRGB8 *line = reinterpret_cast<sRGB8 *>(qImage.scanLine(y));
						for (int x = 0; x < bWidth; x++)
							sRGB8 pixel(static_cast<unsigned short>(line[x].R),
								static_cast<unsigned short>(line[x].G), static_cast<unsigned short>(line[x].B));
							previewPointer[x + y * bWidth] = pixel;
							preview2Pointer[x + y * bWidth] = pixel;

				delete params;
				params = nullptr;
				delete fractal;
				fractal = nullptr;
				emit thumbnailRendered();
				if (!disableTimer)
					// render thumbnail after random time. It forces rendering of widgets when they are not
					// visible. It makes rendering of widgets when they are idle.

					timer->start(Random(1000000) * 10 + 60000);
		qCritical() << "Image not yet allocated!";