Example #1
int main()
    const unsigned int SAMPLE_NUM = 1000;

    // 定义训练输入矩阵和输出矩阵
    LPerceptronMatrix X(SAMPLE_NUM, 2);
    LPerceptronMatrix Y(SAMPLE_NUM, 1);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_NUM; i++)
        X[i][0] = (float)RandInt(-1000, 1000);
        X[i][1] = (float)RandInt(-1000, 1000);
        Y[i][0] = ((X[i][0] + X[i][1]) >= 0)? LPERCEPTRON_SUN : LPERCEPTRON_MOON;

    LPerceptronProblem problem(X, Y);

    // 训练模型
    LPerceptron perceptron;

    // 使用测试样本测试
    LPerceptronMatrix testSample(1, 2);
    testSample[0][0] = -50.0f;
    testSample[0][1] = 0.0f;

    printf("Predict: %f\n", perceptron.Predict(testSample));

    return 0;
Example #2
void ofApp::draw() {
    // get grid of 100 x 100 probabilities
    for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
        for (int j=0; j<100; j++) {
            double x = ofMap(i, 0, 100, 0, ofGetWidth());
            double y = ofMap(j, 0, 100, 0, ofGetHeight());
            float probability = testSample(x, y);

            ofSetColor(ofClamp(ofMap(probability, 0, 0.00001, 0, 255), 0, 255));
            ofRect(x, y, ofGetWidth()/100, ofGetHeight()/100);
    // draw random sample on grid
    ofSetColor(0, 0, 255);
    ofCircle(randSample[0], randSample[1], 10);
    ofDrawBitmapString("random sample", randSample[0]+8, randSample[1]);
    // get mixture parameters
    for (int i=0; i<numGaussians; i++) {
        vector<double> mean = gmm.getMean(i);
        vector<double> variance = gmm.getVariance(i);
        vector<double> std = gmm.getStandardDeviation(i);
        double prior = gmm.getPrior(i);
        string msg = "Gaussian #"+ofToString(i)+" : prior ("+ofToString(prior)+"), mean ("+ofToString(mean[0])+", "+ofToString(mean[1])+"), standard deviation ("+ofToString(std[0])+", "+ofToString(std[1])+")";
        ofSetColor(0, 255, 0);
        ofDrawBitmapString(msg, 15, 20 + 20*i);
    // get sample from mouse
    double x = (double) ofGetMouseX();
    double y = (double) ofGetMouseY();
    float probability = testSample(x, y);
    string msg = "P("+ofToString(x) + ", " + ofToString(y) + ") = " + ofToString(probability);
    ofDrawBitmapString(msg, x, y);

    // message about controls
    ofSetColor(255, 0, 0);
    ofDrawBitmapString("Press '1' for example of training GMM from data\nPress '2' for example of setting GMM explicitly\nPress spacebar to sample random point from GMM", 20, ofGetHeight()-50);
Example #3
inline NNTYPE NeuralNet::testCycle (Iterator itPatternBegin, Iterator itPatternEnd)
    m_pSettings->startTestCycle ();

    NNTYPE error = 0.0;
    NNTYPE sumOfWeights = 0.0;
    for (Iterator itPattern = itPatternBegin; itPattern != itPatternEnd; ++itPattern)
	Pattern& pattern = *itPattern;
	error += testSample (pattern.beginInput (), pattern.endInput (), pattern.beginOutput (), pattern.endOutput (), pattern.weight ());
	sumOfWeights += pattern.weight ();
    error /= sumOfWeights;

    m_pSettings->endTestCycle ();
    return error;