Example #1
int ctkWorkflowTest2(int argc, char * argv [] )
  QApplication app(argc, argv);
  int defaultTime = 100;

  // create the steps and the workflow
  ctkWorkflow *workflow = new ctkWorkflow();
  ctkWorkflowStep *step1 = new ctkWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 1");
  step1->setName("Step 1");
  step1->setDescription("Description for step 1");
  ctkWorkflowStep *step2 = new ctkWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 2");
  step2->setName("Step 2");
  step2->setDescription("Description for step 2");
  ctkWorkflowStep *step3 = new ctkWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 3");
  step3->setName("Step 3");
  step3->setDescription("Description for step 3");
  ctkWorkflowStep *step4 = new ctkWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 4");
  step4->setName("Step 4");
  step4->setDescription("Description for step 4");

  // create the qObjects that implement the required functions, and
  // communicate with the workflow using signals and slots
  ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots* qObject1 = new ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots;
  ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots* qObject2 = new ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots;
  ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots* qObject3 = new ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots;
  ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots* qObject4 = new ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots;

  // use the qObjects for validation
  QObject::connect(step1->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeValidateCommand(const QString&)), qObject1, SLOT(validate(const QString&)));
  QObject::connect(qObject1, SIGNAL(validationComplete(bool, const QString&)), workflow, SLOT(evaluateValidationResults(bool, const QString&)));
  QObject::connect(step2->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeValidateCommand(const QString&)), qObject2, SLOT(validate(const QString&)));
  QObject::connect(qObject2, SIGNAL(validationComplete(bool, const QString&)), workflow, SLOT(evaluateValidationResults(bool, const QString&)));
  // step 3's validation will always fail
  QObject::connect(step3->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeValidateCommand(const QString&)), qObject3, SLOT(validateFails()));
  QObject::connect(qObject3, SIGNAL(validationComplete(bool, const QString&)), workflow, SLOT(evaluateValidationResults(bool, const QString&)));

  QObject::connect(step4->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeValidateCommand(const QString&)), qObject4, SLOT(validate(const QString&)));
  QObject::connect(qObject4, SIGNAL(validationComplete(bool, const QString&)), workflow, SLOT(evaluateValidationResults(bool, const QString&)));

  // use the qObjects for entry processing
  QObject::connect(step1->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnEntryCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject1, SLOT(onEntry(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject1, SIGNAL(onEntryComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnEntry()));
  QObject::connect(step2->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnEntryCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject2, SLOT(onEntry(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject2, SIGNAL(onEntryComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnEntry()));
  QObject::connect(step3->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnEntryCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject3, SLOT(onEntry(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject3, SIGNAL(onEntryComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnEntry()));
  QObject::connect(step4->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnEntryCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject4, SLOT(onEntry(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject4, SIGNAL(onEntryComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnEntry()));

  // use the qObjects for exit processing
  QObject::connect(step1->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnExitCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject1, SLOT(onExit(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject1, SIGNAL(onExitComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnExit()));
  QObject::connect(step2->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnExitCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject2, SLOT(onExit(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject2, SIGNAL(onExitComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnExit()));
  QObject::connect(step3->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnExitCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject3, SLOT(onExit(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject3, SIGNAL(onExitComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnExit()));
  QObject::connect(step4->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnExitCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject4, SLOT(onExit(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject4, SIGNAL(onExitComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnExit()));



  // set the initial step (which sets the initial state)
  // add the first and second steps
  if (!workflow->addTransition(step1, step2))
    std::cerr << "could not add 1st and 2nd step" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // add the third step
  if (!workflow->addTransition(step2, step3))
    std::cerr << "could not add 3rd step" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // add the fourth step
  if (!workflow->addTransition(step3, step4))
    std::cerr << "could not add 4rd step" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // start the workflow
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, qObject1, true, 0, qObject2, 0, 0, qObject3, 0, 0, qObject4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error starting workflow";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // trigger transition to the next step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step2, qObject1, 1, 1, qObject2, 1, 0, qObject3, 0, 0, qObject4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to step 2";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // trigger transition to the next step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, qObject1, 1, 1, qObject2, 1, 1, qObject3, 1, 0, qObject4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to step 3";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // trigger transition to the next state (this should fail!)
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, qObject1, 1, 1, qObject2, 1, 1, qObject3, 1, 0, qObject4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error after transition failure at step 3";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // make sure the workflow stops properly
  if (!testStopWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, qObject1, 1, 1, qObject2, 1, 1, qObject3, 1, 1, qObject4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error after stopping workflow";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // handles deletions of the workflow, steps, states and transitions
  delete workflow;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #2
int ctkWorkflowTest1(int argc, char * argv [] )
  QApplication app(argc, argv);
  int defaultTime = 100;

  // create two steps and the workflow
  ctkWorkflow *workflow = new ctkWorkflow();
  ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep *step1 = new ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 1");
  step1->setName("Step 1");
  step1->setDescription("Description for step 1");
  ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep *step2 = new ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 2");
  step2->setName("Step 2");
  step2->setDescription("Description for step 2");

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // try to add a transition for a step with the same id
  ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep *step1Duplicated = new ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 1");
  if (workflow->addTransition(step1, step1Duplicated))
    std::cerr << "workflow connected two steps with the same id";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to add a transition from a step to itself
  if (workflow->addTransition(step1, step1))
    std::cerr << "workflow connected two steps with the same id";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with no steps
  // try erroneously starting with no steps

  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 0))
    std::cerr << "empty workflow is running after start()";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // add the first step
  if (!workflow->addTransition(step1, 0))
    std::cerr << "could not add first step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try erroneously starting with no initial step
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow is running after start() with no initial step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with one step
  // set the initial step (which sets the initial state)

  // try starting with one step
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, step1, 1, 0, step2, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow is not running after start() with a single step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // triggering ValidationTransition and TransitionToPreviousStep
  // should keep us in the same step, when there is only one step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 1, 0, step2, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error in validation transition in a workflow with a single step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // transition to the previous step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 1, 0, step2, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error after transition to previous step in a workflow with a single step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // stop the workflow
  if (!testStopWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, 1, 1, step2, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow with one step still running after stop";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with two steps

  // add the second step
  if (!workflow->addTransition(step1, step2))
    std::cerr << "could not add second step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // start the workflow
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, step1, 2, 1, step2, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow is not running after start() with two steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // make sure the workflow has the steps
  if (!workflow->hasStep(step1->id()))
    std::cerr << "Step1 not added to workflow";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (!workflow->hasStep(step2->id()))
    std::cerr << "Step2 not added to workflow";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  // if (workflow->numberOfSteps() != 2)
  //   {
  //   std::cerr << "workflow has " << workflow->numberOfSteps() << " steps, not 2";
  //   return EXIT_FAILURE;
  //   }

  // Test that the workflow transitions from processing to validation state
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step2, step1, 2, 2, step2, 1, 0))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to next step in workflow with two steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Test that the workflow transitions back to the previous step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 3, 2, step2, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to previous step in workflow with step steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // make sure the workflow stops properly
  if (!testStopWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, 3, 3, step2, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "workflow with two steps is running after stop()";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with three steps

  // add a third step manually
  ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep *step3 = new ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 3");
  step3->setName("Step 3");
  step3->setDescription("Description for step 3");

  if (!workflow->addTransition(step2, step3, "", ctkWorkflow::Forward))
    std::cerr << "could not add step 3 with forward transition";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (!workflow->addTransition(step2, step3, "",  ctkWorkflow::Backward))
    std::cerr << "could not add next transition between step2 and step 3";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (workflow->forwardSteps(step1).length() != 1
      || workflow->forwardSteps(step1).first() != step2
      || workflow->forwardSteps(step2).length() != 1
      || workflow->forwardSteps(step2).first() != step3
      || workflow->forwardSteps(step3).length() != 0)
    std::cerr << "error in list of forward steps" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (workflow->backwardSteps(step1).length() != 0
      || workflow->backwardSteps(step2).length() != 1
      || workflow->backwardSteps(step2).first() != step1
      || workflow->backwardSteps(step3).length() != 1
      || workflow->backwardSteps(step3).first() != step2)
    std::cerr << "error in list of backward steps" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (!workflow->hasStep(step3->id()))
    std::cerr << "Step3 not added to workflow";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  // if (workflow->numberOfSteps() != 3)
  //   {
  //   std::cerr << "workflow has " << workflow->numberOfSteps() << " steps, not 2";
  //   return EXIT_FAILURE;
  //   }

  // now that we've stopped and restarted the state machine, we should
  // be back in the initial step (step 1)
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, step1, 4, 3, step2, 1, 1, step3, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow is not running after start() with three steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // test to make sure our lists of forward and backwards steps is correct
  if (!workflow->canGoForward(step1)
      || workflow->canGoBackward(step1)
      || !workflow->canGoForward(step2)
      || !workflow->canGoBackward(step2)
      || workflow->canGoForward(step3)
      || !workflow->canGoBackward(step3))
    std::cerr << "error in can go forward/backward" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Test that the workflow transitions from step1 to step 2 to step 3
  QTimer::singleShot(defaultTime, &app, SLOT(quit()));
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, step1, 4, 4, step2, 2, 2, step3, 1, 0))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to step3 in workflow with three steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Test that the workflow transitions back to the previous step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step2, step1, 4, 4, step2, 3, 2, step3, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to previous step in workflow with three steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // make sure the workflow stops properly
  if (!testStopWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, 4, 4, step2, 3, 3, step3, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "error stopping workflow with three steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with a finish step (step 3)

  // restart the workflow
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, step1, 5, 4, step2, 3, 3, step3, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "workflow with finish step is not running after start()";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to go automatically to step 3
  workflow->goToStep("Step 3");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 6, 5, step2, 4, 4, step3, 2, 2))
    std::cerr << "error after going to finish step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to go automatically to step 3 again
  workflow->goToStep("Step 3");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 7, 6, step2, 5, 5, step3, 3, 3))
    std::cerr << "error after going to finish step the second time";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // stop workflow
  if (!testStopWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, 7, 7, step2, 5, 5, step3, 3, 3))
    std::cerr << "error stopping workflow with finish step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with two finishing steps (step3 and step4)
  ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep *step4 = new ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 4");
  step4->setName("Step 4");
  step4->setDescription("Description for step 4");
  workflow->addTransition(step3, step4);

  // restart the workflow
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, step1, 8, 7, step2, 5, 5, step3, 3, 3, step4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow with two finish steps is not running after start()";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to go automatically to step 3
  workflow->goToStep("Step 3");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 9, 8, step2, 6, 6, step3, 4, 4, step4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error going to the first finish step of two";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to go automatically to step 4
  workflow->goToStep("Step 4");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 10, 9, step2, 7, 7, step3, 5, 5, step4, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "error going to the second finish step of two";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // go to step 3 (a finish step)
  QTimer::singleShot(defaultTime, &app, SLOT(quit()));
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, step1, 10, 10, step2, 8, 8, step3, 6, 5, step4, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "error going from step1 to step3";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to go automatically to step 4 (another goTo step)
  workflow->goToStep("Step 4");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, step1, 10, 10, step2, 8, 8, step3, 7, 6, step4, 2, 2))
    std::cerr << "error going from the first finish step to the second finish step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // go to step 4, and then go forward (should not let you go past last step)
  QTimer::singleShot(defaultTime, &app, SLOT(quit()));
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step4, step1, 10, 10, step2, 8, 8, step3, 7, 7, step4, 3, 2))
    std::cerr << "error going forward past last step - shouldn't let you";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // now try to go from step 4 to step 4 (should loop)
  workflow->goToStep("Step 4");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step4, step1, 10, 10, step2, 8, 8, step3, 7, 7, step4, 4, 3))
    std::cerr << "error looping from step 4 to step 4";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // go back to step 3, and then go from step 3 to step 3 (should loop without hitting step4)
  QTimer::singleShot(defaultTime, &app, SLOT(quit()));
  workflow->goToStep("Step 3");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, step1, 10, 10, step2, 8, 8, step3, 9, 8, step4, 4, 4))
    std::cerr << "error looping from step 3 to step 3";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // handles deletions of the workflow, steps, states and transitions
  delete workflow;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;