Example #1
void test_file( const char * filename , int occurence , bool exists , const ecl_rsthead_type * true_header) {
  int report_step = ecl_util_filename_report_nr( filename );
  ecl_file_type * rst_file = ecl_file_open( filename , 0);
  ecl_file_enum file_type = ecl_util_get_file_type( filename , NULL , NULL );
  ecl_file_view_type * rst_view;
  ecl_rsthead_type * rst_head;

  if (file_type == ECL_RESTART_FILE)
    rst_view = ecl_file_get_global_view( rst_file );
    rst_view = ecl_file_get_restart_view( rst_file , occurence , -1 , -1 , -1 );

  if (exists) {
    test_assert_not_NULL( rst_view );
    rst_head = ecl_rsthead_alloc( rst_view , report_step);
    test_assert_not_NULL( rst_head );

    if (occurence == 0) {
      ecl_rsthead_type * rst_head0 = ecl_rsthead_alloc( rst_view , report_step );

      test_assert_true( ecl_rsthead_equal( rst_head , rst_head0 ));
      ecl_rsthead_free( rst_head0 );
    test_assert_true( ecl_rsthead_equal( rst_head , true_header ));

    ecl_rsthead_free( rst_head );
  } else
    test_assert_NULL( rst_view );

Example #2
void test_fortio_safe_cast(const char * filename ) {
  void  * i_am_a_fortio = fortio_open_reader( filename , false , ECL_ENDIAN_FLIP);
  test_assert_not_NULL( i_am_a_fortio );
  fortio_type * fortio = fortio_safe_cast(i_am_a_fortio);
  fortio_fclose( fortio );
Example #3
void test_write_gen_kw_export_file(enkf_main_type * enkf_main)
  enkf_state_type * state = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
  enkf_node_type * enkf_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "MULTFLT" );
  const enkf_config_node_type * config_node = enkf_node_get_config(enkf_node);

  if (GEN_KW == enkf_config_node_get_impl_type(config_node)) {
    enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs(enkf_main);
    enkf_state_ecl_write(state, fs);
Example #4
void test_min_realizations_percent(const char * num_realizations_str, const char * min_realizations_str, int min_realizations){
  test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc("test_min_realizations");

    FILE * config_file_stream = util_mkdir_fopen("config_file", "w");
    fprintf(config_file_stream, num_realizations_str);
    fprintf(config_file_stream, min_realizations_str);

    config_type * c = config_alloc();
    config_schema_item_type * item = config_add_schema_item(c , NUM_REALIZATIONS_KEY , true );
    config_schema_item_set_default_type(item, CONFIG_INT);
    config_schema_item_set_argc_minmax( item , 1 , 1);
    item = config_add_schema_item(c , MIN_REALIZATIONS_KEY , false );
    config_schema_item_set_argc_minmax( item , 1 , 2);
    test_assert_true(config_parse(c , "config_file" , "--" , NULL , NULL , false , true ));

    analysis_config_type * ac = create_analysis_config( );
    analysis_config_init(ac, c);

    test_assert_int_equal( min_realizations , analysis_config_get_min_realisations( ac ) );

    analysis_config_free( ac );
    config_free( c );

Example #5
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {  
  int i;
  ecl_kw_type * ecl_kw = ecl_kw_alloc("HEAD" , 10  , ECL_INT_TYPE);

  for (i=0; i < 10; i++) 
    ecl_kw_iset_int(ecl_kw , i , i );

    test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc("ecl_kw_grdecl" , true);
    FILE * stream = util_fopen( "FILE.grdecl" , "w");

    ecl_kw_fprintf_grdecl(ecl_kw , stream );
    stream = util_fopen( "FILE.grdecl" , "r");
      ecl_kw_type * ecl_kw2 = ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_grdecl( stream , "HEAD" , 10 , ECL_INT_TYPE);
      test_assert_not_NULL( ecl_kw2 );
      test_assert_true( ecl_kw_equal( ecl_kw , ecl_kw2));
      ecl_kw_free( ecl_kw2 );
    fclose( stream );

    stream = util_fopen( "FILE.grdecl" , "w");
    ecl_kw_fprintf_grdecl__(ecl_kw , "HEAD1234" , stream );
    fclose( stream );

    stream = util_fopen( "FILE.grdecl" , "r");
      ecl_kw_type * ecl_kw2 = ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_grdecl( stream , "HEAD" , 10 , ECL_INT_TYPE);
      test_assert_NULL( ecl_kw2 );
      ecl_kw2 = ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_grdecl( stream , "HEAD1234" , 10 , ECL_INT_TYPE);
      test_assert_not_NULL( ecl_kw2 );
      test_assert_string_equal( ecl_kw_get_header( ecl_kw2 ) , "HEAD1234" );
      test_assert_true( ecl_kw_content_equal( ecl_kw , ecl_kw2 ));
      ecl_kw_free( ecl_kw2 );
    fclose( stream );
    test_work_area_free( work_area );
  ecl_kw_free( ecl_kw );
Example #6
void test_write( const char * filename , bool path_exists) {
  fortio_type * fortio = fortio_open_writer( filename , false , ECL_ENDIAN_FLIP);
  if (path_exists) {
    test_assert_not_NULL( fortio );
    fortio_fclose( fortio );
  } else
    test_assert_NULL( fortio );
Example #7
void test_send_fortio_to_gen_kw_ecl_write(void * arg) {
  enkf_main_type * enkf_main = arg;
  fortio_type * fortio  = fortio_open_writer("my_new_file", false, ECL_ENDIAN_FLIP);

  enkf_state_type * state  = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
  enkf_node_type * enkf_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "MULTFLT" );
  const enkf_config_node_type * config_node = enkf_node_get_config(enkf_node);

  if (GEN_KW == enkf_config_node_get_impl_type(config_node)) {
    const char * dummy_path = "dummy_path";
    enkf_node_ecl_write(enkf_node, dummy_path, fortio, 0);
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {

  double * rseg_data = util_calloc( 100 , sizeof * rseg_data );
  well_segment_collection_type * sc = well_segment_collection_alloc();
  test_assert_not_NULL( sc );
  test_assert_int_equal( well_segment_collection_get_size( sc ) , 0 );

    int outlet_segment_id = ECLIPSE_WELL_SEGMENT_OUTLET_END_VALUE;
    well_segment_type * ws = well_segment_alloc(89 , outlet_segment_id , branch_nr, rseg_data);
    well_segment_collection_add( sc , ws );
    test_assert_int_equal( well_segment_collection_get_size( sc ) , 1);
    test_assert_ptr_equal( well_segment_collection_iget( sc , 0 ) , ws );
    test_assert_false( well_segment_collection_has_segment( sc , 451 ));
    test_assert_true( well_segment_collection_has_segment( sc , 89 ));
    test_assert_ptr_equal( well_segment_collection_get( sc , 89 ) , ws );

    int outlet_segment_id = ECLIPSE_WELL_SEGMENT_OUTLET_END_VALUE;
    well_segment_type * ws = well_segment_alloc(90 , outlet_segment_id , branch_nr , rseg_data);
    well_segment_collection_add( sc , ws );
    test_assert_int_equal( well_segment_collection_get_size( sc ) , 2);
    test_assert_ptr_equal( well_segment_collection_iget( sc , 1 ) , ws );
    test_assert_false( well_segment_collection_has_segment( sc , 451 ));
    test_assert_true( well_segment_collection_has_segment( sc , 89 ));
    test_assert_true( well_segment_collection_has_segment( sc , 90 ));
    test_assert_ptr_equal( well_segment_collection_get( sc , 90 ) , ws );
    test_assert_NULL( well_segment_collection_get( sc , 76 ));

    int outlet_segment_id = ECLIPSE_WELL_SEGMENT_OUTLET_END_VALUE;
    well_segment_type * ws = well_segment_alloc(89 , outlet_segment_id , branch_nr, rseg_data);
    well_segment_collection_add( sc , ws );
    test_assert_int_equal( well_segment_collection_get_size( sc ) , 2);
    test_assert_ptr_equal( well_segment_collection_iget( sc , 0 ) , ws );
    test_assert_false( well_segment_collection_has_segment( sc , 451 ));
    test_assert_true( well_segment_collection_has_segment( sc , 89 ));
    test_assert_ptr_equal( well_segment_collection_get( sc , 89 ) , ws );
  free( rseg_data );
  well_segment_collection_free( sc );
Example #9
void test_wrapper( const char * filename ) {
  FILE * stream = util_fopen( filename , "r");
  fortio_type * fortio = fortio_alloc_FILE_wrapper( filename , false , false , stream );
  test_assert_not_NULL( fortio );
  test_assert_false( fortio_fclose_stream( fortio ));
  test_assert_false( fortio_fopen_stream( fortio ));
  test_assert_true( fortio_stream_is_open( fortio ));
  fortio_free_FILE_wrapper( fortio );
  fclose( stream );
Example #10
void test_write_gen_kw_export_file(enkf_main_type * enkf_main)
  enkf_fs_type * init_fs = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main );
  enkf_state_type * state = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
  run_arg_type * run_arg = run_arg_alloc_INIT_ONLY( init_fs , 0 ,0 , "simulations/run0");
  enkf_node_type * enkf_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "MULTFLT" );

  const enkf_config_node_type * config_node = enkf_node_get_config(enkf_node);

  if (GEN_KW == enkf_config_node_get_impl_type(config_node)) {
    enkf_state_ecl_write(state, run_arg , init_fs);
  run_arg_free( run_arg );
Example #11
void test_close_stream2(const char * src_file , const char * target_file ) {
  util_copy_file( src_file , target_file );
  ecl_file_type * ecl_file = ecl_file_open( target_file , ECL_FILE_CLOSE_STREAM );

  ecl_file_load_all( ecl_file );
  unlink( target_file );
  ecl_kw_type * kw2 = ecl_file_iget_kw( ecl_file , 2 );
  test_assert_not_NULL( kw2 );
  ecl_file_close( ecl_file );
Example #12
void test_close_stream1(const char * src_file , const char * target_file ) {
  util_copy_file( src_file , target_file );

  ecl_file_type * ecl_file = ecl_file_open( target_file , ECL_FILE_CLOSE_STREAM );
  ecl_kw_type * kw0 = ecl_file_iget_kw( ecl_file , 0 );
  ecl_kw_type * kw1 = ecl_file_iget_kw( ecl_file , 1 );
  unlink( target_file );
  ecl_kw_type * kw1b = ecl_file_iget_kw( ecl_file , 1 );

  test_assert_not_NULL( kw0 );
  test_assert_not_NULL( kw1 );
  test_assert_ptr_equal( kw1 , kw1b );

  ecl_kw_type * kw2 = ecl_file_iget_kw( ecl_file , 2 );
  test_assert_NULL( kw2 );

  test_assert_false( ecl_file_writable( ecl_file ));

  ecl_file_close( ecl_file );

Example #13
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * config_file             =  argv[1];
  ert_test_context_type * test_context = ert_test_context_alloc("gen_kw_test" , config_file , NULL);
  enkf_main_type * enkf_main           = ert_test_context_get_main(test_context);

  test_assert_util_abort("gen_kw_ecl_write", test_send_fortio_to_gen_kw_ecl_write, enkf_main);

  ert_test_context_free( test_context );
Example #14
void test_fortio_is_instance(const char * filename ) {
    fortio_type * fortio = fortio_open_reader( filename , false , ECL_ENDIAN_FLIP);
    test_assert_not_NULL( fortio );
    fortio_fclose( fortio );
    vector_type * dummy_vector = vector_alloc_new();
void test_init_case_job(ert_test_context_type * test_context, const char * job_name , const char * job_file) {
  stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new();
  enkf_main_type * enkf_main = ert_test_context_get_main(test_context);

  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , "JOB" , job_file ) );

  //Test init current case from existing
    enkf_fs_type * cur_fs = enkf_main_mount_alt_fs( enkf_main , "new_current_case" , true );
    enkf_main_select_fs(enkf_main, "new_current_case");

    test_assert_ptr_not_equal(cur_fs , enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main ));

    stringlist_append_copy( args, "default"); //case to init from
    test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , "JOB" , args) );


    const char * current_case = enkf_main_get_current_fs( enkf_main );
    test_assert_string_equal(current_case, "new_current_case");
    test_assert_true(enkf_fs_has_node(enkf_main_get_fs(enkf_main), "PERMZ", PARAMETER, 0, 0, ANALYZED));

    enkf_fs_type * default_fs          = enkf_main_mount_alt_fs( enkf_main , "default" , true  );
    state_map_type * default_state_map = enkf_fs_get_state_map(default_fs);
    state_map_type * current_state_map = enkf_fs_get_state_map(enkf_main_get_fs(enkf_main));
    test_assert_int_equal(state_map_get_size(default_state_map), state_map_get_size(current_state_map));

  //Test init case from existing case:
  stringlist_append_copy(args, "default"); //case to init from
  stringlist_append_copy(args, "new_not_current_case");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , "JOB" , args) );
    enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_mount_alt_fs(enkf_main, "new_not_current_case", true);
    test_assert_not_NULL( fs );
    test_assert_true( enkf_fs_has_node(fs, "PERMZ", PARAMETER, 0, 0, ANALYZED ));

    enkf_fs_type * default_fs          = enkf_main_mount_alt_fs( enkf_main , "default" , true );
    state_map_type * default_state_map = enkf_fs_get_state_map(default_fs);
    state_map_type * new_state_map     = enkf_fs_get_state_map(fs);
    test_assert_int_equal(state_map_get_size(default_state_map), state_map_get_size(new_state_map));

  stringlist_free( args );
void test_tranLL( const ecl_grid_type * grid , const ecl_file_type * init_file , int lgr_nr1 , int lgr_nr2,
                  int size,
                  double first ,
                  double last) {

  ecl_kw_type * ecl_kw = ecl_nnc_export_get_tranll_kw(grid , init_file , lgr_nr1 , lgr_nr2 );

  printf("lgr: %d -> %d \n",lgr_nr1 , lgr_nr2);
  test_assert_true(ecl_kw_is_instance( ecl_kw ));
  test_assert_int_equal( size , ecl_kw_get_size( ecl_kw ));
  test_assert_double_equal( first , ecl_kw_iget_as_double( ecl_kw , 0 ));
  test_assert_double_equal( last , ecl_kw_iget_as_double( ecl_kw , size - 1 ));
Example #17
void test_open_close_read( const char * filename ) {
  fortio_type * fortio = fortio_open_reader( filename , false , ECL_ENDIAN_FLIP);
  test_assert_not_NULL( fortio );

  test_assert_true( fortio_stream_is_open( fortio ));
  test_assert_true( fortio_fclose_stream( fortio ));
  test_assert_false( fortio_stream_is_open( fortio ));
  test_assert_false( fortio_fclose_stream( fortio ));
  test_assert_true( fortio_fopen_stream( fortio ));
  test_assert_true( fortio_stream_is_open( fortio ));
  test_assert_false( fortio_fopen_stream( fortio ));

  fortio_fclose( fortio );
Example #18
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  config_type * config = config_alloc();
  ert_report_list_type * report_list = ert_report_list_alloc( NULL , NULL );

  test_assert_not_NULL( report_list );
  ert_report_list_add_config_items( config );
  test_assert_true( config_parse( config , argv[1] , "--" , NULL, NULL , CONFIG_UNRECOGNIZED_IGNORE , true ));
  ert_report_list_init( report_list , config , NULL);
  test_assert_int_equal( 167 , ert_report_list_get_latex_timeout( report_list ));
  test_assert_true( ert_report_list_get_init_large_report( report_list ));

  ert_report_list_free( report_list );
void test_join() {
  const char * elt0 = "AAA";
  const char * elt1 = "BBB";
  const char * elt2 = "CCC";
  const char * elt3 = "DDD";
  const char * elt4 = "EEE";
  const char * elt5 = "FFF";

  stringlist_type * s = stringlist_alloc_new();

    // empty join
    const char* empty_join = stringlist_alloc_joined_string(s, "!!!");
    test_assert_string_equal("", empty_join);

  stringlist_append_copy( s , elt0 );
  stringlist_append_copy( s , elt1 );
  stringlist_append_copy( s , elt2 );

  const char * sep0 = "";
  const char * sep1 = "!!!";
  const char * sep2 = " abc ";

  const char * j0 = stringlist_alloc_joined_string( s, sep0);
  const char * j1 = stringlist_alloc_joined_string( s, sep1);
  const char * j2 = stringlist_alloc_joined_string( s, sep2);

  test_assert_string_equal( j0, "AAABBBCCC");
  test_assert_string_equal( j1, "AAA!!!BBB!!!CCC");
  test_assert_string_equal( j2, "AAA abc BBB abc CCC");

  stringlist_type * s1 = stringlist_alloc_new();
  stringlist_append_copy( s1 , elt0 );
  test_assert_string_equal( "AAA", stringlist_alloc_joined_string( s1, sep0));
  test_assert_string_equal( "AAA", stringlist_alloc_joined_string( s1, sep1));
  test_assert_string_equal( "AAA", stringlist_alloc_joined_string( s1, sep2));

  stringlist_type * sub = stringlist_alloc_new();
  stringlist_append_copy( sub , elt0 );
  stringlist_append_copy( sub , elt1 );
  stringlist_append_copy( sub , elt2 );
  stringlist_append_copy( sub , elt3 );
  stringlist_append_copy( sub , elt4 );
  stringlist_append_copy( sub , elt5 );
  test_assert_string_equal( "CCC:DDD:EEE", stringlist_alloc_joined_substring( sub, 2, 5, ":"));
Example #20
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  int lgr_nr = 77;
  nnc_info_type * nnc_info = nnc_info_alloc(lgr_nr);   

  test_assert_int_equal( 0 , nnc_info_get_total_size( nnc_info ));
  test_assert_int_equal( lgr_nr , nnc_info_get_lgr_nr(  nnc_info ));
  nnc_info_add_nnc(nnc_info, lgr_nr, 110 , 0);
  test_assert_int_equal( 1, nnc_info_get_total_size( nnc_info ));
  nnc_info_add_nnc(nnc_info, 1, 110 , 1);
  nnc_info_add_nnc(nnc_info, 1, 111 , 2);
  test_assert_int_equal( 3, nnc_info_get_total_size( nnc_info ));

  nnc_vector_type * nnc_vector = nnc_info_get_vector( nnc_info , 1);
  const int_vector_type * nnc_cells = nnc_info_get_grid_index_list(nnc_info, 1); 
  test_assert_int_equal(int_vector_size(nnc_cells), 2); 
  test_assert_ptr_equal( nnc_cells , nnc_vector_get_grid_index_list( nnc_vector ));

  nnc_vector_type * nnc_vector_null  = nnc_info_get_vector( nnc_info , 2);
  const int_vector_type * nnc_cells_null = nnc_info_get_grid_index_list(nnc_info, 2); 
  nnc_vector_type * nnc_vector_self  = nnc_info_get_self_vector( nnc_info );
  const nnc_vector_type * nnc_vector_77  = nnc_info_get_vector( nnc_info , lgr_nr );
  test_assert_ptr_equal( nnc_vector_77 , nnc_vector_self );

  const int_vector_type * nnc_cells_77 = nnc_info_get_grid_index_list(nnc_info, lgr_nr); 
  const int_vector_type * nnc_cells_self = nnc_info_get_self_grid_index_list(nnc_info); 
  test_assert_ptr_equal( nnc_cells_77 , nnc_cells_self );

  test_assert_int_equal( 2 , nnc_info_get_size( nnc_info ));
  test_assert_ptr_equal( nnc_info_get_vector( nnc_info , 1 ) , nnc_info_iget_vector( nnc_info , 1 ));

Example #21
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  int i = 10;
  int j = 5;
  int k = 16;
  double CF = 0;
  bool open = true;

    well_conn_dir_enum dir = well_conn_dirX;
    well_conn_type * conn = well_conn_alloc(i,j,k,CF,dir,open);
    well_conn_type * conn2 = well_conn_alloc(i,j,k,CF,dir,open);
    well_conn_type * conn3 = well_conn_alloc(i,j,k+1,CF,dir,open);
    test_assert_not_NULL( conn );
    test_assert_true( well_conn_is_instance( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( i , well_conn_get_i( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( j , well_conn_get_j( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( k , well_conn_get_k( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( dir , well_conn_get_dir( conn ));
    test_assert_bool_equal( open , well_conn_open( conn ));
    test_assert_false( well_conn_MSW( conn ));
    test_assert_true( well_conn_matrix_connection( conn ));
    test_assert_true( well_conn_equal( conn , conn2 ));
    test_assert_false( well_conn_equal( conn , conn3 ));
    test_assert_double_equal( CF , well_conn_get_connection_factor( conn ));
    well_conn_free( conn3 );
    well_conn_free( conn2 );
    well_conn_free( conn );

    well_conn_dir_enum dir = well_conn_fracX;
    well_conn_type * conn = well_conn_alloc(i,j,k,CF,dir,open);
    test_assert_NULL( conn );

    well_conn_dir_enum dir = well_conn_fracX;
    well_conn_type * conn = well_conn_alloc_fracture(i,j,k,CF,dir,open);
    test_assert_not_NULL( conn );
    test_assert_int_equal( i , well_conn_get_i( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( j , well_conn_get_j( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( k , well_conn_get_k( conn ));
    test_assert_bool_equal( open , well_conn_open( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( dir , well_conn_get_dir( conn ));
    test_assert_false( well_conn_MSW( conn ));
    test_assert_false( well_conn_matrix_connection( conn ));
    test_assert_true( well_conn_fracture_connection( conn ));
    well_conn_free( conn );

    well_conn_dir_enum dir = well_conn_dirX;
    well_conn_type * conn = well_conn_alloc_fracture(i,j,k,CF,dir,open);
    test_assert_not_NULL( conn );
    well_conn_free( conn );

    int segment = 16;
    well_conn_dir_enum dir = well_conn_dirX;
    well_conn_type * conn = well_conn_alloc_MSW(i,j,k,CF,dir,open,segment);
    test_assert_not_NULL( conn );
    test_assert_int_equal( i , well_conn_get_i( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( j , well_conn_get_j( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( k , well_conn_get_k( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( segment , well_conn_get_segment_id( conn ));
    test_assert_bool_equal( open , well_conn_open( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( dir , well_conn_get_dir( conn ));
    test_assert_true( well_conn_MSW( conn ));
    test_assert_true( well_conn_matrix_connection( conn ));
    well_conn_free( conn );

    int segment = 16;
    well_conn_dir_enum dir = well_conn_fracX;
    well_conn_type * conn = well_conn_alloc_fracture_MSW(i,j,k,CF,dir,open,segment);
    test_assert_not_NULL( conn );
    test_assert_int_equal( i , well_conn_get_i( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( j , well_conn_get_j( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( k , well_conn_get_k( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( segment , well_conn_get_segment_id( conn ));
    test_assert_bool_equal( open , well_conn_open( conn ));
    test_assert_int_equal( dir , well_conn_get_dir( conn ));
    test_assert_true( well_conn_MSW( conn ));
    test_assert_false( well_conn_matrix_connection( conn ));
    well_conn_free( conn );


Example #22
int main( int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * exjob_file = "job";
  const char * bin_path = argv[1];
  const char * internal_workflow = argv[2];
  test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc( "job_workflow_test" );

  signal(SIGSEGV , util_abort_signal);    
  create_exjob( exjob_file , bin_path );
    int int_value = rand();
    int read_value = 100;
    workflow_joblist_type * joblist = workflow_joblist_alloc();
    if (!workflow_joblist_add_job_from_file( joblist , "CREATE_FILE" , exjob_file)) {
      remove( exjob_file );
        config_type * job_config = workflow_joblist_get_job_config( joblist );
        config_fprintf_errors( job_config , true , stdout );
      test_error_exit("Loading job CREATE_FILE failed\n");
    } else
      remove( exjob_file );
    if (!workflow_joblist_add_job_from_file( joblist , "READ_FILE"   , internal_workflow))
      test_error_exit("Loading job READ_FILE failed\n");
      config_type * workflow_compiler = workflow_joblist_get_compiler( joblist );
      if (config_get_schema_size( workflow_compiler ) != 2)
        test_error_exit("Config compiler - wrong size \n");
      const char * workflow_file = "workflow";
      const char * tmp_file = "fileX";
      workflow_type * workflow;
      create_workflow( workflow_file , tmp_file , int_value );
      workflow = workflow_alloc(workflow_file , joblist );
      unlink( workflow_file );
        bool runOK;
        runOK = workflow_run( workflow , &read_value , false , NULL);
        if (runOK) {
          if (int_value != read_value)
            test_error_exit("Wrong numeric value read back \n");

          test_assert_int_equal( workflow_get_stack_size( workflow ) , 2 );
          test_assert_not_NULL( workflow_iget_stack_ptr( workflow , 0 ) );
          test_assert_NULL( workflow_iget_stack_ptr( workflow , 1 ) );
            void * return_value = workflow_iget_stack_ptr( workflow , 0 );
            int return_int = *((int *) return_value);
            if (int_value != return_int)
              test_error_exit("Wrong numeric value read back \n");
            test_assert_not_NULL( workflow_pop_stack( workflow ));
            test_assert_NULL( workflow_pop_stack( workflow ));
            test_assert_int_equal( workflow_get_stack_size( workflow ) , 0 );
            free( return_value );

        } else {
          config_type * workflow_compiler = workflow_joblist_get_compiler( joblist );
          config_fprintf_errors( workflow_compiler , true ,stdout);
          unlink( tmp_file );
          test_error_exit("Workflow did not run\n");
        unlink( tmp_file );
    workflow_joblist_free( joblist );
    workflow_joblist_type * joblist = workflow_joblist_alloc();
    const char * workflow_file = "workflow";
    const char * tmp_file = "fileX";
    int read_value;
    int int_value = 100;
    workflow_type * workflow;
    create_workflow( workflow_file , tmp_file , int_value );
    workflow = workflow_alloc(workflow_file , joblist );
    unlink( workflow_file );

    test_assert_false( workflow_run( workflow , &read_value , false , NULL) );
    test_assert_int_equal( workflow_get_stack_size( workflow ) , 0 );
  test_work_area_free( work_area );
Example #23
void test_create_range() {
  plot_range_type * range = plot_range_alloc();
  test_assert_not_NULL( range );
  plot_range_free( range );
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * Xfile = argv[1];
  ecl_file_type * rst_file = ecl_file_open( Xfile , 0 );
  ecl_file_view_type * rst_view = ecl_file_get_active_view( rst_file );
  ecl_rsthead_type * rst_head = ecl_rsthead_alloc( rst_view , ecl_util_filename_report_nr(Xfile));
  const ecl_kw_type * iwel_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , IWEL_KW , 0 );
  const ecl_kw_type * iseg_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , ISEG_KW , 0 );
  well_rseg_loader_type * rseg_loader = well_rseg_loader_alloc(rst_view);
  const ecl_kw_type * icon_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , ICON_KW , 0 );
  const ecl_kw_type * scon_kw = NULL;
  const ecl_kw_type * xcon_kw = NULL;

  test_assert_not_NULL( rst_file );
  test_assert_not_NULL( rst_head );
    int well_nr;
    for (well_nr = 0; well_nr < rst_head->nwells; well_nr++) {
      well_conn_collection_type * connections = well_conn_collection_alloc();
      well_conn_collection_load_from_kw( connections , iwel_kw , icon_kw , scon_kw, xcon_kw, well_nr , rst_head);
        well_segment_collection_type * segments = well_segment_collection_alloc();
        bool load_segment_information = true;
        bool is_MSW_well = false;
        if (well_segment_collection_load_from_kw( segments , well_nr , iwel_kw , iseg_kw , rseg_loader , rst_head , load_segment_information , &is_MSW_well)) {
          well_branch_collection_type * branches = well_branch_collection_alloc();
          test_assert_true( well_segment_well_is_MSW( well_nr , iwel_kw , rst_head));
          well_segment_collection_link( segments );
            int is;
            for (is=0; is < well_segment_collection_get_size( segments ); is++) {
              well_segment_type * segment = well_segment_collection_iget( segments , is );
              if (well_segment_nearest_wellhead( segment )) 
                test_assert_NULL( well_segment_get_outlet( segment ));
                test_assert_not_NULL( well_segment_get_outlet( segment ));

              test_assert_int_not_equal( well_segment_get_id( segment ) , well_segment_get_outlet_id( segment ));
              test_assert_ptr_not_equal( segment , well_segment_get_outlet( segment ));
          well_segment_collection_add_branches( segments , branches );
            int ib;
            for (ib = 0; ib < well_branch_collection_get_size( branches ); ib++) {
              const well_segment_type * start_segment = well_branch_collection_iget_start_segment( branches , ib );
              const well_segment_type * segment = start_segment;
              printf("Branch %d " , ib );
              while (segment) {
                printf("%d -> ",well_segment_get_id( segment ));
                segment = well_segment_get_outlet( segment );
              printf(" X \n");
          well_segment_collection_add_connections( segments , ECL_GRID_GLOBAL_GRID , connections ); 
          well_branch_collection_free( branches );
        } else
          test_assert_false( well_segment_well_is_MSW( well_nr , iwel_kw , rst_head ));

        well_segment_collection_free( segments );
      well_conn_collection_free( connections );

  ecl_file_close( rst_file );
  ecl_rsthead_free( rst_head );
Example #25
void test_fortio_unsafe_cast(void * arg) {
  void * i_am_not_a_fortio = vector_alloc_new();
  test_assert_not_NULL( i_am_not_a_fortio );
ert_test_context_type * create_context( const char * config_file, const char * name ) {
  ert_test_context_type * test_context = ert_test_context_alloc(name , config_file);
  return test_context;
Example #27
void test_existing_read(const char * filename) {
  fortio_type * fortio = fortio_open_reader( filename , false , ECL_ENDIAN_FLIP);
  test_assert_not_NULL( fortio );
  fortio_fclose( fortio );
Example #28
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * Xfile = argv[1];
  ecl_file_type * rst_file = ecl_file_open( Xfile , 0 );
  ecl_rsthead_type * rst_head = ecl_rsthead_alloc( rst_file );
  const ecl_kw_type * iwel_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , IWEL_KW , 0 );
  const ecl_kw_type * iseg_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , ISEG_KW , 0 );
  const ecl_kw_type * rseg_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , RSEG_KW , 0 );
  const ecl_kw_type * icon_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , ICON_KW , 0 );

  test_assert_not_NULL( rst_file );
  test_assert_not_NULL( rst_head );
    int well_nr;
    for (well_nr = 0; well_nr < rst_head->nwells; well_nr++) {
      well_conn_collection_type * connections = well_conn_collection_alloc();
      well_conn_collection_load_from_kw( connections , iwel_kw , icon_kw , well_nr , rst_head);
        well_segment_collection_type * segments = well_segment_collection_alloc();

        if (well_segment_collection_load_from_kw( segments , well_nr , iwel_kw , iseg_kw , rseg_kw , rst_head )) {
          well_branch_collection_type * branches = well_branch_collection_alloc();

          test_assert_true( well_segment_well_is_MSW( well_nr , iwel_kw , rst_head));
          well_segment_collection_link( segments );
            int is;
            for (is=0; is < well_segment_collection_get_size( segments ); is++) {
              well_segment_type * segment = well_segment_collection_iget( segments , is );

              if (well_segment_nearest_wellhead( segment ))
                test_assert_NULL( well_segment_get_outlet( segment ));
                test_assert_not_NULL( well_segment_get_outlet( segment ));

              test_assert_ptr_not_equal( segment , well_segment_get_outlet( segment ));

          well_segment_collection_add_branches( segments , branches );
            int ib;
            for (ib = 0; ib < well_branch_collection_get_size( branches ); ib++) {
              const well_segment_type * start_segment = well_branch_collection_iget_start_segment( branches , ib );
              const well_segment_type * segment = start_segment;

              printf("Branch %d/%d " , ib , well_branch_collection_get_size( branches ) );
              while (segment) {
                printf("[%p]%d -> \n",segment , well_segment_get_id( segment ));
                segment = well_segment_get_outlet( segment );
          well_segment_collection_add_connections( segments , ECL_GRID_GLOBAL_GRID , connections );
          well_branch_collection_free( branches );
        } else
          test_assert_false( well_segment_well_is_MSW( well_nr , iwel_kw , rst_head ));

        well_segment_collection_free( segments );
      well_conn_collection_free( connections );

  ecl_file_close( rst_file );
  ecl_rsthead_free( rst_head );
Example #29
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * Xfile = argv[1];
  bool MSW;
  ecl_file_type * rst_file = ecl_file_open( Xfile , 0 );
  ecl_rsthead_type * rst_head = ecl_rsthead_alloc( ecl_file_get_global_view(rst_file) , ecl_util_filename_report_nr( Xfile ));
  test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( argv[2] , &MSW ));
  test_assert_not_NULL( rst_file );
  test_assert_not_NULL( rst_head );
    int iwell;
    const ecl_kw_type * iwel_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , IWEL_KW , 0 );
    const ecl_kw_type * icon_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , ICON_KW , 0 );
    ecl_kw_type * scon_kw = NULL;

    bool caseMSW = false;

    for (iwell = 0; iwell < rst_head->nwells; iwell++) {
      const int iwel_offset = rst_head->niwelz * iwell;
      int num_connections   = ecl_kw_iget_int( iwel_kw , iwel_offset + IWEL_CONNECTIONS_INDEX );
      int iconn;
      well_conn_collection_type * wellcc = well_conn_collection_alloc( );
      well_conn_collection_type * wellcc_ref = well_conn_collection_alloc();

      for (iconn = 0; iconn < num_connections; iconn++) {
        well_conn_type * conn = well_conn_alloc_from_kw( icon_kw , scon_kw , rst_head , iwell , iconn );
        test_assert_true( well_conn_is_instance( conn ));
        test_assert_not_NULL( conn );
        if (!MSW)
          test_assert_bool_equal( well_conn_MSW( conn ) , MSW);
          caseMSW |= well_conn_MSW( conn );
        well_conn_collection_add( wellcc , conn );
        well_conn_collection_add_ref( wellcc_ref , conn );
        test_assert_int_equal( iconn + 1 , well_conn_collection_get_size( wellcc ));
        test_assert_ptr_equal( well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc , iconn) , conn);
        test_assert_ptr_equal( well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc_ref , iconn) , conn);
      well_conn_collection_free( wellcc_ref );

        int i;
        for (i=0; i < well_conn_collection_get_size( wellcc ); i++)
          test_assert_true( well_conn_is_instance( well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc , i )));
        well_conn_collection_type * wellcc2 = well_conn_collection_alloc();
        int i;
        test_assert_int_equal( well_conn_collection_get_size( wellcc ) , 
                               well_conn_collection_load_from_kw( wellcc2 , iwel_kw , icon_kw , scon_kw , iwell , rst_head));
        for (i=0; i < well_conn_collection_get_size( wellcc2 ); i++) {
          test_assert_true( well_conn_is_instance( well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc2 , i )));
          test_assert_true( well_conn_equal( well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc2 , i ) , well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc , i )));
        well_conn_collection_free( wellcc2 );
      well_conn_collection_free( wellcc );
    test_assert_bool_equal( caseMSW , MSW);

  exit( 0 );