Example #1
static double RunTiming
   (enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, enum TEST_UPLO Uplo, int N, int lda,
    int CacheSize, int nreps)
   TYPE *A, *a;
   const int incA = N*lda;
   int i, k;
   double t0, t1=0.0;

   if (nreps < 1) nreps = 1;
   i = ATL_DivBySize(2*CacheSize) ATL_PTCACHEMUL;
   k = i = (i + N*N-1) / (N*N);
   if (nreps > i) k = i = nreps;
   a = A = malloc(i * ATL_MulBySize(incA));
   if (A)
      if (Uplo == TestGE)
         for (i=0; i < k; i++) Mjoin(PATL,gegen)(N, N, A+i*incA, lda, N+lda);
      else for (i=0; i < k; i++) hegen(Order, Uplo, N, A+i*incA, lda);

      t0 = time00();
      for (i=nreps; i; i--, a += incA) test_inv(Order, Uplo, N, a, lda);
      t1 = time00() - t0;
   else fprintf(stderr, "   WARNING: not enough mem to run timings!\n");
Example #2
static double RunTest
   (enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, enum TEST_UPLO Uplo, int N, int lda,
    int CacheSize, TYPE *res)
   TYPE *A, *AI, *C;
   int ierr;
   double t0, t1;

   A  = GetMat(Order, Uplo, N, lda);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A0", N, N, A, lda);
   AI = DupMat(Order, N, N, A, lda, lda);
   t0 = ATL_flushcache(CacheSize);

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(-1);
   t0 = time00();
   test_inv(Order, Uplo, N, AI, lda); /* AI should now have inverse(A) */
   t1 = time00() - t0;
   t0 = ATL_flushcache(0);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A ", N, N, A, lda);
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("AI", N, N, AI, lda);

   *res = GetResid(Order, Uplo, N, A, lda, AI, lda);
Example #3
static void test44() {
    SkMatrix44 m0, m1, m2;

    test_inv("identity", m0);
    test_inv("translate", m0);
    test_inv("scale", m0);
    m0.postTranslate(5, 6, 7);
    test_inv("postTranslate", m0);
    m1.setTranslate(5, 6, 7);
    m0.setConcat(m0, m1);
    test_inv("postTranslate2", m0);
    m0.preTranslate(5, 6, 7);
    test_inv("preTranslate", m0);
    m0.setScale(2, 4, 6);
    test_inv("scale/postscale to 1,2,3", m0);

    test_map(1, 0, 0, m0, 1, 0, 0);
    test_map(0, 1, 0, m0, 0, 1, 0);
    test_map(0, 0, 1, m0, 0, 0, 1);
    m0.setScale(2, 3, 4);
    test_map(1, 0, 0, m0, 2, 0, 0);
    test_map(0, 1, 0, m0, 0, 3, 0);
    test_map(0, 0, 1, m0, 0, 0, 4);
    m0.setTranslate(2, 3, 4);
    test_map(0, 0, 0, m0, 2, 3, 4);
    m0.preScale(5, 6, 7);
    test_map(1, 0, 0, m0, 7, 3, 4);
    test_map(0, 1, 0, m0, 2, 9, 4);
    test_map(0, 0, 1, m0, 2, 3, 11);

    SkMScalar deg = 45;
    m0.setRotateDegreesAbout(0, 0, 1, deg);
    test_map(1, 0, 0, m0, 0.707106769, -0.707106769, 0);

    test_33(m0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
    m0.setTranslate(3, 4, 5);
    test_33(m0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 4);
Example #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int ans;
    char *str, *strout;
    fmpz_poly_t zpoly;
    fmpz_poly_q_t qpoly1;
    mpz_t mpzzero, mpzone, mpztwo;
    mpq_t mpqzero, mpqone, mpqtwo, mpqtwoinv;
    flint_printf("all... ");
    /* Accessing numerator and denominator ***********************************/
    fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "2  -1 1/2  0 1");
    str = "2  -1 1";
    strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(fmpz_poly_q_numref(qpoly1));
    ans = !strcmp(str, strout);
    if (!ans)
        flint_printf("test_numref: failed\n");
        flint_printf("    Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout);
        flint_printf("    qpoly1 = \""), fmpz_poly_q_print(qpoly1), flint_printf("\"\n");
    fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "2  -1 1/2  0 1");
    str = "2  0 1";
    strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(fmpz_poly_q_denref(qpoly1));
    ans = !strcmp(str, strout);
    if (!ans)
        flint_printf("test_denref: failed\n");
        flint_printf("    Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout);
    fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "2  -1 1/2  0 1");
    fmpz_poly_set(zpoly, fmpz_poly_q_numref(qpoly1));
    str = "2  -1 1";
    strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(zpoly);
    ans = !strcmp(str, strout);
    if (!ans)
        flint_printf("test_get_num: failed\n");
        flint_printf("    Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout);
    fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "2  -1 1/2  0 1");
    fmpz_poly_set(zpoly, fmpz_poly_q_denref(qpoly1));
    str = "2  0 1";
    strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(zpoly);
    ans = !strcmp(str, strout);
    if (!ans)
        flint_printf("test_get_den: failed\n");
        flint_printf("    Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout);
    fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "1  1/1  1");
    fmpz_poly_set_str(zpoly, "2  0 1");
    fmpz_poly_set(fmpz_poly_q_numref(qpoly1), zpoly);
    str = "2  0 1";
    strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(fmpz_poly_q_numref(qpoly1));
    ans = !strcmp(str, strout);
    if (!ans)
        flint_printf("test_set_num: failed\n");
        flint_printf("    Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout);
    fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "1  1/1  1");
    fmpz_poly_set_str(zpoly, "2  0 1");
    fmpz_poly_set(fmpz_poly_q_denref(qpoly1), zpoly);
    str = "2  0 1";
    strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(fmpz_poly_q_denref(qpoly1));
    ans = !strcmp(str, strout);
    if (!ans)
        flint_printf("test_set_den: failed\n");
        flint_printf("    Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout);
    /* Canonicalise **********************************************************/
    str = "2  -1 1/2  0 1";
    fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, str);
    strout = fmpz_poly_q_get_str(qpoly1);
    ans = !strcmp(str, strout);
    if (!ans)
        flint_printf("test_canonicalize: failed\n");
        flint_printf("    Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout);
    str = "2  -1 -1/2  0 1";
    fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "2  1 1/2  0 -1");
    strout = fmpz_poly_q_get_str(qpoly1);
    ans = !strcmp("2  -1 -1/2  0 1", strout);
    if (!ans)
        flint_printf("test_canonicalize: failed\n");
        flint_printf("    Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout);
    /* Initialization, memory management and basic operations ****************/
    test_set("0", "0");
    test_set("0/1  1", "0");
    test_set("3  -1 0 1/2  0 1", "3  -1 0 1/2  0 1");
    test_set("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "2  -1 1");
    test_set_si(-1, "1  -1");
    test_set_si(13, "1  13");
    test_set_si(0, "0");
    test_swap("3  -1 0 1/2  0 1", "1  2/1  3", "1  2/1  3", "3  -1 0 1/2  0 1");
    test_zero("0", "0");
    test_zero("0/1  1", "0");
    test_zero("3  -1 0 1/2  0 1", "0");
    test_neg("0", "0");
    test_neg("1  1/1  2", "1  -1/1  2");
    test_neg("3  -1 0 1/2  0 1", "3  1 0 -1/2  0 1");
    test_inv("1  1/1  2", "1  2");
    test_inv("3  -1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 1/3  -1 0 1");
    test_inv("3  -1 0 -1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1");
    test_inv_inplace("1  1/1  2", "1  2");
    test_inv_inplace("3  -1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 1/3  -1 0 1");
    test_inv_inplace("3  -1 0 -1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1");
    test_is_zero("0", 1);
    test_is_zero("0/1  1", 1);
    test_is_zero("3  -1 0 1/2  0 1", 0);
    test_is_zero("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", 0);
    test_is_one("0", 0);
    test_is_one("0/1  1", 0);
    test_is_one("1  1/1  1", 1);
    test_is_one("2  1 1/2  1 1", 1);
    test_is_one("3  -1 0 1/2  0 1", 0);
    test_equal("1  1/1  2", "1  1/1  2", 1);
    test_equal("1  1/1  2", "1  1/1  2", 1);
    test_equal("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "2  -1 1", 1);
    test_equal("3  -1 0 1/2  -1 1", "2  -1 1", 0);
    /* Addition and subtraction **********************************************/
    test_add("3  1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1", "5  1 0 1 0 1/4  0 1 0 1");
    test_add("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "1  2/2  -1 1", "3  3 -2 1/2  -1 1");
    test_add("0/2  1 1", "1  2/1  1", "1  2");
    test_add("1  -3/1  4", "0/3  1 0 1", "1  -3/1  4");
    test_add("2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  1", "2  0 2");
    test_add("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  2 1/2  -1 1", "3  -1 2 2/3  0 -1 1");
    test_add("2  -1 1/2  2 1", "3  4 4 1/2  1 1", "4  7 12 7 1/3  2 3 1");
    test_add("2  1 1/2  -1 1", "2  1 1", "3  0 1 1/2  -1 1");
    test_add("1  1/2  1 1", "2  0 1/2  1 1", "1  1");
    test_add("2  1 1/3  4 -4 1", "1  1/2  -2 1", "2  -1 2/3  4 -4 1");
    test_add("3  0 1 1/3  1 2 1", "2  0 -1/2  1 1", "0");
    test_add("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  -1 1/2  0 1", "1  2");
    test_add("1  1/3  3 5 2", "1  1/3  6 7 2", "1  1/3  2 3 1");
    test_add_in_place1("3  1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1", "5  1 0 1 0 1/4  0 1 0 1");
    test_add_in_place1("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "1  2/2  -1 1", "3  3 -2 1/2  -1 1");
    test_add_in_place1("0/2  1 1", "1  2/1  1", "1  2");
    test_add_in_place1("1  -3/1  4", "0/3  1 0 1", "1  -3/1  4");
    test_add_in_place1("2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  1", "2  0 2");
    test_add_in_place1("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  2 1/2  -1 1", "3  -1 2 2/3  0 -1 1");
    test_add_in_place1("2  -1 1/2  2 1", "3  4 4 1/2  1 1", "4  7 12 7 1/3  2 3 1");
    test_add_in_place1("2  1 1/2  -1 1", "2  1 1", "3  0 1 1/2  -1 1");
    test_add_in_place1("1  1/2  1 1", "2  0 1/2  1 1", "1  1");
    test_add_in_place1("2  1 1/3  4 -4 1", "1  1/2  -2 1", "2  -1 2/3  4 -4 1");
    test_add_in_place1("3  0 1 1/3  1 2 1", "2  0 -1/2  1 1", "0");
    test_add_in_place1("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  -1 1/2  0 1", "1  2");
    test_add_in_place2("3  1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1", "5  1 0 1 0 1/4  0 1 0 1");
    test_add_in_place2("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "1  2/2  -1 1", "3  3 -2 1/2  -1 1");
    test_add_in_place2("0/2  1 1", "1  2/1  1", "1  2");
    test_add_in_place2("1  -3/1  4", "0/3  1 0 1", "1  -3/1  4");
    test_add_in_place2("2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  1", "2  0 2");
    test_add_in_place2("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  2 1/2  -1 1", "3  -1 2 2/3  0 -1 1");
    test_add_in_place2("2  -1 1/2  2 1", "3  4 4 1/2  1 1", "4  7 12 7 1/3  2 3 1");
    test_add_in_place2("2  1 1/2  -1 1", "2  1 1", "3  0 1 1/2  -1 1");
    test_add_in_place2("1  1/2  1 1", "2  0 1/2  1 1", "1  1");
    test_add_in_place2("2  1 1/3  4 -4 1", "1  1/2  -2 1", "2  -1 2/3  4 -4 1");
    test_add_in_place2("3  0 1 1/3  1 2 1", "2  0 -1/2  1 1", "0");
    test_add_in_place2("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  -1 1/2  0 1", "1  2");
    test_add_in_place3("2  1 1", "2  2 2");
    test_add_in_place3("2  1 1/1  2", "2  1 1");
    test_sub("3  1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1", "5  1 0 3 0 1/4  0 1 0 1");
    test_sub("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "1  2/2  -1 1", "3  -1 -2 1/2  -1 1");
    test_sub("0/2  1 1", "1  2/1  1", "1  -2");
    test_sub("1  -3/1  4", "0/3  1 0 1", "1  -3/1  4");
    test_sub("2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  1", "1  2");
    test_sub("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  2 1/2  -1 1", "2  -1 -2/3  0 -1 1");
    test_sub("2  -1 1/2  2 1", "3  4 4 1/2  1 1", "4  -9 -12 -5 -1/3  2 3 1");
    test_sub("2  -1 1/2  0 1", "1  1", "1  -1/2  0 1");
    test_sub("3  1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1", "5  1 0 3 0 1/4  0 1 0 1");
    test_sub("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "1  2/2  -1 1", "3  -1 -2 1/2  -1 1");
    test_sub("0/2  1 1", "1  2/1  1", "1  -2");
    test_sub("1  -3/1  4", "0/3  1 0 1", "1  -3/1  4");
    test_sub("2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  1", "1  2");
    test_sub("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  2 1/2  -1 1", "2  -1 -2/3  0 -1 1");
    test_sub("2  -1 1/2  2 1", "3  4 4 1/2  1 1", "4  -9 -12 -5 -1/3  2 3 1");
    test_sub("2  1 1/2  -1 1", "2  1 1", "3  2 1 -1/2  -1 1");
    test_sub("1  1/2  1 1", "2  0 1/2  1 1", "2  1 -1/2  1 1");
    test_sub("2  1 1/3  4 -4 1", "1  1/2  -2 1", "1  3/3  4 -4 1");
    test_sub("3  0 1 1/3  1 2 1", "2  0 -1/2  1 1", "2  0 2/2  1 1");
    test_sub("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  -1 1/2  0 1", "1  2/2  0 1");
    test_sub("1  1/3  3 5 2", "1  1/3  6 7 2", "1  1/4  6 13 9 2");
    test_sub("2  1 1/2  0 2", "2  1 1/2  0 2", "0");
    test_sub("2  -1 2/2  0 1", "2  -1 1/2  0 1", "1  1");
    test_sub_in_place1("3  1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1", "5  1 0 3 0 1/4  0 1 0 1");
    test_sub_in_place1("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "1  2/2  -1 1", "3  -1 -2 1/2  -1 1");
    test_sub_in_place1("0/2  1 1", "1  2/1  1", "1  -2");
    test_sub_in_place1("1  -3/1  4", "0/3  1 0 1", "1  -3/1  4");
    test_sub_in_place1("2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  1", "1  2");
    test_sub_in_place1("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  2 1/2  -1 1", "2  -1 -2/3  0 -1 1");
    test_sub_in_place1("2  -1 1/2  2 1", "3  4 4 1/2  1 1", "4  -9 -12 -5 -1/3  2 3 1");
    test_sub_in_place2("3  1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1", "5  1 0 3 0 1/4  0 1 0 1");
    test_sub_in_place2("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "1  2/2  -1 1", "3  -1 -2 1/2  -1 1");
    test_sub_in_place2("0/2  1 1", "1  2/1  1", "1  -2");
    test_sub_in_place2("1  -3/1  4", "0/3  1 0 1", "1  -3/1  4");
    test_sub_in_place2("2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  1", "1  2");
    test_sub_in_place2("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  2 1/2  -1 1", "2  -1 -2/3  0 -1 1");
    test_sub_in_place2("2  -1 1/2  2 1", "3  4 4 1/2  1 1", "4  -9 -12 -5 -1/3  2 3 1");
    test_sub_in_place3("2  -1 1/2  2 1", "0");
    test_addmul("1  1/2  0 2", "2  3 1/1  4", "3  1 0 1/4  -2 0 0 1", "5  -4 3 1 5 1/5  0 -8 0 0 4");
    test_submul("1  1/2  0 2", "2  3 1/1  4", "3  1 0 1/4  -2 0 0 1", "5  -4 -3 -1 -1 -1/5  0 -8 0 0 4");
    /* Scalar multiplication and devision ************************************/
    flint_mpz_init_set_si(mpzzero, 0);
    flint_mpz_init_set_si(mpzone, 1);
    flint_mpz_init_set_si(mpztwo, 2);
    mpq_init(mpqzero); flint_mpq_set_si(mpqzero, 0, 1);
    mpq_init(mpqone); flint_mpq_set_si(mpqone, 1, 1);
    mpq_init(mpqtwo); flint_mpq_set_si(mpqtwo, 2, 1);
    mpq_init(mpqtwoinv); flint_mpq_set_si(mpqtwoinv, 1, 2);
    test_scalar_mul_si("0", 1, "0");
    test_scalar_mul_si("0", 0, "0");
    test_scalar_mul_si("1  2", 0, "0");
    test_scalar_mul_si("1  1/1  2", -2, "1  -1");
    test_scalar_mul_si("2  1 1/2  -2 3", 5, "2  5 5/2  -2 3");
    test_scalar_mul_si("2  1 1/2  -2 2", 3, "2  3 3/2  -2 2");
    test_scalar_mul_mpz("0", mpzone, "0");
    test_scalar_mul_mpz("0", mpzzero, "0");
    test_scalar_mul_mpz("1  2", mpzzero, "0");
    test_scalar_mul_mpz("1  1/1  2", mpztwo, "1  1");
    test_scalar_mul_mpq("0", mpqone, "0");
    test_scalar_mul_mpq("0", mpqzero, "0");
    test_scalar_mul_mpq("1  2", mpqzero, "0");
    test_scalar_mul_mpq("1  1/1  2", mpqtwo, "1  1");
    test_scalar_mul_mpq("1  -2/1  1", mpqtwoinv, "1  -1");
    test_scalar_div_si("0", 1, "0");
    test_scalar_div_si("1  2", 2, "1  1");
    test_scalar_div_si("1  1/1  2", -2, "1  -1/1  4");
    test_scalar_div_si("3  -5 0 3/2  1 1", 2, "3  -5 0 3/2  2 2");
    test_scalar_div_si("3  2 8 4/2  0 1", 3, "3  2 8 4/2  0 3");
    test_scalar_div_si("3  2 8 4/2  0 1", -3, "3  -2 -8 -4/2  0 3");
    test_scalar_div_si("3  -27 0 9/2  0 1", -3, "3  9 0 -3/2  0 1");
    test_scalar_div_mpz("0", mpzone, "0");
    test_scalar_div_mpz("1  2", mpztwo, "1  1");
    test_scalar_div_mpz("1  1/1  2", mpztwo, "1  1/1  4");
    test_scalar_div_mpq("0", mpqone, "0");
    test_scalar_div_mpq("1  2", mpqone, "1  2");
    test_scalar_div_mpq("1  1/1  2", mpqtwo, "1  1/1  4");
    test_scalar_div_mpq("1  -2/1  1", mpqtwoinv, "1  -4");
    /* Multiplication, division and powing *********************************/
    test_mul("3  1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1", "1  -1");
    test_mul("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "1  2/2  -1 1", "1  2");
    test_mul("0/2  1 1", "1  2/1  1", "0");
    test_mul("1  -3/1  4", "0/3  1 0 1", "0");
    test_mul("2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  1", "3  -1 0 1");
    test_mul("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  2 1/2  -1 1", "3  2 3 1/3  0 -1 1");
    test_mul("2  -1 1/2  2 1", "3  4 4 1/2  1 1", "3  -2 1 1/2  1 1");
    test_mul_in_place1("3  1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1", "1  -1");
    test_mul_in_place1("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "1  2/2  -1 1", "1  2");
    test_mul_in_place1("0/2  1 1", "1  2/1  1", "0");
    test_mul_in_place1("1  -3/1  4", "0/3  1 0 1", "0");
    test_mul_in_place1("2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  1", "3  -1 0 1");
    test_mul_in_place1("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  2 1/2  -1 1", "3  2 3 1/3  0 -1 1");
    test_mul_in_place1("2  -1 1/2  2 1", "3  4 4 1/2  1 1", "3  -2 1 1/2  1 1");
    test_mul_in_place2("3  1 0 1/2  0 1", "2  0 -1/3  1 0 1", "1  -1");
    test_mul_in_place2("3  -1 0 1/2  1 1", "1  2/2  -1 1", "1  2");
    test_mul_in_place2("0/2  1 1", "1  2/1  1", "0");
    test_mul_in_place2("1  -3/1  4", "0/3  1 0 1", "0");
    test_mul_in_place2("2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  1", "3  -1 0 1");
    test_mul_in_place2("2  1 1/2  0 1", "2  2 1/2  -1 1", "3  2 3 1/3  0 -1 1");
    test_mul_in_place2("2  -1 1/2  2 1", "3  4 4 1/2  1 1", "3  -2 1 1/2  1 1");
    test_mul_in_place3("2  0 1/2  1 1", "3  0 0 1/3  1 2 1");
    test_div("3  -1 0 1/1  2", "2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  2");
    test_div("0/2  1 1", "2  1 1/1  1", "0");
    test_div("3  -1 0 1/1  4", "2  -1 -1/1  2", "2  1 -1/1  2");
    test_div("2  1 1", "2  1 -1/2  1 -1", "2  1 1");
    test_div("2  1 1/3  4 4 1", "2  -1 1/3  6 5 1", "3  3 4 1/3  -2 1 1");
    test_div_in_place1("3  -1 0 1/1  2", "2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  2");
    test_div_in_place1("0/2  1 1", "2  1 1/1  1", "0");
    test_div_in_place1("3  -1 0 1/1  4", "2  -1 -1/1  2", "2  1 -1/1  2");
    test_div_in_place1("2  1 1", "2  1 -1/2  1 -1", "2  1 1");
    test_div_in_place1("2  1 1/3  4 4 1", "2  -1 1/3  6 5 1", "3  3 4 1/3  -2 1 1");
    test_div_in_place1("0", "1  2/2  3 5", "0");
    test_div_in_place2("3  -1 0 1/1  2", "2  1 1/1  1", "2  -1 1/1  2");
    test_div_in_place2("0/2  1 1", "2  1 1/1  1", "0");
    test_div_in_place2("3  -1 0 1/1  4", "2  -1 -1/1  2", "2  1 -1/1  2");
    test_div_in_place2("2  1 1", "2  1 -1/2  1 -1", "2  1 1");
    test_div_in_place2("2  1 1/3  4 4 1", "2  -1 1/3  6 5 1", "3  3 4 1/3  -2 1 1");
    test_div_in_place3("3  -1 0 1/1  2", "1  1");
    test_pow("2  0 -1/1  2", 3, "4  0 0 0 -1/1  8");
    test_pow("0", 0, "1  1");
    test_pow("2  1 -1", 0, "1  1");
    test_pow("2  1 1/2  0 1", 0, "1  1");
    /* Derivative ************************************************************/
    test_derivative("0", "0");
    test_derivative("1  2", "0");
    test_derivative("1  -1/1  2", "0");
    test_derivative("2  0 1", "1  1");
    test_derivative("3  1 0 1", "2  0 2");
    test_derivative("1  1/2  0 1", "1  -1/3  0 0 1");
    test_derivative("2  2 1/2  -1 1", "1  -3/3  1 -2 1");
    test_derivative("2  0 1/3  1 2 1", "2  1 -1/4  1 3 3 1");

    /* Bug which allowed constant factors */
    test_derivative("3  5 1 -2/2  10 2", "3  0 -10 -1/3  25 10 1");
    /* Evaluation ************************************************************/
    test_evaluate("1  1/1  2", -2, 3, "1/2");
    test_evaluate("3  1 0 1/2  0 1", -1, 2, "-5/2");
    test_evaluate("2  3 1/2  -1 1", 1, 1, "P");
    test_evaluate("2  3 1/2  -1 1", 2, 3, "-11");
    test_evaluate("2  3 1/2  -1 2", 1, 2, "P");
    test_evaluate("2  1 1/2  -1 1", 2, 1, "3");
    /* String methods ********************************************************/
    ans = fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "1  3/xyz");
    if ((ans == 0) || !fmpz_poly_q_is_zero(qpoly1))
        flint_printf("test_set_str: failed\n");
    ans = fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "abc/1  3");
    if ((ans == 0) || !fmpz_poly_q_is_zero(qpoly1))
        flint_printf("test_set_str: failed\n");
    ans = fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "abc/xyz");
    if ((ans == 0) || !fmpz_poly_q_is_zero(qpoly1))
        flint_printf("test_set_str: failed\n");
    test_get_str_pretty("1  -3", "-3");
    test_get_str_pretty("3  1 2 1", "t^2+2*t+1");
    test_get_str_pretty("1  -2/2  1 1", "-2/(t+1)");
    test_get_str_pretty("2  1 1/2  -1 1", "(t+1)/(t-1)");
    test_get_str_pretty("2  1 1/1  2", "(t+1)/2");
    test_get_str_pretty("1  1/1  2", "1/2");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #5
int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )
    return 0;