Example #1
// split out of png_decode to simplify resource cleanup and avoid
// "dtor / setjmp interaction" warning.
static Status png_decode_impl(DynArray* da, png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, Tex* t)
	png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, da, io_read);

	// read header and determine format
	png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
	png_uint_32 w, h;
	int bit_depth, colour_type;
	png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &w, &h, &bit_depth, &colour_type, 0, 0, 0);
	const size_t pitch = png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr);
	const u32 bpp = (u32)(pitch/w * 8);

	size_t flags = 0;
	if(bpp == 32)
		flags |= TEX_ALPHA;
	if(colour_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY)
		flags |= TEX_GREY;

	// make sure format is acceptable
	if(bit_depth != 8)
	if(colour_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_PALETTE)

	const size_t img_size = pitch * h;
	shared_ptr<u8> data;
	AllocateAligned(data, img_size, pageSize);

	std::vector<RowPtr> rows = tex_codec_alloc_rows(data.get(), h, pitch, TEX_TOP_DOWN, 0);
	png_read_image(png_ptr, (png_bytepp)&rows[0]);
	png_read_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);

	// success; make sure all data was consumed.
	ENSURE(da->pos == da->cur_size);

	// store image info
	t->data  = data;
	t->dataSize = img_size;
	t->ofs   = 0;
	t->w     = w;
	t->h     = h;
	t->bpp   = bpp;
	t->flags = flags;

	return INFO::OK;
Example #2
static Status jpg_encode_impl(Tex* t, jpeg_compress_struct* cinfo, DynArray* da)
	dst_prepare(cinfo, da);

	// describe image format
	// required:
	cinfo->image_width = (JDIMENSION)t->m_Width;
	cinfo->image_height = (JDIMENSION)t->m_Height;
	cinfo->input_components = (int)t->m_Bpp / 8;
	cinfo->in_color_space = (t->m_Bpp == 8)? JCS_GRAYSCALE : JCS_RGB;
	// defaults depend on cinfo->in_color_space already having been set!
	// (add optional settings, e.g. quality, here)

	// TRUE ensures that we will write a complete interchange-JPEG file.
	// don't change unless you are very sure of what you're doing.
	jpeg_start_compress(cinfo, TRUE);

	// if BGR, convert to RGB.
	WARN_IF_ERR(t->transform_to(t->m_Flags & ~TEX_BGR));

	const size_t pitch = t->m_Width * t->m_Bpp / 8;
	u8* data = t->get_data();
	std::vector<RowPtr> rows = tex_codec_alloc_rows(data, t->m_Height, pitch, t->m_Flags, TEX_TOP_DOWN);

	// could use cinfo->output_scanline to keep track of progress,
	// but we need to count lines_left anyway (paranoia).
	JDIMENSION lines_left = (JDIMENSION)t->m_Height;
	while(lines_left != 0)
		JDIMENSION lines_read = jpeg_write_scanlines(cinfo, row, lines_left);
		row += lines_read;
		lines_left -= lines_read;

		// we've decoded in-place; no need to further process


	Status ret = INFO::OK;
	if(cinfo->err->num_warnings != 0)

	return ret;
Example #3
// split out of png_encode to simplify resource cleanup and avoid
// "dtor / setjmp interaction" warning.
static Status png_encode_impl(Tex* t, png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, DynArray* da)
	const png_uint_32 w = (png_uint_32)t->w, h = (png_uint_32)t->h;
	const size_t pitch = w * t->bpp / 8;

	int colour_type;
	switch(t->flags & (TEX_GREY|TEX_ALPHA))
		colour_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA;
	case TEX_GREY:
		colour_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY;
	case TEX_ALPHA:
		colour_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
		colour_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;

	png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, da, io_write, io_flush);
	png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, w, h, 8, colour_type,

	u8* data = tex_get_data(t);
	std::vector<RowPtr> rows = tex_codec_alloc_rows(data, h, pitch, t->flags, TEX_TOP_DOWN);

	// PNG is native RGB.
	const int png_transforms = (t->flags & TEX_BGR)? PNG_TRANSFORM_BGR : PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY;

	png_set_rows(png_ptr, info_ptr, (png_bytepp)&rows[0]);
	png_write_png(png_ptr, info_ptr, png_transforms, 0);

	return INFO::OK;
Example #4
static Status jpg_decode_impl(rpU8 data, size_t size, jpeg_decompress_struct* cinfo, Tex* t)
	src_prepare(cinfo, data, size);

	// ignore return value since:
	// - suspension is not possible with the mem data source
	// - we passed TRUE to raise an error if table-only JPEG file
	(void)jpeg_read_header(cinfo, TRUE);

	// set libjpg output format. we cannot go with the default because
	// Photoshop writes non-standard CMYK files that must be converted to RGB.
	size_t flags = 0;
	cinfo->out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
	if(cinfo->num_components == 1)
		flags |= TEX_GREY;
		cinfo->out_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE;

	// lower quality, but faster
	cinfo->dct_method = JDCT_IFAST;
	cinfo->do_fancy_upsampling = FALSE;

	// ignore return value since suspension is not possible with the
	// mem data source.
	// note: since we've set out_color_space, JPEG will always
	// return an acceptable image format; no need to check.

	// scaled output image dimensions and final bpp are now available.
	int w = cinfo->output_width;
	int h = cinfo->output_height;
	int bpp = cinfo->output_components * 8;

	// alloc destination buffer
	const size_t pitch = w * bpp / 8;
	const size_t imgSize = pitch * h;	// for allow_rows
	shared_ptr<u8> img;
	AllocateAligned(img, imgSize, pageSize);

	// read rows
	std::vector<RowPtr> rows = tex_codec_alloc_rows(img.get(), h, pitch, TEX_TOP_DOWN, 0);
	// could use cinfo->output_scanline to keep track of progress,
	// but we need to count lines_left anyway (paranoia).
	JDIMENSION lines_left = h;
	while(lines_left != 0)
		JDIMENSION lines_read = jpeg_read_scanlines(cinfo, row, lines_left);
		row += lines_read;
		lines_left -= lines_read;

		// we've decoded in-place; no need to further process

	// ignore return value since suspension is not possible with the
	// mem data source.

	Status ret = INFO::OK;
	if(cinfo->err->num_warnings != 0)

	// store image info and validate
	return ret | t->wrap(w,h,bpp,flags,img,0);