Example #1
PassRefPtr<StringImpl> StringImpl::capitalize(UChar previous)
    StringBuffer stringWithPrevious(m_length + 1);
    stringWithPrevious[0] = previous == noBreakSpace ? ' ' : previous;
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < m_length + 1; i++) {
        // Replace &nbsp with a real space since ICU no longer treats &nbsp as a word separator.
        if (m_data[i - 1] == noBreakSpace)
            stringWithPrevious[i] = ' ';
            stringWithPrevious[i] = m_data[i - 1];

    TextBreakIterator* boundary = wordBreakIterator(stringWithPrevious.characters(), m_length + 1);
    if (!boundary)
        return this;

    StringBuffer data(m_length);

    int32_t endOfWord;
    int32_t startOfWord = textBreakFirst(boundary);
    for (endOfWord = textBreakNext(boundary); endOfWord != TextBreakDone; startOfWord = endOfWord, endOfWord = textBreakNext(boundary)) {
        if (startOfWord != 0) // Ignore first char of previous string
            data[startOfWord - 1] = m_data[startOfWord - 1] == noBreakSpace ? noBreakSpace : toTitleCase(stringWithPrevious[startOfWord]);
        for (int i = startOfWord + 1; i < endOfWord; i++)
            data[i - 1] = m_data[i - 1];

    return adopt(data);
Example #2
static inline void appendContextSubtargetsForNode(Node* node, SubtargetGeometryList& subtargets)
    // This is a variant of appendBasicSubtargetsForNode that adds special subtargets for
    // selected or auto-selectable parts of text nodes.

    if (!node->isTextNode())
        return appendBasicSubtargetsForNode(node, subtargets);

    Text* textNode = static_cast<WebCore::Text*>(node);
    RenderText* textRenderer = static_cast<RenderText*>(textNode->renderer());

    if (textRenderer->frame()->editor()->behavior().shouldSelectOnContextualMenuClick()) {
        // Make subtargets out of every word.
        String textValue = textNode->data();
        TextBreakIterator* wordIterator = wordBreakIterator(textValue.characters(), textValue.length());
        int lastOffset = textBreakFirst(wordIterator);
        if (lastOffset == -1)
        int offset;
        while ((offset = textBreakNext(wordIterator)) != -1) {
            if (isWordTextBreak(wordIterator)) {
                Vector<FloatQuad> quads;
                textRenderer->absoluteQuadsForRange(quads, lastOffset, offset);
                appendQuadsToSubtargetList(quads, textNode, subtargets);
            lastOffset = offset;
    } else {
        if (textRenderer->selectionState() == RenderObject::SelectionNone)
            return appendBasicSubtargetsForNode(node, subtargets);
        // If selected, make subtargets out of only the selected part of the text.
        int startPos, endPos;
        switch (textRenderer->selectionState()) {
        case RenderObject::SelectionInside:
            startPos = 0;
            endPos = textRenderer->textLength();
        case RenderObject::SelectionStart:
            textRenderer->selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos);
            endPos = textRenderer->textLength();
        case RenderObject::SelectionEnd:
            textRenderer->selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos);
            startPos = 0;
        case RenderObject::SelectionBoth:
            textRenderer->selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos);
        Vector<FloatQuad> quads;
        textRenderer->absoluteQuadsForRange(quads, startPos, endPos);
        appendQuadsToSubtargetList(quads, textNode, subtargets);
int textBreakPrevious(TextBreakIterator* bi)
    for (int i = bi->m_index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if ((bi->m_type == UBRK_LINE && bi->m_logAttrs[i].is_line_break)
            || (bi->m_type == UBRK_WORD && (bi->m_logAttrs[i].is_word_start || bi->m_logAttrs[i].is_word_end))
            || (bi->m_type == UBRK_CHARACTER && bi->m_logAttrs[i].is_cursor_position)
            || (bi->m_type == UBRK_SENTENCE && (bi->m_logAttrs[i].is_sentence_start || bi->m_logAttrs[i].is_sentence_end)) ) {
            bi->m_index = i;
            return i;
    return textBreakFirst(bi);
Example #4
bool FatFingers::checkForText(Node* curNode, Vector<IntersectingRegion>& intersectingRegions, Platform::IntRectRegion& fingerRegion)
    if (isFieldWithText(curNode)) {
        // FIXME: Find all text in the field and find the best word.
        // For now, we will just select the whole field.
        IntRect boundingRect = curNode->renderer()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect(true /*use transforms*/);
        Platform::IntRectRegion nodeRegion(boundingRect);
        return checkFingerIntersection(nodeRegion, fingerRegion, curNode, intersectingRegions);

    if (curNode->isTextNode()) {
        WebCore::Text* curText = static_cast<WebCore::Text*>(curNode);
        String allText = curText->wholeText();

        // Iterate through all words, breaking at whitespace, to find the bounding box of each word.
        TextBreakIterator* wordIterator = wordBreakIterator(allText.characters(), allText.length());

        int lastOffset = textBreakFirst(wordIterator);
        if (lastOffset == -1)
            return false;

        bool foundOne = false;
        int offset;
        Document* document = curNode->document();

        while ((offset = textBreakNext(wordIterator)) != -1) {
            RefPtr<Range> range = Range::create(document, curText, lastOffset, curText, offset);
            if (!range->text().stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) {
                log(LogLevelInfo, "Checking word '%s'", range->text().latin1().data());
                Platform::IntRectRegion rangeRegion(DOMSupport::transformedBoundingBoxForRange(*range));
                foundOne |= checkFingerIntersection(rangeRegion, fingerRegion, curNode, intersectingRegions);
            lastOffset = offset;
        return foundOne;
    return false;