Example #1
OsStatus EmailNotifier::initStrings(TiXmlElement* emailElement)
   TiXmlElement* element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("email-intro");
   textContentShallow(mEmailStrIntro, element);
   assembleMsg(mEmailStrIntro, SipXecsService::Name(), mEmailStrIntro);

   element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("email-subject");
   textContentShallow(mEmailStrSubject, element);

   element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("email-alarm");
   textContentShallow(mEmailStrAlarm, element);

   element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("email-time");
   textContentShallow(mEmailStrTime, element);

   element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("email-host");
   textContentShallow(mEmailStrHost, element);

   element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("email-severity");
   textContentShallow(mEmailStrSeverity, element);

   element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("email-description");
   textContentShallow(mEmailStrDescription, element);

   element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("email-resolution");
   textContentShallow(mEmailStrResolution, element);

   element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("email-from");
   textContentShallow(mEmailStrFrom, element);
   assembleMsg(mEmailStrFrom, SipXecsService::Name(), mEmailStrFrom);

   return OS_SUCCESS;
Example #2
OsStatus LogNotifier::init(TiXmlElement* element, TiXmlElement* dummy)
   UtlString alarmFile;
   textContentShallow(alarmFile, element->FirstChildElement("file"));
   return OS_SUCCESS;
Example #3
// Remove any dialogs in the terminated state.
// This operates only on the parsed dialogs in mXmlDialogs, used to generate
// the consolidated state.  The RFC 4662 events are not affected, but
// presumably the resource is not allowing terminated dialogs to accumulate
// in the events it sends.
void ResourceInstance::purgeTerminatedDialogs()
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "ResourceInstance::purgeTerminatedDialogs mInstanceName = '%s'",

   // Iterate through all the <dialog> elements.
   UtlHashMapIterator itor(mXmlDialogs);
   UtlContainable* id;
   while ((id = itor()))
      // Get the <state> element content.
      UtlVoidPtr* p = dynamic_cast <UtlVoidPtr*> (itor.value());
      TiXmlElement* dialog_element =
         static_cast <TiXmlElement*> (p->getValue());
      TiXmlNode* state_node = dialog_element->FirstChild("state");
      UtlString state;
      textContentShallow(state, state_node);

      if (state.compareTo("terminated") == 0)
         // This dialog was terminated.  Remove it.
         delete dialog_element;
   // Note that we do not have to publish this change, as the deletion
   // of these dialogs does not have to be sent to the subscribers
   // quickly.
Example #4
OsStatus SmsNotifier::initStrings(TiXmlElement* smsElement)
   Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "SmsNotifier initStrings");

   TiXmlElement* element = smsElement->FirstChildElement("email-intro");

   element = smsElement->FirstChildElement("email-subject");
   textContentShallow(mSmsStrSubject, element);

   element = smsElement->FirstChildElement("email-host");
   textContentShallow(mSmsStrHost, element);

   element = smsElement->FirstChildElement("email-from");
   textContentShallow(mSmsStrFrom, element);
   assembleMsg(mSmsStrFrom, SipXecsService::Name(), mSmsStrFrom);

   return OS_SUCCESS;
Example #5
OsStatus EmailNotifier::init(TiXmlElement* emailElement)
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "Created EmailNotifier");
   TiXmlElement* element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("email-notification-addr");
   textContentShallow(mReplyTo, element);

   element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("contact");
   for (; element; element=element->NextSiblingElement("contact") )
      UtlString contactStr;
      textContentShallow(contactStr, element);
      if (contactStr)
         mContacts.append(new UtlString(contactStr));
   return OS_SUCCESS;
Example #6
OsStatus EmailNotifier::init(TiXmlElement* emailElement, TiXmlElement* groupElement)
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "Created EmailNotifier");
   TiXmlElement* element;

   // Extract the "From" contact from the alarm configuration file
   element = emailElement->FirstChildElement("email-notification-addr");
   textContentShallow(mReplyTo, element);

   // Extract the "To" contacts from the alarm groups configuration file
   element = groupElement->FirstChildElement("group");
   for (; element; element=element->NextSiblingElement("group") )
      UtlString groupName = element->Attribute("id");
      UtlString contactList;

      if (!groupName.isNull())
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "Processing alarm group name: %s", groupName.data());

         TiXmlElement* emailElement = element->FirstChildElement("email");

         TiXmlElement* toElement = emailElement->FirstChildElement("contact");
         for (; toElement; toElement=toElement->NextSiblingElement("contact") )
            UtlString contactStr;
            textContentShallow(contactStr, toElement);
            if (contactStr)

         // Store the contact list as a comma separated string that UtlHashMap can handle.
         mContacts.insertKeyAndValue(new UtlString(groupName), new UtlString(contactList));

   return OS_SUCCESS;
Example #7
//! Terminate the non-Terminated contents of mXmlDialogs.
void ResourceInstance::terminateXmlDialogs()
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "ResourceInstance::terminateXmlDialogs mInstanceName = '%s'",

   // Iterate through the contents.
   UtlHashMapIterator itor(mXmlDialogs);
   UtlContainable* id;
   while ((id = itor()))
      // The XML document for a single dialog.
      UtlVoidPtr* value = dynamic_cast <UtlVoidPtr*> (itor.value());
      TiXmlElement* dialog_element = static_cast <TiXmlElement*> (value->getValue());
      if (NULL != dialog_element)
         // Get the "state" XML node.
         TiXmlNode* state = dialog_element->FirstChild("state");
         // Destroy the dialog only if the state is not "terminated".
         UtlString stateText;
         textContentShallow(stateText, state); // textContentShallow allows state == NULL.

         // Check if the state is not terminated.
         if (0 != stateText.compareTo("terminated"))
            TiXmlElement newstate = "state";
            TiXmlText newtext = "terminated";

            // Replace the old state element with a new state element indicating terminated.
            // The calling routine will then normally overwrite this with the actual (full) state.
            // Note that tinyxml will delete the old state element for us.
            dialog_element->ReplaceChild(state, newstate);
Example #8
bool cAlarmServer::loadAlarmConfig(const UtlString& alarmFile, const UtlString& groupFile)
   // load global alarm config from alarm-config.xml
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "Loading alarm config files '%s' '%s'",
                 alarmFile.data(), groupFile.data());

   // Load the alarm configuration file
   TiXmlDocument alarmDoc(alarmFile);
   TiXmlHandle alarmDocHandle( &alarmDoc );
   if (!alarmDoc.LoadFile())
      UtlString errorMsg;
      XmlErrorMsg( alarmDoc, errorMsg );
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_ERR, "Failed to load alarm config file: %s", errorMsg.data());
      return false;
   TiXmlHandle alarmDocH( &alarmDoc );
   TiXmlHandle alarmServerHandle = alarmDocH.FirstChildElement("alarm_server");

   // Load the alarm group configuration file
   TiXmlDocument groupDoc(groupFile);
   TiXmlHandle groupDocHandle( &groupDoc );
   if (!groupDoc.LoadFile())
      UtlString errorMsg;
      XmlErrorMsg( groupDoc, errorMsg );
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_ERR, "Failed to load alarm group config file: %s", errorMsg.data());
      return false;
   TiXmlHandle groupDocH( &groupDoc );
   TiXmlHandle groupServerHandle = groupDocH.FirstChildElement("alarm_groups");

   // Continue to process the alarm configuration file
   TiXmlElement* settingsElement = alarmServerHandle.FirstChildElement("settings").Element();
   if (!settingsElement)
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_ERR,
                    "No <settings> element in alarm config file '%s'",
      return false;

   TiXmlElement* langElement = settingsElement->FirstChildElement("language");
   if (langElement)
      textContentShallow(mLanguage, langElement);
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_INFO, "Language for alarm notifications: %s", mLanguage.data());

   //load alarm action settings
   TiXmlElement* alarmActionsElement = settingsElement->FirstChildElement("actions");
   if (alarmActionsElement)
      TiXmlElement* element = alarmActionsElement->FirstChildElement("log");
      if (getBoolAttribute(element, "enabled"))
         LogNotifier* pLogNotifier = new LogNotifier();
         if (mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionLog])
            delete mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionLog];
         mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionLog] = pLogNotifier;
         if (pLogNotifier)
            pLogNotifier->init(element, NULL);
            gbActions[cAlarmData::eActionLog] = true;

      // Alarm email notifications
      element = alarmActionsElement->FirstChildElement("email");
      if (getBoolAttribute(element, "enabled"))
         EmailNotifier* pEmailNotifier = new EmailNotifier();
         if (mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionEmail])
            delete mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionEmail];
         mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionEmail] = pEmailNotifier;
         if (pEmailNotifier)
            TiXmlElement* groupElement = groupServerHandle.FirstChildElement("definitions").Element();
            pEmailNotifier->init(element, groupElement);
            gbActions[cAlarmData::eActionEmail] = true;

      element = alarmActionsElement->FirstChildElement("sms");
      if (getBoolAttribute(element, "enabled"))
         SmsNotifier* pSmsNotifier = new SmsNotifier();
         if (mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionSms])
            delete mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionSms];
         mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionSms] = pSmsNotifier;
         if (pSmsNotifier)
            TiXmlElement* groupElement = groupServerHandle.FirstChildElement("definitions").Element();
            pSmsNotifier->init(element, groupElement);
            gbActions[cAlarmData::eActionSms] = true;

      // Alarm SNMPv2 trap notifications
      element = alarmActionsElement->FirstChildElement("trap");
      if (getBoolAttribute(element, "enabled"))
         TrapNotifier* pTrapNotifier = new TrapNotifier();
         if (mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionTrap])
            delete mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionTrap];
         mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionTrap] = pTrapNotifier;
         if (pTrapNotifier)
            TiXmlElement* groupElement = groupServerHandle.FirstChildElement("definitions").Element();
            pTrapNotifier->init(element, groupElement);
            gbActions[cAlarmData::eActionTrap] = true;
         // The trap notification of alarms is disabled.
         // So, delete the notifier
         if (mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionTrap])
            delete mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionTrap];
            mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionTrap] = 0;
         gbActions[cAlarmData::eActionTrap] = false;
   return true;
Example #9
bool cAlarmServer::loadAlarmStringsFile(const UtlString& stringsFile)
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, " load alarm strings file %s", stringsFile.data());

   TiXmlDocument doc(stringsFile);
   TiXmlHandle docHandle( &doc );
   if (!doc.LoadFile())
      UtlString errorMsg;
      XmlErrorMsg( doc, errorMsg );
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_ERR, "failed to load alarm strings file: %s", errorMsg.data());
      return false;

   TiXmlHandle docH( &doc );
   TiXmlHandle alarmServerHandle = docH.FirstChildElement("alarm_server");

   TiXmlElement* settingsElement = alarmServerHandle.FirstChildElement("settings").Element();
   if (settingsElement)
      //load alarm action strings
      TiXmlElement* alarmActionsElement = settingsElement->FirstChildElement("actions");
      if (alarmActionsElement)
         TiXmlElement* element = alarmActionsElement->FirstChildElement("log");
         if (mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionLog])

         element = alarmActionsElement->FirstChildElement("email");
         if (mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionEmail])

         element = alarmActionsElement->FirstChildElement("sms");
         if (mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionSms])
         /* Not implemented as Strings are not needed for TrapNotifier.
         element = alarmActionsElement->FirstChildElement("trap");
         if (mpNotifiers[cAlarmData::eActionTrap])
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG,
                    "no <settings> element in alarm config file '%s'",

   //load alarm description strings
   TiXmlElement*  alarmDefElement = alarmServerHandle.
   if (alarmDefElement)
      TiXmlElement* element = alarmDefElement->FirstChildElement();
      UtlString idStr;
      UtlString descStr;
      UtlString resStr;

      for (; element; element=element->NextSiblingElement() )
         idStr = element->Attribute("id");
         if (idStr.isNull())
            OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_ERR,"Parsing alarm strings file %s: alarm ID is required", stringsFile.data());

         cAlarmData* alarmData = lookupAlarm(idStr);
         if (!alarmData)
            OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_ERR,"unknown alarm ID %s", idStr.data());

         TiXmlElement* codeElement = element->FirstChildElement("shorttitle");
         if (codeElement)
            textContentShallow(descStr, codeElement);
            if (!descStr.isNull())
               UtlString tempStr;
               XmlUnEscape(tempStr, descStr);

         codeElement = element->FirstChildElement("description");
         if (codeElement)
            textContentShallow(descStr, codeElement);
            if (!descStr.isNull())
               UtlString tempStr;
               XmlUnEscape(tempStr, descStr);

         codeElement = element->FirstChildElement("resolution");
         if (codeElement)
            textContentShallow(resStr, codeElement);
            if (!resStr.isNull())
               UtlString tempStr;
               XmlUnEscape(tempStr, resStr);


   return true;
Example #10
bool cAlarmServer::loadAlarmData(TiXmlElement* element, cAlarmData* data)

   UtlString codeStr;
   UtlString idStr;
   UtlString compStr("");
   UtlString sevStr("minor");
   UtlString resStr("");
   UtlString groupName("disabled");
   bool actEmail = true;
   bool actSms = true;
   bool actLog = true;
   bool actTrap = true;
   int  filtMax = INT_MAX;
   int  filtMin = 0;
   if (element && data)
      idStr = element->Attribute("id");
      if (idStr.isNull())
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_ERR,"code=%s: alarm ID is required", codeStr.data());
         return false;

      TiXmlElement* codeElement = element->FirstChildElement("code");
      if ( !codeElement )
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_ERR,
               "id=%s: alarm code is required", element->Attribute("id"));
         return false;
      textContentShallow(codeStr, codeElement);

      codeElement = element->FirstChildElement("severity");
      if ( codeElement )
         textContentShallow(sevStr, codeElement);
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_WARNING,
               "id=%s: no severity; assuming %s", idStr.data(), sevStr.data());

      codeElement = element->FirstChildElement("component");
      if ( codeElement )
         textContentShallow(compStr, codeElement);
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_WARNING,"id=%s: no component; set to null", idStr.data());

      codeElement = element->FirstChildElement("action");
      actLog   = getBoolAttribute(codeElement, "log", true);
      if ( codeElement )
         // Get the alarm group name used for both regular emails and SMS emails.
         groupName = codeElement->Attribute("email");
         if (strcmp(groupName.data(), "disabled") == 0)
            // All regular/SMS notifications for this alarm type must be disabled.
            actEmail = false;
            actSms = false;
            actTrap = false;
      codeElement = element->FirstChildElement("filter");
      filtMax  = getIntAttribute(codeElement, "max_reports", INT_MAX);
      filtMin  = getIntAttribute(codeElement, "min_threshold");
      return false;

   data->setShortTitle(idStr);  // default fallback title is internal id
   data->setDescription(idStr); // default fallback description is internal id
   data->actions[cAlarmData::eActionLog] = actLog;
   data->actions[cAlarmData::eActionEmail] = actEmail;
   data->actions[cAlarmData::eActionSms] = actSms;
   data->actions[cAlarmData::eActionTrap] = actTrap;
   data->group_name = groupName;
   data->max_report = filtMax;
   data->min_threshold = filtMin;

   return true;

// Read and parse the resource list file and install the resource lists
// into the ResourceListSet.
OsStatus ResourceListFileReader::initialize()
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "ResourceListFileReader::initialize entered");

   int changeDelay = mResourceListSet->getResourceListServer()->getChangeDelay();

   // The status to return.
   OsStatus ret = OS_SUCCESS;

   // Suspend publishing to prevent generating incomplete NOTIFYs.

   // Remove all existing resource lists.

   // No work to be done if file name is not set.
   if (!mFileName.isNull())
      // Initialize Tiny XML document object.
      TiXmlDocument document;
      TiXmlNode* lists_node;
      if (
         // Load the XML into it.
         document.LoadFile(mFileName.data()) &&
         // Find the top element, which should be a <lists>.
         (lists_node = document.FirstChild("lists")) != NULL &&
         lists_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
         // Find all the <list> elements.
         // Since this loop contains a delay and can run for a long time,
         // we have to check gShutdownFlag to abort processing when
         // a shutdown has been requested.
         for (TiXmlNode* list_node = 0;
              (list_node = lists_node->IterateChildren("list",
                                                       list_node)) &&
            if (list_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
               TiXmlElement* list_element = list_node->ToElement();

               // Process each <list> element.
               bool list_valid = true;

               // Process the 'user' attribute.
               const char* user_attribute = list_element->Attribute("user");
               if (!user_attribute || *user_attribute == '\0')
                  // User missing or null.
                  OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_ERR,
                                "user attribute of <list> was missing or null");
                  list_valid = false;
                  ret = OS_FAILED;

               // Process the 'user-cons' attribute.
               const char* user_cons_attribute =
               if (!user_cons_attribute || *user_cons_attribute == '\0')
                  // user-cons missing or null.
                  OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_ERR,
                                "user-cons attribute of <list> was missing or null");
                  list_valid = false;
                  ret = OS_FAILED;

               // If the <list> element was OK, create the ResourceList from it.
               if (list_valid)
                  // Add this resource list to the set of all resource lists.
                  // (No NAME XML for the resource list.)
                  bool r =
                  if (!r)
                     OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_WARNING,
                                   "ResourceListFileReader::initialize "
                                   "ResourceList '%s' already exists -- "
                                   "continuing adding resources to the list",

                  // Find all the <resource> children and add them to the
                  // ResourceList.
                  // Since this loop contains a delay and can run for a long time,
                  // we have to check gShutdownFlag to abort processing when
                  // a shutdown has been requested.
                  for (TiXmlNode* resource_node = 0;
                       (resource_node = list_element->IterateChildren("resource",
                                                                      resource_node)) &&
                     if (resource_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
                        TiXmlElement* resource_element = resource_node->ToElement();

                        // Process each <resource> element.
                        bool resource_valid = true;

                        // Process the 'uri' attribute.
                        const char* uri_attribute = resource_element->Attribute("uri");
                        if (!uri_attribute || *uri_attribute == '\0')
                           // URI missing or null.
                           OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_ERR,
                                         "main "
                                         "uri attribute of <resource> was missing or null");
                           resource_valid = false;
                           ret = OS_FAILED;

                        // If the <resource> element was OK, create the
                        // ResourceListResource from it.
                        if (resource_valid)
                           // Find all the <name> children and add them to the
                           // name string.
                           UtlString names;
                           TiXmlUtlStringWriter writer(&names);
                           // Extract the content of the first
                           // non-empty <name> child, and use it as
                           // the display name.
                           UtlString display_name;
                           for (TiXmlNode* name_node = 0;
                                (name_node = resource_element->IterateChildren("name",
                              if (name_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
                                 writer << *name_node;
                                 if (display_name.isNull())

                           bool r =
                           if (!r)
                              OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_WARNING,
                                            "ResourceListFileReader::initialize "
                                            "Resource '%s' already exists in ResourceList '%s' -- "
                                            "not adding a second time",
                                            uri_attribute, user_attribute);
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_PARK, PRI_DEBUG,
                       "ResourceListFileReader::initialize Done loading file '%s'",
         // Report error parsing file.
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_PARK, PRI_CRIT,
                       "main "
                       "Resource list file '%s' could not be parsed.",
         ret = OS_FAILED;
      // Report that there is no file.
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_PARK, PRI_CRIT,
                    "main No resource list file set.");

   // Resume publishing.

   return ret;
MappingRulesUrlMapping::parsePermMatchContainer(const Url& requestUri,
                                                const UtlString& vdigits,
                                                ResultSet& rContactResultSet,
                                                ResultSet& rPermissions,
                                                UtlString& callTag,
                                                const TiXmlNode* pUserMatchNode   //parent node
                                                ) const
    OsStatus doTransformStatus = OS_FAILED;

    UtlBoolean bPermissionFound = false;

    UtlString requestUriStr;
    callTag = "UNK";

    const TiXmlNode* pPermMatchNode = NULL;
    while ( (pPermMatchNode = pUserMatchNode->IterateChildren( pPermMatchNode ) )
            && (doTransformStatus != OS_SUCCESS) )
       if(pPermMatchNode && pPermMatchNode->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
          UtlString tagValue = pPermMatchNode->Value();

          if( tagValue.compareTo(XML_TAG_CALLTAG) == 0 )
            // Found call tag element.  Read the text value for it.
            textContentShallow(callTag, pPermMatchNode);
          if( tagValue.compareTo(XML_TAG_PERMISSIONMATCH) == 0 )
             //practically there should always be only one permission match tag
             const TiXmlElement* pPermissionMatchElement = pPermMatchNode->ToElement();
             UtlBoolean bPermNodePresent = false;
             //get the user text value from it
             for( const TiXmlNode*  pPermissionNode = pPermissionMatchElement->FirstChild( XML_TAG_PERMISSION );
                  pPermissionNode = pPermissionNode->NextSibling( XML_TAG_PERMISSION ) )
                bPermNodePresent = true;
                const TiXmlElement* pPermissionElement = pPermissionNode->ToElement();
                //get permission Name
                const TiXmlNode* pPermissionText = pPermissionElement->FirstChild();
                   UtlString permission = pPermissionText->Value();
                   UtlHashMap record;
                   UtlString* pIdentityKey =
                      new UtlString ( "identity" );
                   UtlString* pPermissionKey =
                      new UtlString ( "permission" );
                   UtlString* pIdentityValue =
                      new UtlString ( requestUriStr );
                   UtlString* pPermissionValue =
                      new UtlString ( permission );
                   record.insertKeyAndValue (
                      pIdentityKey, pIdentityValue );
                   record.insertKeyAndValue (
                      pPermissionKey, pPermissionValue );
                   bPermissionFound = true;

             //if no permission node - then it means no permission required - allow all
             if((!bPermNodePresent || bPermissionFound ) )
                //if the premission matches in the permissions database
                //go ahead and get the transform tag
                doTransformStatus = doTransform(requestUri,
    return doTransformStatus;
Example #13
// Read the presence events from the persistent file.
void SipPresenceMonitor::readPersistentFile()

   // Initialize Tiny XML document object.
   TiXmlDocument document;
   TiXmlNode* items_node;
   if (
      // Load the XML into it.
      document.LoadFile(mPersistentFile.data()) &&
      // Find the top element, which should be an <items>.
      (items_node = document.FirstChild("items")) != NULL &&
      items_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
      // Find all the <item> elements.
      int item_seq_no = 0;
      for (TiXmlNode* item_node = 0;
           (item_node = items_node->IterateChildren("item",
         if (item_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
            TiXmlElement* item_element = item_node->ToElement();

            // Process the <item> element.
            bool item_valid = true;

            // Process the 'id' child.
            UtlString id;
            TiXmlNode* id_node = item_element->FirstChild("id");
            if (id_node && id_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
               textContentShallow(id, id_node);
               if (id.isNull())
                  // Id null.
                  OsSysLog::add(FAC_ACD, PRI_ERR,
                                "id child of <item> was null");
                  item_valid = false;
               // Id missing.
               OsSysLog::add(FAC_ACD, PRI_ERR,
                             "id child of <item> was missing");
               item_valid = false;

            // Process the 'contact' child.
            UtlString contact;
            TiXmlNode* contact_node = item_element->FirstChild("contact");
            if (contact_node && contact_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
               textContentShallow(contact, contact_node);
               if (contact.isNull())
                  // Contact null.
                  OsSysLog::add(FAC_ACD, PRI_ERR,
                                "contact child of <item> was null");
                  item_valid = false;
               // Contact missing.
               OsSysLog::add(FAC_ACD, PRI_ERR,
                             "contact child of <item> was missing");
               item_valid = false;

            // Process the 'status' child.
            UtlString status;
            TiXmlNode* status_node = item_element->FirstChild("status");
            if (status_node && status_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
               textContentShallow(status, status_node);
               if (status.isNull())
                  // Status null.
                  OsSysLog::add(FAC_ACD, PRI_ERR,
                                "status child of <item> was null");
                  item_valid = false;
               // Status missing.
               OsSysLog::add(FAC_ACD, PRI_ERR,
                             "status child of <item> was missing");
               item_valid = false;

            OsSysLog::add(FAC_ACD, PRI_DEBUG,
                          "SipPresenceMonitor::readPersistentFile row: id = '%s', contact = '%s', status = '%s'",
                          id.data(), contact.data(), status.data());

            if (item_valid)
               // Create a presence event package and store it in
               // mPresenceEventList.
               SipPresenceEvent* sipPresenceEvent = new SipPresenceEvent(contact);
               Tuple* tuple = new Tuple(id.data());
               tuple->setContact(contact, 1.0);
               mPresenceEventList.insertKeyAndValue(new UtlString(contact),
            OsSysLog::add(FAC_ACD, PRI_ERR,
                          "In presence status file '%s', <item> number %d had invalid or incomplete information.  The readable information was: id = '%s', contact = '%s', status = '%s'",
                          mPersistentFile.data(), item_seq_no,
                          id.data(), contact.data(), status.data());

      // Report error parsing file.
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ACD, PRI_CRIT,
                    "Presence status file '%s' could not be parsed.",


   OsSysLog::add(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "SipPresenceMonitorPersistenceTask::readPersistentFile done");
Example #14
// Process a notify event callback.
// This involves parsing the content of the callback and revising our record
// of the state for that subscription.  Then, we must regenerate the list
// of contacts and update the set of subscriptions to match the current
// contacts.
void ContactSet::notifyEventCallback(const UtlString* dialogHandle,
                                     const UtlString* content)
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback mUri = '%s', dialogHandle = '%s', content = '%s'",
                 mUri.data(), dialogHandle->data(), content->data());

   // Parse the XML and update the contact status.

   // Find the UtlHashMap for this subscription.
   UtlHashMap* state_from_this_subscr =
      dynamic_cast <UtlHashMap*> (mSubscriptions.findValue(dialogHandle));
   if (!state_from_this_subscr)
      // No state for this dialogHandle, so we need to add one.
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_WARNING,
                    "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback mSubscriptions element does not exist for this dialog handle mUri = '%s', dialogHandle = '%s'",

      // Check that we don't have too many subscriptions.
      if (mSubscriptions.entries() <
         state_from_this_subscr = new UtlHashMap;
         mSubscriptions.insertKeyAndValue(new UtlString(*dialogHandle),
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_ERR,
                       "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback cannot add reg subscription with dialog handle '%s', already %zu in ContactSet '%s'",
                       dialogHandle->data(), mSubscriptions.entries(),

   // Perform the remainder of the processing if we obtained a hash map
   // from the above processing.
   if (state_from_this_subscr)
      // Initialize Tiny XML document object.
      TiXmlDocument document;
      TiXmlNode* reginfo_node;
      if (
         // Load the XML into it.
         document.Parse(content->data()) &&
         // Find the top element, which should be a <reginfo>.
         (reginfo_node = document.FirstChild("reginfo")) != NULL &&
         reginfo_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
         // Check the state attribute.
         const char* p = reginfo_node->ToElement()->Attribute("state");
         if (p && strcmp(p, "full") == 0)
            // If the state is "full", delete the current state.
            OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG,
                          "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback clearing state");

         // Find all the <registration> elements for this URI.
         for (TiXmlNode* registration_node = 0;
              (registration_node =
            // Do not test the aor attribute of <registration> elements
            // because the reg event server may be operating with the real
            // AOR for this URI, whereas we may have been told of an alias.

            // Find all the <contact> elements.
            for (TiXmlNode* contact_node = 0;
                 (contact_node =
               TiXmlElement* contact_element = contact_node->ToElement();

               // Get the state attribute.
               const char* state = contact_element->Attribute("state");
               // Get the id attribute
               const char* id = contact_element->Attribute("id");

               // Get the Contact URI for the phone. If a GRUU address is present we should
               // use that as the Contact URI. Otherwise, use the contact URI present in the
               // "uri" element, and append any path headers that are present to the ROUTE
               // header parameter in the URI. This will ensure proper routing in HA systems.
               // Please refer to XECS-1694 for more details.

               UtlString* uri_allocated = new UtlString;
               UtlBoolean check_uri = TRUE;
               TiXmlNode* pub_gruu_node = contact_element->FirstChild("gr:pub-gruu");
               if (pub_gruu_node)
                  TiXmlElement* pub_gruu_element = pub_gruu_node->ToElement();
                  UtlString pub_gruu_uri(pub_gruu_element->Attribute("uri"));
                  if (!pub_gruu_uri.isNull())
                     // Check the URI Scheme. Only accept the GRUU address if it is of either
                     // a sip or sips scheme
                     Url tmp(pub_gruu_uri, TRUE);
                     Url::Scheme uriScheme = tmp.getScheme();
                     if(Url::SipUrlScheme == uriScheme ||
                        Url::SipsUrlScheme == uriScheme)
                        check_uri = FALSE;

               // If we did not find a GRUU address, then use the address in the "uri" element as the
               // contact URI, and check for path headers.
               if (check_uri)
                  TiXmlNode* u = contact_element->FirstChild("uri");
                  if (u)
                     textContentShallow(*uri_allocated, u);

                     // Iterate through all the path header elements. Path headers are stored in the
                     // "unknown-param" elements that have a "name" attribute value of "path".
                     for (TiXmlNode* unknown_param_node = 0;
                          (unknown_param_node = contact_node->IterateChildren("unknown-param",
                        TiXmlElement* unknown_param_element = unknown_param_node->ToElement();
                        UtlString path(unknown_param_element->Attribute("name"));
                        if(0 == path.compareTo("path"))
                           UtlString pathVector;
                           textContentShallow(pathVector, unknown_param_node);
                              Url contact_uri(*uri_allocated, TRUE);

                              // there is already a Route header parameter in the contact; append it to the
                              // Route derived from the Path vector.
                              UtlString existingRouteValue;
                              if ( contact_uri.getHeaderParameter(SIP_ROUTE_FIELD, existingRouteValue))
                              contact_uri.setHeaderParameter(SIP_ROUTE_FIELD, pathVector);

               // Only process <contact> elements that have the needed values.
               if (state && state[0] != '\0' &&
                   id && id[0] != '\0' &&
                  UtlString* id_allocated = new UtlString(id);

                  if (strcmp(state, "active") == 0)
                     // Add the contact if it is not already present.
                     if (!state_from_this_subscr->find(id_allocated))
                        // Prepend the registration Call-Id and ';' to *uri_allocated..
                        uri_allocated->insert(0, ';');
                        const char* call_id = contact_element->Attribute("callid");
                        if (call_id)
                           uri_allocated->insert(0, call_id);

                        // Check that we don't have too many contacts.
                        if (state_from_this_subscr->entries() <
                           // Insert the registration record.
                           if (state_from_this_subscr->insertKeyAndValue(id_allocated,
                              OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG,
                                            "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback adding id = '%s' Call-Id;URI = '%s'",
                                            id, uri_allocated->data());
                              id_allocated = NULL;
                              uri_allocated = NULL;
                              OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_ERR,
                                            "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback adding id = '%s' Call-Id;URI = '%s' failed",
                                            id_allocated->data(), uri_allocated->data());
                              OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG,
                                            "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback *state_from_this_subscr is:");
                              UtlHashMapIterator itor(*state_from_this_subscr);
                              UtlContainable* k;
                              while ((k = itor()))
                                 UtlContainable* v = itor.value();
                                 OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG,
                                               "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback (*state_from_this_subscr)['%s'] = '%s'",
                                               (dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (k))->data(),
                                               (dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (v))->data());
                           OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_ERR,
                                         "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback cannot add Call-Id;RUI '%s', already %zu in ContactSet '%s' subscription '%s'",
                                         mUri.data(), dialogHandle->data());
                  else if (strcmp(state, "terminated") == 0)
                     // Delete it from the contact state.
                     OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG,
                                   "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback deleting id = '%s'",
                  // Free id_allocated, if it is not pointed to by a data
                  // structure, which is indicated by setting it to NULL.
                  if (id_allocated)
                     delete id_allocated;
                  OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_ERR,
                                "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback <contact> element with id = '%s' is missing id, state, and/or URI",
                                id ? id : "(missing)");
               // Free uri_allocated, if it is not pointed to by a data
               // structure, which is indicated by setting it to NULL.
               if (uri_allocated)
                  delete uri_allocated;
         // Error parsing the contents.
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_ERR,
                       "ContactSet::notifyEventCallback malformed reg event content for mUri = '%s'",

      // Update the subscriptions we maintain to agree with the new state.