Example #1
/* Look (builtin) for 'arg' in the context of 'v' */
view_look (View *v, char *arg) {
	Bool		found = false;
	ulong	p;
	Range	r;


	if( ! text_length(v->t))
		return ;

	p = (v->sel.p0 + 1) % text_length(v->t);
	r = range(p, p);

	if(arg) {
		found = text_findliteralutf(v->t, &r, arg);
	} else if (RLEN(v->sel) ){
		found = text_look(v->t, &r, v->sel);
	} else {
		found = false;

		view_select(v, r);
Example #2
menu::menu(const char* ptab[],int pnb)
    float pasy,hint,xint,lmax,hmax;
    int taillemax,ind;
    taillemax = text_length(font,ptab[0]);
    for(int i=0;i<nb;i++)
            taillemax = text_length(font,ptab[i]);
            ind = i;
    lmax = taillemax + 20;
    hmax = text_height(font) + 10;
    hint = taillemax + 10;
    xint = 20 + hint/2;
    pasy = (SCREEN_H)/(nb+1);
    tab = new bouton*[nb];
    for(int i=0;i<nb;i++)
        tab[i] = new bouton(xint,(i+1)*pasy,ptab[i]);
        tab[i]->rectangle::init(lmax, hmax);
Example #3
void string_shorten(std::string& s, const FONT* ft, const int len) {
    if (text_length(ft, s.c_str()) < len) return;
    const std::string append = (len >= 100 ? "..." : ".");
    while (! s.empty() && text_length(ft, (s + append).c_str()) > len)
    s += append;
Example #4
 * Sets correct value ranges in GUI controls 
 * after the user changes information related to skins
static void fixup_unit_info()
    if (sol_dialog[D_RACE].d1 == 0) {
        armour_names     = armour_names_human;
        appearance_names = appearance_names_human;
    } else if (sol_dialog[D_RACE].d1 == (SKIN_NUMBER - 4)) { //LAWYER:  This really should be a little more visible - adding more units needs this number changed
        armour_names     = armour_names_chameleon;
    } else {
        armour_names     = armour_names_alien;
        appearance_names = appearance_names_alien;
    if (sol_dialog[D_ARMOUR].d1 >= get_list_size(armour_names))
        sol_dialog[D_ARMOUR].d1 = 0;
    if (sol_dialog[D_APPEARANCE].d1 >= get_list_size(appearance_names))
        sol_dialog[D_APPEARANCE].d1 = 0;

    DIALOG *d;
    d = &sol_dialog[D_RACE];
    d->w = text_length(font, race_names[d->d1]) + 6;
    d->dp = (void *)race_names[d->d1];
    d = &sol_dialog[D_APPEARANCE];
    d->w = text_length(font, appearance_names[d->d1]) + 6;
    d->dp = (void *)appearance_names[d->d1];
    d = &sol_dialog[D_ARMOUR];
    d->w = text_length(font, armour_names[d->d1]) + 6;
    d->dp = (void *)armour_names[d->d1];
Example #5
int AWgtOption::findWidth()
	int w = optionPadding * 2;

	if (optionLeftBmp)
		w += optionLeftBmp->w;
		w += optionDefaultHeight;
	if (optionRightBmp)
		w += optionLeftBmp->w;
		w += optionDefaultHeight;

	int max = 0;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < options->size(); i++) {
		if (text_length(aWgtFont, (*options)[i]) > max) {
			max = text_length(aWgtFont, (*options)[i]);

	w += max;

	return w;
Example #6
d_abitmap_list_proc (int msg, DIALOG *d, int c)
	if (msg == MSG_DRAW) {
		BITMAP *bmp = gui_get_screen();
		int height, size, i, len, bar, x, y;
		char *sel = d->dp2;
		char s[1024];
		int c = 0;

		if (d->flags & D_GOTFOCUS)
			c = 1;
		if (d->flags & D_DISABLED)
			c = 2;

		(*(char *(*)(int, int *)) d->dp) (-1, &size);
		height = (d->h - 4) / text_height (font);
		bar = (size > height);

		abitmap_draw_area (d, B_LIST, 0, 0, bar ? d->w - 12 : d->w, d->h, 0, 0);
		if (bar)
			abitmap_draw_scroller (d, d->d2, size, height);

		/* draw the contents */
		for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
			if (d->d2 + i < size) {
				int fg = theme->bitmaps[B_LIST][c].color;

				x = d->x + 2;
				y = d->y + 2 + i * text_height (font);

				if (d->d2 + i == d->d1 || ((sel) && (sel[d->d2 + i]))) {
					abitmap_draw_area (d, B_LIST_ITEM, 0, y - d->y,
						bar ? d->w - 12 : d->w, text_height (font), 0, 0);
					fg = theme->bitmaps[B_LIST_ITEM][c].color;
				ustrzcpy (s, sizeof (s),
					(*(char *(*)(int, int *)) d->dp) (i + d->d2, NULL));

				x += 8;
				len = ustrlen (s);
				while (text_length (font, s) >=
				MAX (d->w - 1 - (bar ? 22 : 11), 1)) {
					usetat (s, len, 0);
				textout_ex (bmp, font, s, x, y, fg, -1);
				x += text_length (font, s);

		return D_O_K;
	return d_list_proc (msg, d, c);
Example #7
void Editor::draw()
  // Background
  rectfill(buffer, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, makecol(255,255,255));

  if( saving){
    //Create gui
    textprintf_centre_ex(buffer,font,640,310, makecol(0,0,0),-1,"Save Map Name");

    //Input rectangle
    rectfill(buffer, 400, 408, 892, 452, makecol(0,0,0));
    rectfill(buffer, 402, 410, 890, 450, makecol(255,255,255));

    // Output the string to the screen
    textout_ex(buffer, font, edittext.c_str(), 410, 410, makecol(0,0,0), -1);

    // Draw the caret
    vline(buffer, text_length(font, edittext.c_str()) + 410 - text_length(font, ".txt") , 412, 448, makecol(0,0,0));
  else if( opening){
    //Create gui
    textprintf_centre_ex(buffer,font,640,310, makecol(0,0,0),-1,"Open Map Name");

    //Input rectangle
    rectfill(buffer, 400, 408, 892, 452, makecol(0,0,0));
    rectfill(buffer, 402, 410, 890, 450, makecol(255,255,255));

    // Output the string to the screen
    textout_ex(buffer, font, edittext.c_str(), 410, 410, makecol(0,0,0), -1);

    // Draw the caret
    vline(buffer, text_length(font, edittext.c_str()) + 410 - text_length(font, ".txt") , 412, 448, makecol(0,0,0));
    // Draw tiles
    tile_map -> draw_map( buffer);
    exampleTile -> draw_tile( buffer, 0, 0, 0);

    // Map info
    textprintf_ex(buffer,font,0,80,makecol(255,255,255),makecol(0,0,0),"height-%i width-%i", tile_map -> height, tile_map -> width);

    if(layer == 1){
      textprintf_ex(buffer,font,0,130,makecol(255,255,255),makecol(0,0,0),"Editing Mode: Foreground");
    else if(layer == 0){
      textprintf_ex(buffer,font,0,130,makecol(255,255,255),makecol(0,0,0),"Editing Mode: Background");

    // Cursor
    circlefill(buffer, mouse_x , mouse_y , 10, makecol(0,0,0));
    circlefill(buffer, mouse_x , mouse_y, 8, makecol(255,255,255));
  // Draw buffer
  stretch_sprite( screen, buffer, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
Example #8
int Tabs::calcTabWidth(Tab* tab)
  int border = 4*jguiscale();
  SkinTheme* theme = static_cast<SkinTheme*>(this->theme);
  int close_icon_w = theme->get_part(PART_WINDOW_CLOSE_BUTTON_NORMAL)->w;
  return (border + text_length(getFont(), tab->text.c_str()) + border + close_icon_w + border);
  return (border + text_length(getFont(), tab->text.c_str()) + border);
Example #9
File: gtext.c Project: cravo/damp
void gtext_render(void)
   char tempstr[64];          /* temp variable */
   int n;                     /* loop counter */

   /* clear the buffer */

   /* display volume */

   /* display track time */
   sprintf(tempstr,"%s",damp_display_time_remaining ? timeremainstr : timestr);

   /* display status */
   textout(damp_gfx_buffer,font,"================ STATUS ================", 0, 50, makecol(255,128,64));
   textout(damp_gfx_buffer,font,"Surround",30,60,audio_driver->surround ? makecol(255,255,0) : makecol(64,64,64));
   textout(damp_gfx_buffer,font,"Continuous",30+text_length(font,"Surround   "),60,damp_playlist_continuous ? makecol(255,255,0) : makecol(64,64,64));
   textout(damp_gfx_buffer,font,"Random",30+text_length(font,"Surround   Continuous   "),60,damp_playlist_random ? makecol(255,255,0) : makecol(64,64,64));

   /* display scrolling track name */
   textout(damp_gfx_buffer,font,"============== NOW PLAYING =============", 0, 80, makecol(255,128,64));
   if(track_sel_pos > 0)

   /* display vu */
         textout(damp_gfx_buffer,font,n==gtext_vu_max/2 ? "I" : (n<damp_vu/2 ? "=" : "-"),n*10,120,(n < damp_vu/2) ? (n<16 ? makecol(0,255,0) : (n<24 ? makecol(255,255,0) : makecol(255,0,0))) : makecol(128,128,128));

   /* display "advert" :-) */
   textout_centre(damp_gfx_buffer,font,"Copyright 1999/2000 Hedgehog Software",160,150,makecol(255,0,0));

   /* display it all */
Example #10
void draw_button(BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, int w, int h, int col, const char *txt, bool selected, bool disabled)
	int col1 = makecol( minf(255,getr(col)*1.3f), minf(255,getg(col)*1.3f), minf(255,getb(col)*1.3f) );
	int col2 = makecol( getr(col)*0.7f, getg(col)*0.7f, getb(col)*0.7f );
	int col3 = makecol( minf(255,getr(col)*1.7f), minf(255,getg(col)*1.7f), minf(255,getb(col)*1.7f) );

		col1 = makecol(130,130,130);
		col2 = makecol(50,50,50);
		col3 = makecol(170,170,170);
		col = makecol(100,100,100);
	else if(selected)
		rect(bmp, x-2,y-2, x+w+3,y+h+3, makecol(210,210,0));
		rect(bmp, x-1,y-1, x+w+2,y+h+2, makecol(255,255,0));
		col3 = makecol(255,255,255);
	rectfill(bmp, x,y, x+w,y+h, col);
	line(bmp, x,y, x+w,y, col1);
	line(bmp, x+w,y, x+w,y+h, col1);
	line(bmp, x,y+1, x+w,y+1, col1);
	line(bmp, x+w+1,y, x+w+1,y+h, col1);	
	line(bmp, x,y+h, x+w,y+h, col2);
	line(bmp, x,y, x,y+h, col2);	
	line(bmp, x,y+h+1, x+w,y+h+1, col2);
	line(bmp, x+1,y, x+1,y+h, col2);

	textout_ex(bmp, font2, txt, x + (w/2) - (text_length(font2,txt)/2), y + (h/2) - (text_height(font2)/2), col3, -1);
Example #11
// map (x) coordinate to character number
int TextInfo::getcharpos(char *scantxt, int x, int max)
	int i;
	i = 0;

	double len, charlen, lastcharlen;
	len = 0;
	charlen = 0;

	while (scantxt[i] != 0 && i < max) {
		char txt[2];
		txt[0] = scantxt[i];
		txt[1] = 0;

		lastcharlen = charlen;
		charlen = text_length(usefont, txt);

								 // so that sensitivity is to the center of the character
		len += 0.5 * (charlen + lastcharlen);

		if (len > x)


	return i;
Example #12
// go from line-coordinate to bitmap coordinate
void TextInfo::getxy(int charpos, int *x, int *y)
	int iline;

	iline = 0;
	while (iline+1 < Nlines && linestart[iline+1] <= charpos)

	*y = iline * Htxt;

	// on this line, find the x-position...

	int n, len;

	n = linestart[iline];
	len = 0;

	while (n < charpos) {

		char txt[2];
		txt[0] = textinfo[n];
		txt[1] = 0;

		len += text_length(usefont, txt);


	*x = len;
Example #13
Imagen::Imagen(Fuente *fuente, string texto, int r, int g, int b)
    if ( !fuente )
        bitmap = NULL ;
        throw Error::ExcepcionParametro("Graficos::Imagen::Imagen(Fuente *, string)", 1);
    // Creamos el bitmap con el tamaño apropiado
    bitmap = create_bitmap( text_length(fuente->GetFont(), texto.c_str()), text_height(fuente->GetFont()) );
    if (!bitmap)
        throw Error::ExcepcionLocalizada("Graficos::Imagen::Imagen(Fuente *, string)", "No se pudo crear el bitmap");
    // Pintamos el texto en el bitmap creado, con el color que trae de "fabrica"
    // y con el color de fondo trasparente
    textout_ex(bitmap, fuente->GetFont(), texto.c_str(), 0, 0, makecol(r,g,b), makecol(255,0,255));
    // Por defecto una imagen no se pinta con mascara trasparente, pero una
    // imagen generada por una fuente si que lo hace por defecto.
    masked = true ;
    textura = allegro_gl_make_masked_texture(bitmap);
    w = bitmap->w ;
    h = bitmap->h ;    
    bitmap = NULL ;
Example #14
AWgtButton::AWgtButton(int x, int y, int width, int height,
			std::vector<int>* hotkeys, char* text,
			int top_color, int bottom_color,
			int border_color, int text_color,
			int shadowColor, int shadowType)
	this->x = x;
	this->y = y;
	if (width < 0)
		this->width = text_length(aWgtFont, text) +
			(buttonPadding*2) + 2;
		this->width = width;
	if (height < 0)
		this->height = text_height(aWgtFont) +
			(buttonPadding*2) + 2;
		this->height = height;
	this->hotkeys = hotkeys;
	this->text = text;
	this->top_color = top_color;
	this->bottom_color = bottom_color;
	this->border_color = border_color;
	this->text_color = text_color;
	this->shadowColor = shadowColor;
	this->shadowType = shadowType;
	pressed = false;
	depressed = false;
	clicked = false;
Example #15
int cin_num(char *lab, int x, int y, int col)
  char *st_edit = new char[101];
  st_edit[100] = char(NULL);
  char null_char = char(NULL);
  st_edit[0] = null_char;
  int st_pos = 0;
    textprintf(screen,font,x,y,col,lab); textprintf(screen,font,x+text_length(font,lab),y,col,st_edit);
    st_edit[st_pos] = readkey() % 256;
    st_edit[st_pos+1] = null_char;
    if(!key[KEY_BACKSPACE]) st_pos++;
    else if(st_pos) {st_pos--; st_edit[st_pos] = null_char;}
    int char_num = int(st_edit[st_pos-1]);
    if((char_num < 48 || char_num > 57) && st_pos){st_pos--;st_edit[st_pos] = null_char;}
  int ret_num = 0;
  for(int snum = 0; snum < st_pos; snum++)
    ret_num += int((int(st_edit[snum])-48) * pow(10,st_pos-snum-1));

  return ret_num;
Example #16
void GuiLabel::addLabel(short x, short y, int color, string label) {
    if (firstLabel==NULL) {
        firstLabel = new LABEL_MASK;
        lastLabel = firstLabel;
        lastLabel->next = NULL;
        lastLabel->previous = NULL;
    } else {
        lastLabel->next = new LABEL_MASK;
        lastLabel->next->previous = lastLabel;
        lastLabel = lastLabel->next;
        lastLabel->next = NULL;

    lastLabel->x = x;
    lastLabel->y = y;
    lastLabel->w = text_length(font, label.c_str())+10;
    lastLabel->h = text_height(font)+10;
    lastLabel->color = color;
    lastLabel->label = label;
    lastLabel->displayed = true;
    lastLabel->ID = auto_increment_id;


    labelAttributes = lastLabel;
Example #17
void AWgtCheckbox::draw()
	int tx;
	int ty;

	if (checkCheckedBmp) {
		if (checked)
			draw_sprite(tguiBitmap, checkCheckedBmp, x, y);
			draw_sprite(tguiBitmap, checkUncheckedBmp, x, y);
		tx = x + checkCheckedBmp->w + checkPadding;
		ty = y + ((checkCheckedBmp->h - text_height(aWgtFont)) / 2);
	else {
		int w = text_height(aWgtFont);
		rect(tguiBitmap, x, y, x+w-1, y+w-1, shadowColor);
		rectfill(tguiBitmap, x+1, y+1, x+w-2, y+w-2, textColor);
		if (checked) {
			line(tguiBitmap, x+1, y+1, x+w-2, y+w-2, shadowColor);
			line(tguiBitmap, x+1, y+w-2, x+w-2, y+1, shadowColor);
		tx = x + w + checkPadding;
		ty = y;

	aWgtTextout(tguiBitmap, aWgtFont, text, tx, ty, textColor, shadowColor,

	if (focus) {
		drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_MASKED_PATTERN, linePatternBmp, 0, 0);
		rect(tguiBitmap, tx-2, ty-2, tx+text_length(aWgtFont, text)+2,
				ty+text_height(aWgtFont)+2, aWgtFocusColor);
		drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_SOLID, 0, 0, 0);
Example #18
void ce_game::drawTitle(const char *text, ce_cord center){
	//Draw a title dependant on parameters given
	BITMAP *bmp = create_bitmap(text_length(font, text),text_height(font));
	textout_ex(bmp, font, text, 0, 0, makecol(240,0,240), -1);
	stretch_blit(bmp,buffer, 0,0,bmp->w, bmp->h, center.x - ((bmp->w*5)/2), center.y - ((bmp->h*5)/2),bmp->w * 5, bmp->h * 5);
Example #19
 * Show TUs needed to move an item to a place like hand, belt, backpack etc.
void Place::draw_deselect_time(BITMAP *dest, int PLACE_NUM, int time)
    int color = COLOR_WHITE;
    if (time) {
        int ISLOCAL = platoon_local->belong(sel_man);
        if (sel_man->time_reserve(time, ISLOCAL, 0) != OK) color = COLOR_RED;
        printsmall_x(dest, gx + 1 + text_length(g_small_font, place_name[PLACE_NUM]), gy - 6, color, time);
Example #20
File: console.c Project: rj76/kq
/*! \brief Show the current console
* Display the current state of the console on the double
* buffer. This includes a horizontal line. The console takes 
* up 320x120 pixels.
* \author PH
* \param xofs x-offset display position
* \param yofs y-offset display position
void display_console(int xofs, int yofs) {
	int i, y;
	if (g_console.on != 1) return;
	rectfill(double_buffer, xofs, yofs + 120, xofs + 320, yofs + 240, makecol(0,0,0));
	hline(double_buffer, xofs, yofs + 120, xofs + 320, makecol(255,255,255));
	y = yofs + 240 - 2 * text_height(font);
	i = 24;
	while (y > yofs + 120) {
		if (g_console.lines[i]) {
			textout_ex(double_buffer, font, g_console.lines[i], xofs, y, makecol(255,255,255), makecol(0,0,0));
		y -= text_height(font);
	textout_ex(double_buffer, font, g_console.inputline, xofs, yofs + 240 - text_height(font), makecol(255,255,255), makecol(0,0,0));
	rectfill(double_buffer, xofs + text_length(font, g_console.inputline), yofs + 238, 
			 xofs + text_length(font, g_console.inputline) + text_length(font, "_"), yofs + 240, 
Example #21
void AWgtButton::draw()
	int color;

	if (focus) {
		drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_MASKED_PATTERN, linePatternBmp, 0, 0);
		color = aWgtFocusColor;
		color = border_color;

	line(tguiBitmap, x+2, y, x+width-3, y, color);
	line(tguiBitmap, x, y+2, x, y+height-3, color);
	line(tguiBitmap, x+width-1, y+2, x+width-1, y+height-3, color);
	line(tguiBitmap, x+2, y+height-1, x+width-3, y+height-1, color);

	if (focus)
		drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_SOLID, 0, 0, 0);

	int faceHeight = height - 2;
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < faceHeight; i++) {
		float ratio = (float)i / (float)faceHeight;
		int color;
		if (depressed)
			color = aWgtInterpolateColor(ratio, bottom_color,
			color = aWgtInterpolateColor(ratio, top_color,
		line(tguiBitmap, x+1, y+1+i, x+width-2, y+1+i, color);

	putpixel(tguiBitmap, x+1, y+1, border_color);
	putpixel(tguiBitmap, x+width-2, y+1, border_color);
	putpixel(tguiBitmap, x+width-2, y+height-2, border_color);
	putpixel(tguiBitmap, x+1, y+height-2, border_color);

	int tx = x + (width/2) - (text_length(aWgtFont, text)/2);
	int ty = y + (height/2) - (text_height(aWgtFont)/2);

	if (depressed) {
		tx += 2;
		ty += 2;
		color = aWgtDarken(text_color);
		color = text_color;

	aWgtTextout(tguiBitmap, aWgtFont, text, tx, ty,
			color, shadowColor, shadowType);
Example #22
render_info(BITMAP *bmp)
	char buf[256];


	rectfill(bmp, 0, bmp->h - 16, bmp->w/2, bmp->h, bgc);
	rectfill(bmp, bmp->w/3, 0, (int)bmp->w*.66, 10, bgc);

	if (selected_node)
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: %s (ID: %d   coord: %d,%d)",
		         (selected_node->area?selected_node->area:"(unknown area)"),
		         (selected_node->title?selected_node->title:"(unknown title)"),
		         selected_node->id, selected_node->x, selected_node->y);

		textprintf_centre_ex(bmp, font, bmp->w/2, 2, 0, -1, "%s",
		hline(bmp, bmp->w/2 - text_length(font, buf)/2, 10,
		      bmp->w/2 + text_length(font, buf)/2, 0);

		highlight_node(selected_node, highlight_color);

	textprintf_ex(bmp, font, 2, (bmp->h - 8) - 2 - text_height(font), 0, -1,
		              "Center: %d,%d", (int)(bmp->w/2.0+xoffset), (int)(bmp->h/2.0+yoffset));
	textprintf_ex(bmp, font, 2, bmp->h - 8, 0, -1,
		              "Mouse: %d,%d", mouse_x+xoffset, mouse_y+yoffset);

	if (last_file)
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Most recent file: \"%s\"   (%d nodes total)", last_file, vector_len((vector_t *)nodelist));
		rectfill(bmp, text_length(font, buf), bmp->h - text_height(font), bmp->w, bmp->h, bgc);

		textprintf_right_ex(bmp, font, bmp->w, bmp->h-10, 0, -1, "%s", buf);

Example #23
Imagen::GenerarTexto(string texto, int color)
    if ( bitmap )
        bitmap = NULL ;
    bitmap = create_bitmap( text_length(font, texto.c_str()), text_height(font) );
    textout_ex(bitmap, font, texto.c_str(), 0, 0, color, makecol(255,0,255));
    mascara = true ;

    Function: osd_gfx_set_message

    Description: compute the message that will be displayed to create a sprite
       to blit on screen
    Parameters: char* mess, the message to display
    Return: nothing but set OSD_MESSAGE_SPR

void osd_gfx_set_message(char* mess)



Example #25
AWgtText::AWgtText(int x, int y, char* text, int textColor,
		int shadowColor, int shadowType)
	this->x = x;
	this->y = y;
	this->width = text_length(aWgtFont, text);
	this->height = text_height(aWgtFont);
	this->text = text;
	this->textColor = textColor;
	this->shadowColor = shadowColor;
	this->shadowType = shadowType;
	this->hotkeys = 0;
Example #26
    : m_up(KEY_UP)
    , m_down(KEY_DOWN)
    , m_enter(KEY_ENTER)
    , m_esc(KEY_ESC)
    m_start_time = GAME_T;
    m_selected = 0;
    m_options = 4;

    m_logo = create_bitmap(text_length(gamefont, gametitle),
    clear_to_color(m_logo, bitmap_mask_color(m_logo));
    draw_text(m_logo, 0, 0, makecol(200, 180, 0), gametitle);
Example #27
static void init_messages(DIALOG *d)
    unsigned int i;

    __mlog.c = (d->w - d->x) / text_length(font, WIDEST_CHAR);
    __mlog.l = d->h / (text_height(font) + 2);

    __mlog.lines = NULL;

    /* This buffer is for new messages... */
    __mlog.tmp = calloc(__mlog.l + 1, sizeof(char *));

    for (i = 0; i < __mlog.l; i++)
        __mlog.tmp[i] = calloc(MAX_LINE_CHARS + 1, sizeof(char));
Example #28
AWgtCheckbox::AWgtCheckbox(int x, int y,
			std::vector<int>* hotkeys, char* text,
			int textColor, int shadowColor,
			int shadowType, bool checked)
	this->x = x;
	this->y = y;
	if (checkCheckedBmp) {
		this->width = text_length(aWgtFont, text) + checkPadding +
		this->height = checkCheckedBmp->h;
	else {
		this->width = text_length(aWgtFont, text) + checkPadding +
		this->height = text_height(aWgtFont);
	this->hotkeys = hotkeys;
	this->text = text;
	this->textColor = textColor;
	this->shadowColor = shadowColor;
	this->shadowType = shadowType;
	this->checked = checked;
Example #29
File: script.c Project: EXio4/Lex4
// shows a speak bulb 
void draw_speak_bulb(BITMAP *bmp, DATAFILE *d, int src_x, int src_y, int up, int left, int lines, char **rows, int arrow) {
	int i;
	int max_w = 0;
	int x1, y1, x2, y2;		// bulb coords
	int xa, ya;				// bulb_arrow position

	// get max text length
	for(i = 0; i < lines; i ++) {
		int len = text_length(d[THE_FONT].dat, rows[i]);
		if (max_w < len) max_w = len;

	// calc bulb position
	x1 = MAX(src_x - max_w/2 - 8, 4);
	x2 = x1 + max_w + 8;
	if (x2 > 156) {
		x2 = 156;
		x1 = x2 - max_w - 16;
	y2 = src_y - 10;
	y1 = src_y - 10 - lines * 9 - 8;
	xa = src_x - 4;
	ya = (up ? y1 - 10: src_y - 10);

	// draw the bulb
	rectfill(bmp, x1, y1 + 4, x2, y2 - 4, 4);
	rectfill(bmp, x1 + 4, y1, x2 - 4, y2, 4);
	line(bmp, x1, y1 + 4, x1, y2 - 4, 1);
	line(bmp, x1 + 4, y1, x2 - 4, y1, 1);
	line(bmp, x2, y1 + 4, x2, y2 - 4, 1);
	line(bmp, x1 + 4, y2, x2 - 4, y2, 1);
	line(bmp, x2+1, y1 + 4, x2+1, y2 - 4, 1);
	line(bmp, x1 + 4, y2+1, x2 - 4, y2+1, 1);
	draw_sprite(bmp, d[BULB_TL].dat, x1, y1);
	draw_sprite(bmp, d[BULB_BL].dat, x1, y2 - 5);
	draw_sprite(bmp, d[BULB_TR].dat, x2 - 5, y1);
	draw_sprite(bmp, d[BULB_BR].dat, x2 - 5, y2 - 5);
	if (arrow)
		draw_sprite(bmp, d[(left ? (up ? BULBA_TL : BULBA_BL) : (up ? BULBA_TR : BULBA_BR))].dat, xa, ya);

	// draw text
	for(i = 0; i < lines; i ++) {
		textout_ex(bmp, d[THE_FONT].dat, rows[i], x1 + 4, y1 + 5 + i * 9, 1, -1);
Example #30
char *cin_str(char *lab, int x, int y, int col)
  char *st_edit = new char[101];
  st_edit[100] = char(NULL);
  char null_char = char(NULL);
  st_edit[0] = null_char;
  int st_pos = 0;
    textprintf(screen,font,x,y,col,lab); textprintf(screen,font,x+text_length(font,lab),y,col,st_edit);
    st_edit[st_pos] = readkey() % 256;
    st_edit[st_pos+1] = null_char;
    if(!key[KEY_BACKSPACE]) st_pos++;
    else if(st_pos) {st_pos--; st_edit[st_pos] = null_char;}
  st_pos--; st_edit[st_pos] = null_char;
  return st_edit;