Example #1
File: label.c Project: Neckara/Gosh
struct label* creer_label(const char* text, int x, int y, enum Align align, enum FontSize size)
	struct label* label = gosh_alloc(*label);
	label->surface = text_surface(text, size);
	label->x = x;
	label->y = y;
	label->w = label->surface->w;
	label->h = label->surface->h;
	label->align = align;
	label->couleur = get_color();
	label->visible = true;
	return label;
Example #2
SDL_Rect draw_text_line(surface gui_surface, const SDL_Rect& area, int size,
		   const SDL_Color& colour, const std::string& text,
		   int x, int y, bool use_tooltips, int style)
	if (gui_surface.null()) {
		text_surface const &u = text_cache::find(text_surface(text, size, colour, style));
		SDL_Rect res = {0, 0, u.width(), u.height()};
		return res;

	if(area.w == 0) {  // no place to draw
		SDL_Rect res = {0,0,0,0};
		return res;

	const std::string etext = make_text_ellipsis(text, size, area.w);

	// for the main current use, we already parsed markup
	surface surface(render_text(etext,size,colour,style,false));
	if(surface == NULL) {
		SDL_Rect res = {0,0,0,0};
		return res;

	SDL_Rect dest;
	if(x!=-1) {
		dest.x = x;
		// Oron -- Conditional, until all draw_text_line calls have fixed area parameter
		if(getenv("NO_RTL") == NULL) {
			bool is_rtl = text_cache::find(text_surface(text, size, colour, style)).is_rtl();
				dest.x = area.x + area.w - surface->w - (x - area.x);
	} else
		dest.x = (area.w/2)-(surface->w/2);
		dest.y = y;
		dest.y = (area.h/2)-(surface->h/2);
	dest.w = surface->w;
	dest.h = surface->h;

	if(line_width(text, size) > area.w) {

	if(dest.x + dest.w > area.x + area.w) {
		dest.w = area.x + area.w - dest.x;

	if(dest.y + dest.h > area.y + area.h) {
		dest.h = area.y + area.h - dest.y;

	if(gui_surface != NULL) {
		SDL_Rect src = dest;
		src.x = 0;
		src.y = 0;

	if(use_tooltips) {

	return dest;
Example #3
void Dialog::drawText() {

   // Black
   SDL_Color color = {0x33, 0x33, 0x33};

   TTF_Font* font = ResourceLoader::GetInstance()->getFont("Vera.ttf", 17);

   Uint16 margin = 10;

   // Determine the maximum number of lines which can be displayed in this
   // Dialog box..
   Uint16 fontHeight = TTF_FontHeight(font);
   Uint16 maxLines = (this->getHeight() - margin)/ fontHeight;

   // Stick a space on the end of the renderable text so that we can easily
   // count the number of words in the string.
   std::string remainingText = this->text;

   // Render Each Line Onto the Dialog Box.
   Uint16 lineNum = 0;
   while (lineNum < maxLines && remainingText != "") {

      // Get the next line of output and chop it off the remaining text.
      Uint16 maxWidth = this->getWidth() - margin;
      std::string line = this->getNextLine(remainingText, font, maxWidth);

      // Build the text surface containing the given string.
      std::unique_ptr<SDL_Surface, SDLSurfaceDeleter> text_surface(
            , line.c_str()
            , color
         , SDLSurfaceDeleter()

      // If the surface is not created successfully.
      if (text_surface == nullptr) {
         LOG(INFO) << this->text.c_str();
         LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating text: " << TTF_GetError();

      } else {

         // Create a destination rectangle based on the created text surface and
         // the position parameter.
         SDL_Rect r;
         r.w = text_surface->w;
         r.h = text_surface->h;
         r.x = margin;
         r.y = lineNum * fontHeight + margin;

         // Blit the text to the screen.
         SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface.get(), NULL, getTempSurf().get(), &r);




   // TODO:
   // This method needs to return whatever it decided not to display due to
   // wrapping constraints.