Example #1

  // scan files
  TaskFileVisitor tfv(store);
  VisitDataFiles(_T("*.tsk"), tfv);
  VisitDataFiles(_T("*.cup"), tfv);

  std::sort(store.begin(), store.end());
Example #2
void Surface_Radiance_Plugin::exportPLY(
	const QString& mapName,
	const QString& positionAttributeName,
	const QString& normalAttributeName,
	const QString& filename)
	typedef PFP2::MAP MAP;
	typedef PFP2::REAL REAL;
	typedef PFP2::VEC3 VEC3;

	MapHandler<PFP2>* mh = static_cast<MapHandler<PFP2>*>(m_schnapps->getMap(mapName));
	if(mh == NULL)

	VertexAttribute<VEC3, MAP> position = mh->getAttribute<VEC3, VERTEX>(positionAttributeName);

	VertexAttribute<VEC3, MAP> normal = mh->getAttribute<VEC3, VERTEX>(normalAttributeName);

	VertexAttribute<Utils::SphericalHarmonics<REAL, VEC3>, MAP> radiance = h_mapParameterSet[mh].radiance;

	// open file
	std::ofstream out ;
	out.open(filename.toStdString(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary) ;

	if (!out.good())
		CGoGNerr << "Unable to open file " << CGoGNendl ;
		return ;

	MAP* map = mh->getMap();

	unsigned int nbDarts = map->getNbDarts() ;
	std::vector<unsigned int> facesSize ;
	std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > facesIdx ;
	facesSize.reserve(nbDarts/3) ;
	facesIdx.reserve(nbDarts/3) ;
	std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> vIndex ;
	unsigned int vCpt = 0 ;
	std::vector<unsigned int> vertices ;
	vertices.reserve(nbDarts/6) ;

	// Go over all faces
	CellMarker<MAP, VERTEX> markV(*map) ;
	TraversorF<MAP> t(*map) ;
	for(Dart d = t.begin(); d != t.end(); d = t.next())
		std::vector<unsigned int> fidx ;
		fidx.reserve(8) ;
		unsigned int degree = 0 ;
		Traversor2FV<MAP> tfv(*map, d) ;
		for(Dart it = tfv.begin(); it != tfv.end(); it = tfv.next())
			++degree ;
			unsigned int vNum = map->getEmbedding<VERTEX>(it) ;
				markV.mark(it) ;
				vIndex[vNum] = vCpt++ ;
				vertices.push_back(vNum) ;
			fidx.push_back(vIndex[vNum]) ;
		facesSize.push_back(degree) ;
		facesIdx.push_back(fidx) ;

	// Start writing the file
	out << "ply" << std::endl ;

	// test endianness
		uint32_t i ;
		char c[4] ;
	} bint = {0x01020304} ;
	if (bint.c[0] == 1) // big endian
		out << "format binary_big_endian 1.0" << std::endl ;
		out << "format binary_little_endian 1.0" << std::endl ;

	out << "comment File generated by the CGoGN library" << std::endl ;
	out << "comment See : http://cgogn.unistra.fr/" << std::endl ;
	out << "comment or contact : [email protected]" << std::endl ;
	// Vertex elements
	out << "element vertex " << vertices.size() << std::endl ;

	std::string nameOfTypePly_REAL(nameOfTypePly(position[0][0])) ;

	out << "property " << nameOfTypePly_REAL << " x" << std::endl ;
	out << "property " << nameOfTypePly_REAL << " y" << std::endl ;
	out << "property " << nameOfTypePly_REAL << " z" << std::endl ;

	out << "property " << nameOfTypePly_REAL << " nx" << std::endl ;
	out << "property " << nameOfTypePly_REAL << " ny" << std::endl ;
	out << "property " << nameOfTypePly_REAL << " nz" << std::endl ;

	int res = Utils::SphericalHarmonics<REAL, VEC3>::get_resolution() ;
	for (int l = 0 ; l <= res ; ++l)
		for (int m = -l ; m <= l ; ++m)
			out << "property " << nameOfTypePly_REAL << " SHcoef_" << l << "_" << m << "_r" << std::endl ;
			out << "property " << nameOfTypePly_REAL << " SHcoef_" << l << "_" << m << "_g" << std::endl ;
			out << "property " << nameOfTypePly_REAL << " SHcoef_" << l << "_" << m << "_b" << std::endl ;

	// Face element
	out << "element face " << facesSize.size() << std::endl ;
	out << "property list uint8 " << nameOfTypePly(facesIdx[0][0]) << " vertex_indices" << std::endl ;
	out << "end_header" << std::endl ;

	// binary vertices
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i)
		const VEC3& p = position[vertices[i]] ;
		out.write((char*)(&(p[0])), sizeof(p)) ;
		const VEC3& n = normal[vertices[i]] ;
		out.write((char*)(&(n[0])), sizeof(n)) ;

		for (int l=0 ; l <= res ; ++l)
			for (int m=-l ; m <= l ; ++m)
				const VEC3& r = radiance[vertices[i]].get_coef(l,m) ;
				out.write((char*)(&(r[0])), sizeof(r)) ;

	// binary faces
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < facesSize.size(); ++i)
		uint8_t nbe = facesSize[i] ;
		out.write((char*)(&nbe), sizeof(uint8_t)) ;
		out.write((char*)(&(facesIdx[i][0])), facesSize[i] * sizeof(facesIdx[i][0])) ;

	out.close() ;

	this->pythonRecording("exportPLY", "", mapName, positionAttributeName, normalAttributeName, filename);