Example #1
TEST(http_match, method_eq)
	int match_id;
	MatchEntry *e1, *e2;
	size_t len = FIELD_SIZEOF(TfwHttpMatchArg, method);

	e1 = tfw_http_match_entry_new(test_mlst, MatchEntry, rule, len);
	e1->test_id = 42,
	e1->rule.field = TFW_HTTP_MATCH_F_METHOD;
	e1->rule.op = TFW_HTTP_MATCH_O_EQ;
	e1->rule.arg.type = TFW_HTTP_MATCH_A_METHOD;
	e1->rule.arg.len = len;
	e1->rule.arg.method = TFW_HTTP_METH_POST;

	e2 = tfw_http_match_entry_new(test_mlst, MatchEntry, rule, len);
	e2->test_id = 43,
	e2->rule.field = TFW_HTTP_MATCH_F_METHOD;
	e2->rule.op = TFW_HTTP_MATCH_O_EQ;
	e2->rule.arg.type = TFW_HTTP_MATCH_A_METHOD;
	e2->rule.arg.len = len;
	e2->rule.arg.method = TFW_HTTP_METH_GET;

	test_req->method = TFW_HTTP_METH_HEAD;
	match_id = test_mlst_match();
	EXPECT_EQ(-1, match_id);

	test_req->method = TFW_HTTP_METH_GET;
	match_id = test_mlst_match();
	EXPECT_EQ(43, match_id);

	test_req->method = TFW_HTTP_METH_POST;
	match_id = test_mlst_match();
	EXPECT_EQ(42, match_id);
Example #2
static void
test_mlst_add(int test_id, tfw_http_match_fld_t req_field,
              tfw_http_match_op_t op, const char *str_arg)
	MatchEntry *e;
	size_t len = strlen(str_arg);

	e = tfw_http_match_entry_new(test_mlst, MatchEntry, rule, len);
	e->test_id = test_id;
	e->rule.field = req_field;
	e->rule.op = op;
	e->rule.arg.type = TFW_HTTP_MATCH_A_STR;
	e->rule.arg.len = len;
	memcpy(e->rule.arg.str, str_arg, len);
Example #3
 * Handle a "match" entry within "sched_http_rules" section, e.g.:
 *   sched_http_rules {
 *       match group1 uri prefix "/foo";
 *       match group2 host eq "example.com";
 *   }
 * This callback is invoked for every such "match" entry.
 * It resolves name of the group, parses the rule and adds the entry to the
 * tfw_sched_http_rules list.
 * Syntax:
 *            +------------------------ a reference to "srv_group";
 *            |     +------------------ HTTP request field
 *            |     |     +------------ operator (eq, prefix, substr, etc)
 *            |     |     |       +---- argument for the operator (any string)
 *            |     |     |       |
 *            V     V     V       V
 *    match group3 uri  prefix "/foo/bar/baz.html" backup=group4
 *                                                    ^
 *                                                    |
 *                 a backup "srv_group" (optional)----+
static int
tfw_sched_http_cfg_handle_match(TfwCfgSpec *cs, TfwCfgEntry *e)
	int r;
	size_t arg_size;
	TfwSchedHttpRule *rule;
	tfw_http_match_op_t op;
	tfw_http_match_fld_t field;
	tfw_http_match_arg_t type;
	TfwSrvGroup *main_sg, *backup_sg;
	const char *in_main_sg, *in_field, *in_op, *in_arg, *in_backup_sg;

	r = tfw_cfg_check_val_n(e, 4);
	if (r)
		return r;

	in_main_sg = e->vals[0];
	in_field = e->vals[1];
	in_op = e->vals[2];
	in_arg = e->vals[3];
	in_backup_sg = tfw_cfg_get_attr(e, "backup", NULL);

	main_sg = tfw_sg_lookup(in_main_sg);
	if (!main_sg) {
		ERR("srv_group is not found: '%s'\n", in_main_sg);
		return -EINVAL;

	if (!in_backup_sg) {
		backup_sg = NULL;
	} else {
		backup_sg = tfw_sg_lookup(in_backup_sg);
		if (!backup_sg) {
			ERR("backup srv_group is not found: '%s'\n",
			return -EINVAL;

	r = tfw_cfg_map_enum(tfw_sched_http_cfg_field_enum, in_field, &field);
	if (r) {
		ERR("invalid HTTP request field: '%s'\n", in_field);
		return -EINVAL;

	r = tfw_cfg_map_enum(tfw_sched_http_cfg_op_enum, in_op, &op);
	if (r) {
		ERR("invalid matching operator: '%s'\n", in_op);
		return -EINVAL;

	arg_size = strlen(in_arg) + 1;
	type = tfw_sched_http_cfg_arg_tbl[field];

	rule = tfw_http_match_entry_new(tfw_sched_http_rules,
					TfwSchedHttpRule, rule, arg_size);
	if (!rule) {
		ERR("can't allocate memory for parsed rule\n");
		return -ENOMEM;

	DBG("parsed rule: match  '%s'=%p  '%s'=%d  '%s'=%d  '%s'\n",
		in_main_sg, main_sg, in_field, field, in_op, op, in_arg);

		tfw_http_match_rule_init(&rule->rule, field, op, type, in_arg);
	} else {
		// TODO: parsing not string matching rules

	rule->main_sg = main_sg;
	rule->backup_sg = backup_sg;

	return 0;