Example #1
void doIt() 
  TFile file("treeClass.root","recreate") ;
  TRandom * r = new TRandom() ;

  TTree theTree("treeClass", "A tree with a class") ;

  Event * event = new Event() ;
  theTree.Branch("eventBranch", "Event", &event, 16000, 0) ; // No splitting

  for( int ev=0; ev<10; ++ev)
   event->setEventNumber(ev) ;
   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t[" << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "]\tEvent: " << ev         << std::endl ;
   for(int i=0; i<(int)r->Gaus(5,2); ++i)
    double t = r->Gaus(50,12) ;
    std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t[" << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "]\t   t: " << t          << std::endl ;
    event->addTrack(t) ;
   double x = r->Gaus(150,12) ;
   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t[" << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "]\t   xw: " << x          << std::endl ;
   event->setX(x) ;
   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t[" << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "]\t   xr: " << event->x() << std::endl ;
   theTree.Fill() ;
   event->cleanData() ;
//  theTree.BuildIndex("getEventNumber") ;
  file.Write() ;
  file.Close() ;
  std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t[" << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "]\tFile treeClass.root written" << std::endl ;
Example #2
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]){

  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kError;


  bool   _ttbar_cat = false;
  bool   _syst      = false;
  const char * _output   = 0;
  const char * _input    = 0;
  // TopTrees directory
  const char * _dir      = "../Files_v7-6-3/";
  const char * _syst_var = 0;
  const char * _ttbar_id = "";

  // Arguments used
  //std::set<int> usedargs;
  //Parsing input options
  if(argc == 1){
    return -1;

      //Argumet 1 must be a valid input fileName
      for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++){
	if( strcmp(argv[i],"-i") == 0 ){
	  _input = argv[i+1];
	if( strcmp(argv[i],"-d") == 0 ){
	  _dir = argv[i+1];
	if( strcmp(argv[i],"-o") == 0 ){
	  _output= argv[i+1];
	if( strcmp(argv[i],"-cat") == 0 ){
	  _ttbar_cat = true;
	  _ttbar_id  = argv[i+1];
	if( strcmp(argv[i],"-s") == 0 ){
	  _syst= true;
	  _syst_var = argv[i+1];
	if( strcmp(argv[i],"-h") == 0 ||
	    strcmp(argv[i],"--help") == 0 ){
	  return 0;
  if( _input ==0 ){
    std::cerr << "\033[1;31mskimfile ERROR:\033[1;m The '-i' option is mandatory!"
	      << std::endl;
    return -1;
  // reassigning
  TString fname(_input);
  TString hname(_output);
  TString fdir(_dir);
  TString ttbar_id(_ttbar_id);
  TString syst_varname(_syst_var);
  TChain theTree("ttbbLepJets/gentree"); 
  std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Signal: ";
  std::cout << fname + ".root" << std::endl;

  theTree.Add(fdir + fname + ".root");

  int Channel;
  float GENWeight; 
  std::vector<float> *ScaleWeight=0;
  float Lep_pT, Lep_eta;
  std::vector<float> *Jet_px=0, *Jet_py=0, *Jet_pz=0, *Jet_pT=0, *Jet_E=0;
  std::vector<int> *Jet_Mom=0;

  std::vector<int>   *Jet_partonFlavour=0;

  // Categorization
  int  GenCat_ID;
  std::vector<int> *GenConeCat=0; 
           Tree Branches
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "genweight",     &GENWeight  );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "scaleweight",   &ScaleWeight);
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "genchannel",    &Channel    );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "genhiggscatid", &GenCat_ID  );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "genconecatid",  &GenConeCat );

  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "genlepton_pT",  &Lep_pT );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "genlepton_eta", &Lep_eta);
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "genjet_px",     &Jet_px );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "genjet_py",     &Jet_py );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "genjet_pz",     &Jet_pz );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "genjet_E",      &Jet_E  );

  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "genjet_mom",     &Jet_Mom);

         Output Tree: MVA     
  float b_pTjj, b_Mjj, b_DRjj, b_DPhijj;    

  TTree *MVASignaltree;
  MVASignaltree = new TTree("MVASignaltree","Dijets from W decay");
  MVASignaltree->Branch("pTjj",   &b_pTjj,   "pTjj/F");
  MVASignaltree->Branch("Mjj",    &b_Mjj,    "Mjj/F");
  MVASignaltree->Branch("DRjj",   &b_DRjj,   "DRjj/F");
  MVASignaltree->Branch("DPhijj", &b_DPhijj, "DPhijj/F");

  TTree *MVAtree;
  MVAtree = new TTree("MVAtree","All Dijets");
  MVAtree->Branch("pTjj",   &b_pTjj,   "pTjj/F");
  MVAtree->Branch("Mjj",    &b_Mjj,    "Mjj/F");
  MVAtree->Branch("DRjj",   &b_DRjj,   "DRjj/F");
  MVAtree->Branch("DPhijj", &b_DPhijj, "DPhijj/F");

  TTree *MVABkgtree;
  MVABkgtree = new TTree("MVABkgtree","All Dijets but W decay");
  MVABkgtree->Branch("pTjj",   &b_pTjj,   "pTjj/F");
  MVABkgtree->Branch("Mjj",    &b_Mjj,    "Mjj/F");
  MVABkgtree->Branch("DRjj",   &b_DRjj,   "DRjj/F");
  MVABkgtree->Branch("DPhijj", &b_DPhijj, "DPhijj/F");


  //Correct Statistical Uncertainty Treatment
  TH1F *hNJets[2];
  TH1F *hJetMatch[2];
  TH2F *h2DJetMjjID_I[2], *h2DJetMjjID_II[2];

  TH1F *hJetPt[6][2], *hOJetPt[4][2], *hWJetPt[2][2];

  TH1F *hpTJet [5][6][2], *hMassJet [5][6][2], *hDRJet [5][6][2], *hDPhiJet [5][6][2];
  TH1F *hOpTJet[3][4][2], *hOMassJet[3][4][2], *hODRJet[3][4][2], *hODPhiJet[3][4][2];

  TH1F *hpTWjj[2],*hInvMassWjj[2],*hDRWjj[2], *hDPhiWjj[2];
  TH1F *hpTOjj[2],*hInvMassOjj[2],*hDROjj[2], *hDPhiOjj[2];

  TH1F *hpTminjj [2], *hpTmaxjj [2], *hInvMassjj [2], *hDRminjj [2], *hDRmaxjj [2], *hDPhiminjj [2], *hDPhimaxjj [2];
  TH1F *hOpTminjj[2], *hOpTmaxjj[2], *hOInvMassjj[2], *hODRminjj[2], *hODRmaxjj[2], *hODPhiminjj[2], *hODPhimaxjj[2];

  TString namech[2];
  TString titlenamech[2];
  for(int i=0; i<2; i++){ // Channel
    hNJets[i]      = new TH1F("hNJets_" + namech[i], "Jet multiplicity " + titlenamech[i],9,-0.5,8.5);
    hNJets[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of jets");      
    hNJets[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9,"#geq 8");

    hJetMatch[i] = new TH1F("hJetMatch_" + namech[i], "W Jet Match " + titlenamech[i],13,0,13);
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"Total # Evt");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,"#Delta Mjj is Wjj");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"Min #Delta R_{jj} is Wjj");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,"Max #Delta R_{jj} is Wjj");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5,"Min #Delta #Phi_{jj} is Wjj");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6,"Max #Delta #Phi_{jj} is Wjj");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7,"At least 1 ->");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8, "#Delta Mjj is Wjj");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9, "Min #Delta R_{jj} is Wjj");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10,"Max #Delta R_{jj} is Wjj");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(11,"Min #Delta #Phi_{jj} is Wjj");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(12,"Max #Delta #Phi_{jj} is Wjj");
    hJetMatch[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(13,"#Delta Mjj && Min #Delta R_{jj} is Wjj");

    h2DJetMjjID_I[i] = new TH2F("h2DJetMjjID1_" + namech[i], "Index ID " + titlenamech[i], 6, 0, 6, 6, 0, 6);
    h2DJetMjjID_I[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("W Index");      
    h2DJetMjjID_I[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mjj Index");      

    h2DJetMjjID_II[i] = new TH2F("h2DJetMjjID2_" + namech[i], "Index ID " + titlenamech[i],6, 0, 6, 6, 0, 6);
    h2DJetMjjID_II[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("W Index");      
    h2DJetMjjID_II[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mjj Index");      

    TString jetn[6];
    jetn[0]= "Jet-0"; 
    jetn[1]= "Jet-1"; 
    jetn[2]= "Jet-2"; 
    jetn[3]= "Jet-3"; 
    jetn[4]= "Jet-4"; 
    jetn[5]= "Jet-5"; 
    for(int ij=0; ij<2; ij++){
      hWJetPt[ij][i] = new TH1F("hWJetPt_" + jetn[ij] + "_" + namech[i], "p_{T}^{Jet} " + jetn[ij] + " " + titlenamech[i],40,0,200);
    for(int ij=0; ij<6; ij++){
      hJetPt[ij][i] = new TH1F("hJetPt_" + jetn[ij] + "_" + namech[i], "p_{T}^{Jet} " + jetn[ij] + " " + titlenamech[i],40,0,200);
    for(int ij=0; ij<4; ij++){
      hOJetPt[ij][i] = new TH1F("hOJetPt_" + jetn[ij] + "_" + namech[i], "p_{T}^{Jet} " + jetn[ij] + " " + titlenamech[i],40,0,200);

    TString dijetname[5][6];
    dijetname[0][1] = "Jet01";
    dijetname[0][2] = "Jet02";
    dijetname[0][3] = "Jet03";
    dijetname[0][4] = "Jet04";
    dijetname[0][5] = "Jet05";
    dijetname[1][2] = "Jet12";
    dijetname[1][3] = "Jet13";
    dijetname[1][4] = "Jet14";
    dijetname[1][5] = "Jet15";
    dijetname[2][3] = "Jet23";
    dijetname[2][4] = "Jet24";
    dijetname[2][5] = "Jet25";
    dijetname[3][4] = "Jet34";
    dijetname[3][5] = "Jet35";
    dijetname[4][5] = "Jet45";
    for(int ja=0; ja<5; ja++){
      for(int jb=ja+1; jb<6; jb++){
	hpTJet[ja][jb][i]   = new TH1F("hpTJet_"   + dijetname[ja][jb] + "_" + namech[i], "transverse pT of Dijets "   + dijetname[ja][jb] + " " + titlenamech[i],80,0,400);
	hMassJet[ja][jb][i] = new TH1F("hMassJet_" + dijetname[ja][jb] + "_" + namech[i], "transverse Mass of Dijets " + dijetname[ja][jb] + " " + titlenamech[i],80,0,400);
	hDRJet[ja][jb][i]   = new TH1F("hDRJet_"   + dijetname[ja][jb] + "_" + namech[i], "#Delta R of Dijets "        + dijetname[ja][jb] + " " + titlenamech[i],50,0,5);
	hDPhiJet[ja][jb][i] = new TH1F("hDPhiJet_" + dijetname[ja][jb] + "_" + namech[i], "#Delta #phi of Dijets "     + dijetname[ja][jb] + " " + titlenamech[i],80,0,4);
    for(int ja=0; ja<3; ja++){
      for(int jb=ja+1; jb<4; jb++){
	hOpTJet[ja][jb][i]   = new TH1F("hOpTJet_"   + dijetname[ja][jb] + "_" + namech[i], "transverse pT of Dijets "   + dijetname[ja][jb] + " " + titlenamech[i],80,0,400);
	hOMassJet[ja][jb][i] = new TH1F("hOMassJet_" + dijetname[ja][jb] + "_" + namech[i], "transverse Mass of Dijets " + dijetname[ja][jb] + " " + titlenamech[i],80,0,400);
	hODRJet[ja][jb][i]   = new TH1F("hODRJet_"   + dijetname[ja][jb] + "_" + namech[i], "#Delta R of Dijets "        + dijetname[ja][jb] + " " + titlenamech[i],50,0,5);
	hODPhiJet[ja][jb][i] = new TH1F("hODPhiJet_" + dijetname[ja][jb] + "_" + namech[i], "#Delta #phi of Dijets "     + dijetname[ja][jb] + " " + titlenamech[i],80,0,4);
    hpTWjj[i]      = new TH1F("hpTWjj_"      + namech[i] ,"pT jets coming from W "                  + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 400);
    hInvMassWjj[i] = new TH1F("hInvMassWjj_" + namech[i] ,"Inv. Mass of jets coming from W "        + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 400);
    hDRWjj[i]      = new TH1F("hDRWjj_"      + namech[i] ,"#Delta R_{jj} of jets coming from W "    + titlenamech[i], 50, 0, 5);
    hDPhiWjj[i]    = new TH1F("hDPhiWjj_"    + namech[i] ,"#Delta #phi_{jj} of jets coming from W " + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 4);

    hpTOjj[i]      = new TH1F("hpTOjj_"      + namech[i] ,"pT jets coming from W "                  + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 400);
    hInvMassOjj[i] = new TH1F("hInvMassOjj_" + namech[i] ,"Inv. Mass of jets coming from W "        + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 400);
    hDROjj[i]      = new TH1F("hDROjj_"      + namech[i] ,"#Delta R_{jj} of jets coming from W "    + titlenamech[i], 50, 0, 5);
    hDPhiOjj[i]    = new TH1F("hDPhiOjj_"    + namech[i] ,"#Delta #phi_{jj} of jets coming from W " + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 4);
    hpTminjj[i]   = new TH1F("hpTminjj_"      + namech[i] ,"Minimum pT^{jj} "          + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 400);
    hpTmaxjj[i]   = new TH1F("hpTmaxjj_"      + namech[i] ,"Maximum pT^{jj} "          + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 400);
    hInvMassjj[i] = new TH1F("hInvMassjj_" + namech[i] ,"Compatible Inv. Mass "     + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 400);
    hDRminjj[i]   = new TH1F("hDRminjj_"   + namech[i] ,"Minimum #Delta R_{jj} "    + titlenamech[i], 50, 0, 5);
    hDRmaxjj[i]   = new TH1F("hDRmaxjj_"   + namech[i] ,"Maximum #Delta R_{jj} "    + titlenamech[i], 50, 0, 5);
    hDPhiminjj[i] = new TH1F("hDPhiminjj_" + namech[i] ,"Minimum #Delta #Phi_{jj} " + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 4);
    hDPhimaxjj[i] = new TH1F("hDPhimaxjj_" + namech[i] ,"Maximum #Delta #Phi_{jj} " + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 4);
    hOpTminjj[i]   = new TH1F("hOpTminjj_"   + namech[i] ,"Minimum pT^{jj} "          + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 400);
    hOpTmaxjj[i]   = new TH1F("hOpTmaxjj_"   + namech[i] ,"Maximum pT^{jj} "          + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 400);
    hOInvMassjj[i] = new TH1F("hOInvMassjj_" + namech[i] ,"Compatible Inv. Mass "     + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 400);
    hODRminjj[i]   = new TH1F("hODRminjj_"   + namech[i] ,"Minimum #Delta R_{jj} "    + titlenamech[i], 50, 0, 5);
    hODRmaxjj[i]   = new TH1F("hODRmaxjj_"   + namech[i] ,"Maximum #Delta R_{jj} "    + titlenamech[i], 50, 0, 5);
    hODPhiminjj[i] = new TH1F("hODPhiminjj_" + namech[i] ,"Minimum #Delta #Phi_{jj} " + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 4);
    hODPhimaxjj[i] = new TH1F("hODPhimaxjj_" + namech[i] ,"Maximum #Delta #Phi_{jj} " + titlenamech[i], 80, 0, 4);

  TStopwatch sw;

  // Please, IGNORE. Temporal solution //
  TCanvas *mydummycanvas=new TCanvas();// 
  // Number de events for acceptance
  //          [Channel]
  float fAccEvent_full_ttbb[2] = {0.0,0.0};
  float fAccEvent_full_ttjj[2] = {0.0,0.0};  
  float fAccEvent_vis_ttbb [2] = {0.0,0.0};
  float fAccEvent_vis_ttjj [2] = {0.0,0.0};

  int AccEvent_full_ttbb[2] = {0,0};
  int AccEvent_full_ttjj[2] = {0,0};
  int AccEvent_vis_ttbb [2] = {0,0};
  int AccEvent_vis_ttjj [2] = {0,0};

  // Uncertainties file name
  if(_syst) fname += "_SYS_" + syst_varname;

             Event Loop
  std::cout << "--- Processing: " << theTree.GetEntries() << " events" << std::endl;
  for (Long64_t ievt=0; ievt<theTree.GetEntries();ievt++) {
    print_progress(theTree.GetEntries(), ievt);
    // Jets 
    int NJets;
    NJets     = 0;    
    std::vector<TLorentzVector> vjets, vOjets, vWjets, vTjets;
    std::vector<int> vIndex, vWIndex, vOIndex, vTIndex;

    for(int ijet=0; ijet < Jet_px->size(); ijet++){
      TLorentzVector gjet;
      gjet.SetPxPyPzE((*Jet_px)[ijet], (*Jet_py)[ijet], (*Jet_pz)[ijet], (*Jet_E)[ijet]);

      if(gjet.Pt()>25 && std::abs(gjet.Eta())<2.5){

	vjets.push_back(gjet); // All Jets

	if ((*Jet_Mom)[ijet] == 24){
	  vWjets.push_back(gjet); // Jets coming from W	
	else if ((*Jet_Mom)[ijet] == 6){
	  vTjets.push_back(gjet); // Jets coming from W	
	  vOjets.push_back(gjet); // Other Jets
      } // if(jet.pT > 25)
    }// for(jets)
       Categorization GenTop

    int cone_channel = (*GenConeCat)[0];

    // Visible Phase Space:
    // pT(jet) > 20GeV && |eta(Jet)| < 2.5
    int cone_NJets  = (*GenConeCat)[1];
    int cone_NbJets = (*GenConeCat)[2];
    int cone_NcJets = (*GenConeCat)[3];
    int cone_NbJetsNoTop = (*GenConeCat)[4];
    // Full Phase Space:
    // pT(jet) > 20GeV && |eta(Jet)| < 2.5
    int cone_NaddJets  = (*GenConeCat)[5];
    int cone_NaddbJets = (*GenConeCat)[6];

          Categorization to use W Jets 

  TString CatEvt = "";
  // if (_ttbar_cat){
  if (cone_NaddJets == 0 && ttbar_category("tt", GenCat_ID) && vWjets.size() == 2){
    if      (ttbar_Wjjcategory(GenCat_ID).Contains("bb_") && vTjets.size() == 2) CatEvt = "bbWjj"; // Two b-jets from top inside acceptance
    else if (ttbar_Wjjcategory(GenCat_ID).Contains("b_" ) && vTjets.size() == 1) CatEvt = "bWbjj"; // One b-jet  from top inside acceptance
    else if ((ttbar_Wjjcategory(GenCat_ID) == "_LF" || ttbar_Wjjcategory(GenCat_ID) == "_c") && vTjets.size() == 0) CatEvt = "Wjj";   // No b-jets  from top inside acceptance
  // }
             Dijet Invariant Mass 
  if (vWjets.size() == 2 && 
      (CatEvt == "bbWjj" || CatEvt == "bWjj" || CatEvt == "Wjj")){
  // if (vWjets.size() == 2 && vjets.size() == 6 && vTjets.size() == 2 && cone_NaddJets == 2){
      NJets = vjets.size();
      float pTWjj, MWjj, DRWjj, DPhiWjj;
      // Jets from W
      if(vWjets.size() == 2){
	TLorentzVector jet_WI  = vWjets[0];
	TLorentzVector jet_WII = vWjets[1];
	pTWjj   = (vWjets.at(0) + vWjets.at(1)).Pt();
	MWjj    = (vWjets.at(0) + vWjets.at(1)).M();
	DRWjj   = vWjets.at(0).DeltaR(vWjets.at(1));
	DPhiWjj = std::abs(vWjets.at(0).DeltaPhi(vWjets.at(1)));
	hpTWjj[Channel]     ->Fill(pTWjj); 
	hDRWjj[Channel]     ->Fill(DRWjj);   
	hDPhiWjj[Channel]   ->Fill(DPhiWjj);   

 	// MVA Bkg TREE
	b_pTjj   = pTWjj;
	b_Mjj    = MWjj;
	b_DRjj   = DRWjj;
	b_DPhijj = DPhiWjj;


    std::vector<TLorentzVector> seljets;
      for(int coljet = 0; coljet < 2; coljet++){
	if(coljet == 0) seljets = vjets; 
	else seljets = vOjets; 
	// Estimation of all the the paramenters of the dijet
	int pTminIndex[2], pTmaxIndex[2], InvMassIndex[2], DRminIndex[2], DRmaxIndex[2], DPhiminIndex[2], DPhimaxIndex[2];
	float minpTjj = 9999., maxpTjj = 0., Mjj = 0., minDeltaMjj = 9999.,  minDeltaRjj = 9999., maxDeltaRjj = 0., minDeltaPhijj = 9999., maxDeltaPhijj = 0.;
	// Loop over the first Jet
	for(int ijet=0; ijet < seljets.size(); ijet++){
	  TLorentzVector jet_i = seljets[ijet];
	  // Loop over the second Jet
	  for(int jjet=ijet+1; jjet < seljets.size(); jjet++){
	    TLorentzVector jet_j = seljets[jjet];
	    float DijetpT = (jet_i+jet_j).Pt(); 
	    if(minpTjj > DijetpT){
	      minpTjj = DijetpT;
	      pTminIndex[0] = vIndex[ijet];
	      pTminIndex[1] = vIndex[jjet];
	    if(maxpTjj < DijetpT){
	      maxpTjj = DijetpT;
	      pTmaxIndex[0] = vIndex[ijet]; pTmaxIndex[1] = vIndex[jjet];
	    float DijetInvMass = (jet_i+jet_j).M(); 
	    float DeltaMjj = std::abs(DijetInvMass-80.3);
	    if(minDeltaMjj > DeltaMjj){
	      minDeltaMjj = DeltaMjj;
	      Mjj = DijetInvMass;
	      InvMassIndex[0] = vIndex[ijet]; InvMassIndex[1] = vIndex[jjet];
	    float DijetDeltaR  = jet_i.DeltaR(jet_j); 
	    if(minDeltaRjj > DijetDeltaR){
	      minDeltaRjj = DijetDeltaR;
	      DRminIndex[0] = ijet; DRminIndex[1] = jjet;
	    if(maxDeltaRjj < DijetDeltaR){
	      maxDeltaRjj = DijetDeltaR;
	      DRmaxIndex[0] = vIndex[ijet]; DRmaxIndex[1] = vIndex[jjet];
	    float DijetDeltaPhi  = std::abs(jet_i.DeltaPhi(jet_j)); 
	    if(minDeltaPhijj > DijetDeltaPhi){
	      minDeltaPhijj = DijetDeltaPhi;
	      DPhiminIndex[0] = vIndex[ijet]; DPhiminIndex[1] = vIndex[jjet];
	    if(maxDeltaPhijj < DijetDeltaPhi){
	      maxDeltaPhijj = DijetDeltaPhi;
	      DPhimaxIndex[0] = vIndex[ijet]; DPhimaxIndex[1] = vIndex[jjet];
	    // Dijet Variables
	    if(coljet == 0){
	      hpTJet   [ijet][jjet][Channel]->Fill(DijetpT);
	      hMassJet [ijet][jjet][Channel]->Fill(DijetInvMass);  
	      hDRJet   [ijet][jjet][Channel]->Fill(DijetDeltaR);
	      hDPhiJet [ijet][jjet][Channel]->Fill(DijetDeltaPhi);

	      // MVA TREE
	      b_pTjj   = DijetpT;
	      b_Mjj    = DijetInvMass;
	      b_DRjj   = DijetDeltaR;
	      b_DPhijj = DijetDeltaPhi;

	      hOpTJet   [ijet][jjet][Channel]->Fill(DijetpT);
	      hOMassJet [ijet][jjet][Channel]->Fill(DijetInvMass);  
	      hODRJet   [ijet][jjet][Channel]->Fill(DijetDeltaR);
	      hODPhiJet [ijet][jjet][Channel]->Fill(DijetDeltaPhi);	  

	      hpTOjj[Channel]     ->Fill(DijetpT); 
	      hDROjj[Channel]     ->Fill(DijetDeltaR);   
	      hDPhiOjj[Channel]   ->Fill(DijetDeltaPhi);   

	      // MVA Bkg TREE
	      b_pTjj   = DijetpT;
	      b_Mjj    = DijetInvMass;
	      b_DRjj   = DijetDeltaR;
	      b_DPhijj = DijetDeltaPhi;

	  }// for(jjets)

	  if(coljet == 0) hJetPt[ijet][Channel]->Fill(jet_i.Pt());
	  else hOJetPt[ijet][Channel]->Fill(jet_i.Pt());
	}// for(ijet)
	if(coljet == 0){
	  hpTminjj[Channel]  ->Fill(minpTjj);   
	  hpTmaxjj[Channel]  ->Fill(maxpTjj);   
	  hDRminjj[Channel]  ->Fill(minDeltaRjj);   
	  hDRmaxjj[Channel]  ->Fill(maxDeltaRjj);   
	  hOpTminjj[Channel]  ->Fill(minpTjj);   
	  hOpTmaxjj[Channel]  ->Fill(maxpTjj);   
	  hODRminjj[Channel]  ->Fill(minDeltaRjj);   
	  hODRmaxjj[Channel]  ->Fill(maxDeltaRjj);   
      }// for(coljet)
    }// if(vWjets.size() == 0)

      Scale Weights
    int scaleSysPar;
    if     (_syst && syst_varname.Contains("ScaleRnF_Up"))   scaleSysPar = 0; // muR=Nom,  muF=Up
    else if(_syst && syst_varname.Contains("ScaleRnF_Down")) scaleSysPar = 1; // muR=Nom,  muF=Down
    else if(_syst && syst_varname.Contains("ScaleRuF_Nom"))  scaleSysPar = 2; // muR=Up,   muF=Nom
    else if(_syst && syst_varname.Contains("ScaleRuF_Up"))   scaleSysPar = 3; // muR=Up,   muF=Up
    else if(_syst && syst_varname.Contains("ScaleRdF_Nom"))  scaleSysPar = 4; // muR=Down, muF=Nom
    else if(_syst && syst_varname.Contains("ScaleRdF_Down")) scaleSysPar = 5; // muR=Down, muF=Down

    float EvtStep = GENWeight;
    if (_syst && syst_varname.Contains("ScaleR"))
      EvtStep = EvtStep*(*ScaleWeight)[scaleSysPar];

    if(cone_NaddJets  > 1) fAccEvent_full_ttjj[Channel]+=EvtStep;
    if(cone_NaddbJets > 1) fAccEvent_full_ttbb[Channel]+=EvtStep;

    if(Lep_pT > 30 && abs(Lep_eta) < 2.4){
      if(cone_NbJets > 1 && cone_NJets > 5) fAccEvent_vis_ttjj[Channel]+=EvtStep;
      if(cone_NbJets > 3 && cone_NJets > 5) fAccEvent_vis_ttbb[Channel]+=EvtStep;    


  AccEvent_full_ttjj[0] = fAccEvent_full_ttjj[0];
  AccEvent_full_ttbb[0] = fAccEvent_full_ttbb[0];

  AccEvent_vis_ttjj[0] = fAccEvent_vis_ttjj[0];
  AccEvent_vis_ttbb[0] = fAccEvent_vis_ttbb[0];

  AccEvent_full_ttjj[1] = fAccEvent_full_ttjj[1];
  AccEvent_full_ttbb[1] = fAccEvent_full_ttbb[1];

  AccEvent_vis_ttjj[1] = fAccEvent_vis_ttjj[1];
  AccEvent_vis_ttbb[1] = fAccEvent_vis_ttbb[1];
  // Get elapsed time
  std::cout << "==================================================] 100% " << std::endl;
  std::cout << "--- End of event loop: "; sw.Print();
  std::cout << "--------  Acceptace Full Ph-Sp  --------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Number of RAW-mu+Jets events:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttjj Acceptance Full Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_full_ttjj[0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb Acceptance Full Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_full_ttbb[0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb/ttjj Full Ph-Sp: " << 1.0*AccEvent_full_ttbb[0]/AccEvent_full_ttjj[0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-----------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Number of RAW-e+Jets events:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttjj Acceptance Full Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_full_ttjj[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb Acceptance: Full Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_full_ttbb[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb/ttjj Full Ph-Sp: " << 1.0*AccEvent_full_ttbb[1]/AccEvent_full_ttjj[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-----------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Number of RAW-l+Jets events:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttjj Acceptance Full Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_full_ttjj[0] + AccEvent_full_ttjj[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb Acceptance Full Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_full_ttbb[0] + AccEvent_full_ttbb[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb/ttjj Full Ph-Sp: " << 1.0*(AccEvent_full_ttbb[0] + AccEvent_full_ttbb[1])/(AccEvent_full_ttjj[0] + AccEvent_full_ttjj[1]) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-----------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-----------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-----------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "--------  Acceptace Visible Ph-Sp  --------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Number of RAW-mu+Jets events:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttjj Acceptance Visible Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_vis_ttjj[0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb Acceptance Visible Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_vis_ttbb[0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb/ttjj Visible Ph-Sp: " << 1.0*AccEvent_vis_ttbb[0]/AccEvent_vis_ttjj[0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-----------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Number of RAW-e+Jets events:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttjj Acceptance Visible Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_vis_ttjj[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb Acceptance: Visible Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_vis_ttbb[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb/ttjj Visible Ph-Sp: " << 1.0*AccEvent_vis_ttbb[1]/AccEvent_vis_ttjj[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-----------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Number of RAW-l+Jets events:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttjj Acceptance Visible Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_vis_ttjj[0] + AccEvent_vis_ttjj[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb Acceptance Visible Ph-Sp: " << AccEvent_vis_ttbb[0] + AccEvent_vis_ttbb[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb/ttjj Visible Ph-Sp: " << 1.0*(AccEvent_vis_ttbb[0] + AccEvent_vis_ttbb[1])/(AccEvent_vis_ttjj[0] + AccEvent_vis_ttjj[1]) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-----------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-----------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-----------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "--------  ttbb Acceptace  --------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb Acceptance (mu+Jets): " << 1.0*AccEvent_vis_ttbb[0]/AccEvent_full_ttbb[0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb Acceptance (e+Jets): "  << 1.0*AccEvent_vis_ttbb[1]/AccEvent_full_ttbb[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttbb Acceptance (l+Jets): "  << 1.0*(AccEvent_vis_ttbb[0] + AccEvent_vis_ttbb[1])/(AccEvent_full_ttbb[0] + AccEvent_full_ttbb[1]) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "--------  ttjj Acceptace  --------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttjj Acceptance (mu+Jets): " << 1.0*AccEvent_vis_ttjj[0]/AccEvent_full_ttjj[0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttjj Acceptance (e+Jets): "  << 1.0*AccEvent_vis_ttjj[1]/AccEvent_full_ttjj[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ttjj Acceptance (l+Jets): "  << 1.0*(AccEvent_vis_ttjj[0] + AccEvent_vis_ttjj[1])/(AccEvent_full_ttjj[0] + AccEvent_full_ttjj[1]) << std::endl;

  //Output Dir
  TString dirname="TopResults";   
  // make a dir if it does not exist!!
  struct stat st;
  if(stat(dirname,&st) != 0) system("mkdir " + dirname);

  // Sample name identification
  TString samplename="";
  bool matchsamplename=false;
  for(int i=0; i<fname.Sizeof(); i++){
    if (i>2){
      if (fname[i-3]=='-' && 
	  fname[i-2]=='1' && 
	  fname[i-1]=='_') matchsamplename=true;
    if (matchsamplename) samplename.Append(fname[i]);
  // --- Write histograms
  TString outfname=dirname + "/hAcc-" + hname + "_" + fname  + ".root";
  //TString outfname=dirname + "/hAcc-" + hname + "_" + fname + ttbar_id + ".root";
  TFile *target  = new TFile(outfname,"RECREATE" );  
  for(int i=0; i<2; i++){    

    // pT for EACH jet 
    for(int ij=0; ij<2; ij++) hWJetPt[ij][i]->Write();
    for(int ij=0; ij<6; ij++) hJetPt[ij][i] ->Write();
    for(int ij=0; ij<4; ij++) hOJetPt[ij][i]->Write();
    // pT for EACH dijet 
    for(int ja=0; ja<5; ja++){
      for(int jb=ja+1; jb<6; jb++) hpTJet[ja][jb][i]  ->Write();
    for(int ja=0; ja<5; ja++){
      for(int jb=ja+1; jb<6; jb++) hMassJet[ja][jb][i]->Write();
    for(int ja=0; ja<5; ja++){
      for(int jb=ja+1; jb<6; jb++) hDRJet[ja][jb][i]  ->Write();
    for(int ja=0; ja<5; ja++){
      for(int jb=ja+1; jb<6; jb++) hDPhiJet[ja][jb][i]->Write();
    for(int ja=0; ja<3; ja++){
      for(int jb=ja+1; jb<4; jb++) hOpTJet[ja][jb][i]  ->Write();
    for(int ja=0; ja<3; ja++){
      for(int jb=ja+1; jb<4; jb++) hOMassJet[ja][jb][i]->Write();
    for(int ja=0; ja<3; ja++){
      for(int jb=ja+1; jb<4; jb++) hODRJet[ja][jb][i]  ->Write();
    for(int ja=0; ja<3; ja++){
      for(int jb=ja+1; jb<4; jb++) hODPhiJet[ja][jb][i]->Write();
    // MAX and MIN parameter per event
    hpTWjj[i]     ->Write(); 
    hDRWjj[i]     ->Write();   
    hDPhiWjj[i]   ->Write();   
    hpTminjj[i]  ->Write();
    hpTmaxjj[i]  ->Write();
    hDRminjj[i]  ->Write();
    hDRmaxjj[i]  ->Write();
    hpTOjj[i]     ->Write(); 
    hDROjj[i]     ->Write();   
    hDPhiOjj[i]   ->Write();   

    hOpTminjj[i]  ->Write();
    hOpTmaxjj[i]  ->Write();
    hODRminjj[i]  ->Write();
    hODRmaxjj[i]  ->Write();
    hJetMatch[i] ->Write();
    h2DJetMjjID_I [i] ->Write();
    h2DJetMjjID_II[i] ->Write();

  MVAtree      ->Write();
  MVABkgtree   ->Write();

  std::cout << "File saved as " << outfname << std::endl;
Example #3
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]){


  bool   _syst      = false;
  bool	 _tr_unc    = false;
  bool	 _idiso_unc = false;
  const char * _output   = 0;
  const char * _input    = 0;
  const char * _dir      = "/home/brochero/ttbar/TopTrees_CATuples/";
  const char * _tr       = 0;
  const char * _idiso    = 0;

  // Arguments used
  //std::set<int> usedargs;
  //Parsing input options
  if(argc == 1){
    return -1;

      //Argumet 1 must be a valid input fileName
      for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++){
	if( strcmp(argv[i],"-i") == 0 ){
	  _input = argv[i+1];
	if( strcmp(argv[i],"-d") == 0 ){
	  _dir = argv[i+1];
	if( strcmp(argv[i],"-o") == 0 ){
	  _output= argv[i+1];
	if( strcmp(argv[i],"-h") == 0 ||
	    strcmp(argv[i],"--help") == 0 ){
	  return 0;
  if( _input ==0 ){
    std::cerr << "\033[1;31mskimfile ERROR:\033[1;m The '-i' option is mandatory!"
	      << std::endl;
    return -1;
  // reassigning
  TString fname(_input);
  TString hname(_output);
  TString fdir(_dir);

  TChain theTree("ttbarSingleLepton/AnalysisTree"); 
  std::cout << "-----------------------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-----------------------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Signal: ";
  std::cout << fname + ".root" << std::endl;
  theTree.Add(fdir + fname + ".root");

  int Event,Channel,PV,GoodPV;
  float PUWeight; // Temporal
  float MET,MET_Phi;

  float Lep_px, Lep_py, Lep_pz, Lep_E;
  std::vector<float> *Jet_px=0, *Jet_py=0, *Jet_pz=0, *Jet_E=0;
  std::vector<bool>  *Jet_LooseID=0;
  std::vector<float> *Jet_CSV=0;
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "event",    &Event );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "PUWeight", &PUWeight );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "channel",  &Channel );

  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "PV",     &PV );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "GoodPV",  &GoodPV );

  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "MET",     &MET );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "MET_phi", &MET_Phi );

  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "lepton_px", &Lep_px );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "lepton_py", &Lep_py );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "lepton_pz", &Lep_pz );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "lepton_E",  &Lep_E );

  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "jet_px", &Jet_px );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "jet_py", &Jet_py );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "jet_pz", &Jet_pz );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "jet_E",  &Jet_E );
  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "jet_LooseID",  &Jet_LooseID );

  theTree.SetBranchAddress( "jet_CSV",  &Jet_CSV );

  TH1F *hPV[4][2];
  TH1F *hMET[4][2],*hMET_Phi[4][2];
  TH1F *hLepPt[4][2],*hLepEta[4][2],*hLepPhi[4][2];
  TH1F *hNJets[4][2],*hHT[4][2],*hNBtagJets[4][2];
  TH1F *CSV[4][4][2];

  TString namech[2];

  TString namecut[4];

  TString titlenamech[2];
  for(int j=0; j<4; j++){   // Cut
    for(int i=0; i<2; i++){ // Channel
      hPV[j][i]         = new TH1F("hPV_"+namech[i]+"_"+namecut[j],"PV Distribution  " + titlenamech[i],30,0,30);
      hMET[j][i]        = new TH1F("hMET_"+namech[i]+"_"+namecut[j],"#slash{E}_{T} " + titlenamech[i],40,0,200);
      hMET_Phi[j][i]    = new TH1F("hMET_Phi_"+namech[i]+"_"+namecut[j],"#Phi_{#slash{E}_{T}} " + titlenamech[i],160,-4,4);
      hLepPt [j][i]    = new TH1F("hLepPt_"  +namech[i] + "_" + namecut[j], "Lepton p_{T} " + titlenamech[i],50,0.0,250.0);
      hLepEta[j][i]    = new TH1F("hLepEta_" +namech[i] + "_" + namecut[j], "#eta_{Lep} " + titlenamech[i],50,-2.5,2.5);
      hLepPhi[j][i]    = new TH1F("hLepPhi_" +namech[i] + "_" + namecut[j], "#phi_{Lep} " + titlenamech[i],100,-5,5);
      hNJets[j][i]      = new TH1F("hNJets_"+namech[i]+"_"+namecut[j],"Jet multiplicity " + titlenamech[i],9,-0.5,8.5);

      hNBtagJets[j][i]  = new TH1F("hNBtagJets_"+namech[i]+"_"+namecut[j],"b-tag jet multiplicity " + titlenamech[i],9,-0.5,8.5);

      hHT[j][i]         = new TH1F("hHT_"+namech[i]+"_"+namecut[j],"H_{T} " + titlenamech[i],300,0,600);

      TString jetn[4];
      jetn[0]= "Jet0"; 
      jetn[1]= "Jet1"; 
      jetn[2]= "Jet2"; 
      jetn[3]= "Jet3"; 

      for(int ij=0; ij<4; ij++){
	CSV[ij][j][i]         = new TH1F("hCSV_" + jetn[ij] + "_" + namech[i] + "_" + namecut[j],"CSV " + jetn[ij] + " " + titlenamech[i],80,0,1);

  TStopwatch sw;

  // Number de events for <pT Reweight>
  //          [Cut][Channel]
  float SF_pTweight[4][2]={0,0,0,0,

  // Number de events for acceptance
  //          [Cut][Channel]
  int AccEvent[4][2]={0,0,0,0,
  // Number de events for acceptance
  //          [Cut][Channel]
  float EffEvent[4][2]={0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,

  std::cout << "--- Processing: " << theTree.GetEntries() << " events" << std::endl;
  for (Long64_t ievt=0; ievt<theTree.GetEntries();ievt++) {
    theTree.GetEntry( ievt ); 
    int step = theTree.GetEntries()/50;
    if (ievt%(step) == 0){
      float progress=(ievt)/(theTree.GetEntries()*1.0);
      int barWidth = 50;
      std::cout << "[";
      int pos = barWidth * progress;
      for (int i = 0; i < barWidth; ++i) {
      	if (i < pos) std::cout << "=";
      	else if (i == pos) std::cout << ">";
      	else std::cout << " ";
      std::cout << "] " << int(progress * 100.0) << " %\r";

    int NJets,NBtagJets;
    TLorentzVector Lep;
    std::vector<TLorentzVector> Jet;
    std::vector<TLorentzVector> bJet;
    if(Lep.Pt()<30) continue; // Lep pT >30GeV

    // Jets 
    NJets     = 0;
    NBtagJets = 0;

    for(int ijet=0; ijet < Jet_px->size(); ijet++){

      TLorentzVector jet;
      if(jet.Pt()>25 &&         // Jet pT > 25GeV
	 !(*Jet_LooseID)[ijet]){ // Loose ID
	NJets++; // Number of jets
	if((*Jet_CSV)[ijet] > 0.814){ // CSVM. Luca b-tagging code to apply SF?
	  NBtagJets++; // Number of b-tagged jets
	} // if(b-tag)
      } // if(Jet_pT)
    }// for(jets)

    int                                    cut=0; // Single Lepton
    if(NJets>3)                            cut=1; // + 4Jets 
    if(NJets>3 && MET>30.0)                cut=2; // + MET
    if(NJets>3 && MET>30.0 && NBtagJets>1) cut=3; // + 2 Btag

   // /*******************
   //    Fill Histograms
   //  ******************/
    float PUWeight_event=PUWeight;

    for(int icut=0; icut<cut+1; icut++){

      // PUWeight reset for each cut
       Scale Factors (Luminosity)
      // Number of events from https://cmsweb.cern.ch/das
      // Cross Sections at 13 TeV:
      // - ttbar from https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Sandbox/FullNNLOcrossSections 
      //              https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCPhysics/TtbarNNLO
      // - backgrounds from https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/StandardModelCrossSectionsat13TeV

      int Lumi=1000; //pb
      // PUWeight = PUWeight*Lumi*(1.0/N_Gen_events)*(Xsec)*(Br)
      if(fname.Contains("QCD"))   PUWeight = PUWeight * Lumi * (1.0/4777926.0)  * (866600000.0) * (0.00044);     // [pb] (cross section) * (Filter Eff)
      if(fname.Contains("ZJets")) PUWeight = PUWeight * Lumi * (1.0/2829164.0)  * (3591.6) * (0.03*3);           // [pb]
      if(fname.Contains("WJets")) PUWeight = PUWeight * Lumi * (1.0/10017930)   * (61526.7) * (0.1*3);           // [pb]
      if(fname.Contains("tW"))    PUWeight = PUWeight * Lumi * (1.0/986100.0)   * (35.6);                        // [pb]
      if(fname.Contains("tbarW")) PUWeight = PUWeight * Lumi * (1.0/971800.0)   * (35.6);                        // [pb]
      if(fname.Contains("ttbar")) PUWeight = PUWeight * Lumi * (1.0/25446993.0) * (827.1) * (0.108*3) * (0.67);  // [pb]


      EffEvent[icut][Channel] = EffEvent[icut][Channel] + PUWeight;


    for(int ijet=0; ijet < Jet_px->size(); ijet++){
      if (ijet<4) CSV[ijet][icut][Channel]->Fill((*Jet_CSV)[ijet],PUWeight);



  delete Jet_px;
  delete Jet_py; 
  delete Jet_pz;
  delete Jet_E;
  delete Jet_CSV;

  // Get elapsed time
  std::cout << "==================================================] 100% " << std::endl;
  std::cout << "--- End of event loop: "; sw.Print();

  std::cout << "--------  Acceptace  --------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Number of RAW-mu+Jets events:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "lepton: "   << AccEvent[0][0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "4 Jets: "   << AccEvent[1][0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "MET: "      << AccEvent[2][0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "2 btag: "   << AccEvent[3][0] << std::endl;

  std::cout << "--------  Efficiency  --------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Number of Weigthed-mu+Jets events:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "lepton: "   << EffEvent[0][0] << " +/- " << sqrt(AccEvent[0][0])*EffEvent[0][0]/AccEvent[0][0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "4 Jets: "   << EffEvent[1][0] << " +/- " << sqrt(AccEvent[1][0])*EffEvent[1][0]/AccEvent[1][0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "MET: "      << EffEvent[2][0] << " +/- " << sqrt(AccEvent[2][0])*EffEvent[2][0]/AccEvent[2][0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "2 btag: "   << EffEvent[3][0] << " +/- " << sqrt(AccEvent[3][0])*EffEvent[3][0]/AccEvent[3][0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "--------  Acceptace  --------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Number of RAW-e+Jets events:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "lepton: "   << AccEvent[0][1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "4 Jets: "   << AccEvent[1][1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "MET: "      << AccEvent[2][1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "2 btag: "   << AccEvent[3][1] << std::endl;

  std::cout << "--------  Efficiency  --------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Number of Weigthed-e+Jets events: " << std::endl;
  std::cout << "lepton: "   << EffEvent[0][1] << " +/- " << sqrt(AccEvent[0][1])*EffEvent[0][1]/AccEvent[0][1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "4 Jets: "   << EffEvent[1][1] << " +/- " << sqrt(AccEvent[1][1])*EffEvent[1][1]/AccEvent[1][1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "MET: "      << EffEvent[2][1] << " +/- " << sqrt(AccEvent[2][1])*EffEvent[2][1]/AccEvent[2][1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "2 btag: "   << EffEvent[3][1] << " +/- " << sqrt(AccEvent[3][1])*EffEvent[3][1]/AccEvent[3][1] << std::endl;
  //Output Dir
  TString dirname="TopResults";   
  // make a dir if it does not exist!!
  struct stat st;
  if(stat(dirname,&st) != 0) system("mkdir " + dirname);
  TString systname="";
  bool matchname=false;
  TString temp_fname=fname + ".root";
  for(int i=0;i<temp_fname.Sizeof();i++){
    if (i>2){
      if (temp_fname[i-3]=='-' && 
  	  temp_fname[i-2]=='1' && 
  	  temp_fname[i-1]=='_') matchname=true;
    if (temp_fname[i]=='.') matchname=false;
    if (matchname) systname.Append(temp_fname[i]);
  // Yields
  TString Yieldfile=dirname + "/Yields_" + hname + ".h";
  FILE* fyields = fopen(Yieldfile, "a");
  fprintf(fyields,"// %s Sample on %s \n", (fname + ".root").Data() , currentDateTime().Data());
  fprintf(fyields,"// %s version \n", hname.Data());
  fprintf(fyields,"float  %s[2][4];//[channel][Cut] \n", systname.Data());
  fprintf(fyields,"float  err_%s[2][4]; //[channel][Cut] \n", systname.Data());
  fprintf(fyields,"// Channel: [0]=mu+Jets [1]=e+Jets \n");
  fprintf(fyields,"// Cut [0]=lepton [1]= Jets [2]=MET [3]=btag \n");
  for(int ch=0;ch<2;ch++){
    for(int cut=0;cut<4;cut++){
      fprintf(fyields,"%s[%i][%i] = %.3f ; \n", systname.Data(), ch, cut, EffEvent[cut][ch]);
      if(AccEvent[cut][ch]!=0.0) fprintf(fyields,"err_%s[%i][%i] = %.3f ; \n", systname.Data(), ch, cut, sqrt(AccEvent[cut][ch])*EffEvent[cut][ch]/AccEvent[cut][ch]);
      else fprintf(fyields,"err_%s[%i][%i] = 0.0 ; \n", systname.Data(), ch, cut);
  std::cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Yields saved into " << Yieldfile << " file" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;    
  // --- Write histograms
  TString outfname=dirname + "/hSF-" + hname + "_" + fname + ".root";
  TFile *target  = new TFile(outfname,"RECREATE" );  

  for(int j=0; j<4; j++){
    for(int i=0; i<2; i++){


      for(int ij=0; ij<4; ij++){


  std::cout << "File saved as " << outfname << std::endl;
