static void
theoldreader_subscription_cb (subscriptionPtr subscription, const struct updateResult * const result, updateFlags flags)
	TheOldReaderSourcePtr	source = (TheOldReaderSourcePtr) subscription->node->data;

	debug1 (DEBUG_UPDATE,"theoldreader_subscription_cb(): %s", result->data);
	// FIXME: the following code is very similar to ttrss!
	if (result->data && result->httpstatus == 200) {
		JsonParser	*parser = json_parser_new ();

		if (json_parser_load_from_data (parser, result->data, -1, NULL)) {
			JsonArray	*array = json_node_get_array (json_get_node (json_parser_get_root (parser), "subscriptions"));
			GList		*iter, *elements;
			GSList		*siter;
			/* We expect something like this:

			elements = iter = json_array_get_elements (array);
			/* Add all new nodes we find */
			while (iter) {
				JsonNode *node = (JsonNode *)iter->data;
				/* ignore everything without a feed url */
				if (json_get_string (node, "url")) {
					theoldreader_source_merge_feed (source, 
					                                json_get_string (node, "url"),
					                                json_get_string (node, "title"),
					                                json_get_string (node, "id"));
				iter = g_list_next (iter);
			g_list_free (elements);

			/* Remove old nodes we cannot find anymore */
			siter = source->root->children;
			while (siter) {
				nodePtr node = (nodePtr)siter->data;
				gboolean found = FALSE;
				elements = iter = json_array_get_elements (array);
				while (iter) {
					JsonNode *json_node = (JsonNode *)iter->data;
					if (g_str_equal (node->subscription->source, json_get_string (json_node, "url"))) {
						debug1 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "node: %s", node->subscription->source);
						found = TRUE;
					iter = g_list_next (iter);
				g_list_free (elements);

				if (!found)			
					feedlist_node_removed (node);
				siter = g_slist_next (siter);
			opml_source_export (subscription->node);	/* save new feeds to feed list */				   
			subscription->node->available = TRUE;			
		} else {
			g_warning ("Invalid JSON returned on TheOldReader request! >>>%s<<<", result->data);

		g_object_unref (parser);
	} else {
		subscription->node->available = FALSE;
		debug0 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "theoldreader_subscription_cb(): ERROR: failed to get subscription list!");

		node_foreach_child_data (subscription->node, node_update_subscription, GUINT_TO_POINTER (0));
static void
theoldreader_subscription_cb (subscriptionPtr subscription, const struct updateResult * const result, updateFlags flags)
	TheOldReaderSourcePtr	source = (TheOldReaderSourcePtr) subscription->node->data;

	debug1 (DEBUG_UPDATE,"theoldreader_subscription_cb(): %s", result->data);

	subscription->updateJob = NULL;
	// FIXME: the following code is very similar to ttrss!
	if (result->data && result->httpstatus == 200) {
		JsonParser	*parser = json_parser_new ();

		if (json_parser_load_from_data (parser, result->data, -1, NULL)) {
			JsonArray	*array = json_node_get_array (json_get_node (json_parser_get_root (parser), "subscriptions"));
			GList		*iter, *elements, *citer, *celements;
			GSList		*siter;

			/* We expect something like this:

			elements = iter = json_array_get_elements (array);
			/* Add all new nodes we find */
			while (iter) {
				JsonNode *categories, *node = (JsonNode *)iter->data;
				nodePtr folder = NULL;

				/* Check for categories, if there use first one as folder */
				categories = json_get_node (node, "categories");
				if (categories && JSON_NODE_TYPE (categories) == JSON_NODE_ARRAY) {
					citer = celements = json_array_get_elements (json_node_get_array (categories));
					while (citer) {
						const gchar *label = json_get_string ((JsonNode *)citer->data, "label");
						if (label) {
							folder = node_source_find_or_create_folder (source->root, label, label);

							/* Store category id also for folder (needed when subscribing new feeds) */
							g_hash_table_insert (source->folderToCategory, g_strdup (folder->id), g_strdup (label));

						citer = g_list_next (citer);
					g_list_free (celements);
				/* ignore everything without a feed url */
				if (json_get_string (node, "url")) {
					theoldreader_source_merge_feed (source, 
					                                json_get_string (node, "url"),
					                                json_get_string (node, "title"),
					                                json_get_string (node, "id"),
				iter = g_list_next (iter);
			g_list_free (elements);

			/* Remove old nodes we cannot find anymore */
			node_foreach_child_data (source->root, theoldreader_source_check_node_for_removal, array);
			/* Save new subscription tree to OPML cache file */
			opml_source_export (subscription->node);

			subscription->node->available = TRUE;			
		} else {
			g_warning ("Invalid JSON returned on TheOldReader request! >>>%s<<<", result->data);

		g_object_unref (parser);
	} else {
		subscription->node->available = FALSE;
		debug0 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "theoldreader_subscription_cb(): ERROR: failed to get subscription list!");

		node_foreach_child_data (subscription->node, node_update_subscription, GUINT_TO_POINTER (0));