Example #1
void thorium_actor_send_range_default(struct thorium_actor *actor, struct core_vector *actors,
                int first, int last,
                struct thorium_message *message)
    struct core_vector destinations;
    struct core_memory_pool *ephemeral_memory;
    int name;

    ephemeral_memory = thorium_actor_get_ephemeral_memory(actor);
    core_vector_init(&destinations, sizeof(int));
    core_vector_set_memory_pool(&destinations, ephemeral_memory);
    core_vector_copy_range(actors, first, last, &destinations);

     * Set the source now.
    name = thorium_actor_name(actor);
    thorium_message_set_source(message, name);

    thorium_actor_send_range_binomial_tree(actor, &destinations, message);


    thorium_actor_send_range_loop(actor, actors, first, last, message);
Example #2
void thorium_actor_send_range_default(struct thorium_actor *actor, struct core_vector *actors,
                int first, int last,
                struct thorium_message *message)
    int use_binomial_tree;
    struct core_vector destinations;
    struct core_memory_pool *ephemeral_memory;
    int name;
    int action;

    action = thorium_message_action(message);
    use_binomial_tree = 0;


     * ACTION_ASK_TO_STOP basically kills actors (if they agree to).
     * It is a bad idea to use a binomial tree to send this death signal
     * since intermediate actors can die before acting as relays.
    if (action != ACTION_ASK_TO_STOP)
        use_binomial_tree = 1;

    if (!use_binomial_tree) {
        thorium_actor_send_range_loop(actor, actors, first, last, message);

    tracepoint(thorium_binomial_tree, send_range, message, (int)core_vector_size(actors));

     * Otherwise, use the binomial tree code path. This algorithm is better since it distributed
     * the sending operations intot a binomial tree where there are a lot of intermediate
     * actors (to be exact, the number of intermediate actors is close to log2(actors.size)).
    ephemeral_memory = thorium_actor_get_ephemeral_memory(actor);
    core_vector_init(&destinations, sizeof(int));
    core_vector_set_memory_pool(&destinations, ephemeral_memory);


    core_vector_copy_range(actors, first, last, &destinations);

     * Set the source now.
    name = thorium_actor_name(actor);
    thorium_message_set_source(message, name);

    thorium_actor_send_range_binomial_tree(actor, &destinations, message);
