Example #1
static void nativeVideoGetCparamCallback(const ARParam *cparam_p, void *userdata)
	// Load the camera parameters, resize for the window and init.
	ARParam cparam;
	if (cparam_p) cparam = *cparam_p;
	else {
	    LOGE("Unable to automatically determine camera parameters. Using default.\n");
        if (arParamLoad(cparaName, 1, &cparam) < 0) {
            LOGE("Error: Unable to load parameter file %s for camera.\n", cparaName);
	if (cparam.xsize != videoWidth || cparam.ysize != videoHeight) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		LOGI("*** Camera Parameter resized from %d, %d. ***\n", cparam.xsize, cparam.ysize);
		arParamChangeSize(&cparam, videoWidth, videoHeight, &cparam);
#ifdef DEBUG
	LOGI("*** Camera Parameter ***\n");
	if ((gCparamLT = arParamLTCreate(&cparam, AR_PARAM_LT_DEFAULT_OFFSET)) == NULL) {
		LOGE("Error: arParamLTCreate.\n");
	videoInited = true;

	// AR init.
	// Create the OpenGL projection from the calibrated camera parameters.
	arglCameraFrustumRHf(&gCparamLT->param, NEAR_PLANE, FAR_PLANE, cameraLens);
	cameraPoseValid = FALSE;

	if (!initNFT(gCparamLT, gPixFormat)) {
		LOGE("Error initialising NFT.\n");

	// Marker data has already been loaded, so now load NFT data on a second thread.
	nftDataLoadingThreadHandle = threadInit(0, NULL, loadNFTDataAsync);
	if (!nftDataLoadingThreadHandle) {
		LOGE("Error starting NFT loading thread.\n");

Example #2
int trackingInitStart( THREAD_HANDLE_T *threadHandle, ARUint8 *imagePtr )
    TrackingInitHandle     *trackingInitHandle;

    if (!threadHandle || !imagePtr) {
        ARLOGe("trackingInitStart(): Error: NULL threadHandle or imagePtr.\n");
        return (-1);
    trackingInitHandle = (TrackingInitHandle *)threadGetArg(threadHandle);
    if (!trackingInitHandle) {
        ARLOGe("trackingInitStart(): Error: NULL trackingInitHandle.\n");
        return (-1);
    memcpy( trackingInitHandle->imagePtr, imagePtr, trackingInitHandle->imageSize );
    threadStartSignal( threadHandle );

    return 0;
Example #3
int surfSubGetDescriptors( SurfSubIPointArrayT *iPointArray, int *image, int width, int height, int border, int maxNum, int threadNum )
#if 1
    int  k = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < iPointArray->num; i++) {
        int     x, y, s;
        x = (int)(iPointArray->iPoint[i].x+0.5);
        y = (int)(iPointArray->iPoint[i].y+0.5);
        s = (int)(iPointArray->iPoint[i].scale+0.5);
        if( x-s*20 < 0 || y-s*20 < 0 || x+s*20 >= width || y+s*20 >= height ) {
        if( i != k ) {
            iPointArray->iPoint[k] = iPointArray->iPoint[i];
    iPointArray->num = k;
    if( iPointArray->num == 0 ) return 0;

    if( maxNum > 0 ) {
        if( iPointArray->num > maxNum ) {
            qsort( iPointArray->iPoint, iPointArray->num, sizeof(SurfSubIPointT), compSurfP );
            iPointArray->num = maxNum;

    static int                          initF = 0;
    static int                          threadMax;
    static THREAD_HANDLE_T            **threadHandle;
    static SurfSubGetDescriptorsParam  *arg;
    if( initF == 0 ) {
        threadMax = threadGetCPU();
        threadHandle = (THREAD_HANDLE_T **)malloc(sizeof(THREAD_HANDLE_T*)*threadMax);
        if( threadHandle == NULL ) {ARLOGe("Malloc error: surfSubGetDescriptors.\n"); exit(0);}
        arg = (SurfSubGetDescriptorsParam *)malloc(sizeof(SurfSubGetDescriptorsParam)*threadMax);
        if( arg == NULL ) {ARLOGe("Malloc error: surfSubGetDescriptors.\n"); exit(0);}
        for(int i = 0; i < threadMax; i++ ) {
            threadHandle[i] = threadInit(i, &(arg[i]), surfSubGetDescriptorsSub);
        initF = 1;

    if( threadNum < 0 ) threadNum = threadMax;
    if( threadNum > threadMax ) threadNum = threadMax;
    char *flag = (char *)malloc(iPointArray->num);
    int i = iPointArray->num/threadNum;
    int j = iPointArray->num%threadNum;
    k = 0;
    for(int l = 0; l < j; l++ ) {
        arg[l].iPoint       = iPointArray->iPoint;
        arg[l].flag         = flag;
        arg[l].image        = image;
        arg[l].width        = width;
        arg[l].height       = height;
        arg[l].border       = border;
        arg[l].startNum     = k;
        arg[l].endNum       = k + i;
        threadStartSignal( threadHandle[l] );
        k += (i+1);
    for(int l = j; l < threadNum; l++ ) {
        arg[l].iPoint       = iPointArray->iPoint;
        arg[l].flag         = flag;
        arg[l].image        = image;
        arg[l].width        = width;
        arg[l].height       = height;
        arg[l].border       = border;
        arg[l].startNum     = k;
        arg[l].endNum       = k + i - 1;
        threadStartSignal( threadHandle[l] );
        k += i;
    for(int l = 0; l < threadNum; l++ ) {
        threadEndWait( threadHandle[l] );
    k = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < iPointArray->num; i++) {
        if( flag[i] == 0 ) continue;
        if( i != k ) {
            iPointArray->iPoint[k] = iPointArray->iPoint[i];
    iPointArray->num = k;
     for(int i = 0; i < iPointArray->num; i++) {
     if( getOrientation(&(iPointArray->iPoint[i]), image, width, height, border) < 0 ) {
     for( int j = i+1; j < iPointArray->num; j++ ) iPointArray->iPoint[j-1] = iPointArray->iPoint[j];
     if( getDescriptor(&(iPointArray->iPoint[i]), image, width, height, border) < 0 ) {
     for( int j = i+1; j < iPointArray->num; j++ ) iPointArray->iPoint[j-1] = iPointArray->iPoint[j];

    return 0;
Example #4
int ar2Tracking( AR2HandleT *ar2Handle, AR2SurfaceSetT *surfaceSet, ARUint8 *dataPtr, float  trans[3][4], float  *err )
    AR2TemplateCandidateT  *candidatePtr;
    AR2TemplateCandidateT  *cp[AR2_THREAD_MAX];
    float                   aveBlur;
    int                     num, num2;
    int                     i, j, k;

    if (!ar2Handle || !surfaceSet || !dataPtr || !trans || !err) return (-1);

    if( surfaceSet->contNum <= 0  ) {
        ARLOGd("ar2Tracking() error: ar2SetInitTrans() must be called first.\n");
        return -2;

    *err = 0.0F;

    for( i = 0; i < surfaceSet->num; i++ ) {
        arUtilMatMulf( (const float (*)[4])surfaceSet->trans1, (const float (*)[4])surfaceSet->surface[i].trans, ar2Handle->wtrans1[i] );
        if( surfaceSet->contNum > 1 ) arUtilMatMulf( (const float (*)[4])surfaceSet->trans2, (const float (*)[4])surfaceSet->surface[i].trans, ar2Handle->wtrans2[i] );
        if( surfaceSet->contNum > 2 ) arUtilMatMulf( (const float (*)[4])surfaceSet->trans3, (const float (*)[4])surfaceSet->surface[i].trans, ar2Handle->wtrans3[i] );

    if( ar2Handle->trackingMode == AR2_TRACKING_6DOF ) {
        extractVisibleFeatures(ar2Handle->cparamLT, ar2Handle->wtrans1, surfaceSet, ar2Handle->candidate, ar2Handle->candidate2);
    else {
        extractVisibleFeaturesHomography(ar2Handle->xsize, ar2Handle->ysize, ar2Handle->wtrans1, surfaceSet, ar2Handle->candidate, ar2Handle->candidate2);

    candidatePtr = ar2Handle->candidate;
    aveBlur = 0.0F;
    i = 0; // Counts up to searchFeatureNum.
    num = 0;
    while( i < ar2Handle->searchFeatureNum ) {
        num2 = num;
        for( j = 0; j < ar2Handle->threadNum; j++ ) {
            if( i == ar2Handle->searchFeatureNum ) break;

            k = ar2SelectTemplate( candidatePtr, surfaceSet->prevFeature, num2, ar2Handle->pos, ar2Handle->xsize, ar2Handle->ysize );
            if( k < 0 ) {
                if( candidatePtr == ar2Handle->candidate ) {
                    candidatePtr = ar2Handle->candidate2;
                    k = ar2SelectTemplate( candidatePtr, surfaceSet->prevFeature, num2, ar2Handle->pos, ar2Handle->xsize, ar2Handle->ysize );
                    if( k < 0 ) break; // PRL 2012-05-15: Give up if we can't select template from alternate candidate either.
                else break;

            cp[j] = &(candidatePtr[k]);
            ar2Handle->pos[num2][0] = candidatePtr[k].sx;
            ar2Handle->pos[num2][1] = candidatePtr[k].sy;
            ar2Handle->arg[j].ar2Handle  = ar2Handle;
            ar2Handle->arg[j].surfaceSet = surfaceSet;
            ar2Handle->arg[j].candidate  = &(candidatePtr[k]);
            ar2Handle->arg[j].dataPtr    = dataPtr;

            threadStartSignal( ar2Handle->threadHandle[j] );
            if( num2 == 5 ) num2 = num;
        k = j;
        if( k == 0 ) break;

        for( j = 0; j < k; j++ ) {
            threadEndWait( ar2Handle->threadHandle[j] );

            if( ar2Handle->arg[j].ret == 0 && ar2Handle->arg[j].result.sim > ar2Handle->simThresh ) {
                if( ar2Handle->trackingMode == AR2_TRACKING_6DOF ) {
                                        ar2Handle->arg[j].result.pos2d[0], ar2Handle->arg[j].result.pos2d[1],
                                        &ar2Handle->pos2d[num][0], &ar2Handle->pos2d[num][1], ar2Handle->cparamLT->param.dist_function_version);
                    ARdouble pos2d0, pos2d1;
                                        (ARdouble)(ar2Handle->arg[j].result.pos2d[0]), (ARdouble)(ar2Handle->arg[j].result.pos2d[1]),
                                        &pos2d0, &pos2d1, ar2Handle->cparamLT->param.dist_function_version);
                    ar2Handle->pos2d[num][0] = (float)pos2d0;
                    ar2Handle->pos2d[num][1] = (float)pos2d1;
                else {
                    ar2Handle->pos2d[num][0] = ar2Handle->arg[j].result.pos2d[0];
                    ar2Handle->pos2d[num][1] = ar2Handle->arg[j].result.pos2d[1];
                ar2Handle->pos3d[num][0] = ar2Handle->arg[j].result.pos3d[0];
                ar2Handle->pos3d[num][1] = ar2Handle->arg[j].result.pos3d[1];
                ar2Handle->pos3d[num][2] = ar2Handle->arg[j].result.pos3d[2];
                ar2Handle->pos[num][0] = cp[j]->sx;
                ar2Handle->pos[num][1] = cp[j]->sy;
                ar2Handle->usedFeature[num].snum  = cp[j]->snum;
                ar2Handle->usedFeature[num].level = cp[j]->level;
                ar2Handle->usedFeature[num].num   = cp[j]->num;
                ar2Handle->usedFeature[num].flag  = 0;
                aveBlur += ar2Handle->arg[j].result.blurLevel;
    for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
        surfaceSet->prevFeature[i] = ar2Handle->usedFeature[i];
    surfaceSet->prevFeature[num].flag = -1;
//ARLOG("------\nNum = %d\n", num);

    if( ar2Handle->trackingMode == AR2_TRACKING_6DOF ) {
        if( num < 3 ) {
            surfaceSet->contNum = 0;
            return -3;
        *err = ar2GetTransMat( ar2Handle->icpHandle, surfaceSet->trans1, ar2Handle->pos2d, ar2Handle->pos3d, num, trans, 0 );
//ARLOG("outlier  0%%: err = %f, num = %d\n", *err, num);
        if( *err > ar2Handle->trackingThresh ) {
            icpSetInlierProbability( ar2Handle->icpHandle, 0.8F );
            *err = ar2GetTransMat( ar2Handle->icpHandle, trans, ar2Handle->pos2d, ar2Handle->pos3d, num, trans, 1 );
//ARLOG("outlier 20%%: err = %f, num = %d\n", *err, num);
            if( *err > ar2Handle->trackingThresh ) {
                icpSetInlierProbability( ar2Handle->icpHandle, 0.6F );
                *err = ar2GetTransMat( ar2Handle->icpHandle, trans, ar2Handle->pos2d, ar2Handle->pos3d, num, trans, 1 );
//ARLOG("outlier 60%%: err = %f, num = %d\n", *err, num);
                if( *err > ar2Handle->trackingThresh ) {
                    icpSetInlierProbability( ar2Handle->icpHandle, 0.4F );
                    *err = ar2GetTransMat( ar2Handle->icpHandle, trans, ar2Handle->pos2d, ar2Handle->pos3d, num, trans, 1 );
//ARLOG("outlier 60%%: err = %f, num = %d\n", *err, num);
                    if( *err > ar2Handle->trackingThresh ) {
                        icpSetInlierProbability( ar2Handle->icpHandle, 0.0F );
                        *err = ar2GetTransMat( ar2Handle->icpHandle, trans, ar2Handle->pos2d, ar2Handle->pos3d, num, trans, 1 );
//ARLOG("outlier Max: err = %f, num = %d\n", *err, num);
                        if( *err > ar2Handle->trackingThresh ) {
                            surfaceSet->contNum = 0;
                            if( ar2Handle->blurMethod == AR2_ADAPTIVE_BLUR ) ar2Handle->blurLevel = AR2_DEFAULT_BLUR_LEVEL; // Reset the blurLevel.
                            return -4;
    else {
        if( num < 3 ) {
            surfaceSet->contNum = 0;
            return -3;
        *err = ar2GetTransMatHomography( surfaceSet->trans1, ar2Handle->pos2d, ar2Handle->pos3d, num, trans, 0, 1.0F );
//ARLOG("outlier  0%%: err = %f, num = %d\n", *err, num);
        if( *err > ar2Handle->trackingThresh ) {
            *err = ar2GetTransMatHomography( trans, ar2Handle->pos2d, ar2Handle->pos3d, num, trans, 1, 0.8F );
//ARLOG("outlier 20%%: err = %f, num = %d\n", *err, num);
            if( *err > ar2Handle->trackingThresh ) {
                *err = ar2GetTransMatHomography( trans, ar2Handle->pos2d, ar2Handle->pos3d, num, trans, 1, 0.6F );
//ARLOG("outlier 40%%: err = %f, num = %d\n", *err, num);
                if( *err > ar2Handle->trackingThresh ) {
                    *err = ar2GetTransMatHomography( trans, ar2Handle->pos2d, ar2Handle->pos3d, num, trans, 1, 0.4F );
//ARLOG("outlier 60%%: err = %f, num = %d\n", *err, num);
                    if( *err > ar2Handle->trackingThresh ) {
                        *err = ar2GetTransMatHomography( trans, ar2Handle->pos2d, ar2Handle->pos3d, num, trans, 1, 0.0F );
//ARLOG("outlier Max: err = %f, num = %d\n", *err, num);
                        if( *err > ar2Handle->trackingThresh ) {
                            surfaceSet->contNum = 0;
                            if( ar2Handle->blurMethod == AR2_ADAPTIVE_BLUR ) ar2Handle->blurLevel = AR2_DEFAULT_BLUR_LEVEL; // Reset the blurLevel.
                            return -4;

    if( ar2Handle->blurMethod == AR2_ADAPTIVE_BLUR ) {
        aveBlur = aveBlur/num + 0.5F;
        ar2Handle->blurLevel += (int)aveBlur - 1;
        if( ar2Handle->blurLevel < 1 ) ar2Handle->blurLevel = 1;
        if( ar2Handle->blurLevel >= AR2_BLUR_IMAGE_MAX-1 ) ar2Handle->blurLevel = AR2_BLUR_IMAGE_MAX-2;

    for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
        for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) surfaceSet->trans3[j][i] = surfaceSet->trans2[j][i];
    for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
        for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) surfaceSet->trans2[j][i] = surfaceSet->trans1[j][i];
    for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
        for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) surfaceSet->trans1[j][i] = trans[j][i];

    return 0;