static void
thunar_location_entry_activate (GtkWidget           *path_entry,
                                ThunarLocationEntry *location_entry)
  ThunarFile *file;
  GError     *error = NULL;

  _thunar_return_if_fail (THUNAR_IS_LOCATION_ENTRY (location_entry));
  _thunar_return_if_fail (location_entry->path_entry == path_entry);

  /* determine the current file from the path entry */
  file = thunar_path_entry_get_current_file (THUNAR_PATH_ENTRY (path_entry));
  if (G_LIKELY (file != NULL))
      /* check if we have a new directory or a file to launch */
      if (thunar_file_is_directory (file))
          /* open the new directory */
          thunar_navigator_change_directory (THUNAR_NAVIGATOR (location_entry), file);
          /* try to launch the selected file */
          if (!thunar_file_launch (file, path_entry, &error))
              thunar_dialogs_show_error (path_entry, error, _("Failed to launch \"%s\""), thunar_file_get_display_name (file));
              g_error_free (error);

          /* be sure to reset the current file of the path entry */
          if (G_LIKELY (location_entry->current_directory != NULL))
            thunar_path_entry_set_current_file (THUNAR_PATH_ENTRY (path_entry), location_entry->current_directory);
static void
thunar_chooser_button_activate (ThunarChooserButton *chooser_button,
                                GtkWidget           *item)
  ThunarVfsMimeApplication *application;
  ThunarVfsMimeInfo        *info;
  GError                   *error = NULL;

  _thunar_return_if_fail (THUNAR_IS_CHOOSER_BUTTON (chooser_button));
  _thunar_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MENU_ITEM (item));

  /* verify that we still have a valid file */
  if (G_UNLIKELY (chooser_button->file == NULL))

  /* determine the application that was set for the item */
  application = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), "thunar-vfs-mime-application");
  if (G_UNLIKELY (application == NULL))

  /* determine the mime info for the file */
  info = thunar_file_get_mime_info (chooser_button->file);

  /* try to set application as default for these kind of file */
  if (!thunar_vfs_mime_database_set_default_application (chooser_button->database, info, application, &error))
      /* tell the user that it didn't work */
      thunar_dialogs_show_error (GTK_WIDGET (chooser_button), error, _("Failed to set default application for \"%s\""),
                                 thunar_file_get_display_name (chooser_button->file));
      g_error_free (error);
      /* emit "changed" on the file, so everybody updates its state */
      thunar_file_changed (chooser_button->file);
static void
thunar_location_entry_item_activated (GtkWidget           *item,
                                      ThunarLocationEntry *location_entry)
  ThunarVfsVolume *volume;
  ThunarFile      *file;
  GtkWidget       *window;
  GError          *error = NULL;

  _thunar_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MENU_ITEM (item));
  _thunar_return_if_fail (THUNAR_IS_LOCATION_ENTRY (location_entry));

  /* determine the toplevel window */
  window = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (location_entry));

  /* check if the item corresponds to a volume */
  volume = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), "thunar-vfs-volume");
  if (G_UNLIKELY (volume != NULL))
      /* check if the volume isn't already mounted */
      if (G_LIKELY (!thunar_vfs_volume_is_mounted (volume)))
          /* try to mount the volume */
          if (!thunar_vfs_volume_mount (volume, window, &error))
              /* display an error dialog to inform the user */
              thunar_dialogs_show_error (window, error, _("Failed to mount \"%s\""), thunar_vfs_volume_get_name (volume));
              g_error_free (error);

      /* try to determine the mount point of the volume */
      file = thunar_file_get_for_path (thunar_vfs_volume_get_mount_point (volume), &error);
      if (G_UNLIKELY (file == NULL))
          /* display an error dialog to inform the user */
          thunar_dialogs_show_error (window, error, _("Failed to determine the mount point for %s"), thunar_vfs_volume_get_name (volume));
          g_error_free (error);
      /* determine the file from the item */
      file = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), "thunar-file");
      if (G_LIKELY (file != NULL))
        g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (file));

  /* check if we have a file object now */
  if (G_LIKELY (file != NULL))
      /* make sure that this is actually a directory */
      if (thunar_file_is_directory (file))
          /* open the new directory */
          thunar_navigator_change_directory (THUNAR_NAVIGATOR (location_entry), file);

      /* cleanup */
      g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (file));
Example #4
thunar_dialogs_show_insecure_program (gpointer     parent,
                                      const gchar *primary,
                                      ThunarFile  *file,
                                      const gchar *command)
  GdkScreen      *screen;
  GtkWindow      *window;
  gint            response;
  GtkWidget      *dialog;
  GString        *secondary;
  ThunarFileMode  old_mode;
  ThunarFileMode  new_mode;
  GFileInfo      *info;
  GError         *err = NULL;

  _thunar_return_val_if_fail (THUNAR_IS_FILE (file), FALSE);
  _thunar_return_val_if_fail (g_utf8_validate (command, -1, NULL), FALSE);

  /* parse the parent window and screen */
  screen = thunar_util_parse_parent (parent, &window);

  /* secondary text */
  secondary = g_string_new (NULL);
  g_string_append_printf (secondary, _("The desktop file \"%s\" is in an insecure location "
                                       "and not marked as executable. If you do not trust "
                                       "this program, click Cancel."),
                                       thunar_file_get_display_name (file));
  g_string_append (secondary, "\n\n");
  if (exo_str_looks_like_an_uri (command))
    g_string_append_printf (secondary, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_URL"=%s", command);
    g_string_append_printf (secondary, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_EXEC"=%s", command);

  /* allocate and display the error message dialog */
  dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (window,
                                   GTK_DIALOG_MODAL |
                                   "%s", primary);
  gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), _("_Launch Anyway"), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
  if (thunar_file_is_chmodable (file))
    gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), _("Mark _Executable"), GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY);
  gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL);
  gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL);
  if (screen != NULL && window == NULL)
    gtk_window_set_screen (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), screen);
  gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dialog), "%s", secondary->str);
  g_string_free (secondary, TRUE);
  response = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
  gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

  /* check if we should make the file executable */
  if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY)
      /* try to query information about the file */
      info = g_file_query_info (thunar_file_get_file (file),
                                NULL, &err);

      if (G_LIKELY (info != NULL))
          if (g_file_info_has_attribute (info, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_MODE))
              /* determine the current mode */
              old_mode = g_file_info_get_attribute_uint32 (info, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_MODE);

              /* generate the new mode */

              if (old_mode != new_mode)
                  g_file_set_attribute_uint32 (thunar_file_get_file (file),
                                               G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_MODE, new_mode,
                                               NULL, &err);
              g_warning ("No %s attribute found", G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_MODE);

          g_object_unref (info);

      if (err != NULL)
          thunar_dialogs_show_error (parent, err, ("Unable to mark launcher executable"));
          g_error_free (err);

      /* just launch */
      response = GTK_RESPONSE_OK;

  return (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
Example #5
 * thunar_dnd_perform:
 * @widget            : the #GtkWidget on which the drop was done.
 * @file              : the #ThunarFile on which the @file_list was dropped.
 * @file_list         : the list of #GFile<!---->s that was dropped.
 * @action            : the #GdkDragAction that was performed.
 * @new_files_closure : a #GClosure to connect to the job's "new-files" signal,
 *                      which will be emitted when the job finishes with the
 *                      list of #GFile<!---->s created by the job, or
 *                      %NULL if you're not interested in the signal.
 * Performs the drop of @file_list on @file in @widget, as given in
 * @action and returns %TRUE if the drop was started successfully
 * (or even completed successfully), else %FALSE.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the DnD operation was started
 *               successfully, else %FALSE.
thunar_dnd_perform (GtkWidget    *widget,
                    ThunarFile   *file,
                    GList        *file_list,
                    GdkDragAction action,
                    GClosure     *new_files_closure)
  ThunarApplication *application;
  gboolean           succeed = TRUE;
  GError            *error = NULL;

  _thunar_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget), FALSE);
  _thunar_return_val_if_fail (THUNAR_IS_FILE (file), FALSE);
  _thunar_return_val_if_fail (gtk_widget_get_realized (widget), FALSE);

  /* query a reference on the application object */
  application = thunar_application_get ();

  /* check if the file is a directory */
  if (thunar_file_is_directory (file))
      /* perform the given directory operation */
      switch (action)
        case GDK_ACTION_COPY:
          thunar_application_copy_into (application, widget, file_list, thunar_file_get_file (file), new_files_closure);

        case GDK_ACTION_MOVE:
          thunar_application_move_into (application, widget, file_list, thunar_file_get_file (file), new_files_closure);

        case GDK_ACTION_LINK:
          thunar_application_link_into (application, widget, file_list, thunar_file_get_file (file), new_files_closure);

          succeed = FALSE;
  else if (thunar_file_is_executable (file))
      /* TODO any chance to determine the working dir here? */
      succeed = thunar_file_execute (file, NULL, widget, file_list, &error);
      if (G_UNLIKELY (!succeed))
          /* display an error to the user */
          thunar_dialogs_show_error (widget, error, _("Failed to execute file \"%s\""), thunar_file_get_display_name (file));

          /* release the error */
          g_error_free (error);
      succeed = FALSE;

  /* release the application reference */
  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (application));

  return succeed;