Example #1
void clo_times ( fdttms_t start, int inc, int ntimes, fdttms_t *time, 
								int *iret )
 * clo_times								*
 *									*
 * This function calculates a range of times based on the increment.	*
 *									*
 * clo_times (start, inc, ntimes, time, iret)				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	start		fdttms_t	Point #2 Time (YYMMDD/HHMM)	*
 *	inc		int		Track increment in minutes	*
 *	ntimes		int		Number of future times		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *	*time		fdttms_t	Time array (YYMMDD/HHMM)	*
 *	*iret		int		Return value			*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Law/GSC		05/99	moved from clo_track			*
 * S. Law/GSC		07/00	changed to use GEMPAK times		*
 * M. Li/GSC		10/00	changed increment to any integer	*
    int ii, iarray[5], ier, imod;

    *iret = 0;

    ti_ctoi (start, iarray, &ier, strlen (start));

    imod = inc - (iarray[4] % inc);

    for (ii = 0; ii < ntimes; ii++) {
	ti_addm (iarray, &imod, iarray, &ier);

	ti_itoc (iarray, time[ii], &ier, (FDTTMS_SIZE - 1));
	time[ii][DTTMS_SIZE - 1] = '\0';

	imod = inc;
Example #2
void nim_flnm ( const char *imgtyp, const char *imginf,
                char *basetm, char *endtim, int mrange,
                int intrvl, Boolean bflag, Boolean bauto, char *path,
                char ***namarr, char ***timarr, int *ntimes, int *iret )
 * nim_flnm								*
 *									*
 * This routine returns an array of file names given the image info.	*
 * The type of image, SAT or RAD, and the image info, which is the	*
 * directory of the data, are used to locate the image data files on 	*
 * disk. For satellite images, the info is the part of the directory	*
 * path that defines the source/geog_area/channel. For radar images,	*
 * the info is lcl_or_natl/area/type.					*
 *									*
 * void nim_flnm ( imgtyp, imginf, basetm, endtim, mrange, intrvl,	*
 *		   bflag, bauto, path, namarr, timarr, nfound, iret )	*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *      *imgtyp         const char      Type of image                   *
 *      *imginf         const char      Directory information           *
 *	*basetm		char		Base time			*
 *	*endtim		char		End time of range		*
 *	mrange		int		Minutes in time range		*
 *	intrvl		int		Minutes in time interval	*
 *	bflag		Boolean		Reference time flag		*
 *	bauto		Boolean		Auto update flag		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*path		char		Full directory path		*
 *	***namarr	char		Array of all file names		*
 *	***timarr	char		Array of all file times		*
 *	*ntimes		int		Number of files/times returned	*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  -3 = no files found		*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 8/99	Created					*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 2/00	Use the path and templ from datatype.tbl*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 7/00	Moved error check to after FL_SCND call	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 8/00	Added check: len of tmpl = len of file	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 3/01	Increased file template to 48 chars	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 9/01	Ignore the non-date part of the template*
 * A. Hardy/SAIC         2/02   Changed call FL_SCND			*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		 6/02	Handled wild card template; return ipos	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		 9/04	Replaced FL_TMPL with CTB_DTGET		*
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	11/04   Added calls to ST_RNUL			*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 12/04   Added ion flag to CTB_DTGET CS          *
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 01/06   Changed ctmpl string length to MXTMPL   *
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 04/06   Added idtmch flag to CTB_DTGET CS       *
 * T. Piper/SAIC	04/07	Re-wrote in 'C'; dynamic arrays		*
 * T. Piper/SAIC	10/07	Check value of nt before cti_tmln	*
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	 4/08	Add bin mins and mstrct to CTB_DTGET CSC*
    long istar;
    int ic, is, nf, ir, ii, kk, ion, ihb, iha, idtmch, iorder, lens;
    int imb, ima, mstrct;
    int ier, ier1, ier2, itarr[5], jtarr[5], lenf, lent, mdif, ndif, nt;
    int idir=-1, idelrt=-1, nfiles;
    size_t timlen=DTTMS_SIZE;
     *  The following dimensions are based upon the sizes in the datatype.tbl
     *  plus one for the null character; then rounded up to the neartest
     *  multiple of four.
    char *pstar, **t_names=NULL, **t_times=NULL, **tarr=NULL;
    char cpath[28], ctmpl[MXTMPL], tmplt[MXTMPL];
    dattm_t strtim;
    nmlst_t tfil;
    struct dirent **dnlist=NULL;
     *  Construct the directory name from the image data attributes.
    ctb_dtget ( (char*)imgtyp, cpath, ctmpl, &ic, &is, &nf, &ir, &ii,
                &ion, &ihb, &imb, &iha, &ima, &mstrct, &idtmch, &ier );
    strcpy ( path,  cpath );
    strcat ( path,   "/"  );
    strcat ( path, imginf );
     *  Scan the directory.
    iorder = 1;
    cfl_scnt ( path, ctmpl, iorder, &dnlist, &nfiles, &ier );
     *  If there are no files, there is an error.
    if ( nfiles > 0 ) {
         *  Construct the full file name template for this directory.
        pstar = strchr(ctmpl, '*' );
        if ( pstar == NULL ) {
            /*  No '*' was found in the template.   */
            strcpy(tmplt, ctmpl);
        else {
            /*  An '*' was found in the template.  */
            istar = ( pstar - ctmpl );
            if ( istar == 0 ) {
                /*  An '*' was found at the beginning of the template.  */
                strcpy(tmplt, (ctmpl+2));
            else {
                cst_ncpy(tmplt, ctmpl, istar, &ier);
         *  Convert each file name to a time.
        cst_lstr(tmplt, &lent, &ier );
        cst_lstr(dnlist[0]->d_name, &lenf, &ier );
        G_MALLOC(tarr, char*, nfiles, "nim_flnm:  tarr");
        for ( ii = 0; ii < nfiles; ii++ ) {
            G_CALLOC(tarr[ii], char, timlen, "nim_flnm:  tarr[ii]");
            if ( pstar == NULL ) {
                cfl_mdat(dnlist[ii]->d_name, tmplt, "YYMMDD/HHNN",
                         tarr[ii], &ier );
            else {
                if ( istar == 0 ) {
                    strcpy(tfil, dnlist[ii]->d_name+(lenf-lent));
                else {
                    cst_ncpy(tfil, dnlist[ii]->d_name, lent, &ier);
                cfl_mdat(tfil, tmplt, "YYMMDD/HHNN", tarr[ii], &ier );

         *   Sort the times.
        qsort( (void*)tarr, (size_t)nfiles, sizeof(char*), compare );
        cti_yyyy(nfiles, tarr, tarr, &ier);

         *  Compute the start time of the range from the end time
         *  and the number of minutes.
        ti_ctoi ( endtim, itarr, &ier, strlen(endtim) );
        ti_subm ( itarr, &mrange, jtarr, &ier );
        ti_itoc ( jtarr, strtim, &ier, sizeof(strtim) );
        st_null ( strtim, strtim, &lens, &ier, sizeof(strtim), sizeof(strtim) );
         *  Find the number of times to return.
        nt = 0;
        for ( ii = 0; ii < nfiles; ii++ ) {
            ti_diff ( strtim, tarr[ii], &mdif, &ier1, strlen(strtim), timlen-1 );
            ti_diff ( tarr[ii], endtim, &ndif, &ier2, timlen-1, strlen(endtim));
            if ( ( ier1 == 0 ) && ( ier2 == 0 ) ) {
                if ( ( mdif <= 0 ) && ( ndif <= 0 ) ) {
                    G_REALLOC(t_names, char*, nt+1, "nim_flnm:  t_names");
                    G_MALLOC(t_names[nt], char, (strlen(dnlist[ii]->d_name)+1),
                             "nim_flnm:  t_names[nt]");
                    strcpy(t_names[nt], dnlist[ii]->d_name);
                    G_REALLOC(t_times, char*, nt+1, "nim_flnm:  t_times");
                    G_MALLOC(t_times[nt], char, (strlen(tarr[ii])+1),
                             "nim_flnm:  t_times[nt]");
                    strcpy(t_times[nt], tarr[ii]);
            G_FREE(tarr[ii], char);
            free (dnlist[ii]);
Example #3
int write_point(nldn_file ltgf, nldn_flash flashdat, int *iret)
int i,numerr,loglev,ier,isfull;
char errstr[80],filnam[256];
static char tmplnam[256], oldnam[256];
static char errgrp[] = {"write_point"};
static int iflno=-1;
char cparms[40][4],stid[5];
int nparms;
float ndata[8];
static int jparms[40];
static char stnfil[] = {" "};
static int nadstn = 0;
int year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, isecoff;
int idtarr[5],idate,itime,ihhmm;
time_t obs_time;
char timestr[81],gemtime[20];
struct tm *gmt_time=NULL,new_time;
static int filseq=-1;
printf("flashdat.angle = %f\n", flashdat.angle);
if(iflno < 0)
   tmplnam[0] = '\0'; oldnam[0] = '\0';

obs_time = (time_t) flashdat.sec;
gmt_time = gmtime(&obs_time);
new_time = *gmt_time; /* copy the time since gmtime pointer is volotile */
timestr[0] = '\0';
strftime(timestr,80,"%Y %m %d %H %M %S",&new_time);
sscanf(timestr,"%d %d %d %d %d %d",&year,&month,&day,&hour,&minute,&seconds);
idtarr[0] = year;
idtarr[1] = month;
idtarr[2] = day;
idtarr[3] = hour;
/* if itype ==4 using minute bins, use bin for NN template */
if(ltgf.itype == 4)
   idtarr[4] = ltgf.ibin*(minute / ltgf.ibin);
   idtarr[4] = minute;

   if(gemtime[i] <= ' ') gemtime[i] = '\0';

/* get  ihhmm idate and itime for data storage using sfnldn */
idate = (year % 100 ) * 10000 + month * 100 + day;
ihhmm = hour * 100 + minute; /* do ifactor */
if(ltgf.itype == 4)
   itime = ltgf.ifactor*(minute / ltgf.ifactor);
   itime = 0;
itime = itime + (hour * 100);

/* calculate seconds in the day */
isecoff = (new_time.tm_hour * 3600) + (new_time.tm_min * 60) + new_time.tm_sec;

cfl_mnam(gemtime, ltgf.gemfil, filnam, &ier );


if( oldnam[0] == '\0' ) {
   filseq = 0;
       &iflno, &nparms, cparms, &ier,
   sprintf(errstr,"Opened output file %s\0",filnam);
   loglev = 1; numerr = ier;
   dc_wclg(loglev, errgrp, numerr, errstr, &ier);
} else {
   if(strcmp(oldnam,tmplnam) != 0) {
      filseq = 0;
         &iflno, &nparms, cparms, &ier,
      sprintf(errstr,"New output file %s\0",filnam);
      loglev = 1; numerr = ier;
      dc_wclg(loglev, errgrp, numerr, errstr, &ier);

/* do the write */
if( flashdat.sgnl < 0 )
   strcat(stid,"-   ");
   strcat(stid,"+   ");

for(i=0;i<8;i++) ndata[i] = -9999.;

if( jparms[SGNL] != 0 ) ndata[jparms[SGNL] - 1] = flashdat.sgnl;
if( jparms[MULT] != 0 ) ndata[jparms[MULT] - 1] = flashdat.mult;
if( jparms[TSEC] != 0 ) ndata[jparms[TSEC] - 1] = isecoff;
if( jparms[MSEC] != 0 ) ndata[jparms[MSEC] - 1] = flashdat.nsec/1e6;
if( jparms[SMAJ] != 0 ) ndata[jparms[SMAJ] - 1] = flashdat.semimaj;
if( jparms[ECNT] != 0 ) ndata[jparms[ECNT] - 1] = flashdat.eccent;
if( jparms[ANGL] != 0 ) ndata[jparms[ANGL] - 1] = flashdat.angle;
if( jparms[CHI2] != 0 ) ndata[jparms[CHI2] - 1] = flashdat.chisqr;

sprintf(errstr,"%s %6.2f %7.2f\0",gemtime,flashdat.lat,flashdat.lon);

loglev = 3; numerr = 0;
dc_wclg(loglev, errgrp, numerr, errstr, &ier);

isfull = 0;
       &ihhmm, ndata, &ier, 4);
if(ier != 0)
   if(ier == -1) isfull = -1;
   sprintf(errstr,"%s %d\0",filnam,ier);
   loglev = 1; numerr = 0;
   dc_wclg(loglev, errgrp, numerr, errstr, &ier);

while((isfull == -1)&&(filseq < 100))
      &iflno, &nparms, cparms, &ier,
   printf("got here...need to reload ndata\n");
       &ihhmm, ndata, &ier, 4);
   isfull = ier;
   loglev = 1; numerr = ier;
   sprintf(errstr,"New output file %s\0",filnam);
   dc_wclg(loglev, errgrp, numerr, errstr, &ier);

oldnam[0] = '\0';
*iret = ier;