Example #1
void AP_TECS::_update_height_demand(void)
    // Apply 2 point moving average to demanded height
    // This is required because height demand is only updated at 5Hz
    _hgt_dem = 0.5f * (_hgt_dem + _hgt_dem_in_old);
    _hgt_dem_in_old = _hgt_dem;

    // Limit height rate of change
    if ((_hgt_dem - _hgt_dem_prev) > (_maxClimbRate * 0.1f))
        _hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_prev + _maxClimbRate * 0.1f;
    else if ((_hgt_dem - _hgt_dem_prev) < (-_maxSinkRate * 0.1f))
        _hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_prev - _maxSinkRate * 0.1f;
    _hgt_dem_prev = _hgt_dem;

    // Apply first order lag to height demand
    _hgt_dem_adj = 0.05f * _hgt_dem + 0.95f * _hgt_dem_adj_last;

    // in final landing stage force height rate demand to the
    // configured sink rate and adjust the demanded height to
    // be kinematically consistent with the height rate.
    if (_flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL) {
        _integ7_state = 0;
        if (_flare_counter == 0) {
            _hgt_rate_dem = _climb_rate;
            _land_hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_adj;
        // bring it in over 1s to prevent overshoot
        if (_flare_counter < 10) {
            _hgt_rate_dem = _hgt_rate_dem * 0.8f - 0.2f * _land_sink;
        } else {
            _hgt_rate_dem = - _land_sink;
        _land_hgt_dem += 0.1f * _hgt_rate_dem;
        _hgt_dem_adj = _land_hgt_dem;
    } else {
        _hgt_rate_dem = (_hgt_dem_adj - _hgt_dem_adj_last) / 0.1f;
        _flare_counter = 0;

    // for landing approach we will predict ahead by the time constant
    // plus the lag produced by the first order filter. This avoids a
    // lagged height demand while constantly descending which causes
    // us to consistently be above the desired glide slope. This will
    // be replaced with a better zero-lag filter in the future.
    float new_hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_adj;
    if (_flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_APPROACH || _flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL) {
        new_hgt_dem += (_hgt_dem_adj - _hgt_dem_adj_last)*10.0f*(timeConstant()+1);
    _hgt_dem_adj_last = _hgt_dem_adj;
    _hgt_dem_adj = new_hgt_dem;
Example #2
void AP_TECS::_update_pitch(void) 
	// Calculate Speed/Height Control Weighting
    // This is used to determine how the pitch control prioritises speed and height control
    // A weighting of 1 provides equal priority (this is the normal mode of operation)
    // A SKE_weighting of 0 provides 100% priority to height control. This is used when no airspeed measurement is available
	// A SKE_weighting of 2 provides 100% priority to speed control. This is used when an underspeed condition is detected. In this instance, if airspeed
	// rises above the demanded value, the pitch angle will be increased by the TECS controller.
	float SKE_weighting = constrain_float(_spdWeight, 0.0f, 2.0f);
    if (!_ahrs.airspeed_sensor_enabled()) {
		SKE_weighting = 0.0f;
    } else if ( _underspeed || _flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF) {
		SKE_weighting = 2.0f;
    } else if (_flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_LAND_APPROACH || _flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL) {
        SKE_weighting = constrain_float(_spdWeightLand, 0.0f, 2.0f);
	float SPE_weighting = 2.0f - SKE_weighting;

    // Calculate Specific Energy Balance demand, and error
	float SEB_dem      = _SPE_dem * SPE_weighting - _SKE_dem * SKE_weighting;
	float SEBdot_dem   = _SPEdot_dem * SPE_weighting - _SKEdot_dem * SKE_weighting;
	float SEB_error    = SEB_dem - (_SPE_est * SPE_weighting - _SKE_est * SKE_weighting);
	float SEBdot_error = SEBdot_dem - (_SPEdot * SPE_weighting - _SKEdot * SKE_weighting);

    // Calculate integrator state, constraining input if pitch limits are exceeded
    float integ7_input = SEB_error * _integGain;
    if (_pitch_dem_unc > _PITCHmaxf) 
        integ7_input = min(integ7_input, _PITCHmaxf - _pitch_dem_unc);
    else if (_pitch_dem_unc < _PITCHminf)
        integ7_input = max(integ7_input, _PITCHminf - _pitch_dem_unc);
    _integ7_state = _integ7_state + integ7_input * _DT;

    // Apply max and min values for integrator state that will allow for no more than 
	// 5deg of saturation. This allows for some pitch variation due to gusts before the 
	// integrator is clipped. Otherwise the effectiveness of the integrator will be reduced in turbulence
    // During climbout/takeoff, bias the demanded pitch angle so that zero speed error produces a pitch angle 
    // demand equal to the minimum value (which is )set by the mission plan during this mode). Otherwise the
    // integrator has to catch up before the nose can be raised to reduce speed during climbout.
	float gainInv = (_integ5_state * timeConstant() * GRAVITY_MSS);
    float temp = SEB_error + SEBdot_error * _ptchDamp + SEBdot_dem * timeConstant();
    if (_flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF)
    	temp += _PITCHminf * gainInv;
    _integ7_state = constrain_float(_integ7_state, (gainInv * (_PITCHminf - 0.0783f)) - temp, (gainInv * (_PITCHmaxf + 0.0783f)) - temp);

    // Calculate pitch demand from specific energy balance signals
    _pitch_dem_unc = (temp + _integ7_state) / gainInv;

    // Constrain pitch demand
    _pitch_dem = constrain_float(_pitch_dem_unc, _PITCHminf, _PITCHmaxf);

    _pitch_dem = constrain_float(_pitch_dem_unc, _PITCHminf, _PITCHmaxf);

    // Rate limit the pitch demand to comply with specified vertical
    // acceleration limit
    float ptchRateIncr = _DT * _vertAccLim / _integ5_state;

    if ((_pitch_dem - _last_pitch_dem) > ptchRateIncr)
		_pitch_dem = _last_pitch_dem + ptchRateIncr;
		else if ((_pitch_dem - _last_pitch_dem) < -ptchRateIncr)
		_pitch_dem = _last_pitch_dem - ptchRateIncr;
	_last_pitch_dem = _pitch_dem;
Example #3
void AP_TECS::_update_throttle(void)
    // Calculate limits to be applied to potential energy error to prevent over or underspeed occurring due to large height errors
    float SPE_err_max = 0.5f * _TASmax * _TASmax - _SKE_dem;
    float SPE_err_min = 0.5f * _TASmin * _TASmin - _SKE_dem;

    // Calculate total energy error
    _STE_error = constrain_float((_SPE_dem - _SPE_est), SPE_err_min, SPE_err_max) + _SKE_dem - _SKE_est;
    float STEdot_dem = constrain_float((_SPEdot_dem + _SKEdot_dem), _STEdot_min, _STEdot_max);
    float STEdot_error = STEdot_dem - _SPEdot - _SKEdot;

	// Apply 0.5 second first order filter to STEdot_error
	// This is required to remove accelerometer noise from the  measurement
	STEdot_error = 0.2f*STEdot_error + 0.8f*_STEdotErrLast;
	_STEdotErrLast = STEdot_error;

    // Calculate throttle demand
    // If underspeed condition is set, then demand full throttle
    if (_underspeed)
        _throttle_dem_unc = 1.0f;
		// Calculate gain scaler from specific energy error to throttle
		float K_STE2Thr = 1 / (timeConstant() * (_STEdot_max - _STEdot_min));

        // Calculate feed-forward throttle
        float ff_throttle = 0;
        float nomThr = aparm.throttle_cruise * 0.01f;
		const Matrix3f &rotMat = _ahrs.get_dcm_matrix();
		// Use the demanded rate of change of total energy as the feed-forward demand, but add
		// additional component which scales with (1/cos(bank angle) - 1) to compensate for induced
		// drag increase during turns.
		float cosPhi = sqrtf((rotMat.a.y*rotMat.a.y) + (rotMat.b.y*rotMat.b.y));
		STEdot_dem = STEdot_dem + _rollComp * (1.0f/constrain_float(cosPhi * cosPhi , 0.1f, 1.0f) - 1.0f);
		ff_throttle = nomThr + STEdot_dem / (_STEdot_max - _STEdot_min) * (_THRmaxf - _THRminf);

		// Calculate PD + FF throttle
		_throttle_dem = (_STE_error + STEdot_error * _thrDamp) * K_STE2Thr + ff_throttle;

		// Rate limit PD + FF throttle
	    // Calculate the throttle increment from the specified slew time
		if (aparm.throttle_slewrate != 0) {
			float thrRateIncr = _DT * (_THRmaxf - _THRminf) * aparm.throttle_slewrate * 0.01f;

			_throttle_dem = constrain_float(_throttle_dem, 
											_last_throttle_dem - thrRateIncr, 
											_last_throttle_dem + thrRateIncr);
			_last_throttle_dem = _throttle_dem;

		// Calculate integrator state upper and lower limits
		// Set to a value thqat will allow 0.1 (10%) throttle saturation to allow for noise on the demand
        float integ_max = (_THRmaxf - _throttle_dem + 0.1f);
		float integ_min = (_THRminf - _throttle_dem - 0.1f);

  		// Calculate integrator state, constraining state
		// Set integrator to a max throttle value during climbout
        _integ6_state = _integ6_state + (_STE_error * _integGain) * _DT * K_STE2Thr;
		if (_flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF)
			_integ6_state = integ_max;
			_integ6_state = constrain_float(_integ6_state, integ_min, integ_max);

		// Sum the components. 
		// Only use feed-forward component if airspeed is not being used
	    if (_ahrs.airspeed_sensor_enabled()) {
	        _throttle_dem = _throttle_dem + _integ6_state;
	    } else {
 	       _throttle_dem = ff_throttle;

    // Constrain throttle demand
    _throttle_dem = constrain_float(_throttle_dem, _THRminf, _THRmaxf);
Example #4
void AP_TECS::update_pitch_throttle(int32_t hgt_dem_cm,
                                    int32_t EAS_dem_cm,
                                    enum FlightStage flight_stage,
                                    bool is_doing_auto_land,
                                    float distance_beyond_land_wp,
                                    int32_t ptchMinCO_cd,
                                    int16_t throttle_nudge,
                                    float hgt_afe,
                                    float load_factor)
    // Calculate time in seconds since last update
    uint64_t now = AP_HAL::micros64();
    _DT = (now - _update_pitch_throttle_last_usec) * 1.0e-6f;
    _update_pitch_throttle_last_usec = now;

    _flags.is_doing_auto_land = is_doing_auto_land;
    _distance_beyond_land_wp = distance_beyond_land_wp;
    _flight_stage = flight_stage;

    // Convert inputs
    _hgt_dem = hgt_dem_cm * 0.01f;
    _EAS_dem = EAS_dem_cm * 0.01f;

    // Update the speed estimate using a 2nd order complementary filter

    if (aparm.takeoff_throttle_max != 0 &&
            (_flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF || _flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_LAND_ABORT)) {
        _THRmaxf  = aparm.takeoff_throttle_max * 0.01f;
    } else {
        _THRmaxf  = aparm.throttle_max * 0.01f;
    _THRminf  = aparm.throttle_min * 0.01f;

    // work out the maximum and minimum pitch
    // if TECS_PITCH_{MAX,MIN} isn't set then use
    // LIM_PITCH_{MAX,MIN}. Don't allow TECS_PITCH_{MAX,MIN} to be
    // larger than LIM_PITCH_{MAX,MIN}
    if (_pitch_max <= 0) {
        _PITCHmaxf = aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd * 0.01f;
    } else {
        _PITCHmaxf = MIN(_pitch_max, aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd * 0.01f);

    if (_pitch_min >= 0) {
        _PITCHminf = aparm.pitch_limit_min_cd * 0.01f;
    } else {
        _PITCHminf = MAX(_pitch_min, aparm.pitch_limit_min_cd * 0.01f);

    // apply temporary pitch limit and clear
    if (_pitch_max_limit < 90) {
        _PITCHmaxf = constrain_float(_PITCHmaxf, -90, _pitch_max_limit);
        _PITCHminf = constrain_float(_PITCHminf, -_pitch_max_limit, _PITCHmaxf);
        _pitch_max_limit = 90;

    if (flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL) {
        // in flare use min pitch from LAND_PITCH_CD
        _PITCHminf = MAX(_PITCHminf, aparm.land_pitch_cd * 0.01f);

        // and use max pitch from TECS_LAND_PMAX
        if (_land_pitch_max != 0) {
            _PITCHmaxf = MIN(_PITCHmaxf, _land_pitch_max);

        // and allow zero throttle
        _THRminf = 0;
    } else if ((flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_APPROACH || flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_PREFLARE) && (-_climb_rate) > _land_sink) {
        // constrain the pitch in landing as we get close to the flare
        // point. Use a simple linear limit from 15 meters after the
        // landing point
        float time_to_flare = (- hgt_afe / _climb_rate) - aparm.land_flare_sec;
        if (time_to_flare < 0) {
            // we should be flaring already
            _PITCHminf = MAX(_PITCHminf, aparm.land_pitch_cd * 0.01f);
        } else if (time_to_flare < timeConstant()*2) {
            // smoothly move the min pitch to the flare min pitch over
            // twice the time constant
            float p = time_to_flare/(2*timeConstant());
            float pitch_limit_cd = p*aparm.pitch_limit_min_cd + (1-p)*aparm.land_pitch_cd;
#if 0
            ::printf("ttf=%.1f hgt_afe=%.1f _PITCHminf=%.1f pitch_limit=%.1f climb=%.1f\n",
                     time_to_flare, hgt_afe, _PITCHminf, pitch_limit_cd*0.01f, _climb_rate);
            _PITCHminf = MAX(_PITCHminf, pitch_limit_cd*0.01f);

    if (flight_stage == FLIGHT_TAKEOFF || flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_ABORT) {
        if (!_flags.reached_speed_takeoff && _TAS_state >= _TAS_dem_adj) {
            // we have reached our target speed in takeoff, allow for
            // normal throttle control
            _flags.reached_speed_takeoff = true;

    // convert to radians
    _PITCHmaxf = radians(_PITCHmaxf);
    _PITCHminf = radians(_PITCHminf);

    // initialise selected states and variables if DT > 1 second or in climbout
    _initialise_states(ptchMinCO_cd, hgt_afe);

    // Calculate Specific Total Energy Rate Limits

    // Calculate the speed demand

    // Calculate the height demand

    // Detect underspeed condition

    // Calculate specific energy quantitiues

    // Calculate throttle demand - use simple pitch to throttle if no
    // airspeed sensor.
    // Note that caller can demand the use of
    // synthetic airspeed for one loop if needed. This is required
    // during QuadPlane transition when pitch is constrained
    if (_ahrs.airspeed_sensor_enabled() || _use_synthetic_airspeed || _use_synthetic_airspeed_once) {
        _use_synthetic_airspeed_once = false;
    } else {

    // Detect bad descent due to demanded airspeed being too high

    // Calculate pitch demand

    // log to DataFlash
    DataFlash_Class::instance()->Log_Write("TECS", "TimeUS,h,dh,hdem,dhdem,spdem,sp,dsp,ith,iph,th,ph,dspdem,w,f", "QfffffffffffffB",
    DataFlash_Class::instance()->Log_Write("TEC2", "TimeUS,KErr,PErr,EDelta,LF", "Qffff",
Example #5
void AP_TECS::_update_pitch(void)
    // Calculate Speed/Height Control Weighting
    // This is used to determine how the pitch control prioritises speed and height control
    // A weighting of 1 provides equal priority (this is the normal mode of operation)
    // A SKE_weighting of 0 provides 100% priority to height control. This is used when no airspeed measurement is available
    // A SKE_weighting of 2 provides 100% priority to speed control. This is used when an underspeed condition is detected. In this instance, if airspeed
    // rises above the demanded value, the pitch angle will be increased by the TECS controller.
    float SKE_weighting = constrain_float(_spdWeight, 0.0f, 2.0f);
    if (!_ahrs.airspeed_sensor_enabled()) {
        SKE_weighting = 0.0f;
    } else if ( _flags.underspeed || _flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF || _flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_LAND_ABORT) {
        SKE_weighting = 2.0f;
    } else if (_flags.is_doing_auto_land) {
        if (_spdWeightLand < 0) {
            // use sliding scale from normal weight down to zero at landing
            float scaled_weight = _spdWeight * (1.0f - constrain_float(_path_proportion,0,1));
            SKE_weighting = constrain_float(scaled_weight, 0.0f, 2.0f);
        } else {
            SKE_weighting = constrain_float(_spdWeightLand, 0.0f, 2.0f);

    logging.SKE_weighting = SKE_weighting;

    float SPE_weighting = 2.0f - SKE_weighting;

    // Calculate Specific Energy Balance demand, and error
    float SEB_dem      = _SPE_dem * SPE_weighting - _SKE_dem * SKE_weighting;
    float SEBdot_dem   = _SPEdot_dem * SPE_weighting - _SKEdot_dem * SKE_weighting;
    float SEB_error    = SEB_dem - (_SPE_est * SPE_weighting - _SKE_est * SKE_weighting);
    float SEBdot_error = SEBdot_dem - (_SPEdot * SPE_weighting - _SKEdot * SKE_weighting);

    logging.SKE_error = _SKE_dem - _SKE_est;
    logging.SPE_error = _SPE_dem - _SPE_est;

    // Calculate integrator state, constraining input if pitch limits are exceeded
    float integSEB_input = SEB_error * _get_i_gain();
    if (_pitch_dem > _PITCHmaxf)
        integSEB_input = MIN(integSEB_input, _PITCHmaxf - _pitch_dem);
    else if (_pitch_dem < _PITCHminf)
        integSEB_input = MAX(integSEB_input, _PITCHminf - _pitch_dem);
    float integSEB_delta = integSEB_input * _DT;

#if 0
    if (_flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL && fabsf(_climb_rate) > 0.2f) {
        ::printf("_hgt_rate_dem=%.1f _hgt_dem_adj=%.1f climb=%.1f _flare_counter=%u _pitch_dem=%.1f SEB_dem=%.2f SEBdot_dem=%.2f SEB_error=%.2f SEBdot_error=%.2f\n",
                 _hgt_rate_dem, _hgt_dem_adj, _climb_rate, _flare_counter, degrees(_pitch_dem),
                 SEB_dem, SEBdot_dem, SEB_error, SEBdot_error);

    // Apply max and min values for integrator state that will allow for no more than
    // 5deg of saturation. This allows for some pitch variation due to gusts before the
    // integrator is clipped. Otherwise the effectiveness of the integrator will be reduced in turbulence
    // During climbout/takeoff, bias the demanded pitch angle so that zero speed error produces a pitch angle
    // demand equal to the minimum value (which is )set by the mission plan during this mode). Otherwise the
    // integrator has to catch up before the nose can be raised to reduce speed during climbout.
    // During flare a different damping gain is used
    float gainInv = (_TAS_state * timeConstant() * GRAVITY_MSS);
    float temp = SEB_error + SEBdot_dem * timeConstant();

    float pitch_damp = _ptchDamp;
    if (_flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL) {
        pitch_damp = _landDamp;
    } else if (!is_zero(_land_pitch_damp) && _flags.is_doing_auto_land) {
        pitch_damp = _land_pitch_damp;
    temp += SEBdot_error * pitch_damp;

    if (_flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF || _flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_LAND_ABORT) {
        temp += _PITCHminf * gainInv;
    float integSEB_min = (gainInv * (_PITCHminf - 0.0783f)) - temp;
    float integSEB_max = (gainInv * (_PITCHmaxf + 0.0783f)) - temp;
    float integSEB_range = integSEB_max - integSEB_min;

    logging.SEB_delta = integSEB_delta;

    // don't allow the integrator to rise by more than 20% of its full
    // range in one step. This prevents single value glitches from
    // causing massive integrator changes. See Issue#4066
    integSEB_delta = constrain_float(integSEB_delta, -integSEB_range*0.1f, integSEB_range*0.1f);

    // integrate
    _integSEB_state = constrain_float(_integSEB_state + integSEB_delta, integSEB_min, integSEB_max);

    // Calculate pitch demand from specific energy balance signals
    _pitch_dem_unc = (temp + _integSEB_state) / gainInv;

    // Constrain pitch demand
    _pitch_dem = constrain_float(_pitch_dem_unc, _PITCHminf, _PITCHmaxf);

    // Rate limit the pitch demand to comply with specified vertical
    // acceleration limit
    float ptchRateIncr = _DT * _vertAccLim / _TAS_state;

    if ((_pitch_dem - _last_pitch_dem) > ptchRateIncr)
        _pitch_dem = _last_pitch_dem + ptchRateIncr;
    else if ((_pitch_dem - _last_pitch_dem) < -ptchRateIncr)
        _pitch_dem = _last_pitch_dem - ptchRateIncr;

    // re-constrain pitch demand
    _pitch_dem = constrain_float(_pitch_dem, _PITCHminf, _PITCHmaxf);

    _last_pitch_dem = _pitch_dem;
Example #6
  calculate throttle demand - airspeed enabled case
void AP_TECS::_update_throttle_with_airspeed(void)
    // Calculate limits to be applied to potential energy error to prevent over or underspeed occurring due to large height errors
    float SPE_err_max = 0.5f * _TASmax * _TASmax - _SKE_dem;
    float SPE_err_min = 0.5f * _TASmin * _TASmin - _SKE_dem;

    // Calculate total energy error
    _STE_error = constrain_float((_SPE_dem - _SPE_est), SPE_err_min, SPE_err_max) + _SKE_dem - _SKE_est;
    float STEdot_dem = constrain_float((_SPEdot_dem + _SKEdot_dem), _STEdot_min, _STEdot_max);
    float STEdot_error = STEdot_dem - _SPEdot - _SKEdot;

    // Apply 0.5 second first order filter to STEdot_error
    // This is required to remove accelerometer noise from the  measurement
    STEdot_error = 0.2f*STEdot_error + 0.8f*_STEdotErrLast;
    _STEdotErrLast = STEdot_error;

    // Calculate throttle demand
    // If underspeed condition is set, then demand full throttle
    if (_flags.underspeed)
        _throttle_dem = 1.0f;
        // Calculate gain scaler from specific energy error to throttle
        float K_STE2Thr = 1 / (timeConstant() * (_STEdot_max - _STEdot_min));

        // Calculate feed-forward throttle
        float ff_throttle = 0;
        float nomThr = aparm.throttle_cruise * 0.01f;
        const Matrix3f &rotMat = _ahrs.get_rotation_body_to_ned();
        // Use the demanded rate of change of total energy as the feed-forward demand, but add
        // additional component which scales with (1/cos(bank angle) - 1) to compensate for induced
        // drag increase during turns.
        float cosPhi = sqrtf((rotMat.a.y*rotMat.a.y) + (rotMat.b.y*rotMat.b.y));
        STEdot_dem = STEdot_dem + _rollComp * (1.0f/constrain_float(cosPhi * cosPhi , 0.1f, 1.0f) - 1.0f);
        ff_throttle = nomThr + STEdot_dem / (_STEdot_max - _STEdot_min) * (_THRmaxf - _THRminf);

        // Calculate PD + FF throttle
        float throttle_damp = _thrDamp;
        if (_flags.is_doing_auto_land && !is_zero(_land_throttle_damp)) {
            throttle_damp = _land_throttle_damp;
        _throttle_dem = (_STE_error + STEdot_error * throttle_damp) * K_STE2Thr + ff_throttle;

        // Constrain throttle demand
        _throttle_dem = constrain_float(_throttle_dem, _THRminf, _THRmaxf);

        float THRminf_clipped_to_zero = constrain_float(_THRminf, 0, _THRmaxf);

        // Rate limit PD + FF throttle
        // Calculate the throttle increment from the specified slew time
        if (aparm.throttle_slewrate != 0) {
            float thrRateIncr = _DT * (_THRmaxf - THRminf_clipped_to_zero) * aparm.throttle_slewrate * 0.01f;

            _throttle_dem = constrain_float(_throttle_dem,
                                            _last_throttle_dem - thrRateIncr,
                                            _last_throttle_dem + thrRateIncr);
            _last_throttle_dem = _throttle_dem;

        // Calculate integrator state upper and lower limits
        // Set to a value that will allow 0.1 (10%) throttle saturation to allow for noise on the demand
        // Additionally constrain the integrator state amplitude so that the integrator comes off limits faster.
        float maxAmp = 0.5f*(_THRmaxf - THRminf_clipped_to_zero);
        float integ_max = constrain_float((_THRmaxf - _throttle_dem + 0.1f),-maxAmp,maxAmp);
        float integ_min = constrain_float((_THRminf - _throttle_dem - 0.1f),-maxAmp,maxAmp);

        // Calculate integrator state, constraining state
        // Set integrator to a max throttle value during climbout
        _integTHR_state = _integTHR_state + (_STE_error * _get_i_gain()) * _DT * K_STE2Thr;
        if (_flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF || _flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_LAND_ABORT)
            if (!_flags.reached_speed_takeoff) {
                // ensure we run at full throttle until we reach the target airspeed
                _throttle_dem = MAX(_throttle_dem, _THRmaxf - _integTHR_state);
            _integTHR_state = integ_max;
            _integTHR_state = constrain_float(_integTHR_state, integ_min, integ_max);

        // Sum the components.
        _throttle_dem = _throttle_dem + _integTHR_state;

    // Constrain throttle demand
    _throttle_dem = constrain_float(_throttle_dem, _THRminf, _THRmaxf);
Example #7
void AP_TECS::_update_height_demand(void)
    // Apply 2 point moving average to demanded height
    _hgt_dem = 0.5f * (_hgt_dem + _hgt_dem_in_old);
    _hgt_dem_in_old = _hgt_dem;

    float max_sink_rate = _maxSinkRate;
    if (_maxSinkRate_approach > 0 && _flags.is_doing_auto_land) {
        // special sink rate for approach to accommodate steep slopes and reverse thrust.
        // A special check must be done to see if we're LANDing on approach but also if
        // we're in that tiny window just starting NAV_LAND but still in NORMAL mode. If
        // we have a steep slope with a short approach we'll want to allow acquiring the
        // glide slope right away.
        max_sink_rate = _maxSinkRate_approach;

    // Limit height rate of change
    if ((_hgt_dem - _hgt_dem_prev) > (_maxClimbRate * 0.1f))
        _hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_prev + _maxClimbRate * 0.1f;
    else if ((_hgt_dem - _hgt_dem_prev) < (-max_sink_rate * 0.1f))
        _hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_prev - max_sink_rate * 0.1f;
    _hgt_dem_prev = _hgt_dem;

    // Apply first order lag to height demand
    _hgt_dem_adj = 0.05f * _hgt_dem + 0.95f * _hgt_dem_adj_last;

    // in final landing stage force height rate demand to the
    // configured sink rate and adjust the demanded height to
    // be kinematically consistent with the height rate.
    if (_flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL) {
        _integSEB_state = 0;
        if (_flare_counter == 0) {
            _hgt_rate_dem = _climb_rate;
            _land_hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_adj;

        // adjust the flare sink rate to increase/decrease as your travel further beyond the land wp
        float land_sink_rate_adj = _land_sink + _land_sink_rate_change*_distance_beyond_land_wp;

        // bring it in over 1s to prevent overshoot
        if (_flare_counter < 10) {
            _hgt_rate_dem = _hgt_rate_dem * 0.8f - 0.2f * land_sink_rate_adj;
        } else {
            _hgt_rate_dem = - land_sink_rate_adj;
        _land_hgt_dem += 0.1f * _hgt_rate_dem;
        _hgt_dem_adj = _land_hgt_dem;
    } else {
        _hgt_rate_dem = (_hgt_dem_adj - _hgt_dem_adj_last) / 0.1f;
        _flare_counter = 0;

    // for landing approach we will predict ahead by the time constant
    // plus the lag produced by the first order filter. This avoids a
    // lagged height demand while constantly descending which causes
    // us to consistently be above the desired glide slope. This will
    // be replaced with a better zero-lag filter in the future.
    float new_hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_adj;
    if (_flags.is_doing_auto_land) {
        if (hgt_dem_lag_filter_slew < 1) {
            hgt_dem_lag_filter_slew += 0.1f; // increment at 10Hz to gradually apply the compensation at first
        } else {
            hgt_dem_lag_filter_slew = 1;
        new_hgt_dem += hgt_dem_lag_filter_slew*(_hgt_dem_adj - _hgt_dem_adj_last)*10.0f*(timeConstant()+1);
    } else {
        hgt_dem_lag_filter_slew = 0;
    _hgt_dem_adj_last = _hgt_dem_adj;
    _hgt_dem_adj = new_hgt_dem;
Example #8
void AP_TECS::update_pitch_throttle(int32_t hgt_dem_cm,
                                    int32_t EAS_dem_cm,
                                    enum FlightStage flight_stage,
                                    uint8_t mission_cmd_id,
                                    int32_t ptchMinCO_cd,
                                    int16_t throttle_nudge,
                                    float hgt_afe,
                                    float load_factor)
    // Calculate time in seconds since last update
    uint32_t now = AP_HAL::micros();
    _DT = MAX((now - _update_pitch_throttle_last_usec), 0U) * 1.0e-6f;
    _update_pitch_throttle_last_usec = now;

    // store the mission cmd. This is needed due to the delay between
    // starting an approach, and switching to flight stage approach.
    // This delay can become a problem with short approaches on steep
    // landings using reverse thrust.
    _mission_cmd_id = mission_cmd_id;

    // Update the speed estimate using a 2nd order complementary filter

    // Convert inputs
    _hgt_dem = hgt_dem_cm * 0.01f;
    _EAS_dem = EAS_dem_cm * 0.01f;
    if (aparm.takeoff_throttle_max != 0 &&
            (_flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF || _flight_stage == AP_TECS::FLIGHT_LAND_ABORT)) {
        _THRmaxf  = aparm.takeoff_throttle_max * 0.01f;
    } else {
        _THRmaxf  = aparm.throttle_max * 0.01f;
    _THRminf  = aparm.throttle_min * 0.01f;

    // work out the maximum and minimum pitch
    // if TECS_PITCH_{MAX,MIN} isn't set then use
    // LIM_PITCH_{MAX,MIN}. Don't allow TECS_PITCH_{MAX,MIN} to be
    // larger than LIM_PITCH_{MAX,MIN}
    if (_pitch_max <= 0) {
        _PITCHmaxf = aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd * 0.01f;
    } else {
        _PITCHmaxf = MIN(_pitch_max, aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd * 0.01f);

    // apply temporary pitch limit and clear
    _PITCHmaxf = constrain_float(_PITCHmaxf, -90, _pitch_max_limit);
    _pitch_max_limit = 90;
    if (_pitch_min >= 0) {
        _PITCHminf = aparm.pitch_limit_min_cd * 0.01f;
    } else {
        _PITCHminf = MAX(_pitch_min, aparm.pitch_limit_min_cd * 0.01f);
    if (flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL) {
        // in flare use min pitch from LAND_PITCH_CD
        _PITCHminf = MAX(_PITCHminf, aparm.land_pitch_cd * 0.01f);

        // and use max pitch from TECS_LAND_PMAX
        if (_land_pitch_max > 0) {
            _PITCHmaxf = MIN(_PITCHmaxf, _land_pitch_max);

        // and allow zero throttle
        _THRminf = 0;
    } else if ((flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_APPROACH || flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_PREFLARE) && (-_climb_rate) > _land_sink) {
        // constrain the pitch in landing as we get close to the flare
        // point. Use a simple linear limit from 15 meters after the
        // landing point
        float time_to_flare = (- hgt_afe / _climb_rate) - aparm.land_flare_sec;
        if (time_to_flare < 0) {
            // we should be flaring already
            _PITCHminf = MAX(_PITCHminf, aparm.land_pitch_cd * 0.01f);
        } else if (time_to_flare < timeConstant()*2) {
            // smoothly move the min pitch to the flare min pitch over
            // twice the time constant
            float p = time_to_flare/(2*timeConstant());
            float pitch_limit_cd = p*aparm.pitch_limit_min_cd + (1-p)*aparm.land_pitch_cd;
#if 0
            ::printf("ttf=%.1f hgt_afe=%.1f _PITCHminf=%.1f pitch_limit=%.1f climb=%.1f\n",
                     time_to_flare, hgt_afe, _PITCHminf, pitch_limit_cd*0.01f, _climb_rate);
            _PITCHminf = MAX(_PITCHminf, pitch_limit_cd*0.01f);

    // convert to radians
    _PITCHmaxf = radians(_PITCHmaxf);
    _PITCHminf = radians(_PITCHminf);
    _flight_stage = flight_stage;

    // initialise selected states and variables if DT > 1 second or in climbout
    _initialise_states(ptchMinCO_cd, hgt_afe);

    // Calculate Specific Total Energy Rate Limits

    // Calculate the speed demand

    // Calculate the height demand

    // Detect underspeed condition

    // Calculate specific energy quantitiues

    // Calculate throttle demand - use simple pitch to throttle if no airspeed sensor
    if (_ahrs.airspeed_sensor_enabled()) {
    } else {

    // Detect bad descent due to demanded airspeed being too high

    // Calculate pitch demand

    // Write internal variables to the log_tuning structure. This
    // structure will be logged in dataflash at 10Hz
    log_tuning.hgt_dem  = _hgt_dem_adj;
    log_tuning.hgt      = _height;
    log_tuning.dhgt_dem = _hgt_rate_dem;
    log_tuning.dhgt     = _climb_rate;
    log_tuning.spd_dem  = _TAS_dem_adj;
    log_tuning.spd      = _integ5_state;
    log_tuning.dspd     = _vel_dot;
    log_tuning.ithr     = _integ6_state;
    log_tuning.iptch    = _integ7_state;
    log_tuning.thr      = _throttle_dem;
    log_tuning.ptch     = _pitch_dem;
    log_tuning.dspd_dem = _TAS_rate_dem;
    log_tuning.time_us  = AP_HAL::micros64();
Example #9
void AP_TECS::_update_height_demand(void)
    // Apply 2 point moving average to demanded height
    // This is required because height demand is only updated at 5Hz
    _hgt_dem = 0.5f * (_hgt_dem + _hgt_dem_in_old);
    _hgt_dem_in_old = _hgt_dem;

    float max_sink_rate = _maxSinkRate;
    if (_maxSinkRate_approach > 0 && is_on_land_approach(true)) {
        // special sink rate for approach to accommodate steep slopes and reverse thrust.
        // A special check must be done to see if we're LANDing on approach but also if
        // we're in that tiny window just starting NAV_LAND but still in NORMAL mode. If
        // we have a steep slope with a short approach we'll want to allow acquiring the
        // glide slope right away.
        max_sink_rate = _maxSinkRate_approach;

    // Limit height rate of change
    if ((_hgt_dem - _hgt_dem_prev) > (_maxClimbRate * 0.1f))
        _hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_prev + _maxClimbRate * 0.1f;
    else if ((_hgt_dem - _hgt_dem_prev) < (-max_sink_rate * 0.1f))
        _hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_prev - max_sink_rate * 0.1f;
    _hgt_dem_prev = _hgt_dem;

    // Apply first order lag to height demand
    _hgt_dem_adj = 0.05f * _hgt_dem + 0.95f * _hgt_dem_adj_last;

    // in final landing stage force height rate demand to the
    // configured sink rate and adjust the demanded height to
    // be kinematically consistent with the height rate.
    if (_flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL) {
        _integ7_state = 0;
        if (_flare_counter == 0) {
            _hgt_rate_dem = _climb_rate;
            _land_hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_adj;
        // bring it in over 1s to prevent overshoot
        if (_flare_counter < 10) {
            _hgt_rate_dem = _hgt_rate_dem * 0.8f - 0.2f * _land_sink;
        } else {
            _hgt_rate_dem = - _land_sink;
        _land_hgt_dem += 0.1f * _hgt_rate_dem;
        _hgt_dem_adj = _land_hgt_dem;
    } else {
        _hgt_rate_dem = (_hgt_dem_adj - _hgt_dem_adj_last) / 0.1f;
        _flare_counter = 0;

    // for landing approach we will predict ahead by the time constant
    // plus the lag produced by the first order filter. This avoids a
    // lagged height demand while constantly descending which causes
    // us to consistently be above the desired glide slope. This will
    // be replaced with a better zero-lag filter in the future.
    float new_hgt_dem = _hgt_dem_adj;
    if (_flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_APPROACH || _flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL || _flight_stage == FLIGHT_LAND_PREFLARE) {
        new_hgt_dem += (_hgt_dem_adj - _hgt_dem_adj_last)*10.0f*(timeConstant()+1);
    _hgt_dem_adj_last = _hgt_dem_adj;
    _hgt_dem_adj = new_hgt_dem;